Causes of yellow circles around the eyes in men

Probably many people know that by a person’s appearance one can judge the internal state of his body. Regular stress, bad habits, health problems - all this is reflected on the skin. And if you suddenly begin to notice yellow circles under your eyes, this may be a serious reason to consult a doctor. What does yellowness around the eyes mean? The causes, diagnosis and treatment of this problem will be discussed below.

Liver and gallbladder problems

The most common and dangerous cause of yellowness lies in the increased level of bilirubin in the blood - bile pigment, one of the main components of bile in the human body. A high level of this substance indicates serious problems with the liver and bile flow.

In this case, yellowness around the eyes (the causes and treatment of this condition are discussed in the article) has some peculiarity - in addition to the skin under the eyes, other areas of the skin and visible mucous membranes turn yellow. The yellowness of the sclera becomes especially noticeable. With pathology of the liver and biliary tract, other signs are also present: lethargy, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, general malaise. If, in addition to these symptoms, yellowing of the tongue and palms is observed, this is a clear signal to seek medical help and take a blood test.

Possible diseases

Among the main diseases that cause yellowing of the skin under the eyes:

  • pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the circulatory system.

Yellowing of the skin as a result of liver disease If the concentration of bilirubin in the blood increases, not only the eyelids, but also the whites of the eyes and the skin of the body may turn yellow.
In addition to the reasons that were discussed earlier, various diseases can affect the development of yellow spots under the eyes.

Bronze disease

This disease ranks second among the most serious ailments, which are characterized by yellow skin discoloration. Bronze disease, also called Addisson's disease, is a rare endocrine disease. It is associated with chronic adrenal insufficiency, in which the adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones, in particular cortisol. Due to the characteristic coloring of the skin in a yellowish-bronze tint, the disease is called bronze.

With this disease, the color of the skin changes not only under the eyes, but also in other parts of the body. First of all, skin folds, postoperative scars, places of contact of the skin with clothing, as well as the external genitalia are affected by discoloration. In addition to skin pigmentation, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, drop in blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting are observed.

Addisson's disease requires immediate treatment under medical supervision.

Cosmetical tools

You can use whitening creams to eliminate yellowness, but you just have to understand that such products have a temporary effect. Let's focus on the most effective products.

Miracle Glow

This product is more of a mask, although the texture is similar to a cream. It contains components that lighten the skin and fight pigmentation. The composition is easy to apply as it is quickly absorbed.

Such events must be carried out 3 times a week. There will be no need to observe sharp positive dynamics. Only after a few weeks can the color of the skin be normalized and yellowness removed.


This is a popular cream that effectively copes with pigmentation and yellowing of the skin. Its peculiarity is that the drug is based on a component such as hydroquinone. It has a positive effect on the body, inhibits the production of melanin by the skin. It is this substance that contributes to the dark color of the skin. The product can be applied 2 times a day.

This product is presented in the form of a mask. Serves for deep skin lightening. Actively fights pigmentation and yellowness. When applying the mask, it is possible to remove the upper keratinized layer of the dermis of the face. The composition contains melanin granules.

It is through them that the peeling effect is achieved. The complexion is evened out thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C.


This mask has a number of advantages compared to its taxes. Can have the following effect:

  • lightens pigmentation and freckles;
  • cleanses clogged pores;
  • makes the complexion even;
  • gives the skin a delicate porcelain tint;
  • removes keratinized epithelium;
  • triggers cell regeneration.

This cosmetic product is based on natural ingredients, essential oils, acids and vitamin complexes. With systematic application of the product, you can change the condition of the skin within a few weeks.

This serum will be an excellent remedy for combating yellowed skin around the eyes. In addition, you can simultaneously solve the problem of fine wrinkles. The drug is suitable for almost any skin type. Does not cause irritation or dryness. The product is equipped with a vibrating applicator. Using the serum, you can quickly remove the symptoms of a sleepless night or prolonged work at the computer.

Ingestion of yellow pigment

Why does yellowness appear around the eyes? The causes of skin discoloration in the eye area can be very harmless. In this case, we are talking about excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain yellow pigment (carrots, oranges, tangerines). With a large intake of such products into the body, not only the area around the eyes becomes yellow, other areas of the epidermis are also colored. At the same time, the color of the sclera and general health remain unchanged.

