Surgery to remove chalazion with laser and surgery: 3 methods and recovery

Indications for surgical removal

Surgery is a radical method of treating chalazion, which is used in case of emergency. In the initial stages, the disease is treated with antibacterial and corticosteroid drugs. If the chalazion is large or the disease is long-lasting, the person is given an injection of steroid hormones (Diprospan). Surgical removal of a chalazion is indicated in the following cases:

  • ineffectiveness of drug therapy;
  • advanced chalazion;
  • the diameter of the formation is more than 5 mm;
  • the appearance of abscesses, eyelid cysts;
  • formation of pterygium or other complications.

The need for surgical intervention is determined by an ophthalmologist after examining and examining the patient.

Surgery to remove a chalazion is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases (influenza, ARVI). It should not be done by people under the influence of alcohol. In both cases, surgery should be postponed.

Before surgical intervention is prescribed, chalazion is treated with drugs: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and hormonal. If the result cannot be achieved for a long time, after consultation, the doctor prescribes removal of the chalazion in front of the eyes as a radical measure. The indications are:

  • seal size more than 5 mm;
  • severe suppuration of chalazion, abscess;
  • pathological growth of the mucous membrane (pterygium);
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • frequent relapses.

The doctor can determine other indications and whether it needs to be removed after additional examination.

When is surgery scheduled?

There are several operations to remove a chalazion: surgery, laser and electrocoagulation. Which one will be best for a particular person is decided by the doctor individually. Laser removal is considered the most modern and safe method.

Indications for removal of formation:

  1. Large size (more than 0.5 cm).
  2. Several chalazions.
  3. Lack of effect from drug therapy.
  4. Complications (abscesses, cysts, pterygium).
  5. Frequent relapses after treatment.
  6. Suspicion of cancer.
  7. Visual impairment, discomfort.
  8. Correction of a cosmetic defect at the request of the person.

Surgical removal is contraindicated if:

  • inflammatory diseases of the visual organ;
  • general inflammatory diseases (ARVI, chronic diseases during exacerbation);
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • mental illnesses that prevent human contact.

Is surgical treatment always required? Watch the video:

Causes and symptoms of chalazion

Chalazion (hailstone) is an ophthalmological disease in which a small round cyst forms on the edges of the upper or lower eyelid. A benign neoplasm appears as a result of blockage of the meibomian gland, as a result of which lipid fluid cannot come out and accumulates inside, provoking the development of an inflammatory process. Blockage of the sebaceous gland in the eye most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • weakened immune system;
  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • some dermatological diseases;
  • pathological growth of gland cells.

At first, a small thickening is observed on the edge of the eyelid, which gradually increases in size, causing increased pressure on the eyeball. Deterioration of vision, pain and severe discomfort may also occur. In addition, chalazion has a very unaesthetic appearance. If left untreated for a long period of time, the cyst may become infected or have other serious complications. In the initial stages of the disease, an injection into the chalazion may be given. Most often, the drug Diprospan is administered to resolve it.

In what cases is surgical removal of a chalazion indicated?

At the initial stage of the appearance of chalazion, treatment is carried out with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Surgical intervention is indicated in the following cases:

  • Treatment with medications does not give a positive result within 2 weeks;
  • Chalazion reaches large sizes;
  • Not one gland is involved in the process, but several;
  • Frequent relapses of the disease occur;
  • Under the guise of a chalazion, a malignant neoplasm develops - adenocarcinoma of the meibomian gland.

In order to choose the optimal method of surgical intervention, you need to consult with your doctor.

Laser treatment is the safest, most effective and modern way to remove chalazion. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost compared to conventional surgery. In most cases, it is carried out in private medical centers. Also, some doctors note that after laser removal, healing takes longer than with conventional surgery.

Removal with a scalpel

Chalazion removal surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. This is necessary because excision of a tumor is difficult for both adults and children. Local anesthesia guarantees complete loss of sensation. The child and adult will not feel any pain. Chalazion is removed in several stages:

  1. The source of inflammation can be treated with a special antiseptic drug.
  2. An anesthetic is injected with a thin needle into the affected visual organ.
  3. A special clamp is attached to the lower and upper eyelids. This is necessary to prevent hemorrhage and separate healthy and inflamed eye cells.
  4. A small incision is made in the area of ​​the tumor.
  5. The fluid and suppuration that have formed inside the chalazion and capsule are removed.
  6. Treating the wound that remains after removing the chalazion with iodine.
  7. Apply a clean gauze bandage to the operated area.

Surgery can take twenty to thirty minutes. It should be performed by an experienced surgeon. The outcome of the operational impact is, without a doubt, very important. But also after surgery to remove a chalazion, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent a relapse. Follow strictly all recommendations of your treating specialist.

How to eliminate education?

Chalazion removal can be done in various ways. The choice of method depends on the degree of development of the pathology, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Let's consider the most effective procedures, as well as the rules for postoperative recovery.

Surgical method

Classic surgery offers a method of excision of the growth. The operation to remove a chalazion is not particularly difficult. It takes about 10-15 minutes. It is done on an outpatient basis; hospitalization is not required.

