18 Useful Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes

A little anatomy

The eyeball is a rather delicate organ that is protected by adipose tissue. A thin membrane separates the tissue from the skin of the eyelids, which does not allow the fatty tissue to extend beyond the orbit.

This part of the face contains little fat under the dermis and is thin and delicate.

The lower part of the eye socket is an ideal environment for stagnation of blood and fluid.

But it is worth noting that blood collects there when there are problems with blood flow. Changes in the blood flow and vascular wall, in the composition of the blood, can be expressed in the appearance of color changes under the eyes.

The benefits of camphor oil for wrinkles and bruises around the eyes

Oil is extracted from the bark of the Japanese laurel tree. It is also called camphor tree. The oil is a thick yellow liquid with a very bright, pungent, easily recognizable odor. It is inexpensive and sold in any pharmacy.

The composition includes substances such as:

  • Camphor is the main active ingredient. Has the ability to soothe, relieve swelling, inflammation
  • Pinene – has a slight irritating effect on nerve cells, thereby activating blood and lymph flow
  • Camphene – helps other components work at full strength, promotes tissue regeneration
  • Safrol – has a strong antioxidant effect, smoothes out wrinkles on the skin, restores elasticity and tone to cells, strengthens blood vessels, helps get rid of rosacea, retains moisture in tissues
  • Limonene – has an antiseptic effect. Kills bacteria and fungi on the surface of the skin. Tightens pores, brightens
  • Phellandrene – stimulates collagen production
  • Cineole – reduces swelling
  • Bisabolol – has a soothing, healing, moisturizing effect

These substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, including the area around the eyes. The components of the oil penetrate deeply into the dermis, increase blood flow, due to which swelling goes away and cells restore elasticity. Due to the cooling effect, bruises resolve and skin color evens out.

The components of the oil penetrate deeply into the dermis and increase blood flow.

What is the difference between bags under the eyes and puffiness?

In everyday life, it is common to call swelling bags under the eyes. But from a medical point of view this is wrong.

In medicine, it is generally accepted that bags under the eyes are caused by the fact that the skin, due to age-related changes or genetic predisposition, has lost its elasticity and cannot retain fatty tissue.

And swelling under the eyes is the cause of the accumulation of excess intercellular fluid; it is most often a consequence of metabolic disorders.


There are a large number of causes for dark circles under the eyes. Most often it is lack of sleep, heredity or chronic health problems. In rare cases, injections or blows become a provoking factor.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep and fatigue accumulate and become chronic. In this case, it is enough to normalize your daily routine and get more rest. Then the problem will solve itself.


The bruise from the blow takes quite a long time to disappear. However, correctly provided first aid will help avoid its formation.


After the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin of the face, bruises under the eyes may form. They pass in a few days. Additionally, it is recommended to use ointments.

Hereditary or chronic problems

Under-eye circles can be hereditary. They arise due to the fact that the vascular network is located too close to the surface of the skin.

If blue under the eyes does not go away over a long period of time, it may indicate chronic liver or kidney disease. Over time it becomes more intense. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.

Useful video

9 effective life hacks for dark circles under the eyes:

Why do they appear

Poor nutrition: drinking before bed, lack of vitamins, drinking alcohol, which prevents fluid from leaving the body. Excess spices, salty, smoked food, which leads to swelling of the eyelids, and, as paradoxical as it sounds, lack of drinking water throughout the day. So, when there is a lack of fluid, the body begins to accumulate it and therefore swelling occurs.

It must be said that if the swelling is noticeable in the morning, and by the evening it has disappeared, then in this case it is swelling due to the accumulation of fluid.

Swelling that remains unchanged throughout the day indicates the growth of adipose tissue.

Body reaction: overwork, lack of sleep, working at a computer, driving a car. Allergic reactions to external irritants, such as cigarette smoke, wool, pollen, etc.

Due to injuries in the area of ​​the eyeball and nose. Constant stress and depression. These are all the reasons why severe swelling and bags appear in women.

