Exposing eye drops “Aloe extract according to Fedorov”

A product based on herbal and natural components to improve the condition of the eyes in various diseases: cataracts, visual impairment, inflammatory and degenerative processes, primary glaucoma.

It is not a drug, so it is used only as an addition to the main treatment.

Approved for use in adults and children over 12 years of age, recommended for diabetes. During lactation and pregnancy, use is possible after consultation with a specialist; no studies have been carried out on this category of people.

The product is safe. After instillation, allergic manifestations and signs of individual intolerance are possible. Sold without a doctor's prescription in online stores and health centers.

Indications for use

The drug eliminates inflammatory processes, stimulates tissue healing processes, and has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect. Additionally, it stops and prevents pathological processes: darkening of the lens, vitreous body and cornea, metabolic disorders in eye tissues.

Indications for use:

  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the eye (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iritis, keratitis, barley);
  • myopia, farsightedness;
  • in complex therapy for the initial stage of glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • symptoms of dry eye syndrome, overstrain and fatigue of the organ of vision;
  • diabetic and other types of retinopathy;
  • dystrophic changes in the retina of the eye, of a central and peripheral nature.

The product is not a drug and cannot be used as the main treatment for eye diseases. It can only be used as an adjuvant to the main treatment.

How to use

For medicinal purposes, the juice from the succulent leaves, as well as parts of the stem, is mainly used. From 10–15 species of a huge genus of this plant, juice is squeezed out using a press. The juice is used both fresh and evaporated. In pharmacology, the use of aloe oil in the form of ointments, syrups, and gels is widespread.

During treatment, we pay special attention to the following aspects:

  • the age of the plant must exceed three years (the older, the more useful substances accumulate in the leaves);
  • before cutting the leaves, do not water the agave for 2 weeks;
  • place the cut leaves in a bag and keep in the refrigerator for 10–14 days (during this time, due to extreme conditions, the leaves are able to accumulate biostimulants, which are enhanced by exposure to cold).

We offer several simple ways to prepare eye drops yourself.

Recipe No. 1

Use as lotions and rubs.

During the treatment of ophthalmic inflammatory processes, only freshly prepared pulp from the leaves is used, which is obtained by grinding with a blender or meat grinder. Afterwards it must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:5. Cover the resulting aqueous solution with gauze and leave for 1 hour. Next, boil for another 1 hour, then let cool and strain through double gauze.

Moisten a cotton swab with warm infusion and, lightly squeezing it, apply it to your eyelids as a lotion. You should wipe your eyes from the temple to the nose, changing the cotton swab each time to avoid infection. The procedure can be repeated 5-6 times. Store in the refrigerator and reheat before use.

Very often, patients wonder whether it is possible to drip aloe into the eyes. Find out the answer in the next recipe.

Recipe No. 2

Using aloe and honey as eye drops.

After the leaf has been in the refrigerator, it must be thoroughly rinsed with boiled water, wiped dry with a napkin and then squeezed out the juice. Be sure to dilute the resulting juice. Under no circumstances should undiluted juice be used when instilled into the eyes. The proportion should be 1:3.

Prepare in advance a small container with a lid for storing drops in it. Take 20 ml of water into it, add 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice strained through cheesecloth and 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Stir well, cover and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. The drops are ready, you need to drop 1-2 drops into your eyes.

Recipe No. 3

A well-known folk recipe that can be easily made at home. You will need aloe and honey. For the eyes, both of these ingredients are extremely beneficial and can increase the level of vitality of the human body.

Grind several (4-5 pieces) small aloe stems in a blender and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Close and leave for 24 hours. Then the infusion should be filtered and added 2 tbsp. l. honey Apply 3 times a day, 1 drop in each eye.


Aloe extract made using a special method of Academician Filatov
Bee Honey
Polysaccharide Acemannan
Silver ions to enrich aloe extract
Minerals, trace elements, vitamins

Aloe extract has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Using special technology, it is enriched with silver ions, which have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. In addition, the drug is a source of useful microelements that have a positive effect on the organ of vision.

The concentration of beneficial substances included in the Aloe Extract according to Filatov is not disclosed by the developer institute.

Preparation of eye drops with aloe

To make your own eye drops with aloe, you need to pay attention to the following important factors:

  • the plant should not be younger than three years old;
  • only leaves that grow from below are used;
  • By stimulating the production of biostimulants, you can achieve better effectiveness from the resulting product. To do this, the leaves are washed, dried, wrapped in a paper napkin and placed in the refrigerator for fifteen days. Cold applied to the plant will cause it to turn black. This will indicate that biogenic stimulants and other beneficial substances have been produced.

When preparing drops, you need to ensure sterile conditions. This will help reduce the risk of infection in the eye area, as well as complications.

Before extracting the juice, the leaves of the plant must be washed with hot boiled water and the dishes must be sterilized

Taking the aloe out of the refrigerator, cut off the prickly part, after which the leaf is ground in a meat grinder and, placing the resulting mass in cheesecloth, the juice is squeezed out. It is practically not used undiluted. Basically, aloe juice is diluted with water or mixed with other components of plant or natural origin. You can also make compresses from plant pulp ground in a blender or meat grinder.

People suffering from conjunctivitis are recommended to apply cotton pads soaked in agave juice for fifteen minutes. For each procedure, you need to use a new cotton swab to prevent infection from getting into your eyes.


The product has no direct analogues. A similar effect (slowing down pathological processes, helping in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, eye fatigue) is observed in the following drugs:

  • Oftan Katahrom;
  • Quinax (the drug has been discontinued);
  • Taufon and Taurine;
  • Aloe extract according to Fedorov (not sold in pharmacies);
  • Catalin;
  • Vita-iodurol;
  • Cytochrome C.

Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, similar to aloe extract according to Filatov:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Sulfacyl Sodium;
  • Normax;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Vitabact.

Use of the extract in gynecology

To solve problems with the female reproductive system, experts prescribe the drug in liquid form for injection. Complex therapy is carried out in combination with other drugs.

Cervical erosion Infertility Ovarian cyst Viral (herpetic) infections Prevention of adhesions

Intramuscularly 1 ml. The procedure is carried out every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 ml. It is allowed to additionally insert cotton swabs soaked in the extract.
It is better to use in conjunction with hormones. Injections are given 1 ml per day every 2 days. A course of 10-15 procedures.
Give 0.5 ml once a day. Duration - 15 times.
Prescribed along with antibiotics and physiotherapy. 1 ampoule is placed per day, treatment time is 10-15 sessions.
Used in combination with other drugs and physiotherapy, 1 ml every other day. The course of procedures is 15.

Treatment with the substance during menstruation is prohibited. It is worth waiting and continuing to use the drug. This is due to the fact that the herbal product improves blood flow to the pelvic organs and provokes long and heavy periods.

Shelf life and storage

The expiration date is indicated on the packaging. From the moment of opening, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the bottle: avoid touching the eye mucosa with the pipette, any surfaces, or contact with decorative cosmetics.

Storage conditions: dark place, inaccessible to sunlight, at room temperature.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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How to choose honey

You need to be careful when choosing honey, because correctly selected ingredients are the key to success. It is best to purchase nectar from people you know well, as it must be natural and of high quality. Under no circumstances should you use honey from supermarkets!

Honey without impurities can be of different shades, depending on the variety: amber, light yellow, brown. The main point is that in any case it should be transparent, but not cloudy.

Also, there should be no sediment in honey. High-quality, mature nectar, rich in beneficial properties, stretches behind the spoon as a continuous thread and falls in waves, and its consistency is such that it is easily absorbed into the skin.


Take 1 tsp. honey and drop iodine into it Honey turned blueHoney was diluted with starch for thickness
Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in room temperature water Precipitation has fallenHoney contains impurities
Apply a drop of honey to paperThe paper is very wetHoney is not ripe

Note! Regardless of how you use it, real honey always burns your eyes! Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and gradually accustom yourself to this.

pharmachologic effect

The herbal product is created on the basis of natural aloe extract, ascorbic acid, bee honey, adenosine and other valuable substances. The liquid for eye drops is sterile and completely transparent.

The drug has a complex effect on the visual system:

  • Improves metabolism in eye tissues, saturates them with nutrients.
  • Relieves inflammation and swelling.
  • Protects the organs of vision from damage by bacteria, viruses, fungi.
  • Activates microcirculation and regeneration.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and causes them to expand.
  • Provides antioxidant effect.
  • Reduces the risk of hemorrhage.
  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyeballs.

Thanks to the silver ions included in the medicine, a pronounced disinfecting effect is ensured, various pathogenic microorganisms that can harm the visual apparatus are destroyed. Other ingredients of the drug accelerate cell recovery and strengthen local immunity.

Causes of poor vision

If you want to work on your visual acuity on your own, it is recommended to give up bad habits, get more rest and protect yourself from stressful situations. It is necessary to eat foods that have a positive effect on vision and contain a sufficient amount of useful elements.

Simple eye exercises, which can be done during breaks between work or study, have a beneficial effect. There are many folk remedies for vision that you can turn to to solve the problem. Ingredients such as green tea, ginger, carrots, etc. have proven themselves well for preparing drops, compresses and oral administration.

ElementBenefitWhere is
AnthocyaninsStrengthen blood vessels and improve their permeability, protect membranes from damageDark berries, cherry
TaurineParticipates in photosignal conduction, regenerates tissuesSeafood, pork, beef, chicken, eggs, milk
Vitamin AStrengthens the retina, helps to correctly perceive information, protects against infectionsShrimp, salmon, spinach, carrots, tomatoes
Vitamin CNormalizes the removal of eye fluid, increases the elasticity of blood vesselsCitrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, strawberries
Vitamin EPrevents exposure to UV rays, slows down age-related changesPeas, parsley, vegetable oil, wheat germ
ZincNourishes the lens and protects against agingCocoa, peanuts, beef, pumpkin seeds
Omega-3Moisturizes the cornea, prevents cataractsSea fish, seeds, nuts, flaxseed oil
CopperProtects against inflammation, participates in collagen bindingAvocado, nuts, seafood, fish
B vitamins
Thiamine (B1)Improves the conduction of nerve impulsesOatmeal, millet, buckwheat, peas, beans, liver
Riboflavin (B2)Provides glutathione supply, prevents conjunctivitisEggs, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, brewer's yeast
Pyridoxine (B6)Protects the optic nervePotatoes, bananas, chicken, fish, buckwheat, pearl barley
Cyanocobalamin (B12)Prevention of glaucoma, improvement of vascular conditionFermented milk products, heart, kidneys, eggs, fish

We recommend: Treating aloe barley at home - 4 simple recipes

In childhood, it is easy to spoil your eyesight by not paying attention to your posture while working at school or reading, by being overly involved with the computer, or by not using additional lighting while preparing your homework. An adult can count a much larger list of possible reasons:

  • Pathologies of the development of the optical system of the eyes;
  • Disorders of various etiologies in the cervical spine;
  • Frequent exercise, general eye fatigue;
  • Specifics of work activity (work underground, in poor lighting conditions);
  • Consequences of previous diseases, complications;
  • Bad habits can provoke decreased vision;
  • Mechanical damage to the eyes.

Visual impairment is a decrease in the ability to see. Visual acuity and quality of color perception deteriorate, blurriness and a defect in the visible field appear. Often the condition is accompanied by symptoms: tearing, redness of the eyes, pain, fatigue.

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