How to remove dark circles under the eyes in the shortest possible time

09/26/2017 Bruising on any part of the body, and especially under the eye, must be treated immediately, without delay for a minute. The faster the response, the less likely there is to be swelling and pain later. It does not matter for what reason the bruise appeared - a fall, a bruise or a blow. The main thing is to assess the extent of the damage and take appropriate measures. If the damage is limited to a bruise, the eye is not affected and the bones are not damaged, you can be treated at home. In other cases, you should immediately go to the emergency room.

The first step is to apply something cold to the injured area:

  • ice wrapped in cloth or paper to prevent skin burns;
  • a package with any frozen product from the freezer;
  • a piece of frozen meat or packaged ice cream - whatever you can find.

As mentioned above, there should be a layer of fabric between the cold compress and the skin of the face so as not to aggravate the injury. Cold should be applied only in the first 60 minutes after the injury; after that it is not advisable. Moreover, if you continue to apply ice compresses, it can cause sinusitis or a cold of the optic nerve.

In the next 2-3 hours, you can remove a bruise from your eye using the following means:

  • cabbage compress. A juicy leaf of fresh cabbage should be finely chopped, wrapped in gauze or bandage and applied to the injured skin. Cabbage helps to draw out inflammation and resolve bruises;
  • compress from a piece of meat. We are talking about fresh meat. In Rus', it was fresh meat that was applied to the hematoma to relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory process.

The products listed above will help if you keep them on the skin for at least an hour. This will help remove the bruise in just 1 day. Of course, if it is not an injury during a boxing match or fight, in this case even the maximum measures will not allow the bruise to be removed within 24 hours.

Pharmacy remedies for bruises

When asked how to quickly remove a black eye, many shrug their shoulders and believe that the process will take about a week. In fact, you can speed up the process by several days by taking action right away. The pharmacy has a selection of products that are designed to resolve hematomas. The most popular of them are Dolobene gel, and.

Dolobene and Troxevasin act in the same way - they eliminate internal hematomas under the eye, but the active substances in them differ. Which remedy will work better depends on the body’s sensitivity to the active substance. If before the injury there was no opportunity to test the effects of the listed remedies, you can apply both of them to different areas of the hematoma. The presence of modern gadgets allows you to photograph a bruise before and after applying the product. The photographs will allow you to enlarge the frame and examine the damage in detail in both cases. By the way, if the border of the bruise is clearly defined, you can outline it with iodine, but there is no need to use iodine inside.

Another remedy that helps remove a bruise above the eye is badyaga. It is a grayish powder that must be diluted with water according to the instructions. To quickly remove a bruise, you need to take 2 parts of badyagi and 1 part of water. The finished gruel is applied in a thick layer to the damage and left for about 20 minutes, then washed off with water. After half an hour, the procedure is repeated. People with sensitive skin need to act carefully, as badyaga dries out the skin and can cause flaking. To avoid this, before quickly removing the hematoma under the eye with a badyaga, you need to add fatty cream or Vaseline to it. But you need to take into account that such a supplement will slow down the treatment. Therefore, in order not to lose the effectiveness of the product, it is better to apply the paste to the face through a gauze pad.

Simple ways

If you need to quickly fake dark circles under your eyes, there are several simple options that won’t take much time. One of them is the use of chalk and foil. The place of the black eye is painted with chalk. The foil is crumpled into balls and gently rubbed over the area of ​​the future bruise. The primitive imitation is ready.

Take a little rich cream and apply it to the area around the eyes. Then this place is rubbed with a silver ring. The resulting gray stains are given the shape of a bruise or create dark circles under the eyes, suggesting prolonged lack of sleep or fatigue.

Alternatively, match sulfur heads are used, which are removed from the matches to create sulfur powder. Rub it on the area chosen for the blow under the eye. The bruise will not appear immediately, but it will last a long time and look quite realistic, not much different from a small hematoma.

A bruise with streaks can be obtained in a few seconds using iodine and shadows. A cotton swab is moistened with iodine and a brown outline of the future “black eye” is created. Blue shadows are applied on top. It turns out to be a very realistic image.

A strange but effective method of creating a bluish halo is the use of aluminum spoons. Take two spoons and rub them against each other for a while. After working for a minute, wipe the desired area with a spoon where there should be darkening. The bruises look very real.

It’s even simpler - use a simple pencil lead, which is ground into powder. The gray mixture is applied to a sheet of paper and shaded at the site of the intended impact. Get the desired picture.

Every woman has a lot of cosmetics in her arsenal, which are always with her - in her treasured cosmetic bag. With the help of powder and shadows, you can not only correct your appearance, but create the desired image. The main thing is to have several shades of shadows available: purple, blue and powder with a yellow tint.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

As soon as a black eye appears, you immediately need to plan an important meeting for the next day. At such moments, it is necessary to urgently take measures, ranging from a cold compress to traditional medicine recipes.

Honey and liver are a proven remedy for skin bruises. You need to grind a piece of raw liver in a blender, add honey to the mixture and put it on cheesecloth. Such a compress is applied to the site of the bruise for half an hour, then wash and repeat the procedure. Before you can quickly remove a black eye, you will have to repeat the treatment procedures more than once, but the effect is worth it.

Raw potatoes are another method to get rid of bruises. You need to grate a potato, wrap it in gauze and keep the compress on your face until the mixture dries. After this, wash the skin and apply the potato compress again. The French add egg yolk to this recipe. This is the cheapest and easiest recipe.

Fresh cottage cheese also works well as a compress. The recipe is controversial because it is difficult to find fresh homemade cottage cheese in the store, but this is what is needed. You can make cottage cheese yourself from homemade milk that grandmothers sell, but this is a waste of time, and there is not enough of it.

Cossacks on the Don knew how to quickly cure a black eye with the help of live frogs. They kept the frogs in a container of water, applied cold frogs to the bruise, and when they warmed up, they took the next one from the vat. The Eskimos acted differently - they treated bruises with deer blood. Since it is impossible to get such components in the city, there is no point in giving recipes.

It helps well against various diseases. You need to take a fleshy leaf, remove the thorns and cut lengthwise. Apply aloe to the bruise with the watery side and leave for 20 minutes. During the day you can make about 10 such compresses. Some people prefer to lubricate the hematoma with aloe juice, but if you need a way to quickly get rid of a black eye, then lubricating it will not work - the juice dries out quickly and loses its effectiveness.

Another proven recipe is honey with beets. Raw beets need to be crushed in a blender, add natural honey and place the mixture on cheesecloth. The compress is applied to the hematoma for half an hour; the procedure must be repeated 10-12 times during the day. If you have tripe in the house, you can chop it up and use it as a compress, placing it on gauze. This compress is kept on the skin for 60 minutes, repeated 4-6 times during the day.

Once upon a time, badger fat and bear fat were in every home. These components were actively used in folk medicine. And today, if you try, you can find such products in specialized stores. Bear fat is applied to the injured area in a thin layer until it begins to melt. Repeat this 4 times a day or more. Badger fat is used as an ointment - applied to a bruise several times a day, washing your face before each time.

