Demazol plus eye cream 10 ml

Composition and active ingredient of Demazol eye cream

The main active component of Demazol cream is metronidazole, an effective anti-inflammatory substance. The element is effective in combating microorganisms that cause dermatological diseases. Eye cream is not harmful to the body, since metronidazole is absorbed in minimal quantities, completely disintegrates in the liver, and is excreted by the excretory system. Demazol also contains moisturizing substances, binding extracts such as lanolin, chamomile extract, emulsifiers, and parabens.

When used correctly, the product is harmless, but it is important not to exceed the dosage.

It is necessary to apply eye cream, avoiding contact of the substance with mucous membranes. Before using the drug, close your eyelids.

The product can cope with both medical (demodex) and cosmetic problems (itching, redness, swelling).

The effectiveness of the cream is determined by its rich, balanced composition. Olive oil and lanolin relieve irritation and moisturize the skin at the cellular level. Other active substances effectively help against rashes, bacteria, and parasites. Since potentially toxic components do not penetrate deep into the cells, they do not have a toxic effect on the kidneys or liver. The product does not kill ticks - it makes the conditions for their existence unbearable, and harmful microorganisms die on their own.

Read about the rating of the best eye creams for wrinkles after 35 years in this material.

Eye cream 'Demazol' 10ml No.1

Demazol reduces inflammation, swelling, itching of the skin of the eyelids and face, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, “sand” and burning in the eyes, and helps eliminate Demodex mites from affected tissues. The cream eliminates demodectic rashes on the skin of the eyelids and face, and prevents the appearance of new rashes. The biologically active components of the Demazol cream help reduce inflammation and stimulate metabolic and reparative processes in the affected tissues. The cream also contains components that inhibit the growth of certain types of anaerobic bacteria. The area of ​​application of the cream is: the skin of the eyelids and the entire face, the skin of the external auditory canal.

Indications for use: used for the care of skin affected by rashes of bacterial or parasitic origin, incl. demodicosis of the skin of the face, eyelids, ears and ear canal, caused by mites, has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipruritic effects, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, “sand” and burning in the eyes. Directions for use and dosage: a small amount of cream is applied using a stick on a stick to the edges of the upper and lower eyelids (in the case of demodectic blepharitis) 1 time in the morning and 1 time at night, or only at night. If the face is affected, the skin is wiped twice with a 15-minute interval with one of the alcohol tinctures, and then the cream is applied. The effectiveness of the cream increases if, before applying, the eyelids are wiped with a cotton swab on a stick, moistened with tincture of eucalyptus, calendula or aralia or a mixture of 70 ethyl alcohol and ether, for 20-30 seconds before applying. Avoid getting alcohol in your eyes! After 30 minutes, the remaining cream is removed with a napkin. The duration of use of the cream is 45 days. For itching of the skin in the area of ​​the eyebrows, forehead, nasolabial folds and chin, as well as in the depths of the ear canal, caused by the presence of a mite, these areas are wiped 2 times with the indicated tincture, and then the cream is applied 1-2 times a day. It is important to protect yourself from re-infection (self-infection) with ticks. To do this, you need to use disposable wipes after washing, massage your eyelids with wet fingers, and limit the use of cosmetics. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: use of the cream is not allowed in pregnant women and is contraindicated for the entire period of lactation. Ingredients: olive oil, glycans, lanolin, chamomile extract, 2-methylnitroimidazole derivative, fragrance, base. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. Side effects: allergic reactions are possible. Special instructions: before use, you should consult a specialist.

Release form and storage conditions

Demazol is available in the form of a cream or gel and contains auxiliary components that enhance effectiveness. Among them:

  • lanolin;
  • olive oil;
  • natural glycans;
  • emulsifiers (create viscosity);
  • medicinal chamomile extract;
  • methylnitroimidazole.

Release form: plastic tubes of 10 g each in a cardboard package. The optimal storage temperature is up to 20 degrees; you can keep the product in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of the moisturizing eye cream is one year from the date of release. After this period is completed, the product is not used.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions and read reviews online. You should not prescribe Demazol yourself.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with Klivrin cream here.

Indications for use of the gel

The cream is used to treat demodicosis and in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles. Demodicosis is caused by mites, the presence of which is usually unnoticed, but when immunity decreases, the disease becomes more active.

Rash, itching, swelling are the main symptoms of demodicosis. It is necessary to treat the disease, since it does not go away on its own.

Demazol is an effective remedy against skin mites; with its regular use, lasting, pronounced results are achieved. Additionally, the cream smooths out wrinkles and cares for the skin of the eyelids. Other indications for its use:

  • inflammation;
  • pimples and blackheads;
  • tearing eyes;
  • dry eyelid skin;
  • redness;
  • irritation.


Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Any new cosmetic product should be introduced gradually. First, do a test on a small area of ​​skin.

