Can a person not judge another person?

Author of the material:

Alina Tarasova

entrepreneur, writer, life coach

Can a person change internally? A question that everyone has asked themselves at least once. Not wanting to change the state of affairs in life means the fact that the individual is ready to accept his fate. Painful problems, disagreements, misunderstanding of oneself - these and other complexes completely take away the mood to act and feel the taste of personal freedom. What do many people want? Become rich, gain recognition from others, open your own business, be independent. How to change internally and will this help you achieve your own goal? You will find the most valuable things for yourself in our article.

How to change internally and start living again?

Fact is fact, but often the obstacles on our path to success are not people, the politics of the country, but ourselves. Character is what builds each individual and allows him to make changes for the better or for the worse. Someone will ask: “I need to completely change, but my character is genetically determined by my upbringing.” Not certainly in that way! If change is truly what will give you a feeling of happiness, then the choice is obvious. “Thoughts and perceptions of the world around us are material,” it’s hard to disagree with this expression.

Every event, thought, word, movement is formed from the internal philosophy of the individual. They are a direct reflection of their own experiences, experiences, dreams. Decision is the main key to personal success. How to improve your life and start changing here and now - such a decision must be supported by motivating actions.

Being honest with yourself is the main rule! Every word and thought must be supported by actions, otherwise the personality will be “canned.” Many psychologists say: “No matter how you love yourself more than other people. Such love should be for good. Learn from your mistakes, stop thinking about what others say, rejoice in small victories, and finally praise yourself - such symptoms are guaranteed to get rid of imaginary prejudices.”

Take the self-doubt test

A counter question arises : can a person change internally if the symptoms of chronic self-rejection are obvious? We need to remember how often a person praises himself for victories in a certain area, approves of the risk of changing the course of affairs, or completely suppresses it. And, most importantly, how strong the emotions are when a person finds himself in awkward/unusual situations in society.

People are more often accustomed to chiding themselves over little things about their own appearance and mental abilities, which demonstrates the chronic hostility of their inner world. This theme is perfectly emphasized by the statement: “Until you can love yourself, trying to change will be pointless.”

The ability to appreciate your individuality is a passport to the world of inner freedom. How can a girl change internally when she doubts her femininity? How can a guy become a different person if he has not formed a strong and confident character? Very hard! The task will be to look deep into your soul and find what you need to fight.

Robot crowds reporter

According to the New York Times, at the Bloomberg news agency, about a third of the content is created using automated technologies. The Cyborg system helps peers analyze financial statements and can provide instant news based on important facts and figures. Unlike business reporters, the system does this without complaint. The publication notes that AI helps Bloomberg fight their competitors from Reuters.

“Robots” are also successfully used for sports broadcasting. The Associated Press trained AI to “comment” on baseball matches. Such “journalists” help their colleagues convey information as quickly as possible to readers who cannot watch the match right now. And since 2016, a robot has been working at The Washington Post, covering the Olympic Games and the US presidential elections.

The Australian version of The Guardian has been using robots to write articles since 2021. AI analyzes large amounts of data and creates text patterns based on them. At China's Xinhua News Agency, robot presenters work live on air at night.

Of course, there are also negative examples of the use of robot journalists. After not working even ten days, Microsoft's AI got into a major scandal. The algorithm confused the members of a British popular pop group of mixed race, posting incorrect photos on the main page of the portal. People had to answer for such actions of the “machine”.

In May of this year, Facebook was forced to disable its chatbot due to the fact that it began to insult users. The fact is that the engineers used comments from the popular English-language forum Reddit as training material. And in 2016, Microsoft decided to teach a bot how to run Twitter. And if he started with the phrase: “people are all cool,” then in just 24 hours he learned curse words and began writing “I hate you all.” Of course, it was quickly turned off.

Infographics "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Ivan Chernousov

Technology has not yet reached the level of replacing real journalists. Robots can be taught certain tasks - write financial reports, rewrite news (copying from other sources), broadcast sports on the Internet, cover major events using pre-written algorithms, or read text, as is happening in China, but such a “journalist” can produce high-quality analytics " can not. At least for now. We shouldn’t expect computer analytics for at least the next three decades, experts agree.

Effective practice for the formation of a holistic personality.

Here the topic will be touched upon - how to change internally according to the methods of psychologists. These tips will be the starting point for a new “I”:

Make a list of all the things that prevent you from living to the fullest.

