Raising children 3-4 years old: psychology, recommendations

How to raise a teenage boy?

The most difficult period in raising a future man is adolescence. The previously sweet baby no longer obeys his parents, whom he perceives as an obstacle to his happiness. Now he obeys the opinions of his friends more than his mom and dad.

Gradually, obedient, cheerful, sweet boys turn into aggressive, unfriendly rebels. However, we should not forget that even during adolescence, you should raise your children, making them future men.

In order to avoid the problems that are often seen in families with teenagers, fathers should take an active part in upbringing. Mothers should take a back seat, since an aggressive boy can only be dealt with by an aggressive father, a representative of his gender, who will teach him the real state of affairs.

You should not lecture and punish in the same ways that were used previously. Now you are no longer communicating with a baby, but with a teenager who has become more agile, deceitful, active, aggressive and free.

How to raise a 2 year old boy?

The age of two is considered the period when children begin to understand that they are different from children of the opposite sex. Boys realize that they are somehow different from girls, and therefore their upbringing begins to change from the age of two.

  • Firstly, the baby should not be beaten or severely punished, as this can cause distrust of the world and a feeling of dislike for oneself.
  • Secondly, the baby begins to improve his physical skills. The boy should not be prohibited from jumping and running, getting bumps and bruises.
  • Thirdly, do not punish your son for taking the initiative. Children are already gradually wanting to do adult things, helping their parents around the house. Encourage their desire so as not to grow them into incompetents.
  • Fourth, set limits. Gradually, the child should be taught the word “impossible”, showing that some words and actions are prohibited and may lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Fifth, allow your child to develop at his own pace. If he is somehow different from other boys, this does not mean that you need to sound the alarm or compare him with them. Let your baby grow to the point where he learns something.

My son's main activity is playing. It is in a playful way that you show him the world, teach him the skills and rules that are inherent to his gender.

He's capricious because he doesn't know how to say it differently.

To understand the characteristics of a child’s behavior at this age, it is necessary to understand the reason for such reactions. Psychologists identify a term such as frustration - this is when a person (a child in our case) does not fully receive everything he wants. Thus, when children understand that not everything is allowed to them, that there are objective situations when they have to obey, they grow up. And they have an internal conflict - this is called the crisis of three years.

Such a parent knows what causes the child’s whims - a desire to attract attention, malaise or frustration due to some particular situation in kindergarten. Sometimes this is a desire to attract the attention of parents who are busy with household chores or simply do not give the baby the time he so needs.

A child at this age cannot show his desires and emotions in any other way.

Sometimes this is a desire to attract the attention of parents who are busy with household chores or simply do not give the baby the time he so needs. A child at this age cannot show his desires and emotions in any other way.

At 3-4 years old, the formation of basic character traits begins, and already now the child wants to become more independent. Starting from the age of two, he increasingly defends his independence. He strives to do everything himself, and if he is disturbed, he begins to be capricious.

At this age, negative qualities begin to appear. Often the baby is capricious and screams because he wants revenge. For example, for forcing him to finish breakfast in the morning or refusing to give him his favorite toy. In addition, the child may simply be upset about something - they couldn’t put together a puzzle or mosaic, or their favorite picture was torn. Kids are just learning to cope with their disappointment and do not always do it adequately.

It is necessary to prohibit in moderation

In the process of hysteria, very often everything comes down to parental prohibitions. The child wants to do something or go somewhere, but the parents forbid it. Yes, it may not be easy, but it is necessary to introduce psychological prohibitions into raising a child. It is important to understand that parents prohibit something because they want to protect the child. They allow the baby to feel cared for, calm down and develop discipline.

Read more: The best books on child psychology for parents

True, today the following very often happens - parents who grew up in strictness, and had a lot of prohibitions in their childhood, abandon this practice. The child is allowed absolutely everything. They say that in this way it is possible to raise a person who is free and independent of anyone. Such adults simply do not understand that this is how the child’s psyche is damaged, and in the future they will have to re-educate the spoiled child.

Clear boundaries and rules are important for children at this age - this is how they feel safe. And education without prohibitions can make preschool children capricious and infantile: they will resort to manipulation and provocation and are unlikely to be able to adequately communicate with other children in kindergarten or school.

There is another extreme - relatives go too far and forbid the child a lot. Walk only by hand, you can’t run - you’ll fall, you can’t jump - you’ll break your leg, don’t sit on the sand - you’ll catch a cold, we won’t take toys - other people’s children will take them, and so on. Such children grow up modest, indecisive, quiet; It will be difficult for them to stand up for themselves and they will need constant approval from their parents before every action.

It is still necessary to strive for the golden mean. Before you forbid something, clearly explain to your child why you are doing this and what consequences his disobedience may lead to. If you talk to a child at this age, then by the age of 5 he will already know what he should do in a given situation. And at the age of 6, he will even teach his classmates to do as his parents explained to him. The child adopts your behavior model, so learn to be an ideal role model.

Mistakes in raising boys and girls

1. It is incorrect to follow patterns and stereotypes in behavior

It is important to respect feelings and desires, regardless of gender. If a girl is very active and the image of a little robber is closer to her (such girls may lack perseverance, they often fight, etc.), you should not tell her that her behavior is characteristic only of a naughty boy

In the same way, you shouldn’t reproach a boy for crying like a girl after a bruise (men don’t cry, which means this behavior is unacceptable).

2. You cannot compare with others, this fosters an inferiority complex.

3. It’s not right to brush it off; he shouldn’t hear expressions: go away, don’t pester, leave me alone, and the like. The main feature of behavior is curiosity; it must be satisfied always and under any circumstances. You can say: we’ll talk about this later, now I’m not ready to talk about it, etc.


