Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries) - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: Altai cedar (Russia)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Ingredients Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Indications for use of the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Release form of the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Precautions when taking the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Storage conditions for the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)
  • Shelf life of the drug Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries)

Description of pharmacological action

Rose hips have an anti-inflammatory, gentle diuretic, non-irritating effect on the kidneys, are used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and accelerate the recovery of the body after illness. Lingonberry leaves have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-putrefactive, antiseptic properties. Used for urolithiasis, cystitis, as a disinfectant. Knotweed herb (knotweed) - improves immunity, reduces the crystallization of salts in the urinary tract, is used for urolithiasis, and also after removing stones. Chamomile flowers have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic effect, and are used for kidney and bladder diseases. Bearberry leaves - used for chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, gout. “Renal. With lingonberries" is used for kidney and bladder diseases, kidney stones, and also after stone removal. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, reduces the crystallization of salts.

Kidney compositions of herbs in a pharmacy

To use a renal collection there must be a specific indication.
Here are a number of diseases for which these drugs will be effective:

  1. Cystitis and urethritis.
  2. Presence of kidney stones.
  3. Hydronephrosis.
  4. Severe kidney disease.
  5. Pyelonephritis.
  6. Presence of edema.
  7. Glomerulonephritis.
  8. Nephroptosis.
  9. Nephrolithiasis.
  10. Hydronephrosis.

It is worth considering the disease and the effect of the kidney collection on them.

For pyelonephritis

Kidney preparations intended for the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases are aimed at eliminating pain during the acute stage of pyelonephritis and preventing relapses.

The following medicinal herbs are taken as a component:

  1. Calendula and chamomile flowers.
  2. Cornflower.
  3. Birch leaves.
  4. Lingonberry leaves and berries.

These plants are aimed at preventing inflammation, reducing the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, removing excess fluid from the body and relieving swelling.

For cystitis

Therapeutic renal collection for cystitis is aimed at providing the following effects on the kidneys and genitourinary system:

  1. Strengthens the effect of the main medicine.
  2. Relieves the inflammatory process.
  3. Reduces the severity of side effects from medications consumed.
  4. Increases diuresis.
  5. Relieves pain.
  6. Accelerates cleansing of toxic substances.

Doctors recommend drinking collection No. 1 for cystitis. It includes:

  1. Lingonberry leaves.
  2. Initial letter.
  3. Wintergreen leaves.
  4. Knotweed grass.
  5. The roots of the pennyweed.
  6. Horsetail

Collection No. 2 will also be useful:

  1. Chamomile flowers.
  2. Bearberry leaves.
  3. Yarrow.
  4. Hop cones.

An enema infusion is made from this collection.

For edema

If swelling has formed due to kidney pathologies, then the collection is based on anti-inflammatory herbs, so the infectious process will pass faster.

In this case, the kidney collection will consist of the following herbs:

  1. Bearberry.
  2. Chamomile.
  3. Birch.
  4. Violet.
  5. Horsetail
  6. Juniper.
  7. Nettle and others.

For kidney stones

For urolithiasis, herbal preparations must be used in complex treatment. The types of herbs will depend on the type of stone formation.

So, in the presence of phosphates and calcifications, the following plants are recommended:

  1. St. John's wort.
  2. Cowberry.
  3. Air.
  4. Bear ear.
  5. Parsley.
  6. Burdock.
  7. Madder tincture.

If these are urates, then the plants will be slightly different:

  1. Dill and parsley seeds.
  2. Birch leaves.
  3. Lingonberry leaves.
  4. Field horsetail.
  5. Strawberries.

If oxalates are present, take a collection based on the following medicinal herbs:

  1. Horsetail.
  2. Strawberries.
  3. Knotweed.
  4. Corn silk.
  5. Peppermint.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women often suffer from edema, so they are interested in the question: is it possible to take renal collection during this period?

It must be said that some of the herbs that are included in such preparations are not so harmless. Therefore, before starting to take the renal collection, you will need to consult a doctor. And if the doctor forbade you to take the infusion, then it should be so.

The growing uterus during pregnancy puts pressure on the bladder. As a result, the kidneys have to work at increased speed. Such loads need to be adjusted somehow.

