Eye drops that have the side effect of eyelash growth

Composition and release form Pharmacological action Indications for use Method of administration, dosage Contraindications Side effectsOverdose Interaction with other drugs Storage conditions and special instructions Analogues of Lumigan Price of the drug Reviews of the drug Lumigan

Lumigan refers to cosmetics that are used to improve the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Thanks to the synthetic prostaglandin bimatoprost, the eyebrow and eyelash bulbs become stronger and healthier. This has a positive effect on their growth. Hair becomes much longer and darker.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of the drug Lumigan bimatoprost is a synthetic prostaglandin. It stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelash hair. Under the influence of the drug, the length of eyelashes increases by 40%, the thickness doubles. They become much darker. When applying the solution along the eyelash growth line, the drug penetrates the hair follicles, causes blood flow and improves metabolic processes. It thereby stimulates hair growth. The effect of using the drug does not occur immediately, but within two months. When it is cancelled, eyelashes and eyebrows return to their original appearance.

Drops overview

Eye drops not only help get rid of the disease, but also have a beneficial effect on eyelashes, causing them to grow quickly. This is due to the content of taurine, prostaglandins, peptides and glucosamine in the drugs. Let's look at which eye drops make eyelashes grow.

For glaucoma

To reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma, doctors prescribe drugs from various groups. One type is prostaglandins, which act throughout the day. They increase the functioning of the drainage system of the eye, which promotes the normal outflow of fluid that accumulates between the lens and the cornea.

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Travatan is one of these remedies. You can also use glaucoma drops Careprost, Latisse, Karelesh. All three products are analogues.

For cataracts

The disease is expressed in clouding of the eye lens, leading to complete loss of vision. There are three types of drops:

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  • preventive;
  • for the treatment of the disease at an initial stage;
  • medications prescribed after surgery.

Careprost and Latisse drops have become widespread in the treatment of cataracts. Their action has a less negative impact on vision and has a greater effect on eyelash growth.


Latisse was previously used by ophthalmologists. The main component of the drug, bimatoprost, causes active eyelash growth. Pharmacists have refined the composition of the drops and have obtained an excellent cosmetic product for use in cases of hypotrichosis. The disease is accompanied by insufficient hair growth due to their fragility, loss of integrity, after the procedure of gluing artificial eyelashes.

If the product gets into the eye slightly, the iris may become cloudy, so you should apply the drug carefully.

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The Indian drug Careprost contains bimatoprost, an active synthetic substance, to which sea coral extract has been added. The component helps activate the blood circulation process in the receptors. The follicles receive sufficient amounts of keratin, which causes hairs to grow.

Eyelashes acquire rich color and thickness already in the third week of use. The effect of the drug ends if you stop using Careprost. Therefore, to keep eyelashes fluffy and long, it is recommended to use the product constantly.

Treatment requires a daily course for two to three months, then the product must be applied no more than once a week so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the form of lacrimation, irritation, itching. It is also suitable after the extension procedure, when the hairs are weakened and break.

Before using the drug, it is recommended to remove contact lenses so that they do not become cloudy due to the interaction of the active substance with the surface of the lens. Careprost should not be used on healthy eyes.


The main active component of American drops is travoprost. Refers to prostaglandin antiglaucoma drugs. Reduces eye pressure a couple of hours after use, maintaining normal levels throughout the day.

With prolonged use, it can change eye color if the patient has two-color pupils. The dosage is 1 drop 1 time per day. Only a doctor can adjust the dose and course. Increased eyelash growth is a side effect of the drug.

Sometimes improper use or overdose can cause hair discoloration and hypertrichosis. Therefore, the product should be used with caution, constantly monitoring the effect obtained so that there are no undesirable consequences.

Indian drops Carelash

Karelesh is a drug based on bimatoprost, similar to Careprost and Latisse. A synthetic substitute for prostaglandin hormones activates the follicles of the hair follicle and causes their rapid growth. Indian drops are used for severe eyelash loss.

If handled carelessly and drops get on the iris of the eye, the pupil may darken and change color. Another side effect is redness of the skin of the eyelid and the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

Types and features of various means

Eye drops have recently become one of the main tools in the fight for a beautiful look. But in order not to make a mistake with your choice and not harm yourself, you need to know exactly which drugs have a powerful effect and activate hair growth.

Our readers recommend!

  • What are the features of Careprost eyelash growth product?
  • How long does it take for eyelashes to grow?
  • Why do eyes turn red after eyelash extensions?

Drops for the treatment of glaucoma

Latisse is especially popular in this category. Their main purpose is to reduce intraocular pressure. This task is performed by the medical solution bimatoprost, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the hairs. The drugs belong to the group of prostaglandins, which, when in contact with hair follicles, awaken and stimulate them.

The only indication for use is hypotrichosis or active hair loss. The result is visible after 4-6 weeks of regular use.

Glaucoma drops for eyelash growth should not be used without strict indications and consultation with your doctor.

Drops for cataracts

This category of medicines has also gained wide popularity in cosmetology. Here, the only effective drug is also Latisse and Careprost, which treats intraocular pressure and darkening of the lens.

The drug Careprost

Indian-made products aimed at combating cataracts and glaucoma. The side effect is long, fluffy eyelashes.

The drug acts on the basis of the active substances prostaglandins produced by the human body. The effect of the product on hairs became known by chance, based on consumer reviews. As a result, the manufacturer conducted its own research on this issue and released a new convenient formula - the composition is placed in a tube with an applicator for careful treatment of the eyelash line.

The effect of use is noticeable after a month. It persists until the drug is discontinued.

Indian drops

Under this name, careless distributors also sell the well-known Careprost and Carelash for the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. Their effectiveness is explained by the content of bimatoprost in the solution, an artificial substitute for prostaglandin hormones that affects the corresponding receptors and causes activation of hair follicles.

The products are valid as long as they are used. As side effects, many note redness of the mucous membrane and skin of the eyelid, and the color of the pupil and its darkening may also change.

These are medications that can be used in complex cases of thinning and loss of eyelashes.

Directions for use and doses

The expected effect of using the drug can be achieved with long-term, more than 2 months, use. It is recommended to apply the solution once a day, before bed, using an applicator. The application should be made at the base of the eyelashes along the edge of the upper eyelid. The applicator should be in a horizontal position, one drop of the solution should be applied to its base. After this, they pass it along the edge of the eyelid and outline the line of eyelash growth. If the solution accidentally gets on the skin of the face, it must be removed with a napkin.

How to use the product at home

In order for the effect of the product to be maximum, you must follow the instructions and carry out the eyelash treatment process, guided by the basic rules for working with this product. Since serum is a cosmetic product belonging to the therapeutic category, it should be used systematically, in courses. On average, one course of eyelash treatment lasts one to two months, after which it is necessary to take a break of 5-8 weeks.

According to the recommendations of experts, the serum must be applied twice a day: in the morning, before applying eye makeup, using the product as a base for mascara, and in the evening, after makeup has been removed. This condition is based on the fact that during the day the product allows you to protect hairs from external aggressive influences, and in the evening it promotes their nutrition and regeneration, since this process occurs precisely when the body is at rest. It is important to note that at the end of the treatment course, the serum can be used as a supportive, prophylactic agent, resorting to its use no more than once every three days. As for the specifics of applying the product, the composition is applied to the roots of the eyelashes, after which it is distributed along the entire length using a special brush.

How eye drops help eyelash growth

The condition of eyelashes and eyebrows directly depends on the health of the body and its internal processes. If there are problems, this will definitely affect the eyes and give a signal in the form of hair loss, thinning, fragility and insufficient length. Women are constantly looking for miracle remedies that can change their appearance in an instant.

Pharmacology and medicine can help solve accumulated problems and launch natural processes, thanks to which your hair will grow a little and become stronger. Drops for the treatment of eye diseases have an amazing property in this case.

The discovery was made completely by accident. Patients treated glaucoma with the solution and noticed an increase in the thickness and volume of their own eyelashes as a side effect. This is how a product was born that has a beneficial effect not only on eye health, but also on their beauty.

