Treatment of kidney cysts with burdock: recipes, instructions for use, reviews

  • December 12, 2018
  • Urology
  • Bolshakova Yulia

A kidney cyst is a benign tumor containing fluid. If it does not bother the patient, then doctors, as a rule, recommend doing nothing. Instead of surgery, patients take pharmaceutical medications and monitor their diet and lifestyle. You can reduce the size of a cyst using folk remedies. For example, treating kidney cysts with burdock has worked well.

Symptoms and signs

Sometimes, instead of one cyst, a person develops several at once. In such cases, the disease is called “polycystic disease”. As a rule, the presence of a cyst can be determined by the following signs:

  • The patient regularly experiences aching, unpleasant pain in the lumbar region.
  • Over time, his blood flow is disrupted.
  • One of the main signs is an increase in lower blood pressure.
  • In advanced stages of the disease, blood may be found in the urine. It is also possible that the kidneys may increase in size.
  • Patients are often overcome by weakness, their performance is noticeably reduced, and dizziness very often occurs in the morning.

And also with a kidney cyst, drowsiness and a noticeable decrease in immunity are observed.

Reasons for the development of kidney cysts

The main reason for the development of a cyst on the kidney is a disruption of the urinary tract in the renal tubules. The fluid stagnates and forms a bulge, which over time turns into a cyst-like nodule. Some types of kidney cysts may contain fluid mixed with blood, lymph and other substances. However, a kidney cyst can be not only acquired, but also congenital. In this case, it is called dermoid and is formed during the embryonic formation of fetal organs. Dermoid cysts are a mutation and may contain abnormal soft tissue, hair, fat, etc. The risk of developing a kidney cyst increases if you have the following pathologies or characteristics of the body:

  • history of kidney injury;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • surgery on the kidneys or urinary organs;
  • infectious diseases or inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • elderly or old age.

A kidney cyst can be either solitary (single) or multiple (polycystic). Symptomatic manifestations of kidney cysts are rare and have no specific specificity. The main manifestations of a kidney cyst can be:

  • the presence of blood or blood impurities in the urine;
  • renal hypertension (increased lower blood pressure);
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • kidney enlargement;
  • dull or aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and drowsiness.

In cases where the patient has a weak immune system, infection and a secondary inflammatory process cannot be ruled out. With an infectious lesion of the kidney, all the symptoms that were present before become more pronounced, the pain is more acute, and the body temperature also increases greatly.

In this case, timely consultation with a doctor is extremely necessary, since the patient may develop chronic renal failure. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital have extensive experience and high qualifications, confirmed by international diplomas. We guarantee our patients the appointment of effective and efficient therapy, as well as the implementation of all diagnostic measures with maximum accuracy and in a short time.


A cyst is a urological disease that can appear due to the following reasons:

  • Often the appearance of a cyst is provoked by urolithiasis.
  • Kidney injuries most often lead to this disease.
  • If the patient has problems with blood vessels or high blood pressure, then the likelihood of a cyst increasing.
  • An untreated infectious disease or inflammation can cause a kidney cyst.
  • People with tuberculosis are also at risk.
  • Patients after surgery on the genitourinary system should be regularly monitored by a doctor to prevent the appearance of cysts.
  • Also at risk are people over forty years of age.

The older a person gets, the more likely it is that a cyst will appear. Moreover, this disease is equally characteristic of both men and women.

Often a person has a cyst from birth. Doctors, as a rule, identify three main causes of kidney cysts, among which in the first place is bad heredity, in the second place is a previous injury, and in the third place is an infection that led first to inflammation and then to the formation of a cyst.

How to treat?

Since this neoplasm is not malignant, doctors advise not to touch the cyst, but only to observe its further behavior. If its size does not exceed five centimeters, and the cyst itself is in a safe place, that is, it does not interfere with the functioning of organs, then, as a rule, no action is taken. The patient is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination and a urine test once a year. However, there are a number of reasons why surgery is inevitable:

  • Often the presence of a cyst provokes hypertension.
  • If its location is such that it makes urination difficult and causes pain.
  • The operation is also performed if there is a risk of rupture of the cyst, or if there is blood in its composition.
  • Sometimes the tumor cavity becomes infected, causing inflammation and pus.
  • A cyst that is too large and prone to enlargement must be removed. Otherwise, it will compress the kidney tissue and interfere with the outflow of urine.

Typically, surgery involves resection, enucleation, kidney puncture, or nephrectomy.


Many experts claim that treating kidney cysts with folk remedies is quite effective. They can stop the growth of the tumor and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The patient feels better, drowsiness disappears and efficiency appears. As well as medications prepared at home, they reduce the risk of inflammation, relieve pain and improve the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract. Sometimes, in order to get the first positive results, you need to complete the entire course of treatment. It usually takes one month. The patient should consult with his or her physician before starting to use these medications.

