How to make your eyes red (like you were crying)

There are situations when a woman needs to make her eyes red, as if she was crying. We won’t tell you why. In the end, each representative may have her own goals. For example, if she plays in a movie or theater.

But most often such situations are more banal and even everyday:

-Ÿ make your husband feel guilty for some kind of voluntary or involuntary offense, showing him how much you “worry”;

-Ÿ show a sensual nature when watching a touching film;

-Ÿ show your boss or work colleagues how much you worry about some failure in the office.

The main thing is the right emotional mood

Much is already clear from the title of the subtitle of this part of the article. Maybe you won’t even have to pretend that you were crying, but will actually be able to shed a tear:

-Ÿ think how strong the offense is;

-Ÿ think about how unfair they are to you;

-Ÿ feel sorry for yourself very much;

-Ÿ remember some really sad situation, for example, how you suffered in childhood when a pet died;

-Ÿ how very upset you were about the lost chance to get a well-paid job, etc.

Top 10 causes of redness


Lack of sleep, constant work at the computer, heavy strain on the eyes - all these factors affect the condition of the organ of vision.

Even in a very busy work schedule, you need to find time for eye gymnastics. Every 45-60 minutes you need to look up from the monitor or text, move your gaze left and right, change your perspective - fix the focus on something in the distance and on objects located at a distance of no further than 15 cm from you.

Sleep at least 6 hours a day.

Drops will help quickly remove redness - Visine, Systane, Floxal, Tobradex and others. But keep in mind that such drugs only relieve an unpleasant symptom, but do not eliminate the root cause of the pathology. It is recommended to use them only in isolated cases, and not as a course.

Dry eyes

An unpleasant sensation of sand or a foreign body that accompanies redness indicates dryness of the cornea. This condition occurs when the tear ducts do not produce enough secretion. Currently, there are special preparations that are conventionally called “artificial tears”. If you drip them regularly, the problem will disappear. Means for moisturizing the organ of vision: “Hypromellose”, “Oxial” and the like.


An allergic reaction to pollen, tobacco smoke, chemical odors and other irritants is often manifested by redness of the protein. If it is not possible to eliminate allergens, it is necessary to use protective devices, for example, glasses with simple lenses that fit tightly to the eye sockets, and regularly rinse the eyes with clean boiled water.

Antihistamines will also help eliminate irritation: Lorantandin, Diazolin, Claritin, Fenistil. There are also antiallergic drops: “Opatanol”, “Cromohexal”, “Allergodil”. An ophthalmologist will help you choose the optimal remedy.


The disease is provoked by the introduction of viral, bacterial or fungal flora into the conjunctival mucosa. Remedies that target the causative agent of the infection help stop a bacterial infection. Preference is given to drops containing cephalosporin and tetracycline, and sulfonamides. One of the most effective is “Ophthalmoferon”.


This disease is contagious, during which the blood vessels, cornea, and conjunctiva become inflamed. The lesions are significant - ulcerative and erosive defects may appear. The disease is caused by allergic factors, the introduction of pathogenic flora, autoimmune diseases and endocrine disorders. It is treated exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.


After a head injury, blood vessels in the eyes also burst. When the general condition returns to normal, the cosmetic defect disappears. In women, redness of the whites is observed for some time after childbirth due to excessive stress.


In its course, the disease resembles conjunctivitis, but during it it is not the conjunctiva that becomes inflamed, but the cornea.

The etiology of the inflammatory process can be different: the introduction of infection - fungi, viruses, bacteria; injuries; allergies; avitaminosis.

Amoebic keratitis occurs when the rules for using optical lenses are violated. Bacteria can be introduced if you swim in open water while wearing lenses, wash them not with a special solution, but with running water, and store them without observing aseptic requirements.

In addition to red proteins, severe pain and pain in the eyes, photophobia, and increased lacrimation appear.


More often, the episclera becomes inflamed in women over 35 years of age.

The disease can be infectious in nature or appear against the background of gout, tuberculosis, rosacea, herpes infection, measles, scarlet fever, ulcerative colitis and others.