Side effects

When using the drug Lumigan, itching and burning of the eye mucosa, swelling of the conjunctiva, and hyperemia of the eyeball may occur. Also, in some cases, “dry eye” syndrome develops and the skin of the eyelids darkens. If the solution accidentally gets into the eyes, a burning sensation and pain may occur in the organ of vision, dryness of the mucous membrane, visual perception may change, and a sensation of the presence of a foreign body may appear. The following complications may also develop:

  • blepharitis;
  • cataract;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • photophobia;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • superficial keratitis;
  • asthenopia.

In some patients, intraocular pressure decreases, asthenia occurs, and the direction of hair growth changes.

Prostaglandins in cosmetics

Missing an eyelash? Grow some more! This is how the American brand promotes its products, having registered the first ophthalmic drug in a new capacity - as a means for eyelash growth. Advertising for the product promises thicker and darker eyelashes... Several years have passed since the registration of the drug Lattise, and during this time many women have tried this product.

Advantages and disadvantages of prostaglandins in products for eyelash growth
Prostaglandins in cosmetics for eyelash and hair growth are already perceived by many today as a panacea, a kind of magic remedy that will immediately help you grow long and thick doll eyelashes or a boho hairstyle in the style of Vogue magazine. Should we rely on them and expect miracles? Let's find out!

Action of prostaglandins in cosmetics

Prostaglandins are mostly a medical term that describes a group of hormone-like substances whose main effect is to stimulate inflammation at the cellular level. By its nature, it is a class of lipid physiologically active compounds formed in the body enzymatically from some essential fatty acids. Prostaglandins are typical representatives of the composition of various tissues: they can be found in almost all tissues and organs, including the skin.

In medicine, the effect of prostaglandins is not always “welcome”; hundreds of drugs have been developed to inhibit (slow or prevent) it. For example, aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, as well as other drugs from the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis: by blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, they slow down or stop inflammation.

Inflammation is not the only function of prostaglandins in the body, but the first and main one, which the developers of cosmetics for eyelash growth used for good: by provoking inflammation at the cellular level in the area of ​​the hair follicles, these compounds thereby activate their activity and, accordingly, stimulate hair growth. Everything ingenious is simple!

The benefits of using prostaglandins for eyelash growth were not only obvious - they were eye-catching! They cause lengthening of the eyelashes, thickening of the hair, and also increase the pigmentation of the eyelashes: after using such products, the eyelashes actually look stronger and thicker, plus they are pigmented, that is, they become darker.

Naturally, prostaglandins that are produced in our body for inflammatory reactions or for other purposes are not used for eyelash growth. Their role in cosmetics and medicines is performed by prostaglandin analogues (PGF2α / Prostaglandin F2alpha). So, it was when using these substances in eye drops that it was noticed that patients using drugs with prostaglandin analogues show a very interesting side effect - it consisted of picturesquely long, dark, fluffy eyelashes, so pronounced and dramatic that they can sometimes even be was confused with invoices. An amazing side effect of prostaglandins - the growth of long eyelashes - eventually began to be exploited by cosmetics manufacturers. Although their journey into our cosmetic bags and dressing tables was not short...

How prostaglandins appeared in cosmetics

Based on synthetic prostaglandins F2α (PGF2α / Prostaglandin F2alpha), the following compounds have been developed today and are used in cosmetology: travoprost, latanoprost and products with prostamids, such as bimatoprost, the most common component of such products.

The first to take advantage of such an unusual side effect were biotechnologists from the American company Allergan, which, by the way, had already given Botox to cosmetology: they created Latisse, a prostaglandin-based eyelash growth product. The pharmaceutical manufacturer was the first to ensure that bimatoprost, the main ingredient in eye drops, was recognized as suitable for use in cosmetology as a means for lengthening and “darkening” eyelashes. So the first patented drug for eyelash lengthening, approved by the FDA for use in the United States specifically as a means of increasing eyelash growth, was Latisse drops belonging to this brand - their main active substance was the same bimatoprost. True, at first the FDA allowed the use of the product for cosmetic purposes exclusively in patients with hypotrichosis (madarosis) of the eyelids. But who will stop women from striving for improvement? Thus, Latisse became the first eyelash growth product that literally exploded the beauty product market.

Naturally, other pharmaceutical companies rushed to capitalize on this, since the prostaglandin class cannot be patented, and released similar products. Several cosmetic companies have released cosmetic (non-drug) products based on prostaglandin analogues. So, we have come close to the point where it is worth discussing the effectiveness of all prostaglandin-based products that can be found on the market today.

Some prostaglandins for eyelash and eyebrow growth:

  • Bimatoprost
  • Latanoprost
  • Prostaglandin PGE1 (as alprostadil)
  • Prostaglandin PGF2a is a special fatty acid, a regulator of many processes in the body, causes intensive hair growth, increasing blood supply to hair follicles and enhancing their nutrition.
  • Travoprost

Substances and products based on prostaglandins

Today you can find both special serums and conditioners for eyelash growth, and use medical options with prostaglandins. But as for the use of prostaglandins in cosmetics and preparations for hair growth, in this regard they are not so significant and are used mainly as an adjuvant in combination with minoxidil, a famous drug against baldness and a hair growth stimulator. However, some experts predict that the drug Lattise will be repurposed as a treatment for baldness, but such therapy will be very expensive, given the scale of the treatment area.

Prostaglandins in non-medicinal (cosmetic) products to stimulate the growth of long and thick eyelashes:

  • Age Intervention Eyelash from Jan Marini Skin Research for the growth of long eyelashes
  • Revitalash (Revitalash) - conditioner for eyelash growth with bimatoprost and Revitalash (Revitalash Advanced) - conditioner for extra-long eyelash growth with bimatoprost
  • Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner by Athena Cosmetics Corp.
  • Rapidlash Eyelash Enhancing Serum from International Research Labs for the growth of long eyelashes
  • Conditioner to stimulate the growth of long eyelashes Lilash: Li Lash Purified Eyelash Stimulator from LiLash
  • Conditioner for eyebrow growth Li Brow: Librow Purified Eyebrow Stimulator from LiLash
  • Conditioner for eyelash growth with prostaglandins MD Lash Factor" from PhotoMedex Inc.
  • Peter Thomas Roth Lashes To Die For - conditioner for stimulating eyelash growth with prostaglandins: Peter Thomas Roth “Lashes To Die For”.
  • Pink Magic Lash is a conditioner for stimulating the growth of long eyelashes with prostaglandins.
  • LashAlive is a conditioner for stimulating the growth of long eyelashes with prostaglandins.
  • LashAlive serum for eyelashes and BrowRevive for eyebrows from Adonia.

Prostaglandins in medications (glaucoma drops) to stimulate the growth of long and thick eyelashes - these are mainly products based on bimatoprost, but not only with it.

Eyelash products with latanoprost (Latanoprost)

  • Latisse (Latisse) - drops for glaucoma and intraocular pressure, in which the main active ingredient is bimatoprost at a concentration of 0.03%.
  • Careprost (Kerprost) - drops for glaucoma and intraocular pressure, the main active ingredient of which is bimatoprost 0.03%.
  • Lumigan (Lumigan) - drops for glaucoma and intraocular pressure, the main active ingredient of which is bimatoprost 0.03%.
  • Ganfort - drops for glaucoma and intraocular pressure, the main active ingredient of which is bimatoprost 0.3%. Caution: Ganfort contains timolol 0.5%, which causes redness and irritation of the eyes.
  • Xalatan is an eye drop for the treatment of glaucoma and eye pressure, the main active ingredient of which is latanoprost 0.005%.
  • Latanoprost solution from Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. — eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma and eye pressure, the main active ingredient of which is latanoprost 0.005%.
  • 9 PM Latanoprost - eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma and eye pressure, the main active ingredient of which is latanoprost 0.005%.

Products containing Travoprost to stimulate eyelash growth

  • Travatan is an eye drop for the treatment of glaucoma and eye pressure, the main active ingredient of which is travoprost 0.004%.
  • Travatan Z is an eye drop for the treatment of glaucoma and eye pressure, containing travoprost 0.004% as the main active ingredient.

Products with Unoprostone for growing and lengthening eyelashes

  • Rescula - eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma and intraocular pressure based on the prostaglandin analogue Unoprostone Isopropyl 0.12% and 0.15%

Studies comparing the effectiveness and safety of these agents are few. The only thing that has been reliably established is that the older drugs for glaucoma, latanoprost and travoprost, are also analogues of prostaglandins and stimulate eyelash growth in the same way, but not as powerfully as bimatoprost.

