How to find out the gender of your unborn child using soda and urine: how reliable is this test?

The desire to quickly find out which gender heir to expect arises in the expectant mother almost from the first days after she learned about pregnancy. Some parents claim that they do not care whether the child is a boy or a girl, as long as the child is in good health. But the majority still show curiosity: it is much easier to prepare for a new addition to the family when you know what color to buy the baby’s “dowry” and what name you can choose. Is it possible to find out the sex of a child using soda in the urine of a pregnant woman?

Possible causes of the error

The reasons that can increase the urine pH level and at the same time give a false result are varied.
But even if the information about the supposed conception through the test was incorrect, there is reason to think about the state of health. For example, if the procedure was carried out due to a delay in menstruation, and a few days later they came, then the problem is different. A high urine pH level indicates certain disorders in the body, which a woman may not be aware of.

The folk method with soda sometimes indicates genitourinary infections, which are dangerous for pregnant women with the risk of placental pathologies and complications during childbirth.

Once again about ultrasound

Experts can distinguish the genitals from the 15th week of pregnancy. But errors in the accuracy of sex determination are common.

Loops of the umbilical cord or fetal fingers may be mistaken for the penis, and swelling of the labia may be confused with the scrotum. Sometimes the child turns away and squeezes his legs.

At 23-25 ​​weeks, the fetus is already quite mobile; an ultrasound doctor can determine its gender with some accuracy. But here, too, the examination result does not always coincide with the true state of affairs.

The gender of the child is determined at conception. A sperm containing an X or Y chromosome fertilizes the egg. It is these structures that determine who will be born - a boy or a girl.

In other cases, you can believe in folk signs, be sure to visit a doctor and wait for the birth of your beloved child - a boy or a girl.

Medical planning techniques

If we look at the biological facts on what the gender of a child depends, it will become clear: planning the gender is not at all easy. It is not enough to rely only on the speed and viability of sperm; in medical practice, complex and expensive methods of sex planning are used.

The first technique is based on sorting sperm with male Y chromosomes and female X chromosomes. The type of chromosome is determined by special analysis. Spermatozoa, depending on their “sex,” are colored with a solution and separated by a laser. The method is called flow cytometry and has been used in artificial insemination in agriculture since around the 90s. But this method provides only an 80% guarantee, and it is not yet known what consequences may “reveal” from laser exposure.

The second technique is IVF with preimplantation diagnosis. Before an embryo obtained “in vitro” is transplanted into a woman, several cells are separated from it and their detailed analysis is carried out - this way you can find out the sex. The use of this method is limited because not every doctor, without serious reasons, will “pluck” cells from a human embryo; In addition, this whole procedure is expensive, for some it is even prohibitively expensive. Especially when you consider that there are a number of simpler and more effective methods by which you can try to plan the sex of your unborn baby for free.


A homemade pregnancy test is completely safe and has no contraindications. To collect some morning urine, all you need to do is wash the jar thoroughly and rinse thoroughly with warm water, in neither case using any detergents.

Unfortunately, no test gives a 100% reliable result. If you have a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or a common cold, all of these can affect a chemical reaction that may affect your entire future. To make sure that pregnancy has really occurred, visit a gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound scan - and be healthy!

Does this definition provide a 100 percent guarantee?

Folk signs do not give a 100% guarantee, but young mothers say the opposite, that when they paid attention to their body, they were able to independently determine whether they would have a daughter or a son without ultrasound diagnostics. So, how to determine the sex of a child by signs in order to get a 100 percent result? Folk signs are based on ancient traditions and observations, which do not provide any guarantee; the only way to get a reliable result is ultrasound diagnostics

So, how to determine the sex of a child by signs in order to get a 100 percent result? Folk signs are based on ancient traditions and observations, which do not provide any guarantee; the only way to obtain a reliable result is ultrasound diagnostics.

With the help of folk signs and fortune-telling, a couple can pass their leisure time in an interesting way and at the same time, after a while, make sure whether they are true or not.

The essence of the method and instructions for conducting the test

This method is based on the interaction of fresh urine with sodium bicarbonate. It is believed that the characteristics of her urine depend on the gender of the child a woman is carrying. If the expectant mother is expecting the birth of a boy, the presence of male hormones increases the acidity of the biological fluid produced by the kidneys. If there is a girl in the mother's womb, then the mother's urine will have an alkaline environment.

Normal urine acidity ranges from 5 to 7 pH. With such indicators, its reaction with sodium bicarbonate is practically impossible. The release of gas bubbles and hissing occurs with increased acidity. The acids that make up urine react with alkali to form salts, water and carbon dioxide.

If the mixture of urine and soda begins to foam and hiss, it means that an heir will soon be born to the married couple. If there is no reaction between the components, you can expect a girl.

