The use of parsley for kidney stones and cystitis

Parsley for urolithiasis is an indispensable diuretic, known many years ago. The plant is used for therapy and prevention of this pathology. It is known that not only the leaves, but also the root and seeds of the plant have a diuretic effect, which makes the plant even more valuable for herbalists and people who turn to traditional medicine. Parsley can be used to cleanse the kidneys, but you must strictly follow the instructions for preparing the medicine, and also do not overuse fatty and salty foods.

Buy a course of treatment for urolithiasis using traditional medicine

Active substances and properties of the plant

This plant has a wide range of micro and macroelements that are beneficial to our body. The most important element in parsley is apiol and myristicin, which provoke diuresis. It is the best diuretic, and a remedy that can:

  • remove sand and stones from the kidneys;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system by cleansing blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure;
  • prevention of problems with cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • help cope with pathologies of the intestines and genitourinary system.

Parsley contains the following components:

  • vitamins C, B1, B12;
  • carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • macroelements;
  • organic acids.

This composition can improve well-being and bring the functioning of the kidneys and liver back to normal, the result will be visible on the face.

When the kidney "fell off"

It all started with the fact that a letter from A.N. was published in one of the February issues of RG-Week (N43). Gorkova from Bashkiria with a request to readers to tell us about treating kidneys with their own means.

And now, by the beginning of September, a whole selection of letters on a topic of interest to our Bashkir reader has already accumulated in the mail of our column.

While presenting some of them to your attention, we still note:

To begin with, a person experiencing a kidney problem should still consult a specialist. At least in order to determine the diagnosis. After all, there are many kidney diseases. What is good for one disease may be contraindicated for another.

So the burdock came in handy

I was 7 years old when my father caught a cold and developed kidney inflammation. For many years no one could cope with his illness. The doctors had already given up on treatment, but a woman friend, a herbalist, helped. She advised treatment with burdock.

It was in March. My mother and I used a crowbar and an ax to dig up burdock roots from the frozen ground, wash them, break them thick with our hands and prepare a decoction. They took a handful of roots, put them in an enamel pan, poured in 1 liter of milk, brought to a boil and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

My father drank this decoction during the day, and in the evening he ate boiled roots (they are delicious, by the way). Two weeks later he felt better, and a month later there was no trace of the disease. Later, when he had a cold, my father always drank a decoction of burdock roots, and his kidneys never bothered him.

For pyelonephritis, you need to brew a tablespoon of carrot seeds with a glass of boiling water and drink it like tea. Or a piece of propolis measuring 4x4 cm, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 30-35 minutes and drink throughout the day. Course - 3-4 weeks.

During treatment, you must avoid hard work!

P. P. Panafidin, 658554, Altai Territory, Mamontovsky district, village. Pervomaisky.

By the way

Large burdock or burdock is a biennial plant. Burdock roots of the first year of life are harvested in the fall in September-October, of the second year - in early spring, before growth begins. Dig with shovels, shake off the soil, cut off the aerial part and thin roots with a knife, wash in cold water, peel off the bark and dry in the open air under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room, spreading it in a thin layer on paper or cloth.

Decoctions and infusions of burdock roots are a good diuretic, blood purifier and metabolism stimulating agent. The leaves are also useful. Infusions of them are also used for kidney and gall bladder diseases, as well as for joint pain, constipation and diabetes. The leaves are collected in August.

Weed juice

In the 1960s, I began to have problems with my bladder and then with my kidneys. The pain and burning gave me no rest for more than two years, until they finally recommended a remedy that stopped my suffering.

Here is the recipe: place 1 glass of burdock juice (can be made from leaves, but preferably from young roots), 2 glasses of plantain juice and 1 kg of honey in a three-liter jar and fill up to the shoulders with warm whey from yogurt (preferably made from fresh cow's milk). Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Take 50-70 ml (regular faceted glass) 30 minutes before meals. The mixture lasts for 1-1.5 months. After a break of 15-20 days, continue treatment. It is advisable to carry out 2-3 courses, and then repeat the treatment at least once a year.

