This thing saves me from hangovers, acne, and bags under my eyes (photo)

Laundry soap in folk medicine

If you lubricate cuts, small scratches and wounds with laundry soap, you can reduce the likelihood of infection and speed up the healing period. This remedy helps to cope with absolutely any inflammation, even gangrene, which occurs at the initial stage.

This is an excellent antiviral agent. If you have a runny nose, you need to soak cotton wool in a solution made from water and laundry soap, and then wipe your sinuses. It also helps in treating flu.

If you have fungus on your feet, you should wash the affected areas of the skin with soap and let them dry thoroughly. After this, treat the skin with iodine. To remove a fungal infection on your feet, you simply need to treat your skin with laundry soap twice a day for a week.

Cracked feet and corns will go away if you take foot baths every day for a week. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of 2 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. finely grated soap and 1 tsp. soda

Some gynecological diseases are treated with laundry soap. It is widely used in maternity hospitals in the neonatal ward, as this remedy helps get rid of various infections. In addition, the floors in the maternity hospital are washed with laundry soap.

If you apply laundry soap to the burn site and let it dry a little, then not only will there be no blisters from the burn, but also no redness.

This remedy helps in the treatment of thrush or prickly heat. Laundry soap helps kill fungi and bacteria. If you have thrush, you need to treat the vagina with laundry soap. For prickly heat, you need to treat the skin with a solution made from laundry soap.

Laundry soap helps relieve inflammation and irritation after ear piercing. To do this, you just need to take regular laundry soap, rub it, add onion juice and apply a compress to your earlobe. Then you need to wipe the earlobe with alcohol for several days. This is a very good and effective remedy that helps to effectively get rid of the existing problem.

Laundry soap helps remove swelling. You need to prepare a solution based on water and soap, and then lubricate the bruise. It is worth performing a similar procedure several times a day.

Doctors recommend washing at least twice a week using laundry soap. This will provide protection against viruses and bacteria.

Laundry soap for dark circles under the eyes – About the eyes

Hematomas often appear after bruises, strong compression of soft tissues, blows to the body or injections. Black-violet spots appear as a result of hemorrhages from burst capillaries. If the weakness of these small vessels is congenital or developed due to other diseases, the tendency to form bruises may be increased.


How to quickly get rid of a bruise

Since hematomas do not add beauty to the skin, and sometimes serve as a reminder of circumstances that we would like to forget quickly, the desire to get rid of them arises immediately.

And here both improvised and pharmaceutical products can come to the rescue.

Pharmacists have done a good job, offering a variety of gels and ointments that quickly relieve dark spots, swelling and the pain that is inevitable with severe bruises.

Pharmacy products

They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Preparations based on heparin - Trombless , Lyoton Heparin ointment . They have thrombus-absorbing and analgesic effects. Act as antiseptics and cool, reduce swelling. Such products can be used on the skin of the face. You just can’t lubricate damaged, wounded skin. In all other cases, a thin layer of the product is applied up to 5 times a day.
  • Troxevasin is an ointment with troxerutin that strengthens capillary walls. Ideal for fragility of blood vessels. As an first aid immediately after an injury, it prevents bruises from spreading and spreading on the skin. Along the way, eliminating signs of inflammation, the ointment showed itself best for large hematomas on the extremities. However, the drug often provokes an allergic response, therefore it is not recommended to apply it to exposed skin.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments - Ketoprofen and Diclofenac . Excellent pain relief and absorption. But due to the extensive list of adverse reactions, the time of their use is limited to a week. During this period, apply 3-4 times daily.
  • Preparations with natural ingredients - based on river badyagi and comfrey. As relatively harmless drugs, they are approved for the treatment of bruises in expectant mothers and children. Larkspur balm and Badyaga 911 have all the necessary properties inherent in phytotherapeutic drugs - they reduce pain and swelling. Use options include nightly application with a bandage or daytime application up to 4 times.
  • You can also find gels and ointments with leech extracts in pharmacies. For example, Bruise Off combines healing and masking qualities and is perfect for visible areas and parts of the body. Can be used for dark circles on the lower eyelids. A clear contraindication would be impaired blood clotting.

When should you start treating a hematoma?