  1. Surgical treatment of chalazion is carried out using local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain.

  2. The surgical site is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. In order to fix the capsule, a special clamp is applied to the eyelid. In cases where access is possible through the conjunctiva, the eyelid can be turned outward using this clamp.
  4. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin or conjunctiva. The contents are removed through this incision. The fibrous capsule is removed along with it.
  5. After removing the capsule, apply an anti-inflammatory ointment behind the eyelid of the operated eye.
  6. Stitches are placed on the outer incision. Sutures must be removed on the fifth day after the removal procedure.
  7. A tight bandage is applied to the eye area in order to prevent bleeding and prevent the formation of a hematoma.
  8. The chalazion is sent for histology, which should show whether there are malignant cells.
  9. The bandage is removed on the second day. The eye is washed with an antiseptic. The removed bandage is not reapplied.

  10. When performing a surgical operation, it is advisable for the patient to wear a contact lens on the eye that was operated on for 4-5 days. It will prevent contact between the surgical site and the cornea. This will relieve some discomfort.
  11. This method allows the operated patient to consider himself healthy after three days. A follow-up examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist on the tenth day.

Laser exposure

Laser chalazion removal is being chosen more and more often today. This is due to the large number of advantages of the method:

  1. Laser chalazion removal is a bloodless and low-traumatic operation.
  2. After the procedure, no stitches are applied and, accordingly, there is no need to remove them.
  3. Removal time is about 10 minutes.

Features of hailstone removal in children

Chalazion removal in children is the same as in adults. The only difference is the possibility of administering general anesthesia. Most often, general anesthesia is used for small children who cannot remain motionless for a long time. For children, doctors try to remove hailstones with a laser to avoid the need for stitches, since there is a high risk of injury as a result of rubbing the eye with threads.

After surgery, children often experience relapses of the pathology.

It is very important that the child maintains eye hygiene during the recovery period, constantly wears a bandage and strengthens the immune system.

Chalazion removal in children

The risk group includes preschoolers and elementary school children; this is the age category most often faced with the development of a neoplasm on the eyelid. If you cannot get rid of the disease using a conservative method, then surgery is the only option. Before sending your baby for surgery, you will need to undergo some tests:

  • OAM;
  • Cal. The excrement is checked for the presence of helminths;
  • Urine;
  • Blood. Helps establish blood sugar levels and the degree of blood clotting.

You may need to undergo a number of additional examinations; the attending physician will announce the full list of procedures. Most often, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia. In exceptional cases, local anesthesia is used. After the operation, the little patient is under the supervision of a doctor for several days.

In children, the disease often returns, so it is important to pay special attention to prevention. You can get rid of a chalazion using a laser. But most medical institutions carry out a similar procedure only after the child’s fourteenth birthday.

Postoperative period

First, the ophthalmologist examines the patient and decides whether he needs surgery. If the doctor decides that the chalazion needs to be treated surgically, he notifies the patient and provides him with all the necessary information. He then selects the day and time when the patient should appear for surgery.

Stages of surgery:

  1. Laying down the patient. The medical staff takes the patient into the operating room and asks him to lie on his back. In parallel with this, equipment and surgical instruments are being prepared.
  2. Treatment of the surgical field. The patient's head is covered with a sterile cloth, leaving only the desired eye open. Then the eyelids and periorbital area of ​​the face are treated with an alcohol solution or other disinfectant.
  3. Anesthesia. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In this case, an anesthetic (novocaine, lidocaine, dicaine, alcaine) is injected into the thickness of the eyelid using a thin needle. An insulin syringe is usually used for this.
  4. Fixation. In order for the doctor to gain access to the chalazion and safely remove it, he fixes the eyelid with a special clamp. If the surgeon plans to remove a formation from the inner surface of the eyelid, he turns it out. Note that applying a clamp also helps to avoid severe bleeding from the arteries during surgery.
  5. Removal of the chalazion along with the capsule. Using a scalpel, the doctor dissects the chalazion and removes pus from its cavity. Typically, he uses a small spatula to do this. After this, the surgeon carefully excises the chalazion capsule.
  6. Suturing the wound. If the ophthalmologist made a cut on the inside of the eyelid, he may not sew it up. If the skin of the upper or lower eyelid is cut, stitches are usually placed on the wound.
  7. Aseptic dressing. After the chalazion is removed, a sterile pressure bandage is applied to the patient's eye. Then the doctor gives the patient the necessary recommendations and allows him to go home. Over the next few days, the person needs to wear a bandage, removing it only before instilling drops and applying ointment.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Double vision after surgery. In some modern clinics, the chalazion is removed using a diode laser. In this case, the cuts are made not with a scalpel, but with an ultra-thin laser beam. This method is less traumatic and leads to relapses much less often.

After removal of a chalazion, special care is required for the operated eye. In this case, the patient should not only wear a bandage, but also use drops prescribed by the doctor. Also, in the postoperative period, he should not wet his eyes. If a person does not follow these recommendations, the treated chalazion may appear again.

Drugs that may be prescribed in the postoperative period:

  • Antibiotics (Floxal, Tobrex, Oftaquix, Normax). Necessary for the prevention of inflammatory complications.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir, Nevanac). Help relieve pain, inflammation, swelling and other unpleasant sensations.
  • Corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone ointment, Dexamethasone, Maxitrol). Accelerate regeneration (tissue repair) and relieve inflammation.

In the first 4–5 days after surgery, swelling and redness may persist in the eye area. As a rule, they soon pass without any consequences. At the end of the postoperative period, the person’s eye becomes completely healthy.

