What is pragmatism and who is a pragmatist (pragmatic person)

Updated January 20, 2021
Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. In 2011, according to the American Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the concept of “pragmatic” became the word of the year.

This conclusion was made based on online queries. Their impressive number confirmed not only the popularity of the concept, but also the gaps in understanding its essence.

Despite the prevalence of the word, even today not everyone knows for certain: what is pragmatic? It's time to sort everything out.

Pragmatism, pragmatists and pragmatism - what is it?

According to linguists, the word “pragmatism”, together with its cognates, came to us through the mediation of the English language, but at the same time has ancient Greek origins: “pragma” in translation means “ action”, “deed” , “benefit” (Greek. ).

Initially, this term was philosophical, so dictionaries primarily reflect the meaning of pragmatism in the aspect of this science. Here it became a “new trend”, a contrast to classical philosophy, which was too abstract and divorced from the realities of life.

In a philosophical sense, pragmatism is a doctrine or approach based on the study of effective and useful action as the main form of human activity, as well as on the mechanisms of human consciousness that provide this action.

A related concept “pragmatics” is found in linguistics , and in two meanings at once: in a broad sense as a condition for the existence of language, and also as a discipline that studies these conditions.

In historical science, pragmatism is a direction where, in addition to describing what is happening, emphasis is placed on the motivations of individuals (politicians, generals, etc.) that led to these events.

In everyday, everyday meaning, pragmatism is a life strategy based on building views and actions based on practical benefits and obtaining positive results.

The dictionary of synonyms supplements the meaning of the word “pragmatism” with the following concepts:

  1. utility;
  2. earthiness;
  3. practicality;
  4. instrumentalism;
  5. caution.

A supporter of the above ideas is called a pragmatist - both in the scientific-philosophical and in the everyday sense.

Accordingly, pragmatism is a character trait inherent in a pragmatist.

For a pragmatically minded person, all judgments are in the practical area. He is a man of action. But this is brief, and we will talk about such people in more detail below.

History of pragmatism: from philosophy to everyday life

This philosophical movement originated in America, which is not surprising: Americans are a practical nation that Hegel’s objective idealism and other components of the philosophical “classics” could not satisfy.

However, to do without basic teaching entirely, as the French say, is “not comme il faut.” This is how pragmatism emerged. Its founder is considered to be Charles Peirce, who outlined the main ideas of “ down-to-earth philosophy ” in his works.

Peirce's ideas were developed by William James and John Dewey. The latter proposed considering experience as the main philosophical concept. In general, this science was given the role of a tool for improving the social and cultural life of people. Therefore, the second name of Dewey's concept is instrumentalism.

Richard Rorty went even further from classical philosophy, proposing to completely abandon universal ideas and methods - and it’s not far from abstraction! There are specific situations, and you need to focus on them (on the context, in other words). This doctrine came to be called contextualism.

Over time, the concept of “pragmatism” migrated into everyday life. Now it is used not only by philosophers, but by pragmatists in the modern sense - these are not necessarily supporters of the teachings of Charles Peirce. They may not even be aware of its existence.

The pragmatist's relationships with others

Apart from the fact that some people condemn their views and life position, in most cases pragmatists get along well with others. They are not prone to quarrels; they prefer to avoid even emotional disputes, so as not to waste time and energy on them. Because of their reluctance to engage in the “fight for justice,” pragmatists are often considered insincere. But in reality, they are less prone to hypocrisy, because despite their prudence, they are not afraid to make a bad impression.

Thanks to their responsibility, dedication and consistency, pragmatists make a pleasant impression on new acquaintances. They also have a broad outlook and a good sense of humor. When explaining something, they try to give a simple and understandable example from life, which sets them apart from most people who usually do not think about how well and accurately their interlocutor understands.

Usually pragmatists are liked by new acquaintances, thanks to which they quickly develop good relationships. But when it comes to friendship or romance, it turns out that not everything is so smooth. A pragmatic person does not change and maintains a practical approach in all matters. Close people are offended by such behavior, believing that he does not value them. He sincerely does not understand what is wrong with rationally planning his time.

What is a pragmatic person?

Pragmatic people are distinguished by qualities that give reason to consider them strong personalities, while at the same time admiring, envying, and sometimes disliking them.

  1. Independent management of your life without “swimming” with the flow. A pragmatic person will not hope that life will put everything in its place. He relies on his own strength, not relying on “zigzags of luck”, karmic predisposition and the Moon in Capricorn.
  2. A clear definition of life guidelines, goals and objectives, active movement forward with maximum concentration on business. A pragmatist does not dream, but plans.
  3. Avoidance of random actions. Everything that such a person undertakes is, in fact, a step towards turning a goal into a result. For example, he will not get an education just for the sake of a diploma. A pragmatist does not scatter his efforts.
  4. Understanding the value of time as a non-renewable resource, respectful attitude towards it. You can learn time management from a pragmatist. Deadlines are a way of life for him.
  5. Logical mindset, rejection of idealism in any form. A pragmatic person strives to find a reasonable explanation for everything. Phrases from the series “what is to be, cannot be avoided”, “got off on the wrong foot”, “apparently, not destiny” are an empty phrase for him.
  6. The ability to take advantage of current circumstances. Such people will not sit idly by waiting for “better times.” The famous phrase about lemon and lemonade is about them.

A pragmatist is a person who looks at the world soberly. He is rarely disappointed because he is not fascinated (this applies to both events and people).

Unlike vulnerable and sensitive romantics, such people do not build sand castles, preferring more reliable materials.

Genetically and historically, a pragmatist is usually a man , but modern trends show an increase in the number of women with this type of thinking.

