Recipes for homemade masks against bruises and bags under the eyes

The effectiveness of masks for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles and bags

The action of cosmetic masks is based on the use of active substances that are present due to the base. Fatty components are designed to enhance the effect due to closer contact with the skin

Another useful article: Getting rid of bags under the eyes with the help of the best remedies

Various substances are used as a home base: vegetables, grains, herbs, fermented milk products, fruits or herbal decoctions. The following substances are used as fats:

  • glycerol;
  • cosmetic preparations (for example, grape or peach oil);
  • fat-based vitamins;
  • using conventional products that are known to be high in fat (cream or egg yolks).

The effect of anti-wrinkle cosmetic masks for the skin near the eyes is as follows:

  1. They make the surface of the face more moist and help prevent it from drying out.
  2. They have a softening effect on facial wrinkles and help smooth them out.
  3. They help remove inflammation and help eliminate redness of the eyes.
  4. The effect of the mask is to relieve swelling and remove edema.

These products have a cosmetic effect on the skin, which is expressed in lightening and smoothing the skin around the eyes, improving the tone of not only the epidermis, but also muscle tissue.

Homemade or store-bought - how to use masks correctly

The eyes, like the area around them, are very sensitive. Therefore, eye masks for wrinkles should only be of high quality, no matter whether you choose store-bought or natural ones.

When choosing them in a store, pay attention to the composition, whether it is tested by dermatologists or not, and to the packaging.

Remember that a mask with black caviar extract cannot be cheap, so if you buy it in a store, you will acquire many chemical components that can cause irritation and allergies.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to homemade analogues, since anti-sagging eye masks prepared at home are completely natural and do not contain any harmful substances.

How they work

Anti-wrinkle masks under the eyes tone and tighten the eyelid area. Depending on age, you should give preference to different substances. For those with dry complexions and those who have just started using homemade masks, it is better to use tonic and soothing ones.

They protect it from the effects of stress, neutralizing the harmful effects of the environment. This anti-wrinkle eye mask has a liquid or gel-like consistency.

After 30 years, it is best to alternate tonic compositions with collagen ones aimed at preventing sagging skin, and after 40, give preference to comprehensive anti-aging care for the area around the eyes.

The best way to smooth out wrinkles is a protein and gelatin mask with natural vitamins and fruit puree.

Best Recipes

For girls under 30 years old, as well as those with mixed and oily face types, the following masks against wrinkles under the eyes are suitable.

With tangerine oil and cold green tea. It has an excellent tonic effect and protects the area around the eyes from premature aging. There are several recipes for such a mask.

In the classic version, you will need cold strong green tea (fresh only) and 7 drops of tangerine oil. It is enough to mix droplets with it and apply it to the eyelids using cotton pads. Then wipe the skin with warm water or natural tonic.

Another recipe for such a mask can be made using green tea with tangerine juice. To do this, just squeeze tangerine juice into cold tea and apply it to your eyelids. This recipe is suitable for toning normal and combination skin.

To improve the tonic effect, you can use orange oil or a tablespoon of orange. And for dry skin, you can wipe your eyelids with a peach slice soaked in green tea.

To restore skin tone and stimulate the production of natural collagen, masks with natural pomegranate juice and yogurt without additives are suitable.

It is suitable for any skin type, unless you are allergic to pomegranate.

Preference should be given to Azerbaijani fruits during their ripening season or Egyptian white pomegranate with black granules. For the mask, mix a tablespoon of pomegranate juice with yogurt until smooth, blot with a cotton pad and apply to the eyelids.

Leave for 30 minutes and wash off. The mask rarely causes allergies and perfectly tones the skin.

In winter, you can make eye masks with cranberry and Damask rose oil. To do this, crush a tablespoon of cranberries, remove the scales, and mix with 7 or 9 drops of Damask rose oil.

Place in a cool place for an hour until the juice almost hardens, then apply it to cotton pads. To obtain a tonic and rejuvenating effect, it is enough to hold it for 2 or 3 minutes.

This mask perfectly vitaminizes a young face and has a rejuvenating effect on aging skin. With regular use, a tightening effect is visible.

Gelatin and protein masks are effective for aging skin. Women over 40 years old are recommended to make a mask with gelatin and apricot pulp.

Learn how to make a nourishing anti-wrinkle mask from this video:

To do this, mix a small amount of fruit with ready-made gelatin, cool and apply to the face for 5 or 10 minutes. This composition restores the natural balance of collagen and tightens the eyelids.

Mask with green coffee and white tea. It tones the skin of the eyelids and activates substances that prolong youth. To do this, mix the grounds of green coffee with cold white tea and carefully apply it to your eyelids.

You need to keep the composition for 30 minutes, then rinse off. After using such a mask, the eyelid area will become more toned and soft, and with regular use, crow’s feet will become less noticeable.

Green tea with orange and grapefruit pulp. These substances have a pronounced tonic effect. To prepare the area around the eyes, cold green tea should be mixed with orange pulp and a small amount of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Apply to skin. After this, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The skin will become noticeably tighter and more hydrated.

For a mature face, you should use a combination of gelatin and lime juice. To do this, the juice of 1 lime must be mixed with a tablespoon of jelly-like gelatin dissolved in water. Keep the composition for no more than 15 minutes and then wipe the skin with a swab with a small amount of micellar water or toner.

A protein mask is also effective. To do this, mix the protein with 3 drops of peppermint oil and tea tree oil. Cool and apply to eyelids. With regular use, it significantly tones and tightens the skin, promoting the production of natural collagen.