Valery, Novosibirsk (exact address in the editorial office)

Drink mistletoe

Mistletoe (birch) helps prevent pyelonephritis. It needs to be collected at the beginning of sap flow - in February-March. And prepare as follows: pour 1 liter of water into an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, throw a pinch of leaves into it and immediately remove from the heat, covering tightly with a lid so that the steam does not escape. Leave for 8-24 hours, then strain and drink throughout the day. Store no more than a day.

As an ambulance, you can mix 3/4 cup of mistletoe infusion with the juice of half a lemon and natural honey (to taste) and take 3-4 days, 3 times a day.

This recipe was given to me in Leningrad 40 years ago. With his help, I myself was cured, and I saved my two-year-old daughter.

Eglit Nelly Yanovna, 155048, Ivanovo region, Teykovo, st. Shestaginskaya, 50-2

By the way

Mistletoe is a poisonous plant and should be treated with caution. It is not dangerous only in small doses.

For example:

— Infuse 1 teaspoon of mistletoe in 1 glass of cold boiled water and take 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

- Pour 8 g of mistletoe into 1 glass of hot water and heat in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, let stand for 30 minutes, strain and add water to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. In the future, the dose can be increased to 2-3 tbsp. spoons

This is parsley

Ordinary parsley treats kidneys well. If you have a summer house, sow a large bed of parsley and make a salad every day all summer, squeeze the juice, or simply chew fresh leaves. Two people close to me were cured in this way.

And inflammation of the renal pelvis goes away if you take oatmeal broth. Brew oats in the husks, leave for 3-4 days and drink half a glass 4 times a day. By the way, the decoction helps some people recover from alcoholism and quit smoking.

People with diseased kidneys benefit from tea made from dried melon flowers and melon seeds. They should avoid fried foods and not overeat.

Anna Grigorievna Myasnikova, Moscow (exact address in the editorial office)

By the way

Parsley (all its parts: roots, leaves, seeds) is a strong medicine that has serious contraindications. First of all, pregnancy. It is contraindicated in case of gallstone disease, oxaluria (one of the types of kidney stone disease), hypotension. The juice of this plant irritates the kidney tissue, so it is not recommended for patients with nephritis.

However, you shouldn’t eat it “from the belly” and especially drink the juice in unlimited quantities - an overdose is harmful to health. Fresh, you can eat no more than one small bunch of parsley per day (for pregnant women, only lightly flavor your food).

For the decoction, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of boiling water, heat for 30 minutes, cool, filter, add water to the original volume and drink 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. And for an infusion of parsley seeds - pour half a teaspoon of seeds into 2 cups of cold boiled water, after 8-10 hours, strain and drink 2-3 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Sleep on your stomach

Here are some tips I know especially for reader Gorkova from Bashkiria.

First, don't get too cold or overheated. The kidneys don't like this. Secondly, drinking plenty of water is beneficial - 2 liters of clean water per day. As soon as you wake up, drink 2 glasses of water, and the same amount half an hour before lunch and dinner. Thirdly, salt should be avoided. And so that the food does not seem bland, you can use sea salt or buy special salt at the pharmacy.

For all kidney diseases, it is useful to sleep on your stomach. Or at least lie on your stomach for half an hour from 17 to 19 hours - during these hours the kidneys work most actively.

If you want to cleanse your kidneys, brew a teaspoon of dried birch leaves with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and drink a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals. It is useful to eat a teaspoon of honey along with the infusion. But just eat it, and not stir it into the infusion.

During kidney cleansing, you must avoid meat and dairy foods.

Anatoly Alexandrovich, Gutov, 188540, Leningrad region, Sosnovy Bor, st. Kosmonavtov, 8, apt. 22

By the way

For people with certain cardiovascular diseases, drinking a lot of water is harmful. It is best to add salt to food with seaweed - kelp (dried laminaria is sold in pharmacies) in small quantities. But for nephritis it is not indicated, just like other iodine-containing drugs. As for diet, it is different for each disease.

from the editor

Send your letters with tips and recipes to: 125993, Moscow, st. Pravdy, 24, “RG - Week”. Only letters with exact return addresses will be considered. Don't forget to mark the envelope as "Recipe".