You should also indicate the side effects of such drugs: uncontrolled growth of eyelashes, changes in their structure (thickness or direction of growth of eyelashes), growth of eyelashes in the area under the lower eyelid and in other areas of the skin (rarely), darkening of the skin of the eyelids, changes in the color of the iris (in darker shades). The latter effect may persist even for several months after stopping the drug. More serious side effects occur with abuse of such drugs: eye redness and irritation, as well as vision problems and fatty atrophy of the periorbital area. However, darkening of the iris is perhaps the most ominous adverse reaction, at least as it is perceived by consumers.

Medicines or cosmetics based on prostaglandins: the problem of choice

Many, fearing possible side effects from using glaucoma drops, use conditioners to stimulate eyelash growth. In some cases, this is very reasonable, because numerous irritating substances (with their side effects) are often added to prostaglandins, which even further increases the possible undesirable consequences. Therefore, replacing glaucoma drops with a conditioner to stimulate eyelash growth (with prostaglandins in the composition) is a kind of solution if you want to avoid side effects. However, in cosmetic products the concentration of prostaglandins is lower, and, accordingly, their effectiveness will be lower.

On the other hand, the advantage of glaucoma drops is that many of them contain a pure drug without any irritants and additional preservatives, while cosmetics introduce different concentrations of prostaglandins, and the exact figure for their content remains a mystery. By purchasing the drug, you can save money and not pay for packaging and “theoretically working” (and possibly not having any effect on eyelash growth) excipients, thickeners, fixing agents, etc. After all, often, having analyzed the composition of the ingredients of such serums and conditioners, you can find useless substances in them. Other components are useful only theoretically, so far no clinical trials have confirmed any positive effect in practice. However, it is worth considering that cosmetic products for stimulating eyelash growth often contain ingredients that increase the bioavailability of the product, while preparations designed only for the mucous membrane of the eyes do not. In addition, conditioners for eyelash growth have several more advantages: a practical brush or brush for applying to eyelashes and the edge of the eyelid at the roots, as well as very convenient packaging.

Glaucoma remedy for eyelash growth

Some people are delighted with these products: their eyelashes “blow out” almost to their eyebrows. Others complain of side effects. Since their inception, eyelash growth products have become overgrown with a considerable number of myths. Let's try to figure out what's behind them.

Our experts:

Elena Tatarchenko, dermatovenerologist, trichologist at the Scientific Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology.

Dmitry Maychuk, MD, PhD, head of department. Head of the Department of Therapeutic Ophthalmology of the MNP “Eye Microsurgery named after. Academician S.N. Fedorov."

MYTH 1: They negatively affect vision.

This myth is primarily due to the fact that almost all eyelash growth products contain an artificially synthesized substance, prostaglandin. Initially, it was included in drugs for glaucoma, reducing intraocular pressure.

It was then that doctors noticed: the longer the drops are used, the thicker the eyelashes become. The discovery was adopted by trichologists, who began to use prostaglandin to treat hypotrichosis of the eyelids (insufficient growth of eyelashes and eyebrows).

And then the cosmetics industry picked up the baton, starting to produce eyelash growth products.

“I would not escalate the situation and talk about any particular danger of these products for vision,” Dmitry Maichuk refutes this point of view. – Indeed, prostaglandin improves the outflow of fluid circulating in the eye, due to which the pressure in the eyeball drops. But its concentration in cosmetics is much less.

And, as you know, the preparations should be applied along the edge of eyelash growth. What could be a concern if the product does get into your eyes? It is theoretically possible, but in practice it has not been proven, that non-prostaglandins have a toxic effect on retinal neuroreceptors. However, for this to affect vision, at least 10-20 years must pass.

So in this case this point cannot be considered significant.”

MYTH 2: Eyelash growth products cause eye inflammation and redness

This fear indeed has a right to exist. Since prostaglandins are mediators of inflammation, explains Dmitry Maychuk, they can cause redness, itching, swelling, and increased chronic inflammatory reactions in patients with allergies, chronic infections, dry eyes, and office syndrome.

Another feature of prostaglandins is not so harmless - increased blood circulation, which helps to gain thick eyelashes. Working from the inside, they improve the nutrition of the eye. Getting on the eyelids, where the skin is very thin and the vessels are located close to the surface, prostaglandins can lead to the proliferation of capillaries.

In response to stimulation of blood flow, a vascular network may appear on the skin of the eyelids, which is very difficult to get rid of.

MYTH 3: Oily components of eyelash growth products clog the sebaceous glands and provoke styes.

In order for eyelashes to grow better, you need to “feed” them. Therefore, almost all products for eyelash growth include essential oils and fat-soluble vitamins (groups A and B).

“To strengthen eyelashes, preparations based on oils (almond, rose, flaxseed, burdock, castor with the addition of vitamin A) have been used for a very long time,” explains dermatocosmetologist Elena Tatarchenko. – Unlike prostaglandins, they are not able to affect the active growth of eyelashes.

But the hairs become thicker, moisturized, and take on a healthy appearance—the effect of thick eyelashes is created. You should not overuse or use products containing oils for a long time. In this case, the sebaceous glands in the corners of the eyes and along the edges of the eyelids may actually become clogged.

Products should be applied very carefully along the edges of eyelash growth, and excess should be removed with a cotton swab.”

“The effect of oil extracts on the meibomian glands is no greater than regular mascara, especially cheap brands,” Dmitry Maychuk supports this point of view. “But vitamin A sometimes causes severe allergies in 2-3% of all patients.

As a rule, this reaction occurs quickly and acutely (most women will notice it immediately) and is quite easily relieved with antihistamines. The assumption that blockage of the sebaceous glands can affect the frequency of barley appearance is also a certain excess.

Their cause is largely related to changes in hormonal levels and intestinal dysbiosis.

MYTH 4: When using eyelash growth products, the hairs grow unevenly (“bundles” of shorter and longer eyelashes) and lose their beautiful bend.

Unlike hair on the head, eyelashes grow only to a certain length, explains Elena Tatarchenko. – This length, as well as their thickness, shape and bend, are genetically determined. We can only influence the size of the eyelashes, and their bend and shape (they depend on the hair canal) remain unchanged.

On the upper eyelid, the number of eyelashes varies from 100 to 200, and the average length is about 10 mm. On the lower eyelid there are from 50 to 100 eyelashes 5-7 mm long. The lifespan of each eyelash is 150-200 days.

Like hair, eyelashes can be in a growth stage (anagen) and a resting stage (telogen). Eyelash growth products increase the duration of the growth stage, so eyelashes grow longer - on average by 10-20% of the original length.

However, they only affect hairs that are in the anagen stage - hence their different lengths.

MYTH 5: Excessive hair appears around the eyes and on the cheeks

If applied carelessly or in the habit of sleeping cuddled with a pillow, eyelash growth products can get on the skin and stimulate vellus hairs. The result is fluff on the cheeks and area around the eyes.

Therefore, they must be applied very carefully, strictly along the edges of eyelash growth, and used an hour before bedtime so that the drug has time to be absorbed. If hairs do appear, you shouldn’t be too upset.

Once you stop using the product, they will disappear on their own after a while.

MYTH 6: Due to the withdrawal effect, the condition of the eyelashes worsens, they begin to “crumble” en masse

After finishing using the product, the length of the eyelashes returns to their original level. They do not get worse, the hair follicle is depleted and mass hair loss does not occur. It's just that the loss of longer hairs on thick eyelashes is more noticeable.

Moreover, since prostaglandins are similar in their mechanism of action to hormonal drugs, when the use of the drug is abruptly stopped, sometimes a withdrawal effect is actually observed.

The condition of the eyelashes may not only return to its previous state, but also worsen for some time. If you are happy with the result and want to stop taking the drug, do so gradually.

Apply the product every other day, twice a week, once a week. And so on until the tube runs out.

No one argues - thick eyelashes add depth and mystery to the look. There are no fundamental contraindications to means for their stimulation. The level of allergies to them is not much higher than to standard cosmetics. And most of the side effects are a consequence of their improper use, our experts are convinced today.

