Effect of laser radiation on the eyes

Fresh skin around the eyes is one of the main indicators of youth. All celebrities first of all pay special attention to their eyes.

The metamorphosis of Nicole Kidman's face can be traced throughout the Cannes seasons. It is clear that before the red carpet, stars do maintenance in clinics, but in 2020 the actress clearly chose the wrong hands. It’s good that in 2020 the actress underwent more serious procedures for the upper and middle third of the face, and the results are obvious (or on the face). Young, fresh and natural looking.

Laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is a technique that allows you to effectively correct age-related changes and postpone your acquaintance with plastic surgery for several years.

How does a laser solve such problems? What types of lasers exist and how to choose the right one? What is fractional eyelid photothermolysis? Does laser help with bags under the eyes, bruises and wrinkles? You will find answers to all these questions below.

But first, let's define what laser eyelid rejuvenation is.

What is laser eyelid rejuvenation and why is it called thermolifting of the eyes?

"Thermo" is a root meaning temperature. Due to the high temperature, the laser beam evaporates the tissue. “Lifting” is the rejuvenation and tightening effect that laser effects have. Therefore, laser procedures are often called thermolifting.

At the dawn of the development of laser technology, continuous areas of skin were treated with a laser. This procedure gave a good renewal effect, but required more than a month to recover.

Therefore, scientists have developed devices that scatter one beam into many small fractions: from 100 to 1,000. Thus, the laser acts on the skin selectively, and areas of untouched skin remain between the microzones of laser exposure. The process goes by different names - “fractional photothermolysis”, “fractional thermolysis of the eyelids”, “laser nanoperforation of the eyelids”. These are synonyms.

How is fractional laser beam produced?

Differences between a conventional laser beam (left) and a fractional one (right).

Essentially it is a microtrauma. And according to the laws of nature, trauma triggers a whole series of restorative reactions.

  1. the skin tends to “close” the channels and tightens.
    Visually, this is manifested by a reduction in excess skin, an increase in its tone and the smoothing of wrinkles. The effect is comparable to that of surgical pinching blepharoplasty, eliminating up to 2 mm of excess skin.
  2. The mechanism of skin lifting after fractional exposure.

  3. stimulates neocollagenesis - the process of formation of new collagen and elastin.
  4. Collagen is the reinforcing protein of our skin, which creates its frame.

    The laser has a double effect on collagen.

    On the one hand, after fractional exposure, collagen fibers are twisted into tight spirals and have an additional effect on skin contraction.

    On the other hand, the laser stimulates the formation of new connective tissue.

Therefore, the pronounced effect of tightening, strengthening and smoothing the skin is noticeable immediately after the procedure and increases over the course of several months!

At Platinental we perform thermolifting for the skin around the eyes using the Eraser-C CO2 laser and the Asclepion Dermablate Effect erbium laser. They have differences.

A course of treatment

Before starting a course of laser therapy, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination by an ophthalmologist and, if necessary, consultation with specialists. To select a laser stimulation mode, you need to decide on the purpose of the procedure (treatment or prevention). A course of laser therapy includes 10-12 sessions. The duration of each procedure is a quarter of an hour. During irradiation, the patient does not experience any sensations, including pain.

The effectiveness of this technique is based on the improvement of microcirculation in the structures of the eye, which occurs as a result of the influence of low-energy laser beams. The response to irradiation depends on the morphology of the vascular system of the eye. For example, when smooth muscles spasm, muscle fibers relax and blood vessels dilate, and in the case of vascular collapse, their tone increases. In addition, under the influence of the laser, lymphatic drainage and metabolism in retinal cells improves.

You can undergo a course of laser therapy in our clinic. Modern equipment and the qualifications of our specialists will make the procedure quick and painless.

CO2 rejuvenation with Eraser-C laser

The Eraser-C fractional CO2 laser delivers powerful effects due to deep penetration to a depth of 200 to 1,000 microns. Essentially this is laser skin resurfacing, but fine settings of the fractional mode allow you to act as delicately as possible and use Eraser-C for delicate and thin eyelid skin. To minimize pain, the procedure is performed under anesthesia.

CO2 rejuvenation allows

  1. eliminate deep wrinkles, general sagging skin and crow's feet,
  2. remove excessive pigmentation,
  3. get rid of dark circles under the eyes,
  4. even out skin color,
  5. remove blood vessels – the so-called “spider veins”,
  6. make the skin tighten,
  7. remove bags under the eyes,
  8. remove sagging upper eyelid,
  9. make the tear trough less noticeable

Rehabilitation after CO2 exposure requires 7 to 10 days. The result lasts 1 - 2 years. If grinding is performed at higher parameters, the redness can last up to one and a half months. But the effect in this case is more lasting.

Benefits of Fractional Laser Eye Rejuvenation

  1. Modern lasers have ultra-precise settings that allow you to act strictly at a given depth, necessary to solve the problems of your eyes.
  2. Fractional laser eye rejuvenation does not form a so-called demarcation zone - a pronounced difference between the treated and untreated areas.
  3. Thermolifting around the eyes is carried out only with partial disruption of the skin. This allows you to increase the depth of impact, enhance the intensity of regeneration and at the same time reduce the rehabilitation period to a matter of days.

