Do I need to take sick leave after laser vision correction?

Types of modern laser vision correction operations

Currently, several types of such procedures using a medical laser are used:

  1. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Currently, it is rarely used, as it is an outdated technique. During the operation, incisions are made on the surface of the cornea, through which its surface is corrected and the refractive characteristics are changed. PRK is indicated for myopia up to -6 diopters, farsightedness up to 3 diopters and astigmatism with refractive error up to -3 diopters.
  2. Laser keratomileusis (LASIK). Laser procedure affecting the middle layers of the cornea. Using a microkeratome instrument, a corneal flap is separated, which is shifted and part of the corneal tissue underneath is removed, after which the flap is installed in place. Further healing occurs without suturing. The operation allows you to eliminate astigmatism with a violation of up to 6 diopters, as well as myopia and farsightedness with readings of up to -6 and 6 diopters, respectively.
  3. Laser epitheliokeratectomy (LASEK). The most modern method, relevant for thinning of the cornea, requiring more “thin” instruments for the operation. Acceptable values ​​of refractive error during this procedure are 4 diopters for astigmatism and farsightedness and -8 diopters for myopia.
  4. Epi-LASIK. The operation is performed for mild or moderate myopia with a flatter shape of the cornea, but the limitation in this case is myopia up to -10 diopters. The procedure is also relevant for astigmatism up to 4 diopters and farsightedness up to 6 diopters. During this procedure, an epikeratome instrument is used, which separates the epithelium along the natural boundaries of the cornea. After this, the separated flap is moved to the side and a certain amount of corneal tissue is evaporated through the action of an excimer laser.

But the restrictions that should be followed during the recovery period will be the same in all cases.

Lasik: about laser eye surgery

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism... an increasing number of people are encountering these diagnoses in their lives. Unfortunately, the age of people suffering from one of the eye diseases becomes younger every year. In order not to stand out from society, a person looks for the safest solution to a problem. Thus, in recent years, a vision correction technique called LASIK has become widespread. What is the essence of the technique and in what case should it be carried out? Let's look at it in more detail in the article.

Description of the technique

The essence comes from the abbreviation LASIK itself: Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis - “laser keratomileusis”. The goal of the correction is to achieve normal optical power of the cornea by changing its shape and using the “cold” ultraviolet beam of an excimer laser. That is, if the patient is farsighted, then the cornea is “rounded”; if nearsighted, then it is made flatter; in the case of astigmatism, the cornea is given the correct shape as a whole.

It would seem that the technique is already ideal, but medicine does not stand still. The Super LASIK method was invented, which is more personalized, taking into account the individual structure of the cornea.

Also read: General indications and contraindications for laser vision correction surgeries

Indications for correction using the LASIK method:

    stable myopia ( Stages of LASIK correction

The correction process using this method is divided into two large stages.

The first stage involves the formation of a corneal flap. An automatic microkeratome comes to the rescue, which painlessly (although local anesthesia will be used in any case) and in a short period of time (from 2 to 5 seconds) creates a flap directly in the superficial layers of the cornea.

Vision correction in children

Pediatric ophthalmology in general and vision correction in particular are classified as a separate branch, where specially trained doctors work. This is explained by numerous anatomical and physiological features of the organ of vision in children.

), the same optical correction methods are used. However, diagnosis, measurement of visual acuity and the principle of selecting glasses or contact lenses are different. If you experience problems with vision in children, it is best to contact a large specialized center where there is an appropriate specialist.

Vision correction in children requires an individual approach for the following reasons:

  • Specifics of diseases. Childhood is characterized by certain pathologies associated with various intrauterine developmental disorders and genetic predisposition. You can often find cases of severe congenital refractive error, cataracts and other diseases. In childhood, their treatment tactics are different.
  • Risk of amblyopia. If a child has a pronounced refractive error in one eye, there is a high risk of developing amblyopia. With this pathology, the brain seems to “turn off” the eye that sees worse in order to obtain a clearer image. It is very difficult to cure amblyopia, and after 7–10 years it is almost impossible.
  • Strabismus. Many eye pathologies in childhood can lead to the development of strabismus. That is why a significant number of the strobe doctor’s patients are children.
  • Growth and development of the eye. In childhood, the eye has not yet formed. It is in the process of growth and development. The eyeball itself increases slightly in size, and the brain learns to perceive a single image from both eyes (binocular vision is formed).
  • Features of working with a child. For one reason or another, many tests and studies cannot be used in vision correction in children. In addition, the doctor himself must be good at finding a common language with the child in order to receive the most reliable information during the consultation.