Demazol gel is not used to prevent wrinkles. If swelling, rash, or itching appears at the application site, stop using the product. Exceeding the dosage and frequency of use is also not recommended. Demazol is combined with other drugs with caution.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Natura Siberica cream at the link.


You can find many reviews about the ointment on the Internet. It is generally noted that it is quite effective and can eliminate unpleasant symptoms quickly. The availability of the drug in pharmacies is also mentioned.

The substance has virtually no negative effect on the body when stored and used correctly.

Negative reviews are usually written by those who have an individual intolerance to the components of the product and do not use the ointment according to the instructions or undergo an incomplete course of treatment.

Instructions for use of ointment

Let's consider the features of using the product.

General instructions

Basic principles of using Demazol:

  1. Rinse the application area with plain water and dry thoroughly. Together with moisture, the drug does not work well.
  2. Squeeze a little ointment onto your finger and begin to gently rub it into the inflamed area in a circular motion.
  3. Leave for half an hour, let it absorb normally.
  4. Remove any remaining product with cotton pads.

You need to use the cream for at least 45 days, morning and evening.

If you want to extend the course, first consult with a specialist. He will determine whether this is appropriate.

Remains of the product must be removed, otherwise pores may become clogged and become inflamed.

During pregnancy

The drug underwent clinical trials, during which no undesirable effects on the fetus were identified during pregnancy. Therefore, Demazol can be used while pregnant, but prior consultation with a doctor is required. A more gentle drug for children and adults is Demalan.

You should also not prescribe analogues for yourself. Remember that during pregnancy it is advisable to eliminate all possible risks and effects - if the use of the cream is not urgently necessary, postpone therapy. Pay close attention to individual reactions so you can spot problems early (if they arise).

Signs of overdose

No cases of overdose have been identified, but side effects may develop. If you experience symptoms of poisoning and allergy, stop using Demazol cream. If your body temperature rises, consult a doctor immediately.

Take precautions during treatment:

  1. First, try the drug on a small area of ​​skin, preferably on the wrist. Wait a few hours - if there is no itching or rash, you can wash off the product and apply it to the eyelid area.
  2. Avoid using decorative cosmetics and alcohol for a while.

The drug "Demazol": instructions for use

Before using the medication in question, you must undergo a medical examination and consult a dermatologist. Only in this case will the treatment of skin diseases be most effective.

You should also be sure to read the included instructions. In it you can find ways to use the ointment and its dosage.

To treat skin diseases, medicinal cream is used with a cotton swab. A small amount of the drug is applied to it, which is then used to lubricate the edges of the lower and upper eyelids.

For demodectic blepharitis, the medication is used once in the morning and once in the evening (if it is not possible to use it in the morning, then the drug should be applied only before bedtime).

For skin lesions of the facial area, wipe them twice with alcohol tincture using a cotton pad. It is advisable to carry out this procedure at intervals of ¼ hour. Only after this can you use the cream.

How to increase the effectiveness of the drug "Demazol"? The instructions for use state that the effect of the ointment increases if, before applying it, the eyelids are wiped twice with a cotton swab, previously soaked in tincture of aralia, calendula, eucalyptus or a mixture of ether and 70% ethyl alcohol. These actions must be performed at 15-minute intervals for 20-35 seconds. In this case, you should avoid getting alcohol into the mucous membranes.

Half a minute after applying the medicinal ointment, its remnants must be removed with a napkin.

The duration of use of the cream is 45 days.

If itching of the skin in the forehead, brow ridges, chin and nasolabial folds, as well as in the depths of the ear canal, which is associated with the presence of a mite, these areas should be wiped twice with alcohol tincture, and only then the drug should be applied. The frequency of use of this product is 1-2 times a day.

It is extremely important to protect your body from re-infection with skin mites. For this purpose, you need to use only disposable napkins after washing, limit yourself in the use of cosmetics, and also massage your eyelids with wet fingertips.

Side effects

As a result of using the cream, an allergic reaction or swelling may occur. In this case, it is important to stop treatment with the drug and seek advice from a dermatologist. Also, in cases of non-compliance with the rules described in the instructions, its low effectiveness may occur. This fact is confirmed by reviews of people who have used Demazol eye cream. If the cream gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur. To do this, rinse your eyes with warm water.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use of the drug are extremely simple:

  1. Before distributing the product, the area to be treated is washed with warm water and dried well (application to wet skin may reduce the therapeutic effect of the product).
  2. A small amount of cream (a strip about 5 mm long) is rubbed into the skin, performing gentle circular movements (if the eyelids are being treated, the eye should be closed during the procedure).
  3. Leave the ointment for 30-40 minutes - during this period of time the product will be well absorbed and begin to act.
  4. To prevent clogging of pores, after half an hour, the remaining cream should be removed with clean cotton pads (after the evening procedure, the cream can be left on the skin until the morning).