You can’t focus on defects in appearance; it’s better to focus on features and uniqueness

5. You cannot instill only your own idea of ​​right and wrong - they must have a choice. However, respect for the opposite sex and for oneself must be encouraged and developed.

And, most importantly, you should always love your children, express this feeling in all available ways: hug and kiss more often, speak words of encouragement, encourage all endeavors, etc. In this case, you will be able to raise a happy person and give him a decent start in this life.

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Psychology, advice applicable in such cases

At this age, children are characterized by the most obvious and active imitation of adults. They are like sponges, adopting behavior patterns and new words. Therefore, parents must certainly control their actions and speech, and also offer their child games that would best contribute to knowledge of the world around them. It will also be useful to regularly read fairy tales, which will help develop values ​​in your child.

From about three years of age, the child himself begins to practice communicating with peers, so he needs to be given this opportunity - let him communicate with children close to his age on the playground and in various circles. True, during this same period, parents also have to face problems with the child’s adaptation to kindergarten.

Often, by the age of three, children become aggressive and simply stubborn, striving for independence. Therefore, adults, for their part, need to encourage as much as possible the manifestations of children’s independence, but at the same time not succumb to the manipulations of their child and show strictness in a timely manner. Therefore, knowledge of the psychology of raising a 3- and 4-year-old child is very important.

There may be several reasons for the bad behavior of children of this age. Psychologists call the most common of them the following:

1. The struggle for parental attention. Often the reason for disobedience is simply the child’s desire to attract parental attention. It is especially acute in cases where parents not only constantly go about their business, but also do not give their child the much-needed attention. After all, the baby himself still has no idea about constructive interaction with adults, as well as how to build a dialogue and normal relationships with them. Therefore, he chooses the simplest and most accessible method for himself.

2. Self-affirmation of the child, which runs counter to the overprotective parents. After the age of two, children begin to increasingly express their desire for independence. And parents, although with the best intentions, constantly impose their point of view on them, controlling, reproaching and teaching. It is not surprising that a child fights such criticism with disobedience.

3. Desire for revenge. Often, for one reason or another, parents cause “trouble” to their child. It could be tasteless porridge or a favorite toy that has been removed, etc.

4. Lack of self-confidence. In the event that a child is disappointed in something or even despairs, his behavior may well become inadequate. Moreover, the roots of this reason come down to the child’s low self-esteem, his uncertainty, which is expressed in a kind of protest.

Which period is the most difficult?

The most difficult time for parents and the child himself is the age of three. How to raise a 3 year old boy? The third year of life is characterized by personality development. The baby, as before, is very emotional: he, like a bare wire, is very sensitive to praise and blame. Being psychologically attached to mom and dad, he nevertheless shows undisguised interest in strangers, especially if he likes them. When he is four years old, the storm of emotions will subside, but now he should be patient.

Active socialization occurs, he feels the need for active communication with peers. The kid loves to play games that have a storyline and development, and try on different roles. Kindergarten may be the solution to all problems. But this also has its drawbacks. Many psychologists agree that at 3 years old it is too early to send a child to kindergarten, because this can disrupt the connection with the mother, who is especially close and important during this period.

Actively exploring the world, the boy begins to acquire intentions that may diverge from his mother’s plans. But the mother remains the greatest authority; all the child’s actions are aimed at gaining her approval and praise. If this does not happen, conflict is brewing.

To maintain a relationship with your child, you must:

  • set a good example of behavior;
  • respect the personality and feelings of the child;
  • provide the opportunity for self-expression, provide space for creativity;
  • provide the right to choose: eat an apple or banana, drink juice or compote;
  • encourage his activities, show interest in his successes.

By adhering to these principles, you can significantly reduce the stress level during this crisis period for a 3-year-old boy. And soon you can move on to the next stage - raising a 4-year-old boy.

Spending time as a family is especially important during this time. Sports, creativity, leisure, joint walks in the fresh air, games, etc.

d. This gives the child a platform for development and a sense of belonging to a family, love, where all concerns are common.

In the period from 2.5 to 3 years, imagination and fantasy grow in huge leaps. This is facilitated by role-playing games and improvisation exercises. You can copy the habits of animals, favorite heroes, fairy-tale characters. As imagination and creative imagination develop, the following methods of creativity will become popular with the child:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • origami;
  • design.

All these activities develop not only thinking and imagination, but also fine motor skills of the fingers and coordination of movements.

Features of development at 3 years

Hmmm... at one point the little one begins to understand that he is a separate person. A desire awakens in him to solve some issues on his own. It’s just that the child doesn’t always hit the mark.

For example, when dressing for the street, you cannot convince him to put on a warmer hat, because another little one liked the appliqué on him. Some parents cannot stand this behavior and break down. But, understand, it’s not easy for the baby in this situation either! With all his attempts he shows that he, too, must be taken into account! Not otherwise. And here a lot depends on you and me. How we treat a small personality will determine such development in the future.

Try to provide options for choice, show 2 hats that suit you in terms of practicality, with an offer to make the baby make an independent choice between them. You won’t lose anything, and the little one will be happy that he decided what wardrobe to wear.

And yet, at this tender age, it is difficult for a toddler to quickly switch from one activity to another. Therefore, when the game is in full swing, and you insist on urgently going to brush your teeth and sleep, don’t expect anything but a storm of protest. There is no use in rushing and making noise.

I read somewhere that if during this period you are indignant and demand that the little one do something quickly, he will grow up to be slow. So one careless action and it will be difficult for the baby to adapt to this life in the future.

