Allergy to cosmetics in the eyes photo

Allergies to cosmetics worry a considerable number of representatives of the fair sex. Often the eyes suffer, which after applying cosmetics begin to turn red, watery, and burn. Sometimes the eyelid swells, and rashes on the skin may also occur. If a woman experiences discomfort after applying cosmetics, it is important to wash it off with water, stop using it, and visit a dermatologist.

Why is it developing?

Low quality of funds

Allergies often occur due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Counterfeits of well-known brands fall under this criterion. Mostly such products contain aggressive substances that are not intended for contact with the skin. Waterproof mascara containing black iron oxide most often provokes allergic reactions. Creams for the skin around the eyes can often cause unwanted symptoms. Manufacturers include fragrances in their composition that are not beneficial for the skin.

Overdue funds

Compliance with the conditions and shelf life of cosmetics will help avoid unwanted consequences.
Spoiled cosmetics are a powerful allergen for the body. In addition, eye allergies are also caused by foods stored in improper conditions. Because of this, cosmetic products can change their aroma, shade, and consistency. That is why when choosing cosmetics it is important to pay attention to its shelf life, as well as the conditions recommended by the manufacturer.

General condition of the body

Girls who have thin and sensitive skin and allergic reactions to various foods are most susceptible to allergies. In addition, individual intolerance to substances that are part of a particular cosmetic product can also cause unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that women with sensitive skin carefully select cosmetics and pay attention to hypoallergenic products. In addition, the following factors can increase the likelihood of developing allergic reactions:

  • change in diet;
  • abuse of spicy foods;
  • frequent intake of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • constant stress;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

Poor compatibility

Use cosmetics according to your skin type.
There are often cases where a certain product does not cause allergic reactions, but when it is combined with other products, undesirable symptoms occur. This reaction of the body is due to the oversaturation of the skin with any component. Therefore, using different brands of foundation, powder and contouring products may cause allergic reactions.

Harmful composition

Preservatives used to increase the shelf life of cosmetics can cause allergies. Based on this, doctors advise giving preference to those products that have a short shelf life. The appearance of undesirable symptoms can also be caused by various fragrances used to impart aroma to products. Allergies can be triggered by both natural and synthetic substances.

If a woman has allergic reactions to essential oils, cosmetic products containing natural ingredients are contraindicated for her.

The risk of an allergic reaction increases when using products in bright, saturated colors.
In addition, animal fats, for example, lanolin, also provoke this unpleasant condition. The possibility of allergic reactions to pigments that give color to cosmetic products cannot be ruled out. The brighter the shade of the eyeliner, the more aggressive substances it contains. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the natural composition.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Mostly when using eye cosmetics, symptoms that resemble conjunctivitis are observed. At the same time, girls complain of redness of the visual organs and increased production of tears. Mucous discharge and swelling of the mucous membrane are often observed. Patients note redness of the skin of the eyelids, a feeling of itching and burning. However, signs of allergic reactions can be observed not only in the eye area, but throughout the face. Mostly the following symptoms occur:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • dryness;
  • swelling;
  • rash;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Clinical picture

Symptoms occur in different parts of the body, depending on what exactly caused the reaction. Signs of allergies include:

  1. A burning sensation of varying degrees, which is accompanied by itching in the area of ​​the skin where the product was applied.
  2. Skin hyperemia.
  3. Swelling and dryness of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  4. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  5. The appearance of bags under the eyes as a result of swelling of the lower eyelids.
  6. Rash in the form of small blisters.
  7. An allergy to cosmetics is manifested by watery eyes and peeling of the eyelids.

Without treatment, symptoms intensify and the disease becomes aggressive. This leads to complications such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. They can become a serious threat to life and health.


Research will help determine the source of the reaction.
When a person experiences severe allergy symptoms, they should visit the hospital. If a physician suspects allergic contact dermatitis, skin testing is preferable. The suspected allergen is applied to the skin and the reaction is noted. With this, it is possible to identify products that are prohibited for use by a particular patient, as well as treatment tactics.

Treatment of allergies to cosmetics

Therapy for an allergic reaction involves stopping contact with the allergen substance. If, after applying the product, signs of allergy appear on your facial skin, you should rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Before contacting a doctor, you should take any of the antihistamines that are available in your home medicine cabinet, for example Cetrin®.

Cetrin® is a 2nd generation drug that has a long-lasting therapeutic effect. Back in 2002, it was named the most popular drug, and today confidence in Cetrin® is still at a high level3.

Rules for taking and dosage of the drug Cetrin® when symptoms of an allergic reaction appear:

  • children over 6 years old should take ½ tablet twice a day or 1 tablet once a day;
  • Adults should use 1 tablet once a day.

Patients with reduced kidney function are prescribed ½ tablet per day, and people with severe chronic renal failure need to take ½ tablet every other day.

The tablet must not be chewed. It must be washed down with 200 ml of water. Taking the drug does not depend on food intake4.