Determining the sex of the fetus using soda and urine requires strict adherence to a number of rules, if violated, the results of this test will be distorted. The procedure must be performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Immediately after waking up, you need to wash your genitals and pat them thoroughly with a towel. After this, you should collect the morning urine in a container. Having measured 100 g of liquid, you need to add 1 tsp to it. soda The mixture should be mixed thoroughly.

For this purpose, it is better to use disposable containers for collecting biological materials, which are sold at any pharmacy. They are sterile, so the risk of other impurities getting into the urine that could affect the test result is completely eliminated. In addition, such containers have graduations, which make it convenient to measure liquid. They are also equipped with a tight-fitting lid, which allows you to shake the urine without having to mix it with soda with any improvised object.

As noted earlier, if the bulk ingredient begins to foam and sizzle, a boy should be born. If there is no reaction, and the powder in the form of sediment sank to the bottom of the container, a girl will be born.

Folk signs of pregnancy

There are many signs of pregnancy. But all of them are only indirect and can indicate not only the completed conception, but also other changes in the woman’s body, and, unfortunately, not always harmless. Traditional methods for determining pregnancy will be more effective if these signs are combined with each other.

Most common symptoms:

Change in basal temperature. Many women use this method as a means of contraception. Let us clarify right away that this method is not effective for this. But to determine whether conception has already occurred, measuring basal temperature is very suitable. During the period of ovulation, the indicator is 37°C. A week before the onset of critical days, the basal temperature of a non-pregnant woman decreases. But if there is less than a week left before menstruation, and the thermometer stubbornly shows 37°C in the morning, the likelihood that conception has already occurred is very high. This is especially true in combination with other signs.

Breast engorgement and soreness. In itself, such a sign does not indicate that a woman will certainly soon become a mother. Many women notice the same changes before the onset of their periods. But if, in addition to this, the lower abdomen periodically hurts and the basal temperature remains high, then it is likely that conception has occurred.

Changes in taste preferences, nausea. And this is not a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. It may well be that it just indicates the appearance of pathology in the body

But in combination with the listed signs, it’s worth paying attention to.

Increased sense of smell. Changed scent preferences

A woman can suddenly be driven to nausea by those smells that just recently she really liked. Sudden mood swings, increased emotionality, frequent tears.

Increase in abdominal circumference. In fact, the fetus develops slowly, and by the end of the first month of fetal development the uterus will be approximately the same size as a chicken egg. But hormonal and physiological changes occur in the body of the expectant mother immediately after conception. This also applies to the digestive system. The intestinal walls swell slightly, its blood supply increases, peristalsis and gas formation decrease. Therefore, the stomach almost immediately increases in size. Visually, most likely, it is not noticeable. But a woman may notice that her favorite skirt or trousers have become too tight in the waistband.

Frequent urge to urinate. This is due to the relaxation of the bladder caused by the hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother.

You can determine pregnancy by the tightness of the cervix. Before the onset of menstruation, the cervix becomes loose. It opens slightly, preparing to release menstrual flow. Once pregnancy has occurred, the cervix thickens and closes, preventing infection from reaching the fetus.

Changes in a woman's sexual appetite. Moreover, they arise almost immediately after conception. Libido can either increase or decrease. And again, hormones are to blame for this. Increased fatigue and constant drowsiness.

Changes in appearance. If a woman suddenly becomes prettier for no reason, or her facial features, skin or hair inexplicably change, perhaps she will soon experience the joy of motherhood. Changes in the hormonal system can lead to a rash on the face, increased oiliness in the hair, excessive skin pigmentation, or, conversely, existing acne may go away.

Morning sickness (early toxicosis). Most often, this sign appears after the fifth week of pregnancy, when the woman already knows from the doctor that a baby will soon appear in her house.

Lack of menstruation. This is the most reliable first sign of pregnancy. But, again, not one hundred percent. Critical days that do not arrive on time do not always indicate conception has occurred. In some cases, the absence of menstruation indicates problems in the body.

Traditional methods for determining pregnancy often have no scientific basis and are not reliable.

Therefore, if it is very important to determine whether conception has occurred or not in the early stages, you should consult a doctor

Today, a simple and accurate way to determine pregnancy is a blood test for hCG, which can be taken as early as the seventh day after the expected conception. But folk signs are not harmful, sometimes they really help to establish the fact of conception, therefore, to this day, despite progress in the development of science and medicine, they are widely used among women.

What is the essence of the method?

Until recently, doctors could with a high degree of probability determine the sex of the child when performing a second ultrasound - it is usually performed at -22 weeks of pregnancy, and by this time the external genitalia of the fetus are fully formed and are clearly visualized using ultrasound.