– But in any case, when choosing a product for eyelash growth, we should always be guided by the risk-benefit ratio. And, of course, it is important not to forget that the health and growth of eyelashes is affected by poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements, stress, improper makeup removal, and poor-quality cosmetics.

Does Latisse actually work?

Definitely yes. Absolutely all patients using this drug experience accelerated growth, thickening and slight darkening of eyelashes. Remember that:

To achieve a good result, you need to use the drug for at least 8-10 weeks, and you can only treat eyelashes on the upper eyelids

Eyelash growth product Latisse is not a cheap pleasure; the cost of a monthly course is $120

Latisse can also be used on eyebrows

How safe is it to use Latis on eyelashes?

Latisse is one of the drugs that are dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription, so if you live in Europe or in the states (unfortunately, this drug can currently only be ordered from online stores without a guarantee of quality) and you have a need If you use this medication, you will first need to see a doctor. If you do not have problems with your eyes (if, for example, you do not suffer from glaucoma), then you can use the drug without the slightest fear.

If you yourself are not sure that your eyes are completely healthy, then consult a doctor and he will tell you whether you can use Latisse or not. You will most likely have to answer the following questions:

Are your eyes currently affected by any infection?

Have you ever been diagnosed with high intraocular pressure and glaucoma?

Have your upper eyelids ever been injured?

How often do your eyelashes fall out?

Eyelid color changes

I heard that Latis can change her eye color. This is true?

If you dig around on the Internet, you can find a whole heap of conflicting information about this. To begin with, you should know that the drug Latis is very similar in composition to Lumigan, a drug intended for the treatment of glaucoma. Lumigan is available in the form of eye drops.

Clinical studies show that slight hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the eyes occurs in 1% of patients using these eye drops, and this only applies to people with light eyes.

Unlike Lumigan, Latis is not applied directly to the eyes; it only treats the upper eyelid, and then only that part of it where the eyelash line is located. But even despite this, the possibility of changing eye color still remains, so if you are afraid about the color of your eyes, then you should avoid using Latisse.

To date, there has not been a single case of a change in eye color after using Latisse eyelash growth product, but darkening the eyelids by several tones is still possible.

Where can I buy Latisse for eyelash growth?

At the pharmacy - for residents of foreign countries, but just remember that this medicine is only available with a doctor's prescription. In Russia and the CIS countries, you can currently order this drug only in online stores without a guarantee of quality, at your own peril and risk.

How to use Latisse eyelash growth product

Place one drop of the drug into a small, clean container (this could be a spoon or bottle cap, for example)

Dip the applicator (thin brush) into the preparation.

Move the applicator along the lash line - you should feel that the eyelid has become moist

Remove excess amount of product using a cotton swab.

One drop of the drug should be enough to treat two eyes. The remains can also be used to treat eyebrows. Applying the solution to the lower eyelid is highly not recommended.

If there is no irritation or eye infection, one brush can be used to treat both eyes. After each procedure, the applicator must be washed and dried. Ideally, the applicator should be changed every 3-6 months.

When should Latis be applied: morning or evening?

There are no strict restrictions here. See for yourself: if it is more convenient for you to perform the procedure in the morning, do it in the morning; if it is more convenient for you to perform the procedure in the evening, do it in the evening.

Although many patients, by the way, prefer to perform the procedure in the morning. First you need to wash your face, apply the cream, wait until it is absorbed, then apply Latis.

If you apply the product at night, there is a risk that the product will rub off on your pillow overnight.

How much does Latisse cost?

A package for a month of use costs $120. But practice shows that this amount of solution is enough for a little more than a month.

Can Latisse be applied to eyebrows?

Yes! Latisse is also very effectively used for eyebrow correction - eyebrows gradually lengthen and thicken. There is no need to take a lot of solution - the amount that remains after treating the upper eyelids is enough.

How often will I need to use Latisse after I achieve the desired result?

After your eyelashes acquire the desired appearance (i.e. lengthen and thicken), the drug will no longer need to be used every day, but every other day. But remember that as soon as you stop using the drug, your eyelashes will begin to return to their original state. Also keep in mind that it takes at least 16 weeks to achieve the final result.

Photos before and after using Latisse for eyelash growth

Maybe there are cheaper analogues of Latisse?

Yes, there are several companies that produce various preparations for eyelashes - both based on bimatoprost (the active ingredient Latiesse) and on the basis of other natural ingredients.

But with the purchase of other products, even more effective ones, you need to be very careful, since no other drug has undergone as many clinical studies as Latisse. In addition, Latiesse is the only drug that has been certified in the USA and some other countries of the world.

The safety of this solution has been tested on several hundred women, but no one can vouch for the safety of other drugs.


If you want to try out the effects of Latisse for yourself, then you must realize that the drug should become a part of your life. For this product to work, it must be used daily.

And please be patient! You will be able to see the first results in at least a month. Treat the base of your eyelashes every day and you will be pleased with the results.

And finally, don't try to play catch-up. If you forget to apply the product today, you do not need to apply a double dose tomorrow. No more than one drop of solution can be used daily. A larger amount of the drug means a loss of money and a risk of irritation, so don’t rush things!

Storage conditions and special instructions

The drug Lumigan should be stored out of the reach of children at room temperature. Before applying the solution to the eyelid, remove makeup and lenses. They can be returned to their place 15 minutes after the end of the procedure. The solution is not recommended for instillation into the eyes. If it gets on the skin in the hair growth area, the liquid must be removed with a damp cloth.

The maximum effect of the drug should be expected by the end of 3-4 months, however, the expected result begins to appear 30 days after the start of its applications. The procedures should not be stopped if you do not see results in 2-3 weeks.

Types of eyelash growth products

Eyelash growth products in pharmacies, depending on the composition, are divided into 2 groups:

They contain prostaglandin, the main hormone-like active substance present in all human tissues and organs. Stimulates blood circulation in the bulbs, has a positive effect on eyelash growth, awakens dormant follicles, due to which the number of eyelashes increases and hair becomes rich in color. Hormonal drugs are characterized by a rapid effect (2-3 weeks after the start of use). Contains plant substances, vitamins, oils and amino acids that have a positive effect on eyelash growth. They are safer than hormonal ones and have fewer contraindications and side effects, but are not as effective. Visible results appear later: not earlier than 1 month of use.

Types of funds:

  • oil;
  • serum;
  • biogel;
  • balm;
  • solution;
  • emulsion;
  • air conditioner;
  • activator;
  • mask;
  • compress
  • infusion;
  • hormonal eye drops.

Composition and release form of Lumigan

The main active component of this ophthalmic drug is the hormone-like substance bimatoprost. It is used to reduce intraocular tone. Bimatoprost is able to increase the outflow of intraocular fluid, although it does not have any significant effect on its synthesis. Upon first use, a noticeable effect occurs approximately 4 hours after instillation. With long-term use, this medicine has a cumulative effect, which means the therapeutic effect is prolonged.

In the process of using bimatoprost, such side effects were revealed in patients who used it, such as increased eyelash growth. The eyelashes become longer and the overall volume increases. The effect can be compared to eyelash extensions. This is due to the fact that bimatoprost irritates the hair follicles, which promotes their active growth. By the way, this also applies to those hair follicles that until now have been in a “dormant” state. For this reason, eyelashes look thicker and stronger after using Lumigan.

The medicine also contains additional components - citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate, hydrochloric acid (solution), benzalkonium chloride and purified water.

The ophthalmic drug is available in the form of a solution and drops, in bottles with a dropper for ease of use, with a volume of 3 ml. The indications for these forms of medication are identical. In the package with the solution, the manufacturer has provided a special applicator that is convenient for applying the product along the eyelash growth line.

Drops for treating eyes and eyelash growth: review of products

How often in books do authors describe the unforgettable impression of a woman’s mere glance at a member of the opposite sex. It is a long-known fact that a man can be conquered not only by a chic bust or butt, but also by a deep, expressive look. But how to achieve such an effect if you are not a burning brunette, gifted by nature with thick hair? Any effective recipes will be used. Many ladies are ready to do anything for an ideal appearance and even use unusual and controversial methods. One of these includes drops for active eyelash growth. What is the secret of their effectiveness and are they dangerous for eye health?

