Furamag with alcohol: compatibility and contraindications

"Furamag" in urology is one of the most popular uroantiseptics used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The synthetic drug has an antibacterial effect, which suggests its toxicity. But despite the low toxicometric indicator during the treatment period, some patients are faced with the question of how compatible Furamag and alcohol are. Like the medicinal component, ethyl alcohol is also quite toxic, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the question: is it safe to combine them together?

The drug "Furamag"

Components of Furamag and their compatibility with alcohol

The main active component of the drug is potassium furazidin. Pharmacological sources contain information that this substance is not able to dissolve in ethyl alcohol. This fact suggests that alcohol suppresses the therapeutic effect of the drug.

But not only for this reason, it is not recommended to combine uroantiseptic with alcohol. Alcoholic drinks increase the toxicity of furazidine and can provoke side effects that the medicine can cause.

How does the medicine work?

The drug is highly resistant to stomach acid, so it quickly passes the stomach, entering the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the blood and evenly distributed in the tissues. A couple of hours after taking the medication, it reaches a high concentration in urine without changing its pH. Excretion from the body occurs primarily through the kidneys.

Most often, treatment ends with victory over the disease long before this process begins.

After entering the bladder or kidneys, the drug begins to have a destructive effect on the membrane of pathogenic microbes, without affecting the beneficial microflora. As a result of this activity, bacteria are destroyed and subsequently excreted in the urine during migration.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The question is often asked: is it an antibiotic or not? Furamag is an antimicrobial drug from the nitrofuran group , which has a wide spectrum of action. Thinking that Furamag is an antibiotic, many refuse to take it (especially when prescribed to children). This is completely unjustified.

First of all, nitrofurans do not suppress the immune system , but activate it, since in therapeutic doses they stimulate leukopoiesis and increase the ability of leukocytes to phagocytose (capture) microorganisms.

Secondly, resistance to Furamag develops very slowly. It acts on gram-positive and gram-negative microbes resistant to antibiotics. In relation to E.coli, Proteus morganii, Proteus mirabilis and Staphylococcus spp. Furamag is more active than other nitrofurans. There is high activity (compared to other antimicrobial drugs) against Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus spp. Thirdly, unlike antibiotics, Furamag practically does not suppress the beneficial microflora .

The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt cellular respiration and biosynthesis of nucleic acids of microorganisms, suppression of the Krebs cycle . The shell of microorganisms is destroyed. toxins are released during the destruction of microorganisms , and the therapeutic effect is achieved faster.


Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine, more from the proximal than from the distal. Eating food promotes more active absorption.

When taking 50 mg of the drug, its maximum concentration in the blood after 3 hours (lasts 6 hours), appears in the urine after 2-4 hours. The concentration in the urine is higher than in the blood . The drug is slightly biotransformed and the daily dose is excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours.

Permissible doses according to age

Adult patients take 1-2 capsules. To increase the bioavailability and effectiveness of furazidin, take it with plenty of water after meals. The medication is taken three times a day.

Children can take uroantiseptic from the age of three at a dosage of 5 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Treatment with the drug is carried out for seven to ten days. After a two-week interval, therapy is repeated as necessary.

For recurrent infections, the medication is taken for up to six months at a dosage reduced by three times.

For prophylactic purposes, the medicine is used once at a dose of 25-50 mg before surgery or examination of the urinary organs.

Furamag price, where to buy

This drug can be found in any pharmacy in Russia and Ukraine. The price of tablets (capsules) depends on the dosage. Thus, in Moscow the cost of the drug for 25 mg ranges from 258 rubles. up to 352 rubles, respectively, the cost of the drug for 50 mg is from 375 rubles. up to 507 rub. The price of Furamag in Kharkov is 92-107 UAH. (25 mg capsules) and 144-154 UAH. (50 mg capsules).

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Contraindications to the use of "Furamag"

Uroantiseptic is not prescribed for chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys. In such diseases, the medicine exhibits a high toxicometric value.

The medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to furazidone. At the first signs of intolerance, it is immediately canceled.

Pregnant and lactating women should not use medicinal synthetics, since the active ingredient can negatively affect the development of the fetus and cause allergies and dyspeptic syndrome in infants.

Those suffering from a deficiency of an enzyme such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase can use the drug only under medical supervision.