It must be borne in mind that ointments with warming properties are never used immediately. While the bruise is just forming, they will cause even greater swelling of the bruised area. The time for drugs from the list above comes a couple of days after the injury, because their main task is to eliminate the consequences noticeable from afar.

First aid is applying cold to the affected area. Ice from the freezer or a chilled bottle of water, or a bag of any frozen food will do just fine. You just need to avoid direct contact of ice with your skin by placing at least a layer or two of thin fabric between them.

And then the cold, which constricts the blood vessels, will work to stop subcutaneous hemorrhage. If your leg is bruised, it should be placed on a raised platform. The sooner you apply cold, the smaller the hematoma will be, and the pain will go away instantly.

How to get rid of a bruise at home

Their main advantage is their naturalness, because they mainly use products and herbs. Such products work no worse than ready-made ointments and gels. And they often help out when it’s not possible to run to the pharmacy. Allergies to them do occur, but this is very rare. And every allergy sufferer already knows what foods and herbs he needs to avoid.

Bruise on the face

The facial muscles are covered in a very thin subcutaneous fat layer, which very little protects them. The looseness of facial tissues also greatly contributes to the fact that even a minor blow to the face turns into an ugly, extensive bruise. And the skin around the eyes is generally so thin that it hardly serves to protect the capillaries.


As a result, a blow to the eye ends with a black eye and such swelling that the eye simply swims and turns into a slit. Vision also temporarily deteriorates.

Time-tested remedies help fight dark circles under the eyes:

  • Onion compresses are a quick way to save a swollen eye. One procedure requires a small onion, which must be finely chopped and turned into a paste. After mixing with 15 g of soda and allowing 25 minutes to infuse, the compress mass is sent into a bag made of thin cotton fabric. Pressing it to the bruised eye, hold it for half an hour, repeating sessions up to 3 times a day. Some recipes recommend mixing onions with sugar.
  • A solution for lotions is prepared from 10 g of salt and half a glass of heated water. Gauze moistened with a saline solution is kept on the eye for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Honey is a well-known helper for hematomas. For bruises under the eyes, prepare a mixture by taking a spoonful of bee product and linseed or olive oil, 2 quail egg yolks. Wheat flour is used as a thickener. A composition similar in thickness to ointment is applied to the damaged area and washed off after 3 hours.

It is important to know the following. If the blow was to one eye, and bruises appeared under both, you should immediately rush to the emergency room or see a surgeon, since this is a sign characteristic of a broken nose.

Dark circles from lack of sleep. You don't have to get punched in the eye. Chronic overwork and lack of sleep also leave dark semicircles under the eyes. The problem is solved by restoring normal working hours and rest. But dark circles can be made almost invisible by using contrasting lotions.

Black hot tea and green tea that has been in the refrigerator are poured into two containers. Cotton pads are soaked in the solution and alternately applied to closed eyes. Cold and warm remain on the eyelids for the same period of time - 3 minutes each. The total duration of the contrast procedure is approximately a quarter of an hour.

Next, we recommend watching a video that details how to quickly remove a bruise:

Parsley massage and masks

In addition to its fresh aroma, parsley is famous for its whitening properties. But the roots of the plant work even better. A mask against dark circles is prepared from them by grinding the roots with a blender. Wash off after leaving for 10 minutes.

Cosmetic ice is often prepared from parsley. After chopping 10 g of twigs and leaves, infuse in 150 ml of boiling water. Once frozen in molds, use in the morning. Masks can be made from grated potato tuber pulp, wrapped in gauze. Hold for 10 minutes. Raw potatoes can be successfully replaced with grated radish.

Prevents the appearance of dark shadows under the eyes with a nightly massage with cotton pads soaked in green or chamomile tea, onto which you need to add a couple of drops of almond oil. Gentle rubbing strictly along the massage lines continues for 5 minutes for each eye.

Quick home medicine recipes

Among the secrets of alternative medicine there are many recipes for eliminating hematomas on any part of the body.

