Using the ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster for prostatitis

The problems of men with pathologies of the genitourinary system have serious complications and consequences. One of the most common diseases that is common among the stronger sex is prostatitis. Among the variety of treatment methods, some patients choose a Chinese patch for prostatitis.

The prostatitis patch called Prostatic nevel is an effective treatment for most pathologies in the genitourinary system in men, including prostatitis. Thanks to its natural ingredients, the patch has a minimal number of side effects. Chinese medicinal patches for men are easy to use (invisible and hidden under clothing).

Every day the number of patients who appreciate the Chinese prostatitis patch is increasing. The remedy fights not only the disease, but also eliminates the causes of its occurrence. The first use of the patch is marked by reduced painful symptoms that accompany a man during the disease.

The healing properties of the patch have been proven by numerous studies involving men with various pathologies of the genitourinary system. According to research results, 90% of patients, after several uses of the product, showed noticeable improvements, 55% were completely cured. No existing drug has such indicators.

How does the patch cope with male ailments?

The Chinese urological patch for prostatitis is made in the form of pieces of cotton fabric with an adhesive base applied, like regular patches. Therapeutic therapy occurs through the internal application of extracts of medicinal plants. Gradual absorption into the skin manifests itself as a positive effect, with the elimination of signs of the disease.

The Chinese patch is glued (for prostatitis) in the navel area, according to the instructions for use. This application is associated with ancient Chinese research. Chinese sages and healers believed that the navel point is the center of the entire human body, where all meridians flow together.

There is no need to argue with ancient medicine, since the remedy really has a healing effect. Of course, if you follow the instructions for using the Chinese prostatitis patch.

Active components of the drug

Urological patches zb prostatic navel plaster consist of medicinal herbs, like the bandages of Tibetan doctors many centuries ago. In certain proportions, the components create the same healing effect as before, helping men restore lost health.

Strawflower two-toothed
  • Natural antibiotic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Restores and strengthens potency.
  • Treats inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.
Girchevnik Chinese
  • Analgesic, restorative, hemostatic agent.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.
  • Treats prostatitis, impotence, urinary tract diseases.
  • Treats cardiovascular diseases, normalizes blood pressure.
Asian plantain
  • Effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Removes sand from the kidneys.
  • Treats diseases of the urinary tract.
Safflower dyeing
  • Natural antiseptic.
  • Strengthens the effect of other components of the drug.
  • Restores the liver, kidneys, digestive and genitourinary systems.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Promotes the production of male hormones.
  • Analgesic, diaphoretic and stimulant.
  • It has tonic, antiviral, antimicrobial effects.
  • Regulates blood sugar.
  • Increases libido.
  • Improves blood flow in the pelvic organs.
  • Restores potency.
Corydalis dubious (plant tubers are used)
  • Treats diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diuretic, analgesic, hemostatic, tonic and strengthening agent.
  • A storehouse of vitamins and microelements.
  • Effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and diabetes.
  • Normalizes blood sugar.
  • Promotes healing of wounds and ulcers.
  • Tonic.
Verbena officinalis
  • Analgesic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory agent.
  • It has antiallergic, antipyretic, wound-healing, choleretic effects.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases appetite.
  • Restores metabolic processes in the body.
Amur velvet
  • Source of vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, tannins.
  • Anthelmintic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Diuretic.
  • Effective in the treatment of kidney diseases.
Bornean camphor
  • Improves blood microcirculation in the prostate.
  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative agent.
  • Restores the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

The unique components of the product together create a therapeutic effect, providing lasting results from prostatic navel plasters for a long time.

The transdermal urological patch zb prostatic navel plaster from bang de li compares favorably with its analogues by the following criteria:

  • The ancient Chinese formula and modern technology allow the active ingredients to quickly penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.
  • The herbal preparation prostatik has no contraindications or side effects, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction to its components.
  • The Chinese patch for prostatitis is cheaper than other similar medications, so it is available to everyone.
  • Convenient and easy to use. Prostatic Nevel is not noticeable under clothing, does not cause discomfort, and does not require a clear reference to time.
  • Has a long-lasting and cumulative effect.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive, endocrine and genitourinary systems.
  • Has a quality certificate based on research and tests.

The active components act on the site of the disease, accumulating in it and nearby tissues. At the same time, metabolic processes in tissues improve and their gradual restoration occurs.


The prostatitis patch is a health product; it contains no chemical components, no toxins, and has a lot of obvious advantages.