Consequences of glow in the eyes

If a person’s visual organs are sensitive, their reaction to such exposure may be lacrimation.
Conventional laser pointers do not harm the eyes, unlike industrial ones, which can cause burns and loss of vision. However, with prolonged exposure and increased photosensitivity, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • the appearance of black dots;
  • temporary blurring of vision;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • redness of blood vessels in the eyeball;
  • headache;
  • temporary deterioration in vision clarity;
  • burning and itching in the eyes.

Recovery after laser rejuvenation takes only 2 to 10 days

Immediately after the procedure, swelling and redness are observed, which are replaced by crusts and peeling. Depending on the depth of impact, recovery is completed on days 2–3 or 7–10.

Expert comment:

“During the recovery period, you need to use creams and ointments that your doctor will prescribe for you. Avoid the sun for 1 month as the laser increases sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

You cannot use aggressive cleaning methods, such as scrubs, or remove crusts.”

Removing circles under the eyes with laser

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by either congestion of the veins under the eyes or normal hyperpigmentation of the skin.
In any case, they make you look tired and dull. Laser removal of dark circles under the eyes is very effective because it affects all the causes of their occurrence.

Firstly, fractional eye rejuvenation makes the skin denser and the blood vessels stop being “transparent”.

Secondly, laser exposure stimulates circulatory processes, improves vascular permeability and the outflow of venous blood.

Thirdly, removal of dark circles under the eyes with a laser occurs, among other things, due to the effect of energy directly on melanocytes - the cells responsible for the production of pigment.

This triple effect makes laser removal of dark circles under the eyes one of the most effective and long-lasting methods.

Indications for laser stimulation

  • Visual impairment: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism.
  • False myopia, which develops due to overwork or as a result of vascular dystonia.
  • Retinal dystrophy of primary and secondary etiology.
  • Computer syndrome that occurs while working at a computer. Manifested by the following symptoms: blurred vision, a feeling of dryness, burning, eye pain, redness, loss of sharpness of distant or near objects.
  • Initial presbyopia resulting from age-related changes in the lens.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and organs of the adnexal apparatus.
  • Partial atrophy of the optic nerve.
  • It is used to develop binocular vision and reduce the angle of strabismus.
  • Inflammatory processes of the eyelids, uveitis, scleritis, keratitis.
  • Swelling and infiltration of the cornea.
  • Vitreous opacities, retinal hemorrhages.
  • Burns, ulcers and corneal erosions.

How it became possible to remove bags under the eyes with a laser

The Eraser-C device allows for laser removal of bags under the eyes.

Reduction of the skin of the lower eyelids after fractional laser resurfacing.

Those who are well acquainted with anatomy understand that true bags under the eyes are formed by the protrusion of fatty tissue and require surgical correction - blepharoplasty.

In fact, the first bags under the eyes are not formed by fat bags at all. Swelling of the lower eyelids is often caused by edema due to problems with blood circulation or obstructed lymph drainage. Edema externally looks like a hernia, but is not one in essence. For this type of hernia, laser removal of bags under the eyes is used.

Regenerative processes of the skin after laser exposure are limited not only to collagen production. Recovery is always accompanied by stimulation of blood circulation, lymph flow and the formation of new healthy vessels.

Metabolism and nutrition of the tissues around the eyes improves significantly, the microstructure of the skin is renewed, which is manifested by a pronounced “drying” effect under the eyes. This is what laser removal of hernias under the eyes is based on.


Restoring vision in secondary cataracts is achieved by a simple operation performed using a special YAG laser. It is called YAG laser posterior capsule dissection, which involves removing the cloudy posterior capsule from the optical axis. The procedure is painless, performed without eye incisions or anesthesia, and has virtually no risk of any complications.

After the surgical procedure and the effect of the pupil dilating drops wear off, patients typically notice an immediate improvement in visual acuity. At the same time, the level of vision improvement is directly related to the absence of other ocular pathologies and the degree of opacification of the posterior capsule of the lens.

In the medical department, everyone can undergo examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on the results, receive advice from a highly qualified specialist. We are open seven days a week and work daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Our specialists will help identify the cause of vision loss and provide competent treatment for identified pathologies. Experienced refractive surgeons, detailed diagnostics and examination, as well as the extensive professional experience of our specialists allow us to ensure the most favorable result for the patient.

You can find out the cost of a particular procedure or make an appointment at the Moscow Eye Clinic by calling multi-line phone 8 (daily from 9:00 to 21:00, free for mobile phones and regions of the Russian Federation) or using the online registration form.

Mironova Irina Sergeevna

How to achieve maximum effect?

Expert comment:

“Active sun is a contraindication for the procedure, since the laser increases skin sensitivity and increases the risk of hyperpigmentation. This is especially important if you are using laser to lighten under-eye circles.

The ideal time for procedures is early spring and late autumn.

Removing wrinkles around the eyes with laser can begin with a more gentle peeling procedure. 3-4 peeling sessions with an interval of 3 months show an effect comparable to the effect of grinding.

But if you want to remove wrinkles under the eyes with a laser in 1 procedure, you should opt for a more intensive fractional resurfacing procedure.”

Anna Smirnova, dermatocosmetologist.

Price of hardware vision stimulation

The price of hardware vision stimulation in adults and children is determined by the method used in therapy, the number of procedures, etc. and is determined by the attending ophthalmologist, based on the patient’s age, characteristics of the disease, etc.

Prices for procedures start from 200 rubles per session (“Rainbow” + “Mosaic” 1 procedure). You can find all the prices for various types of hardware treatment in our clinic here.

If you are interested in questions, you can ask specialists by phone 8 or online, using the appropriate form on the website.

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