How to get dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep

How to fake a black eye without being declassified: tips

  1. A bruise occurs when internal bleeding occurs in the area between the nose, cheekbone and eye, and therefore this is where your makeup should be.
  2. Too much makeup looks implausible, and besides, the delicate skin of the eyelids can actually swell, but you don’t need to look for information later on how to get rid of puffiness, right?
  3. Black marks under the eyes occur when the cheekbone or forehead is injured, so it will be more realistic if a bruise is added there too.
  4. When applying an imitation bruise, use exclusively matte shadows. Shiny and iridescent ones will only spoil the whole picture.

Bruise made from pencil and shadows

The first thing that comes to mind when asked how to draw a bruise is, of course, cosmetics. Hematomas under the eye are excellent with this method. To create a bruise on the face, prepare:

  • blue shadows;
  • yellow shadows;
  • purple shadows;
  • black eyeliner pencil;
  • soft napkins.

First, draw a small circle with a pencil and start rubbing it with a napkin until you create a smoky effect. After this, apply shadows in the following order: purple, blue and finally yellow.

Chalk and foil: three steps

  • Take white chalk and foil.
  • Rub the area where the black eye is supposed to be with chalk.
  • Squeeze the foil until you form a lump and rub it over the area of ​​the suspected bruise.

You can create an artificial black eye in a variety of ways. Some may seem quite strange, but people actually use them.

Take a little cream, it’s better to take a special one for the face, apply it to the area where you want to finish, then rub the area with a silver ring. Gray stains will need to be formalized into some kind of black eye.

Another option is to use a matchbox. Rub the sulfur head of a simple match onto the selected area. The result will not appear immediately, but it will look realistic. And do it quickly.

Other ways to get rid of bruises

If you need to quickly fake dark circles under your eyes, there are several simple options that won’t take much time. One of them is the use of chalk and foil. The place of the black eye is painted with chalk. The foil is crumpled into balls and gently rubbed over the area of ​​the future bruise. The primitive imitation is ready.

Take a little rich cream and apply it to the area around the eyes. Then this place is rubbed with a silver ring. The resulting gray stains are given the shape of a bruise or create dark circles under the eyes, suggesting prolonged lack of sleep or fatigue.

Alternatively, match sulfur heads are used, which are removed from the matches to create sulfur powder. Rub it on the area chosen for the blow under the eye. The bruise will not appear immediately, but it will last a long time and look quite realistic, not much different from a small hematoma.

A bruise with streaks can be obtained in a few seconds using iodine and shadows. A cotton swab is moistened with iodine and a brown outline of the future “black eye” is created. Blue shadows are applied on top. It turns out to be a very realistic image.

A strange but effective method of creating a bluish halo is the use of aluminum spoons. Take two spoons and rub them against each other for a while. After working for a minute, wipe the desired area with a spoon where there should be darkening. The bruises look very real.

It’s even simpler - use a simple pencil lead, which is ground into powder. The gray mixture is applied to a sheet of paper and shaded at the site of the intended impact. Get the desired picture.

Ice cubes

Frozen water or herbal decoctions (dry pharmacy) will help improve the tone of blood vessels, make them elastic, and eliminate their fragility. Ice can also be made from:

  • tea leaves;
  • parsley and dill juice;
  • fresh medicinal herbs.

The periorbital area is wiped with ice every morning.

Cosmetics against bruises

Dark circles are very difficult to get rid of immediately and forever. However, this does not mean that you need to change your lifestyle. You can disguise dark circles with decorative cosmetics and feel free to go outside. For this use:

  1. Concealer. Perfectly masks dark circles and age spots under the eyes, hides skin unevenness and brightens it.
  2. Primer. Evens out skin tone, makes it uniform and fills in unevenness. Using a primer, you can even out the skin tone under your eyes with the rest of your face.
  3. Foundation powder. Powder with reflective particles perfectly disguises bruises and translucent blood vessels.
  4. Moisturizing foundation. Currently, all decorative cosmetics contain care components, which allows you to simultaneously improve the condition of the skin and care for it. Thus, modern foundation creams are presented in different forms: they can be in the form of a fluid that has a light texture, moisturizes the skin and does not clog pores. This fluid cream will perfectly hide skin irregularities and defects, as well as dark circles under the eyes. Modern BB and CC foundation creams perfectly mask unevenness and defects on the face.

Now we come to the most important thing: how to get rid of bruises under the eyes? There are different ways: cosmetics, traditional medicine methods, maintaining a proper daily routine, healthy eating and many others. It describes not only methods for getting rid of existing bruises, but also preventing their appearance: combating chronic lack of sleep and stress.

Planning your day

The main method of dealing with bags under the eyes, about which so much has already been written, has been said (perhaps even sung), and yet many people cannot do it. But without the right daily routine, it is very difficult to solve the problem of bruises from lack of sleep; other methods will only help to slightly reduce the symptoms. Try to finish all your work before 22.

00, don’t overload yourself with unnecessary work. It is worth reviewing the list of things you do every day. Perhaps something can be completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum. If it’s difficult for you to cope with household chores alone, involve other household members and let them help. This way you can free up time for sleep.