  • Active medicinal components act extremely quickly.
  • During use for 3 days, around the clock, there is a constant supply of healing substances.
  • The patch for the treatment of prostatitis has no chemical effect on the organs.
  • The absorption-induced active components have minimal loss.
  • Therapeutic therapy with a prostate patch does not have any unpleasant or painful sensations (injections, IVs, medications).
  • The patch helps stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Medicines are delivered directly to the affected area, with the greatest concentration.
  • It has no side effects, no harm to the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  • When using a patch from China, there are no restrictions in the activities of everyday life - the product does not create discomfort.
  • A complex positive effect on the digestive organs and genitourinary system was noted.
  • Meets GMP, ISO standards.

The transdermal urological patch supplies the foci of inflammation of the affected organs with healing substances, especially in those areas where drug penetration through the blood supply is difficult due to impaired blood flow.

The principle of operation of Chinese patches for prostatitis

One of the areas of traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture, and this principle of action was used in the development of the prostatitis patch. The active substances contained in the patch penetrate through the human navel, providing an anti-inflammatory effect in the prostate area. When the products used for production come into contact with the skin under the influence of body temperature, they begin to heat up and penetrate into the layers of the epidermis in small doses.

As a result of exposure to the substances, pain decreases, inflammation is gradually eliminated, and the genitourinary ducts are freed - a man can go to the toilet without pain and cramping.

The positive effect of the patch is due to the following properties of the active substances:

  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • substances prevent the progression of the inflammatory process;
  • a man experiences increased sexual desire;
  • Erection and sex life are gradually restored.

The following advantages of using the patch can be highlighted:

  • the products contain only natural products that do not have toxic or chemical properties;
  • natural substances prevent side effects;
  • application of the patch does not cause discomfort;
  • rapid and long-term exposure due to dosed penetration of substances.

The benefits of the patches are confirmed by ultrasound results: 90% of men who underwent such therapy were able to cure the disease and return to normal life.

The use of the patch contributes to the treatment of prostatitis, but only if it is used in a timely and correct manner.

Therapy with a patch

The patch (urological) in the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system shows high results of the innovative technique. After using the product, positive manifestations were noted:

  • normalization of the urinary process;
  • quantitative reduction in swelling;
  • improving potency, increasing sexual activity;
  • normalization of blood supply to the organ;
  • rapid elimination of painful symptoms, with the elimination of pain when urinating;
  • preventive enlargement of the prostate gland;
  • in the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis improves;
  • relieving the activity of inflammatory processes.

The advantages of therapeutic therapy with a patch include ease of use, without skills, knowledge or special skill. The ease and safety of therapeutic therapy has a quick and effective result.

Composition of the urological plaster

The product consists of a rich, natural composition of natural substances. Plant extracts help treat the patient’s body, eliminating disturbing symptoms. Below is a description of all the components of Prostatic Navel plasters.

  • Asian plantain. Its effectiveness is noted in the treatment of pathological processes with urine leakage; it helps with hemorrhoids and urolithiasis. It is impossible not to note its restorative properties in case of impaired blood flow. The plant in question helps reduce bad cholesterol and inhibits the development of atherosclerotic pathologies, including blood vessels in the male genital organ.
  • Double-toothed strawflower. In Chinese medicine, strawflower (two-toothed) is used as a diuretic. It is used to restore sexual potency in men during age-related weakness, prostatitis, prolonging full activity. Extracts of this plant are added to medicinal mixtures to treat impotence caused by venereal pathologies and chronic alcoholism. The rhizome of the plant is used to combat inflammation of the bladder and urethra.
  • Bornean camphor. The plant is recognized as a powerful remedy that relieves pain in the genitourinary system, including the kidneys and bladder. Local application helps stimulate microcirculation and has a strong effect on inflammatory processes. In eastern medicine, Bornean camphor is used in the treatment of blood vessels (to dilate), eliminate thrombosis and its subsequent formation.
  • Girchevnik (Chinese) . This plant is used for general strengthening, pain relief, and has an antispasmodic and absorbable effect. Based on the rhizome of the plant, a medicinal extract is made that has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Extracts of the plant are used to eliminate prostatitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder, impotence, difficult bowel movements associated with constipation, and hemorrhoids. Chinese Girchevnik is often used in gynecology to treat female diseases.
  • Cinnamon. In the East, this spice is given special importance. Cinnamon has a powerful, tonic effect, it has antiseptic effects, eliminates painful symptoms, and relieves inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Cinnamon is a miracle cure for constipation; this spice is used for preventive purposes in cancer patients. The smell of cinnamon has been used to increase sexual desire.
  • Amur velvet. The medicinal plant in question is rich in tannins, valuable essential oils, vitamins, and flavonoids. Amur velvet has miraculous powers for healing the human body; it eliminates pain, restores the composition of plasma, kills bacteria, and relieves any kind of inflammation. It has diuretic and tonic effectiveness.
  • Safflower (dye). Eastern herbalists have a special relationship with dyeing safflower. This plant is used for medicinal purposes for pathologies of the kidneys and prostate gland. Thanks to the powerful conductive effect, medicinal components penetrate into the depths of the skin. Safflower seeds have an astringent property, with a diuretic effect, and the plant also has an antiseptic effect.
  • Chastukha. Active diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent in herbal medicine. It is used to treat infectious pathologies in the genitourinary system. The plant is used for both preventive and medicinal purposes for urethritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.
  • The corydalis is deceptive (adventurous). Basically, the tubers have the most healing power in this plant. An infusion is made from them, which is used to eliminate pain symptoms, and is used as a diuretic, hemostatic, tonic and restorative. Effective for relieving pain in the perineum, scrotum, and groin area.
  • Purslane. Traditional medicine uses the plant in question for various pathological processes of the genitourinary system. A decoction of purslane is taken as a diuretic, which cleanses and removes harmful substances, including those accumulated in the urinary system.
  • Medicinal verbena. This plant contains an active substance (verbeniamine), which has astringent, anti-inflammatory, and absorbable effects. Verbena is used to treat disorders of varying severity in the urinary system; excellent treatment results have been noted for stone diseases.