At 3-4 years old, a fidget develops independence. And this is the best time to develop the skills of cleaning up after yourself and putting clothes neatly in a drawer. If you are not patient and start doing this for your heir, you risk ending up with an indecisive creature.

Personal and emotional development of boys

For this period, both positive (display of independence, embracing new areas of activity) and negative (increased aggressiveness and conflict, disharmony of character) aspects are indicative.

Developmental tasks that arise before a child at ten years of age and continue until the end of adolescence:

  • formation of gender role identity;
  • development of interpersonal skills, effective communication;
  • changing family relationships based on emotional independence while maintaining material and moral support;
  • development of abstract thinking;
  • formation of adequate self-esteem and development of self-awareness;
  • formation of value orientations and worldview.

The struggle to be like everyone else and at the same time stand out leads to emotional instability. The opinion of other children becomes more important to the son than the opinion of his parents. Boys assert themselves through friendship with older children, slang, rudeness or clowning, strength or helpfulness to a stronger person. This period goes differently for everyone. From the variety of requirements and norms of society, patterns of behavior, a teenager chooses those that will subsequently become the basis of his personality - a system of personal meanings.

Features of the development of children at 2-3 years old

  1. After 2 years, most children noticeably improve their speech, their vocabulary grows, and they begin to construct simple sentences of 2-3 words.
  2. At this age, children almost completely master self-care skills: they go to the potty on their own, wash their hands, eat carefully with a spoon, drink from a mug, and can get dressed and undressed.
  3. Breastfeeding goes away completely, the child eats adult food and shows his culinary preferences even more clearly.
  4. Most children start going to kindergarten at 2-3 years old. The most favorable period for starting a visit is considered to be when the child reaches the age of 3 years, when the connection with the mother gradually begins to weaken and the desire to communicate with peers appears. Adaptation to kindergarten in this case is less painful.
  5. The child actively explores the boundaries of what is permitted, learns the rules of behavior and tests the parents’ strength. Surely you have noticed that your child has already learned to “cunning”, observes the reaction of adults to his actions, and can behave completely differently with mom, dad, grandmother and other relatives.
  6. The baby continues to manipulate objects even more actively, his actions become more accurate, and coordination of movements improves.
  7. By the age of two, a child knows the actions of people, animals, the purpose of objects, for example, that “a bird flies”, “a car drives”, “they wash their hands with soap”, etc.
  8. Babies at this age are very excitable. But it can sometimes be very difficult to calm them down.
  9. Imitating adults becomes the main way to learn various skills.
  10. The baby’s desire for independence intensifies, because he already knows so many things! More and more often you can hear from him the phrase: “I do it myself!”, when once again you want to help him with something. Therefore, it is important to build the upbringing of a child aged 2-3 years on providing him with the opportunity to choose, encouraging initiative and physical activity.
  11. Many children aged 2-3 years show a penchant for one or another type of activity: drawing, modeling from plasticine, assembling construction sets, role-playing games, etc. Of course, these cannot yet be called stable interests, but certain personality traits of the child can already appear during these activities.
  12. The imagination is actively developing, the baby fantasizes. This is usually noticeable in his speech, acting, and drawings.
  13. The range of expressed emotions expands significantly. A child can demonstrate joy, delight, surprise, affection, embarrassment, pity, disappointment, anger, fear, sympathy, etc.
  14. After 2 years of age, interest in peers appears; the baby wants to communicate, play, and make friends with other children. At the same time, interaction with adults also remains significant for him.

How to raise a teenage girl

Raising a girl during puberty is probably the most difficult thing. That’s why so many parents are wondering: how to raise a 12-year-old girl? After all, it is at the age of 12 that the reassessment of life values ​​begins. During puberty, children become closer to their peers, while at the same time moving away from their parents. At this stage, teenagers critically evaluate their own appearance, in which children often find many shortcomings and defects.

At the age of twelve, you have your own view on everything. Girls demand respect for themselves. They want to be treated like adults. They have new friends and hobbies that correspond to youth trends

In addition, yesterday's daddy's daughters begin to actively pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex, trying to look older and be independent

At this age, it is very important for girls to look just like everyone else. Therefore, if a mother is really worried about the question: how to raise a 12-year-old girl, then you need to pay attention to fashion trends among twelve-year-old girls and make sure that your daughter is dressed exactly as is customary among teenagers

The importance of striving to be modern should not be neglected. Because the “have-nots” are often the target of barbs and bullying. Therefore, if a child’s teeth or skin or hair are not in order, you should not ignore the flaws in your daughter’s appearance.

Therefore, if a mother is really worried about the question: how to raise a 12-year-old girl, then she needs to pay attention to fashion trends among twelve-year-old girls and make sure that her daughter is dressed exactly as is customary among teenagers. The importance of striving to be modern should not be neglected. Because the “have-nots” are often the target of barbs and bullying. Therefore, if a child’s teeth or skin or hair are not in order, you should not ignore the flaws in your daughter’s appearance.

It is also recommended to encourage a teenager’s interest in dancing, sports, music, and encourage her to participate in various school competitions, competitions, and olympiads. You need to try to support your child, be there for him when he needs it. If your daughter is sad, then you should not attack her with questions. She needs her mother to be with her.

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Whims and crying

Crying and whims of the first transitional age no longer refer to the fact that the child has problems with health or physiological needs. Tears at this age often appear from resentment and misunderstanding on the part of adults. Thus, the child makes it clear that he needs to be hugged, praised, and occupied with something new and educational.

The psychology of raising children 3-4 years old is to constantly confirm the status of an adult capable of human actions. In response to treating the child as an equal, he takes care of all family members. When trying to share a treat, you cannot refuse. Constant refusals can form in the child the opinion that everything tasty in the house is only for him. It is also better to instill etiquette from this age.

