Blepharogel 1 and 2: difference and instructions

Not all women who want to keep their facial skin toned and prevent premature aging are aware of the anti-aging effects of some pharmaceutical drugs. Among the pharmacological products that have not only therapeutic, but also cosmetic properties, it is worth highlighting the Russian product Blepharogel. The medication has received many positive reviews from cosmetologists. When used correctly, it can provide significant assistance in eliminating unsightly crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and expression lines in the upper area of ​​the face.

What does the drug contain?

Blefarogel is a popular ophthalmic product produced in gel form. The medicinal product has the following composition:

Main substanceHyaluronic acid
Auxiliary ConnectionsGlycerol
Aloe extract


Propylene glycol


Deionized water

The drug is available in containers containing 15 ml of gel, one bottle per package. The medicine is well tolerated and does not have many contraindications.

The product demonstrates high results both in treatment and in rejuvenating sessions. The price of the gel is low - from 176 rubles. for one unit.

Composition of Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2

The composition of the first and second preparations includes the same components, with the exception of sulfur:

  • Hyaluronic acid. This component is listed first in the compositions of both gels. It is this acid that is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. It binds water molecules, thereby regulating hydration levels, and helps retain collagen in dermal cells.
  • Pure Aloe Vera juice. Contains many minerals, vitamins and microelements. It is actively used both in external cosmetic products and is part of preparations for oral use. Has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antioxidant effects.
  • Glycerol. It is a component of many face creams. Its main role is moisturizing and softening.
  • Thickeners and stabilizers: propylene glycol, carbomer, methyllarabene and deionized water.
  • Sulfur. Contained only in Blefarogel 2. It is an antiseptic and is also prescribed by doctors as an antimicrobial agent. Sulfur copes well with sebum, which clogs pores, and regulates the water-fat balance of the skin. Also, preparations containing sulfur are effective against demodicosis of the eyelids. This disease is caused by mites that live in the roots of eyelashes.

What is Blefarogel used for?

The product in question is a medicinal and cosmetic preparation. Blefarogel provides high-quality care for the skin of the eyelids, relieves itching, redness, irritation, and relieves the feeling of heaviness. During certain diseases, the medication cleanses the skin around the eyes from pathological crusts, moisturizes it and eliminates fatigue.

Main indications for using the gel:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids.
  2. Dry eye syndrome.
  3. Barley (meibomite).
  4. Demodecosis.
  5. Blepharitis.
  6. Allergic conjunctivitis.

Ophthalmologists also recommend using the product for increased visual fatigue. The medication brings considerable benefit to people whose profession involves daily eye strain.

Differences between 1 and 2

The medicine is available in two versions - Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2. There is an important difference between these forms of the product (in composition and indications for use).

The first type of drug is intended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms that take the form of dry eyes, a feeling of the presence of “sand” in them, and a burning sensation. The second type of product contains an additional component in the form of sulfur. This product has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties. That is why Blefarogel 2 is prescribed for the development of infectious processes in the organs of vision.

How it helps against wrinkles: the opinion of cosmetologists

In cosmetology, “Blefarogel” is most often used in places where wrinkles accumulate (around the eyes) or to treat the entire surface of the face. The reason for using the drug for cosmetic purposes is a number of the following positive effects that the drug has on problematic facial skin:

  • Nutrient supply.
  • Acceleration of metabolism and blood flow.
  • Moisturizes flaky skin.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Giving the skin softness, firmness and elasticity.
  • Getting rid of swelling, inflammation, acne.
  • Activation of elastin and collagen production.
  • Leveling the skin texture.
  • Smoothing out small facial wrinkles.

“Blefarogel 1” contains hyaluronic acid (injections are used to smooth out wrinkles in cosmetology), aloe vera juice, glycerin and some other components

To combat wrinkles, “Blefarogel 1” is most often used, since this particular type is used for preventive purposes and produces a milder effect on wrinkled skin, while “Blefarogel 2” includes sulfur in its composition and is intended for the treatment of skin diseases.

Effect of the product on the skin around the eyes

The drug in question is in demand not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. The gel is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances, due to which it has a pronounced positive effect:

  • softens and moisturizes the epidermis;
  • increases firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • eliminates swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • stimulates skin cell renewal, improves their “breathing”;
  • reduces the depth of facial wrinkles and age folds;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and amino acids;
  • relieves inflammatory processes, destroys harmful microflora;
  • protects the delicate skin of the eyelids from the negative effects of external factors (wind, sun, frost, dust).

