Homeopathic remedies used for eye diseases

How does homeopathy work?

The advantage of using highly diluted natural ingredients is the complete absence of side effects and contraindications. An alternative technique can be used to treat children from 2-3 years of age.

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic remedies is based on the theory that a minimal amount of natural substances that cause symptoms of eye diseases can cure the pathology. The principle of treating like with like does not cause deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike taking tableted official medications. The concentration of hazardous substances in homeopathic remedies is minimal - 6 or 10-fold dilution in water, so the drugs are indicated for any age group.

Dry eyes

The feeling of dry eyes, although not a dangerous condition, is very unpleasant. Dryness can be associated not only with certain conditions of the organs of vision, but also be a symptom of other pathologies of the body. There may be redness, burning, and a burning sensation in the eyes. This condition is called dry eye syndrome.

Causes of dry eyes

First, a few words about how to moisturize your eyes. The outer transparent layer of the anterior surface of the eyeball is the cornea. It is covered with a tear film, which keeps the eye moist.

The tear film has 3 layers: lipid, which protects it from rapid evaporation and drying out, ensuring good gliding of the upper eyelid; watery, washing away foreign bodies, providing nutrition; mucin, in contact with the sclera and connecting the tear film to it.

About every 10 seconds, the tear film breaks, exposing the cornea. This irritates the receptors and serves as a signal to blink, which restores the integrity of the tear film.

If dryness occurs, friction between the inner surface of the eyelid and the cornea increases, leading to inflammation. A viral or bacterial infection may join this process.

Dry eyes can occur if the amount of tear fluid decreases or the characteristics of the tear fluid change, reducing the stability of the tear film. This may be a consequence of diseases of the body, have a local nature, or be provoked by external factors.

With age, the composition of tear fluid changes. The sebaceous glands located near the eyelashes do not have time to produce fatty secretions, and the evaporation of the watery layer of tear fluid accelerates.

Photo 1: Dry eyes are common during pregnancy. The reasons for this have not yet been fully elucidated. It is assumed that this is due to hormonal changes. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

Dryness and pain in the eyes

Dryness is often accompanied by pain in the eyes, when the patient feels as if there is sand in the eyes. This condition is often caused by certain diseases:

  • eyes and eyelids (conjunctivitis; blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids; demodicosis - a disease caused by microscopic mites that have settled in the hair follicles of the eyelashes).
  • astigmatism (decreased vision clarity)
  • demodicosis (a disease caused by subcutaneous mites)
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • endocrine (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies);
  • autoimmune (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's disease);
  • hematopoietic system (tumors, anemia);
  • dermatological (ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis);
  • infectious (tuberculosis, HIV, cholera).

Dry and red eyes

  1. Allergies. A person feels the presence of sand in the eyes, they become red, swollen, and itching is possible.
  2. A condition characterized by incomplete closure of the eyelids, which causes the tear film to dry out.
  3. Decreased corneal sensitivity.
    At the same time, despite the rupture of the tear film, the necessary signal does not reach the brain, and the person does not blink.
  4. Untimely outflow of tear fluid. If for some reason it is not removed, bacteria develop in it, which leads to inflammation and then dry eyes.
  5. Long-term use of certain medications can reduce tear production. These drugs include: antidepressants; contraceptives; eye drops containing glucocorticosteroids and preservatives; cold sprays; antiallergic and antihypertensive drugs.

Dryness and redness in the eyes can also be caused by:

  • Increased visual tension (computer, TV, reading). This reduces the frequency of blinking.
  • Lack of sleep. Sleep less than 7-8 hours a day.
  • Low air humidity (climatic factor, use of heaters, specific working conditions).
  • High temperature (hot climate, working conditions).
  • Constant air movement (wind, fans, air conditioners).
  • Irritating factors (dust, low-quality cosmetics or excessive use of even high-quality products, allergens, sun, cold).

Photo 2: Using poor quality contact lenses can also cause dry eyes. Source: flickr (Marcoeyes).