In this case, a bud collection is prescribed, which mainly consists of the following plants:

  1. Orthosiphon staminate.
  2. Cranberry.
  3. Cowberry.

They have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

With their help, you can stabilize urodynamics, improve glomerular filtration, and the performance of the canals. In addition, excess salt accumulations are removed from the body, urates and oxalates are dissolved, and the separation of fluid, which is used to wash the kidneys and ureteral canals, doubles.

Composition of herbs

It may vary, taking into account the person’s diagnosis and the characteristics of his body. The following herbs help best with stone formation:

  • horsetail;
  • birch leaves;
  • knotweed;
  • juniper berry;
  • flax-seed;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • burdock;
  • lovage;
  • parsley;
  • nettle;
  • series.

If inflammation develops in the body, then it is best to use this set:

  • calamus root;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • watermelon rinds (they must be dried and crushed to the consistency of flour);
  • parsley roots;
  • bear ear.

If it is necessary to provide a therapeutic effect, then the following set is recommended for use:

  • St. John's wort;
  • tricolor violet;
  • dandelion roots;
  • series;
  • sage;
  • burdock.

Orthosiphon and pol-pala create a fairly strong therapeutic effect, which allows them to be used separately.

If you think about it, there are quite a lot of options for the kidney composition. The composition and features of administration are determined by the doctor in each specific case.

How is it useful?

Herbs are used according to indications and help in the treatment of:

  • chronic and acute inflammation of the paired organ;
  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • swelling, the causes of which may be problems with the cardiovascular system or pregnancy.

Knowing the composition of herbs, you can collect them yourself. But you should choose environmentally friendly places for this. If this is not possible, then you can purchase the collection at any pharmacy kiosk.


Collection of herbal components with diuretic and saluretic effects. Helps improve the release of nitrogen by the paired organ, has a positive effect on kidney depuration.

Reduces inflammation, facilitates the process of urine excretion, reduces pain, eliminating muscle spasms. Antibacterial effects, as well as a reduction in swelling, were also noted.

The drug is approved for use in combination or as monotherapy, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Drug "Altai"

Lingonberry leaf and bearberry have become an excellent complement to each other, turning into a single and reliable protector. The composition can be used as an auxiliary composition for kidney and bladder diseases, has a diuretic effect, protects against inflammatory processes, reduces the formation of salts and creates an antiseptic effect. With its help, the body is perfectly maintained after the removal of stones. Contains the following herbs:

  1. Rose hips – have an anti-inflammatory, slight diuretic effect, and do not irritate the kidneys. With their help, the body recovers after an illness.
  2. Lingonberry leaf - known for sedative, anti-putrefactive, antiseptic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps perfectly with cystitis, urolithiasis, and is an excellent disinfectant composition.
  3. Knotweed - improves the immune system, reduces the formation of salts in the ureteric canals, helps with urolithiasis of the paired organ and ureter.
  4. Chamomile – has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic effects.
  5. Bearberry – suitable for chronic stage cystitis, calculi, gout. Cleanses the ureteral canals from products of inflammatory processes. Improves urine output and creates an antiseptic effect.

Doctors recommend this collection as an active food supplement.

The composition is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy, nursing mothers, or patients suffering from allergies to individual components. The product is not considered a medicine, but before use it requires consultation with a specialist.

This is a combined herbal remedy that includes calendula flowers, mint, bearberry, dill, and eleutherococcus roots.

The composition has an excellent diuretic, antiseptic effect, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for renal pathologies of acute and chronic forms, problems with the ureteric passages.

The product has an allergenic effect and is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity.

It includes horsetail, dill, lingonberry leaves, rose hips, woolly erva, and licorice root.

With this collection you can get rid of puffiness and remove salt accumulations. The composition has a hemostatic, lotolitic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Approved for use in cases of stones and hydronephrosis, helps cope with swelling, solves problems with diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieves cystitis, pyelonephritis and glumerulonephritis.

Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and patients suffering from allergenic manifestations.

The course of administration should be from two to four weeks; before use, you should consult a specialist.

Other means

In addition to the listed compositions, the following renal compositions are popular:

  • Orthosiphon;
  • Urophyton;
  • Nephron and others.

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Aviton - Lysin-Active (Capsule)
  • Maxiflorum For skin. Strengthened formula (Oral tablets)
  • Maxiflorum Cardio with hawthorn (Oral tablets)
  • Marcalact (Oral powder)
  • Blue blackberry, leaves-C (Raw materials for the production of dietary supplements)

The description of the vitamin Herbal tea “Altai” No. 4 (Kidney with lingonberries) is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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