In accordance with the recommendations of the instructions, treatment of the skin is carried out twice a day. If the patient is diagnosed with demodectic blepharitis, the medication can be used once during the day (the most effective will be applying the cream in the evening, shortly before going to bed).

The course of use of the product must be agreed with a specialist. Most often, Demazol is used daily for 1-1.5 months. In some cases, repeat courses are conducted.

The effect of the cream can be enhanced several times if, before applying it, you wipe your eyelids with tinctures of medicinal plants - calendula, eucalyptus, wormwood, aralia. At the same time, it is important to prevent alcohol-containing compounds from coming into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye and use a separate cotton swab when treating each eyelid.


The price of Demazol cream in pharmacies is 250-350 rubles. The drug is safe, effective, and was developed specifically for sensitive and delicate skin in the eyelid area. If necessary, you can replace Demazol with other agents. Basic:

  • Demalan is an antibacterial drug, effective against acne, demodicosis, and follicles. The remedy is effective against bacterial infections of the upper layers of the epithelium. It contains only natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin. Another effect is anti-inflammatory;

The price is from 265 rubles.

  • Blepharogel-1 is a cosmetic and ophthalmic patented product. Useful for barley, conjunctivitis, demodicosis. Approximate price – from 176 rubles. Blefarogel is often used simply as a moisturizer for problem skin; it eliminates wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. The product quickly eliminates inflammatory and other eyelid skin diseases and has virtually no side effects. There is also the drug Blefarogel-2. It differs from 1 in concentration and composition of components. Blefarogel-2 contains sulfur, so the product is indicated for the treatment of ticks.

Pregnant, lactating women and children are usually prescribed Demalan.

Also read about cream for dark circles under the eyes in this article.

After starting treatment, itching and irritation may persist for some time. Normally they should go away within 72 hours.

Cream Demazol for eyelids - reviews

About two years ago, I began to experience discomfort in my eyes while wearing mascara. I could walk calmly with mascara for a maximum of 2-3 hours, then it was as if liquid was accumulating in the corners of my eyes, my eyes began to itch, then a burning sensation appeared and, as a result, watery eyes. I went through this for 1.5 years. I thought I was allergic to mascara, I changed several types of mascara, but to no avail. Half a year ago I decided to go to the ophthalmologist. She examined my eyes under a microscope and tested for dry eye syndrome. Everything was fine. She said that, in principle, it could be an eyelash mite, but she did not send me for analysis and prescribed the following treatment: for 2 weeks I had to instill antimicrobial drops Combinil Duo 3 times a day, and then also lubricate the edges of the eyelashes with hydrocartisone ointment 3 times a day . I carried out the prescribed treatment, but it only got worse, and now I had discomfort in my eyes even without applying mascara. Some time passed and I decided to go for a paid consultation at a specialized eye clinic. There they checked my eyesight, etc., etc., and listened to my complaints. In response to my complaints, the doctor said - you have allergic conjunctivitis, you need to go to an allergist. I was shocked by this statement; well, it didn’t look like an allergy at all. And I decided to get tested for eyelash mites myself. The test result was positive and he was found. And with this analysis, I went again for a paid consultation at a regular public clinic. What I was prescribed: wash in the morning and evening with tar soap, wipe the edges of the eyelashes with Valocordin, then instill Combinil Duo 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days, and apply Demazol cream behind the lower eyelid 2 times a day in the morning and evening 2 weeks, followed by a break in treatment for 2 weeks, and then the treatment was repeated again for 2 weeks. Like this. I carried out treatment, took a test for demodex, the result was negative. The improvement was noticeable: the swelling of the eyelids subsided, the discomfort disappeared. I had this treatment about a month ago. I’m thinking of doing a repeat test for demodex soon, because it’s not so easy to get rid of it completely.

What I want to say about this cream is that it is the main cream today against demodex not only of eyelashes, but also of the skin. I think it performs its functions perfectly. There is a minus of the cream for me personally - it caused a terrible burning sensation in the eyes, there was tearing for about an hour after applying it to the lower eyelid. But only later it turned out that all these anti-mite drugs cause dry eyes, and the cream causes dryness and drops. So I bought Oftagel drops against dry eye syndrome and started dripping them and the burning went away.

What else I would like to say: the instructions say that you should use the cream for 1.5 months without a break, but I used it as the doctor prescribed for me (you use it for 2 weeks, rest for 2 weeks, and use it again for 2 weeks). I asked her why this was so, she replied that because the life cycle of a tick is 2 weeks.

I would also like to say something about the above-mentioned hydrocartisone ointment. It's good, but not in all cases. The fact is that it is very fatty, and I myself am a favorable environment for tick reproduction - fat and oil.

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