Dos and Don'ts

It is necessary to minimize the effect of factors contributing to the appearance of the syndrome. When working at a computer, you need to take breaks, close your eyes, giving them rest. When operating a fan or air conditioner, make sure that the air flow is not directed towards your face. Protect your eyes with sunglasses.

To humidify the premises, it is enough to place small containers of water. Use only high-quality cosmetics and do not abuse them. If you use contact lenses, you need to choose proven brands.

Carefully comply with all requirements for storage, duration of wearing, and hygienic requirements for using the product.

If an irritating factor is known, efforts should be made to eliminate it.

Pharmacies offer a variety of medications to help cope with the problem. One of the most common is artificial tears. Many office workers assign them to themselves. The most reasonable thing in this case is to seek advice from an ophthalmologist.


To alleviate the condition, you can wash your eyes or make compresses from herbal decoctions.

If there are diseases whose symptoms are dry eyes, attention should be paid to their treatment.

If the cause is not eliminated and the problem is not addressed, the consequences can be very serious, including blindness.

Efficacy of drugs

The natural composition of the preparations has a gentle effect on tired, irritated eyes.
Official medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of an alternative technique in the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies, but, according to patient reviews, homeopathic remedies are effective for inflammation and swelling of the eyes. With regular use, the following improvements are noted on days 2-3:

  • relief of spasms;
  • acceleration of blood flow;
  • relaxation of muscle fibers;
  • normalization of photosensitivity;
  • improvement of trophic processes;
  • disappearance of eyelid redness;
  • relief of itching, burning and pain.

Homeopathy for cataracts

This is a widespread disease in mature and elderly people. The lens gradually becomes dull, its refractive power is impaired and vision deteriorates. When the lens becomes completely opaque, it is removed surgically, replacing it with a prosthesis. This procedure has already become routine and is performed in ophthalmology departments several times a day.

If cataracts are detected at an early stage, then with the help of homeopathic medicines it can be completely cured or the progression of the disease can be significantly slowed down.

Sulfur . 200 or higher Potency should be given once every week or even once every 2 weeks. This medicine is suitable if the patient has ever had a skin disease and it has been successfully treated. This medicine is successfully used in cases where cataracts appear in the right eye and then in the left eye.

Phosphorus . Blurred and dim vision, black spots before the eyes. The patient sees better by shielding his eyes with his hands or a sheet of paper. The patient sees a green halo around the light source. The drug is given in high potency at long intervals.

Calcarea Fluor 6 x or 12 x . This is the main medicine. It must be used continuously in a dosage of 4-5 tablets 2 times a day every day for several months.

Causticum . The patient often wants to rub his eyes. Black dots and spots appear before his eyes.

Lycopodium . It is used very successfully in cases where cataracts are accompanied by delayed menstruation or prolonged fever.

Natrum Mur., Sepia, Silicea, Euphrasia and Pulsatilla are used as additional remedies. Treatment should be continued for at least 6 to 12 months. Succum Cineraria Maritima – 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day should be dripped into the eyes.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use homeopathic remedies for negative conditions of the visual organs, such as:

The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract and glaucoma;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • chalazion and stye;
  • inflammation and redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • strabismus;
  • retinopathy;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • myopia and hypermetropia;
  • red eye color.

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Homeopathic medicines for eyes

Treatment for inflammation

It is recommended to use the following remedies for redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin, which are presented in the table:

DiseaseNameType of productDosage, days.Characteristic signs
BlepharitisGamma ProxLiquid for instillation2-4 dropsEye watering
Severe tissue swelling
Gamma Echinacea2 dropsPain syndrome
Adeps Suillus NosodeInjection5 ml
Scale formation
"Belladonna"Granules5-8 pcs.Strong photosensitivity
Pain syndrome
ConjunctivitisAcute inflammatory process
Increased tear production
"Aconite"4-8 pcs.Discharge from the eyes
"Arsenic"Capsules5-8 pcs.Formation of pus
Vita Ribes
KeratitisGamma Oticol collirioLiquid for instillation2-4 dropsVeil before my eyes
Cutting and burning
Sharp pain when pressed
"Gepar sulfur"2 dropsRipe barley
Purulent discharge
BioAr pomataOintment1 timeForeign body sensation
Increased tear production
Gamma AspecificLiquid for instillation4-5 dropsComing pain

Myopia and hypermetropia

If your eyes itch, it is recommended to use the homeopathic drug "Arsenic" up to 8 granules per day. together with Gepar Sulfur in a standard dosage.