Finding the “root of evil” in everything that happens is the main task that can change perceptions.

Write a motivational letter to yourself, but in the future.

Does the student see himself as a travel photographer? Does a woman want to find her other half? It is important to indicate those actions that a person is ready to perform at any cost.

Assess the scale of the desired future.

What transformations are possible from a certain action? Are there barriers that can be eliminated or their impact reduced?

Admit your mistakes.

Working on mistakes was important not only at school, but at any age! Find ways to solve them, eliminate the risk of repetition of fatal situations that destroy internal integrity.

Take a personality type test

Constantly write down the doubts that arise on the path to a new “I”.

Character developed over the years, lifestyle and behavior are stumbling blocks that can ruin all attempts. Everyone by nature strives for their comfort zone. Calmness attracts symptoms such as laziness, fears, anxiety, and excitement. Fighting with yourself and others are necessary measures that shape character. It is important to know that many prejudices are artificially created by the mind.

Say what you want out loud.

“I can”, “I can do it”, “nothing will stop me” - such remarks embody the energy within for action. An additional benefit to karma will be gratitude. Love for the world, family, friends, a positive attitude does not give room for negative weaknesses.

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Can a person change radically?

How correctly it is said, “to each according to his faith!” But from my own experience and from the observations that I have made over 16 years of working on myself and helping other people, I will certainly say “yes, a person can change dramatically.”

Changing a person is, first of all, a change in his programs of consciousness: beliefs (life attitudes), programs for perceiving himself, his life and the world around him. But not all so-called development masters really know how to do this and teach it :)

And now about everything in more detail...

Can a person change radically?

Greetings friends! Question from our reader Alexander: Can a person truly change? That is, by working on yourself, to actually become a qualitatively different person, a different, stronger, more confident and brighter Personality? Or is everything predetermined by genes and, as you wrote in the article “Stages of Personality Formation,” by parental programming from childhood?

Great question! And all people need to know the answer to it, especially those who want to change something in themselves, reveal some talents, develop strong personal qualities and get rid of weaknesses, vices and shortcomings.

Answer: Yes! A person can change radically, change precisely as a Personality, and not just externally, by changing his image and all that. It is a myth that a person cannot be changed! You can't change only someone who doesn't want to change.

Also, I immediately want to remove the fear of many people who believe that if they change, they will lose themselves! This is absurd and boundless stupidity! A person loses himself, his soul, his individuality when he buries them under a thick layer of his problems, accumulated suffering and weaknesses, multiplied vices, negative emotions that corrode the soul and bad habits that destroy the body. This is what actually leads to a complete loss of oneself and one's individuality.

And a person who does not know who he is, why he lives, why he was born and what good he wants to do with his life - he never knew himself and his individuality, has not yet found it. Therefore, such a person has nothing to lose except his weaknesses, ignorance, delusions and problems. This person has not yet begun to understand himself and his inner world. Although I could read a bunch of “smart” books on the topic “How to live” and fill my intellect to capacity with theoretical knowledge, in reality, in practice, I would never move in life.

Most people who are so afraid of losing themselves and their individuality, in fact, have not even found themselves yet! Because 99% of them have no idea who they are! Who is this Man?

The basics of where a person’s ability to change and develop comes from

Of course, there are still adherents of the old materialistic worldview who naively believe that everything is in the genes, and nothing can be changed! But their theory has never been confirmed historically or factually. After all, millions of people who have set the appropriate goal successfully change themselves, develop, overcome their problems and reveal their talents and their potential!

Let's look into history! How many outstanding brilliant scientists came from worker-peasant families! Mikhail Lomonosov - from the village, was the son of a Pomor from a family of fishermen. Where then do the genes of a brilliant scientist come from? Schubert was the son of a master who made carriages. Victor Hugo was the son of a farmer. All of Beethoven's relatives were involved in vineyards. The artist Orest Kiprensky was the son of a serf. And so on and so forth. And what do genes have to do with it, I ask you? By the way, three modern presidents - Putin, Lukashenko and the former president of Ukraine, Yanukovych, also come from the outback, from villages and simple working families.

The reverse is also true! When the modern scions of royal families, noble blood, dukes and princes - everywhere demonstrate weakness of character, descent into vices, stupidity, stupidity and every lack of nobility. How they destroy the worthy reputation of their noble ancestors that has developed over centuries and all the myths that genes determine everything, including a person’s personal qualities.

