How to brew green leaf tea correctly: detailed instructions and brewing nuances

This variety is one of the most popular all over the world. Does it have its own secret, and how to properly brew green leaf tea according to the instructions in order to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from drinking tea.

One of the healthiest drinks is distinguished by its ability to compensate for loss of strength, increase the body’s resistance to colds and viral diseases, calm the nerves and, conversely, tone up and remove harmful waste products from the body. There are hundreds of its species on the world market, most of them from China. The raw materials are traditionally collected in early spring and prepared by drying in the sun, roasting or steaming. The oxidation process takes no more than two days or is not carried out at all.

Brewing correctly

The Chinese pay special attention to the ceremony, traditions and rules of tea etiquette. Their philosophy does not tolerate fuss and haste. To feel the presence of ancient culture in your kitchen, it is important to know and follow the recommendations for preparation and consumption. There are no trifles in this procedure; the correct water, its temperature, the number of leaves, and the infusion time are important.

Preparation differs depending on the varieties, recipes and components. If you do not have much brewing experience, it is recommended to consult the seller or follow the instructions on the package. In order for it to turn out not only tasty, but also healthy, it is important to consider the following:

  • water quality and temperature;
  • amount of dry or pressed raw materials;
  • leaf infusion time.

To prepare an ancient Chinese drink, spring water is best. Bottled or filtered is also suitable for this purpose.

The first brew is the shortest, half a minute is enough for it. Each subsequent one should be longer by a maximum of 10 seconds. The brew does not give a rich, pleasant color, which is usual, for example, for red varieties. Its different types have not bright, translucent shades from yellowish to light green.

How to brew raspberry leaves

Pour boiling water over all components. It's better to do this in a thermos. Infuse this drink for about 3-4 hours.

For inflammation of the ovaries, raspberry tea is taken orally. In addition, warm baths are prescribed, which are prepared from a decoction of raspberry leaves and branches. The broth is mixed with boiled water. Baths are done daily at night. Before starting treatment, consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Solution: Is it possible to brew tea from grape leaves - analysis of the question

For colds and extreme heat, you can use raspberry leaves infusion. To do this, pour a teaspoon of raw material with water and place on low heat for 10 minutes. Then it is filtered and drunk as tea.

Pour the tea leaves into the kettle and pour boiling water. Close the lid, cover it with a towel and leave for about one to two hours. During this time, the raspberry leaves will give all the benefits to the drink. According to your taste, you can diversify your tea with berries; they will make it red and tasty.

It can be prepared from both fresh and dry crushed leaves:

General cooking recommendations

Before properly preparing green tea, it is important to heat the water to the desired temperature. Precisely heat it, because the leaves do not tolerate boiling water, it destroys their strength and benefits, aroma and taste. The brewing temperature depends on the variety: Bai Mao Hou is brewed at 85 degrees, Alishan Oolong is recommended to be poured almost boiling at 90 degrees. The average ranges from 80 to 85 degrees.

Many people wonder about the number of leaves needed to prepare the drink. The obvious criterion is the strength of the finished decoction: the more tea leaves you pour, the richer and stronger it turns out. If you overdo it, the taste will be tart and bitter, and if you add less, there will be no aroma or flavor bouquet at all.

A teaspoon of dry raw material per glass can be taken as the “gold standard”. In terms of per serving, this is 2-3 grams.

How to brew and drink Chinese green tea correctly

If you have purchased one of hundreds of varieties, but doubt that you know how to brew it, your doubts are justified. The Chinese use several cooking options. For the most common one in China, you will need a gaiwan. Its volume is from 100 to 120 ml, 7 grams of tea leaves are enough for it. Please note that the volume of different categories and types may differ significantly, so the weight is taken as the standard.

The first method is universal and well-known.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  • Pour boiling water over the dishes. The taste characteristics and quality of the prepared drink depend on the age-old tradition of heating the dishes.
  • Pour in the required number of tea leaves and fill them. It was mentioned earlier about the water temperature, it should not be higher than 85 degrees
  • The first infusion opens and prepares the leaves, in addition, they are washed. Despite the cleanliness and order of private Chinese workshops on plantations, hand-produced tea is not sterile. Expensive and popular varieties are processed by hand, without the use of modern technologies. Therefore, the first brew is not drunk, but drained. The procedure time is 2 minutes.
  • Refill with boiling water. Now you have started brewing. This can be done many times; high-quality raw materials can be brewed at least six to ten times. The main thing is that you do not overexpose the leaves; each process is short, no more than 60 seconds. Leaves transfer their properties to water quite quickly. If they infuse longer, bitterness appears in the taste.