To return the skin to its original color, it is enough to reduce the consumption of food containing yellow pigment.

Possible pathologies

Yellow circles under the eyes may indicate malfunctions of organs or systems. If the problem does not go away within 3 days, you need to visit a specialist.

Yellow circles around the eyes may be a sign of liver disease. If the functioning of this organ or the gallbladder is impaired,...

A relatively harmless cause of the problem is fatigue. In this case, you need to normalize your daily routine, and the yellow circles will disappear. If a person smokes, sleeps little, drinks alcohol and is nocturnal, bags and yellow circles will appear under the eyes. Treatment depends entirely on the cause of the problem.

Yellow spots under the eyes may indicate diseases of the circulatory system. Another possible reason is oxygen starvation. Yellowness around the eyes in women is often caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. Women's skin is thinner than men's. In rare cases, the problem is associated with an excess of carotene in the body. If a person eats a lot of yellow foods (including those with dyes), the skin of the face becomes yellowish.

The problem may indicate the development of a disease. Yellowing of the skin and sclera is observed in diseases of the liver and gall bladder. In this case, the outflow of bilirubin is disrupted. An unnatural shade of the skin under the eyes may be associated with diseases of the digestive system. If you experience abdominal pain, feel tired or unwell, you should consult a doctor. With gastrointestinal disorders, nausea often occurs, and in severe cases, vomiting.

You need to be wary if other areas of the skin turn yellow. Timely consultation with a doctor and further treatment will help avoid dangerous complications.

Wrong lifestyle

Quite often, yellowness around the eyes (reasons, a photo of this phenomenon is contained in the article) is a consequence of the life we ​​live. Constant lack of sleep, stress, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin: it becomes covered with wrinkles ahead of time, becomes dry, flabby, and yellowness appears around the eyes. The reasons for men in most cases are related to addiction to tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

A sedentary lifestyle and sudden weight loss also contribute to the appearance of yellow circles.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an independent examination of the skin around the eyes in front of a mirror in daylight. If a woman feels pain in the eyeballs or notices yellowing of the whites of the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor for further diagnosis.

Among the main diagnostic methods it should be noted:

  1. Initial examination of the patient. Usually the doctor asks about the duration of the problem, what diseases were suffered in childhood. An external examination is also carried out for the presence of yellow spots throughout the body.
  2. Laboratory research. Taking a general blood and urine test, studying thyroid hormones, testing stool for parasites - all this is necessary to detect pathologies, inflammatory processes or infections.
  3. Instrumental research. To form a more accurate picture, an ultrasound of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, and an electrocardiogram are usually prescribed.

If after the studies no pathologies were found, the most likely cause of the appearance of yellow circles around the eyes in both women and men is a cosmetic defect. A dermatologist can prescribe treatment for the problem.

Other external causes of yellowness around the eyes

Yellow circles may appear due to increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. During the warm season, when the sun's rays are most active, in people with hypersensitivity, the skin around the eyes may acquire a yellowish tint. In order to prevent the appearance of pigmentation, it is enough to use sunglasses.

For some people, yellow circles under their eyes accompany them throughout their lives. This is explained by the individual anatomical and physical characteristics of the body, namely the fact that there is a membrane between the skin and subcutaneous fat. So, for some people it is dense, for others it is thin and half transparent, so the skin color gives off a yellowish color.

What else can cause yellowness around the eyes? The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in the banal wearing of glasses with metal frames. The thing is that metal tends to oxidize and, as a result, leave yellow-green circles under the eyes. Cleaning or replacing your frames will help restore your skin to its natural color.


Jaundice is caused by elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood.

If the problem is precisely the increased concentration of bilirubin, not only the circles under the eyes will be yellow, but also the sclera, tongue, skin of the palms, etc.

There is also such a thing as “false jaundice”. In this case, yellowness under the eyes appears as a result of excess carotene in the body. Carotene enters the bloodstream when eating fruits and vegetables of yellow and orange colors (oranges, carrots, apricots, etc.).