It is not recommended to use herbs for more than thirty days, as there is a risk of addiction. Typically, experts advise alternating herbs or taking a fairly long break. Judging by the reviews, burdock has proven itself well. For kidney cysts, remedies from golden mustache, celandine and viburnum are also used.

Contraindications for the treatment of kidney cysts with Burdock

Despite the obvious benefits of Burdock, it, like all plants, can cause harm. Therefore, you should be careful about contraindications and strictly follow the dosage.

  • Burdock should not be used to treat pregnant women.
  • Possible allergy or intolerance to Burdock.
  • It is not recommended to take Burdock if you have inflammatory bowel diseases.

It has also been established that prolonged use of Burdock in any form leads to a deficiency of potassium and sodium in the body. This is explained by the fact that Burdock has a pronounced diuretic effect and flushes these microelements from the body. Therefore, it is important to follow the dosage and take breaks between courses of treatment.

Treatment with burdock

This plant contains a huge number of useful components, among which inulin, glycoside and fatty acids stand out. Thanks to lignan glycoside, the growth of cancer cells is suppressed. The polysaccharide inulin stabilizes metabolic processes and improves digestion. In addition, this substance is considered natural insulin, and therefore it is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus. Fatty acids are no less important for the human body. Scientists have proven that these substances cleanse blood vessels, improve blood composition and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Burdock root contains vitamins C, A and E, as well as a lot of minerals that are essential for human health. In folk medicine, this plant is used to improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Burdock-based products perfectly cleanse the stomach and help eliminate waste and toxins. Burdock is very useful for dysbiosis, as it can suppress pathogenic microflora. With the help of this plant, the immune system is strengthened and health is restored after an illness.

Burdock has proven itself to be excellent against kidney cysts. A decoction of the seeds of this plant acts as a diuretic. Thanks to it, you can get rid of swelling and restore water balance.

Beneficial features

The composition of burdock is truly unique; it includes minerals: boron, tin, iron, zinc copper, organic acids stearic and palmitic, phytosterols stigmasterol and sitosterol. Thanks to the beneficial substances, burdock-based medications have the following effects:

  • glycosides improve blood supply;
  • inulin cleanses toxins, prevents the development of blood clots, improves immunity and improves metabolism;
  • vitamin A fights pathogenic bacteria and participates in oxidative processes;
  • riboflavin slows down inflammation;
  • choline prevents cells from destruction, improves metabolism, protects the liver gland from the negative effects of antibiotics used for ovarian cysts;
  • pyridoxine is involved in metabolism;
  • pantothenic acid is involved in the formation of antibodies;
  • cobalamin is involved in cell reproduction;
  • calciferol regulates mineral metabolism;
  • ascorbic acid eliminates uterine bleeding;
  • alpha tocopherol stabilizes reproductive function;
  • biotin has a positive effect on the appendages;
  • phylloquinone reduces inflammation;
  • potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of soft tissues;
  • silicon increases the flexibility and strength of blood vessels.

You can buy burdock tincture from us

Preparing the decoction

Treatment of kidney cysts with burdock decoction gives excellent results. A decoction is prepared from the burdock root, which is subsequently used for internal consumption. The root is crushed and poured with cold water. The ratio of water and dry raw materials should be 1:5. That is, 100 grams of dry crushed roots are poured into 0.5 liters of liquid. To do this, use a liter jar, which is placed in a small saucepan with water. While heating over low heat, the water boils and heats the composition of the jar.

Usually the roots are boiled in a water bath for at least one hour. The finished composition is filtered through double gauze and consumed in the amount of forty grams up to five times a day. Thus, the finished decoction lasts for two days. On the third day it is prepared again. The course of treatment is usually no more than two weeks, since burdock root decoction is biologically active. After a short break, you can start treatment again.

Burdock root

Burdock root treatment has an undeniable advantage - it is not tied to the season. Because the root is used dried. If you first prepare the required amount of Burdock root, it is possible to continue treatment in winter and spring.

It’s easy to prepare the decoction:

  • Pour 10 grams of dry root into one glass of cold water.
  • Place on low heat and cook after boiling for about 10 minutes.
  • Leave the decoction for up to 30 minutes.
  • Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Take a third of a glass in the morning before meals, half an hour.
  • It is not recommended to simultaneously take a decoction of Burdock root with gruel or juice from its leaves.
  • You can also use a tincture of fresh Burdock root. Vodka or medical alcohol is suitable for these purposes.

Burdock tincture

You can also prepare a tincture with diluted alcohol or vodka. This is an excellent way to treat kidney cysts with folk remedies. Thanks to alcohol, beneficial components enter the bloodstream much faster and are distributed to all organs. And thus, treating a kidney cyst with burdock root does not take much time. To prepare the tincture, you will need four tablespoons of dry or fresh raw materials and one liter of diluted alcohol. Then the composition is sent to infuse in a dark place. The container should be taken out and shaken occasionally. After twenty days, the composition is filtered through double gauze and stored in the refrigerator. Use the tincture dosed, in small quantities. Experts recommend taking no more than one dessert spoon three times a day.