Pros and cons of pragmatism

Healthy pragmatism is a personal quality that is natural to a person.

It developed historically, first in the struggle against natural factors for survival, and later in numerous vicissitudes associated with the distribution of social, power and other roles in society.

Our prehistoric ancestors, preparing to hunt large animals (elephants, bison, mammoths), tracked the herd in advance, prepared a trap, and sometimes chose a wounded animal or an animal that had strayed from the “collective” as a victim. It was a strategic plan built by primitive pragmatists, the strict adherence to which depended on who they would become today: successful hunters or prey.

Modern “mammoth hunting” does not imply such an unconditional alternative, but healthy pragmatism helps to focus on the main thing, set priorities correctly and achieve what you want.

Pragmatism encourages a person to complete what he started, improve, and be responsible for decisions made. In a number of moments it borders on professionalism.

In Russia, the attitude towards pragmatism is ambiguous, since it contradicts historically established collectivism. After all, the foundation here is individuality (individual choice, responsibility, success).

The persistent pursuit of a goal is sometimes considered bad manners even today, although there has been a shift in the opposite direction - a sharp surge of interest in the ideas of pragmatism at the level of the cult of a successful person , sweeping away everything that is “except” along the way. Somewhat in the American style, but what can you do, this is where this teaching came from.

Pragmatists are accused of coldness, callousness, and excessive prudence - and sometimes this is not without reason. They are demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them, and are not prone to sentimentality, spontaneity and unjustified (from their point of view) risks.

Healthy pragmatism does not exclude the presence of elements of romance in life: these concepts should not become antonyms (what is that?), their task is to complement each other.

Pragmatist thinking style

Pragmatists strive to achieve a goal using all currently available opportunities. They will not look for additional information, funds, resources, because this is an unjustified loss of effort and time. Problems are solved as they arise, so as not to be distracted by the main goal - obtaining a specific result, even a small one.

The constant search for new methods, experiments and other actions do not indicate a deviation from the chosen course. This does not come from a desire for novelty, but is dictated by the desire to achieve results as quickly as possible. For this reason, they are ready to listen to other people’s opinions, in the hope of finding the shortest path to the goal.

This approach may seem superficial. It differs from generally accepted norms, and pragmatists give the impression of inconsistent people, devoid of principles. They are of the opinion that everything that happens around depends little on a person’s abilities and desires. The main thing for pragmatists is not to miss the favorable moment when everything goes well. Their belief in the unpredictability and uncontrollability of the world justifies the strategy “today it will be like this, and then according to circumstances.”

It is impossible to influence a pragmatist with emotions and manifestations of feelings, unless they become an objective obstacle to the path or, on the contrary, help in a given situation. They have an excellent sense of the situation, quickly reacting to its changes. They easily cooperate, enthusiastically participating in discussions of important issues and developing collective solutions.

Pessimism and a negative attitude are not typical of these people. The problems that arise are not able to turn them off the chosen path. They approach the decision with a positive attitude, a pragmatist, in simple words, an incorrigible optimist who strives to turn difficult circumstances in their favor. The established worldview does not allow us to overdramatize and take the difficulties that arise too seriously.

Behavior and thinking are flexible. Communication skills are well developed, they can easily imagine themselves in the place of another person and understand the consequences of their actions. They care about other people's opinions exactly to the extent that their future depends on it.

Pragmatism and commercialism

The negative attitude towards pragmatists is also explained by the fact that pragmatism is confused with commercialism (what is this?). And in vain: these are completely different concepts.

A pragmatist is a person who knows the value not only of himself, but also of those around him. He is capable of true friendship and love, he is not characterized by “trading” in interpersonal relationships, pettiness, hypocrisy (what is this?) and venality. Movement towards the intended goal does not occur at the expense of others, but by relying on one’s own strength.

Unlike a mercantile personality, a pragmatist is not always interested in material gain. His goal may also be moral satisfaction.

Such people also have an element of pragmatism in interpersonal relationships. Pragmatists are ready to sincerely care about loved ones, helping them (including financially), if they count on a similar attitude towards themselves.

But they will think twice before supporting a person who does not value benevolence and is unable to repay good with good. There is a very thin line here that separates pragmatism from commercialism, but we repeat - it exists.

As a rule, pragmatists are not mercantile, but there is a bit of selfishness in their actions.

How to become a pragmatist in a good way

When it is clear who pragmatists are, and a person wants to instill these traits in himself and cultivate them, what to do? Having figured out what it means to be a pragmatist, a person can work on himself, developing the following character traits:

  • planning – setting tasks and goals, immediate and long-term;
  • detailed elaboration - thinking through the details necessary to complete them;
  • determination of approximate deadlines and their strict implementation.

Attention! Before you think about long-term plans, you need to make a list of absolutely everything you want. From this list, select those that can be implemented in the near future and those that will take years to implement.

For example, this is how a girl can tell her friends about this: “Before I became a pragmatist, I made a simple wish list, where I indicated that I wanted to get an education, get married, where I would live and how many children I wanted to have in marriage.”

Every person can cultivate a pragmatist and turn this quality into a useful form. The main thing is to remember that only a daily step towards your goal will help you reach it. If things have moved even a millimeter, then getting the final result is only a matter of time.

Brief summary

The main idea of ​​pragmatism is effective action, bridging the gap between theory and practice, therefore a pragmatic person is a man of reason who does not accept abstractness, is guided by the criterion of “useful-useless”, logic and common sense.

He sets realistic goals for himself, knows how to abstract from everything unnecessary and consistently achieves results.
It is only important that the concept of “excess” does not include fundamental life values: spirituality, family, love, friendship, self-development. Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages KtoNaNovenkogo.ru

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