Laser removal is considered the safest and most atraumatic. The procedure has the same stages as during surgical treatment: the area is treated with disinfectant solutions, an anesthetic is administered, and a clamp is installed.

But the dissection is performed not with a scalpel, but with a thin laser beam. The incision is made from the inside.

The advantage of using a laser is that:

  • healthy tissue is not affected during the operation;
  • the rehabilitation period is short;
  • no need for stitches;
  • completely removes the capsule;
  • the manipulation takes place without blood loss.

At the final stage, after the chalazion on the upper and lower eyelids is removed, the doctor applies an antibiotic ointment and a pressure bandage.

Regardless of the method of chalazion removal, there are recommendations that, if followed, will help avoid various complications and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

After surgery, the doctor prescribes medications in the form of drops or ointments. In the postoperative period, 3 main groups of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics - to prevent bacterial infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - to relieve pain, redness, swelling;
  • hormonal agents (corticosteroids) - have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

It is also recommended not to remove the bandage and wet the eye after the chalazion has been removed.

You may be interested in: List of the best drops for chalazion

After surgery, the eyelid on the affected eye may fester or an abscess or conjunctivitis may occur. These complications occur if the surgical field was not sufficiently treated or the patient neglected to use an antibiotic.

If the chalazion capsule has been partially removed or the contents (secret, pus) remain, after the operation you may feel that a lump remains. The worst case of poor-quality surgery is recurrence of the disease in the upper or lower eyelid.

Ophthalmic surgeons will warn you that for some time after removal, swelling and redness of the eyelids will persist. This is considered normal and usually goes away within 7-10 days. If swelling, hyperemia, or acute pain persists for a longer period of time, you must definitely contact the operating doctor.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Chalazion Removal Surgery

Laser removal of the inflammatory process is an innovative method of surgical treatment of the disease. This technique is accurate, fast, aseptic and practically does not cause injury to healthy cells.

After eliminating the source of inflammation by laser, relapse of the disease will not occur. This is due to the fact that the laser beam completely eliminates the chalazion capsule as it promotes the disintegration of the resulting capsule. Be sure to follow all rules and recommendations after surgery.

Stages of the operation

First of all, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient to understand whether he needs intervention or not. If a decision is made to remove the chalazion, the patient is notified of the upcoming operation. After this, you need to select a date and time to make the correction. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • Laying down the patient. The medical staff brings the patient into the operating room and asks him to lie on his back. At the same time, the preparation of tools and equipment is carried out;
  • The patient's head is covered with a sterile cloth, leaving only the damaged eye open. The eyelid and area around the eyes are treated with alcohol infusion or other disinfectant;
  • The intervention takes place under local anesthesia. An anesthetic drug (novocaine, lidocaine, etc.) is injected into the eyelid using a very thin needle. Most often, an insulin syringe is used for this purpose;
  • So that the doctor has access to the tumor and can safely remove it, an eyelid speculum is used. It securely fixes the eye; if the chalazion is located on the inner surface of the eyelid, it is turned out and secured in this position. The clamp also eliminates the risk of severe bleeding;
  • The tumor is dissected using a scalpel or laser beam. Exudate is removed using a microscopic spatula. Then the capsule is removed;
  • If the incision is made on the inside of the eyelid, then the wound is not sutured. When cutting the skin of the upper or lower eyelid, the doctor applies several stitches;
  • The final stage of the operation is the application of a tight fixing bandage. After this, the patient receives useful recommendations from the doctor and is sent home.
For several days after the intervention, you must constantly wear a bandage, removing it only to use drops or ointments.

Operation using a scalpel

Performed under local anesthesia. The product is injected into the inflamed eyelid with a very thin needle, tissue infiltration gradually occurs, they lose sensitivity and the procedure does not cause pain in the patient.

To fix the affected eyelid, use a clamp equipped with a special hole into which a “hailstone” is placed. The incision is made from the mucous membrane or from the outside, through the skin. In the first case, the excision is carried out along the meibomian gland, i.e. at a right angle to the eyelid; in the second option, access to the tumor is made through an incision made parallel to the eyelid.

After the anesthesia has taken effect, the gland in which purulent exudate has accumulated is opened. The cavity must be completely cleaned, then the capsule must be excised to eliminate the risk of relapse.

After removal, the eye is thoroughly washed with saline solution, and an antibiotic ointment is placed behind the eyelid. If access was made through an incision in the mucosa, then sutures are not applied to eliminate the risk of injury to the cornea. The wound heals on its own.

The skin incision is covered with sutures made of self-absorbing threads; they do not require removal.

Chalazion removal with laser

The procedure has several distinctive features:

  • Dissection of tissue, elimination of the tumor and its contents is carried out using a laser. It is also used to treat the eye after the operation is completed;
  • There is no need to apply a tight bandage to the eye, since the surrounding tissues are not injured and there is no risk of bleeding;
  • The correction does not require sutures;
  • A day after surgery, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle;
  • After laser exposure, relapse is excluded, since the chalazion capsule is completely destroyed;
  • Two days after the operation, the doctor conducts a follow-up examination.

