5 exercises that will help you stay healthy

How to delay the aging of the body

Why are we turning to Chinese practices again? Because the Chinese have been testing healing methods for centuries, proving that they really work.

No one will argue that the health of the entire body depends on the state of the cardiovascular system, because the blood pumped by our “pump” supplies the organs with oxygen and vital energy (Qi). To keep your heart pumping blood well, you need to do simple exercises every day.

Try doing 8 exercises for at least three days, and you will immediately notice an improvement in your condition. When your body feels that it has gotten better, you will never stop doing Chinese gymnastics.

Those who are already practicing note how inflammatory processes are gradually eliminated, chronic diseases go away, energy appears, and performance increases.

In addition, you have:

  • the elasticity of blood vessels will improve;
  • blood clots will not form, varicose veins will decrease;
  • blood pressure will return to normal;
  • anxiety, excessive excitability and fears will disappear;
  • heart function stabilizes;
  • dizziness will disappear;
  • memory and attention will improve.

Set of exercises

It is better to perform exercises on an empty stomach. When performing, you cannot increase the heart rate above 120 beats/min. So keep an eye on your heart rate.

trembling leaf

You can do it without getting out of bed. Lying in bed, raise your legs and arms up, vigorously shake your limbs for 1-3 minutes. Vibration helps strengthen blood vessels.

In addition to improving the condition of the capillaries, lymph flows out. This allows you to remove toxins from the blood and remove morning swelling.

Head tapping

Using your fingertips, gently tap your entire head for 1 minute. There will be an improvement in blood supply in the vessels of the head.

Scratching your head

Comb your head with your fingers for 1 minute, starting from the forehead, moving towards the back of the head.

gold fish

You can also do it without getting out of bed.

Lying on your back, place your hands under your neck. Pull your toes towards you and tense your body. Do it 8-10 times to disperse the blood. Then tense your muscles and begin to vibrate your whole body, like a fish in water. This movement will relax the nerve endings of the neck and improve blood circulation in small vessels.

Leg Curl

Lying down, raise your legs, then bend them at the knees. Do 8 times.

Swing your legs

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Swing your legs alternately towards the opposite hand. Sitting on a chair, simultaneously raise your right arm and leg, then your left.

Head rotation

Standing for 1 minute, perform circular rotations with your head, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain.


Rise onto your tiptoes, then drop sharply onto your heels. This way you will get rid of harmful energy by cleaning the blood vessels. Execution time 1 minute.

What will you get?

The effect becomes noticeable within a few days, and after a month of daily training, you can feel your body tightening up and your thoughts becoming more optimistic and constructive.

People who have been doing the Five Tibetan Pearls for a long time notice how:

  • your back straightens and your shoulders straighten, your neck stops hurting
  • new hair grows in place of receding hairline
  • cheerfulness appears instead of prolonged depression
  • I don’t want to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol anymore

Just five exercises and 20 minutes a day.

Exercises by Nishi Katsuzo

Nishi, like other developers of techniques for restoring health to blood vessels, recommend performing health complexes daily.

The methods of Professor Hu Xiaofei, as well as the exercises of Nishi Katsudzo, include the famous 8 exercises for blood vessels.

These exercises were developed by the Chinese a long time ago, but are still used today as an easy way to maintain health and gain peace of mind. The healing technique can be used at any age, with different levels of physical fitness.

Modern healers also take classical movements as a basis, like Nishi, Yanshen Gong, Hu Xiaofei. These are the 8 movements described above:

  • “Trembling leaf” - shaking arms and legs;
  • “Tapping the head” with your fingertips;
  • Bending raised legs in a lying position;
  • Raising on toes and lowering heels;
  • Rotate your head while standing.

Professor Hu Xiao Fei claims that after 40 years a person begins to age because he no longer has enough vital energy.

Taking just 10 minutes in the morning, you will improve your blood vessels and brain. Even in 10 minutes you can stop natural aging.

Features of gymnastics

If you perform gymnastics correctly, improvement in your condition can be observed after the first lesson. Exercises normalize vascular tone and improve blood circulation. They have no age restrictions. In order to be sure that the exercises are performed correctly, it is better to follow video lessons or find a Qigong trainer.

Various areas of Chinese gymnastics:

  • Niches;
  • Hu Xiao Fei;
  • Yanshen Gong.

How to train small capillaries

Small capillaries, or small vessels, are located throughout the body. They deliver blood to the skin, all internal organs, and then produce an outflow of waste products through the venous bed.

If blood circulation deteriorates in any area of ​​the capillaries, then harmful substances immediately begin to accumulate there, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of all systems and internal organs.