Further use of cosmetics until the causes of the reaction are clarified is contraindicated. After allergy symptoms have subsided, patch tests for allergens are taken. Based on the results, further treatment is prescribed.


  1. Novik G. Allergy. Immune system / G. Novik, A. Nikanorova. – M.: St. Petersburg, Trade and Publishing House “Amphora”, 2020. – 64 p.
  2. Cosmetology / ed. L.A Hejazi. – M.: Moscow, Italian Cosmetology, 2005. – 197 p.
  3. Vertkin A. L. Acute allergic diseases: methodological. recommendations / A.L. Vertkin, K.K. Turlubekov, A.V. Dadykina. – M.: Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Medical and Dental University” and NNPOSMP, 2005. – 24 p.
  4. Instructions for use of the medicinal product for medical use Cetrin®. – Registration number: P N013283/01.

First aid

When a person exhibits severe allergy symptoms, it is first important to cleanse the eyes and face of cosmetics and rinse the face thoroughly with running warm water. Then doctors recommend using an antihistamine. Diphenhydramine or Suprastin are suitable for these purposes. Next, it is recommended to apply cotton pads that have been previously soaked in cold water to the skin around the eyeballs. In addition, they can be moistened in a decoction of medicinal chamomile or tea. However, it is important to know for sure whether you are allergic to these products. If allergic reactions of the eyes are accompanied by deterioration in breathing, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Causes of allergic reactions

An allergy that first appears from cosmetics can be explained by a number of reasons. In order to continue to use cosmetics without fear, you should identify the true provocateur of the pathology and try to avoid it in the future. This may require a consultation with an allergist and a series of clinical and laboratory tests. This is due to the mechanism of the emergence of a chain of rejection, which can manifest itself as a result of the combined influence of external and internal factors.

If the main reason lies in the state of the body, simply refusing to use cosmetics will not be enough, and dermatitis will manifest itself in response to any other type of irritant: food, odors, animal hair, pollen, city smog.

The trouble is that allergies do not come from anywhere and do not manifest themselves in one substance. This is the result of systemic violations taking place. And in this case, even antihistamines will only remove the symptoms, but will not eliminate the deep causes of its occurrence. An anti-puffiness cream will partially relieve the problem, but will not prevent it from occurring. This is because swelling is a reaction of the skin at the cellular level, occurring for reasons and mechanisms independent of human consciousness, to protect the affected area.

How is the treatment carried out?

Topical applications will help relieve inflammation and swelling.
Initially, it is important to identify the cosmetic product that triggered the allergy and stop using it. In addition, during the entire course of therapy, doctors recommend not using any cosmetics, as they can aggravate the unwanted symptoms that have arisen. To get rid of them, patients are prescribed antiallergic medications for internal and local use. Treatment is not complete without enterosorbents, which allow you to quickly remove toxins from the body.

If we are talking about medications for external use, then patients can be prescribed the following pharmaceuticals:

  • "Dexamethasone";
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • "Elokom";
  • "Fluorocort".

The following medications are prescribed in tablet form to eliminate the symptoms of allergic reactions:

  • "Diazolin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Claritin."

What to do if your eyes water after using cosmetics

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Unpleasant manifestations of allergies in the form of swelling of the eyelids and lacrimation occur 2-3 hours after applying mascara. The mucous membrane comes into contact with dried particles. When using cosmetics repeatedly, relapses are possible. First you need to remove the product and rinse your eyes with warm, clean water. With minor intoxication, the problem will be eliminated in 15-20 minutes. If tears continue to flow for a long time, you will need to visit a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. The use of antihistamines is recommended: tavegil, citrine, suprastin.

Drops, an analogue of natural tears, have a good therapeutic effect. Promotes hydration and relieves irritation.

Often, allergy sufferers are saved by Allergodil, Cromohexal, Lecroin. All medications should be taken as prescribed by a doctor and the instructions should be read carefully before taking.

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of eye allergies, the first thing to do is to use only high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics. However, doctors recommend using them in minimal quantities. It is important to refrain from applying spoiled cosmetics, as well as obviously counterfeit products. An important preventative measure is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. It is mandatory to wash your face and hands after visiting the street. If a person has allergic reactions not only to cosmetics, a special hypoallergenic diet should be followed. In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat any diseases, since many pathologies can increase the risk of allergies to cosmetic products.

What to do if your eyelids hurt after using cosmetics

Sore eyelids are another symptom of an allergy to mascara or eye shadow. First, it is important to remove any remaining makeup with a soft swab. Apply a cooling compress. At home, you can wipe your eyelids with tea leaves. Temporarily stop using cosmetics. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

If you don’t have time to visit a specialist, you need to apply a medicinal ointment and make a compress with cucumber - a folk remedy will relieve swelling, but you should not delay going to the doctor.

It is advisable to use cosmetics recommended by ophthalmologists. Creams should be safe for the delicate skin around the eyes. You can do massages using special gels purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription from a dermatologist.

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