The procedure occurs in the same way as conventional surgery. An anesthetic drug is instilled into the visual apparatus, and anesthesia is administered using a very thin needle. The affected eyelid is fixed with a clamp to eliminate the risk of blinking during the operation. A laser is used to dissect the tissue and remove the chalazion. The contents of the tumor are sent for histological examination. Return to contents


The essence of the technique is to apply electric current to the damaged eyelid. The electric knife simultaneously dissects the tumor and cauterizes the vessels. The procedure is highly effective and painless. Removal occurs in several stages:

  • Disinfecting the eyelid and area around the eye;
  • Administration of local anesthesia so that the patient does not experience pain;
  • The chalazion is removed using an electric knife;
  • A crust forms on the treated area, gradually heals and falls off.

The procedure is inexpensive, recovery occurs quickly and the risk of relapse and scarring is eliminated.

Chalazion treatment

Only a doctor can select the optimal treatment. He will conduct an initial examination and determine the nature of the disease. If the disease is not severe, then surgical removal of the chalazion will not be required. It will be enough to simply use medications that will relieve inflammation. Sometimes a chalazion can be hidden and will not be treated. Accordingly, such a chalazion can develop with additional infection.

This process is quite serious and can subsequently lead to an abscess of the blocked duct. The most dangerous complication is keratitis. Subsequently, inflammation of the eye cornea may occur.

It is important to know! To avoid these troubles, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. After diagnosis, they will prescribe treatment.

Use of medications

If the problem has recently arisen, then laser chalazion removal will not be necessary. In the early stages, doctors prescribe. Thanks to their use, the risk of developing inflammation can be reduced in the future. For more fertile treatment, you may be prescribed drops instilled 3-4 times a day.

List of chalazion drops.

If you are prescribed ointments, then remember that they should be applied to the eyelid as well as to the affected area. You should be careful when using ointments. It should not get on the mucous membrane. Non-surgical treatment can also be prescribed during remission to significantly reduce the risk of a new manifestation. For example, doctors may prescribe the following procedures:

  1. Warming up. You can make hot compresses yourself. If ultraviolet heating is necessary, then in this case it is best to contact specialists. Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to free the capsule from pus.
  2. Massage. Usually this procedure is performed only at the stage of remission. During the massage, special tools may be used.
  3. Electrophoresis improves blood flow at the site of chalazion manifestation.

Is it painful to remove a chalazion? This is a question that interests many people. As you can see, if the problem is minor, then you can get by using eye drops, which is painless.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies also allow you to remove a chalazion without surgery. Of course, it is best to consult a doctor before using any products. Among all medicinal plants, aloe occupies the main place. Many people put a few drops of it in the eye. After drops of aloe get on the mucous membrane, the place where the chalazion is located can be massaged. Thanks to this, the active substances will be able to penetrate into its thickness.

aloe leaves

In addition to this method, you can also use a variety of decoctions prepared on the basis of phytocollection. Dill, chamomile and calendula also have bactericidal properties. You can wash your eyes with the prepared decoction in the morning and evening.

Removal of tumors with laser in Ufa

LASER REMOVAL OF NEW TUMORS IN UVA is a safe, modern method of removing tumors of the skin and mucous membranes, thanks to which an oncologist or surgeon will quickly and completely remove: warts, moles, papillomas and other tumors. The development of modern laser technologies at the Ufa Medical CENTER FOR HEALTHY SKIN has made this procedure accessible, which eliminates the rehabilitation period and scarring. Immediately after removal of the tumor, the patient can resume his usual lifestyle.

At the HEALTHY SKIN Medical CENTER, tumors are removed as follows:

  • ANGIOMA (hemangioma) removal
  • atheroma removal
  • WART removal with laser
  • BOTRIOMYCOMA (granuloma) removal
  • BASALIOMA treatment
  • INGROWN NAIL treatment
  • DERMATOSCOPY of neoplasms
  • KERATOM removal
  • Dermal horn removal
  • Molluscus contagiosum removal
  • Condylomas acuminata removal
  • Couperosis laser removal
  • XANTHELASMA removal
  • LIPOMA (wen) removal
  • MILIUM removal
  • MELANOMA diagnosis
  • NEW FORMATIONS on the genitals removal
  • PAPILLOMAS removal
  • MOLES laser removal
  • FIBROMA removal
  • ATHEROMA (fat) on the head removal
  • Doctor's recommendations after the procedure
  • CALLING a surgeon to your home in Ufa
  • CYTOLOGY diagnosis of skin cancer

Laser removal using the Lakhta-Milon device

The medical CENTER FOR HEALTHY SKIN uses a surgical carbon dioxide device “Lakhta-Milon”, with the help of which a dermato-oncologist removes a tumor in a few minutes. The depth and intensity of the laser beam is adjusted depending on the size of the tumor and its location. The Lakhta-Milon laser device meets all international safety standards and has been successfully used in medical practice for about 10 years, including in our Medical Center for Healthy Skin.

Only in the CENTER FOR HEALTHY SKIN SMOKE ASPIRATION is performed when removing tumors!

What methods of removing tumors are used today at the HEALTHY SKIN Medical CENTER; several options are offered for solving the problem with skin tumors:

  1. LASER removal METHOD - in a session you can get rid of many tumors, quickly, safely, without scars and pain.
  2. RADIO WAVE scalpel - removal using high frequency radio waves - this is a method that is attractive for its speed and rapid postoperative recovery, and is very well suited for multiple tumors.
  3. SURGICAL method (excision with a scalpel) this method is used in cases where the element is very large;


  • BLOODLESS - the laser “seals” the walls of blood vessels, instantly stopping bleeding;
  • CONTACTLESS - no tools touch the skin;
  • STERILITY - the laser beam has a bactericidal effect;
  • FAST HEALING - after removal, a crust remains at the site of the former formation;
  • QUICK REMOVAL - small item may require less than a minute;
  • PREVENTION OF RECURRENCES - during the removal process, the formation and the virus itself are destroyed;
  • DIGITAL CONTROL during procedures regulates the intensity, depth, and duration of exposure to the beam.