Cosmetic reasons: improper use of cosmetics, which can cause allergic reactions. Excessive use and untimely withdrawal. Sleep at night with makeup - puffiness around the eyes will be guaranteed.

Incorrect application of cosmetics around the eyes, or excessive application of them to the dermis can lead to swelling of this delicate area. Beauty injections slow down the outflow of lymph and cause swelling.

Physiological: at the end of “critical days”, under the influence of estrogens, which retain fluid in the body. Pregnancy. Aging of skin and muscles, heredity. So, you've probably met people with bulging eyelids.

Take note: Black circles under the eyes are often called bruises. Capillaries are visible through the thin skin near the eyes.

There are many factors that contribute to their formation, namely:

  • heredity, physiologically the dermis around the eyes is so thin that the capillaries are visible. This occurs in young children. Thus, transillumination creates the effect of bruises,
  • constant fatigue, stress, lack of sleep,
  • dark puffiness can form due to poor nutrition or an unbalanced diet. Then, when girls and women want to lose weight quickly and eat only cabbage leaves instead of a balanced diet,
  • improper use of cosmetics,
  • constant eye fatigue &mdash, this is the scourge of an office worker, his eyes resemble a tricolor: his eyes are red, the circles around them are blue, and his face is white,
  • lack of iron in the body, then you just need to take a blood test and based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate vitamins,
  • crying can cause
  • disorders of the nervous system,
  • changes in skin pigmentation due to age-related changes,
  • metabolic disease,
  • diseases of internal organs.

Please note that if you slept well, finished dieting and had a good rest, but swelling does not go away, then you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

This may be a sign of the following ailments:

  • respiratory organs, oxygen starvation,
  • of cardio-vascular system,.
  • renal failure, bladder disease, and in men – prostatitis,
  • infection in the eyeball.

Redness and red bags around the eyes are typical for allergy sufferers. This is how the body reacts to a stimulus.

As soon as you remove the irritant and take appropriate medications, the symptoms go away very quickly. It can also appear due to viral diseases, runny nose, sinusitis, high body temperature. In this case, treatment of the underlying cause of the disease is necessary.

Root causes of dark circles under the eyes

When bruises appear, it is important not only to mask them daily, but also to find the cause. What factors provoke their appearance? Only by identifying and eliminating them can you forget about these unpleasant manifestations forever. Among the most common reasons are:

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyle. You can remove circles or dark circles under the eyes after quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, adjusting the quality of your sleep, and balancing your diet.
  2. Failure in pigmentation of the skin under the eyes. To remove this factor, it is better to visit a cosmetologist or use special masks with a whitening effect at home.
  3. Presence of hidden diseases. What diseases most often affect the formation of bruises? According to doctors, they can be provoked by diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, and cardiovascular systems. A lack or excess of vitamins in the body can also be the root cause.
  4. Frequent overwork, lack of sleep, constant presence at the computer, lack of rest. Reviews from women say that frequent stressful situations can also cause deterioration of the skin under the eyes.
  5. Thinning of the fat layer, loss of elasticity of the skin due to age-related changes.
  6. Dark circles under the eyes can be a side effect after taking medications. In such cases, you need not only to get rid of them visually, but also to inform your doctor about such consequences.
  7. An allergic reaction, which in rare cases manifests itself in the appearance of bruises under the eyes.

More about the causes of bruises in the eye area >>

Most people consider dark circles under the eyes only a cosmetic defect and are in no hurry to go to the doctor for advice. However, it is better to visit a doctor to find out the cause of their appearance, because this may indicate serious illnesses that require immediate treatment.

Yellow circles around the eyes

Yellowing can be caused by a number of reasons, both physiological and external.


  • oversaturation of the body with yellow pigment (carrots, oranges, pumpkin, etc.),
  • hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays,
  • The most common cause of yellowing of the skin is bad habits, alcohol abuse, smoking, eating before bed, excessive consumption of fats, pickles, smoked foods, constant stress, nervous strain.