Summer mask with fresh cucumber and Damask rose oil. A wonderful gift for aging skin that even those with a sensitive eye area will love.

To do this, grate the cucumber pulp and mix it with 10 drops of rose oil. Then apply to the skin and after half an hour it will be moisturized and velvety.

Damask rose oil has been proven to have a pronounced anti-aging effect.

Well, in the summer it’s very good to make a mask from strawberries with tea rose and jasmine petals. To do this, you need a few soft strawberries, jasmine and rose petals (1 tablespoon is enough).

If desired, you can add a few drops of almond oil, shea butter, jojoba or liquid honey to the composition. This composition perfectly moisturizes and tightens the eyelids, especially with dry skin prone to dehydration and wrinkles.

Attention: berry eye masks are made only when chilled and in the absence of allergies to citrus fruits and berries.

Do they have any contraindications?

Collagen masks should not be used for those with oily skin, as well as for various diseases of the eyelids, in order to avoid the spread of infection.

Toning masks should not be used for severe inflammation of the skin, wounds and damage. But in general, they all have a disinfectant effect, and may only have contraindications if you are allergic to citrus fruit.

Contraindications for applying masks

There are very few contraindications to the use of natural home remedies, but they must be taken into account. Here are the main ones:

  1. There may be individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition used.
  2. You should refrain from using cosmetic masks in cases where the skin around the eyes has scratches or other damage.
  3. If you have skin or vascular diseases, you should consult your doctor before using masks for the skin around the eyes.

In most cases, the use of such products is completely harmless.

To read: Methods for making patches at home

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

Puffiness under the eyes can appear for a number of reasons. Among them the most common:

  • excess salt in the body,
  • lack of sleep,
  • overwork,
  • incorrect position during sleep,
  • lack of vitamin D,
  • abuse of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages,
  • insufficient care of the skin around the eyes,
  • diseases,
  • hereditary factor.

If you eat a lot of salty foods, don't be surprised if your eyes are puffy in the morning. They arise due to the fact that as a result of excessive salt consumption, water is poorly removed from the body, which is “deposited” in the eye area. Therefore, try to limit yourself to salty foods, especially before bed. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink a lot at night.

Poor sleeping position can also cause swelling. The most “uncomfortable” position is considered to be on the side and stomach. When you sleep in such positions, fluid stagnates in the body, resulting in bags under the eyes. Abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can also cause edema.

The condition of the eyes is immediately affected by overwork, long work at the computer, lack and excess of sleep, lack of vitamin D. Therefore, for the sake of your own beauty, take care of your eyes, let them rest and regularly “nourish” them with cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, seafood, fish, creamy and vegetable oil

If you often go to bed with your makeup on, don't be surprised when you see bruising and puffiness under your eyes in the morning.

Delicate eye skin needs special care, so do not forget to carry out cleansing procedures in the evenings. For this purpose, it is better to use special makeup removers.

By eliminating the above reasons, you can protect yourself as much as possible from the appearance of swelling under the eyes. It is much more difficult with heredity and the presence of chronic diseases, the “side effects” of which are bags under the eyes. In this case, often only a visit to a cosmetologist can help. Today, plastic surgery has also proven itself to be successful. If there are no contraindications to the operation, you can get rid of bags under the eyes in a few procedures. But resorting to the surgical method of removing edema, although it is quite effective, can only be done after consulting a doctor.

Effective ways to relieve swelling

Various methods can be used to combat swelling. The following describes the most effective of them.

Medicinal drinks

By drinking medicinal tea or decoctions, you can ensure that the swelling goes away. Here are some recipes:

  1. Make an infusion of bay leaves. To do this, put five pieces in a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. To obtain a therapeutic effect, drink this infusion one tablespoon twice a day.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of dried strawberries into a glass of boiling water. Thus, the prepared tea is drunk 3-4 times throughout the day.
  3. You can prepare a homemade medicine from a mixture of nettle, St. John's wort, thyme and rose hips. The first three components will need to be taken in 20 g, the last - 100 g. You need to hold it for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. After the resulting composition has been infused for an hour, it will be ready for use. It is taken three times a day, 150 ml.

These drinks not only heal the body, but also help fight swelling around the eyes.

Home therapeutic facial massage

It is recommended to perform this procedure in the morning at home. To perform a massage to relieve swelling of the eyelids, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your face with cool water.
  2. Use an ice cube prepared with herbs to thoroughly wipe the area under the eyes.
  3. Hands must be lubricated with cream.
  4. You need to lightly pat yourself on the cheeks in order to make blood circulation more active.
  5. Make circular movements with your fingers near your eyes.
  6. Under the eyes, smoothing movements are made from the bridge of the nose towards the temples.

Another article on the same topic: Pharmacy remedies for bags under the eyes

After the procedure is completed, the dermis near the eyes and eyelids is rinsed using the contrast principle.

Homemade ice rubs

This method of treatment is based on the contrasting effects of ice and the use of effective medicinal substances. There are several effective recipes for such cubes:

  1. You can use ground coffee for this. They do it as follows. Three teaspoons of coffee are poured into a glass of boiling water. After it has steeped, you need to cool it. The liquid is then poured into ice cube trays and placed in the freezer.
  2. You can make homemade compositions using sage or linden. A teaspoon of the composition is brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour. After it cools, it is frozen in a cube mold in the freezer.

Ice cubes massage the skin around the eyes.

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