1) Sometimes after removal there is a darkening or lightening of the skin area. Recovers in approximately 2-3 months;

2) There may be slight swelling or redness of the skin, which does not require treatment and goes away on its own;

3) There is a possibility of a cosmetic scar appearing, which indicates the low regenerative ability of the skin.

HEALTHY SKIN CENTER offers a laser removal method, which allows you to reliably and effectively get rid of skin defects, so can neoplasms be removed with a laser?

  • Angiomas (hemangiomas) removal
  • Wart removal
  • Condyloma removal
  • Keratoma removal
  • Molluscum contagiosum removal
  • Cutaneous horn removal
  • Mole removal
  • Papillomas removal
  • Fibroids removal

The advantage of laser tumor removal is that the device allows you to get rid of elements in hard-to-reach and delicate places: on the mucous membranes, on the eyelids, in the nasal cavity. AT THE HEALTHY SKIN CENTER, the procedure for removing tumors with a laser is carried out immediately after consultation with a qualified oncodermatologist.

Contraindications: it is not recommended to remove elements during menstruation, in case of serious diseases of the nervous system with increased excitability, or in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases. The advisability of the procedure is determined only by the doctor.

You can find out more details and make an appointment with a doctor in Ufa:

Address: Ufa, st. Revolutionary, 70

Phones: +7 (347) 294-15-94

Mobile: +7 (987) 254-15-94 (WhatsApp)

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00 - 21:00; Sat 10:00 – 15:00

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Prevention of inflammation

What to do to prevent a relapse of the inflammatory process? There is always a risk that the tumor will appear again in the same lesion. To prevent relapse, you need to undergo the following tests:

  • blood for an immunogram, going to an immunologist;
  • blood sugar test by contacting an endocrinologist;
  • feces for worm eggs, see a gastroenterologist.

For the wound after surgery to begin to heal, a considerable amount of time must pass. It is necessary to comply with personal and household hygiene requirements. An important point is that hygiene must be observed not only in the postoperative period, but also to remain clean for the rest of your life.


The procedure requires a preliminary ECG. To prevent possible postoperative consequences and eliminate risks at the time of surgery, it is necessary to prepare for removal, following the instructions and recommendations of the surgeon. Preparation includes passing a comprehensive diagnostic examination, including the following techniques:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • plasma testing for sugar content and coagulability;
  • fecal analysis for helminthiasis;
  • radiography;
  • ECG.

Operation description

Removing a chalazion is a simple procedure and takes only 15–20 minutes.

No special preparation is required, only a standard examination:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood for HIV;
  • hepatitis;
  • syphilis;
  • coagulogram;
  • ECG;
  • fluorography.

The seal can be removed either traditionally or using a laser. In both cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The operation is performed in the same way on the upper and lower eyelids, there are no differences.

Stages of surgical removal:

  1. The surgical field is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The chalazion area is injected with an anesthetic.
  3. A clamp is placed on the eyelid to secure the seal.
  4. The chalazion capsule is incised and cleared of its contents.
  5. The surgeon then removes the capsule.
  6. The wound is treated with an antiseptic and stitches are placed if the incision was made on the skin of the upper or lower eyelid. If the incision is on the inner surface of the eyelid, no stitches are needed.
  7. A sterile bandage is applied to the eye.

The material obtained during the procedure is sent for histological examination.

To exclude cancer.

Complications after chalazion removal

After surgical removal of a chalazion, its recurrence is possible, that is, the reappearance of the formation. The reason may be insufficiently thorough inspection of the wound or incomplete removal of the capsule. Failure to follow medical recommendations or refusal to take antibiotics may result in purulent complications (eyelid abscess, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis).

The essence of surgical treatment of chalazion is to open it and then remove the purulent contents and capsule. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. In surgery, a solution of novocaine, lidocaine or dicaine is used for this purpose. The anesthetic is administered using an insulin syringe with a thin needle.

After the operation is completed, a tight sterile bandage is applied to the eye, which the person must wear for 5–7 days. During this time, he should also use antibacterial drops and other medications prescribed by the doctor. In the first days after surgery, the skin around the operated eye may be swollen and hyperemic, but soon all unpleasant symptoms disappear. The recovery period lasts on average a week. Upon completion, the person can return to their normal lifestyle.

  • If the operation is performed incorrectly, too late, or if the patient does not follow the recommendations of the treating specialist, vision can deteriorate sharply. Redness and swelling have a negative impact on the visual organ, as a result of which the patient may develop astigmatism (an eye disease in which the image does not focus on the retina).
  • Sometimes patients may develop keratitis.
  • A chalazion can develop into a cyst containing purulent fluid.
  • In addition, after laser therapy, the cornea of ​​the eyeball may become deformed. After conventional surgery, a scar or scar may remain.

Complications when ignoring a chalazion

Many diseases in Russia are left to chance. A person hopes for hope, especially if he notices improvements. In the case of a chalazion, improvements may be imaginary: that is, if the nodule decreases in size, this does not mean that it goes away.

