10 sets of exercises for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis

The benefits of exercise for the prostate

The health of the genitourinary system and the quality of the intimate life of men largely depends on the condition of the pubococcygeus muscle , which connects the pelvic bones. Within this muscular plexus is the prostate. A secret is constantly released into its ducts, which is an important component of the ejaculate. With weak or infrequent contraction of the prostate muscles, it stagnates, which creates favorable conditions for the delay and subsequent proliferation of pathogens. The higher the tone of the pelvic muscles, the more efficiently the prostate gland empties.

Exercise is a safe way to maintain prostate health .
Men who exercise regularly do not have problems with urination (physical activity is especially important after the age of 50), ejaculation, erection and sperm quality. To increase blood flow in the area of ​​the pubococcygeus muscle, emphasis should be placed on working the muscles of the inner thigh, buttocks, and lower abdomen.

Home exercises

Simple warm-up exercises are the best option for men with excess weight, problematic joints, and cardiovascular pathologies. They do not put a serious load on the muscles, but they provide acceleration of blood flow and stimulation of metabolic processes in the prostate. It is enough to exercise for 15 minutes in the morning and evening .

Examples of exercises useful for adenoma and prostatitis:

  • “Butterfly” is a static exercise. It is performed in a sitting position in a Turkish style, but the heels are not placed on the knees, but folded together (held by the hands) and as close as possible to the groin. The task is to try to bring your knees together, overcoming the resistance of your elbows. You can squeeze a fitball between your legs. Hold the position for several seconds until there is a burning sensation in the groin.
  • "Bridge". From a supine position, bend your legs, pull your feet towards your pelvis (90˚ angle at the knees), raise your buttocks (hips should be parallel to the floor), balance is maintained by supporting your forearms and hands. The exercise can be performed both statically and dynamically (lifting the pelvis up and down).

To achieve the effect of Chinese gymnastics, you need to master the philosophy of qigong: learn to focus on breathing, imagine it as a flow of energy synchronized with movements.

Do you keep fit with regular exercise?

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises most effectively stimulate the prostate, since they are aimed at working directly on the pubococcygeus muscle (it is the muscle that contracts when urination is forcibly interrupted). It should be noted that active exercise can provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis. It is advisable to perform exercises during stable remission or for prevention.

Example programs:

  • 100 quick contractions in the morning and evening;
  • Alternating fast compressions with static ones: 50 second contractions, 20 for 4 seconds and again 50 fast ones;

Urologist-andrologist Khizriev Khizri Zakirovich will tell you about the benefits of Kegel exercises

  • "Elevator". The pubococcygeus muscle must be contracted in stages: squeeze slightly, hold for a few seconds, then continue further contraction. Before complete compression you need to take 3-4 pauses;
  • "Reverse Kegel". The emphasis is not on pulling the muscle in, but on pushing it out (relaxing with effort). Exercise most effectively clears the prostate ducts.

If it is difficult to maintain static tension (beginners usually cannot hold a muscle for more than a second), you should focus on fast contractions. For more experienced people, additional stress can be created by slightly pulling the penis with your hand.

During active exercise, prostate pain may appear (muscular pain is different from inflammatory pain), and some men experience testicular sagging. In this case, you need to take a week break.

Bubnovsky's exercises

Bubnovsky S.M. is a well-known specialist in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system with the help of physical exercises (kinesiotherapist). In his programs, he does not use weights, but a resistance force - rubber loop shock absorbers. To increase blood flow in the prostate area, adduction and abduction of the legs with force are effective:

  1. Fix one end of the shock absorber at the top, lie on your side (with your feet toward the shock absorber), and put your upper leg through the hanging loop. The higher it is, the more effort will be required to bring the leg to its original position.
  2. The position of the shock absorber is the same as for the previous exercise, but to perform it you need to roll over onto your back. The working leg is brought to the floor with force.
  3. Secure the shock absorber to the middle part (you can tie it to the handle of a closed door), put both legs into the loops, bend and straighten them, pressing your knees to your stomach. It is necessary to move away from the support so much that the adduction of the legs is given with effort.

You need to repeat each exercise until a burning sensation appears in the muscles . The muscles of the inner thigh, as well as the abs, are actively involved.

Ostrovsky exercises

Ostrovsky V.S. is a herbalist who promotes natural hygiene and life according to the laws of nature. Exercises he recommends against stagnation in the pelvis:

  • Organ massage. Lie on your stomach, spread your legs slightly, raise your body, lean on your elbows and hands. Roll from side to side, lifting your pelvic bones without falling to the sides. Perform in the morning and evening for a minute. To enhance the effect, you can place a soft ball the size of a large apple under your lower abdomen.
  • Back massage. Place the ball under the lower back on the side of the spinal column, move up and down, then place the ball on the other side of the spine and massage the second longitudinal muscle. The exercise relieves lumbar tension and improves blood flow in the pelvic area.