And iodine does not give the expected effect, contrary to many claims. Yes, an alcohol compress warms the skin area and promotes the resorption of the hematoma, but this method is considered the longest and most dangerous of all existing ones. The danger is that alcohol may accidentally get into the eye. If iodine is applied in close proximity to the eye, it can accumulate in the skin and cause pain and stinging in the eye.

Among “grandmother’s” recipes you can find a recommendation for applying a hard-boiled chicken egg to a bruise. However, this had no effect during testing. If in doubt, you can try to make massage movements yourself with a boiled egg at the site of injury to stimulate the resorption of the hematoma. Much the same can be said about applying copper coins to bruises. For the method to be effective, you need pure copper, and even then, its application can relieve swelling, but it cannot improve the condition of the capillaries.

To summarize, we can say that a black eye is not the worst injury if the eye itself is not affected. Even if you do nothing, the hematoma will resolve on its own in about 3-9 days. During this time, you can take a day off from work or school and relax at home. If you need to go outside, you can wear sunglasses or cover the bruise with foundation.

With the use of pharmaceutical products, you can get rid of a bruise in 4-6 days, but it is difficult to say anything about the forecasts for the use of traditional medicine - everything is individual here. Perhaps the best way to eliminate a bruise is not to get it at all, but if an accident does occur, then the measures taken in the first 5-10 minutes are of great importance. They are the ones who influence the further course of recovery.

In order to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye resulting from an injury, you can use several methods - medications and traditional medicine recipes. The rate of resorption of a bruise depends on the degree of damage to the skin and on how promptly measures were taken to reduce subcutaneous hemorrhage. In the first minutes after injury, it is necessary to use cooling compresses, which can significantly reduce the area of ​​the hematoma. There are also some symptoms for which it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to lose vision and not suffer serious complications from a traumatic brain injury.

How to give yourself a real black eye without pain

How to give yourself a bruise under your right or left eye?
The motivation of the people who ask this question is absolutely unknown to us, but we are not going to search for it. We will simply list all the known methods of making either a real or artificial hematoma to satisfy the curiosity of readers. Whether you personally need bruises or not, decide for yourself. At home, a real bruise can be made in several relatively simple ways. Why relatively? The thing is that the simplicity of the methods listed below depends on factors such as your sensitivity to pain and willpower:

  • The easiest way is to accidentally hit a sharp corner of a piece of furniture. For example, you may not be able to avoid a closet that is not in line with Feng Shui or may not fit into the door frame. We are ready to assure you that if the blow is strong enough, a black eye is guaranteed. The main thing is not to overdo it so that a hematoma is the only consequence;
  • you can try to hit yourself under the eye with your fist. Again, completely by accident, in the heat of performing some daily duties;
  • Another fairly simple method of making a bruise is to really piss off someone at home. You can do the same with friends or just a stranger on the street. The latter option is fraught with the appearance of bruises throughout the body, and not just under the eyes, so be extremely careful;
  • Bruises can also appear from lack of sleep. Of course, they will look completely different from a hematoma, but at least you won’t have to accidentally bump into someone’s fist.

None of the above methods suit you, but you still want to get a bruise? Then we offer the option of an artificial hematoma. It is somewhat more difficult to make, but the complete absence of harm to health eliminates this disadvantage.

Artificial bruises at home

There are many more ways to quickly create fake bruises, so we will select only the most interesting of them:

  • On a sheet of paper, first crush it and then thoroughly rub the pencil lead. After this, we apply the leaf to the place where you would like to see the hematoma;
  • We take a box of matches and carefully clean off the sulfur heads, after which we rub them on the selected area. This method makes it possible to obtain an artificial hematoma that is practically no different from the real one. In addition, it will last for a very long time. But you need to try hard. Beauty requires sacrifice;
  • Another bruise, indistinguishable from a real one, can be obtained using an ordinary sponge and well-chosen paints. It is best to take several colors - blue, yellow, purple, black and burgundy. A hematoma of the desired shape should first be drawn on the desired area, and then painted in the desired colors in the sequence mentioned just above. You can add red to simulate bleeding;
  • rub the area around the eye with iodine, and then apply blue shadows;
  • take two aluminum spoons. No, you don't need to hit yourself in the face. Just rub the spoons against each other, and then rub the desired area of ​​one of them. The hematoma will be very similar to the real one, but it will be quite difficult to remove.

Creative people can also be asked to draw a hematoma using a cosmetic pencil. To begin with, the selected area is sketched in black and shaded using a regular napkin. Then we continue to paint the bruises, using purple, blue and yellow in turn. We look in the mirror and admire the very impressive makeup.

We completely agree with the statement that a wide variety of situations can arise in life. And if suddenly one of them requires a hematoma on your face, it is better to do it with a pencil or cosmetics, and not with someone else’s fists. This approach will help avoid concussions or other unpleasant consequences.

An unexpected situation has occurred and you urgently need to get a bruise? You can do it yourself, but believe me, it is not the most pleasant procedure.

Of course, if you wish, you can draw it on the skin using eye shadow or other cosmetics, but it will quickly disappear. Therefore, if you are ready to sacrifice your health, make a real bruise.

We will tell you how to do it as safely as possible.

How to make a real bruise: ways

Before you begin the procedure, think about it - do you really need it? After all, a real hematoma will go away within a few weeks. Yes, and it’s not very pleasant, you’ll agree. We will present you the safest and most painless ways to make a bruise at home:

Currant juice. Squeeze juice from fresh or frozen berries and apply to the desired area of ​​skin. After a few minutes, rinse off. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Foil with chalk. Take a piece of ordinary foil and roll it into a ball. Rub the skin with white chalk, then rub the same area with foil. Wet the area with water. Be prepared for the fact that such a “bruise” is washed off quite quickly.

Sulfur. Scrape as much sulfur from the matches as possible. Rub it onto your skin, do not rinse off. The advantage of this method is that such a drawn hematoma lasts quite a long time.

Pencil lead. Grind the lead with something hard, then rub it on a sheet of paper and apply it to the desired area, pressing as best as possible.

Aluminum spoons. Rub two spoons (necessarily made of aluminum), then apply them to the skin.

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Paints and sponge for washing dishes. You need to mix two or three paint colors - dark blue, brown, burgundy, gray. You can achieve the desired shade only through experimentation.

Then we first wet the sponge in one paint and apply it to the skin, rubbing it a little in a circle. Repeat the same with the next color.

If the stain is too bright, treat it with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

Eyeshadow. We treat the skin with iodine pointwise, then apply shadows of different shades - burgundy, gray, dark yellow.

Pencil with aluminum button. Draw on the button using a simple pencil, then rub it on a specific area of ​​skin. Continue rubbing the skin with the button until it turns red.

Cream and silver ring. Apply a small amount of cream to the skin, then rub it with a silver ring. You will see that a spot has appeared on the skin; give it the desired shape with your finger.

How to make a real bruise?

Remember that paint or a felt-tip pen will not help make a real bruise, and during a forensic examination your deception will be immediately seen through. But if you need to deceive one of your loved ones, even a drawn hematoma will do.