At any moment, the chalazion can become inflamed, open, and purulent contents leak into the conjunctival area. And this can cause serious eye problems.

The growth of a chalazion is fraught with increased pressure on the cornea and provoking astigmatism - loss of the ability to see clearly. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease.

Complications and consequences of the operation

After removing a chalazion, you may encounter some negative consequences of surgery:

  • Immediately after the procedure, swelling persists for three days, after which it subsides,
  • In exceptional cases, after removal of a tumor, hematomas appear. They also go away after a few days,
  • When using a laser to eliminate anomalies, the cornea may be deformed,
  • A scar or a scar may appear on the eyelid; it causes discomfort when blinking,
  • If the pathology develops secondarily and the chalazion reappears in the same place, re-intervention is not performed.

If you do not follow the recommendations of your doctor, you can get an infection in the operated eye. This provokes an abscess, which requires additional treatment.

Complications and prevention

Education that arose after barley should not be ignored. Advanced pathology is prone to uncontrolled growth. Also, the lump can become malignant and degenerate into a cancerous tumor - carcinoma.

Experts call timely treatment of this disease as the main preventive measure for cones after meibomitis. Compliance with the rules for using contact lenses, high-quality personal hygiene, comprehensive therapy for any ophthalmological disorders, and year-round strengthening of the immune system also help prevent pathology.

If you consult a doctor early, formations in the eyelid area can be easily eliminated and do not leave noticeable marks. Long-term refusal of treatment is fraught with many consequences, including both cosmetic defects and complications from the visual apparatus.


As mentioned earlier, after surgery, stitches and a sterile gauze bandage with pressure are immediately applied. During the entire recovery period, you need to instill special medications daily and apply ointments that the doctor will prescribe. All these recommendations usually last about five to seven days. Usually the ophthalmologist prescribes Taufon, Floxal, Erythromycin ointment.

The next day after surgery, the specialist invites the patient for an appointment. And he conducts a full examination to exclude the possibility of complications and relapses.

We suggest you read: The child blinks one eye more often than the other

If all is well and no complications are observed, scar healing can begin. An effective remedy for this is the juice of a plant such as aloe. You should not be in the fresh air for several days after surgery. This is especially true in frosty, windy and wet weather. Even a well-performed surgical intervention performed by an experienced surgeon cannot guarantee that relapse will not occur. That is why during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to follow all recommendations and prescriptions of the treating specialist.

Recovery after surgery

Once you know how to remove a chalazion, it is important to follow the rules of rehabilitation. In order to avoid complications after surgery, you must follow simple rules:

  • Avoid direct contact of the affected eye with water , otherwise pathogenic microorganisms may enter the wound;
  • You should not tear off the formed crusts yourself, you need to wait until they fall off on their own;
  • It is not recommended to touch or scratch the postoperative area;
  • Do not put heavy strain on the operated eye;
  • In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, you need to wear a soft contact lens for 5 days, which will protect the conjunctiva from contact with the scar;
  • For 2-3 days after surgery, you should avoid walking in the fresh air, even if the weather is warm and dry, as dust can get into the eye and cause inflammation. In extreme cases, large sunglasses can be used;
  • It is not recommended to visit the pool or swim in open water until you have fully recovered from surgery.

It is necessary to fully follow all the recommendations of your doctor and be sure to use eye drops with an antibiotic.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

At the beginning of the development of the pathological process, doctors eliminate the problem with medication. However, in some cases, surgery is recommended. The following indications for surgical removal of hailstones are distinguished:

  • long-term lack of results with conservative treatment;
  • the inflammatory process has become chronic;
  • frequent relapses of pathology;
  • large cyst size (more than 50 mm);
  • multiple chalazions;
  • severe visual impairment;
  • severe discomfort;
  • severe pain on palpation;
  • presence of suspicion of oncology;
  • development of complications (cystic cavity, abscess, pterygium);
  • advanced form of the disease.

Any person with this problem who experiences severe psychological discomfort from such a cosmetic defect can remove a chalazion surgically. However, it is worth remembering that surgery is a radical method of treatment that should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Also, surgical intervention is not performed if the following contraindications exist:

  • infectious diseases;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • acute pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammatory processes in the eyes;
  • impaired blood clotting.

The operation is not performed if the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Surgical removal

Thanks to local anesthesia, the operation is easy for the patient. Young children may be under general anesthesia. The operation is considered minor, so the patient does not need hospitalization. He can leave the medical facility immediately after the intervention, which lasts no more than 30 minutes.

How to remove a chalazion: stages of surgery

  1. The operated area is treated with an antiseptic solution (alcohol, povidone iodine);
  2. Using an insulin syringe with a thin needle, novocaine is injected into the affected eyelid.
  3. To avoid arterial bleeding and for easy access to the seal, the surgeon applies a special clamp.
  4. To remove the contents, the chalazion is dissected and, using a curettage instrument, the accumulated secretion of the meibomian glands or pus, if there is an infection, is removed. Then the capsule is excised.
  5. Sutures will be required if the incision was made on the skin of the affected eye, upper or lower eyelid. After this method of surgery, cutting from the outside, a scar may remain. If access to the formation is made from the inside of the eyelid, suturing the wound will not be required.
  6. To prevent postoperative complications, a sterile dressing is applied. It must be worn for several days. You can remove it before medical procedures (using ointment).