There is only one way out - you need to reconsider your views, get rid of bad habits, and then not only will your yellowness disappear, but your whole body will say: “Thank you very much.”

Please note that yellowing indicates an increased level of bilirubin in the blood, and these are diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Essential oils and their uses

  • Rose hip

Rosehip oil will be an indispensable aid for those who have dry and flaky skin. One small drop can moisturize and nourish depleted skin for many hours. With continued use, the skin becomes smoother, dark circles under the eyes disappear, and elasticity increases. A nourishing mask for the entire face will be a mixture prepared from a regular night cream with the addition of a few drops of rosehip essential oil. The prepared mixture is applied to the face and around the eyes by patting with fingers or a cotton swab. Rosehip oil promotes cell regeneration.

Another reason why these bags are produced is due to poor nutrition. Lack of a healthy diet low in fruits and vegetables contributes to poor circulation and, as a result, bags. To avoid this, eat fruits and vegetables daily. Salt is not a good advisor as it helps with fluid retention which we talked about earlier.

In addition to these functions, you can use specialized cosmetic creams. The downside is that they can be expensive, so you may also want to opt for more natural solutions. One is to place cucumber slices on your closed eyes. Another solution is to use cold masks that are stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

For those with an oily face, this method of care is suitable only for the area around the eyes and lips, and not for the entire face. If you mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat bran with nettle infusion and add 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil, you will get a wonderful mask that will relieve puffiness and swelling of the eyelids and entire facial skin.

It is especially good to use rosehip oil for problem skin in winter, when the face is most exposed to external environmental influences.

Finally, if the bag motif is genetic, then you may only resort to makeup and plastic surgery. The operation performed is called blepharoplasty and is divided into two stages: liposuction and lifting. Now that you know the causes and possible treatments, get rid of the bags in your eyes!

Reasons why you may have puffy eyes

If you notice or feel that your eyes are swollen, it is because there is excess fluid in the tissues surrounding them. There may be several reasons for this. To find out which remedy or trick is right for you, you must first find out why your eyes are swollen.

Rose oil is very widely used in all cosmetology. Rose extract is added to masks for the body, hair, and facial skin. It is so valued due to its multi-component composition.

Rose essential oil has a rejuvenating effect. When applied to the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes, the skin is smoothed, facial wrinkles disappear, firmness and elasticity are restored. Age spots are easily removed. This product is perfect for those who suffer from excessive dryness. It rarely causes allergic reactions, and also relieves inflammatory processes. If you add a few drops of essential rose extract to the cream, it will help get rid of the capillary network on the face. Rose oil can relieve eye skin irritation caused by cosmetics.

Tips for preventing and treating puffy eyes

In case the cause is conjunctivitis, cellulitis or another type of infection, it is important that you go to the doctor to prevent it from getting worse. Lime, mint, green tea and chamomile are herbs that are great for these cases. They can also work well with cold refrigerator spoons or raw potato slices. In case the swelling was caused by an impact, you should cool down immediately after the accident. In this case, swelling is a prelude to a large calf. The sooner you become cold, the more likely you are to reduce your cock size. Castor oil. Castor oil is a natural remedy that works well for any type of swollen eyes. You should apply it before going to bed with gentle massages, thereby improving blood circulation and avoiding getting up the other day with fluid retention in the eyes. This trick is special after a night of heavy eating, drinking, or crying. The only thing you should consider is to close your eyes to avoid getting any oil. It is highly used in beauty treatments as it improves skin health and it is anti-aging. You can apply it with your fingers with a gentle massage or as a compress with a small amount of cotton for 10 minutes. Its refreshing effect will dull your eyes when you apply it. Diet for puffy eyes. If you overindulge in alcohol, coffee, or food, your kidneys may be warning you that something is wrong because you may not be flushing out fluids as quickly as ever. If you take a little rest, you may also suffer damage. To recover, forget about coffee, alcohol and heavy food. Choose vegetable salads, salads, infusions and natural juices, where possible with ginger. Try not to rub both eyes, this is one of the most common factors associated with eye swelling. Try to find out if you are allergic to any food, medicine or any other substance in the environment. Drink water. In any case, it is important that you drink plenty of water, this will help reduce inflammation and drain water in the area. Avoid drinks that dehydrate you, such as alcohol and coffee. Overuse of these substances can also cause bloating. Organize your day. Taking different times each day, a late dinner and subsequent sleep may still affect the swelling of your eyes. Get organized and create healthy habits. Avoid having lunch too late and try to do your digestion before bed. Choose light foods at night, the most salty or soup. Avoid salt and seasoning. Try not to eat cheeses or other salty foods at lunch. Eat simply and don't overcrowd, so digestion will be more efficient and you'll be able to sleep. Exercise your body. Improving your health depends on more than just natural remedies and food. Doing half an hour of exercise a day can greatly improve your blood circulation, which helps disinfect any part of your body. You can do the most vigorous activity, running, walking, going to the gym or playing sports.

