Baths for cystitis: benefits and contraindications

Author Marina Lebedeva

11/01/2004 13:05 (Updated: 05/08/2021 20:29)

Health » Obstetrics and gynecology » Reproductology

How to organize the fight against cystitis correctly and with the greatest effect if this is your first time encountering it?

Advised by Candidate of Medical Sciences, urologist Igor Grigorievich Akopyan.

The cold season is a test for the whole body. Viruses, infections and hypothermia often lead to various health problems. Cystitis in this case is no exception. If the attack took you by surprise, then you can help yourself by following our advice.

What are the causes of cystitis?

The cause of cystitis is infection. Most often, E. coli is to blame for its appearance. She lives in the large intestine and for the time being does not bother anyone. If a favorable situation arises, for example, a weakened immune system after an illness or banal hypothermia, then it begins to act. It goes on a journey and gets from the intestines to the bladder. There she establishes her order, namely, causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. And that same cystitis begins.

Recently, in addition to E. coli, two more troublemakers have been exposed - chlamydia and ureaplasma. They are much less common, but they cause no less problems.

Therefore, the first step in the fight against cystitis is the destruction of its causative agents. The most reliable and fastest way today is antibiotics. At the first symptoms of cystitis, it is important to visit a urologist as soon as possible, who will prescribe medications that are suitable for you.

Basic rules for taking a therapeutic bath

To avoid harm, you must follow the rules listed below:

  1. Water temperature 36-38°C. This is the answer to the question: “Is it possible to take a warm bath with cystitis?” A special thermometer is used for control.
  2. It is advisable to add a decoction of medicinal plants - calendula, chamomile, or others.
  3. The bath is taken in a sitting position.
  4. The duration of the procedure is agreed with the urologist and is 10-20 minutes.


Warm baths are beneficial if there are no concomitant diseases, there is no hyperthermia, severe pain and cramping.


There are more arguments against taking a thermal bath for cystitis than in favor. Some patients are at a loss when faced with the choice of whether to take a warm bath or a hot bath, that is, heated above 38°C. If the person is healthy, then probably yes.

Is it possible to take a hot bath if you have cystitis? Absolutely not.

Absolute contraindications for balneological procedures, regardless of the presence of cystitis, are the following:

  • pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage increases;
  • critical days. Additional infection of the urinary tract is possible;
  • increased body temperature;
  • kidney disease;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • hematuria, pyuria.

One of the balneotherapeutic techniques is the use of salt baths. They are indicated mainly for cosmetic procedures. Women trying to combine treatment with the desire to become more beautiful ask: “Is it possible to take salt baths with cystitis?” The answer is negative. The procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from permanent diseases.

Alternative Heat Treatments

In addition to thermal baths, there are procedures that can relieve pain from cystitis:

  1. Foot baths . Medicinal herbs or dry mustard powder are added to hot water. After twenty minutes of warming up, the feet are dried and woolen socks are put on.
  2. Warm shower . Necessary hygienic procedure and simultaneous warming of the sore spot.
  3. Heating pads , dry compresses with heated sand or salt.


Taking a bath as a method of heat treatment for bladder inflammation can be used after consultation with a urologist as an additional method of treatment. Recklessly making an independent decision to use warm baths can cause damage to your health.

Elena Mikhailovna Frolova

Urologist of the highest category. Proficient in the full range of outpatient diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems in men, and the urinary system in women.
More about the author. It is also important to know:

  • How to relieve an attack of cystitis.
  • How to relieve pain from cystitis.
  • Traditional methods of treating cystitis.
  • Folk remedies and advice in the treatment of cystitis.
  • Temperature with cystitis.
  • Itching with cystitis.
  • Monural use for cystitis.
  • 5 NOC for cystitis.
  • Canephron for cystitis.

What medications should I take to combat cystitis?

There are now many antibacterial drugs on sale that do an excellent job. Nolitsin has proven itself well . It should be taken one tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days.

For those who do not have these 3-5 days for treatment, we can recommend another effective medicine - Monural . This drug is used once in a dosage of 3 g 2 hours before or after meals. It is well tolerated, approved for pregnant women and causes virtually no side effects.

Among herbal remedies, it is worth noting the complex herbal preparation Cyston , which has the property of a good herbal uroseptic and relieves busy people of the need to waste time preparing various kidney teas. It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effects and eliminates most symptoms, helping the main treatment.

Water will remove bacteria from the body during cystitis

Each time, some of the bacteria that caused the disease are washed out with urine. You need to drink a lot. Ideally - 1.5-2 liters per day. The principle here is this: the more liquid, the less bacteria.

It's best to drink a variety of drinks, but when in doubt, water is always the right choice. Try to give up this time

  • carbonated drinks,
  • tea
  • and coffee.

Mineral waters should not be taken. They have an irritating effect on the bladder. And, of course, no alcohol. Drinks type

  • jelly,
  • compotes,
  • cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks,
  • weak tea with milk

It is better to drink warm and not very sweet.