If the methods presented above do not suit you and you want to become the owner of a real hematoma, you have only one thing left to do - hit the corner of the furniture. You can also ask one of your friends to do this. The method is not for the faint of heart - make a bruise yourself by hitting yourself with your fists in the right place.

How to give a bruise? Fast, simple and as painless as possible

If on the street you see a person with blue marks on his face, or even a couple of bruises, then there can be no doubt - in front of you is a participant in a fight.

Maybe he was robbed? Or did he stand up for a weaker person? Or maybe he himself provoked the collision? In any case, the traces, as they say, are obvious. And here the question arises of how to create a bruise.

The goal can be anything: revenge on an ill-wisher, an attempt to prank friends, or stage necessity.

Why is this necessary?

Usually a person does not think about how to get a bruise. Still, this is a very spontaneous process. And if you are thinking about how to do this, then the reasons are probably significant.

Maybe you want to clearly demonstrate your attitude to an ill-wisher? Or prank your friends? Or maybe make excuses to your parents for a lost phone or wallet? Alas, with such interest, your goals are unlikely to be noble, but the question remains. Here's how to give a bruise?

There are quite a few ways, some natural and artificial. Here you already need to choose and realize that some methods can be painful and even dangerous. But you won’t have to be smart.

Just turn to a friend and ask him to hit you. Or you can hit yourself, but this option is more tedious, since it is difficult to calculate the required impact force and attempts will most likely have to be repeated several times.

And if you want to get a black eye, then you risk simply knocking out your eye.

Use cosmetics

So, how to get a bruise quickly and painlessly? Perhaps the easiest way is to simply draw a dubious decoration. You can use paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. It is best not to skimp on color and use both blue and yellow shades. This will make the bruise truly picturesque. If you have a palette of shadows at home, then this is the best “tool” for creating a “black eye”.

Clean the skin around the eye and lightly powder it to remove oily shine and prepare the “working” surface. Now decide on the stage of your “decoration”. A “fresh” bruise can be equally blue or purple.

Apply the main color to the center of the treated area, and shade closer to the edges. Since the bruise changes color as it resolves, the edges can turn yellowish or even greenish.

Do not overdo it with shadows, so as not to create the effect of theatrical makeup or just a dirty face. The bruise should have some shape.

Finally, powder your work a little more and feel free to show off the bruise to others.

Sleight of hand

If you have no desire to get it in reality, then you can imitate a black eye under the eye using chalk and simple chocolate foil. Use chalk to paint over the area where the bruise will be, and then rub it with foil crumpled into a ball. There are many interesting ways to bruise yourself. For example, through iodine. After treating the skin with it, it acquires a yellowish tint.

If you add blue paint on top, the spectacle will be very realistic, as if you were seriously injured in a street fight. Simple chemistry will tell you how to make a bruise! Take regular cream and apply to the treatment area. Now rub this area with a silver ring. Gray streaks will appear due to oxidation.

Next - a matter of technique - give the bruise a believable shape using a regular cotton swab.

Are there any matches at home? Then you will need information on how to create a believable and frightening bruise. Rub the sulfur head onto the skin. The bruise will appear gradually, as it happens in life. A similar effect can be achieved with crushed stylus or an iron button rubbed with chalk.

A thorough approach

All artificial bruises are painless, but very short-lived. So they are not suitable for long-term plans. And, of course, you can’t fool any doctor with them. So you can’t get away from school with such a black eye, and you can’t cover up a lost phone with a robbery. Rather, these are methods that are relevant for making fun of someone or creating a spectacular image.

If you want to get a truly bright, but very dubious decoration, then there is a more pleasant way to make a bruise.

It can only be implemented in pairs, but with such a global approach, you will be able to handle any task! So, ask your significant other to give you a banal hickey in the right place.

It is very difficult to distinguish it from a bruise. But no pain in the process. It's that simple!

How to make a bruise?

When you don’t feel like writing a test or going to some class, a good bruise will always help free you from this. It always looks more convincing than any words, so you need to know how to do it just in case.


Why does a bruise form and what is its danger?

A black eye from a blow can form not only during a fight, but also due to domestic injuries. When a blow or bruise occurs, blood vessels are damaged - they rupture and blood under pressure enters the subcutaneous tissue without compromising the integrity of the skin. The size of the bruise depends on how much blood leaked from the damaged vessels. According to the mechanism of formation, a bruise is a hematoma - the formation of a cavity in the tissues containing liquid or coagulated blood.

When the eye is hit hard, the skin becomes painful and begins to swell, and a small swelling appears. The color of the hematoma varies - from bright red (immediately after the blow) to purple. After 2-3 days the color becomes darker and then yellowish-green. The color of the skin changes due to the breakdown of hemoglobin during its utilization in damaged tissues. A bruise forms at the site of impact within 1-2 hours. Therefore, to stop the formation of hematoma and swelling under the eye, you must immediately use a cold compress - ice or a wet bandage (gauze) soaked in cold water. They are applied for 5-10 minutes every half hour to hour. Breaks should be taken in order not to freeze the skin. Ice helps to constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing the volume of the hematoma. Instead of ice, you can use a bottle of cold water wrapped in a napkin or towel, as well as a cold spoon.

In the following hours, agents are used to improve the condition of blood vessels and restore blood supply to the tissues. Bruises usually go away on their own within 1-2 weeks. To improve blood circulation, dry heat is used on the second or third day after injury. At the same time, they begin to massage the skin around the eye socket using circular movements.

Bruises are not as harmless as they may seem. If after a fight a child or an adult has bruises under both eyes (“a symptom of glasses”), this indicates a fracture of the base of the skull. A characteristic symptom is the discharge of clear cerebrospinal fluid from the nose. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help, as lack of treatment can lead to death. The bones of the eye socket have a fragile structure, which can crack from a strong blow, and the retina of the eye can detach. In the absence of therapeutic measures, a person will completely lose his vision. If a blow to the eye causes a rupture of blood vessels inside the skull, this leads to cerebral hemorrhage.

If you have the following symptoms, you should contact a traumatologist or the emergency department of a hospital:

  • bilateral symmetrical bruises on both eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • blurred vision.

The hospital will schedule an examination with an ophthalmologist who will examine the fundus of the eye. Doctors will do an examination using a CT scan or ultrasound of the brain to rule out cerebral hemorrhage. In other cases, treatment of a hematoma under the eye can be carried out at home using medicinal ointments or folk remedies.

Mode of application

To quickly get rid of the consequences of various minor soft tissue injuries, you need to correctly apply the medicinal properties of cabbage.

You need to follow a certain algorithm.