In addition to everything mentioned, Blepharogel restores the lost relief of the dermis, eliminates redness and rashes, and eliminates peeling. This product also helps strengthen eyelashes, enhance their growth and gain more volume.

Advice for girls who use contact lenses

Before applying the gel, lenses should be removed and put on only after a 30-minute rest. Try not to get it on the mucous membranes of your eyes. This is not very pleasant for the eyes; a burning sensation will be felt. But you don't need to worry, the unpleasant feeling will pass soon.

Blepharogel 1 is best suited for daily use. It will reduce swelling of the eyelids, make the skin soft and toned. Blefarogel 2 is best used in masks.

How to apply this drug? Thanks to the thin nose, the gel is easy to apply without the use of improvised means, on both clean eyelids at once. Don't apply too much; if you overdo it, you'll soon feel an unpleasant sticky feeling.

The drug is convenient because it does not flow at all and has no odor.

If you suddenly feel severe itching or see excessive redness, then this remedy is contraindicated for you.

Reviews from girls who used it for bags under their eyes indicate that after 3 uses there is an improvement. Worth a try!

How much does such an excellent medicine cost? In Russia – from 150 to 220 rubles. The price is quite reasonable, and there are a lot of benefits.

How to use the gel for age-related changes on the face?

Using Blepharogel for wrinkles is not difficult, but before the procedure it is necessary to carry out proper preparation:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin of the eyelids from decorative cosmetics and impurities. To do this, you can wash your face in the usual way.
  2. Dry your face using a clean, soft towel.
  3. If you wear contact lenses, remove them from your eyes for a while. You can put on the optics again half an hour after applying the drug.

Having completed all the preparatory steps, squeeze a small amount of gel onto a cotton pad and gently wipe the lower and upper eyelids. When distributing the product, be sure to grab the roots of the eyelashes.

After this, you will need to take 1-2 drops of the product, apply to your fingertips and perform a 2-3-minute self-massage of the periocular area. In the process of distributing the drug over the skin, it is important to avoid getting it into the organs of vision.

How long can I use Blepharogel for wrinkles?

To achieve a noticeable rejuvenating effect, get rid of bags and blueness under the eyelids, Blepharogel should be used daily. It is best to use the drug once (before bedtime). If there are deep wrinkles, the product can be applied twice a day.

One anti-aging course should last at least three weeks. Next, a break of 30 days is required. After a one-month interval, facial cosmetic procedures can be resumed.


Reviews about the use of the drug are positive. Mainly noted is the pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect of Blefarogel, as well as an improvement in the general condition of the skin of the eyelids. Cosmetologists are still not so optimistic; they advise using the drug for its intended purpose - for medicinal purposes.

I've been applying it in the morning for a year now. No wrinkles. It seems to me that it should save not from crow’s feet, but from small wrinkles under the eyes, and strengthen skin turgor. Which is what he does.


I started using it as soon as barely noticeable crow's feet appeared. There are no bruises under the eyes precisely because I regularly (at night) use Blefarogel-1. In general, in the evening after removing eye makeup (I use pencil and mascara), this product simply “revives” the sensations. Relieves fatigue. Of course, I was not able to completely avoid the “paw”. And after stress or a sleepless night, the “paws” are even more pronounced. But it feels easier after Blefarogel. I like him. I am often allergic to mascara and eye creams. Only Blefarogel saves. In general, no complaints)))


This gel was recommended to me by my mother, positioning it as relieving swelling. I started using it, but to be honest, I didn’t notice any special changes regarding swelling, but as for the skin around the eyes, it became smoother and more elastic, small wrinkles were smoothed out. Of course, the composition is impressive. Of the well-known components, these are: hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice, glycerin... A small drop is enough not only for the lower and upper eyelids, but also for the cheek, on the one hand, for the whole face, 2-3 drops are needed. In general, over time, I began to apply it instead of face cream, but not every day, but two to three times a week.


Blefarogel 1 and 2 are simply irreplaceable for those who suffer from constant irritation, inflammation, a feeling of pain and “sand” in the eyes. And for those who care about preserving and prolonging the beauty and youth of their skin, this product will be a wonderful helper. But still, do not forget that Blepharogel is not cosmetic, but a medicinal product, so before using it you should definitely consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Side effects and existing contraindications

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, undesirable reactions may develop, manifested by:

  • redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • allergies.

If the product gets into the eyes, a short-term burning sensation may occur that goes away on its own within one to two minutes and does not require any treatment.