Until recently, determining the sex of a child by blood was only the domain of alternative medicine specialists, who assessed the likelihood of having a girl or a boy based on the ratio of the parents’ group affiliation or based on the “results” of blood renewal.

However, today there is a developed, clinically tested and introduced into laboratory research practice, a method for determining the sex of a child by analyzing the mother’s blood.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to answer the question of how to determine the sex of a child by blood at the earliest stages, although this is quite an expensive pleasure.

Thanks to the analysis of the genetic composition of the mother’s blood, already at 6 weeks it is possible to determine who exactly will be born and to psychologically prepare for this.

In some cases, such a study should be carried out if there are genetic diseases in the family - of course, its effectiveness is somewhat lower (85-95%) than when studying the chorionic villi of the placenta, which with 100% probability determines the sex of the child, but the risks are not comparable.

When testing blood, it is necessary to collect a small amount of venous blood, which will not cause the expectant mother any particular discomfort, while with chorionic villus biopsy there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion.

That is why geneticists recommend, if possible, to first determine the sex of the child using a maternal blood test and only on the basis of this result make a decision about the need for further examination of the pregnant woman.

The essence of this method is that a woman’s body can only have X chromosomes, which are found in all cells of the body.

It has been proven that the fetal blood flow and the maternal circulatory system are connected into a single whole, and a small number of fetal (fetal) blood cells still penetrate through the placenta, which prevents their mixing.

This small amount can be determined by conducting an appropriate study, and the detection of the Y chromosome proves that the expectant mother is carrying a boy under her heart.

This test can be performed from the sixth week of pregnancy, but the results may be questionable, while reliable information is guaranteed by the ninth week.

Even those women who, for one reason or another, do not welcome an ultrasound examination can undergo this procedure and also find out the gender of their unborn child, like everyone else.

What affects the test result

When testing with soda, you should be prepared for false positive or false negative results. This is justified by possible disturbances in the acid-base balance in the body due to inflammatory diseases, gastrointestinal problems, disorders of the genitourinary system, medications taken and nutrition.

The reaction of soda and urine may vary depending on the time of collection of the test material. In the evening and during the day, acidity increases. Compliance with hygiene rules and the use of only sterile materials also affects.

A little chemistry

There are many substances in urine, but to determine pregnancy using soda, only its pH level is important, when in the case of pharmacy tests, a completely different indicator is used, namely a hormone called hCG, which appears in the secretions a week after fertilization of the egg. A pregnancy test with soda at home can be carried out the next day after conception, the acidity changes immediately. So the traditional method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it allows you to check literally immediately after the embryo appears, when pharmacy tests remain powerless. So much for folk chemistry!

Let's be chemists for a bit! But let's get back to pH values. The generally accepted norm may change temporarily for a variety of reasons. Let's talk about those that you cannot control by the regime

This is important because it is impossible to determine pregnancy using soda in such situations

Increase and decrease pH level

You already know about the pH norm of 4.5-8 units. However, the acidity of urine can be disturbed not only due to pregnancy or abuse of life’s pleasures. Familiarize yourself with a number of disorders in the body’s functioning when the pH can go off scale in one direction or another:

  • intoxication of the body (sometimes due to the monotony of the menu),
  • bowel irritation,
  • kidney problems (especially kidney failure),
  • etching,
  • urinary tract infections,
  • respiratory alkalosis,
  • all diagnoses accompanied by vomiting,
  • hypocortisolism,
  • tuberculosis,
  • diseases that occur with increased temperature,
  • diabetes,
  • hematuria,
  • infections of any kind,
  • anorexia,
  • bulimia

Also, the pH level may have deviations during the period of alkaline therapy, so be interested in the nature of the procedures that the doctor prescribes. In all of the above situations, the following can happen:

  1. Soda precipitates in the urine, but the test is negative - conception has not actually occurred.
  2. The soda in the urine hisses, but fertilization has occurred.

So be careful, if you suffer from these ailments, you may not be able to check your pregnancy with soda, at least until the illnesses are cured.

Testing technique

It is very easy to check pregnancy using baking soda. It is enough to read the instructions once to do everything correctly. To perform a pregnancy test, you only need soda and urine.

  1. Collect approximately 150-200 milliliters of morning urine in a container.
  2. Take a teaspoon of the product and pour it into the liquid.
  3. Observe the reaction.

It is very important to take the morning portion of urine. Also make sure that the container is sterile. It is best to buy special jars at the pharmacy

It is best to buy special jars at the pharmacy.

The soda fertility test is effective because it uses an alkali that begins to foam and become active after reacting with urine. Therefore, if the substance begins to bubble and hiss, this means that the acidity is normal and conception has not occurred. When white powder settles at the bottom of the glass, the urine is most likely low in acidity, and this often indicates that conception has occurred.