Interaction with other drugs

List of drugs with which Furamag cannot be used when taken orally:

  • sulfonamides;
  • antacids;
  • "Ristomycin";
  • calcium chloride preparations;
  • medicines of a number of quinolones;
  • "Levomecithin" and chloramphenicol-based medications;
  • ascorbic acid and preparations high in vitamin C.

The right combination of drugs is important

Sulfonamides and drugs based on the antibacterial component chloramphenicol contribute to the inhibition of hematopoiesis. In combination with Furamag, this effect is enhanced, so it is not recommended to use them together.

Calcium chloride and vitamin C have the ability to acidify urine, which is unacceptable in case of inflammatory processes in the urogenital organs.

Antacids reduce the effectiveness of the uroantiseptic because they reduce its absorption.

The drug is well compatible with antibiotics of a number of tetracyclines, penicillins and cephalosporins. It enhances their effect, therefore, when simultaneously treating drugs in this category, dose adjustment is necessary, which is recommended to be reduced.

furamag for children

1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl - drugs with proven ineffectiveness! 2. Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ersefuril, Imunomax, Lykopid, Isoprinosine, Primadofilus, Engistol, Imudon - immunomodulators with unproven effectiveness. They are expensive. The studies conducted do not provide any grounds to consider arbidol as a drug with proven activity in trials for the treatment of colds, including influenza. Researchers from abroad were not really interested in this drug. 3. Bifidobacterin, Bifiform, Linex, Hilak Forte, Primadofilus, etc. - all probiotics. The diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis”, which is widely used by our pediatricians, no longer exists anywhere in the world. Prebiotics are prescribed with caution in developed countries. 4. Validol. A mint candy that is vaguely related to medicine. Good breath freshener. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts validol under the tongue instead of nitroglycerin, which is mandatory in such situations, and goes to the hospital with a heart attack. 5. Vinpocetine and Cavinton. Today it is not recommended for use: not a single benign study has revealed clinically significant effects. It is a substance obtained from the leaves of the Vinca minor plant. The drug has been little studied. Therefore, in the USA and many other countries it is considered a dietary supplement, and not a medicine. $15 a jar for a month of use. In Japan, withdrawn from sale due to apparent ineffectiveness. 6. Nootropil, Piracetam, Phezam, Aminalon, Phenibut, Pantogam, Picamilon, Instenon, Mildronate, Cinnarizine, Mexidol - placebo drugs. 7. Wobenzym. Manufacturers claim that it heals, prolongs life and youth. You should not believe in a fairy tale about a miracle drug that has not been tested in experimental studies just because it is expensive. Drug companies invest hundreds of millions of dollars in testing a drug, even if there is little hope that it can be proven to be effective. One can only guess why these studies on wobenzym have not been done so far. But large amounts of money are invested in its advertising. 8. Glycine (amino acid) Tenaten, Enerion, St. John's wort preparations, Grippol, Polyoxidonium - drugs with unproven effectiveness. 9.ERESPAL A drug that has not proven its effectiveness against ARVI. Erespal in syrup is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and allergies. Due to the dyes and honey flavoring it contains, it itself can provoke bronchospasm. 10.Gedelix Effectiveness against acute respiratory viral infections in children, and even in adults, has not been proven. 11. Dioxidine is contraindicated in children due to its high toxicity. Use with extreme caution in adults with diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. If you have ear disease, use caution if your eardrum is damaged. 12.Bioparox, Kudesan no major studies have been conducted; all articles on Pubmed are mainly of Russian origin. The “research” was conducted primarily on mice. BIOLOGICAL SUPPLEMENTS AND HOMEOPATHY ARE NOT MEDICINES! 1. Aqua Maris - (sea water) 2. Apilak. — Dietary supplement with unproven effectiveness. 3. Novo-passit. For a simple herbal tincture it is quite expensive. When promoting its product, the manufacturer actively used “individual work with key specialists and doctors.”* Positioned as an anxiolytic - a psychotropic drug that suppresses anxiety, fear, restlessness, and emotional stress. Novo-passit contains a complex of liquid extracts of medicinal plants (valerian officinalis, lemon balm, St. John's wort, common hawthorn, passionflower incarnata (passion flower), common hop, black elderberry) Gaifenesinl. It is guaifenesin that is credited with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Meanwhile, guaifenesin is only a mucolytic and cannot have the effect attributed to the drug. However, taking a little alcohol before bed has never hurt anyone... Source 4. Omacor - dietary supplement 5. Lactusan - dietary supplement 6. Cerebrum compositum (produced by Heel GmbH), Nevrohel, Valerianohel, Hepar-compositum, Traumeel, D iskus, Canephron, Lymphomyosot, Mastodinone, Mucosa, Ubiquinone, Target T, Echinacea, Flu-hel, etc. - Homeopathy. are not drugs, do not have a therapeutic effect, they have a placebo effect, i.e. reaction of expectation to application. 