Horsetail - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews

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Manufacturers: Kyiv Pharmaceutical Factory

Active ingredients

  • Horsetail grass

Disease class

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Clinical and pharmacological group

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Diuretic
  • Antibacterial

Pharmacological group

  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Diuretics

Vegetable raw materials Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

Instructions for medical use of the drug

Description of pharmacological action

Herbal preparations of the plant have a diuretic effect superior to kidney tea. In addition, horsetail has hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. 5-glucosidluteolin isolated from the plant exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Experiments have established that horsetail can have a detoxifying effect, in particular, it helps remove lead from the body. Silicon compounds, contained in large quantities in the plant, play an important role in metabolic processes and the functional activity of connective tissue, mucous membranes, and blood vessel walls; They are especially important for the development of bone tissue.

Indications for use

Edema syndrome of various origins; cystitis, urethritis.

Release form

medicinal plant raw materials; crushed vegetable raw materials; whole vegetable raw materials; vegetable raw materials - powder;


Diuretic of plant origin. The complex of biologically active substances of the horsetail herb (including silicic acid, saponins, tannins, organic acids, salts) provides diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, detoxification (removes lead) effects. In urine, silicon salts form colloids that prevent the crystallization of urinary stones. The diuretic effect is manifested from the first day of use and throughout the entire course of treatment, as well as with repeated courses (no addiction to horsetail preparations).

Use during pregnancy

Contraindicated: pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Use for renal impairment

Contraindicated: nephritis, nephrosis, nephrosonephritis.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, nephritis, nephrosis, nephrosonephritis.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, with prolonged use - irritation of the renal parenchyma.

Directions for use and doses

Decoction of horsetail herb (Decoctum herbae Equiseti arvensis): 20 g (4 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in hot water (in a water bath) for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for 2 days. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 1 hour after meals. Liquid extract of horsetail (Extractum Equiseti arvensis fluidum). Prepared by percolation method in 60% alcohol. Take 1/2 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Briquettes of horsetail grass (Bricetum herbae Equiseti): 1.5 slices of briquette are poured with a glass of cold water, boiled for 30 minutes, cooled, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Horsetail grass granules. Prepare a decoction of 10 granules (1 tablespoon) per 200 ml of water. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Special instructions for use

The patient needs to consult a doctor when using horsetail for baths, with extensive skin damage, acute skin diseases of unknown etiology, high fever, infectious diseases, heart failure and arterial hypertension.

Storage conditions

Store at 5-8°C.

Best before date

3 months

ATX classification:

A Digestive tract and metabolism

A10 Drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

A10X Other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Horsetail in home cosmetology.

The contribution of horsetail to cosmetology is difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that this medicinal plant contains silicic acid compounds, masks, scrubs, and creams based on horsetail promote very rapid renewal of skin cells. Don’t forget about the rejuvenating effect of cosmetics based on horsetail - they smooth out fine wrinkles, even out skin color and help preserve youth. Horsetail has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and moderate astringent and wound-healing properties, which is why an ordinary decoction of horsetail is useful for caring for problem skin, as well as for restoring the skin with minor damage.

Horsetail for facial skin. A natural tonic is prepared from a decoction of horsetail; for this, the herb is poured with water and left over low heat for five to seven minutes, after which it is allowed to cool. It is recommended to wipe the face with the prepared product in the morning and evening using a cotton pad; it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. For oily skin, it is ideal to freeze cosmetic ice cubes from the herbal decoction and wipe your face and neck once a day.

Horsetail mask: 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail grass, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 1 hour. Strain, add enough rolled oats flakes ground in a coffee grinder to get a creamy mass. Apply it to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Wash with water at room temperature. — Mask for skin rejuvenation: Prepare a decoction as in recipe 1, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh carrot juice. Soak gauze folded in several layers with the solution and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with a swab dipped in weak green tea. — Wipe oily, porous skin with horsetail decoction 2-3 times a day, more often if possible. After wiping, do not wash your face for 30-40 minutes. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Horsetail for hair - several recipes:

-To prepare a herbal rinse, infuse the herb in water (usually in the proportion of 1 part horsetail to 5-10 parts water). Daily rinsing of hair leads to strengthening of hair follicles. It is enough to do a similar procedure for only two weeks - and the result will be noticeable - the hair will become stronger, at the same time manageable and soft.

-Horsetail decoction for rinsing hair To prepare a simple decoction, just pour a few tablespoons of 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat. The prepared cooled decoction is ideal as a herbal hair rinse to strengthen and restore hair elasticity and shine. Use 2-3 times a week for a total course of 1.5-2 months.

-Horsetail for oily hair against dandruff

To stimulate hair growth and get rid of dandruff, 2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of horsetail herb with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. After shampooing and rinsing, rinse your hair with the decoction. For greater effect, rub into hair roots and hold on hair under a cellophane cap for 20 minutes. Then wring out the hair, but do not rinse it, and let it dry.

Horsetail for body skin: Horsetail extract is used to moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. To do this, horsetail tincture and several egg yolks are added to the baby cream. Then apply the prepared product to the body and let it dry for a couple of minutes. Wash off with warm water in the shower.

Horsetail for the skin of the hands: One of the best products for the skin of the hands is considered to be enriched soap with the addition of beneficial ingredients. For example, using a decoction of horsetail, you can prepare the following recipe: add oil to the soap base (which is sold in pharmacies): almond, olive or apricot (optional). Then a decoction of horsetail and a drop of your favorite essential oil. The prepared product is poured into molds and allowed to cool. Using this hand soap, there is no need to use a special cream.

Horsetail for foot care: If there is a problem with unpleasant foot odor, horsetail tincture comes to the rescue here too. It is added to a weak solution of vinegar and wiped on the feet and the skin between the toes. The procedure should be done daily until the fungal manifestations disappear.

Horsetail preparations are used to get rid of cellulite. At home, a decoction is prepared for this and used for wraps. 4 tbsp. spoons of horsetail pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Therapeutic baths. The use of horsetail for baths stimulates metabolism in the skin and helps with circulatory disorders, affects swelling in frostbite, fractures, abscesses, suppuration of bones in open fractures, increased sweating of the body, legs, cellulite, and also alleviates rheumatic diseases and metabolic disorders substances for gout, since silicic acid partially enters the skin when bathing. • To prepare a bath, you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and leave in 0.5 liters of water at room temperature for 24 hours, strain. Add 37 degrees water to the bath and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 15 baths every other day.

Bath for sweating: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of horsetail herb with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain, pour into a bath at a temperature of +37C. Bath time is 10-15 minutes. After a bath, do not rinse or dry yourself. Allow moisture to dry naturally.

Rejuvenation bath:

Pour horsetail with cold water for 2 hours, then boil for half an hour, strain and pour into the bath (5 tablespoons per 3 glasses of water). After this, lie in such a bath for at least 30 minutes.

For weight loss:

Place 4 tbsp in an enamel bowl. l. horsetail, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the remaining herb. Bring the volume of the decoction to 200 ml by adding boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for 2 days. Take 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Horsetail to relieve fatigue and overwork: Pour 1 tablespoon of horsetail herb with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks to cleanse the body.

Stomatitis and tonsillitis - 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, strain, and cool. Rinse your mouth with warm broth 6 times a day.


-Individual intolerance.

-Horsetail and preparations based on it should not be used by people with kidney diseases (nephritis, nephrosis, etc.), as well as pregnant and lactating women.

You can order horsetail here:

Horsetail in beauty recipes collected on the Internet.

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** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use the drug Horsetail, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Horsetail is provided for informational purposes and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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