Other causes of yellow circles:

  1. Lack of sleep (you need to get enough sleep not only on weekends).
  2. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  3. Chronic fatigue, stress.
  4. Oxygen starvation.
  5. Injury.

Read about how to treat eye scotoma.

Thin eyelid skin does not like too much sun - if you sunbathe a lot or work outside in the summer without protection (glasses, cream), yellow circles with a brownish tint may appear under your eyes.

All the reasons why yellow circles under the eyes of the female population may appear can be divided into two types: natural and those associated with poor health.

Often, yellowness under the eyes indicates poor nutrition. This occurs in those women whose diet contains foods with a high content of carotene. Such products include tangerines and carrots.

The next reason for the pathological process under consideration is the sensitivity of the skin to the influence of UV rays. Everyone knows that the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive, and the scorching rays of the sun can easily turn it brown.

A disruption of the circulatory system can lead to such appearance problems. This leads to a lack of oxygen in the cells of the superficial epidermis. In addition, the following external factors influence the development of yellow spots in women:

  • smoking,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • lack of sleep,
  • stress,
  • fatigue.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with yellowing of the skin around the eyes

Before you get rid of yellowness under the eyes, you should figure out what caused its appearance. First of all, it is necessary to exclude serious pathologies, such as diseases of the liver, gall and adrenal glands. Unfortunately, in most cases, yellowness around the eyes and mouth has internal causes. They can be identified using biochemical blood tests and ultrasound diagnostics.

If the yellowness around the eyes is caused by problems with the liver and biliary tract, a course of treatment with medications is usually prescribed. In addition, to maintain well-being and strengthen the body, vitamin complexes can be included in the therapy. It is important to understand that in order to achieve a complete cure, you must strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions. Only after completing the full course can you count on recovery. At the end of drug therapy, your doctor may suggest a special diet aimed at maintaining the functioning of the digestive system.

Traditional methods

If you find yellow circles in yourself, check your blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract (do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs), and take a general blood test. Since jaundice can be caused by a variety of factors, do not self-medicate.

The essence of diagnosis is that a hematologist, nephrologist or neurologist examines the patient and assesses the condition of the skin. In addition, they find out if the woman has concomitant symptoms. To make a diagnosis, the doctor will also prescribe blood and urine tests. This will allow you to find out whether yellowness under the eyes is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use home remedies with a whitening effect.

Lemon ice

Combine 0.5 liters of Borjomi mineral water and 100 g of lemon juice. Freeze the resulting mixture in special ice trays. Use a cube for contrasting lotions. To do this, you need to alternately apply warm wipes and ice to the skin.


Grind 50 g of greens using a meat grinder. Extract juice from parsley and combine with 10 g of heavy cream. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes. After 30 minutes, wash off.

Raw potatoes

Finely grate the potatoes, place on gauze and apply to the eyes.

How to get rid of yellow circles caused by other reasons

Yellowness under the eyes, the causes of which are associated with stress and lack of sleep, can be eliminated with the help of proper rest. True, unfortunately, we cannot always afford such a solution to the problem. Therefore, you can try to cope with yellow circles with a massage around the eyes.

Cosmetic procedures using masks and compresses also have a good effect. Whitening masks with parsley and cucumber, as well as potato and tea compresses are suitable for these purposes.

A positive result can be obtained using contrast procedures using ice. And concealers will help to visually hide yellow circles.

Causes of the problem

Yellowness near the eyes may appear in a person whose body is polluted. It is recommended to review your diet and include healthy foods in your diet.

Yellowness under the eyes is due to the fact that sensitive skin has small blood vessels. If these vessels are clogged, they become visible through the skin, resulting in an unnatural color. To prevent yellow circles from appearing under the eyes, you need to monitor your diet, treat diseases in a timely manner, and protect your skin from factors that can be harmful.

Not everyone gets yellow dark circles under their eyes. The problem is associated with the natural characteristics of the skin, possibly with hereditary factors. Yellow circles under the eyes can form in a person who is often worried, lacks sleep, or experiences psychological pressure. Circles under the eyes in women and men are often associated with exposure to wind, frost, and scorching sun. To avoid problems, you need to use suitable cosmetics (when choosing, it is important to take into account your skin type).

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