“I’m giving birth to a hedgehog.” A Barnaul urologist explained how kidney stones form and how much you need to drink

Why do people form stones?

— We have an endemic area for urolithiasis.
This is due to the composition of the water and the environmental situation, which lead to disruption of internal metabolic mechanisms, water-salt balance and the deposition of salts in the body. The parathyroid gland is involved in the formation of deposits, so it also suffers “for company.” The main cause of urolithiasis is called heredity. If a father has a tendency to form stones, there is a high probability of passing this trait on to his son. Or even after a generation or two.

The use of mineral water for urolithiasis




According to research, urolithiasis occupies one of the leading places among urological diseases. As a rule, its wide spread is facilitated by several factors in the conditions of modern life, among which the most important are: physical inactivity arising as a result of scientific and technological progress, a large amount of purines in food, leading to disruption of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and the synthesis of uric acid, unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body.

Currently, due to the fairly high incidence of urolithiasis, many methods and methods of its treatment have been revised. Treatment of urolithiasis, as a rule, is complex and is aimed, first of all, at removing the stone, and only then at restoring metabolic disorders of stone-forming substances in the body. The preventive direction of the ICD treatment complex includes the following procedures: diet therapy, maintaining the required water balance in the body, physical therapy, spa treatment and treatment with balneological means, in particular mineral water, which has become increasingly popular in recent years.

But, before we start talking about ways to treat urolithiasis with mineral water, it is necessary to note one important thing: its use should be treated with extreme caution and follow the prescriptions of your doctor, since excessive consumption of mineral water can have the opposite effect and worsen the course of the disease!

Mineral waters used in the prevention of urolithiasis, as a rule, must meet the following requirements:

  • have a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • have an anti-inflammatory and mucus-dissolving effect;
  • relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the ureter and pelvis and influence the smooth muscles in a tonic manner;
  • analgesic effect is desirable;
  • have a positive effect on urine pH.

Consequently, drinking water from mineral springs leads to the restoration of impaired metabolism of mineral substances in the body. Thanks to its use, the production of protective colloids is enhanced, the solubility of salts in urine increases and their precipitation stops - this eliminates one of the conditions for stone formation or further growth of existing stones. In addition, drinking mineral waters enhances the contractility of the muscles of the urinary tract, thereby facilitating the spontaneous passage of small stones and sand.

But for different types of urolithiasis, mineral waters of different composition are recommended, since the pH of urine must be adjusted in accordance with the chemical composition of salt and stones. In the presence of uric acid diathesis, it is recommended to take alkaline mineral water (Borjomi, Smirnovskaya, Essuntuki-4), for phosphaturia and phosphate stones, acidic mineral waters are necessary (Dolomite Narzan, Opital (France), for oxaluria, prescribed low-mineralized waters (“Essuntuki-20”, “Naftusya”). Mineral water from Italy “Cherelia” has a good healing effect for all types of nephrolithiasis.

In addition to all of the above, the presence of magnesium ions in mineral waters is useful for patients with oxaluria and oxalate stones due to their inhibitory effect on the formation of urinary stones. Some trace elements in mineral waters (copper, iron, tungsten) promote the dissolution of oxalate and phosphate salts.

Thus, the use of mineral water for urolithiasis for preventive purposes is extremely necessary, but treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

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Urolithiasis disease


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What types of stones are there?

- There are hard and soft. If the stone is soft, it cannot be operated on. The X-ray machine does not see it. On an x-ray, all solid structures appear white. So if the stone is soft, it will simply merge with the intestines into one dark spot.

There is the only drug in the world for elimination - blemarene. However, you will have to drink it for six months, and the stone will dissolve.

Stones. Pebbles.


Hard stones - oxalates, phosphates, carbonates and others - can be seen in the photographs. There are salts of oxalic acetic acid, there are a lot of them in cabbage. An ultrasound will show all the stones.

Some just crumble into dust right in your hands, while others are very hard. Some are small and smooth, like pebbles, and some are spiky, like hedgehogs. Such a stone has a small base from which dozens of sharp needles protrude.

There are coral-shaped ones. They grow naturally like branched corals and often occupy the entire cavity of the kidney, all the cups and the pelvis.

It's very scary. Previously, they could only be removed together with the kidney, but in the last decade they have learned to split them and remove them through a small side incision.

The stones grow like a pearl in a shell: there is a small sediment, and more and more deposits grow on it from all sides.

Doctors. Medicine. Operation.


How to effectively cure kidney stones?