By turning to the gymnastics of the founder of the training system for the capillary network, Katsuzo Nishi, you will allow your blood vessels to remain healthy. Start each morning by doing 8 unique exercises. You can also perform these movements before going to bed. All gymnastics will take you no more than 10 minutes a day.

Practice “Five Tibetan Pearls”

The practice of "Five Tibetan Pearls" or "Five Tibetans" appeared in the monasteries of Tibet. But to do it, you don’t have to be a monk and live in the mountains. It’s enough just to find a little time, preferably in the morning, soon after you get out of bed. But you can do the exercises at other times of the day.

The idea of ​​the set of exercises is to use all 12 main joints of the body, which in Eastern medicine are among the energy centers. These centers must work, otherwise a person begins to get sick and grow old.

Exercises to support capillaries

Anyone who sits a lot at the computer should definitely do just a few exercises throughout the day to help the brain stay in good condition:

  • Slowly tilt your head back, then forward.
  • Slowly turn your head, looking left, then right.
  • Place your head on your left shoulder and hold for 5 seconds. Make movements smoothly, without jerking.
  • Place your head on your right shoulder and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Move your jaw forward. Do 8 times.
  • While standing, slowly perform circular movements with your head, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Do 1-2 minutes. This will strengthen the neck muscles and is also very beneficial for the blood vessels of the brain.

To improve the functioning of your heart and blood vessels, walk on your toes for 10 minutes every day. Another very useful movement: clap your palm on the opposite shoulder.

Physical exercises to improve blood supply to the brain

Exercises that strengthen the blood vessels of the brain are vital for any modern person: an abundance of stress, sedentary work, poor diet and bad habits can significantly reduce performance and quality of life in general. Exercises with bending and turning the head increase the elasticity of the blood vessels that supply the brain and cause them to expand. All this, together with rhythmic breathing through the nose, increases the flow of oxygen to brain cells and improves mental performance.

When performing exercises for the blood vessels of the brain every day, you need to monitor your breathing and do them without jerks or sharp turns. You should start training in a good mood, when a person is cheerful and full of energy. If circles appear before your eyes, your health worsens, or pain occurs, interrupt the gymnastics and give yourself a few minutes of rest.

On the technique of performing exercises to improve blood circulation, there are the following recommendations:

· When performing exercises to improve cerebral circulation, do not rush anywhere and do not do anything abruptly;

· no matter what complex or technique you choose, it is very important to monitor your breathing: try to breathe evenly and deeply;

· always perform active movements while exhaling, and returning to the starting position while inhaling;

· do not try to perform the maximum number of approaches the first time: the body will end up in another stressful state. Gradually increase the load: each time the muscles will become stronger, and increasing the number of approaches will not be taken seriously;

· listen to your body: if you feel pain or malaise, it is better to postpone the workout or do it in a gentle manner; if the discomfort intensifies, you should consult a doctor.

There are a huge number of exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain. The most effective of them will help to significantly improve your health. When performing a set of exercises designed to directly train the blood vessels of the brain, you should be very careful: dark circles under the eyes indicate excessive tension. In this case, you should rest for a few minutes.

Recommended gymnastics for cerebral vessels:

1. Stand straight and stable with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your head as low as possible onto your left shoulder, relax your neck, then lift your head and place it in the same way on your right shoulder. Place your chin as low as possible on your chest, relax your neck, then lift your head and smoothly tilt it back as far as possible. Turn your head as far to the left as possible (your body should remain straight), return to the starting position. Turn your head as far to the right as possible. Repeat 10 times. Perform the exercises smoothly, without rushing.

2. Maintaining a standing position, interlock your fingers and lift them above your head. Imagine that you need to chop wood and make 8-10 blows with an imaginary ax in front of you. With each swing of the “axe”, return to the starting position. Perform movements with effort, but without fanaticism, do not unclench your clasped fingers.

3. Leave your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms in front of you (parallel to the floor). Swing your legs, trying to reach your toes with your toes. Perform the exercise alternately with your left and right legs. Do 8 times for each leg.

4. Lie on your back, grab your lower back with your hands and, as you exhale, slowly begin to raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. With your feet pointing toward the ceiling, inhale and slowly lower your legs. Repeat the exercise 5 times (each time try to increase the number of repetitions).

5. For those who are healthy and physically fit, we suggest the “birch tree” exercise: lying on your back, place your arms bent at the elbows under the natural deflection of the spine and try to push your lower back upward. The legs should be perpendicular to the floor. The task for the person performing this exercise is to hold this pose for as long as possible.

Spend a few minutes a day doing gymnastics to improve blood circulation in the brain, and the results will not keep you waiting: productivity will increase, and many health problems will go away forever.

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