  1. In case of a bruise, separate a strong, juicy green leaf from the fork, knead it well with your fingers until the juice comes out abundantly and apply it tightly to the sore spot.
  2. A piece of cabbage must be cold in order to have a vasoconstrictor effect. It is desirable for it to be as large and wide as possible in order to affect not only the area of ​​the bruise, but also the surrounding tissues.
  3. Cold cabbage juice will eliminate ischemia of the tissues compressed by the bruise and have a pronounced antioxidant effect. Such measures will quickly speed up recovery after an injury.
  4. Then the sheet is left for quite a long time. You can go to bed with a cabbage compress or bandage it to a limb during the day, and then walk with it for several hours.
  5. To ensure that the lotion does not separate from the body, it is fixed with an adhesive plaster. An elastic bandage is applied on top.
  6. As soon as the cabbage juice is completely absorbed into the damaged area, it is necessary to prepare a new leaf in a similar way, again applying it to the bruise.
  7. If the bruise is large and there are even bruises, then it is better to chop a piece of cabbage and apply the resulting mass to the bruise. After this, it is covered with a waterproof cloth and then fixed with a bandage.
  8. The same actions are performed if the leaf is completely heated, without providing any further cooling effect.

The bruised area begins to heal very quickly under the influence of cabbage. Moreover, the infection does not enter the wound, so no complications arise. The skin recovers quickly enough, acquiring its normal color.

In parallel, it is necessary to use external medications to disinfect and accelerate tissue regeneration.

However, for a minor injury, you can only get by with a cabbage leaf. The special properties of the vegetable make it possible to restore vascular permeability, which effectively stops bleeding and eliminates the hematoma. As a result, the pain subsides and the swelling of the surrounding tissues subsides. All together makes it possible for rapid cell restoration.

The damaged limb regains its full range of movements, and the face, if it has become a victim of a bruise, takes on its usual appearance.

Use of medications

To eliminate a bruise, the following pharmaceutical products are used:

  • Gel Troxevasin and its analogues - Troxerutin Vetprom, Troxerutin-MIK, Troxevenol, Troxerutin Vramed, Troxerutin Zentiva. The main component troxerutin contained in their composition strengthens and restores the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in tissues, and has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Heparin ointment (gel) and its analogues - Venitan Forte, Trombless Plus. Heparin stimulates the restoration of skin cells and blood vessels, helps relieve swelling and reduces the “blooming” of a bruise. The ointment is applied to the skin every 3 hours with circular massaging movements, while trying not to get into the eyes. Heparin helps to quickly get rid of mild bruises in 2-3 days; severe injuries will require longer treatment.
  • Gel Bruise Off based on medicinal leech extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps cure bruises on the face and body in a short time. There is a version of this drug with a tinting effect that allows you to “disguise” a bruise under a thick layer of gel.
  • Badyaga ointment or Badyaga Forte gel, Badyaga 911 based on freshwater sponge extract activates local blood circulation and has exfoliating properties. The drug is not recommended for use on dry skin. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water. Badyaga Forte contains small particles of silica, which penetrate the upper layers of the skin and have an irritating effect, due to which blood circulation improves and a resorption effect is manifested.
  • Balm Rescuer is created on the basis of natural ingredients. The regenerative effect is exerted by the sea buckthorn and essential oils, carotenoids and tocopherol included in its composition, as well as calendula decoction.

These ointments dry out the delicate skin under the eyes quite strongly, so it is recommended to additionally use moisturizers. There are also contraindications for the use of these drugs - individual intolerance and open wounds (for drugs based on heparin and badyagi). Before applying ointments and gels for the first time, you need to do a test on the bend of your elbow.

The benefits of cabbage for bruises

White vegetables are a source of vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium, iron, and folic acid. Thanks to such a rich composition, homemade cabbage-based medicines have a number of medicinal qualities that are useful for bruises:

  • relieve pain;
  • remove tumors and swelling;
  • stop the spread of inflammation;
  • accelerate the disappearance of bruises (if you apply home remedies in a timely manner, it will be easy to
  • prevent their occurrence);
  • resolve hematomas;
  • restore mobility to the affected limbs;
  • relieve fatigue and heaviness.

The vegetable is usually used externally - as compresses and lotions.


In the absence of special medications to eliminate a bruise, you can use the advice of traditional medicine:

  • Applying iodine mesh to a bruise. On the second day after the injury, a mesh of 5% iodine tincture is applied to the damaged area with a cotton swab. Iodine has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and warming effect, and helps improve blood circulation. If you apply the mesh at night, it will be absorbed into the skin until the morning.
  • Fresh cabbage leaves are beaten so that they begin to release juice. The leaves are wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise. Compresses need to be changed as they dry out. Since the leaves are inconvenient to hold in front of your eyes, you can use a pulp of chopped and mashed cabbage as a compress. Gauze with gruel is fixed on the face using plasters. This folk remedy is one of the most effective.
  • The boiled beans are mashed to a puree. The resulting pulp is used as a compress at night.
  • Green radish is grated on a fine grater and the pulp is applied to the damaged area several times a day.
  • The enzyme bromelain, contained in pineapple, is widely used in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. At home, a bruise is wiped with freshly squeezed juice or pieces of this fruit.
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey is heated in a water bath and 1 tbsp is added to it. l. dried plantain leaves. The resulting paste is applied to the bruise. You can use pure honey, as well as its mixture with aloe.
  • Potato starch has a softening, soothing effect and helps remove excess water from swollen tissues. To treat a bruise, starch powder is diluted with warm water until creamy and applied to the skin. Instead of powder, you can use raw potatoes - grate them on a fine grater and apply to the bruise.
  • Wash the banana with soap and peel the peel. Cut it into small pieces and apply it to the hematoma under the eye. Banana peel has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A cut aloe leaf is applied to the damaged area or a compress is made from a paste of finely chopped leaves. For treatment, it is better to use an old plant, since it accumulates more useful substances. The compress can be secured with gauze and adhesive tape.
  • 2 tsp. badyagi powder (can be purchased at a pharmacy) is mixed with 1 teaspoon of warm water. Apply to the skin under the eye and leave on the bruise until the product dries. Then it is washed off with warm water and applied again.
  • 2-3 days after the bruise forms, you can begin warming it up with dry heat. To do this, heat coarse table salt or clean, washed river sand in a frying pan, pour it into a small linen bag and apply it to the bruise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

It is not recommended to use tinctures of alcohol or vinegar to eliminate a black eye, as they can irritate the eye. Essential oils also help remove bruises. For fresh hematomas, lavender and thyme oil are used, and for old ones, rosemary oil.

Many people are faced with the problem of bruises under the eyes, or as they are popularly called “black eyes”. Basically, the appearance of a hematoma on the eye affects professional wrestlers and tomboy boys.

And it’s unlikely that anyone will like such a “decoration” on their face, so a lot of questions on this topic immediately arise in their heads. Let's try to understand them in detail.

ICD-10 code: S05.1 Contusion of the eyeball and orbital tissues Traumatic hyphema

Treatment of bruises with cabbage and honey compress

With serious bruises that threaten the development of inflammatory processes, traditional medicine suggests fighting at home with cabbage and honey compresses.

Honey is a natural product that stops the development of inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, and saturates the skin with beneficial elements.