In modern medicine, many ways to remove stones have appeared, and people are still chasing folk remedies. This is simply absurd. After all, instead of drinking dubious potions, you can completely remove deposits in 1-2 procedures. Quickly, without surgery and risks.

You can get such help at the Bilyak clinic. Laser and ultrasound lithotripsy methods are used here. The stones are destroyed by special impulses, crushed and then removed from the body naturally.

Stop looking for how to remove kidney stones using folk remedies! Sign up for a consultation and they will select a suitable and safe removal method for you. Contact us to find out more about the procedure!


Can a stone come out on its own?

— For many, the stones pass out on their own, but sometimes they get stuck in the ureter. There are chronic patients who “give birth” to these stones left and right. 12 stones per year. As planned, once a month. For many, one stone passed at the age of 18, another at 60, for some at the age of 20 and does not form again.

Small soft stones may come out as sand, but some patients undergo elective surgery. We take out stones two, three, or even five centimeters in diameter.

If it is a medium-sized calculus - up to a centimeter, it gets stuck on the way to the bladder. He needs to pass 25-30 centimeters of the ureter, in which there are three physiological narrowings, and somewhere there he stops.

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies

When treating kidney stones with folk remedies, the following methods of alternative medicine provide invaluable assistance.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of rosehip roots into a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, then leave until cool. Drink a glass 3 times a day, duration of use is 30-40 days, then after a 10-12 day break, repeat the treatment. A decoction of rosehip roots has the property of destroying crystalline stones to the state of sand.
  • If the presence of kidney stones is confirmed, it is useful to take one teaspoon of watercress juice 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is at least 3 weeks.
  • Birch sap has proven itself well in the treatment of nephrolithiasis, which should be drunk a glass a day for a month.
  • It is recommended to consume strawberries and blueberries, both individually and in a mixture.
  • Fresh red currant juice is useful for lactic acid nephrolithiasis, take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • For oxalate stones, it is recommended to take nettle juice (dioecious) - take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Rowan juice helps in the treatment of kidney stones; you should drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course duration is 30-40 days.
  • Pear compote (from fresh or dried fruit) is also shown. Take 4 times a day, half a glass.
  • Crush the shell of the egg from which the chicken hatched into powder. Mix with red wine and take 10g daily.
  • Mix 0.5 liters of cucumber, carrot and beet juice in a three-liter jar, add the juice of 10 lemons. Add boiled cold water until the jar is full. Drink half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. After 3 weeks, check for the presence of stones and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Collections of medicinal herbs for urolithiasis

  • Prepare a medicinal mixture from wormwood and fragrant rue leaves in a ratio of 1:2. Soak the mixture in wine until moist, then dry and grind to a powder. Take 2 g of the product 3 times a day with 50 ml of cherry juice.
  • The following collection consists of a large number of components. To prepare it you will need: lavender spikelet (herb), black currant (leaves), birch (leaves), ivy bud (herb), juniper fruits, hop cones - 10g each; lingonberry (leaves), plantain (leaves), white acacia (buds) - 20 g each; nettle leaves and knotweed (grass) – 30g each; 60 g each of strawberries and horsetail (shoots). Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours. Drink the strained infusion in a third to half a glass, adding the same amount of hot water at each dose, 3-4 times a day for a month. Taking this collection for a long time helps get rid of stones and prevents the development of infection in the urinary tract.
  • Prepare the following mixture - mix equal amounts of corn silk, bearberry leaves, bean leaves, and green oat straw. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 1 hour. This is the daily norm, it must be distributed into 6-8 doses per day. Take for 2-3 weeks.
  • Grind horsetail and flat-leaved eryngium and mix in equal proportions. Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Drink the strained infusion half a glass 2-3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. After 3-4 weeks, the stones will pass painlessly in the form of sand.
  • Prepare a collection of 20g of tartar (herb) and blackcurrant (leaves), 25g of rowan (fruit) and the same amount of hop cones, add 15g of anise fruit. Brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink half a glass of the strained warm infusion 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 3-4 months, after a week's break, repeat treatment.
  • Mix, pre-chopped: birch leaves (4 parts), lingonberry leaves (3 parts), black currant leaves (2 parts), barberry root (2 parts), wheatgrass root (5 parts), petals of rose hips or cinnamon (2 parts) , horsetail (4 parts), St. John's wort (3 parts), cinnamon rose hip root (7 parts). Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6-7 hours. Take warm, strained infusion half a glass 4 times a day. The duration of the course is one and a half to two months, then a break of 8-10 days and re-treatment; in total you need to carry out three such cycles.

How does a person with a stone in the ureter feel?