No additional classes will be required if the parents themselves adhere to certain rules of behavior in relation to the older generation, behavior at the table, and in relations with each other.

You don't have to be a parenting guru to avoid mistakes. The main criteria for excellent parents are:

  • restraint in evaluating actions;
  • desire to understand the reason;
  • personal example;
  • non-standard approach;

The best way out of difficult situations is a sense of humor. Once you start laughing at something with your child, you can assume that half the problem has already disappeared. It remains to explain what a rash act can lead to. Children have an unformed psyche, so as not to provoke him to continue the experiments, one cannot talk about the worst. You should limit yourself to the fact that it will be very painful for him and not only he, but also mom and dad will cry. Thematic material:

  • Speech development of children 3-4 years old
  • Educational games for boys 3-4 years old
  • Recommendations for parents on raising children

Emotional and social development of five-year-old children

By the age of five, children learn to control their emotions, and they do it well. Psychological development reaches a level when it is easier for a child to evaluate his actions and restrain impulsive desires. Now he speaks well and can express whatever he wants in words. Therefore, the baby begins to feel more confident, because everyone understands him. Children's perseverance and patience improves. They can calmly wait their turn, ask permission to take this or that thing.

The child can still be shy with strangers, but it is much easier to make contact than before. Children prefer group games to individual ones. They know how to share their toys and treat each other with goodies. During the game, they adhere to the rules and give in to each other if necessary. Now they have a sense of justice, they try not to offend their peers in vain. The child can be nervous and very upset when, in his opinion, someone is doing wrong.

The baby is already helping his parents

By the age of five, the child learned to help his parents around the house and does it with pleasure. He continues to copy their behavior. So you shouldn’t expect your child to do things that mom and dad don’t do. At this age, the baby’s personality and habits are formed.

It is important to incorporate in the next two years all the skills that will be useful in adult life. Teach your preschooler to take initiative, give him the opportunity to choose

For example, when you go outside, ask what your baby wants to wear. The choice should be clear, between 2-3 things. Also ask what your child would like to eat, pancakes or mashed potatoes, an apple or a banana. His self-esteem will increase, the preschooler will feel like an important person. At the same time, he will develop a sense of responsibility for his choice.

Age-related problems at five years old may be associated with hyperactivity. The child becomes uncontrollable and aggressive, offends his friends, and does not interact well with other children. Sometimes his sleep is disturbed, the baby screams at night and wakes up. The reasons for this behavior can be different, from problems at home to difficulties in the children's group. The child may need to consult a neurologist or psychologist. Only they will give the right advice on how to behave with a difficult preschooler, how to correct the shortcomings of upbringing and communication with him.

Why do 3- and 4-year-old children not obey?

In order to understand raising a child, you need to understand the root causes of his bad behavior. Moreover, at this age they will be the same for children of different sexes. That is, children are in a state of frustration when their desires simply cannot be fully satisfied. That is, the baby understands that not everything is allowed to him, that he is forced to obey certain rules - this is the process of growing up. Any observant and sensitive parent understands perfectly well when whims begin in order to achieve something. But sometimes the reasons for such disobedience can be hidden in other things, for example, in illness, problems in kindergarten, etc.

Play as a method of communication with a child

It is difficult for a child to focus his attention on one thing for a long time. But he can be captivated by the game for 10-15 minutes (let it be at least five minutes)

In this case, the game can simply be an entertaining way to spend time, or it can be a distraction, or a way to convey an important idea (moral) to him. So, in the form of a game, you can teach a child to wash their hands or brush their teeth, learn colors or master the basics of etiquette.

At this age, the child can already be the director of the game. He should be given the role of the main one, allowed to distribute roles and determine the rules of the game. Parents will be surprised by the child's insight and wit. Through play, you can tell your child about society; he can try on the role of a doctor, teacher, cook, etc.

The value of quality education

What do you understand by education? Corner? Belt? Moral teaching? All this relates to punishment, and in no way corresponds to the intention to help. You need to act in 3 directions: teach, instruct and correct. Why and how?

  1. Moral. It is at this age, when your feelings are so clear, that you can show that other people also have feelings. They can be sad and happy. This is how the baby begins to understand that he can act in someone’s interests and take care of someone. This social and moral education is the basis for raising a child to be a responsible and attentive person.
  2. Ecological. It seems so difficult to explain to a toddler that they need to protect nature. After all, he does not understand what nature is, and how to protect it, and why to do it. But it is precisely at the age of 3-4 that it is worth paying attention to the basics of environmental education. To do this, you need to use simple and understandable truths. For example, the fish give us water so we can wash and drink. And if you take a lot, a lot of water, there won’t be enough water for the fish. Sorry for the fish. This is how a girl or boy will save water in the first stages, thinking about fish. As he grows up, we will be able to supplement this knowledge of his.
  3. Patriotic. How to explain to a toddler that this is his land, his Motherland, country and people are his fellow citizens? This is also part of another instruction, spiritual and moral. Believe it or not, it’s as simple as shelling pears. Moreover, this preschool “education” includes a story about the traditions and customs of our country, and it cultivates respect for people, his compatriots. Did you guess it? Yes! This is reading. And the little one’s favorite books are folk tales! He will take all the necessary information from him, like a sponge will absorb it. You can only lightly mark the necessary points to concentrate the attention of the baby.
  4. Physical education. This will probably be our children's favorite lesson. That's when they can jump and run to their heart's content. And our task is to direct their energy into the system. That is, show the exercises and help them perform them.
  5. Labor. Even very small babies are able to do something on their own. Of course, this “something” should be so simple that the little one can master it. To do this, parents can prepare in advance, find a simple task and ask the kitten to do it. The baby will be happy!