In combination with cabbage, bee nectar will cope with the problem in a short time, remove swelling, pain, and protect tissues from inflammatory processes.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mash the fresh cabbage leaf thoroughly with your hands or cover it with plastic, beat it a little, being careful not to damage the structure.
  2. Heat the bee nectar in a water bath, stirring (if the honey has already become candied, wait until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved).
  3. Apply the honey mass to the surface of the sheet and spread in an even layer.
  4. Apply a vegetable compress with a lubricated surface to the bruised area.
  5. Fixation using a bandage, a strip of gauze, or additional insulation with a handkerchief or scarf is not recommended - in warm conditions the process of tissue regeneration will occur much more slowly.

Leave the cabbage-honey compress on the affected area of ​​the body for 1-2 hours. After removing the leaf, rinse the dermis; if necessary, it is allowed to use medications.


Few people suffering from eye hematoma have a desire to visit a doctor, and few people pay attention to this at all, because this is just one of the troubles that will soon go away and will not affect vision in any way. But in vain.

The photo shows a hematoma on the eye of a middle-aged man

In many cases, a hematoma can become a complication; the symptoms will be severe. This:

  1. Double image in the eyes.
  2. Pain in bright light.
  3. Decreased vision
  4. Redness in the eye.
  5. Pain when moving the eyes.
  6. Loss of consciousness.

At the first manifestation of symptoms, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. After all, later this can lead to such diseases: uveitis and iritis. Also, the situation can be aggravated by purulent inflammation, which ultimately develops into.


If you avoid treating such a bruise, then such “beauty” will remain on your face for at least 10 days. But if all the rules of necessary therapy are followed, the problem goes away in a minimum period of 3-4 days.

Among the most common methods are the following:

Folk remedies

The injury can be healed using the herb burnet. You need to take 3 tablespoons of the herb and pour boiling water (250 ml) over it. Place on the fire and keep until half of the solution has evaporated. Then leave the medicine to cool for an hour. Use as a lotion for 20 minutes every two to three hours.

In the photo: burnet grass (left) and anise seeds (right) - effective folk remedies for the treatment of eye hematoma

Anise seeds also have miraculous healing properties. You need to add two tablespoons of seeds with water and boil for 10 minutes. After the decoction has been infused for about an hour, use it in the same way as the first remedy.

One option is plantain leaves, which exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Surgical intervention

There are times when surgery is not possible. In special situations, even the slightest hematomas require surgery. But the degree of damage at which this is really necessary can only be determined by your attending physician.

Removal of a hematoma on the eye surgically under general anesthesia

When the skin around the eyes is damaged, stitches are often placed, which are removed only after 10 days. Basically, an incision is made near the bruise, after which liquid blood and its clots are removed, and the injured area must be washed.

Drug treatment

The doctor prescribes cold compresses as first aid. They help relieve pain and relieve severe symptoms. To strengthen and restore blood vessels, the doctor may prescribe medications based on vitamin K.

Examples of vitamin K content in various foods

For the fastest cure, heparin-based ointments are recommended. They can quickly and effectively relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. This promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages, due to which the hematoma on the eye disappears faster.

They also use a medication such as Troxevasin, which improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.


The prognosis depends on several factors: the area of ​​injury, its location and intensity. In almost all cases, such hematomas are minor and not fatal - they finally disappear after two weeks and, possibly, even earlier.

The main thing is not to forget about treatment and not to let the development of the disease take its course; consult a doctor.


As noted above, eye hematoma causes various complications. They may arise when such damage is opened. Of course, such an injury is very unpleasant and causes discomfort, but it is not dangerous.

In the photo, a woman has an ocular hematoma as a consequence of plastic surgery

The main thing is to ensure that no infection gets into the eye. As a result of this, opening is prohibited. After all, when microorganisms enter a wound, it becomes an excellent environment for their development, which then leads to a serious complication - tissue suppuration. And then a visit to the doctor is guaranteed, because such manipulations are carried out only on an outpatient basis.

Contraindications, side effects from cabbage treatment

Cabbage is a unique remedy for the treatment of bruises and contusions, which has virtually no contraindications. It is undesirable to use home remedies only if the dermis is hypersensitive or intolerant to the vegetable. Alternative treatment can result in irritation and side effects in such cases.

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Treatment of bronchitis with aloe: recipes and use

Cabbage and honey compresses can cause serious harm to the body - the product contains bee nectar, which is considered a strong allergen. If you have a negative reaction to honey, it is better to use other cabbage medicines.

Side effects when using cabbage medicines are practically not alarming. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the individual negative reaction to the vegetable.

In this case, there is a risk of the formation of rashes, changes in skin color (redness, pallor), unpleasant itching and burning. The procedure should be stopped immediately - rinse the dermis and, if necessary, use a soothing cream.


You will not be surprised by this fact, but still: eye hematoma can be prevented and very simply. All that is needed to avoid such a bruise is:

1. Use protective items.

For example, special glasses if your vision is constantly at risk of injury at work, while playing sports, and the like. Ideally, such glasses protect not only the eye, but also the skin around it.

2. Avoid conflict situations

which could end in a fight. This is the surest way to earn yourself a black eye.

As you understand, an eye hematoma is something you need to take care of in order to avoid getting a concussion or severe tissue swelling. But for all problems and all diseases there are solutions! Be healthy!

Our life is full of surprises and surprises. Folk remedies for bruises that will help you quickly remove them from your face. Sometimes these are pleasant things, sometimes not so much. It’s up to you to decide which of them the appearance of a bruise, or as it is also called a black eye, belongs to. And he always appears at the most inopportune moment. It is especially tragic when such a nuisance happens to the face. Tomorrow there is a date or a business meeting, and here is such a surprise. Therefore, the desire to get rid of it as quickly as possible is understandable. So how to cure a black eye? Let's move on to the practice and use of folk remedies.

A bruise is usually the result of a blow to a hard object, which causes the thin blood vessels under the skin to rupture. Due to damage to the vessel wall, blood enters the muscle tissue and fills the nearby space. At first it looks like a dark blue spot (hence the name bruise), then its color gradually changes from yellow to green. In this case, there is no need to be afraid, this is how it should be. People say that the bruise is blooming. If your “decoration” becomes reddish-purple over time, then it’s time to sound the alarm. Perhaps suppuration begins under the skin, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

How to remove a bruise

In the first minute after an injury, when you already understand that a bruise cannot be avoided, you can at least relieve the pain. And how to quickly remove a black eye at home. To do this, immediately apply any cold to the site of impact. It can be anything, it all depends on your imagination and the availability of available tools. You can use any cold object: a bottle of ice water wrapped in a towel, a piece of meat from the freezer, or a glass bottle of beer... The property of blood vessels to narrow from the cold will prevent the formation of extensive bruising. Now you need to lubricate the area where the bruise appears with Heparin ointment. It will prevent blood clotting and help the bruise resolve as quickly as possible.

Other pharmaceutical ointments also work well. Such as “Rescuer”, “Warrior”, “SOS”. The so-called bodyagi mask can help quite well in this case. To do this, dissolve bodyaga powder in boiled water in a 2:1 ratio and apply the resulting pulp to the bruise. Once the mask dries, wash it off with plenty of water. This procedure must be done 2-3 times a day. Under no circumstances should this mixture get into your eyes, it is dangerous. If there is no pharmacy nearby, and you don’t have bodyaga powder at home, then soda and vinegar will help out. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of soda with 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar, dip cotton wool or gauze into this mixture and apply to the bruise. And these will definitely help you with your problem.