All this explains the need to separate pediatric ophthalmology into a separate branch.

Optical vision correction itself in children also has a number of features. For many diseases, it is recommended to give incomplete correction, specifically loading one or another eye. All this must be taken into account when writing a prescription for glasses or contact lenses.

In general, for effective vision correction in children, preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist should be carried out regularly. The first consultation usually takes place immediately after birth. After this, it is advisable to see a specialist every six months or a year.

Types of intervention

I would like to start with them. Today the following operations are carried out:

  • Barrier. It involves applying microcoagulants near the macula.
  • Panretinal. Coagulation of the entire retinal area is performed. The only exception is the area of ​​the optic nerve. Up to 800 microburns can be applied in one session. You need about 3-5 repetitions.
  • Peripheral. It involves strengthening only a certain area of ​​the retina. This is usually a preventative procedure.
  • Focal. It is also performed on certain areas to stop pinpoint hemorrhages, ruptures and remove tiny tumors.
  • Sectoral. The impact occurs within the section affected by ischemic or dystrophic transformation.
  • Barrage of the macular region. It is prescribed if a person is diagnosed with central retinal dystrophy. This operation allows you to restore visual abilities (at least partially).
  • Surgery in the area of ​​the subretinal neovascular membrane. It has a depressing effect on growing newly formed blood vessels.
  • These are all currently existing types of laser coagulation of the retina in eye microsurgery. What kind of operation is indicated for a person is determined by the ophthalmologist.

Who determines the duration of sick leave after surgery?

Despite the fact that laser correction has been carried out for more than thirty years, some patients are still distrustful of such treatment.

This happens not only due to fear of irreversible consequences, but also under the influence of myths that cast such a procedure in an unfavorable light.

One of these misconceptions is a lifelong restriction in terms of sports and physical activity, which can damage the vessels and tissues of the operated organs of vision.

In fact, such restrictions only apply to the rehabilitation period after the procedure, which lasts no more than a month.

Also, many believe that after laser correction it is necessary to observe constant restrictions on eye strain, that is, use the computer less, watch TV and read less.

In fact, the likelihood of vision deterioration in such cases is unlikely and such a disorder occurs not as a result of eye strain, but when temporary spasms of the lens occur against this background.

But this can be prevented by introducing short, frequent breaks into your work at the computer or while watching TV, and if necessary, you can use ophthalmic drops to relieve spasms.

Another myth concerns further age-related deterioration of vision after surgery.

Some believe that if a person undergoes laser correction at the age of 20-25, then by about 40 years the cornea, once exposed to the laser, will begin to collapse.

This myth has no basis, and technically the excised and subsequently healed cornea is no different from other tissues subject to surgical intervention.

In medical practice, all types of surgical interventions are divided into two groups:

  • Lungs;
  • Moderate;
  • Heavy.

Light operations are those after which the sick patient gets up independently the next day and can be discharged from the hospital on the 3rd or 5th day. In some cases, sick leave may be issued for 15 days, and on the 16th day it is necessary to begin performing work duties.

Moderate-severe operations are operations after which the hospital stay can be prolonged, and recovery requires up to 30 days.

Major operations are cases when a person after surgery may require long-term assistance from qualified personnel to rise to his feet. In this case, the duration of the illness may drag on for several months.

Such operations include:

  • Open fractures or displaced fractures;
  • Injuries to the skull of a person with a concussion;
  • Deep, severe wounds or abrasions resulting from heavy work;
  • Appendicitis with peritonitis;
  • Cardiac interventions;
  • On the spine.

Let's consider how long it takes to stay in hospital after various operations.

Type of surgery Duration of sick leave
When cutting out the uterus From 20 to 45 days
Removal of vertebral hernia From 21 to 45 days, with extension up to 10 days
Excision of the gallbladder Depends on the advanced stage of the disease and can last up to 3 weeks, in some cases longer, until complete recovery
On the jointsLasts about 30 days, after which sick leave is extended by ITU until complete rehabilitation and return to work
Ophthalmic Depends on the complexity of the operation. Lasts from 14 to 60 days with an extension of up to 10 days on an outpatient basis
On the heart 1–2 months, depending on severity. The only way out is to do light work. If the operation is complex, then the ITU assigns disability
Repair of male inguinal hernia Up to 45 days maximum
Simple appendix removal 5–10 days
Removal of appendicitis with prescription of antibiotics Up to 30 days
If complications occur during appendectomy surgery Over 30 days by agreement of the attending physician and the head of the hospital
Brain surgeries For 8 days, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor in intensive care, only after that he is transferred to a regular ward, where he can stay for up to 1.5 months. Moreover, this period is set by the doctor himself without a VC. But in case of complications, the ITU must examine the patient and decide on further treatment

The period of sick leave depends on the type of operation:

  • Laparotomy;
  • Laparoscopy.