Other More Specific Remedies for Puffy Eyes

Which of these causes of swollen eyes do you suffer from?

  • Cold compresses.
  • Apply a cold compress simply using cucumbers or wet tea bags.
  • Avoid things that cause you pain.
  • Often, puffy eyes can be resolved simply by changing your habits.
  • If you're getting very little sleep, try spending more quiet time.
  • Avoid very salty and rich foods, especially at night.
  • From a classic bag of chamomile to a slice of cucumber.

Have you noticed how many products these days contain coconut oil?

  • Neroli

Essential oils that are suitable for all skin types, including oily skin, include neroli oil. It is produced from wild orange flowers using steam distillation. It has a floral scent with a slight hint of spice, and the color ranges from colorless to light golden.

Very popular for its refreshing water and the delicacies we can prepare with it, coconut is not only about delighting our palate. Coconut can be used in a variety of ways and can provide tremendous health benefits. And it is for this reason that more and more products are appearing that use coconut in their composition. To begin to explain the benefits of this miracle, here is a list of its by-products.

Coconut oil Coconut oil Coconut milk Coconut milk Coconut milk Coconut milk Coconut milk Coconut milk. Botanically speaking, coconut is a simple dry fruit classified as coccyx. If you are a fan of coconut milk or love to eat coconut meat, we have good news for you: it is very rich in essential fatty acids for health. The type of coconut and the processing of its oil is what determines the fat composition of coconut oil.

Neroli oil has a good tonic effect and can smooth out existing crow's feet. For any problem skin it will become a source of nutrition and strength. In addition to removing bags and dark circles under the eyes, the oil regenerates the skin and promotes the rapid growth of new cells.

For people with oily skin, many essential oils are contraindicated due to their high fat content, but not neroli. Thanks to it, the face becomes less oily, pores narrow and acne marks disappear.

About 90% of coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids, with the rest being polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Healthy blood vessels resist arteriosclerosis, a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes. These unsaturated fats are found not only in coconut, but also in other healthy foods such as fish, seeds, nuts and some vegetable oils. Some examples of foods other than coconut that have good fats are salmon, trout, avocados, and olives.

Why are medium chain fatty acids so good for our health?

The medium chain fatty acids contained in these foods are of interest to scientists around the world. These are fats that travel freely through the bloodstream so that our brains use them as a source of energy and for improved neurological health. Here's a quick overview of its benefits.

Neroli oil is used both in its pure form and added to homemade masks or creams. Sometimes mixed with other means.

  • Sandalwood

Oils for facial skin that perfectly help cope with problems that arise on it and restore its natural firmness and elasticity include sandalwood oil.

Coconut oil used in baths and body

Protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. . Coconut oil also has incredible beauty benefits, especially when it comes to anti-aging. Here are some great good ways to use coconut oil.