You can drink juices from fruits that do not cause allergies. This

  • green apples,
  • pears,
  • apricots,
  • black currant.

It is better not to drink citrus juices. Despite the abundance of vitamins, they can irritate the bladder.

Vegetable juices help well:

  • carrot,
  • beetroot,
  • cucumber,
  • pumpkin

Tomato juice can be harmful. Very often, tomato juice is sold containing large amounts of salt and sometimes spices. Therefore, it is better to use freshly squeezed juices.

They need to be prepared immediately before use. Or at least 1-2 hours before your appointment. It is better to drink juices 30-40 minutes before meals.

Why is it better to avoid taking a hot bath?

Whether a hot bath helps with cystitis depends on the condition of the sick person. When signs of the disease first appear, warm baths can be helpful, but in some cases it is recommended to avoid them. You should refuse such water procedures if you have the following symptoms:

  • spasms in the urinary system;
  • blood clots in urine;
  • cutting and pain at the time of urination.

Sometimes, at the examination stage, patients are diagnosed with hematuria, in which warm and especially hot baths are also strictly prohibited. Otherwise, dangerous bleeding may occur that will be difficult to stop.

Do I need to take care of warmth during cystitis?

As soon as you suspect you have cystitis, dress warmly. And try to go out as little as possible.

Should you take warm baths? They would not harm if you know for sure that the inflammatory process is limited only to the bladder. Therefore, it is better to refrain from hot baths, especially from

  • saunas
  • or baths.

It is better to use dry heat. Apply a rubber or electric heating pad, a bag of salt or river sand, heated to 35-38oC, to the lower abdomen for 20 minutes. Take a break for 20-30 minutes, then repeat this procedure. It would be good to continue doing this for several hours. Hot foot baths are a good help for cystitis. The temperature allowed here is 36-38oC. The feet are immersed in water for 10-15 minutes, then wiped dry, go to bed and place a warm heating pad on the lower abdomen.

Bath method for cystitis

With cystitis, the cause of pain is spasms of the bladder sphincter muscles. If inflammation of the urinary tract is accompanied by urothiasis, the result of convulsive compression is pain from blockage or injury to the ureter by a calculus.

Warming relieves smooth muscle spasms and dilates blood vessels and tube-like channels. The obstruction to the outflow of excreta is eliminated and the pain disappears. The procedure helps to temporarily eliminate the effect of inflammation, but does not affect its cause.

Before taking a bath, you should consult a urologist so as not to harm yourself. The doctor will tell you what temperature the water should be, what needs to be added to it, and how long the procedure will take. In some cases, taking a bath is contraindicated.

What painkillers should I take for cystitis?

Ketonal helps a lot . It is available in tablets and suppositories and is very effective. Usually one tablet or one suppository per day is enough. Another equally effective drug is Nurofen .

If the pain does not subside, you can add an antispasmodic. It’s better if it’s a time-tested No-shpa . Moreover, today there is No-shpa forte on sale, which can be used once a day. Combination drugs have a good effect, for example,

  • Baralgin,
  • Pentalgin.

They combine the properties of painkillers and antispasmodics.

Cyston in tablets , as well as Cystenal or Spasmocystenal in drops, have proven themselves to be effective .

How to follow a diet with cystitis?

You can eat everything. The restrictions apply only to those foods that can irritate the mucous membranes. These include

  • red and black pepper,
  • vinegar,
  • mixed spices,
  • marinades.

Therefore, it is necessary to exclude from the diet

  • spicy,
  • sour
  • and too salty dishes.

The emphasis should be on boiled and stewed vegetable dishes.

It’s a good idea to eat more dairy, and especially fermented milk products, which contain bifidobacteria.

Treatment of acute cystitis usually lasts 6-10 days. After completing the course, you need to follow a diet and drink herbal infusions for another 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for baths for cystitis

To take medical procedures at home, both chemical preparations and herbal products are used. We will reveal the features of the most effective and popular components further.

Chamomile baths

Chamomile baths are popular for cystitis. Doctors recommend preparing an infusion from mono-raw materials or mixtures with the addition of other medicinal plants (it is important to make sure there are no allergies). Chamomile has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, soothing and regenerating effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

To prepare the infusion, it is important to follow a simple proportion: 2 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and left under the lid to room temperature. You should sit in the bath for several minutes, avoiding hypothermia.

Baths with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is a well-known folk remedy with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and drying properties. Before use, crystals of potassium permanganate should be thoroughly dissolved in water, guided by the color of the solution. It should be moderately saturated: neither dark nor light. It is very important to ensure that all grains dissolve in the water, since if they get on the mucous membrane they can cause a burn.

Baths with potassium permanganate for cystitis provide quick relief of symptoms. After just a couple of procedures, an improvement in the condition becomes noticeable.

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