In most cases, the disease does not require specific treatment and goes away on its own as soon as the general condition returns to normal, but in some cases it is necessary to include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid eye drops or artificial tears in the therapeutic regimen.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is pain caused by pressing on the eyelid when it is drooping.


When the iris is inflamed, only one eye turns red. There is also pain and photophobia. In severe cases, deformation of the pupil is diagnosed, the color of the iris changes, and visual acuity decreases.

The disease is provoked by infectious agents after measles, influenza, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and chlamydia, which penetrate the mucous membrane of the organ of vision. It can also be caused by rheumatoid conditions, dysfunction of the endocrine system, and autoimmune processes.

Treatment of iridocyclitis is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor - it may be necessary to prescribe corticosteroids, mydriatics, and antihistamine drops. In some cases, medications are injected into the eye area. For severe inflammation, plasmapheresis or laser therapy is used. Surgery can be used to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Non-eye diseases

If red spots on the protein appear regularly, and there are no apparent reasons for this, it is necessary to take a general blood test and be sure to determine the level of glucose in the blood. The walls of blood vessels lose elasticity due to diseases of the hematopoietic system, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hypertension due to sudden surges in pressure.

The patient may not yet be aware of his condition, but blood vessels burst regularly.

Some real advice

If you want your eyes to be just red, and this becomes noticeable even in the photo, you can do this at home. To achieve this result, certain external stimuli are necessary. Here are some of them:

  • Ÿ Try not to blink for two minutes, while using your fingers to push your eyelids apart as much as possible. It is advisable that the wind blows into your eyes - natural or from a fan;
  • Ÿ relax and rub your eyes as hard as you can for at least thirty seconds, then open your eyelids and, straining your eyes as hard as possible, look at something specific, for example, at a light bulb or at one point;
  • Ÿ try to touch the pupil with your finger. This will also be an excellent irritant, the main thing is not to poke too hard so as not to damage the cornea or pupil;
  • Ÿ take a little menthol-based Vaseline and smear it on your lower eyelid - the menthol fumes will irritate the eye and lead to the release of real tears;
  • Ÿ and, of course, onions - juicy, “evil”. It is enough just to peel the head of such a vegetable for your eyes to become “crying,” not to mention touching your eyelids with the hands with which you held the bulb.

As you can see, making red eyes at home is quite simple. And even in the photo they will look as if you recently shed tears. However, we have to warn you that you should not use red pepper or chili pepper. Of course, such methods are very effective, but remember that pepper can cause real harm to the health of the organs of vision.

Instructions on how to make red eyes on Tik Tok

You can create red eyes in TikTok directly in the application by clicking on the mask icon and choosing the one you like the most.

It is important to understand that developers are constantly releasing updates: adding new filters and removing less popular ones. Therefore, sometimes it is not possible to find an option that you used six months ago.

The best option is to save all the masks you like to “favorites” by clicking on the special checkbox.

Another option is to use third-party applications. You can make the desired changes to them, including changing the color of the iris. Let's look at the most popular programs for different operating systems.

For Android

In order to correct certain areas of the face on Android, we recommend downloading Eye Color Studio, Changer or NiceEyes. Next, you can take a photo and upload it to TikTok.

The Oscars are for you

Even if your eyes are red, don't forget to look convincing. In particular, make a sad face, speak in a quiet voice and in a tone that is characteristic of you being offended.

By the way, if you can even convince yourself personally that you are so offended that you are ready to cry, then others will believe you. Not to mention that such a condition can provoke real tears.

How to make your eyes bigger - playing with light

This is the most common method, which involves staining the lower mucous membrane of the eye and the inner corner of the eyes. Thus, the eyes look more open and bright. Makeup artists advise using not a white pencil, but light shades of beige or pink. If you apply black colors to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, then on the contrary, it will make your eyes narrower. If you are used to tinting the lower part of the eyelid black, then do it along the lash line.

This method will also help you visually enlarge your eyes, the main thing is to study well where to apply the highlights. Buy a cream pencil or concealer in light shades. To visually enlarge your eyes, you need to highlight the area under the eyebrow, apply concealer to the center of the upper eyelid and in the corner of the eye. Don't forget to use a soft brush to blend your makeup to make it look more natural.