Parsley recipes for urolithiasis

To prepare decoctions and tinctures, you must use the root, seeds, and leaves of the plant. You can also use various combinations with other herbal preparations of a similar spectrum of action: cranberries, lingonberries, currants. Be sure to take freshly squeezed parsley juice in small doses during therapy.

Parsley tea

The simplest treatment method is to take parsley tea for medicinal purposes. This tea will add strength and normalize vision and sleep, and help cope with kidney stones and swelling. It is also recommended to be used if a person wants to lose excess weight.

Fresh parsley decoction

This remedy is indispensable during the treatment of kidney stones and normalization of metabolic processes.


  • fresh parsley leaves 50 g;
  • 500 ml water.

The cooking process begins by chopping the leaves, filling them with water and placing them on moderate heat for 20 minutes. Leave for an hour. Then the broth is filtered and taken before meals in small portions.

Decoction of stones

There is another effective tip on how to brew parsley for urolithiasis . This remedy must be taken 8 times a day.


  • 45 g of fresh parsley along with rhizome;
  • 450-500 ml of water.

Fresh chopped parsley is poured with boiling water and left to infuse overnight in a thermos. Take in eight doses during the day, every one and a half, two hours. It is advisable to take it through a straw so as not to damage the tooth enamel.

Diuretic recipe with milk


  • 50 g parsley;
  • 500 ml pasteurized milk.

Parsley must be chopped, poured with milk and boiled for half an hour. Cool and take 2 tablespoons throughout the day.

Root with honey

Parsley root has been used for urolithiasis since ancient times, but this recipe is simply unique.


  • 1 medium celery root;
  • 1 kg parsley;
  • water;
  • 1 kg of honey.

It is necessary to thoroughly grind and mix all ingredients. Pay attention to the chopping of the products, it is advisable to grate them on a fine grater. Then add water, measure the amount of water so that it covers all the ingredients. The mixture is brought to a boil. Take half a glass half an hour before meals, twice a day.

Parsley with juice


  • parsley (rhizome and plant) 50g;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • lemon juice 1/5 tsp.

The preparation procedure is as follows: you need to chop the parsley, pour boiling water over it, and let it brew in a thermos. Add juice before use. Take three times a day for 24 hours.

There are a number of contraindications and side effects including individual intolerance, pregnancy and epilepsy. Side effects include nausea, dizziness and gastrointestinal disturbances.

Despite the contraindications, many healers advise using parsley root for urolithiasis and dissolving kidney stones.

Using Parsley for Kidney Treatment, Dissolving Kidney Stones and Liver Detox

Your body may be telling you it needs a kidney cleanse and you're ignoring it.

Here are three early warning signs that indicate you should cleanse your kidneys immediately:

Go pee frequently Make sure you don't hold your urine when you feel the need to because this can cause stones to form.

Repeated urinary tract infections Kidney stones can lead to urinary tract infections. Those who have a urinary tract infection (even once a year) are recommended to do a kidney cleanse.

Brown Smelly Urine Dark red, dirty-wet urine indicates that you need to cleanse your kidneys right away before the condition gets worse.

Parsley Juice for Cleansing Parsley juice is rich in various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll and volatile oils. This juice provides many benefits including kidney cleansing and liver detoxification.

Parsley is known as a beneficial herb for the kidneys. Whether fresh or dried, parsley is very beneficial for the kidneys and can help dissolve kidney stones.

Caution: Pregnant women or people taking blood thinners are not recommended to use parsley juice in large quantities.

Parsley juice with other fat-free vegetables and fruits Parsley juice is too powerful to drink alone, so you should mix it with other fruits and vegetables. You can use:

Watermelon Watermelon juice is very useful for cleansing the kidneys. The seeds are especially useful for getting rid of kidney stones. Therefore, always choose watermelon with brown seeds rather than without seeds.