The first case of abdominal surgery is the most complex and requires long-term hospital stay, so the attending physician himself can issue a medical document for a long time.

The second type is less traumatic for humans. It involves punctures with special instruments, after which the body is able to quickly recover, so the period of stay in the hospital is 15 days.

All of the above cases of meeting with a surgeon must be paid for by the employer in accordance with the law.

What is the situation with plastic surgery? If a patient turns to a plastic surgeon for help to improve one or another part of the body, then sick leave is not issued in this case.

But when performing an operation to eliminate difficulties in life, for example, a deviated septum in the nose or oral cavity, the doctor cannot refuse a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued for the period from admission to hospital until discharge from it.

An employee who gets sick does not always recover quickly. There are times when surgical intervention is necessary. And then the sick leave may be delayed. How long? And what does its duration depend on? How to calculate sick leave. Let's figure this out together.

According to the current legislation in Russia, sick leave can only be issued for a certain, limited period. And not every health worker can issue a sick leave certificate.

  • at a station where blood is transfused;
  • from an ambulance worker.
  • The valid document will be the one that was issued in a hospital that has passed state accreditation.

    Sick leave after surgery must, as in all cases, be prescribed by the attending physician. Its duration is also determined by the doctor.

    Indications for surgical intervention are myopia, cataracts, lens luxation and the inability to wear lenses or glasses. Surgical treatment of cataracts is the only way to restore visual function, as this disease leads to hardening and clouding of the lens of the eye.

    The type of surgery to replace the lens with an artificial implant (lens) is selected depending on the size of the gap and other factors. In most cases, phacoemulsification (ultrasound removal of cataracts), refractive exchange, laser therapy, or phakic lens implantation is performed.


    The standard method of treating cataracts is phacoemulsification. All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pain. The damaged lens is crushed into small fragments using an ultrasonic instrument and then removed from the eye. After this, an artificial implant is inserted into the lens sac in its place.

    Laser eye surgery will help quickly and effectively remove the lens. which has a minimal risk of negative consequences. In order for the postoperative period to pass without complications, the patient must undergo a medical examination and properly prepare for the operation.

    For a certain time before the installation of an artificial implant, the patient must stop wearing lenses so that the eye takes on a normal shape. Immediately on the day of surgery, the patient should thoroughly wash his face (remove makeup) and have breakfast no earlier than 4 hours before the intervention.

    Advice: correct behavior of the patient and compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help speed up vision recovery and shorten the postoperative period.

    The condition of the artificial lens and the entire eye is assessed by an ophthalmologist during a re-examination, and depending on this, the sick leave is extended. The doctor determines how many days the patient is on sick leave after cataract surgery.

    As a rule, this period is 10-14 days. If necessary, it can be increased. Conditions for obtaining sick leave Do not think that sick leave is issued after surgery in any case.

    Sometimes a doctor can completely rightfully refuse you. This happens if the patient does not comply with the recommendations on the regimen (for example, drinks alcohol, does not take prescribed medications (does not instill drops), does not visit an ophthalmologist on time.

    Our center is equipped with the most modern equipment and uses the most advanced technologies. Moreover, in the field of refractive surgery, the Russian school has always occupied one of the leading places. Can I wear contact lenses if necessary after surgery? After surgery, contact lenses can be worn.

    Will vision decrease after surgery? The indication for laser correction of myopia is stable vision for at least a year, under this condition, vision will not decrease after the operation.

    How long will disability last after laser vision correction? I work as a professional driver. In your case, the disability will last about 2 weeks, your vision will be restored the next day.

After correction. It's better to know about this in advance

Here you will find answers to questions:

Answers your questions:

Is sick leave issued after the procedure and for what period of time?

Yes, on the day of vision correction, a sick leave certificate is issued for up to 14 days.

What restrictions must be observed after correction?