Accelerate the process of restoring normal skin color:

  • Indoor flower agave. The lower aloe leaf is freed from thorns, divided lengthwise into two halves and applied immediately after the bruise.
  • Potato or rice starch is diluted with water until a mass resembling thick sour cream is obtained. It is better to apply it at night, securing it with a bandage, then by the morning the bruise will noticeably lighten.
  • A mixture of grated onions and potatoes taken equally with gray laundry soap. For normal thickness, dilute slightly with water. The compress is changed every hour. By repeating several times, the hematoma is brought to an almost invisible state.
  • When you don’t have time to cook vegetables, laundry soap will help out. A generously soaped cotton pad is applied to the hematoma.
  • If bruises are common, prepare ice in advance from vodka diluted halfway with water. Then, immediately after the injury, you can begin wiping, repeating it several times. If there is no ice in stock, vodka with salt will help - half a teaspoon to half a glass.
  • You can make a mixture of a glass of vodka and a head of crushed garlic.

Bruises and bumps from injections

With prolonged treatment and after a course of injections, almost everyone gets them. In such cases, it is undesirable to use pharmaceutical ointments, since they, penetrating through the skin, multiplied by the effect of the drug administered intramuscularly, are even more likely to lead to allergies.


Therefore, it is safer to use improvised means for bruises after injections:

  • Apply a cabbage leaf lightly beaten and brushed with honey. Fresh buds disappear in a day, but neglected ones may take a week.
  • A grid of thin lines drawn with iodine. Even in hospitals they do this, updating the pattern with a cotton swab after absorbing the iodine solution. You can start the next day after the lump or hematoma appears.
  • Banana peel is applied with the inside side to the pine cones for half an hour. Excellent for hematomas from intravenous injections.
  • On the bend of the elbow, you can apply compresses from cosmetic clay, turning it into a dough by mixing with water. For better results, add a few drops of essential oil. For fresh hematomas, lavender is suitable, for old ones it is better to take rosemary.
  • Lighten bruises by smearing them with white toothpaste at night.
  • You can also make a compress at night by turning boiled beans into a puree.
  • Lotions with diluted calendula tincture, which you can probably find in your home medicine cabinet, work great.

How to disguise a bruise

Decorative cosmetics do not cure, but they help make the consequences of blows to the face less noticeable to others. Cold is first applied to the swollen areas of the bruises. The camouflage concealer is not rubbed in, but lightly pressed into the skin with your fingertips. You can use a sponge for this.

It is important to choose the right color for this camouflage product. Greenish shades are more practical when you need to hide blue. Red bruises need yellowish ones. A healing bruise becomes yellow at the border with healthy skin. Therefore, its edges are covered with a bluish or pale purple concealer.

Then the skin tone is evened out by a makeup base. To prevent transitions from appearing later, the face is completely covered with the foundation. Then transparent loose powder is spread with a brush.

Elimination of acne and boils

If an abscess appears, then you need to apply a mixture of laundry soap, sugar and onion taken in equal proportions. Onions and soap need to be grated on a coarse grater. It is recommended to apply the compress at night, securing it tightly with a bandage. In the morning, the existing wound will be completely clean.

To get rid of acne and redness on the skin, you need to grate laundry soap, beat it into a strong foam in a bowl, and then mix the solution with coarse salt in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting product to cleansed facial skin and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your face first with hot and then with cold water. The effect will become noticeable almost immediately.

How to prepare a magnesium solution and apply a compress

The instructions for the drug contain all the necessary instructions for diluting the solution for a future compress. It is also necessary to prepare additional means for applying a compression bandage to the place where the lump is located.

  • Cotton wool for impregnation with compression solution.
  • Band-Aid.
  • You can use an elastic bandage.
  • Oilcloth or cellophane to create a compress.
  • More cotton wool to place on the oilcloth, creating a greenhouse effect.
  • Bandage for dressing.

It is also convenient to use a liquid magnesia solution and soak the required amount of cotton wool with it. Remember, the wet compress should completely cover the area of ​​the hematoma. Once you have placed the soaked cotton wool on the pine cone, cover it with cellophane on top. Then you need to put more cotton wool, already dry, on the cellophane, creating additional heat. Then cover the compress with a bandage and a bandage. If a compress is applied to the baby's umbilical cord, it is better to use an elastic bandage for fixation. After all, a child’s skin is very delicate.