The next day, if there is no tumor, but only a rainbow circle, you can begin to warm up the bruise. This will help get rid of it faster and restore torn tissues. It's easy to do. Take regular kitchen salt, heat it in a frying pan for a few minutes and pour it into a cotton bag. Salt can replace dry, clean sand. Then apply this bag to the bruised area for 15-20 minutes several times a day.

How to quickly bruise your arm

You will need chalk and foil.

  1. You need to rub chalk on the area where you want to bruise.
  2. Then you should rub this area with foil, which must first be rolled into a ball.
  3. The top needs to be wetted with water.

Such a bruise will not last long, so prepare it right before the demonstration. But you can make a bruise quickly.

Second way

You will need a pencil lead and a sheet of paper.

  1. It is necessary to crumble the lead onto the sheet.
  2. Then you need to rub it, apply a leaf to the body and rub it a little again.

Third way

All you need is matches. You will need to rub the area needed for the bruise with the head of a match. This method will take more time, but the bruise will last longer.

Fourth method

This method is more difficult, but the bruise will be very natural. You will need blue, yellow, burgundy and black paints, a sponge and a brush. Apply the paint with light movements using a sponge.

  1. First of all, you need to determine the shape of the future bruise.
  2. Then you need to put blue paint in the center and shade it.
  3. Next, you need to apply yellow paint along the edges with your finger, shading it both towards the center and along the edges.
  4. Then you need to add a little burgundy paint to the center and mix it with blue.
  5. If a darker bruise is needed, then you need to saturate it with black. To do this, use a brush to make light strokes closer to the center.
  6. If pinpoint bleeds are desired, add a mixture of scarlet and burgundy paint to the center using light touches of a sponge.

Mix the paints until you see a real, realistic bruise. This method is suitable if you need to bruise your arm.

Fifth method

You will need iodine and blue shades.

  1. It is necessary to apply iodine to the bruise site.
  2. Next, you need to apply shadows on top of the iodine.

This method is suitable for making a bruise on the face, but to make bruises under the eyes, it is better to use the following method.

Sixth method

You will need black eyeliner, yellow, blue and purple eye shadow, and a napkin. Shadows must be matte.

  1. Start by smearing black eyeliner under your eyes.
  2. Then blend with a napkin. This is done to give more softness.
  3. Next, apply a layer of matte purple shadow under the eye.
  4. Add dark blue along the eyelids.
  5. Finish the bruise with yellow eye shadow - apply it over the entire bruise.

Seventh method

You will need an aluminum button and a pencil.

  1. It is necessary to paint over the surface of the button with a pencil.
  2. Then rub the area of ​​the suspected bruise with force. You need to rub until a slight redness appears on the skin - then you will get a real bruise with redness.

Eighth method

You only need two aluminum spoons.

You should rub the spoons together, and then use one spoon to rub the skin where you want to bruise. It will look very natural.

We told you about eight ways to make a bruise at home. Choose the one that suits you best.

Making bruises under the eyes at home: simple methods

How to give yourself a bruise under your right or left eye? The motivation of the people who ask this question is absolutely unknown to us, but we are not going to search for it. We will simply list all the known methods of making either a real or artificial hematoma to satisfy the curiosity of readers. Whether you personally need bruises or not, decide for yourself.

Making a real hematoma

At home, a real bruise can be made in several relatively simple ways. Why relatively? The thing is that the simplicity of the methods listed below depends on factors such as your sensitivity to pain and willpower:

  • The easiest way is to accidentally hit a sharp corner of a piece of furniture. For example, you may not be able to avoid a closet that is not in line with Feng Shui or may not fit into the door frame. We are ready to assure you that if the blow is strong enough, a black eye is guaranteed. The main thing is not to overdo it so that a hematoma is the only consequence;
  • you can try to hit yourself under the eye with your fist. Again, completely by accident, in the heat of performing some daily duties;
  • Another fairly simple method of making a bruise is to really piss off someone at home. You can do the same with friends or just a stranger on the street. The latter option is fraught with the appearance of bruises throughout the body, and not just under the eyes, so be extremely careful;
  • Bruises can also appear from lack of sleep. Of course, they will look completely different from a hematoma, but at least you won’t have to accidentally bump into someone’s fist.


Folk remedies

What are the folk ones? At night, you can draw an iodine grid on the bruise. Iodine is known to have anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

Traditional medicine also has a great variety of recipes to combat such problems.

  • make lotions from gauze soaked in apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:2;
  • apply a paste of cabbage leaves to the bruise;
  • grate the onion on a fine grater, add crushed plantain leaves, mix it all with honey and apply the resulting mass to the bruise three times a day;
  • Another reliable way to get rid of a black eye is frozen vodka. You need to mix it in equal quantities with water, freeze it in an ice tray and wipe the bruise with this ice more often.

All methods are good in their own way, but none of them will get rid of a bruise in a matter of hours. You will spend a minimum of about 3 days fighting. Therefore, if you have to go out urgently, you cannot do without foundation, powder and a skilled make-up artist. Now you have learned how to quickly cure a black eye using folk remedies.

No one is immune from an accidental black eye. This is most unpleasant if you have to go to work in a couple of days or are planning to attend an event. Well, if you are a girl and you have bruises under your eyes, you don’t even need a reason. However, you can get rid of a bruise within one day at home, thanks to several proven recipes. We will tell you how to quickly remove a black eye from a blow in this article.

Protein-cabbage compress for severe pain

If the bruise causes severe pain, swelling and redness appear on the affected area of ​​the body, and bruises have formed around the affected area, it is recommended to use protein-cabbage compresses for treatment at home.

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Treatment of bone fractures with mumiyo: recipes for internal and external use

Usually, relief occurs after the first use of the product, but it is better to consolidate the results - carry out the procedures for at least three days. Preparation:

  1. Using a sharp knife, finely chop the fresh cabbage leaves (a meat grinder will help speed up the process).
  2. Grind the egg white with a fork into a homogeneous mass (no need to beat until foamy).
  3. Leave the cabbage at room temperature for 10 minutes.
  4. Mix vegetable pulp and protein mixture.

Rinse the skin on the affected area thoroughly with cool water and remove any remaining moisture with a soft cloth. Rubbing is not recommended - there is a risk of causing additional discomfort.

Apply a thick layer of the prepared mass to the dermis, wrap it with a bandage (gauze) on top. Leave the mixture on the affected area for half an hour, remove and rinse.

Repeat traditional treatment twice a day. Between procedures, it is allowed to use cabbage compresses (apply crushed leaves of a white cabbage vegetable), especially if the pain does not decrease.

First aid, how to get rid of bruises

First of all, to remove a bruise, apply something cold to the bruised eye. An ice cube wrapped in a cloth is ideal. This method will save you from possible subsequent swelling and hematoma formation.