A complete list of restrictions to ensure your vision is restored as quickly as possible:

  • Dedicate 2 days to rest (including from the computer and TV)
  • Don't wash your hair for 3 days
  • from 5 days to 1 month - do not drive a car until you feel confident in your vision
  • Do not use cosmetics for 14 days, read and work at the computer in a gentle mode (no more than 4 hours a day)
  • Avoid sports, heavy physical labor for 1 month, and try not to get sick with ARVI
  • 1.5 - 2 months exclude swimming pools, baths, saunas, steam rooms, visiting hot countries and swimming in open waters
  • Do not sunbathe in a solarium for 2 months, do not drink alcohol and beware of mechanical damage to the eyes
  • Use sunglasses in bright sun for 1 year

Possible complications

Sometimes it is very difficult for patients after surgery to comply with the above restrictions. Therefore, some complications may arise, which include:

  • inflammatory process of the conjunctiva (for prevention, patients are prescribed special eye drops);
  • repeated retinal detachment;
  • the appearance of vision problems, namely: the appearance of spots, flies, dots in the field of view;
  • burning sensation in the eye, discomfort associated with dry eye syndrome.

If such signs and symptoms appear, first of all, you should begin to adhere to all of the above restrictions. And, of course, you need to immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist.


When talking about the features of laser coagulation of the retina, the price is also worth paying attention to. The cost of this procedure directly depends on how severely the blood circulation is impaired, as well as the nature of the changes that have occurred. All this is determined during a detailed ophthalmological diagnosis.

Having studied the general prices for laser coagulation of the retina, you can see how wide the spread is. In Moscow, for example, the cost of the procedure starts from 3,500-4,000 rubles and ends at 50,000-60,000 rubles. (according to the data provided on various resources).

The price is always set individually, depending on the case. But it also reflects what equipment will be used. The more expensive the operation, the better and more modern the technologies used by the clinic.

Recommendations for recovery

Rehabilitation after cataract surgery includes a set of rules and doctor’s advice on how to behave after surgery:

  1. During the first few days, try not to leave the house too much, especially if it is hot in summer or cold in winter; temperature changes adversely affect the operated eye.
  2. If you do have to go outside, cover your eye with a sterile gauze bandage. In the later period of rehabilitation, use special glasses after cataract surgery; they must be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Do eye exercises regularly; they are prescribed individually by an ophthalmologist.
  4. To prevent eye infections, maintain good hygiene and use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops or solutions.
  5. Follow a daily routine, do not overwork your visual system, for a quick recovery you need a sufficient amount of sleep.
  6. During the rehabilitation period, visit an ophthalmologist to monitor the regeneration process.
  7. If you have small children, pets, or any other unpredictable risk factor at home, wear glasses or a blindfold even indoors.
  8. All appointments and rehabilitation procedures must be carried out in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, do not skip or change anything, independence will only harm you.
  9. Physiotherapy helps very well, but only in the late period of rehabilitation, in particular the Almag-03 home magnetic therapy device. It improves blood circulation and nutrition of the tissues of the head, neck and eyes, saturates them with oxygen and microelements.

Video: Almag-02, Diamag

Strict adherence to all recommendations after lens replacement for cataracts is the key to your successful recovery.

Using eye drops

Eye drops after cataract surgery are used to prevent possible complications. As a rule, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents, decongestants, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, antihistamines and drugs that stimulate regeneration.

It is necessary to use eye drops strictly at the right time. After cataract surgery, several types of drugs are prescribed, and if their instillation times coincide, you need to wait 5-10 minutes between each drug.

Follow all hygiene rules, wash your hands before the procedure, use sterile swabs and wipes when treating with ophthalmic eye drops, otherwise you risk getting an infection.

Read more about eye drops for the treatment, prevention of cataracts and in the postoperative period here.

The most popular names of eye drops and drugs that have proven themselves in rehabilitation after cataract removal:

  • "Korneregel";
  • "Solcoseryl";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Nevanak";
  • "Dexamethasone";
  • To improve regeneration, you can drip Taufon.

Coordinate all medications and procedures with your treating ophthalmologist; self-medication is dangerous and can lead to loss of vision and health.

Nutrition during rehabilitation

The postoperative period has its limitations. After cataract removal, it is important for us to have a complete, balanced diet with a reinforced complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, since the body needs strength to recover.

If recovery is accompanied by severe, long-lasting edema, it is worth limiting the amount of liquid you drink and salt intake, and taking diuretics. Avoid spicy, fatty, unhealthy foods, as well as alcohol.

The second point in the diet after eliminating cataracts is associated with older patients, who are often accompanied by stool retention; this should not happen, excessive overexertion can play a bad joke.

A more detailed postoperative diet will be prescribed in a medical institution, taking into account all your individual characteristics.

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