Proper brewing of Indian and Ceylon green tea

In India and Sri Lanka, English cooking traditions predominate. The Assamica tea bush is cultivated in these regions; its leaves are larger than those of Camellia sinensis, which mainly grows in China. They also differ in taste.

The Indian method is not the same as the Chinese method in terms of cooking time. High-mountain varieties infuse for 4 minutes, those of lower quality - up to 5 minutes. Indians use a heated large teapot, traditionally adding an additional spoon of leaves to its volume. People here really like to add milk to the cup. There is a tradition of using it instead of boiling water for brewing. In Punjab, to prepare a thick and rich decoction, add 2 teaspoons of tea leaves and 1 sugar to 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and drink.

Both India and Sri Lanka like a strong infusion, the dry norm is 2 teaspoons per cup. Especially in large cities of India, the tradition of drinking it strongly brewed, with milk, in English, has been preserved.

In Ceylon, they believe that the aroma and beneficial properties are better revealed in soft filtered water; the drink does not require the addition of sugar.

Amount of brew per serving

When talking about how much leaves to pour to prepare a sample drink, you always need to remember that the volume differs for different varieties and fractions. For example, 5 grams of one category is 3-4 tablespoons, and another is 1 teaspoon. Therefore, experts advise focusing on weight, pouring 2-3 grams per serving.

Infusion time

When filling the kettle for the first time, the drink should be infused for 30 seconds, and subsequent times increase the time by 5-10 seconds. On average, the infusion time per serving is 1 minute. It is important to consider the fact that the longer you wait, the more bitter the taste you will get. And if, due to inexperience, you overextend green tea, then even sugar, which absolutely does not go well with it, will not save it.

The first brew is not taken into account, which is traditionally drained. It infuses for about 2 minutes, helps to open the bouquet and prepare the leaves.

Cooking water

There is no consensus on how hot it should be. Expert opinion is mixed, recommendations vary from 60 to 90 degrees. In the rules for brewing green tea, beginners should write down a temperature of 80-90 degrees. But there is a nuance here: varieties such as Zhong Jing, made from buds, will open at 80 degrees, and large leaves, for example, Taiping Houkui, will give more pleasure if cooked at 85-90.

Natural spring water is best suited for brewing. If it is difficult to find, bottled or filtered will do. Be sure to remember:

  • Do not use unsettled tap water.
  • Twice boiled is not suitable.

What utensils are needed?

The most important thing is that the vessel retains heat for a long time, so when choosing a material, opt for ceramics or porcelain. The Japanese bottle the drink from enameled cast iron. Glass allows you to observe the movement of tea leaves, the change in color of the infusion and how the tea leaf unfolds.

In addition to teapots and gaiwans, glass “flasks” are used in China. Their history is not as long and ancient as that of the entire Chinese tea ceremony, but they have won consumer recognition and are deservedly popular. They simplify the process and protect your fingers from burns.

Whatever you brew your tea leaves in, rinse the container with boiling water to evenly heat the walls.

Beneficial properties of lingonberry leaves

Lingonberries have a healing effect due to their rich composition. Beneficial features:

  • Restorative - boosting immunity, preventing vitamin deficiency, colds due to the high content of vitamins C, B, minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus).
  • Antitoxic - removal of harmful components due to the content of tannins in the plant.
  • Anti-inflammatory – stopping the source of infection.
  • Diuretic – helps get rid of edema, normalizes water balance, helps with kidney problems and urolithiasis.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal – eliminates the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Sedative – helps eliminate insomnia and weather dependence.
  • Choleretic – improves bile flow.
  • Antihistamine - helps cope with allergy attacks.

Storing Green Tea Leaves

The quality and benefits of the prepared drink depend not only on correct adherence to the recipe, but also on storage conditions. The noble aromatic product is capricious and quickly loses its properties if it is not stored correctly.

This may seem strange, but it should not be bought for the future, with a reserve. The supply can be made for no more than a month.

The best containers for it are ceramic or glass; a tin can is also suitable if, like all others, it has a tight lid. Tightness will provide reliable protection from dust, odors and condensation.