Kidney cyst - causes and treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is an effective method of treating diseases such as kidney cysts. Treatment with folk remedies helps not only to eliminate symptoms, but also to reduce the cyst over time. Burdock is considered the most effective herbal medicine for the treatment of kidney cysts.

Our ancestors have long known about the healing properties of burdock. Burdock (or burdock) is a herbaceous plant that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and disinfectant properties. Traditional medicine suggests using this plant both dried and fresh, in various decoctions, potions and tinctures. However, there are a number of contraindications to the use of this herbal medicine. These include pregnancy, individual intolerance, and breastfeeding. Before using any traditional medicine, you should always consult a doctor to avoid harmful consequences.

Burdock juice

In addition to the roots, juice obtained from the leaves is also used. To do this, just take large, young leaves and mash them with a mortar. After a green slurry forms, the composition is filtered through a wide bandage. It is consumed with a teaspoon or tablespoon no more than three times a day. As a rule, the juice is taken ten to fifteen minutes before meals. Doctors advise acting according to the following schedule: in the first three days, drink burdock juice three times a day, one teaspoon. In the next two days, switch to a tablespoon twice a day. And for the next four days, burdock juice is taken in the amount of one tablespoon three times a day.

Cooking in a thermos

Many people prefer to make decoctions in a thermos to treat kidney cysts with burdock. This is a fairly convenient way that allows you to take medications throughout the day without any obstacles. A thermos for tea is very convenient to take with you to work or school, since the infusion does not need to be heated or re-prepared. Powdered burdock root is poured into a small thermos and poured with boiling water. Then it is covered with a lid and allowed to brew for two hours. After which it is consumed in quantities not exceeding a third of a glass, up to five times a day.

You can also prepare the medicine in another way. 2 tablespoons of raw material are poured into 0.5 liters of liquid and boiled over low heat. After ten minutes, the fire is turned off, and the product is allowed to brew for half an hour. Then the composition is filtered and poured into a thermos.

Contraindications for use

It is highly not recommended to continue treatment of kidney cysts with burdock during the first and last trimester of pregnancy. In addition, this plant has diuretic properties, so it is not advisable to drink decoctions or tinctures together with drugs of a similar effect. Thanks to the special substances found in the plant, products prepared from it can thin the blood. Therefore, they cannot be combined with Aspirin, Citramon, Citropak and other pharmaceutical drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Patients with diabetes should be doubly careful. The fact is that inulin contained in the plant lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, if a diabetic takes sugar-lowering drugs at the same time as burdock, he may develop glycemia.

You cannot increase the recommended amount, since tannins in overdose provoke an upset stomach and also negatively affect the liver. In large quantities, their effect can be compared to toxins.

User reviews

On the Internet you can often find positive reviews about the treatment of kidney cysts with burdock. For example, the juice from the leaves of this plant has proven itself well. Patients took it for several months and achieved excellent results. They consumed, as a rule, two tablespoons of juice per day in between meals. According to them, the cyst completely resolved and did not appear again.

Judging by user reviews, the recipe for treating kidney cysts with burdock was as follows. Patients twisted large leaves through a meat grinder, placed them in a glass jar and stored them in the refrigerator. Every day they expressed a small amount of juice into a tablespoon, after which they consumed it before meals.

Some followed the recommended schedule. That is, in the first three days they drank one teaspoon three times a day, and in the next five days they switched to a tablespoon of the product. After a month, as a rule, they had a short break of seven to ten days. Then they started treatment again and after three months they received good results.

In short, treating kidney cysts with burdock at home brings good results and helps to cope with this disease.

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney cysts

Often, a kidney cyst is discovered by chance during a control or preventive ultrasound examination. After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes periodic monitoring of the dynamics of cyst development. Examinations prescribed to monitor the dynamics of the cyst or to detect it include:

  • CT scan;
  • X-ray examination;
  • MRI;
  • scintigraphy;
  • excretory urography;
  • laboratory testing of urine and blood;
  • excretory and survey urography;
  • angiography;
  • Doppler examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • nuclear magnetic resonance research.

A kidney cyst does not always need to be removed urgently - if there are no clinical manifestations, treatment is not required at first. However, if obvious symptoms are accompanied by pressure from the cyst on the internal organs, preventing their normal functioning, surgical intervention is necessary.

Symptomatic treatment consists mainly of taking painkillers and traditional medicine recipes, such as treating kidney cysts with burdock. The need for surgical treatment of kidney cysts exists in the following cases:

  • if kidney function is impaired;
  • if the size of the formation reaches more than 5 cm;
  • with constant intractable pain in the lumbar region and bladder;
  • if there is a suspicion of a malignant nature or parasitic etiology of the cyst;
  • for chronic hypertension.

Surgical treatment, as a rule, consists of puncture of the cyst with subsequent drainage, or laparoscopic resection of the cyst. All surgical interventions at the Yusupov Hospital are performed by the best surgeons in the capital using modern equipment.

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