In the video you can see all stages of the operation. And also a practicing ophthalmologist surgeon will tell you in detail about why surgical intervention is needed and comment on his actions during the procedure.

Laser chalazion removal

The difference between laser chalazion removal and conventional surgery:

  • Tissue incision and removal of the contents of the chalazion and its capsule are carried out using a laser beam. It is also used to treat postoperative wounds;
  • Since in this case the surrounding tissues are not injured, and there is no danger of bleeding, there is no need to apply a tight bandage;
  • After laser removal, no stitches are required;
  • It is possible to return to normal life the very next day after the operation;
  • After removing the chalazion using the laser method, the disease no longer recurs, since the capsule itself disintegrates under the influence of rays;
  • A follow-up examination by an ophthalmologist is carried out 2 days after the operation.

The procedure itself follows approximately the same procedure as a regular operation . Anesthetic drops are dripped into the eye, and anesthesia is injected into the eyelid using a thin needle. Then the affected eyelid is fixed with a clamp. A laser is used to cut through the tissue and remove the chalazion. Its contents are also sent for histological examination.

After laser surgery, the patient can go home immediately.

The process of treating chalazion on the eyes

Any patient who experiences this disease wonders how to cure chalazion. Recognizing the disease is not difficult. When diagnosing, the doctor conducts a visual examination and palpates the affected eyelid. One of the characteristic symptoms is difficulty blinking. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor chooses a treatment regimen. In medical practice, there are three main methods: removing chalazion surgically, using injections or drug therapy.

Therapeutic methods treat formations of small sizes or at an early stage. In this situation, an integrated approach is used, which includes the following steps.

  1. Bactericidal eye drops. They need to be instilled into the sore eye several times a day. They are aimed at reducing the risk of infection. Tobrex drops are considered the most popular anti-inflammatory remedy. They are suitable for patients of any age and quickly help relieve symptoms. As soon as the formation appears, Tsipromed eye drops will help in the first stage. But if the eyelid is very inflamed, then the doctor recommends Diclofenac drops. They are often instilled into both eyes for preventive purposes.
  2. Eye ointments. In this case, yellow mercury or tetracycline ointments are used, which are placed under the eyelid. They are aimed at expanding and releasing the duct. Often, for chalazion, doctors prescribe antibacterial ointment Floxal. It contains a substance that kills bacteria and prevents further development of the inflammatory process. This type of ointment can be used even by small children, as it has no toxic effect on the body.
  3. Warming compresses. They help open the tubules and release the chalazion from the fluid contents.
  4. Massage movements. Circular movements help with resorption.

When drug therapy is powerless, the doctor prescribes injections with corticosteroids. These agents are injected with a thin needle into the chalazion itself through the inside of the eyelid. Within a few days, this illness goes away.

When the first two methods do not help to overcome the disease, then surgery to remove the chalazion is prescribed. Surgical procedures are performed in a hospital under the influence of an anesthetic. The whole procedure takes about half an hour.

After the patient has been given anesthesia, the diseased area is grabbed with a special clamp. The capsule with liquid is excised from the inside of the eyelid. At the end of all manipulations, sutures are applied.

Surgery to remove a chalazion is the simplest and safest method, but complications may arise in the form of swelling of the eye, hematoma, inflammation, and more. But to reduce the risk of consequences, you should listen to the doctor’s advice and adhere to hygiene.

Indications for surgery and possible complications

A chalazion can appear on both the lower and upper eyelids. But there is some difference here:

  • formation on the upper eyelid occurs at the edge, causing discomfort and itching;
  • A chalazion of the lower eyelid can easily be confused with a stye; the tumor itself is located close to the eyelashes and causes less negative sensations.

Despite the fact that the risk of cancer is small, it is still worth excluding it by diagnosing it.
Chalazion of the upper eyelid most often degenerates into a malignant formation. Therefore, to create an accurate clinical picture after removal, the contents of the capsule are sent for cytological examination to identify cancer cells. If treatment in the form of medications and physical therapy, used for a long time, does not produce results, then laser exposure will help to cut out the inflamed capsule. In severe cases, treatment is immediately performed surgically.

Indications for surgery are the following circumstances:

  • conservative treatment does not bring results for a long time;
  • the chalazion reaches a large size;
  • the process involved several glands;
  • the presence of a chalazion on the eye causes discomfort;
  • the occurrence of frequent relapses;
  • inflammation of the cyst or conjunctiva.

If it is necessary to remove a chalazion, the operation is performed after the inflammatory process has resolved. During the operation, all pus is removed and an antibacterial ointment is applied, which prevents its reappearance.

Contraindications to surgery are:

  • inflammation of the chalazion itself and the eye tissue around it;

  • the presence or short period of infection;
  • low blood clotting rate;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

The ophthalmologist determines whether the operation can be performed by determining what contraindications there are. The prognosis after a chalazion is surgically removed is favorable, however, relapses are possible. With laser removal, the number of relapses is much lower than with conventional excision.

If a relapse occurs, in which the chalazion reappears in the same place, then the operation is not repeated.

After surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • swelling may occur, which will subside over time;
  • sometimes a hematoma appears, which subsequently resolves on its own;
  • with the laser method there is a possibility of slight deformation of the cornea;
  • the appearance of a scar or scar, which can cause discomfort when blinking;
  • the chalazion may reappear, but in a different location;
  • the appearance of swelling at the site of gland removal due to the proliferation of connective tissue inside the eyelid;
  • infection gets into the wound and inflammation occurs, which will require treatment.