— The stone moves, tearing the mucous membrane and small vessels. It's just eyes on the forehead. The pain from renal colic is considered the most severe. It’s not even pulpitis when the tooth suddenly hurts.

Hospital, operation.


A person basically cannot tolerate colic. There are quite a lot of nerve endings that become irritated and cause terrible pain. As a rule, it comes to nausea and vomiting, blood pressure drops, dizziness, and the person simply loses consciousness from painful shock.

These sensations are not easy to remove; you have to use several strong medications. Even with medications, some people do not relieve pain, so they go straight to the operating table. There are two options - either open surgery or endoscopic surgery, when the stones are crushed with a laser.

How often should you do an ultrasound?

- Once a year, be sure to get examined for everything. Because there are a lot of hidden diseases. According to statistics, the first complaints appear 5-10 years after the disease actually began to develop.

If you don't have any pain, it doesn't mean you're healthy. If you take all the tests for everything, then doctors will find at least 20-25 diseases in everyone.



Regardless of whether the body is prone to forming stones or not, an ultrasound of the kidneys should also be done once a year. It is better to prevent the disease.

What are the symptoms of urolithiasis

“A lot of people walk around with stones inside for years; they don’t cause a person any trouble until clinical manifestations begin.

Urolithiasis has symptoms: dry mouth (some experience tremendous thirst) and frequent urination in small portions, pain and burning.

If there is acute pain in the lumbar region, then it is not a fact that it is renal colic. It could be anything - from ovarian apoplexy to chondrosis and neuralgia. In any case, if the pain is unbearable, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, the doctors will sort it out.

Hospital, illness.


What to do to prevent the disease

- They practice taking herbal preparations - extracts, buds, shoots, roots, leaves. They are almost all the same composition, plus or minus one herb. Such drugs are prescribed to chronic patients.

They are taken for 10-30 days, then a break of two to three months, then again. And this is how it goes all my life. Urolesan, cystone, uronephron, urolitan - there are a lot of them. You can drink them, and if you are healthy, as a preventive measure, it definitely won’t make things worse.

But taking these drugs is not a guarantee that stones will not form. If there is a predisposition, then they will still be there.

Of course, to reduce the risk of illness, you should get enough sleep and eliminate all stressful situations and overwork. You need the right clean products without chemicals, it significantly disrupts metabolism. Vegetables from your own garden are ideal.

Stones. Pebbles.


Should I drink more water?

- You need a lot of fluid - 30 ml per kilogram of body weight per day. That is, if you weigh 100 kg, then you need to drink three liters. This means not only clean water, but also compotes, tea, soup - anything that contains liquid.

In general, you need to drink so much that your urine is always light yellow or clear, like water itself.

If it is dark or deep yellow, it means it is concentrated, and this is very bad. The more a person drinks, the more often they urinate and the better the kidneys work, so that all the salts can be released without the formation of stones.

Without enough fluid, urine circulates all the time and salts precipitate.

It is difficult, however, to talk about the quality of the water that is sold in stores: is there a well stated 300 meters long, or is it poured from the tap?



Herbal teas that destroy kidney stones

Many experts recommend using herbal remedies for kidney stones. Complementing one another, together they greatly increase the effectiveness of treatment. The most effective fees include:

In addition, the list of the best herbs for crushing and removing kidney stones includes knotweed, saxifrage and moraine.

We wish you good health and good mood! You can buy all the medicinal plants necessary for making medicinal mixtures in the PhytoContinent store. We have collected for our customers the best and most effective health recipes that will help you get rid of various ailments forever.

Buy half-palm (erva woolly) (leaves) on our website


Anatoly Mamaev, 53 years old, Klintsy

I am an elderly person and every year I try to undergo a general medical examination. And for the last time, doctors discovered sand in the kidneys, although there were no obvious symptoms yet, but I didn’t want to let everything take its course and then suffer from renal colic. My wife said, we will be treated with herbs and plus another three liters of water every day. My daughter ordered a special herbal mixture for me, and also rose hips for general strengthening, she took everything from this website “PhytoContinent”. Everything was delivered quickly, without any complaints, the herbs themselves in the packages were fresh, aromatic, the kind you won’t find in pharmacies. With so much fluid per day, I ran a little, of course, almost every ten minutes, but it’s a sin to complain, I’d rather run, but my kidneys will be healthy. And you know, at the next check everything was fine, no sand and especially no stones. Well, in general, according to the advice of doctors, you need to monitor how much water you drink a day, and try to move more so that even in old age you do not know about urolithiasis.


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