The main contraindication to the use of Blefarogel is individual intolerance to its composition. It is also undesirable to apply this product to the skin with pathologies such as eczema, dermatitis, and excessive lacrimation. During pregnancy and lactation, the product can be used only after the approval of a specialist.

Blepharogel for wrinkles: reviews

  • At first I was surprised that anyone would use such a product for wrinkles, but then I read the ingredients and realized that there must be some benefit. The price is affordable, which is very surprising given this composition. It's worth looking at how much hyaluronic acid injections cost! In general, I tried it - and I can note that there is a result: wrinkles have become less obvious, and the skin is well moisturized. Better than other eye creams I've tried. Yastrebova
  • I wear contact lenses and decided to apply this gel. But I didn’t read the instructions in detail right away. I smeared myself and put on my lenses. And she was terrified. So my eyes stung, I took off the lens and washed it. At first I thought there was a problem with her. I put it on - and again there is pain and burning. In general, I had to wear glasses to work with red eyes. But I didn’t use the drug anymore, because I wouldn’t give up contact lenses. I look like I have wrinkles. Elena
  • I used this gel for a very long time and expected a miracle. And I didn’t wait! And quite the opposite - there was a slight tightness, which really alarmed me. Why is interesting. I decided to figure it out and read more. After all, hyaluronic acid is a moisturizer, how can it make it feel tight? Moreover, she was announced as part of the first one, which means that she is the most likely to be there. But I found information that hyaluronic acid can be high-molecular and low-molecular. The second one really gives an effect, and an instant one. And the first one... I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what the manufacturer mixed in... Especially for such and such an amount. About 200 rubles. Maria
  • I tried to apply Blepharogel 1 for wrinkles because I didn’t have any other problems. So, he slightly smoothes out the shallow facial expressions, but the more serious ones never went away. And they were the ones who worried me! Of course, I didn’t lose a lot of money, but it’s still a shame that it didn’t work out. Mom Dasha
  • I didn’t understand how this happened at all. I succumbed to the general hype. I applied Blefarogel number two and there was redness. But for some reason I thought that this was how it should be. But I got worse and worse, even a crust appeared. It turned out that I was allergic to sulfur. Horror. I don't recommend experimenting. Zhanna

And now the club invites you to read the opinions of those who have tried Blepharogel for bags and puffy eyes.

What precautions must be taken?

If you are planning a rejuvenating course with Blepharogel, you must remember to follow the rules for its safe use:

  1. Before applying the product, perform an allergic reaction test.
  2. Avoid contact of the gel in any way possible with the cornea and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  3. During the period of use of the product, do not abuse decorative cosmetics.
  4. Use a fresh drug (an expired substance will not be beneficial and can cause dry skin).

During home cosmetic procedures, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and spicy foods. It is also recommended to get enough sleep, protect the epidermis from ultraviolet rays and stay in front of a TV screen or computer monitor as little as possible.

Instructions for use

Application of Blepharogel 1:

  1. For daily care: clean the eyelids of makeup, and apply the gel to the eyelids with light movements. Apply with circular massage movements onto the eyelids, towards the inner corner of the eye. Wait until completely absorbed - lie down with your eyes closed.
  2. For blepharitis - use the gel 2 times a day after morning washing until the manifestations of the disease completely disappear.
  3. For preventive measures, apply once a day, in the late afternoon.

Application of Blepharogel 2:

  1. For daily care. Perform make-up removal; Apply the product using a cotton pad to clean eyelids with light movements. At first, the movements are lightly touching, gradually becoming massage movements. The gel is rubbed in in a circular motion for 2 minutes, gradually moving towards the edge of the eyelashes.
  2. With demodicosis. The gel is applied daily to the skin of the eyelids in 2-3 doses. When the signs of the disease weaken, they switch to a single, but regular dose.
  3. After physiotherapy: electro-, phono- and magnetophoresis.
  4. Instructions for use against wrinkles - has some features: apply the gel 2 times a day, using patting movements. The skin should not only be cleansed, but also steamed. The course of such treatment is at least 2-3 months. You cannot apply decorative cosmetics after the gel.

Analogues: demazol, blepharolosion


Cream "Demazol" is an antibacterial, antidedecose and anti-inflammatory agent.

Intended for skin care, it is a medicine that eliminates demodicosis, prevents subsequent rashes on the skin of the face and eyelids, and eliminates the inflammatory process associated with the activity of skin mites.

The drug has a complex composition: 2-methylnitroimidazole, lanolin, glycans, olive oil, chamomile extract, emulsifiers, fragrance.