Coconut oil for better health

Lighten Skin Spots: Apply the oil directly to the skin where there are age spots. It will leave the skin smooth and silky. You can add aromatic essential oils. In the prevention and reduction of wrinkles: go to the affected areas. Coconut oil strengthens connective tissue and helps you look younger. When healing burns, to avoid scars: apply immediately to the burn site and repeat several times a day until healing. To relieve itching from mosquito bites: Apply directly to the affected area. The oil will also help with the healing process. In the fight against certain dermatological conditions, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. Fight Stretch Marks: This won't necessarily make stretch marks disappear, but it does help nourish damaged skin. Rash Ointment: Natural and safe, coconut oil is extremely gentle on baby's delicate skin. As a moisturizer: When applied all over the body, neck and face, coconut oil does not contain water, which can dry out the skin on the outside, unlike most body lotions. Before shaving: Used as a shaving lotion, coconut oil protects the skin from gilette damage. As an eye cream: Used under the eyes and on the eyelids, coconut oil reduces puffiness, wrinkles and bags. For good tattoo retention: Use as a moisturizer to help skin damage from new tattoos and maintain the pigment of existing ones. This also reduces the chance of infection. As a face wash: Coconut oil mixed with olive oil, almonds, castor oil and avocado can be used instead of face wash. Rub the oil onto a damp surface and let it act on the skin for two minutes. Rinse and dry. To deep condition dry hair: Apply one teaspoon of coconut oil to ends of hair, working out the rest with a comb or fingers. Use your bra to care for your skin so the oil doesn't contaminate your bedding while you sleep. As a hair gel and defragmenter: Sprinkle a little coconut oil between your palms. Finger combs hair from head to ends or kneads hair. To remove makeup: Using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of coconut to makeup and wipe off thoroughly. Works well! As a sexual lubricant: Coconut is an excellent substitute for chemical lubricants. However, it is not compatible with latex. Therefore, do not use it with condoms! As a massage oil: Used as a massage oil, you will feel and smell like you are on a tropical island vacation.

  • Apply two or three times daily to scalp and massage.
  • This mixture promotes hair growth.
  • Wipe entire body and rinse well.

But the beneficiaries of coconut oil don't limit beauty, it's wonderful for overall health and well-being.
It is produced by steam distillation of sandalwood wood. Sandalwood oil for the entire face is used not only as a means of nourishing and getting rid of wrinkles. It is a good bactericidal agent, which even with inconsistent use gives good results. The skin is cleared of acne, blemishes disappear.

To care for the skin around the eyes, sandalwood oil is usually mixed with other essential oils or added to creams to enhance their positive effects on problem areas.

  • Jojoba

Not many essential oils for problem skin can boast such an ability to affect problem areas around the eyes and the entire face as jojoba oil. Due to its components, it is more like wax, but nevertheless received the name of oil. It is considered a universal remedy for preventing the development and eliminating existing wrinkles around the eyes and the entire face. Due to the fact that it contains fats very similar to human fats, its use helps reduce the production of sebaceous glands (it deceives the body). This “deception” has a beneficial effect and improves the oily type of skin.

Jojoba oil improves metabolic processes in cells, which increases their rate of growth and regeneration. Penetrates deeply into the skin. When massaged into the eyelids, it removes irritation and swelling that may arise from the negative influence of the environment. Well suited for particularly sensitive skin around the eyes. Eliminates dark circles under the eyes and improves the complexion of the entire face. Jojoba oil improves the absorption of vitamin D and protects against ultraviolet exposure to the sun. If you apply it to the areas where hair has been depilated, it will soothe and relieve inflammation. Quickly restores microcracks and abrasions that appear as a result of epilation.

It can be used either in its pure form or added to various masks or creams for body and face care.

Painting bags

Swelling that forms in the form of bloating. Indeed, it looks like the painter did a bad job somewhere and the bag inflated. This swelling is called a paint bag. This is purely a cosmetic problem. The paint bag has a clearly defined rounded lower border of connective tissue, the so-called bridge. The bridge separates the defect and the gap, and also prevents the sliding of fatty tissue.