Such multifaceted training can instill a respectful attitude towards people, care for the Earth, pride in one’s people and country, and instill useful habits and skills.

All that remains is to find time for all this. And a little more for myself to rest.

Adulthood: threat or necessity

How to raise a 5 year old boy? What should you pay special attention to? Education at this age includes preparation for a more responsible stage in his life. After all, the child will soon go to school

This is an additional burden for both parents and children, because today some skills are already required. This is much easier if the child attends kindergarten, but mom and dad should also work with him. No matter how difficult homeschooling may be, you should never tell children that they are stupid, stupid, or incapable of perceiving information. This will not only discourage further activities, but will also significantly lower the child’s self-esteem.

And even more so, you shouldn’t intimidate him with the fact of his upcoming trip to school. It is better to explain to him a hundred times that he himself needs knowledge, to show tact and patience, perseverance and the gift of persuasion. In some cases, you can force the child to assimilate information, and in others, you can try to explain everything to him. In certain situations, you just need to learn the task. If it doesn’t work out, buy a gaming or computer training course. Adulthood is not a scary specter looming before your eyes, but simply the next stage of life.

Errors in education

Character is formed on the basis of temperament, which is genetically determined. The psychological situation in the family and the mother’s willingness to respond correctly to whims influence the acquired character traits. The reboot of values ​​continues when raising children from 3 to 6 years old.

Parents often make typical mistakes when raising children, not taking into account their temperament. Each little person is individual; the same mechanisms cannot be used as an educational method. With improper upbringing without taking into account temperament, psychological problems arise that negatively affect personality development.

In psychology, there are 4 temperamental types: melancholic, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic. Guys with different types of temperament have different attitudes towards identical situations, which is clearly expressed in the case of refusals.


If children are regularly yelled at and irritated, then in the future they will be susceptible to addictions and have difficulty communicating.

Sanguine children are easy to educate and are rarely capricious. However, they are cunning. If they do not want to obey, it is impossible to force them. The main mistake in communicating with such children is unquestioning faith, which forces adults to follow the lead of their child.

Melancholic people are touchy, selfish, and require a lot of attention. For such children, a large group causes fear and stress. Therefore, when sending your baby to kindergarten, you should pay attention to his adaptation to unfamiliar conditions.

Phlegmatic babies are balanced, slow, and sleep for a long time. They need to be occupied with active activities in order to avoid inertia in the future. The mistake would be to explain the requirements rather than demonstrate them.

Cholerics are emotional and restless. It takes a lot of patience to educate, since it is impossible to suppress them. You cannot show aggression, irritability, or indulge your whims. It is necessary to immediately establish rules of behavior.

Knowing the intricacies of the psychological organization of the individual, you can avoid problems in raising your child.

The relationship between parents and children is a continuous educational process. Adults should show wisdom and calm during children's tantrums and whims, finding the right way out of the situation. A friendly atmosphere contributes to the development of a harmonious personality.

Advice from psychologists

Every family has its own principles for raising children. It seems to parents that their education system is correct. But sometimes shortcomings in upbringing negatively affect the character and behavior in society of an adult child. To avoid mistakes, psychologists advise:

Lead by example. It is difficult to prove to a boy that women need to be respected if his father constantly scolds and humiliates his mother. The same goes for bad habits, attitudes towards sports and studies. Give freedom. Most mothers try to protect their children from danger, mistakes and troubles. This is an instinctive desire to protect your child. And that's okay. But you shouldn’t do everything instead of your son, even a little one. From childhood he must learn to be independent. He should be allowed to eat, dress, run and jump on his own. Even if after this you have to clean up, cover up broken knees, console

In addition, it is important to give the boy freedom of choice and decision-making.

Be an example or help find one. A boy needs to look up to an adult male

If the father, for any reason, cannot serve as a worthy role model, you should help find such a person. This could be an uncle, grandfather or sports coach. An example would be a literary character or a famous person. Create harmony in the family. Regardless of age, every person needs the love and support of loved ones. If a father and mother respect and love each other and their children, then this is the best environment for the development of a harmonious, mentally strong personality. Teach and encourage the expression of emotions. Men, like women, can and should show emotions. Hugs, kisses, kind words are their manifestations. You shouldn’t impose on a boy the stereotype that men don’t cry. Sometimes even a serious adult man needs to cry. Important! Of course, you should not encourage your child to solve everything with tears. He should be taught to cope with emotions and react to insult or failure in a different way.

Accept your son's individuality. If a boy doesn’t like football or men’s sports, this is not critical. Let him dance, draw, sing, play musical instruments. It's not just girls who are creative. Teach the boy to accept defeat with dignity and admit his mistakes. Making mistakes is not shameful, but even useful. The main thing is to be able to learn a lesson and move on.

How to raise a 5 year old boy?

The age of five is the final period when a boy begins to understand who a man is. He increasingly begins to copy the habits of men, treating girls lovingly. The son begins to relate especially interestingly to his own mother, whom he begins to love and even wants to marry.

At this age, you should continue to develop masculine qualities in your baby. This is done by increasing free space, assigning more and more responsibilities, allowing you to do more and more things, making decisions on your own on more and more issues. Toys should be “masculine”; it is advisable for the father or the child’s friends to play with them.

The boy will soon go to school, so he should be prepared for this period both intellectually and psychologically.

Already at this age, boys can begin to be told how to treat girls, what kind of relationships to build with them, how they differ from boys, etc.

Unconditional love of parents

Some dads don’t think about how to raise their son to be a real man. They are sure that cruelty and violence will force the boy to become strong. Such fathers humiliate and punish the child for the slightest mistake. However, cruelty makes a person angry and insensitive.