How eye drops help eyelash growth

The condition of eyelashes and eyebrows directly depends on the health of the body and its internal processes. If there are problems, this will definitely affect the eyes and give a signal in the form of hair loss, thinning, fragility and insufficient length. Women are constantly looking for miracle remedies that can change their appearance in an instant.

Pharmacology and medicine can help solve accumulated problems and launch natural processes, thanks to which your hair will grow a little and become stronger. Drops for the treatment of eye diseases have an amazing property in this case.

The discovery was made completely by accident. Patients treated glaucoma with the solution and noticed an increase in the thickness and volume of their own eyelashes as a side effect. This is how a product was born that has a beneficial effect not only on eye health, but also on their beauty.

Types and features of various means

Eye drops have recently become one of the main tools in the fight for a beautiful look. But in order not to make a mistake with your choice and not harm yourself, you need to know exactly which drugs have a powerful effect and activate hair growth.

Drops for the treatment of glaucoma

Latisse is especially popular in this category. Their main purpose is to reduce intraocular pressure. This task is performed by the medical solution bimatoprost, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the hairs. The drugs belong to the group of prostaglandins, which, when in contact with hair follicles, awaken and stimulate them.

The only indication for use is hypotrichosis or active hair loss. The result is visible after 4-6 weeks of regular use.

Glaucoma drops for eyelash growth should not be used without strict indications and consultation with your doctor.

Drops for cataracts

This category of medicines has also gained wide popularity in cosmetology. Here, the only effective drug is also Latisse and Careprost, which treats intraocular pressure and darkening of the lens.

The drug Careprost

Indian-made products aimed at combating cataracts and glaucoma. The side effect is long, fluffy eyelashes.

The drug acts on the basis of the active substances prostaglandins produced by the human body. The effect of the product on hairs became known by chance, based on consumer reviews. As a result, the manufacturer conducted its own research on this issue and released a new convenient formula - the composition is placed in a tube with an applicator for careful treatment of the eyelash line.

The effect of use is noticeable after a month. It persists until the drug is discontinued.

Indian drops

Under this name, careless distributors also sell the well-known Careprost and Carelash for the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. Their effectiveness is explained by the content of bimatoprost in the solution, an artificial substitute for prostaglandin hormones that affects the corresponding receptors and causes activation of hair follicles.

The products are valid as long as they are used. As side effects, many note redness of the mucous membrane and skin of the eyelid, and the color of the pupil and its darkening may also change.

What components of medicinal drops affect growth?

If everything is more or less clear with the herbal components of cosmetic care products, then with medicinal drops you will have to deal with it in detail. So, what is included in their composition and provokes active hair growth:

  • Taurine – makes hair dense, strong, and tones.
  • Glucosamine is necessary for fixing the cilia in the follicle and takes an active part in growth.
  • Prostaglandins are active substances that target the bulb, irritate it and provoke the growth of new hairs.
  • Peptides are special compounds that penetrate deep into cells and improve the structure of eyelashes.

Contraindications and methods of use

An increase in length and volume due to medicinal substances can cause complications and problems with eye health, therefore the use of drops is prohibited in the following cases:

  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • operations in the recent past;
  • mechanical damage and trauma to the cornea;
  • individual intolerance to components.
  1. Remove cosmetics.
  2. Distribute the composition along the eyelash line with an applicator or a cotton swab.
  3. Remove excess with a napkin.

The Indian manufacturer actively advertises its drops to strengthen and stimulate the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. The effectiveness is beyond doubt, but the safety of using this product is controversial. Remember, this is a medicine that lowers intraocular pressure and clears the lens. Improper use may cause health problems.

Drops for eyelash growth "Careprost": contraindications, side effects, price

Drops for eyelash growth "Careprost" are classified as cosmetic and ophthalmological preparations. They are prescribed to eliminate various types of disorders - insufficient size or number of eyelashes. Activate their growth. The product was originally created for the treatment of glaucoma. With its help, IOP (intraocular pressure) was reduced. Let's take a closer look at who the drug is suitable for and how to apply it correctly.

Indications for use

"Careprost" can relieve the symptoms of eyelash hypotrichosis. This condition is manifested by a sharp decrease in their length and density. Pathology can be caused by several reasons: hereditary predisposition or the influence of external factors.

Composition of the drug

The manufacturer uses bimatoprost at a dosage of 0.5 mg/ml as the main active ingredient. Additionally, the preservative benzalkonium chloride, disodium phosphate, water for injection and citric acid are added to the drug.

The pH level is adjusted using hydrochloric acid. The pharmaceutical company can also replace the component or supplement its effect with sodium hydroxide. As a result, the indicator is within the normal range from 6.8 to 7.8.

Pharmacological action of the drug

"Careprost" has therapeutic and cosmetological effects. Belongs to the category of prostaglandins. The active component bimaprost is included in the list of modulated analogues of lipid physiologically active substances. The main effect occurs after an increase in prostaglandin type receptors. They are the ones responsible for hair growth. In addition to activating growth and simultaneously increasing volume and length, the drug is also able to reduce the cycle of their renewal.

Contraindications for use

The drug is not recommended for use in several categories:

  1. During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The ban is associated with the lack of clinical research results in this area.
  2. People with a history of hypersensitivity to one of the active ingredients - bimatoprost or any other auxiliary ingredient.
  3. Children of the younger age category. Use by adolescents is allowed, but only with permission and under the supervision of a physician.

You can learn the correct application technology from the video:

Mode of application

To achieve maximum results, you must follow all the rules for using Careprost. Often, users of a cosmetic product quit after just a week if they don’t see results. In fact, the effect is cumulative. Therefore, one hundred percent impact can only be seen after 2.5 or 3 months.

If you are afraid of simply not noticing the change, take a photo of your eyelashes before the first use. Then record the result in a month. This way you can track the dynamics.

The pharmaceutical company recommends strictly following the method of applying the drug:

  1. The first step is to prepare your face. Since standard complete cleansing of the skin from cosmetics will be required, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening. In addition to removing makeup, you will also need to remove your contact lenses. After wiping your skin with lotion or toner, apply cream. Only when the product is completely absorbed can the procedure be continued.
  2. To use the product correctly, you must follow basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or use an antiseptic. Applicators for application are located in a sterile box. Use only one. The wand cannot be reused. Also apply Careprost with a different applicator to the next eye. Failure to follow recommendations may cause the infection to spread. Often in this case, conjunctivitis appears or worsens. Hold the device horizontally. Try to apply a drop closer to the end of the stick, but avoid the point.
  3. Now you can begin direct application. Swipe the applicator along the top of the lash roots. Move from the inner corner to the outer. Try to strictly follow the growth line. Otherwise, the medicine gets on the mucous membrane. Also, you cannot use the drug for the lower eyelid. This can cause unwanted overgrowth.
  4. Upon completion, you need to remove any remaining product. Don't use cotton wool. Particles may get into the eye. To clean your eyelashes, it is advisable to use a cotton pad. You can also replace the sponge with a clean cloth. But it should absorb moisture well.
  5. Be sure to throw away the used applicator.

Anti-cataract drops for eyelash growth

An excellent product for a reasonable price.

Advantages: 1 bottle lasts a long time, really lengthens eyelashes, intensely lengthens eyelashes, no unpleasant odor, easy to use

Disadvantages: caused slight redness

So, in my previous review, I told you how I grew super long eyelashes using MD Lash Factor. The bottle was already running low, and I started looking for replacement options, since I didn’t want to get myself hooked on regularly buying expensive products. Of course, miracles do not happen; prostaglandin-based products will have to be used constantly to maintain the effect. After scouring the Internet, I found a product that was affordable and, according to reviews, effective: CAREPROST. I ordered it online, it cost about 1200 with delivery. Unlike Lash Factor, this is not a gel, but droplets. Judging by the instructions (by the way, they were only included in English), these are eye drops that are used for cataracts, and the side effect is the growth and darkening of eyelashes. It was also written there that with prolonged use (as directed, in the eyes), the iris of the eye can darken forever. I was upset then, because I didn’t need such a side effect at all. As far as I understand, our cunning traders simply buy these drops in India for pennies, and sell them here for more, adding a brush for application. So I was a little upset, and my hope for this remedy weakened. But you have to use it! And you know, CAREPROST did not disappoint! Firstly, I saved my grown eyelashes, and secondly, I use it only 2-3 times a week (a drop at a time), which means I don’t have to use it often. Thirdly, the consumption is very economical, one bottle lasted me for 7 months! People always ask me about eyelashes, I willingly share the secret, and now we order the whole company with the girls, the last time we got 6 pieces (on the website there are discounts for quantity, + a 10% discount on repeat orders), it turned out that a bottle of each cost us 580 rubles. Very inexpensive! And unlike Lash Factor, Careprost does not burn the eyelid. In general, I'm satisfied!