Painting bags can be hidden with the right makeup, following the rules:

  • do not use concealer,
  • no black pencil around the eyes,
  • do not add dark tones to the lower eyelid,
  • do not focus on eyelashes, especially the lower ones,
  • focus on the eyebrow area,
  • you can emphasize the upper eyelashes a little,
  • Don't forget to apply foundation before applying makeup.

Dear women, love yourself, your reflection in the mirror, love just being beautiful. After all, puffiness and bags under the eyes do not add beauty and, as a rule, remind one of age.

Take care of your health. Try to eat less salty, fatty foods, and reduce your consumption of smoked foods. If possible, give up bad habits. Drink enough water. And most importantly, be exposed to stress and depression as little as possible.

But even if bags and swelling appear, do not despair. There are many ways to get rid of this phenomenon. This includes the use of ice, massages, herbal lotions, and face masks. In the meantime, until they pass, bags under the eyes can be disguised.

In Japan, they have developed a set of exercises that effectively remove swelling. Shiatsu therapy is based on finger pressure on certain points.

Professional procedures include lymphatic drainage. Using electrodes, you can perform electrical stimulation of the dermis. Another hardware method is pressotherapy; it removes stagnation in tissues.

There are a lot of cosmetics to combat puffiness.

Let us note an innovative approach called revitonics. This is an ideal lifting option at home, namely, a set of exercises that help get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin. At the moment, two types of revitonics can be distinguished: massage with vacuum jars and sculptural fitness. Systematic exercises will get rid of fine wrinkles, give a healthy complexion, and remove puffiness. You can learn more about revitonics in special articles and video lessons.

In the end, I would like to add, dear women, do not forget about the correct use of skin care products, do not overuse decorative cosmetics and apply makeup correctly so as not to emphasize puffiness and bags under the eyes. Always be beautiful.

How to apply camphor oil around the eyes

The oil is applied to the eyelid area and under the eyes in combination with other components. It is prohibited to use camphor ether in its pure form, because Irritation and burns may occur.

Care should be taken to ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membrane. There is no need to distribute the product over the entire eyelid. It is enough to apply a couple of drops of the finished product on the bone under the eyebrow and on the bone under the eye. This will help avoid contact with the mucous membrane, while at the same time the components penetrate the entire eyelid area and under the eyes.

To achieve results, you should use ready-made formulations regularly, because... the product has a cumulative effect.

Below are a few recipes to combat the most common problems.

Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes

To make a cream for the skin around the eyes, you can use glycerin, butter, lard, or any neutral cosmetic cream as a base.

You need to prepare the composition one time at a time. For a pea of ​​base - 2-3 drops of camphor oil.

Apply camphor oil around the eyes every night at night, using light patting movements.

Can be used as a mask. Then the cream should be applied in a thick layer for 10–15 minutes.

With regular use, the product will noticeably smooth out the skin around the eyes, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and small creases will disappear completely over time. Suitable for both young skin as a preventive measure and mature skin.

Remedy for bruises


  • quarter of a cucumber
  • 5 ml sea buckthorn oil
  • 5 drops camphor oil

Grate the cucumber and squeeze out the moisture. Add oil to the resulting liquid. Soak cotton pads in the mixture. Apply to the area under the eyes and under the eyebrow. Keep the compress for 10–15 minutes.

Cucumber water is hydrating. Camphor accelerates the blood, causing bruises to resolve. Sea buckthorn oil brightens the skin and evens out its color.

For eyelids


  • tablespoon strong green tea
  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils
  • 5 drops camphor oil

Brew loose leaf green tea. Add oil to the tea leaves and stir. Apply lotion to the area around the eyes using a cotton pad in the morning and evening after washing.

The composition helps smooth the skin of the eyelids, relieves swelling, reduces dark circles, reduces wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

For edema


  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 2 drops tea tree oil
  • 3 drops camphor oil

Bring all ingredients until smooth. Honey should be quite liquid. Apply to the area under the eyes. Wash off the mask after 10 minutes.

The essential oils in the composition actively affect the movement of lymph, accelerating it, due to which the swelling subsides. Honey removes toxins and strengthens skin cells.

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