Nothing helps a boy to increase self-esteem, gain confidence in his abilities and learn to sympathize with others like the love of his parents. It must be unconditional. This is the basic rule of raising a son. They love him for who he is. The boy is never given ultimatums, they are not threatened to “stop loving him,” “to be sent to an orphanage,” or “to be left in kindergarten.”

Whatever action the son commits, he must be sure that he will be supported at home and that he can count on his parents in any situation. You can approve of the boy's actions or not, but you should always try to understand his motivation and be ready to accept his choice.

Properly raising boys involves not only criticism, but also praise. We must not forget to praise our son for good deeds, for the effort made on himself, for helping around the house and for reading a book. At the same time, one cannot justify the guy’s unseemly actions. If he did something bad, you should not turn a blind eye to it or find an excuse for him. It is necessary to explain why the action was bad and what consequences it may cause.

Difficulties in raising a child aged 4, 5 and 6 years

A feature of the psychology of this age group is the crisis of social relations. But, taking into account the above, the formation of a model of relationships with society through “bad” behavior is the norm for 4-6 years old.

In this way, the preschooler builds the boundaries of his own territory and tries to be more independent and free.

Parents need to accept their child for who he is without unnecessary nervousness, give him the opportunity to do his own actions and take responsibility for them, establish joint rules with the child and not allow him to go beyond what is permitted.

How to raise a boy without a father

Contrary to popular belief, a boy raised by women will not necessarily grow up to be weak and weak. The statement that a boy raised without a father will grow up to be an inferior man is fundamentally incorrect and, rather, affects single mothers as a self-fulfilling forecast. It is much worse when children are raised in a family where the father is an alcoholic, where constant quarrels and misunderstandings reign, where the father raises his hand against the mother, etc. Single-parent families, first of all, are those in which there is a shortage of parental love and lack of attention.

A family where a son is raised by one woman naturally has certain problems and difficulties, but it is still better than raising children in government institutions.

How to raise a boy to be a real man - advice from psychologists

First of all, even in the absence of a father, who is a model of male behavior in a boy’s life, there must be such a role model

For this purpose, you can use an uncle, grandfather, coach, teacher, brave cartoon character, etc. It is also recommended to give the baby to the so-called “male” sport

Thus, the greater the number of male persons who are invariably present in his life, the better.

How to raise a boy without a father? Mothers also need to monitor their own attitude towards the stronger sex. You should not insult men in the presence of children; also, when surrounded by men, mothers should not feel awkward, aggressive, or uncomfortable. After all, the child can feel this, as a result of which he will have mixed feelings caused by the discrepancy between the mother’s attitude towards him and the men around him, the result of which will be misunderstanding and internal conflict.

How can a woman raise a boy? When raising a baby without a father, it is not recommended to try to compensate him for the lack of male attention, at the cost of excessive “lisping” or fulfilling any of his whims. The surest decision would be to teach your son to be independent from an early age. If something doesn’t work out for the boy the first time, then you don’t need to immediately run to his aid; it’s better to invite him to try to repeat his own actions.

It is also recommended that mothers often take the position of a “weak woman” when communicating with the baby. In other words, when raising a son, a woman should not forget about her nature and be affectionate with him, a caring and loving parent, and not a magician who can solve absolutely all the boy’s problems, depriving the baby of the opportunity to try to cope with difficulties on his own. Also, such behavior will help develop in your son the ability to sympathize, pity and empathize, and teaches him to be a caring, helpful, strong man.

In addition, it is necessary to often praise the child and tell him phrases like: “you are my protector”, “you will definitely succeed!” etc. After all, for a boy growing up without a father, such praise has a special meaning. With this behavior, women reinforce the importance of the boy in the eyes of his mother.

Thus, women who are interested in the question of how to raise a man from a boy, on the one hand, need to be feminine and weak, and on the other hand, to be known as a confident and strong-willed person. Mothers raising sons without fathers should not try to combine feminine and masculine roles; they just need to remain themselves. It is also not recommended to play the role of a victim of circumstances in front of your son.

Raising a boy, a future real man, should not be perceived as a duty or a life obligation. As a result of the above, a boy raised by women in order to become a real man has all the prerequisites.

How to raise a 3 year old boy?

The age of three is already marked by a greater understanding of the child about who he is. To raise a future man, you need to tell your son that he is a boy and that is good. Let him value himself as a man. Praise him like a boy, like a representative of the stronger sex: “You are brave... You are strong... You are brave...”.

For a three-year-old son, the father (or the man who represents a representative of his gender) becomes important. Since the son is a man, he must learn to be a man from a member of that sex. That is why fathers should take an active part in the lives of their sons from the age of three, so that otherwise the boy does not begin to look up to his mother.

At this age, your son should be given free space. This can be either a corner in the room where everything is controlled exclusively by the baby, or space in movements and choices. The son must gradually acquire his own territory in every sense of the word.

Parents should be calm about the following things:

  • The child begins to say “I myself.” Gradually the son begins to separate from his mother. This should be encouraged as the boy begins to become his own person. He should be helped with this.
  • The child is somehow different from other children. If the son is hyperactive, speaks little or is a poor learner, he should not be punished for this. Love him for who he is and help him adjust his skills or character.

How to raise a boy correctly?

From birth, future men develop qualities that they will later use in adulthood. It depends on the parents (or parent) what these qualities will be and how “courageous” they will be.