Treatment of myopia with homeopathy should be carried out within 2-3 weeks. For visual impairment, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy using the following medications:

Ophthalmological pathologyDrug nameRelease formHow to use?Signs
MyopiaVita DegCapsules4-6 pcs.Blurred outlines of objects
Severe deterioration of visual abilities
Vita Mirtilo5-8 pcs.
"Pulsatilla"Ampoules2.2 mlIncreased sensitivity
Frequent production of tears
"Physostigma venenosum"Acute pain syndrome
Swelling of the eyelids
Blurred vision
"Carbo vegitabilis"Granules5-6 pcs.Deterioration of visual abilities after overexertion
StrabismusGamma BiopaxCapsules6-8 pcs.Dizziness
Gamma CalciumComplete or severe limitation of eye mobility
Doubling of objects
Gamma DifensotiLiquid for instillation3-4 drops
Deterioration of eye mobility
Gamma Otictal fialeHeadache
Farsightedness"Argentum nitricum"Granules6-8 pcs.Redness of blood vessels
Calcarea carbonicaCapsules5-7 pcsObject blur
Silicea terraLiquid for instillation2-3 dropsMigraine

Glaucoma and cataracts

The product will relieve tension in the eye muscles.
For progressive eye diseases, a weaker dilution of the active substances in water is indicated. The first improvements should appear on 2-3 days of use. If no positive results are observed, another drug should be chosen. The most effective homeopathic remedies are presented in the table:

Ophthalmological pathologyDrug nameWhat is it produced in?How to apply per day?Symptoms
GlaucomaBiocircoli fialeLiquid for instillation3-4 dropsMigraine
Vomiting during attacks
Frequent nausea
Vita MirtiloCapsules8-10 pcs.Photosensitivity disorder
Vessel swelling
Sudden deterioration of vision
Gamma BionefLiquid for instillation3-4 drops
Pupil dilation
Gamma ProxA sharp decrease in visual abilities
CataractVita CCapsules8 pcs.Veil before my eyes
Vita Sel
Deterioration of vision
CitrooticalInjections2 ml
Gamma DifensotiLiquid for instillation3-4 dropsBlurred vision
Oticatal1-2 drops

For eye fatigue, “Staphysagria” is recommended, which should be taken when severe burning and itching occurs. Dosages depend on the physiological parameters of the patient and a history of concomitant pathologies of the visual organs.

If partial or complete clouding of the lens of the eye is associated with thrombosis, it is recommended to take Phosphorus. You can combine homeopathic remedies only under the supervision of a homeopath, since some components, when interacting, cause nausea, vomiting and blood pressure disorders.

Treatment of dry eye syndrome with homeopathy

I found a homeopathic remedy. Just for those whose eyes hurt from smartphones and computers.

What's in it?


Arnica C3, Arnica C6, Arnica C30, Myrtillus D3, Myrtillus C6, Myrtillus C30, Natrium muriaticum C 30, Ruta C30, Euphrasia C30, Jaborandi C30.


(Arnica). It affects the vascular system, nerves, brain and spinal cord, and muscle tissue. Arnica is indicated for pathologies that are the result of both recent and long-standing injuries. All types of injuries; bruises, wounds, bruises, hemorrhages. Various bleedings.

Diseases of the arterial and venous systems. Eye diseases, especially those resulting from injuries and overexertion. It is used after operations to remove the lens and other surgical interventions. Soreness in the eyes after intense visual work.