The cream has a wide spectrum of action: reduces itching, swelling; relieves inflammation, redness, burning. Demazol removes the feeling of “sand” in the eyes. Demazole contains components that inhibit the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria.

Biologically active components stimulate regenerative and metabolic processes in skin affected by demodicosis. Demazol is applied to skin areas: eyelids, face, external auditory canal and ears.

Side effects

At the site of application of the cream, skin swelling and other allergic reactions occur in case of individual intolerance to the components.

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The average price of the cream in pharmacies in Russia is 220-300 rubles, in Ukraine - 88 hryvnia.

Mode of application

Using a cotton swab or swab, apply the cream to the edges of the eyelids in the morning and at night. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of Demazol by using tincture of eucalyptus, aralia or calendula, which must first be moistened with a stick and alternately applied twice (every 15 minutes) to the eyelids before using the cream.

You can also use a mixture of ether and ethyl alcohol (70°), but avoid contact with eyes. Remove the remaining cream with a napkin after 30 minutes. Duration of treatment: 45 days. The release form of the drug is a tube (10 ml). Shelf life: 1 year at a temperature not exceeding +20°C.

For itchy skin, treat areas (forehead, brow ridges, nasolabial folds, chin, ear canal, ears) with the indicated tincture.

Precautionary measures:

  • protection against re-infection with ticks (self-infection),
  • use disposable napkins,
  • massage the eyelids with wet fingers,
  • use a new cotton swab for each eye,
  • before going to bed, wash with warm water and soap before treatment,
  • during treatment, limit the use of decorative cosmetics,
  • do not drink alcohol, spicy foods,
  • avoid direct sunlight,
  • reduce eye strain (limit computer work, reading, watching TV).


This hygiene product is intended for eye care. Blepharolotion cleanses the edges of the eyelids from impurities, does not dry out the skin of the eyelids like washing with soap, and does not narrow the excretory ducts of the eye glands.

The drug belongs to the group of drugs used for infectious and allergic eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis).

With blepharitis, the glands become clogged and secretions accumulate. The lotion easily copes with this problem and has an anti-edematous and antibacterial effect.

In addition, it increases skin elasticity, improves blood supply to the skin and metabolism, normalizes the secretion of the excretory ducts of the glands, relieves inflammation, dryness and eye fatigue.

Blepharolosion is used by applying warm compresses to the eyelids, which accelerate the absorption of all active components of the product.

Cheaper analogues include: Ciborate-oftan (eye drops of zinc sulfate and boric acid), Doxycycline hydrochloride (capsules). Products for moisturizing the cornea and treating dry eyes also include: Vitasik, Hilo-Komod, Vidisik.

Glass wand massage

Massaging the eyelids for blepharitis with a glass rod is an effective method of treating the disease.

Massage sticks are sold in almost every pharmacy. On one side there is a ball with which the ointment is placed behind the eyelid. The other end of the stick is made in the form of a spatula. This form is intended for massage. Before starting the procedure, you need to disinfect your hands and wand, rinse your eyes with warm water and wipe with a dry towel. Before starting the procedure, an anesthetic is instilled into the lower eyelid. The product will make the process less painful.

Massage the eyelids with inflammation with a glass rod as follows:

  • Take the edge of the eyelid from the inner corner of the eye, pull it back and insert the stick. It should be inside the eye under the eyelid;
  • Hold the edge of the eyelid with your finger, turning it towards the skin;
  • With light pressure, start moving the stick. Movements are made from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. When pressed, fluid may come out or pus may be released (in advanced forms of blepharitis). You shouldn’t be afraid of discharge; it’s normal during the massage.
  • Massage both eyelids - upper and lower;
  • Massage of inflamed eyelids should last about 8 minutes;
  • Then the eyelids are wiped with a cotton swab treated with essential alcohol;
  • At the end of the massage, drops are instilled into the eyes, and an ointment prescribed by the doctor may be applied.

Massaging the eyelids with a glass rod for blepharitis helps reduce redness and swelling.

Let us add that massaging the eyelids with a glass rod for blepharitis is a fairly simple process. You can do it at home without any skills. However, before a massage you need to consult a doctor. It is better if a specialist shows you how to properly massage the eyelid.


Blepharogel is an almost universal remedy. In the instructions for its use, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components contained in the drug. Therefore, everyone else can use the gel to get rid of expression lines without any problems.

To exclude a possible allergy to the drug, a special test is done. It consists of applying a couple of drops of Blepharogel to an open area of ​​skin, for example, on the wrist. If no reaction occurs, then an allergy has been ruled out and you can begin applying the product to the disturbing area of ​​the face.

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