Exercises from Vitaly Ostrovsky

  • Leg abduction. Take a knee-elbow position, take one leg back and up (as if pushing), straighten, return to the starting position. The movements are energetic, for a minute on each leg.
  • Hip rotation. Lie on your back, place your hands under your pelvis, bend your knees, bring them to your stomach. Perform rotational movements with your hips, each describing a circle independently of the other (knees apart, together). Perform 500 movements, resting every 30 rotations. Ostrovsky calls this exercise “super strong” for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

The above set of exercises will not provoke exacerbations of prostatitis, but during active inflammation they should not be performed.

Exercises from Evdokimenko

Evdokimenko P.V. – rheumatologist, academician (AMTN RF). Profile – comprehensive treatment of pathologies of the spine and joints. Exercises useful for chronic prostatitis and for maintaining the health of the pelvic organs (originally developed to restore the hip joints):

  1. From a lying position on your back, with your arms along your body, slowly pull your joined feet towards your groin, spreading your knees and without lifting the outer edge of the foot from the floor. Also slowly return your legs to the starting position. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. From a lying position on your back, bend your knees, slowly open your hips (do not stretch, without effort), spreading your knees, then forcefully bring them together. Repeat 15 times.
  3. From a lying position on your stomach, bend one leg at the knee, slowly lift it, fix it for 2 seconds, and lower it. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

Therapeutic exercises for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma from Dr. Evdokimenko

Complete the complex with smooth half-squats (10 times). All exercises are performed slowly, without jerking.

Conditions of classes

It is best to practice indoors after preliminary ventilation or with the window slightly open. Clothes should be as comfortable as possible, not restrict movement, preferably made from natural materials.

A special rubber mat, a regular rug or a blanket folded several times is all that is needed for daily activities. The complex recommended by the doctor can be done 1-2 times a day, and all exercises can be done at once or divided into different “workouts”.

After classes, it is advisable to take a shower at a comfortable temperature.

Exercises in the gym

For men who go to the gym, the following exercises will help increase blood circulation in the prostate:

  • Leg presses from a supine position;
  • Squats (thigh parallel to the floor);

  • Incline sit-ups;
  • Hip extensions and abductions on a special simulator.

The technique of performing squats visually

If you have prostatitis, it is not recommended to perform exercises with heavy weights.

Lifestyle – what to pay attention to?

If a man smokes, giving up this habit will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing prostatitis. Smoking seriously impairs venous outflow, which leads to tissue swelling, stagnation of blood and lymph. General blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down, the prostate gland receives insufficient nutrition and oxygen, and its normal functioning becomes impossible.

Regular sex life plays an important role in the prevention of prostatitis. This is the main way to prevent congestion in the prostate gland. However, it is important to use condoms when having sex.

With a sedentary lifestyle, a man should introduce more physical activity into his life. Swimming, tennis or running are suitable, as are regular walking or avoiding using the elevator.

"Office" exercises

You can perform simple but effective exercises to prevent pelvic congestion directly at your office desk. First of all, these are Kegel contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle. Lifting on toes and rolling the foot onto the heel effectively stimulate blood and lymph flow . Blood will be actively pumped from the lower extremities through the pelvic venous plexus when raising your toes in a standing position (balancing on your heels).

Abdominal breathing stimulates blood flow well . As you inhale, inflate your stomach, while exhaling, press it in. There is no need to inhale too much air to avoid dizziness. After this exercise, a blush appears on the cheeks, and brain activity is activated.

Morning exercises

For morning exercises, a suitable option is the starting position lying down - combining Kegel exercises with a pelvic bridge. You can simply lie down on a bedside mat and perform 30-50 lifts. Technique: as you exhale, raise your pelvis with simultaneous contraction of the PC muscle, hold for 1-2 seconds, while inhaling, relax and lower the pelvis.

Kegel exercises can be performed in a half-squat with the knees apart (plie): as you exhale, the pelvis moves slightly forward while simultaneously tensing the PC muscle, and as you inhale, it returns back.

Sex treatment

Many doctors advise their patients suffering from prostatitis to establish a regular sex life (more about sex life with prostatitis). The recommendations are based on the fact that during ejaculation the prostate contracts and expels the contents of its ducts. Their periodic emptying prevents pathogens from multiplying.