Review of famous Chinese patches for prostatitis

At the moment, there are a lot of advertisements on the Internet for Chinese patches for the treatment of prostatitis. But upon closer examination, only two types of such products can be distinguished.

ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters

This is the most common patch that most men choose.

It includes:

  • Asian plantain – improves blood circulation;
  • Corydalis – has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects;
  • dyeing safflower - helps relieve pain;
  • two-toothed gem – improves a man’s potency;
  • cinnamon – helps eliminate the inflammatory process specifically in the prostate gland;
  • Bornean camphor is a powerful antiseptic that prevents hyperplasia (enlargement) of prostate tissue;
  • vaginal girchevnik is a natural antispasmodic that helps destroy blood clots in the veins of a man’s groin area.

The cost of the patch does not exceed 990 rubles if you purchase it online from official representatives. There are often promotions that offer the purchase of a second set of patches for 1 ruble (in this case, you buy 2-3 packages at full price, and the last one is sold to you for 1 ruble).

Order the ZB Prostatic patch for 975 rubles

Excellence solution

The second type of patch that can be purchased on the Internet for the treatment of prostatitis. Its price also does not exceed 990 rubles; it has a similar effect in the treatment of pathology in men.

The difference lies in the composition of the products:

  • Sopsis root - stabilizes the functioning of human internal organs, helps remove toxins and waste, which stabilizes blood circulation, and vitamins and other useful microelements reach the prostate tissue;
  • licorice root – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps restore blood pressure;
  • trichosanth – helps strengthen the immune system, which has a positive effect on the general health of a man;
  • anemarrhena root – rids the body of toxins, cleanses the kidneys and liver, thereby reducing the risk of developing prostatitis.

The use of the Excellence solution patch is important for the prevention of pathology. If you have diagnosed prostatitis, therapy will take longer.

Order the ZB Prostatic patch for 975 rubles

When to use the transdermal patch

Despite the fact that the evidence for the use of the patch relates to prostatitis, it has multifaceted effectiveness in numerous genitourinary pathologies:

  • complete lack of sexual desire (impotence), decreased sexual desire (potency);
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • palpable pain in the scrotum;
  • impaired blood circulation in the peritoneal organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract;
  • renal failure (elimination of its signs);
  • relieving inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • painful symptoms in the lumbar region.

Due to its wide range of healing effects for the male reproductive system, the product is very popular among the stronger half of humanity.

Indications for use of transdermal urological patch

Before using therapeutic stickers, you must consult a urologist. Stickers can be used not only by men, but also by the fair sex.

Urological plasters PROSTATIC NAVEL PLASTERS are recommended to be applied in the following cases:

  • cystitis;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, acute or chronic stage;
  • damage to the walls of the urethra by various bacteria;
  • dilation and inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • anal fissures;
  • pain in the rectum;
  • use of the product for preventive purposes;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • impotence;
  • back pain;
  • erectile dysfunction.

Instructions for use

In order to carry out therapeutic therapy with the drug, you need to know the rules for use.

Chinese patch for prostatitis: detailed instructions for use.