An accessory such as liquid eyeliner can not only highlight the beauty of your eyes, but also change their shape. If you have a narrow eye shape, then you can widen it slightly using the correct lines, which in this case should be as thin as possible and barely noticeable at the inner part of the eye and thicken towards the outer part.

Highlighting the corners of the eye is one of the most favorite techniques among makeup artists. To make your eyes appear further apart, simply apply a light shade of eyeshadow to the inner corner of your eye. You can use both matte and glitter shadows, or a creamy beige pencil.

Some precautions

In an effort to make your eyes look red, read the following “safety” tips:

-Ÿ trying to provoke lacrimation, you should not look at the sun, especially bright summer, as this can cause irreparable damage to the organs of vision;

-Ÿ provoking the release of tears, do not think about the death of a loved one, especially one who is currently alive;

-Ÿ do you want to apply menthol Vaseline or onion? Then be careful - do not get the irritating substance or juice on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision;

-Ÿ When trying to squeeze out tears, do not strain your facial muscles, but, on the contrary, try to relax them.


As in any business, the main thing is caution. In pursuit of red eyes, you can cause serious harm to the most vulnerable organ. Follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not try to achieve the desired state with sunlight. Bright rays of the sun can cause irreparable damage to vision.
  2. Try not to provoke lacrimation with thoughts about the upcoming misfortune or death of a loved one (especially a living one).
  3. If you decide to use onion or Vaseline with menthol, do not apply the component to the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  4. Muscle tension will not provide the desired effect. So try to relax.

Reasons why eye color changes

A woman often wants to make her man worry about the fact that he made her suffer. Sometimes a girl tries to show sensuality to a complete stranger in a new company. Melodramas are mostly watched because of strong emotions. If you show your manager that the problem has upset you very much, you can avoid a conflict situation.

Ordinary emotions can cause tears. After tears, the organs of vision always turn red, and there is no need for staging for them. It won't hurt to practice again:

  • you need to stand in front of the mirror;
  • remember the worst grievance;
  • looking at yourself in the mirror, you need to repeat that the attitude is unfair;
  • It’s better to feel sorry for yourself once again, so it won’t hurt to remember bad incidents or a movie with tragic passages;
  • all the bad attempts and those that turned out unsuccessful must be remembered and scrolled through in your head.

If the effect of the technique is poor, it is better to take radical methods that will help make red eyes.

Get angry

How to make your eyes red for a long time? You don't have to be sad to cry. Irritation, strong anger - all this also provides the necessary effect. Especially if these emotions are directly related to loved ones.

You can remember all the difficulties and obstacles you had to face in the past. For example, think about the fate of a relative who harms himself with his behavior and does not listen to good advice. Or recall the machinations of competitors who did not allow you to get a long-awaited promotion.

Red eyes without harm to health

Using makeup - cosmetics can easily turn the organs of vision red, and also negatively affect the eyelids and make them swollen. After using cosmetics, the face will look as if the person has been crying for a long time. Using this method, you can irritate the eye membrane. This method is one of the most effective and efficient; in addition, the eyes are not seriously damaged.

For redness, you need to use a red pencil and outline the eyelid around the eyes. Use dark shadows or lip pencil to darken the skin. The method is used if the skin is not sensitive. Use cotton pads to lightly rub the points that are previously made on the eyelids, below and above. The result is a slight reddening effect. The red dots need to be so that they are hard to see.

Tear stick

Actors often use a remedy that causes redness in the organ of vision. One of the items is a Tear stick. In production it resembles a semi-solid rod, sometimes it looks like a menthol gel. The appearance of the case is made like a woman's lipstick.

Apply the product to the skin around the eyes. This component irritates the eyes, and tears begin to flow. The main ingredient that causes lacrimation is menthol. When using a component that contains a mint scent, you must follow several important rules:

  1. The product is used in small quantities, otherwise it will cause excessive lacrimation and it will be impossible to open the organs of vision.
  2. To get a strong effect, you need to treat the entire inner surface of the nostrils with menthol; in addition to redness of the eyes, this method will cause a runny nose.
  3. The organs of vision should not be exposed to strong effects of menthol.
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