It's no secret that sleep has two phases: fast and slow. Waking up at the end of REM (shallow) sleep will feel much better than waking up during deeper non-REM sleep. There is a theory based on the fact that the sleep cycle lasts 1.5 hours. According to it, you will feel better if the duration of your sleep is a multiple of an hour and a half (for example, 6, 7.5 or 9 hours). Try setting an alarm for the morning based on these calculations.

Stress management

Stress is the enemy of sound and healthy sleep. Worries interfere with sleep and sometimes force you to wake up late at night or early in the morning, long before the alarm clock rings. To cope with chronic stress, create a pleasant ritual for yourself and perform it in the evening before going to bed. This could be reading a book for half an hour, taking a bath with fragrant essential oils, or any other calming activity that you enjoy.

A very effective way to relieve stress is auto-training. When you are already lying in bed, close your eyes and stretch your arms along your body. Breathe slowly and calmly. Feel how your body becomes heavy, as if it is filled with lead, as if all your muscles have been doing hard work for a long time and have finally relaxed.

Feel this pleasant fatigue and mentally say the phrase: “I am completely calm” several times. No thoughts should bother you at this moment. You can imagine that you are lying on the seashore and hear the sound of the surf. Auto-training is good to do not only in the evening, but also in the morning, before you get up. This doesn’t take much time – two or three minutes is enough. But classes must be systematic.

Healthy eating

In cosmetics stores you can buy special creams against dark circles. They are designed to care for the skin around the eyes and contain hyaluronic acid, which increases skin elasticity, and nutrients.

You can also use decorative cosmetics that hide skin defects: concealers, foundation, powders. They perfectly mask bruises of any origin under the eyes, but do not forget that they still cannot eliminate their original cause.

There are also cosmetic procedures that eliminate blueness under the eyes. This is the use of fillers - special injectable drugs. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is described above. Another method is mesotherapy, the introduction of nutrients under the skin using injections or a non-injection method.

Folk remedies

Perhaps the most inexpensive and safest way. To eliminate bruises, masks made from natural ingredients and even ordinary ice are used.

How to draw a black eye: step-by-step detailed instructions

The methods described before were, more correctly, “in a hurry.” Now this is a more correct and gentle method.

First, wash and dry your skin - this is a mandatory preparation so that there is no irritation on it later.

Be sure to prepare a clean palette for mixing shades.

Take a black pencil that you usually use for eye makeup. And use it to paint over the entire eyelid area, especially paying attention to the area under the eyes and near the nose. Only the end result should be a grayish skin tone, and not the color of a raven's wing!

Take a paper napkin, the site recommends using softer paper, wrap it around your finger and give the future bruise softness, smoothly shading it. The edges of the bruise should be paler - it’s more realistic.

Shadows will help make a black eye look more realistic. Choose matte ones and a shade of purple. Highlight the edges of the nose, right next to the corners of the eyes, as well as the entire area of ​​the lower eyelid and just below, with decorative cosmetics.

Next layer - take a red tone product. This could be eye shadow or even lipstick. Using a special sponge, try to imitate a scratch. It is better if there is more red in the corner of the eye, where the tear duct passes, and you can also add this shade on top of the cheekbone.

The next layer is a dark blue or dark burgundy shade. They need to emphasize the inner corner of the eye, as well as the space along the eyelid.

The final part is greenish, yellowish shades. It is better to emphasize with them the outer corner of the eye, the cheekbone, and the bruise below.

How to bruise yourself without pain

Surely, everyone has found a bruise on their body in their life, and not always clearly remembering the place and time of injury. Many people know that it can be acquired not only naturally, through a blow, but also artificially, and it is then that the logical question arises of how to give yourself a bruise, because there are also situations when this may be required. A person can give himself a painless bruise, for example, to play some role or perform on stage, or perhaps just to prank a friend and for this it is not even necessary to hit himself with something.

There are several ways to give yourself a bruise, naturally, in addition to the traditional painful acquisition. Those who want to bruise themselves will need plain paper and a pencil lead. The stylus needs to be crushed as finely as possible, and then rubbed with paper over the place where you want to bruise yourself. If it turns out to be not bright enough, then the whole procedure should be repeated again.

Another well-known method for bruising yourself requires items such as foil, previously rolled into a tight ball, and chalk. It is recommended to first carefully rub the area selected on the skin with chalk, then apply foil over it in the same way. Then everything is moistened with water and, if the skin does not seem blue enough, you need to repeat everything again. This way to bruise yourself is the fastest, but it will stay on the skin for a very short time.

The third way is to bruise yourself using paints. You will need yellow, black, blue, and burgundy or red colors and a small sponge. Having determined the location, shape and size of the future bruise, you can apply paint. The first color will be blue; it is carefully applied with a brush to the very center and carefully shaded to the edges with light movements. Yellow color is applied along the edges of the blue base and also shaded over the entire surface, both towards the edges and slightly towards the center. Burgundy will go next and should be applied to the very center, mixing with blue.

All existing “hematoma” must be shaded so that the transitions are not noticeable. If the bruise does not seem bright enough, you can add a little black paint. It should be applied with light strokes closer to the center, but for pinpoint hemorrhages, red paint will help: it must be added to the finished drawing carefully with a brush, in small strokes or dots. It is recommended to mix the paints and rub their borders with a sponge until the bruise looks satisfactory. This method takes the longest time and artistic skills and experience are important here.

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