Your eyelashes look like extensions

7. oukai | 06/28/2011, 16:59:21 [3303955172]


These “eyelash growth” products contain some substance that leads to cataracts.

This remedy is the opposite of a drug for cataracts!

this is a hormonal drug, it was made as drops for cataracts, but it proved to be ineffective, but the side effect was the rapid growth of eyelashes when using it,

if you apply it like eyeliner, the fans will grow within 2 weeks, but if you interrupt the application, everything will disappear again(

Ujala Eye Drops for the treatment of cataracts - Ujala Eye Drops from Himalaya Pharma

Ujala is a natural, excellent remedy for the prevention of visual impairment and the treatment of many eye diseases, known in the world for more than 40 years. Positive experience has been gained in using the drug primarily for the treatment of mature cataracts (and glaucoma), to restore vision as a result of age-related changes, for conjunctivitis, redness and irritation of the eyes, for increased intraocular and intracranial pressure, etc.

Main properties of Ujala drops:

Is an eye tonic;

It is used in the treatment of almost all eye diseases, especially cataracts and glaucoma without surgical intervention;

Effective for improving vision in patients with diabetes mellitus (types I and II);

Relieves tension and fatigue after prolonged eye strain (working at a monitor, reading books, watching TV);

Refreshes and sharpens vision when looking into the distance for a long time and with concentration (drivers), as well as when working with optics (binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, etc.);

Soothes irritation and redness when the eyes come into open contact with water, especially in swimming pools, muddy and sea water;

Increases the sharpness and contrast of vision in case of lack of sleep. Provides additional lubrication and nourishes the membrane of the eyes. It is a cleanser for tear ducts and blood vessels.

Can be used at any age;

With regular use, it promotes faster vision recovery after hard work;

improves natural vision and prevents age-related degenerative changes in the eyes;

With constant and long-term use of drops, natural vision improves, eliminating the need to use glasses.

But the main purpose of Ujala drops and their irreplaceable quality is the ability to cleanse the lens of the eye from cataracts.

Based on the secrets of ancient Indian medicine and as a result of many years of research, Indian specialists have created a composition that can destroy and remove cataracts from the cornea of ​​the eye without surgical intervention. Since 1955, using Ujala drops, Indian doctors have cured thousands of patients suffering from cataracts and other eye diseases. This is one of the few drugs whose components, gradually acting on the cloudy areas of the lens, clean it and bring it out so-called. waste (mucus comes out, sand pours out), while simultaneously providing a cleansing and tonic effect on other elements of the eye (vessels, tear ducts, retina, etc.). It should be especially noted that the drops do not contain chemical compounds that, to one degree or another, have a harmful effect on the body. Therefore, Ujala drops are invaluable for people who do not tolerate chemotherapy well and for whom surgery is contraindicated (diabetics, heart patients, the elderly). When signs of the disease appear, the sooner you start treatment, the faster and more noticeable the results will be. The effect is especially noticeable in early and moderate cataracts. But even with mature cataracts, unless it has reached the point of complete blindness, drops can clear the lens, although this will take much longer.

Cataract removal occurs in two stages. The first is the preparatory stage. The vessels and channels through which toxins will be removed are cleaned. It lasts 1.5-2 months. The second stage, which directly destroys and removes the cataract, lasts depending on the degree of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body and can last from two months to a year. Since the stages are interconnected, treatment cannot be interrupted. Thanks to the preparatory stage and the leisurely but confident cleansing process, the treatment is gentle and painless. In this case, the lens is not injured, as can happen when using chemicals. Therefore, it is not recommended to interrupt treatment, but to act according to the recommendations.

The use of drops helps restore vision in operated eyes. Experience has shown that even if surgery fails to restore vision, the use of drops can, if not restore, then significantly improve natural vision. “Ujala” successfully treats other eye diseases: glaucoma, conjunctivitis and, in addition, headaches. Due to the cleansing effects of blood vessels, their intake helps to lower intraocular and intracranial pressure. The natural composition of the drops can in no way harm even children, which makes their use almost universal. Ujala drops are recommended to be used not only as a remedy, but also as a cleansing, tonic and soothing agent for the eyes. Using Ujala drops, you will maintain the fullness of your perception of life for a long time.

Directions for use in case of illness:

The drug is used twice a day - morning and evening, with the obligatory condition not to strain your eyes after instillation for 2 hours. For people with an active lifestyle, it is more advisable to perform the procedure at night. At one time, instill one drop of the drug into each eye and relax and rest with your eyes closed for 10 minutes. A burning sensation after instillation, which usually goes away within a few minutes, and profuse tearing indicates that the drops are cleaning and washing the blood vessels of the eyes and is considered normal. To reduce irritation, you need to make several movements with your eyeballs without opening your eyes. Under no circumstances should you rinse or wipe your eyes immediately after the procedure, because the therapeutic effect of the drops will be completely neutralized.

For serious eye diseases (cataracts and glaucoma), it is recommended to use the drug daily for 4-6 months, without interruption (8-10 bottles of drops). Then, to consolidate the results, a stabilizing course is carried out: apply for a month, rest for a month. In the future, since age-related cataracts have the ability to recover on their own (even after replacing the lens), preventive treatment is recommended for 2-3 months a year. This technique can also be used to prevent other visual impairments. To relieve eye fatigue and discomfort, it is enough to apply eye drops at the moment of exacerbation and rest for 10 minutes.

During the period of using the drug, experts recommend increasing the proportion of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs in your diet, and reducing the proportion of animal fats and vegetable oils. Drink plenty of water. It helps cleanse the eyes and the body as a whole. Simultaneous use of the Ayurvedic drug Triphala Guggul with Ujala significantly enhances the effect of eye drops and allows you to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. To do this, take 2 tablets of Triphala Guggul orally at night every day for 1 month continuously, and then throughout the year on the waning moon in the periods from the full moon to the new moon. At the same time, you can prepare a cold infusion for washing the eyes and a lotion from Triphala Guggul. To do this, you need to crush 1 - 2 tablets of the drug into powder and pour 100 ml. settled or purified water at room temperature, stir, cover and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, before instillation and washing, you can rinse your eyes with the resulting infusion, or make lotions from it. Do not throw away the remaining powder, but add water again and leave until the evening, so that you can rinse the eyes the night before instillation. Thus, from 1 - 2 tablets of Triphala Guggul you can get 2 servings of infusion for washing the eyes.

Cautions: With thin vessels and due to disease, the vessels may function poorly (blockage of blood vessels). In such cases, in order to avoid any dysfunction during the initial use of drops, start treatment with a minimum course (one procedure every 2-3 days), gradually bringing it to normal. If redness of the eyes persists for a long time, stop treatment and consult a doctor. Since the drops are hot, use with caution on young children and animals. Do not use on contact lenses. With prolonged use of drops, constipation may occur. Use one dessert spoon of Triphala Churna (powder) with hot water every day before going to bed to prevent constipation. Other laxatives can also be used.

Additional information: Store the drops in a dark place at room temperature (do not freeze the drops). Do not screw the bottle cap tightly (the drops must breathe). Over time, a dark floating sediment may appear in the liquid, which does not reduce the quality of the drug.

The shelf life of the drops is almost unlimited, but if possible, use within the period recommended on the package.


Biskhapra (Boerhaavia Diffusa)(Ref.: Makhzanui murabhat; Biaz Kabir, Vol. ll) - 9%

Information about growth activators

Ideal appearance starts with health. If the skin is peeling, and the appearance of eyebrows and eyelashes leaves much to be desired, what kind of beauty can we talk about? Most often, hair loss, dryness, fragility and fading occurs for two reasons: unbalanced nutrition (vitamin deficiency) and external mechanical damage. Remember how often you rub your eyes, roughly wash off your makeup, or go to bed wearing makeup, or even pull out innocent hairs? With such careless treatment, you will soon need a product for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, and not just a homemade mask.