Popular Homeopathy in action with Discus Compositum injections

Wear the compress until it is completely dry, this should take about a couple of hours. Then you should change it. You only need to replace the soaked cotton wool with a new one, everything else can be reused. Magnesia helps with lactostasis. Breastfeeding a baby is very beneficial, because in addition to vitamins, the baby also receives the mother’s immune system. No artificial powder with various additives will provide the same protection as breast milk.

The use of laundry soap in cosmetology

To avoid the risk of infection when depilating or shaving, you don’t have to buy expensive creams and gels. It is enough only after the procedure to apply laundry soap to the skin.

It is useful to wash your face with laundry soap at least twice a week. In this case, the skin will always look young and beautiful. After washing, you just need to lubricate your skin with regular baby cream. The effect of such washing is much better than using expensive cosmetics.

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To open all the pores and wash away impurities, it is advisable to steam every week with a birch broom, which has previously been steamed in water with the addition of soap. In this case, the skin is well cleansed and literally glows from the inside.

Laundry soap helps eliminate wrinkles and cleanse the skin. This is simply an excellent home peeling. To do this, apply foam made from laundry soap to moistened skin. Then use a cotton swab soaked in calcium chloride to wipe your face with massage movements. The skin is cleansed very well. This helps you save money and not spend it on professional peelings and expensive cosmetic procedures.

How do you feel about mandatory vaccination?

  • Positively, it prevents many diseases. 61%, 2284 votes
    2284 votes 61%

    2284 votes - 61% of all votes

  • Negatively, these are all government schemes to make it easier to manage us. 25%, 939 votes

    939 votes 25%

    939 votes - 25% of all votes

  • Neutral, I don’t think it has any effect on my health. 13%, 493 votes

    493 votes 13%

    493 votes - 13% of all votes

Total votes: 3716

Voted: 3699

January 17, 2018


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If you accidentally get hit in the face

Don't be a bully, constantly getting into street fights and getting bruises on your face. Although it is considered part of the image of a bully or a sign of raising an overly harsh husband, anyone can get hurt under completely peaceful circumstances.

Stumbling and falling, getting hit by a door, a tree branch, a child's toy - it's easy to get a bruise on your face, but getting rid of it later is much more difficult. The following tools will help:

  • Badyaga powder. 2 spoons of powder should be mixed with one spoon of warm water. For sensitive skin, water can be replaced with vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is used to make lotions or simply rub it into the bruised area. Helps quickly and reliably. The cost of packaging is from 25 rubles per 5 grams.
  • Lifeguard and Lifeguard Forte. It helps even when applied several hours after injury. The ointment should be applied to the bruise in a thin layer; if there is no acute pain, rub lightly in a circular motion. Once the product is completely absorbed, you can reapply it. The blue should disappear without a trace in a couple of days. The disadvantage is a specific smell, the structure of the cream is quite oily. Cost - from 80 rubles.
  • Bruise Off. A product developed specifically for the treatment of hematomas and bruises. Quickly removes even extensive bruises thanks to the active components in the composition that activate blood and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous tissues. It is good because it has no color, odor, and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue.

Which of the listed remedies will be optimal for you – you won’t guess. Whether this or that is better for you depends on the characteristics of your skin and the severity of the injury.

What to do to make a yellowed bruise go away

It often happens that swelling and cyanosis go away immediately. The yellow spot disappears over weeks, spreading all over the face. How to quickly get rid of blue under the eye at home?

Dolobene ointment helps many people. It has a warming, absorbable effect. If you smear every one and a half to 2 hours, in 3 days everything will disappear without a trace. The average price in pharmacies is 125 rubles per package. Arnica cream is more affordable - 80 rubles per package. The cream contains extracts of mountain arnica, horse chestnut, and mumiyo, which all together help speed up resorption and prevent tissue inflammation. The cream is applied 2-3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

What do boxers advise to combat this scourge?

Boxers are people who regularly get bruises on their faces; these are the costs of the profession. They know better than others what to do if there is an annoying bruise on their face that blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.

Vladimir Klitschko advises using only medications, for example, Heparin ointment, Troxerutin ointment, etc.

But there is one precaution - the anti-bruise remedy should not be applied to open wounds. Where there are abrasions or scratches, another remedy is needed. And heparin ointment can only be applied around, on intact skin.

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