To properly raise a boy, psychologists recommend:

  1. Give some freedom to my son. He must feel the space of choice and gradually understand that his actions have consequences, for which he is also responsible.
  2. Give your son freedom of choice. Let him make his own decisions on some important issues.
  3. Give your son both affection and coldness. Usually boys are raised in harsh conditions where they are not supposed to cry or give in to emotions. However, this often leads to deviations in behavior and character that are characteristic of unhealthy individuals. In the future, someone begins to abuse alcohol, someone indulges in drugs, someone turns into a gigolo, etc. All forms of unhealthy personality are a consequence of the fact that boys were not allowed to experience and show emotions, as girls are allowed to do. But emotions are a natural reaction of the psyche that must express itself.

Development of thinking at 3 years old

The famous psychologist J. Piaget believed that the thinking of three-year-old children is structured in such a way that they cannot look at the situation from the outside. This phenomenon is called egocentrism of thinking. In addition, children at 3 years old are not yet able to fully understand the connections between events or phenomena, so there is little logic and a lot of imagination in the child’s thinking.

It is at this age that a very important transition occurs from visual-effective to visual-figurative thinking. If in early childhood a child learned about the world through actions with objects, feeling them, tasting them, now, on the threshold of preschool age, children usually acquire the ability to act with images of objects that are preserved in their memory. A child of three years old can think about something that is not within sight. This is an extremely important step towards logical thinking.

Regime and nutrition of a child at 5 years old

For normal growth and development, a child at five years old needs to eat properly. His table fully corresponds to the table of adults. If you yourself adhere to the rules of healthy eating, you may not prepare separate meals for your baby. Make sure he doesn't eat too much fried or smoked food. Snacking should not be encouraged; it is best when the child eats 4 times a day and at the same time. Five-year-old children love sweets very much. Parents have a question about whether they can be given to their baby and how often. Here is a list of products that it is advisable to exclude from the children's menu:

  • Lollipops that contain a lot of sugar and dyes. They cause tooth decay and stomach problems.
  • Chocolate. It contains many substances that excite the nervous system
  • Chips and crackers containing unhealthy fats, salt and seasonings.
  • Carbonated drinks that contain a lot of sugar, preservatives, flavors and colorings.

Here's what's best to buy for your child:

  • Halva. It contains little sugar, but contains polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of the nervous system, and a number of vitamins.
  • White chocolate. Contains milk and cocoa butter, does not cause stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Marshmallows are made from sugar, fruit jelly, pectin and egg whites. Positively affects metabolism.
  • Honey, berries, dried fruits - contain vitamins and regulate intestinal function.

In a year, the preschooler will become a schoolchild, which is why it is so important to accustom him to a routine now. Children should go to bed on time, no later than nine o'clock in the evening.

Start your morning with hygiene procedures and a full breakfast. It is advisable for the baby to wake up, wash and eat at the same time. Then you need to devote time to classes and morning exercises. Lessons should continue to be held in the form of a game, but the preschooler’s perseverance and attentiveness should be trained. After classes, be sure to go for a walk with your child. Many children no longer sleep during the day by the age of five. But if your baby likes to take an afternoon nap, that's not abnormal. His nervous system just requires more rest. Evening classes should not be as intense as morning classes. Just play educational games with your little one or read a fairy tale.

Can three-year-olds be attentive?

The ability to concentrate in 3-year-old children is low, which is why they quickly switch from one thing to another. If you force your baby to do the same thing for a long time, that is, more than 10 minutes, the nervous system will be overloaded (an external sign of which is hysterics). The attention of 3-year-old children is selective; they pay attention only to what is attractive to them.

When working with your child at home, pay attention to the baby’s condition. At this age, children get tired quickly. Therefore, all classes should be held in a relaxed playful manner. To see how you can interest a child, watch the video.

Psychology of raising children 4 years old

Raising a 4-year-old child is quite difficult. At 4 years old, the baby is a separate personality with his own desires, his own opinions and emotions.

The proper upbringing of a 4-year-old child will have an impact on all aspects of his future life, so this issue must be approached very carefully. If in early childhood the child’s life is mainly controlled by emotions and instincts, then by the age of 4 his behavior becomes more conscious.

In order to choose the right direction in raising a 4-year-old child, you should consider the key points in the development of children at this age.

The psychology of raising 4-year-old children needs to be changed due to a shift in emphasis from physical activity to mental activity (all kinds of creativity are of interest to the child: modeling, drawing, making various crafts); This behavior needs to be encouraged, especially if the baby is not assiduous. At 4 years old, if health allows, it is recommended to enroll your child in a sports section (swimming, gymnastics, etc.). We must not forget about daily walks, which strengthen the immune system, and outdoor games develop gross motor skills. If the baby already knows the alphabet, then he should begin to teach him to read. It is advisable to introduce the baby to the basics of mathematics in a playful way.

At the age of 4, curiosity and endless “whys?” appear, which can unsettle any adult. The baby’s questions should be answered directly and without unnecessary details. If an adult does not have the necessary information, then you should tell the child so and promise to find the answer in the near future.

If a child is already attending kindergarten and has problems adapting to the team, then an adult should help him overcome them. First, you need to determine the cause of this condition (shyness, embarrassment, jealousy), and then teach the baby to properly communicate with peers, share toys, or, if necessary, stand up for himself. If you cannot solve this problem and it becomes global, then it is better to seek help from a child psychologist.

Family psychology for raising 4-year-old children takes into account certain changes that the child’s psyche undergoes in the process of growing up. A 4-year-old child begins to experience new feelings: irritation, resentment, shame, sadness. He is not able to cope with them on his own, may not obey, behave badly

During this period, it is important to support the baby and explain that everyone experiences emotions - and this is normal. It is necessary to tell the child that it is better to express his feelings not with bad behavior, but with words.