Organic Celery Celery juice can strengthen the kidneys and liver and remove toxins. It is important to use organic celery as conventionally grown celery contains various pesticides.

Beetroot Beetroot or beetroot juice is a natural detoxifier and cleanser, especially for the liver. It has the ability to purify the blood and eliminate calcium oxalate stones.

Organic Carrots Carrot juice is another natural body cleanser that is especially good for the kidneys. Carrots can absorb pesticides and heavy metals from the soil they are grown in, so be sure to find organic carrots!

Organic Cucumber Cucumber is a powerful diuretic that can dissolve kidney stones and flush out uric acid from the body. Its peel contains many beneficial antioxidants. Be sure to use organic cucumbers because conventionally grown cucumber contains pesticide and is coated with wax.

Lemon Fresh lemon juice acts as a natural cleanser and can effectively dissolve mineral deposits that can cause calcium oxalate stones. Lemon also delays the oxidation of other juices.

The recipes below use different combinations of parsley and these ingredients. Feel free to mix them up depending on what you have.

Combination Parsley Juice for Detoxification

Ingredients needed for 2 servings

Note. It is very important to use organic products only to prevent further reduction in kidney and liver toxicity.

  • 2 large or 3 medium organic carrots
  • 6 stalks organic celery
  • 1 medium organic beet
  • 1 organic cucumber with peel
  • 1 organic lemon (with peel)
  • 1 bunch of parsley soaked in warm water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Preparation: To reduce the degradation of parsley juice, pour lemon juice into a container along with a few ice cubes. Place all ingredients in a juicer, alternating the beets with the softer cucumber and celery and the harder carrots. Keep in mind that you will get much more parsley juice using a masticating juicer rather than a centrifugal juicer.

Mix the juice and drink immediately.

Parsley Sauce in a Blender You can also use a blender to make a refreshing smoothie and enjoy all the health benefits of parsley! Cleansing smoothie with parsley

Ingredients for 2 servings: half ounce organic parsley juice of 1 large or 2 small lemons (seeds removed) 1 large organic cucumber, diced with peel and seeds (peel first if you can't find organic lemon) as much watermelon with seeds as you can fit into a blender.

Preparation: You should mix all the ingredients until you notice that the parsley leaves are finely mixed and the watermelon seeds are broken into small pieces.

Parsley Juice As we already said, parsley juice is too strong. This means you shouldn't cook it too many days in a row. You can create recipes for a weekly juice cleanse and use parsley every other day. After this, take a break for 1 week.

You can continue to use parsley juice for kidney cleansing and liver detoxification. You can either prepare it for longer cleanses, or prepare it several times a week when you feel like your body needs it.

What to eat when you cleanse your kidneys and liver? You can eat, but it is very important to follow a specific diet! First of all, avoid foods that add toxins to your detoxification organs. Therefore, avoid processed foods, sugars, flour, red meat, dairy, soda, alcohol, coffee and all vegetable oils

It is also very important to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Be sure to use only organic products. Drink plenty of water to effectively remove toxins during this cleanse. You can also try herbal teas. Dandelion root is the best!

Please keep in mind that these products are not intended to replace medical care! If you are in severe pain, consult a doctor immediately!

Use of parsley roots in treatment

A medicine made from the roots of a fragrant plant retains the maximum amount of beneficial substances. The raw materials are used to prepare infusion and juice.


  1. Wash the root thoroughly and cut into small pieces.
  2. One tbsp. l. place in a small container.
  3. Mix the pieces with clean water at room temperature (250 ml).
  4. Cover the container and do not touch it for 12 hours.
  5. Filter using a sieve or several balls of gauze.

Take the infusion:

  • 50 ml each;
  • on empty stomach;
  • 4 times a day.


To get juice from the root, you need to grind it as much as possible and squeeze out the pieces. Combine 1 tbsp. l. healing liquid with 50 ml of water or beet juice. The juice should be taken in the same way as the infusion.

It is recommended to drink all potions made from parsley through a straw. The plant can destroy kidney stones, which means it is dangerous for tooth enamel.

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