Such therapy has a nuance: sex should be desired, emotional, and not just a mechanical act like physical education . In men who frequently engage in intimate contact or masturbate solely for the purpose of ejaculation, the prostate muscles may become overworked and stop contracting fully. This will provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis and aggravate its course.

Who needs prostatitis prevention?

There are groups of men whose risk of developing prostatitis is higher than others.

  • Men over 45 years old.
  • Representatives of sedentary professions: programmers, IT specialists, office workers, accountants, economists, etc.
  • Drivers, lovers of long bicycle trips, and also often using air transport.
  • Men who are temporarily or permanently exposed to unfavorable weather conditions: low air temperature and high humidity. For example, those working on a rotational basis in the northern regions, climbers, high-rise builders, fans of alpine skiing, etc.
  • Suffering from chronic infectious diseases.
  • Smokers.

However, given the fact that the disease is rapidly getting younger, all men should take measures to avoid encountering prostatitis in the future.

Prevention of prostate inflammation includes many recommendations. A man can follow all of them or some of them. Experts believe that even partial compliance with the recommendations reduces the risk of this disease.


The main contraindication to exercise is severe infectious inflammation . During an exacerbation of prostatitis, active blood flow will spread pathogens to other organs, which can provoke general intoxication of the body, fever, headaches, inflammation of the testicles, their appendages, and kidneys. For the same reason, warming physiotherapy procedures are prohibited during the acute phase.

Physical exercise is not advisable if there are large stones in the prostate (calculous prostatitis), since the blood flow can provoke their movement. Loads are also dangerous if there are cystic formations in the body of the prostate gland (they can burst).

Diet for the prevention of prostatitis

All doctors talk about the role of nutrition. Unfortunately, very often the recommendations are general. But in the case of prostatitis prevention, diet really plays an important role. The fact is that a diet to prevent problems with the prostate gland should solve several specific problems, and not just “strengthen the body.”

Proper nutrition to protect against prostatitis has the following goals:

  • Reduce prostate irritation that occurs after eating certain foods.
  • Improve blood circulation in small and large capillaries.
  • Normalize digestion to eliminate constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders. Constipation is one of the factors in the development of prostatitis.
  • Provide a favorable environment for the development of natural intestinal microflora.

What foods harm the prostate gland and increase the risk of prostatitis?

  • All types of peppers and sauces with them, horseradish, onions and other hot seasonings: they irritate the prostate tissue and cause inflammation.
  • Citrus fruits, especially lemons and grapefruits, sour fruits and berries have a bad effect on the condition of the prostate and reduce its resistance to infections.
  • Strong alcohol causes a narrowing of the already narrow ducts of the prostate, causing stagnation of secretions, a direct consequence of which is prostatitis.
  • Carbonated drinks and fermented drinks with gases (kvass, beer) also irritate the prostate gland.
  • Dishes from legumes (pea soup, beans, etc.), mushrooms and offal: are difficult to digest, slow down intestinal motility and cause gas formation and constipation.
  • Bacon, lard, and fried foods increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which impairs blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs. It is this phenomenon that often becomes the leading cause of the development of prostatitis in men.

What foods are useful for preventing prostatitis?

  • Seafood and fish at least once a week. They contain important amino acids and omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland and its ability to resist inflammation.
  • Parsley and parsnips (greens and roots) can be added to food as a seasoning in dishes, especially in the summer. The positive anti-inflammatory effect of these spicy plants on the prostate has been proven by numerous studies.
  • Cabbage of all types (cabbage, kohlrabi, collards, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), radishes, turnips - several times a week if possible. Studies have shown that when consumed regularly, these vegetables prolong men's health and protect against age-related changes in the prostate gland.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products – at least 2-3 times a week. They are needed to normalize intestinal motility and maintain beneficial microflora.
  • Antioxidants, especially rutin, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and lutein - a thirty-day course once a year or more often. Antioxidants protect prostate tissue from the effects of inflammation, increase the prostate's ability to resist infections, and also improve blood circulation in small capillaries and slow down age-related disorders in tissues.

Important! As for recommendations to eat nuts, pumpkin seeds or bananas, since they are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants, experts are of the same opinion: the products do not contain enough of these micronutrients to provide the body with them.

If a man loves nuts or seeds, then he can safely include them in his diet; these products will not cause harm, but they will not significantly affect the condition of the prostate gland. When it comes to preventing prostatitis, it is much more effective to use complexes high in antioxidants and vitamins. One of them, Synergin, is designed specifically to protect the male reproductive system from unwanted changes. It contains 6 natural antioxidants in working dosages. Application experience shows that Synergin has a noticeable preventive effect even for protection against exacerbations of chronic prostatitis.

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