Important! Do not apply pure ice to your skin, especially in the eye area, as it can cause frostbite.


If you have cabbage, take one leaf and chop it. Applied immediately after a bruise, it can also help prevent the formation of a hematoma. Another quite effective way:

  • take vodka and water in equal proportions;
  • freeze in the refrigerator and rub the cubes over the affected eye as often as possible.

Important! Use ice only on the first day after injury; subsequently, only anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs are indicated. Heating a hematoma under the eye is strictly prohibited!

Causes of bruises

Many reasons can provoke the appearance of blue under the eyes. These may be internal problems related to the functioning of the organs, or environmental factors that lead to the formation of unsightly dark circles. The most common reasons are the following:

  • regular overwork and lack of sleep;
  • severe kidney disease, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis or renal failure;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the skin of the eyelids, prone to sagging and bruising;
  • bruises, blows that provoke the formation of bruises or black eyes, as they are popularly called;
  • bad habits, for example, long-term smoking or alcohol abuse on a regular basis;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • fragility of capillaries in the eye area;
  • swelling of the face and eye area due to excessive drinking of water or dehydration;
  • heart or vascular disease, such as heart failure or capillary fragility;
  • frequent stress that provokes metabolic disorders;
  • abuse of salty and spicy foods;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics;
  • abuse of cosmetic masks or salon facial treatments;
  • problematic type of epidermis, prone to the formation of dark circles;
  • incorrect head position during sleep;
  • wearing incorrectly selected glasses on a regular basis.

Such factors can cause cosmetic defects in women and men.

In teenagers and children, bruises become the result of an allergic reaction to any product or overwork on a constant basis, vitamin deficiency or poor diet with a predominance of fried and canned foods.

We remove a bruise in one day

There are situations when it is necessary to urgently take action to remove a black eye in one day.
How to do it? There are effective methods that will help with this. The first thing you need to get rid of a bruise in 1 day is to buy badyagu at the nearest pharmacy. The powder is very potent, so be as careful as possible. Dilute the product in one tablespoon of water to make a not too liquid paste, place it on gauze or a bandage (folded several times) and apply the compress to the bruise.

To remove a black eye as quickly as possible, alternate badyagi compresses with an onion pulp compress. To do this, finely chop a small onion head, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and let sit for 15–20 minutes. When the juice has drained from the onion, put the pulp in gauze and apply it to the bruise for 10–15 minutes. The procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but very effective in combination with badyaga.

How to remove a bruise at home

You can remove a hematoma in one day using various means. If you do not have any medications on hand or do not want to take them, your products will completely replace the first aid kit.

How to lighten a black eye with starch

  • take regular starch and dilute it with water in equal proportions;
  • apply to the bruise and leave until it dries naturally;
  • when applied every 2–3 hours, the hematoma will palen significantly.


Salt truly has a lot of magical properties, and it will also come in handy for this case. So, the recipe for removing bruises from blows:

  • take 10 grams of salt and 100 milliliters of water;
  • stir thoroughly until the salt dissolves;
  • Apply the resulting solution to a piece of cloth and apply to the bruise.


Iodine has a known warming effect, which will help get rid of a bruise much faster:

  • apply iodine mesh to the darkened area;
  • leave to dry.

Important! Before applying iodine, make sure you allow enough time to allow it to completely absorb. In addition, doctors do not recommend using this remedy, since iodine easily causes burns, especially when applied to delicate skin.

Badyaga pharmacy

A fairly well-known way to deal with an unwanted bruise near the eye is pharmaceutical badyaga:

  • dilute the powder with water in proportions two to one;
  • Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the desired area.

Important! Be extremely careful when applying badyagi to the eye area: in large quantities it can cause skin burns.

In the absence of a pharmacy ointment, you can easily prepare its own homemade version:

  • take a medium sized onion and peel it;
  • pour in sunflower oil until it completely covers it and place on low heat;
  • wait until the onion turns black and remove the container from the stove;
  • cool and squeeze the onion into the oil, add a spoonful of pre-grated laundry soap and melted wax;
  • mix the mixture thoroughly and refrigerate;
  • Apply to bruise three to four times daily.


With the help of a pepper patch, it is quite possible to get rid of the problem in one day:

  • apply a patch over the bruise, then replace it with a compress with badyagi;
  • After another hour, apply a warm compress again.


Coltsfoot has long been known for its healing properties:

  • chop one tablespoon each of coltsfoot grass and wild rosemary;
  • bring to a boil in an enamel bowl;
  • after five minutes from boiling, cover tightly and leave for two hours;
  • make a lotion and apply it every hour for ten minutes.


If the bruise is quite extensive and occupies a considerable area on the face, a honey compress will help:

  • mix a full spoon of natural, liquid honey with any vegetable oil, adding a handful of flour and egg yolk to the mixture;
  • mix, apply to the affected area and leave as a compress for three hours.


Did the above methods not help? Try a remedy with aloe, which has a resolving effect:

  • prepare a paste from a fresh leaf and add a spoonful of celandine to it;
  • mix the ingredients by adding a spoonful of boiled water;
  • leave in a warm, dry place for half an hour, then apply to the bruise and leave for an hour.


Fresh wormwood herb has a unique soothing property, which is why it is actively used for bruises and wounds:

  • take about one hundred grams of herb and grind in a glass container until juice forms;
  • soak gauze in the resulting liquid and apply, leaving for an hour.

How to reduce a bruise under the eye using heating

Ordinary heating, which is performed as follows, will help quite effectively eliminate a bruise under the eye:

  • heat salt or sand in the oven and, wrapped in cotton cloth, apply for a quarter of an hour three times a day.

In addition to pure cabbage, there is a recipe for a remedy made from cabbage with plantain, thanks to which the healing properties of the compress are significantly increased:

  • Beat leaves of the same size with a kitchen hammer until juice forms;
  • Onion

    A recipe made from onions with added salt promotes faster skin healing:

    • grate a small onion, adding a pinch of salt;
    • wrap the pulp in gauze and apply for half an hour.

    Important! Be careful not to let the product leak out or get into your eye; if it gets in, rinse immediately with water.

    Perhaps the easiest way to hide a sudden bruise is to use foundation or concealer. If you prefer a concealer, choose a peach-colored one to neutralize blue or purple undertones without being too heavy.

How to give yourself a real bruise

Hematomas on the face are formed in most cases from a blow, when blood vessels burst and blood accumulates in the surrounding tissues, swelling and pain appear. If the skin is hypersensitive, a bruise may appear even from a minor injury.

When a part of the body is injured that is easy to hide with clothing, bruising may not be treated; it will go away on its own in 10–15 days, depending on age, proximity of blood vessels and other factors. But if a hematoma appears on the face, the victim often asks the question: “How to quickly get rid of a bruise on the face?”

Correction with cosmetics

The easiest and fastest way is to use cosmetics. Almost any bruise can be covered with powder or foundation. Of course, this won’t hide it completely, but it will make it much less noticeable. This method is suitable mainly for girls, although men sometimes use it too.