When choosing tea based on your preferences, listen to the consultant’s recommendations and read the instructions on the package. Experienced experts advise paying attention to the appearance of the sheet. Good product smooth and shiny. To preserve the multifaceted taste and benefits of the purchased product, consider:

  • He does not like heat and tolerates cool weather well. Green and white varieties are considered especially capricious to environmental temperatures. Storage at room temperature is allowed.
  • You will need a dark place or container with opaque walls. Direct sunlight triggers the oxidation process, which directly affects the taste properties
  • It absorbs other odors, especially herbs and strong spices. Find a place for it in a separate cabinet, away from the kitchen work surface.


Before you brew delicious green tea, study the contraindications and risks associated with its use. Concentrated and natural, it affects all human functions and organs, its chemical composition has been well studied.

  • The optimal temperature for use is 55 degrees or lower. If it is hot, it will not only burn the oral mucosa, but also greatly stimulate the esophagus and stomach, and affect the condition of the larynx.
  • Cold drink is also not recommended for consumption, as it has already lost its beneficial properties.
  • A large amount of caffeine has a diuretic effect, which, on the one hand, helps eliminate toxins, and on the other, creates a risk of fluid loss for the body in the heat. To prevent blood clots and the risk of strokes, especially for older people, you need to replenish losses by drinking a glass of water before/after or with it.
  • When the infusion time increases to the 7-10 minutes accepted in Europe, by filling the vessel for the third or fourth time, you drink an “empty” useless decoction. It has been confirmed that 50% of the beneficial substances with this method are extracted with the first infusion, the rest are distributed in the second and third as 30 and 10%, respectively. The Chinese tradition of how to brew green leaf tea adheres to the quick brewing method, Pin Cha can withstand up to 10 brews, and individual collection varieties - up to 15.


Soothing tea recipe:

Young shoots contain more aromatic components and vitamins

The procurement of raw materials should be carried out in a volume that is gentle on the bushes. This means that 1-2 young shoots can be plucked from each branch. If this is not done, the plant will lack nutrition and produce little fruit.

Raspberry leaf tea is a storehouse of nutrients. Its benefits are much more pronounced than when taking berry infusion. Subject to certain conditions of use and proper introduction into the daily menu, you can achieve colossal results, which are several times better than with classical therapeutic treatment.

Solution: How to Brew and Drink Pu-Er Tea Properly - Main Characteristics

Just like tea made from currant leaves, raspberry drink is a universal remedy that has a positive effect on the entire body. The unique chemical composition provides a huge number of therapeutic effects:

When can green tea be harmful?

If you drink it right before meals, protein absorption will decrease and meals will seem tasteless. This is due to the property of diluting saliva. To prevent the drink from affecting digestion, drink it half an hour before or after meals. Wait 30 minutes so that the tannin does not affect the absorption of iron and proteins.

Doctors do not recommend taking medications with tea, because its tannins impair the absorption of drugs. The Chinese are sure that it destroys medicinal formulas.

If the tea leaves for a day, it becomes an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, since it contains a high content of sugar and protein. It is used as an external remedy without harm to the body.

Abuse of large amounts of decoction is harmful to the entire body. Tea contains a lot of caffeine, is dangerous for high blood pressure, and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. A strong infusion can cause dizziness. Doctors advise avoiding it during pregnancy.

If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor. Green tea should not be drunk with alcoholic beverages; it is dangerous due to the formation of toxins and negative effects on the kidneys.

To receive only pleasure and benefit from the ceremony, choose and purchase quality tea from trusted suppliers, such as the Russian Tea Company. Brew it not too strong and drink no more than 3-4 cups a day.

Contraindications for raspberry leaf tea before childbirth

In order for raspberry leaf tea to bring noticeable results during childbirth, you should drink up to 3 glasses every day in the last trimester of pregnancy . A strong brew of 3 tablespoons of dry raspberry leaves will help speed up the maternity process that has already begun.

An infusion of raspberry leaves is often confused with raspberry tea made from dried fruits. As a result, raspberries themselves do not enjoy the best reputation among pregnant women. Meanwhile, thanks to the wealth of vitamins and minerals it contains, these berries - fresh, dried or in products - are one of the most suitable and safe elements of a healthy diet during pregnancy .

For the infusion, you should use healthy, young, but already well-grown trunks of the raspberry bush. Therefore, it is best to collect them in the summer (from proven places - without splashes, dirt, etc.), and then dry them in a ventilated, shaded place. Dried raspberry leaves are also available in pharmacies and stores.

The leaves of raspberry bushes contain tannins (tannins), flavonoids, organic acids and mineral salts (iron, calcium, copper, magnesium) and vitamin C.

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