It is necessary to praise the baby, since the lack of praise is felt very acutely by the baby, and punishment should be strictly to the point, so that it is clear why. The child should be praised for new achievements or for great efforts in any matter. You should always tell your four-year-old about your love, even if the behavior is not pleasing.

Raising a 4 year old girl. As practice shows, it is easier to raise a girl than a boy. This is due to a calmer and more obedient disposition inherent in purely feminine character traits. Girls prefer to play “mother-daughter”, “hospital”, “shop”, “hairdresser”

By encouraging such games and behavior, it is important to maintain your daughter’s confidence in her beauty and exclusivity. This will allow her to have adequate self-esteem in the future.

A girl needs to be instilled with a love of cleanliness, punctuality, and femininity.

Raising a 4 year old boy. Boys are by nature more active and often aggressive. At the age of 4, a boy must understand that girls cannot be offended and know why. A man from the family must be involved in raising a boy. This can be either dad or other male representatives of the family - uncle or grandfather. This makes a big difference. In addition, the boy must be faced with as few prohibitions as possible, since an active child will still find an opportunity to overcome them.

The more adults spend time together with the baby playing games and various activities, the more inquisitive, capable and smart he will grow up.

How to properly raise children 3-4 years old

The psychology of raising children 2-6 years old must take into account the changes that occur in the child’s psyche during the growing up stage. The baby experiences unfamiliar emotions and feelings, not knowing how to react to them. We need to teach him to express his feelings using words, not bad deeds.

You should praise your child more often, even for minor achievements: picking up toys on your own, brushing your teeth.

It is necessary to apply punishments for serious offenses, explaining why he is being punished.


Even with inappropriate behavior, the child must know that he is loved.

You should not react to hysterical behavior or whims. Talk to your baby after the crying stops. The peaceful state of an adult helps the child to calm down quickly.

If children do not want to follow their parents’ insistence, use little tricks and compromise. Let him water the flowers and then watch the desired cartoon. At the same time, a careful attitude towards nature will develop. The request to collect toys will help the baby get accustomed to work education and order.

From the age of 3, a desire to imitate the behavior and actions of adults begins to form. Psychologists recommend purchasing toy cleaning kits, a set of tools, and dishes according to gender identification.

The role of father and mother in raising a boy 6-13 years old

Nowadays, children are increasingly being raised in single-parent families. And boys are often raised by their mother, grandmother, or at best grandfather

But from the age of six, it is extremely important for a boy to see next to him a man who can teach him, in fact, to become a man. We mothers need to be extremely careful at this moment.

After all, even our reviews about the male half can be imprinted on the child’s brain and subsequently poison his life. And we must, as they say, watch our statements towards men. After all, what is at stake is not only the psychological health of one’s own child, but also partly the picture of his future life. Yes, a single mother can raise a wonderful son, the main thing is not to turn him into a sissy, or a “mimosa,” with her excessive care and concern.

If there is a father or grandfather, an uncle or an older brother, then they will have to play the role of a model of masculinity in the child’s life. But what to do? And how to raise a boy correctly?

Dad in the spotlight

From the age of six, boys simply love to be in male company. And although they still love their mother, they try to associate themselves with the male half of the family. Going to the garage, riding a bike, playing football, and so on become favorite activities for the boy, especially those that are preferred by dad or grandfather. Of course, at this time, dads are strongly advised to calm down and embody the standard of a man. But this is a woman's view of the problem of education. Boys will sooner or later have to join society, and they must know how to behave in a given situation, learn to communicate with different people. And of course, they love and know their dad or grandfather for who they are. Is it worth urgently re-educating the whole family for the sake of an “ideal result”? After all, the main thing is that this communication between son and dad gives pleasure to both of them.

Indifference is worse than hatred

Psychologists and scientists have repeatedly proven that indifference is the most dangerous emotion in a relationship. This is confirmed by the behavior of boys who are ignored by their own fathers. Sometimes this happens due to busyness, frequent business trips, or the father’s reserved temperament. But the result of such indifference can be extremely aggressive behavior of the child. If your son repeatedly causes provocations at school, fights with peers, and is rude to teachers, this reason should be considered first. After six years of age, communication with his father is extremely necessary for a boy. And since we are talking about their own son, parents need to make sure that there is time and energy left for the boy to communicate with the male half of the family. Ideally, with your father or grandfather.

Mom is always needed like a mother

Many mothers, without noticing it themselves, stop showing tenderness to their grown-up sons. Especially if there are younger children in the family. But the paradox is that the older the sons get, the closer they get to adolescence, the more confidence they need in their mother’s love. Imagine, if even an adult needs at least eight hugs a day for emotional comfort, is it possible to deprive your son of expressions of tenderness? If a mother is emotionally cold due to her upbringing or temperament, her son may have problems communicating with the opposite sex in adulthood. In the future, such people withdraw into themselves, are stingy in expressing feelings and are often selfish. And with my peers too. We want our children to always feel loved and complete. Yes, of course, their worldview depends not only on themselves, but also on the contribution that their parents made to its formation. Will the son be open to the world, or will he isolate himself from it? Will he be open to communication or will he withdraw into himself for many years? Much depends on us, parents.

Speech development in three-year-old children

The speech of 3-year-old children is actively developing, kids develop an interest in language, they love to chat and talk about everything they see. Here are the main directions of speech development of three-year-old children.

  • Enrichment of vocabulary;
  • Phrasal speech;
  • Ability to conduct dialogue (the child knows how to ask and answer questions);
  • The appearance of polite words.

The speech itself of a three-year-old is far from perfect. Babies at this age usually have difficulty pronouncing hissing and sonorant sounds. At 3 years old, children often spell sentences incorrectly, confuse words, and miss words.

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