Nobility, dignity, honor, strength of character, talents and qualities - at all times were determined by purposeful long-term education, spiritual mentoring and a person’s continuous work on himself! And you can read about these systems of human upbringing and development on the Internet.

Now to the point! To understand why a person can change, it is necessary to first understand who a Man is, what a Soul is and what a person’s Consciousness is.

After all, scientists have not yet found, either in the human body or in his genes, those hundreds and thousands of spiritual qualities and personal characteristics that people possess. Where exactly in the body is Honor, Dignity, Self-Belief, Respect, Kindness, Courage, Sincerity, Influence, Leadership, Charisma, Love, Gratitude, Loyalty and hundreds of other qualities, values ​​and feelings? Because all these are the qualities of a person’s Soul, his consciousness!

Therefore, every person, if he wants, can change himself radically, form the necessary qualities, values, feelings, emotions, habits and reactions. If, of course, he knows how to do it.

But you need to keep in mind that changing yourself is always very difficult, painstaking and lengthy mental work. But it's worth it! After all, having gotten rid of at least one bad habit that ruins a person’s life (alcoholism, for example), his fate can radically change for the better. And by developing just one key quality, for example, discipline, a person can achieve 10 times more in his life than he had before. Therefore, it is always worth striving to change yourself! You just need to figure out and not make mistakes about what you need to get rid of, what to cultivate in yourself, and how to do it effectively.

But, before moving on to the question of how a person changes, let me remind you of the well-known wisdom: “It is impossible to change a person unless he very much wants it.” Therefore, the first condition for a person to change is that he himself must want it with all his soul!

If you approach your development seriously and professionally, you can change a lot, because you can develop almost everything in yourself! Any problem can be solved! And any talent, any ability or quality that you have ever heard of can be revealed in yourself. The basis for this is Knowledge, appropriate Methods and work on yourself!

And further! When someone tells you that a person cannot change, always look at the root - look at the person’s motives, why he says that. Very often this is said by those who want to justify themselves and their shortcomings, their own spiritual and mental laziness to change something in their lives and in themselves! And also those who really don’t wish you well and may die of envy if you suddenly manage to become better, stronger, smarter and achieve much more than them.

Never focus on such people! Focus on the best! Those who never stop there and don’t justify their problems and weaknesses, but solve them! Who knows what it is to work on yourself and made yourself!

There are many such examples not only in history , but also in the modern world , these are billionaire businessmen, public figures, scientists and many others. etc. Most of them do not come from rich families and there were no brilliant scientists or hereditary billionaires among their ancestors. By the way, they write about this in their books. By their own example, by their own fate, they prove to the whole world for the millionth time that a person can and must change if he wants to achieve something in this life!

And finally, I want to recommend you watch the movie “16 Blocks”, starring Bruce Willis. The whole point is at the end of the film :) Good luck!

Best regards, Vasily Vasilenko

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How to change internally today: the best recommendations.

Change your worldview and meaning in life.

The famous personal growth coach Robert Kiyosaki once said in his lecture: “You need to abandon the outdated framework that oppresses your dreams.” It’s hard to disagree, because they stand on the way to the desired goal. Stereotypes of parents, friends, and the whole society can transform a person’s view of the world and himself. Relatives cannot always objectively give good advice on how to succeed in a particular business. What can be done? Stop relying on other people's principles!

Have your own hobby.

Hobbies bring new colors to life and allow you to escape from mental stress. Does being busy take up too much of your time on the path to success? Perfect! It’s also great when you can turn entertainment into an additional source of income or recreation.

Do not judge or evaluate other people.

First of all, it is optimal to start with yourself - this will allow you to maintain inner peace and balance. Nerves and worries from a lack of mutual understanding with a friend or colleague will not lead to anything good. The best way is to understand your opponent and interact with him occasionally. If a person is dear, find a compromise. Someone brings quarrels, negativity into life, is a “weighing stone” - avoid him as much as possible.

Don't put off important actions until later.

Even if the idea is practically unattainable, it would be a bad idea to abandon it outright. If a need is felt, it’s time to implement it. You cannot justify idleness, because during this time it is possible to translate some stages of the strategy into reality.

What can change a person?

A person can be changed by historical events, society, or even the most simple thing at first glance - marriage. Many authors in their works prove this using the example of heroes, showing life “before” and “after” a decisive situation.