Diplopia of traumatic origin, paralysis of the eye muscles, retinal hemorrhages. Arnica is one of the main homeopathic remedies for retinal detachment, especially in the initial stage (before the onset of degenerative changes in the detached retina).

Arnica improves blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the eye.

Computers. Tired eyes


(Myrtillus). Used for inflammatory diseases. Decreased visual acuity. Tired eyes. Myrtillus (blueberry) improves vision at dusk and at night. Has a beneficial effect on diabetes.

Smartphones. Eyes are tired

Natrium muriaticum

(Natrium muriaticum). The diseases for which Natrium muriaticum is indicated are based on profound general disorders, imbalance of water-salt metabolism in the body, changes in all types of secretions, and disturbances in the circulatory system. Characterized by weakness of the muscles of the whole body; asthenia, exhaustion.

Natrium muriaticum has a significant effect on various parts of the eye, especially the eye muscles. Clearly expressed asthenopia with weakness of the internal rectus muscles of the eye, the ciliary muscle of the eye. Strabismus as a result of muscular asthenopia. Violation of accommodation. Heaviness, spasms of the eyelids. Fatigue, eye strain.

Decreased vision when reading, writing, or looking at objects at close range; small details “blur”, letters and lines “fog” and merge. Sparks, burning, stinging, aching pain in the eyes. Pain in the eyes when staring, from eye movement, from visual strain, when reading, writing.

Headaches caused by eye strain. Myopia. Farsightedness. Double vision. Weakness, loss of vision. Photophobia. Dryness of the mucous membranes or, conversely, moisture with copious corrosive secretions. Tearing in the wind, in the open air.

Inflammatory diseases; sharp burning pain, feeling like sand under the eyelids; acrid, irritating tears; swelling of the eyelids, conjunctiva. Formation of ulcers on the cornea. Stricture of the lacrimal ducts with suppuration. Inflammation of the iris.

Since sodium chloride is contained in all physiological fluids of the body, especially in various aqueous humors of the eye and the lens, Natrium muriaticum (homeopathic sodium chloride) is also used for clouding of the lens and cataracts.

Computer screen. Smartphones. Eyes hurt


(Ruta). Eye diseases. Overfatigue of the eye muscles. Weakness, paralysis of the eye muscles (internal rectus, ciliary). Spasms of the ciliary muscles. Asthenopia. Violation of accommodation. Weakened vision. Myopia. Amblyopia. Deterioration of vision due to eye strain, especially from small, delicate work; when reading, sewing Feeling of eye fatigue; jumping dots, spots or shadows before your eyes.

Eye fatigue followed by headache; pressure above the eyebrows. The eyes are red, hot, with a burning sensation and pressing pain when sewing, reading small print, etc. Sensation of bruising of the cartilages of the eyelids. Pain in the eyes in the evening with eye strain. Cloudy, hazy, indistinct, fuzzy vision; objects seem shrouded in fog, letters merge. Eyes water in the evening, in the open air.

Tired eyes


(Euphrasia). Eye diseases. Scrofulous eye lesions. Catarrhal or traumatic conjunctivitis. Arthritic inflammation of the eyes (with gout and rheumatism). Iritis. Keratitis; corneal clouding. Itching in the eyes, burning in the eyelids, redness. Burning, stitching, cutting pain, sensation of sand; secretion of mucus and pus. Copious, acrid, irritating lacrimation. Photophobia.

How to restore vision


(Jaborandi). The main active ingredient of Jaborandi (leaves collected from various species of the Pilocarpus plant) is pilocarpine. Homeopathic dilutions of Yaborandi are used for visual impairment.

Weakened vision; spasmodic pain in the eyes when straining, when reading, with dizziness and nausea; fuzzy, blurry vision. Asthenopia; spasm of accommodation. Myopia (myopia). Cataract. Strabismus.

Here is a link to the manufacturer's website


This is in Pyatigorsk. Unfortunately, medications are not sent by mail.

What to do when you want to buy such a drug?

Write down the composition in a list:

Source: https://eltransteh.ru/lechenie-sindroma-suhogo-glaza-gomeopathyj/

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