Radio wave removal method

The preparation steps are identical to the previous methods, but the cut itself is made using high frequency waves that evaporate the cells. This method has its advantages:

  • no heating or skin burn;
  • the procedure takes place without pain relief as there is no stimulation of nerve endings, the patient does not feel pain;
  • There are no stitches, so there are no postoperative scars.

The radio wave method of removal is relatively new.

Causes of pathology

In most cases, it is impossible to accurately determine the causes of chalazion. The difficulty with this is caused by two circumstances:

  1. The slow development of the disease, which makes it impossible to remember what could have caused the onset of the inflammatory process.
  2. This ophthalmological problem can be caused by several negative factors at the same time.

There are several possible reasons contributing to the occurrence of this disease:

  • The productive secretion in the sebaceous glands increases.
  • A person suffers from concomitant eye diseases - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye, etc., which are quite severe.
  • The eye was subjected to prolonged external mechanical influence, for example, when wearing lenses.
  • There are dermatological problems, for example, contact, allergic dermatitis, rosacea, etc.
  • Immunosuppression, vitamin deficiency.
  • The outer parts of the eye were injured.
  • The presence of frequent allergic reactions - lacrimation, swelling of the eyelid, etc.
  • Prolonged or aggressive exposure to volatile toxic substances.
  • The process of active disturbances in the hormonal environment during age-related changes in the body or as a consequence of chronic pathologies.

In addition, other reasons can cause chalazion, which have not yet been fully studied or identified at all. The list above shows common factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease.

Removal of chalazion on the eye: types and features of operations

Chalazion (hailstone) is a benign neoplasm that forms on the edge of the eyelid. The main cause of the development of pathology is chronic inflammation resulting from blockage of the sebaceous gland. At the initial stage, the problem can be dealt with conservatively. But if the disease becomes advanced, then in this case the cyst is removed surgically. Most often, doctors prescribe laser surgery.


Unfortunately, none of the methods guarantees 100% relief from the disease. Many factors contribute to its reappearance. Then what is the point of the operation and what will happen if the chalazion is not removed?

In some cases, it goes away spontaneously. This may take weeks or months to occur and may not actually require surgery.

In other situations, when an infection has occurred, for example, an abscess has arisen or the diameter of the formation increases and puts pressure on other structures of the eye, surgery is extremely necessary. There is a risk of vision loss.

In any case, it is better for you to decide on intervention together with your doctor. An experienced specialist will suggest the most suitable option for your case. We wish you not to get sick, see you in the next articles.

If you want your friends to learn useful information about chalazion removal, share this article with them. Sincerely, Irina Nazarova.

How to cure chalazion using traditional methods?

There are folk recipes that can get rid of this disease. The most popular and harmless juice is made from aloe or Kalanchoe. These types of plants are available in almost every home, so it will not be difficult for anyone to make lotions from the juice. The procedure should be performed five times a day. To do this, you need to take the leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice out of them, then wet the cotton wool and apply it to the sore eyelid. After such manipulations it is worth performing a massage. Thanks to this method you can get rid of swelling and redness. Plants also help relieve unpleasant and painful sensations. But it is worth remembering that these plants have not only bactericidal properties, but also irritants. You can read more about it in the next article.

What to do if the chalazion has ruptured?

If a cyst spontaneously ruptures, you should not panic and rush to your doctor. First of all, treat the sore eye with an antibacterial agent. Chlorhexidine is suitable for this. Then use any antiseptic.

What to do next? The pus may not completely flow out of the ruptured seal, which is dangerous due to subsequent complications. As soon as the wound has been disinfected, you should immediately go to a specialist. Further actions will be aimed at removing the remaining pus and accumulated secretions from the duct.

The doctor will surgically clean the pouch of excess residue. Next, treatment will be prescribed.

Therapy is prescribed individually to each patient depending on his general condition at the time of diagnosis.

Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed as medications, which need to be used to regularly treat the eyelid.

If it is not possible to visit your doctor, then you need to start treatment yourself, using pharmacological agents and traditional methods. As a compress, apply Levomekol ointment or a cut aloe leaf to the rupture site. You need to keep the compress for an hour. The procedure should be repeated daily until the inflammation and pus are completely removed.

You may be interested in: How to quickly and effectively treat lower eyelid chalazion?

Chalazion removal surgery

First of all, it should be noted that there are no special reasons for preoperative anxiety or, especially, fear in this case: the procedure is quite simple, has been worked out a long time ago, is performed on an outpatient basis and usually lasts about 20 minutes “from entering the manipulation room to leaving the room” (as was said a hundred years ago). At the same time, the professional level of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor certainly matter, so the choice of an ophthalmic center should be meaningful and justified.

Local, subcutaneous anesthesia: after mandatory antiseptic treatment, an anesthetic is injected with a thin needle (usually a solution of lidocaine or novocaine), which ensures reliable insensitivity of the surgical field. The problem area is fixed using a window clamp; the chalazion capsule is opened (along the suppurating fistula canal, if there is one) and exhumed along with all the contents. Depending on the location, the incision is made either from the outside of the eyelid or from the conjunctival side. Then the surgical field is once again treated with antibacterial agents, drained if necessary and closed with suture material. A relatively tight bandage is applied.

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