  1. The instructions for using the product read: the patch must be glued in the umbilical area. Before doing this, you need to wash yourself or treat the umbilical area with an antiseptic. Boric alcohol is suitable for these purposes. If there is hair in the navel area, it is better to shave it off.
  2. The patch can only be applied to dry skin. In order to stick the product, you need to remove it with washed hands and open the sealed packaging.
  3. Then the protective film, under which the medicine is located, is removed, and with this side the medicine is attached in the navel area.
  4. The Chinese urological patch for prostatitis is allowed to be applied once. If the product was attached incorrectly, it should be removed and a new strip should be glued.
  5. The product can be left on the epidermis for 3 days (72 hours), then the patch (urological) must be removed, take a shower, pause for a day, after which you can glue a new strip.

Each package contains 6 patches. For preventive purposes, use 1-2 products for 6 days. In the treatment of inflammatory or other pathological processes, 8-12 pieces of patches are required.

The general course is 24-36 days. A more accurate schedule for the duration of treatment therapy will be suggested by an experienced specialist, based on test results and ultrasound examination.

How to distinguish a fake from a real product

Only a real, Chinese, urological patch for prostatitis has therapeutic effectiveness, but, unfortunately, on trading platforms you can often fall into the trap of scammers. They carefully disguise the fake as a real product from an international brand.

In order not to throw your finances down the drain, a thorough inspection of the purchased product is required. The Chinese urological patch for prostate adenoma, a real production, has its own external differences, by which it can be easily distinguished from an ornamental product.

  • Each left, upper corner on both sides has the inscription Bang De Li.
  • Each package has an expiration date and release date - information about this is available on the packages.
  • The original product is produced by Shaanxi Zhongbang Pharma-Tech Co - this is indicated in the instructions.
  • The urological patch is not sold in the pharmacy chain. The real product: a prostatitis patch (prostatic navel) is on sale from the official supplier, the price of a package of urological patch is from 1800 to 2000 rubles. If the price is lower, then you need to be wary, as it is possible to fall for a fake.

How and at what price to buy the original product

Since the zb prostatic navel plaster is very popular and has positive reviews, counterfeits have appeared on the consumer market. On the seller’s official website, you can watch a video that shows what the zb prostatic urological patch for men looks like and where to apply it, read useful information and ask questions about the product.

Those who believe that the zb prostatic navel plaster from bang de li is a scam most likely did not purchase a male urological patch, but another, ineffective product and therefore did not get the desired result. The price of zb prostatic navel plaster is between 2 and 3 dollars for one patch.

Men's urological patch is a unique development of Chinese scientists, which, thanks to the valuable medicinal herbs in its composition, effectively fights not only the consequences of pathology, but also the disease itself. Already, many men maintain their health with the help of prostate cancer and feel full of strength and confidence in the future. Don't expect a miracle; you can also evaluate the effect of the patch by completing a course of therapy.

Reviews about treatment with patch

Chinese patch (urological) for prostatitis, reviews from patients and doctors:

  • The high effectiveness of therapy is achieved through the transdermal route, that is, the penetration of healing components through the layers of the epidermis, without harm to the digestive system.
  • Compared to other medications, the urological patch (prostatic) copes with pathologies faster.
  • The active action of the drug occurs as long as the product is on the skin.
  • Confirmation by urologists: the patch is certified according to international standards.
  • It is safe, does not require specialized training for use, the product contains only natural ingredients without chemicals or synthetics.
  • Observations of specialists on patients who have tried the patch on themselves show: the therapeutic technique helps to improve the health of the entire body.
  • Treatment with a Chinese patch for prostatitis has a significant, quick positive result, as evidenced by doctors’ reviews. The use of therapeutic therapy for prostatitis with other medications, the therapeutic effectiveness is lower. Many medications prescribed for prostatitis are aimed at reducing painful symptoms. The patch eliminates the cause of the pathology.

In some cases, doctors recommend using the patch in addition to the main medical therapy.

Recommendations for using the product

In order to avoid harm to the body, despite the naturalness of the drug, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the constituent components. Side effects include allergic reactions.

You should strictly follow the instructions in the instructions. During treatment, it is forbidden to eat salty, spicy, fatty and smoked foods. You should not drink alcoholic drinks, even low-alcohol ones.

If an allergic reaction occurs, you must stop gluing it. The product must not be applied to damaged epidermis. When purchasing a urological patch, a careful examination is required for signs of a real, certified medicinal product. This will help avoid counterfeiting.

Contraindications for use

There are a number of small restrictions on the use of Chinese medicinal patches, these include:

  • Do not apply the patch to the abdominal area where there are wounds, irritations, cuts or bruises;
  • for better impact when using stickers, you should limit your intake of salty, dairy, meat and spicy foods;
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while using the urological patch;
  • It is better to discard the patch if you are allergic to the substances included in its composition.
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