What, why and why

Recently, drops for restoring hair on the eyelids have become very popular. Remember, gels have only a cosmetic effect, while deep-acting serums, such as Careprost, penetrate deep into the eyelash follicles, awakening and reviving them. Eyebrow growth products also give a similar result - after all, the hairs are identical. At home, an oil mask according to a folk recipe will be useful, as well as liquid vitamins A and E, French Talika gel or Esvitsin ointment. Before purchasing a professional eyelash growth activator, you should consult a trichologist.


It should be noted that products for eyebrow and eyelash growth are not able to give instant results, no matter how much we would like it. Firstly, positive dynamics depend on the degree of damage to the hairs. Secondly, do not forget that follicles have their own natural growth cycle, which cannot be accelerated without the use of a large dose of hormones. That is, until the damaged hair grows back and is replaced by a healthy one, you will not see the result. And yet there are products that work faster than others. These are drops for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. For the first time, their positive effect was noticed absolutely by accident.

The American pharmaceutical company Allergan Inc has created the drug Bimatoprost (aka Lumigan) for the treatment of glaucoma. During clinical trials, it was observed that these drops not only improve vision, but also accelerate the growth of eyelashes. Scientists were very surprised by this fact and they conducted additional studies that showed that this effect is due to the content of synthetic prostaglandins in the drug - substances similar in structure to hormones. Nothing is known about the effect of Bimatoprost on the hair follicles on the head. A huge advantage of the product is that it can be used regularly. And during the break between courses of treatment, a mask based on castor oil or any other vegetable oil, with the addition of aloe juice, will help maintain the health of your eyelashes.

Today, girls wondering how to speed up eyebrow growth have found many answers in the form of safe and effective means. Unlike the superficial effect provided by the mask, drops help to establish a natural process, restoring the bulbs and strengthening the roots. One of these drugs is the eyelash and eyebrow growth activator “Expert” from Faberlic. It was created based on the scientific developments of the Canadian laboratory Unipex.

The product should be applied daily to clean, dry hair. The first result, the manufacturer promises, will be in 1 month. But, of course, you will be able to fully evaluate the effect of the drug when the full hair growth cycle is completed. At the end of the treatment, eyelashes will increase by almost 50%. This product contains natural active ingredients: Capixyl formula, created on the basis of a combination of bioactive peptide and red clover extract, Melitane peptide, melanin synthesis activator, St. John's wort extract, carotene, vitamin C, PP and E. As well as amino acids that form on the surface of hairs film that protects against brittleness and dryness. That is why this drug is so useful for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Another favorite product among Russian girls is Almea Xlash. It contains woad leaf juice, coral extract, extracts from the medicinal herb arobavita and hebulic acid. All this combined stimulates blood circulation in the follicles, restores follicles and gives the hairs a richer shade and natural shine. This action will tell you how to speed up the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The minimum treatment cycle is 3 months (that’s how long one tube is enough), although the first result will be noticeable after 4 weeks.

Other drugs that have proven themselves: Carelash, Feg, BrowRevive. It has been experimentally proven that these products do not cause allergies and are not prohibited for use during lactation and pregnancy. In addition, they can be applied without removing contact lenses. And the cost-effectiveness of these funds simply breaks records. Agree, such a thought pleasantly warms the soul.

A magazine about pleasant, useful and simply interesting things

Masks for fast eyelash growth

Published in Facial care Tags: healthy eyelashes. eyelashes. eyelash care

Of course, long, thick eyelashes are an undoubted advantage of a woman. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed each of us with such luxury. In one of the previous articles, we already discussed the importance of proper eyelash care. Today, I offer you several recipes that will help make your eyelashes fluffy and long, and your eyes more expressive.

In modern cosmetology, there are a lot of products, the use of which has a positive effect on the condition of eyelashes. For example, vegetable oils are considered very useful; regular treatment with them will make your eyelashes stronger and more voluminous. Here are some of the most common means:

  • I think everyone knows that castor oil is considered very useful, as it gives strength to hair;
  • Burdock oil prevents accelerated hair loss and makes eyelashes thicker;
  • Peach oil has the same effect - it is a very effective remedy against eyelash loss;
  • But almond oil significantly accelerates hair growth;

Some useful tips...

Many people are interested in what is the best way to apply medication to eyelashes? Of course, the ideal option is a mascara brush. You can buy a clean brush at the store or thoroughly clean the one left over from using old cosmetics. The brush is easy to use and makes it easy to handle every hair.

Some women apply the mask using an eyelash and eyebrow brush, which is another good option. Of course, you can apply “medicines” with a cotton swab or swab, but this is not very convenient, and pieces of cotton remain on the eyelashes.

When can you apply the mask? Most often, masks are recommended to be applied before bedtime. But here we must also take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. If the next morning, after using an eyelash mask, you wake up with swelling or redness in the skin around your eyes, then this method is not for you. In such cases, you need to either choose a different recipe, or apply the mask in the evening, leave for 1 - 2 hours and rinse off before going to bed.

Nourishing mask to strengthen eyelashes

  • A tablespoon of castor oil;
  • A teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • Vitamin E oil solution - 4 drops (sold at the pharmacy);
  • Vitamin A oil solution - 2 drops (all in the same pharmacy);

Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the eyelashes using a brush. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Vitamin mask for eyelashes

Using this mask will have a wonderful effect on the condition of the eyelashes, making the hairs stronger, elastic and fluffy. You will need:

  • A teaspoon of fish oil;
  • 3 drops of vitamin E oil solution;
  • 3 drops of olive oil;

Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to the eyelashes. To achieve maximum effect, this mask must be done 3 – 4 times a week for a month.

Mask for eyelash growth

This recipe is very effective, but you need to follow safety precautions. Due to the cognac content, the mask should not be left on overnight. Therefore, apply the product to your eyelashes and lie down for half an hour. Be careful not to get the substance in your eyes - it will burn. After 30 minutes, rinse off the remaining product and treat the skin around the eyes with a nourishing cream.

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Sources: irecommend.ru, www.woman.ru, india-store.ru, yrmakeup.ru, ladiesfirstjournal.ru


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Contraindications and side effects

Before using the drops, it is necessary to study the contraindications and side effects that the drugs may cause. It is better not to use drops:

  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • for various injuries or damage to the cornea;
  • if you have had eye surgery;
  • with inflammatory processes of the eyes;
  • if you have an allergic reaction or sensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Additional information about drugs:

Do you want to regain sensitivity after childbirth? There is a simple remedy... Click here >

  • Latisse should not be used by patients with diabetes mellitus, people with high cholesterol levels and arterial hypertension.
  • Careprost is not recommended for cancer patients.
  • Travatan may have a detrimental effect on the health of patients with impaired liver and kidney function if the dose is not selected correctly.

It should be noted that after stopping the use of drops, the resulting effect will last two to three weeks. To last, you will have to use the drops constantly.

Travatan for eyelash growth (video):

The whole truth about “Careprost” (video):

Review of eye drops for cataract treatment

The list of products intended for the drug treatment of cataracts includes the most effective eye drops that contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial compounds necessary to improve the metabolism of the lens.


Taufon is a drug based on taurine. Taurine sulfonic acid supports retinal functions, has antioxidant properties, normalizes osmoregulation processes, improves metabolism and lens regeneration, protects the cornea and retina from aggressive environmental factors.

Indications for the use of Taufon are cataracts initiated by diabetes mellitus, trauma, radiation sickness, age, degenerative changes in the retina, keratitis, corneal erosion, glaucoma (as part of therapy).

Treatment with Taufon is carried out for three months, instilling 2 drops 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to take a break of 1 month between courses. Taufon can cause an allergic reaction in persons sensitive to furosemide, sulfonylurea, manifested in the form of burning, stinging and redness of the conjunctiva.


Emoxipine is an eye drop with a pronounced antioxidant effect. Emoxipine strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, reduces the photosensitivity of the retina and is prescribed in case of clouding of the transparent fibers in the initial stage, retinopathy in diabetes mellitus, corneal burns, complications of myopia, thrombosis of retinal vessels, and the need to protect the cornea when using contact lenses.