Cooling and heating

It is advisable to immediately apply something cold to a fresh bruise. This will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the intensity of the bruise. Timely exposure to cold removes swelling at the site of impact.

You can apply either regular ice or ice made from a decoction of various herbs. The main thing is to avoid direct contact of ice with the skin and do not hold it for longer than 5–10 minutes, as this can cause hypothermia. The procedure should be repeated after 2 hours.

After 5 hours, such lotions are not recommended.

After about a day, the swelling and intensity of pain at the site of the injury decreases.

Now the bruise needs to be exposed to heat, it helps to dilate the blood vessels, which increases the outflow of blood from the damaged area.

A warm compress made from a decoction of chamomile and plantain is very effective; you can use heated sand or salt. Apply a warm compress for 10–15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3–4 times a day.

Pharmacy products

Now you can buy a remedy for bruises at any pharmacy. They are sold as a cream, ointment or gel. They are inexpensive, but act effectively due to their absorbent and restorative properties. The most popular means are:

  • troxevasin (ointment or gel);
  • preparations with leech extract
  • bodyagi powder or cream;
  • heparin ointment;
  • rescuer.

You can purchase arnica preparation - an effective homeopathic remedy that can be produced both in capsules for oral administration and in the form of a cream. These ointments should be applied every 2-3 hours.

How to get rid of a bruise on your face quickly using compresses

The main task in the treatment of bruises is the resorption of stagnant blood. If there is no opportunity or desire to use medical remedies, you can try traditional ones.

Vodka compress

A bandage soaked in vodka is applied to the site of the injury. The lotion should be covered with polyethylene on top and secured to the face, for example, with a plaster. It is better to make a compress before going to bed and leave it on all night. It is recommended to use this remedy not immediately, but about a week after the bruise appears.

Iodine mesh

This method improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and promotes the removal of decay products. It is better to make the mesh at night so that the iodine is absorbed into the skin and there are no traces left on the face.

Onions with salt

The onion is ground on a fine grater, mixed with a tablespoon of salt and wrapped in a piece of gauze. It is recommended to do the lotion three times a day for 30–40 minutes, and each time the mixture must be prepared fresh. This product promotes resorption and rapid healing of the bruise, cleanses the skin and removes dead cells. The only drawback is the unpleasant onion smell.

Wormwood compress

The grass is crushed, applied to the sore spot and covered with a bandage. You need to change the compress often so that the contents do not have time to dry out; if there is a slight bruise, it is enough to simply moisten it with water. In case of severe bruise, it is better to apply the paste in a thick layer. You can add honey, it will enhance the healing effect. The dressing containing this ingredient should be changed every 2 hours.

Lotion with iodine and vinegar

Mix 500 ml of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of salt, heat the container with the solution in a water bath, and finally add 5 drops of iodine. A bandage, well soaked in the product, is applied to the site of the bruise, covered with polyethylene and thick fabric on top. It is recommended to keep the compress for 15–20 minutes.

Beetroot and honey

Products mixed in equal proportions (the beets must first be grated on a fine grater) are applied in a thick layer to the bruised area for 2–3 hours. After a couple of days, the hematoma will completely disappear.

Cabbage, plantain and potato starch

These plants have long been used to treat bruises. Fresh plantain or cabbage leaves need to be mashed or beaten with a hammer and applied to the sore spot.

Starch is also a very effective remedy that can cope even with a huge bruise. Thick gruel diluted with water is applied to the bruise in a thick layer for several hours. If there is no starch, you can use fresh grated potatoes.

Homemade ointment

To prepare the ointment, you need to peel a medium onion and fill it with sunflower oil (100 ml). Boil the mixture and keep on low heat until the onion turns black.

Cool, strain, add 100 g of melted wax and about a tablespoon of grated laundry soap. You need to mix all the ingredients and refrigerate until completely frozen.

It is recommended to lubricate the bruise 2-3 times a day.

Strengthening the immune system

Scientists have proven that bruises appear more often in people with a lack of vitamin C. To replenish it, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and take vitamins.

For long-term prevention, daily use of creams and lotions containing vitamin C is suitable; they promote the growth of collagen, which strengthens blood vessels and reduces the likelihood of bruising.

Medical consultation

You should definitely consult a doctor if:

  • suffered a large, painful bruise from a fall or collision to rule out a concussion;
  • hematomas often appear for no apparent reason;
  • you take aspirin or paracetamol and bruises form on their own;
  • the bruise does not go away for a long time, despite the measures taken.

It happens that the appearance of bruises and hematomas is caused not by injury, but by kidney or heart disease, and frequent lack of sleep. In such cases, doctors advise healthy sleep, reducing stress on the body, and daily walks in the fresh air.

author: forensic doctor Mirnaya E.V.

When a person thinks about giving himself a bruise, he most likely does not want to go to work, school, or wants to get a sick leave for a few days for completely different purposes.

After all, very often laziness awakens in each of us, and most often this happens during school and student years.

Although, situations are different, and perhaps some people pursue some noble goals when they want to give themselves a bruise.

Ways to create a bruise

A bruise can be made naturally or artificially. The first path is painful, but very effective and plausible, and you, of course, will easily achieve your planned goal with a clear conscience.

You can ask a friend, neighbor, or just an acquaintance to hit you in the eye or another part of the body, or you should hit yourself against some hard, blunt object, such as a table or door frame. Also, you can express to your enemy everything that you think about him, and the result will not be long in coming.

But most people still prefer the second, more humane and painless method - this is the method of artificially creating bruises on their body.

How to make a bruise artificially?

There are many ways to do this.

Well, firstly, you can simply draw it using paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. But it is best to use dark blue, purple, green or yellow shadows for this purpose. They will allow you to draw a bruise with a rich shade on any part of the body; you just need a little practice and time.

Another way: rub the place that you have chosen to simulate a bruise with chalk, then take chocolate foil, roll it into a rough ball, rub it over the chalk and the bruise is ready. You can add a little more water and then the bruise will look more realistic.

You can make a bruise using an iodine solution, which is probably in every person’s home medicine cabinet. It's no secret that after lubricating the skin with iodine, it acquires a yellowish tint. You just need to add a little blue or purple shade to the yellow background of the skin.

You can take a little bit of any cream (for hands, face) and apply it to the area where you would like to see a bruise, and then take a silver ring and rub the area where the cream is applied. As a result of oxidation of the ring, gray stains will appear. All that remains is to use a cotton or gauze swab or even just your finger to give the artificial bruise the desired and most believable shape.

Some people make bruises using a regular box of matches. Rub the sulfur head of a match into the area chosen for the bruise. At the same time, it will not appear immediately, but it will look very believable.

You can take an iron button or an aluminum spoon, rub it with whitewash or white chalk and rub well at the place where the bruise is planned. Also, you can rub the paper with a simple pencil and then rub it, for example, under the eyes.

There is also a more pleasant method - most often, an ordinary hickey is difficult to distinguish from a bruise, so if you have a loved one or just someone who is ready to help you in this way, then it’s worth a try, but if not, then some people successfully use a regular vacuum cleaner for this purpose. It turns out not bad either. Bruising from massage is also common.

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