7. Protargol is a drug containing silver. Silver belongs to substances of hazard class A along with lead, arsenic and mercury. To be fair, there is a tiny amount of silver in protargol. Not recommended for the treatment of runny nose in children. AND A LITTLE MORE HUMOR: Yoghurts “The European Center for Food Safety recently began studying the question of the healthfulness of yoghurts, whose employees tested almost a thousand samples of products from various companies producing yoghurts. As it turned out, in most cases there can be no question of any miraculous therapeutic effect or increased immunity! According to the latest research by European experts, yoghurts, contrary to the opinion of many citizens who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, do not bring any particular benefit to digestion and certainly do not strengthen the immune system. The scientists’ findings became a real sensation, so it is possible that probiotic manufacturers will be prohibited from placing information on the packaging about the exceptional usefulness of the miracle product. Meanwhile, some companies whose products were fortunately not included in the experiments are still singing the same old song to consumers. However, more cautious manufacturers still withdrew their applications to confirm the beneficial properties of yoghurts.” _______________________________________________ ANALOGUES OF EXPENSIVE MEDICINES MANUFACTURED IN RUSSIA: Diflucan (500 rubles) - Fluknazole (30 rubles) Mezim (?) - Pancreatin (much cheaper and larger packaging) Immodium (100-120 rubles) - Loperamide (2 times cheaper, 3 times more ), although I bought Loperamide at a regular pharmacy inexpensively, but at 36.6 they have the same name, and the price is comparable to Immodium. No-shpa (200 RUR 60 tabs) - Drotoverine (50 RUR - 50 tabs). Lomilan (110 rubles) - LauraGexal (75 rubles) Panadol - Paracetamol Zovirax - Acyclovir Ciplox (20 rubles) - ciprofloxacin (200 rubles) Lyoton gel - heparin ointment. Bepanten (220 rubles) - Depantol (187 rubles) - Pantoderm (120 rubles) ambroxol - ambrobene, lasolvan xylometazoline (galazolin) - various expensive nasal drops stopangin (hexetidine) - hexoral nitroxoline - 5-noc Aspirin Upsa (France) Acetylsalicylic acid (Russia) Rinonorm (Germany) Rinostop (Russia) Nazivin (Germany) Xylene (Russia) Nurofen Ibuprofen domestic or ibufen Neuromultivit Pentavit - vitamins Neuromultivit omez ~ 160 rubles / 20 capsules - ultop ~ 200 rubles / 14 capsules - omeprazole ~ 30 rubles / 20 capsules Fastum-gel = bystrumgel (ours produce - called in Russian) pantogam (280) = pantocalcin (120) Belosalik (250r) - Akriderm SK (135) diclofenac - voltaren. furazolidone 10 r - ersefuril 250 r. actovegin (gel ointment jelly) aka solcoseryl trental = pentoxifylline milgamma, now it is not available - our domestic betaserc is combinable - otech betahistine, betaver lyoton - hepatrombin gel, venolife (contains heparin, troxerutin, dexpanthenol) is better than lyoton troxerutin - troxevasin Meridia - Reduxin , Lindaxa. flemoxin solutab (250-300 rubles) - amoxicillin (14-19 rubles) Zovirax - Herpes Claretin 10 mg. -10 tablets -207 rubles, also known as Loratadine 10 mg -10 tablets -25 rubles KLATSID 0.25 N10 TABLE P/O price 820 rubles (Klacid film-coated tablets: 1 tablet contains clarithromycin 250 mg) - Clarithromycin-Verte capsules 0.25 g-170 rubles sumamed (about 500 rubles) - azicide (about 200 rubles) - azithromycin (about 100 rubles) Troxerutin 24 rubles, Troxevasin costs under 100 rubles Zirtec 185 rubles = zodak 85 rubles (cetirizine) There is even cheaper, cetirinax or cetirizine hexal , For example. Sumamed - Chemomycin (active in both - azithromycin) - the difference is about 100 rubles per suspension. Many expensive drugs have a cheaper analogue with an identical composition. Belosalik (380 rubles) and Akriderm SK (40 rubles) Bepanten (250 rubles) and Dexpanthenol (100 rubles) Betaserc (600 rubles) and Betagistin (250 rubles) Bystrumgel (180 rubles) and Ketoprofen (60 rubles) Voltaren (300 rubles) and Diclofenac (40 rubles) Gastrozol (120 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles) Detralex (580 rubles) and Venarus (300 rubles) Diflucan (400 rubles) and Fluconazole (30 rubles) Dlynos (100 rubles) and Rinostop (30 rubles) Zantac (280 rubles) and Ranitidine (30 rubles) Zyrtec (220 rubles) and Cetirinax (80 rubles) Zovirax (240 rubles) and Acyclovir (40 rubles) Immunal (200 rubles) and Echinacea extract (50 rubles) Imodium (300 rubles) and Loperamide (20 rubles) Iodomarin (220 rubles) and Potassium iodide (100 rubles) Cavinton (580 rubles) and Vinpocetine (200 rubles) Claritin ( 180 rubles) and Loragexal (60 rubles) Klatsid (600 rubles) and Clarithromycin (180 rubles) Lazolvan (320 rubles) and Ambroxol (20 rubles) Lamisil (400 rubles) and Terbinafine (100 rubles) Lyoton-1000 (350 rubles) and Heparin-acrigel 1000 (120 rubles) Lomilan ( 150 rubles) and Loragexal (50 rubles) Maxidex (120 rubles) and Dexamethasone (40 rubles) Mezim (300 rubles) and Pancreatin (30 rubles) Midriacil (360 rubles) and Tropicamide (120 rubles) Miramistin (200 rubles) and Chlorhexidine (10 rubles) Movalis (410 rubles) and Meloxicam ( 80 rubles) Neuromultivit (250 rubles) and Pentovit (50 rubles) No-shpa (150 rubles) and Drotaverine hydrochloride (30 rubles) Normodipine (620 rubles) and Amlodipine (40 rubles) Nurofen (120 rubles) and Ibuprofen (10 rubles) Omez (180 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles) Panadol (50 rubles) and Paracetamol (5 rubles) Panangin (140 rubles) and Asparkam (10 rubles) Pantogam (350 rubles) and Pantocalcin (230 rubles) Rhinonorm (50 rubles) and Rinostop (20 rubles) Sumamed (450 rubles) and Azithromycin (90 rubles) Trental (200 rubles) and Pentoxifylline (50 rubles) Trichopolum (90 rubles) and Metronidazole (10 rubles) Troxevasin (220 rubles) and Troxerutin (110 rubles) Ultop (270 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles) Fastum-gel (250 rubles) and Ketoprofen (70 rubles) Finlepsin (280 rubles) and Carbamazepine (50 rubles ) Flucostat (200 rubles) and Fluconazole (20 rubles) Furamag (380 rubles) and Furagin (40 rubles) Hemomycin (300 rubles) and Azithromycin (100 rubles) Enap (150 rubles) and Enalapril (70 rubles) Ersefuril (400 rubles) and Furazolidone (40 rubles)