Side effects that are possible during use include burning, itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids. In case of individual sensitivity, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Emoxipine is contraindicated.


Quinax - drops with azapentatene, the effect of which is to protect lens proteins from oxidation and slow down degenerative processes. Quinax can be used to treat cataracts, regardless of the type (senile, traumatic, diabetic, congenital, etc.).

Quinax is instilled 3-5 times a day, one drop. To reduce the likelihood of side effects from the product (pain, irritation, redness, lacrimation), after the procedure you should close your eyes tightly for 5-7 minutes.

It is prohibited to use the drug in advanced stages of the disease, when there is an urgent need for surgery, and in case of severe disorders of the eye structure (for example, a corneal ulcer).

If other types of drops are used together with Quinax, the interval between instillations should be 5 minutes, and lenses can be put on after 15 minutes.

Oftan Katahrom

Oftan Katahrom - effective drops with a complex composition (cytochrome, adenosine, nitoctinamide). The use of Katachrom improves redox processes in the lens, has an antioxidant effect, and eliminates non-infectious inflammation in the conjunctiva and cornea.

Adenosine in the drug helps dilate blood vessels, which improves the nutrition of the cornea and retina, accelerates the outflow and normalizes the exchange of intraocular fluid.

The use of Oftan Katachroma reduces the rate of development of cataracts of various origins and can be used to prevent the disease. Do not use the drug in case of glaucoma or allergies, or instill it if you have contact lenses.

Oftan Katahrom must be instilled 2-3 times a day, one drop at a time, and short-term irritation of the cornea is possible for 3-5 minutes. The duration of use depends on the individual characteristics of the disease.


Catalin-K is a Japanese product based on pyrenoxine in the form of powder and solvent. Catalina ingredients should be mixed independently before use. Indications for the use of the drug are cataracts that develop due to diabetes or age-related changes.

Catalin improves the metabolism of the visual organs, blocks enzymes that cause clouding and denaturation of proteins in the lens, and stops further vision loss.

Before use, the tablet should be dissolved in a special bottle with liquid, and then used for 20 days. Under the influence of the medicine, short-term lacrimation, burning and redness of the eyes may occur for 5-7 minutes.

If treatment with Catalin is accompanied by serious side effects (itching, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, contact dermatitis, lacrimation, blurred vision), then use of the medication should be discontinued.


Khrustalin - combined drops with active ingredients such as cytochrome C, adenosine, sodium succinate, nicotinamide. With regular use, the product enhances redox processes and improves blood circulation, promotes the removal of toxic products of cell metabolism, and has an antimicrobial and moisturizing effect.

Khrustalin is indicated for the prevention and treatment of cataracts and other degenerative changes, for senile farsightedness, as well as for the treatment of presbyopia.

The drug can be used during pregnancy, since Khrustalin is non-toxic and has no side effects. If necessary, the product can be used continuously, instilling 1 drop three times a day.


Reticulin is a biological additive in the form of a solution based on plant extracts (basil officinalis, emblica, terminalia), amino acids cytochrome and adenosine.

Reticulin has a preventive effect in cases of decreased vision, chronic conjunctivitis, fatigue and irritation of the visual apparatus from intense stress. Also, indications for the use of Reticulin are incipient senile cataracts, dry eye syndrome, mechanical damage and trauma.

The product should not be used when wearing soft lenses due to the presence of the preservative benzalkonium chloride, which disrupts the structure of the hydrogel and silicone in the lenses.


Vita-Iodurol is a product based on nicotinic acid, cysteine, and adenosine triphosphate. The drug improves blood supply, blood circulation and trophism of the lens, prevents the deposition of proteins in the transparent capsule of the eye.

Vita-Yodurol can be used in the complex treatment of cataracts (senile, traumatic, radiation, secondary), accompanied by decreased vision, and for the prevention of eye diseases in old age.

The use of Vita-Yodurol is contraindicated in children with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and when using soft contact lenses (to prevent the accumulation of benzalkonium chloride in the lenses).


Catarax is a solution based on sodium azapentacene polysulfonate. The product contains boric acid, potassium chloride, sodium hydroxide. Catarax has a specific bright pink color.

Catarax inhibits chemical reactions in the lens, leading to clouding of transparent proteins, prevents oxidation and helps normalize metabolic processes in the eyes.

It is recommended for use in senile, congenital, traumatic and secondary cataracts, including for prevention. Lenses can be used 15 minutes after instillation.


Visomitin - drops with keratoprotective properties. The active substance of the drug (plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide) is a mitochondrial antioxidant and protects lens and retinal cells from oxidative damage.

Treatment with Visomitin is carried out in the early stages of the disease. The medicine slows down the clouding process, improves epithelization of the cornea and sclera. The drug is also used for dry eye syndrome and glaucoma.

The product is used three times daily (morning, afternoon and evening). The duration of the course depends on the characteristics of the development of the disease, is prescribed by an ophthalmologist individually and, on average, can reach from 6 months to a year.

Components affecting eyelash growth

If everything is quite clear with folk recipes, then purchased products still remain an unknown area. For example, regular castor oil helps make eyelashes more expressive due to the fact that its beneficial components strengthen the hairs, making them thicker.

When it comes to cosmetic or medical products, be it eye drops or special eyelash conditioners, they add length through the following components:

  1. Prostaglandins . They play the role of a kind of “irritating” factor, the active substances of which specifically act directly on the hair follicle, thereby initiating the active growth of additional cilia.
  2. Glucosamine . A substance directly involved in hair growth, simultaneously fixing each eyelash in its bulb.
  3. Peptides . A compound that penetrates deep into the roots of eyelashes, strengthening their follicles, stimulating growth and improving structure.
  4. Taurine . A component that makes growing eyelashes stronger, denser and healthier.

Glaucoma drops have unexpectedly proven themselves as a drug for lengthening eyelashes

So what specific components are included in eyelash growth stimulators?

Bio-peptides - these substances penetrate deep into the roots and strengthen them, and they also help improve the structure of each eyelash.

Taurine is an amino acid that gives energy. In addition to the fact that taurine “invigorates” the roots and accelerates growth, it is also a building material for new eyelashes. Thanks to this amino acid, they grow denser and stronger.

Glucosamine is an amino monosaccharide that many eyelash products contain. It is primarily responsible for the health of the joints, but it also has something to do with hair: with its deficiency, hair and eyelashes become thinner, and their roots hold weakly in the hair follicle and subsequently fall out.

Prostaglandins are one of the most active components in eyelash products; they are a group of fat-like (lipid) physiologically active substances. Prostaglandins initiate the active growth phase, awaken “dormant” eyelashes and accelerate their growth. Some reference books indicate that prostaglandins are hormones, others call them “hormone-like,” and others claim that they are not hormones. Manufacturers who add these components to eyelash growth stimulants claim that their products do not contain hormones and are not addictive. Who to believe is up to everyone to decide for themselves; the only thing you should not forget about is the contraindications that necessarily exist in eyelash products with such active ingredients.

You can also highlight auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the main ones and have a beneficial effect on the appearance and roots of eyelashes. These are various plant extracts, such as ginseng - it improves blood microcirculation and accelerates growth. Many products for eyelash growth contain ginkgo biloba and eleutherococcus - these plants also increase blood circulation and improve metabolic processes; as well as extracts of chamomile, nettle and horse chestnut.

Vitamins are also actively involved in the life of eyelashes, so many manufacturers add them too. These are well-known B vitamins, they help eliminate dryness and irritation of the skin, nourish hair follicles, improve growth and strengthen the structure of eyelashes. Also, eyelash growth stimulators may include vitamins A, C and E, which act as antioxidants, that is, they protect cells from the destructive effects of the environment.

Here are the main and most common ingredients that work in eyelash growth stimulators; most drugs are based on them. In the pursuit of individuality, manufacturing companies add other components, but they are more likely to be auxiliary and will not play a major role.


In the following cases, the use of Lumigan is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • childhood;
  • increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug.

In the first cases, the use of Lumigan is prohibited due to the fact that bimatoprost is a hormone, and its effect on a growing organism can affect its development. Hypersensitivity in patients is usually noted to additional components. In particular, benzalkonium chloride, which the manufacturer uses as a preservative, often causes discomfort and redness of the eyes.

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