In the novel “Crime and Punishment,” which is included in the collection of Russian and foreign classics, the reader gets acquainted with the hero of Rodion Raskolnikov. He plans to kill the old pawnbroker for the purpose of profit. It is important to understand that the hero actually has a kind, pure heart, which the author repeatedly conveys in dreams. So, for example, he sees himself going to church with his father as a child. However, waking up, the young man does not attach any significance to this dream. Having committed a crime, the hero, contrary to his own expectations, does not find happiness and peace, on the contrary. Now he is tormented by his conscience, which calls him to morality and morality.

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Being in a fever, Raskolnikov finally understands that the murder he committed was the main mistake of his life. Sonechka Marmeladova, who sincerely loves Rodion, helps resolve the situation as safely as possible. She goes with him to hard labor when the court sentences him to exile.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky demonstrates that crime can change a person for the better, but only if he was initially a good person who received moral education in childhood. An equally striking example of how life can change as a result of marriage can be found in Alexander Ostrovsky’s work “The Thunderstorm”. Katerina is the central character of the play.

She ends up in Tikhon's family after the wedding, but, unfortunately, the girl is forced to survive without feeling love, hearing constant reproaches from her mother-in-law. Marriage undoubtedly changes Katerina's life for the worse. As a result, she decides to cheat on her husband along with the recently arrived Boris. Varvara, Tikhon’s sister, helps her in this. Then the offense becomes known, Katerina falls into disgrace with her mother-in-law and husband. No one wants to listen to her or help her, so the girl decides to take a desperate step. The play ends tragically. Suicide.

Thus, Alexander Ostrovsky shows that even seemingly minor changes in the family or privately can become the reason for serious and catastrophic changes. It is not only historical events, such as war or revolution, that can change a person. Personality also changes due to simple everyday transformations.

Option 1

A person changes under the influence of extraordinary life experiences and circumstances. There are situations that can change one’s worldview and direct a person along a different path. They are often described by writers, to whose works we can turn for an example.

So, A.I. Kuprin, in his work “The Garnet Bracelet,” described the story of one epiphany: the cold and calm Vera suddenly realized that “a great love had passed her by, which is repeated only once in a thousand years.” For a long time, the heroine received touching and tender messages from a secret admirer, but did not attach any importance to them. She had a stable relationship with her husband, and he was not jealous of her. Nothing disturbed Vera’s inner world - regal, independent and a little arrogant. She treated the admirer with indifference, and after her brother’s intervention in this matter, she was even hostile. Seeing a gift from an admirer sent to Vera on her name day, her brother insisted on finding the anonymous person and stopping his harassment. The author of the letters turned out to be telegraph operator Zheltkov. He agreed to leave the Sheins alone, but asked only for one conversation with Vera. When Zheltkov asked if he could stay in the city and see her, she answered sharply: “Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this whole story. Please stop it as soon as possible." But George understood these words in his own way and committed suicide. Having learned about this, Vera repented of her answer and realized that she was excessively cold - not only in conversation, but also in life. Her attitude towards “this story” and love in general changed under the influence of unusual impressions and events: the death of Zheltkov, repentance and feelings from listening to Beethoven’s Second Sonata.

Changes in social status and the emergence of bad habits have no less effective effects on a person. For example, the hero from M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” worked in the theater and was a successful artist, but alcohol addiction deprived him of the stage and his memory. The actor has lost his talent and individuality, no one even calls him by name: “Natasha... on stage my name is Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky... no one knows this, no one! I don’t have a name here... Do you understand how offensive it is to lose a name?” The craving for alcohol made this man unable to work. He could not even remember his favorite poem, which he had previously read with such success and inspiration. From his former life, the Actor has only memories and regrets. Little remained of him: he had a perpetually shabby appearance, and his every gesture and word reflected ill health. he suffered from lack of will and a humiliated position, because he was forced to borrow money and live on handouts. If earlier he received applause and admiration, now he saw only contempt, anger and disdain. The hero himself admitted that alcohol broke him, and he “drank away his soul.” Such changes often occur with people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

Thus, a person is changed by circumstances and impressions that go beyond the boundaries of his life experience and determine his destiny. Difficult trials, moral dilemmas, feelings of guilt, fear, despair, or hope, love, joy - all this influences people's worldview and remakes it.

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