Side effects when taking alcohol and Furamag at the same time

If you follow the instructions for use, the medicine only rarely causes adverse reactions.

When combining a uroantiseptic with alcohol, the risk of complications increases several times.

The simultaneous use of incompatible chemical compounds leads to symptoms such as headaches, weakness, and low blood pressure.

After drinking alcohol and furazidine, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach and abdomen often occur. The digestive organs may also react with diarrhea.

In some cases, jaundice, hepatitis or liver failure occur.

"Furamag" can cause shortness of breath, cough and provoke asthma attacks in asthmatics. Alcohol may increase these adverse reactions.

Often, while taking this medicine and alcohol, allergies occur in the form of skin rashes and itching.

Uroantiseptic substitutes

The most widely known analogues of Furamag are Furadonin, Furazidin and Furagin. They all contain furazidin, but include different auxiliary components. Despite the same active main substance, Furamag analogues are considered more toxic, therefore it is strictly not recommended to combine them with alcohol.

It is strictly not recommended to combine these drugs with alcohol.

During treatment with any of the above medications, it is recommended to completely abstain from drinking alcohol, as this can lead to serious adverse health consequences.

special instructions

Furamag during pregnancy

There are no reliable clinical studies on the use of furazidins during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of this drug.

Alcohol compatibility

When using Furamag tablets, you should not drink alcohol, as side effects may appear or intensify. Considering that the half-life of the drug from the body is about 10 hours, you need to refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours after completing the course of treatment.

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