The main reason for the error is the pH value in the urine

Now you know how to quickly determine pregnancy. But the method has not received medical recognition, so do not rely on it completely.

Reasons for an erroneous result

Before you start doing a baking soda pregnancy test, you need to know that the composition of urine can change under the influence of many factors.

The pH level is one of the possible indicators of urine, so it can be acidic or alkaline. In a normal state, pH ranges from 4.5 to 8, and the urine itself is neutral or slightly acidic. However, due to certain reasons, the acidity level may change. The same goes for raising the ph level. In this case, the soda will contain more alkali.

It is because of this that pregnancy detection can lead to a false negative result. Also find out everything about a blood test for antibodies during pregnancy and a calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child.

Obtaining a negative result upon conception is possible due to the following reasons:

  • constant consumption of sour foods and citrus fruits;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • lack of potassium;
  • acidosis;
  • regular and vigorous physical training;
  • various kidney pathologies;
  • diabetes.

In addition, testing for conception using regular soda can give a false positive result. This occurs due to decreased acidity of urine as a result of:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • refusal to eat meat products;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • renal failure of various etiologies;
  • pathologies that cause blood in the urine.

Pros and cons of the method

Despite the fact that determining pregnancy using soda is a popular method, the opinions of girls are divided: some of them claim that classic test strips often show the wrong answer, so they prefer traditional methods; others claim that they are not even going to find out how to test for pregnancy with baking soda, since it is too unreliable a method.

The main advantages are low cost and accessibility

If you analyze all the reviews about the pregnancy test using soda, you can highlight the pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • cheap price: the method is cheaper than a pharmacy test;
  • accessibility: the necessary ingredient can be found in every housewife’s apartment.

There are also disadvantages that raise doubts among girls who want to use soda to find out about the onset of conception:

  • medicine does not confirm the effectiveness of the method;
  • often girls get the wrong answer.

Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that such testing should be considered as a playful method, and not a serious study. They urge you not to trust him and to use modern, proven tests purchased at a pharmacy. In some ways they are right, because medicine today has stepped far forward.

Unlike our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, we can use modern means. But, if you want to try traditional methods, why not? After all, even expensive tests can make mistakes and give a false result.

There are many reviews on the Internet about the procedure for determining pregnancy using soda. Some girls are in favor, while others express a neutral opinion.

About the author: Borovikova Olga

Folk signs for determining the sex of a child

The soda test is not the most suitable option for determining the gender of the unborn child. Rather, it is a way to find out the acidity of urine. Experienced people can accurately predict the birth of a boy or girl based on signs.

One of them is the shape of a pregnant woman’s belly and gait. When pregnant with a boy, the belly is pointed and protrudes forward. It is invisible from the back. The gait of the expectant mother does not change, her movements are light and graceful.

The girl gives her mother's belly a vague, slightly flattened shape. Pregnancy is noticeable from afar, even from the back. The gait resembles that of a duck, waddling.

The next sign is the certain taste preferences of the expectant mother. People claim that women who are pregnant with a boy prefer meat, salted and smoked foods. On the contrary, mothers who are expecting a little princess are fond of sweets and flour.

The appearance of a pregnant woman can tell a lot about the baby in the womb. Boys, as a rule, do not take away their mother's beauty. The face remains light, there is no swelling or pigment spots.

But girls tend to slightly reduce the external advantages of their expectant mother. But the attractiveness is not lost forever. After pregnancy, everything will return to normal, beauty will return.

Another sign that will help determine the gender of the unborn child. If the breasts increase in size from the first days of pregnancy, and the halos around the nipples remain light, you should expect a small man.

With a girl it's the opposite. The breasts enlarge closer to childbirth, the nipple circles noticeably darken.

Folk signs connect a woman’s emotional state with the gender of the expected baby. Boys, like future men, are in control. Mom is calm and balanced.

In weak and capricious girls, the mood often changes, tearfulness, irritability and resentment predominate.

A pregnant woman can intuitively guess who will be born. Often a woman is confident in the gender of her unborn child and turns out to be right.

Folk omens often come true, but they do not provide a 100% guarantee.

Chances of error

Now let's talk about the errors of the test; it was widely used when there were no other methods left, which cannot be said these days. Like many ancient medical methods, this one is not perfect and is subject to error, but its likelihood can be reduced to a minimum if we take into account the factors influencing the course of reactions. Here are the main reasons for inaccuracies:

  • alkaline therapy;
  • excessive consumption of fruits;
  • frequent consumption of acidic foods;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • malfunctions of the adrenal cortex;
  • diabetes;
  • vomit;
  • renal failure;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • overconsumption of cranberries;
  • an abundance of citrus fruits on the menu;
  • an abundance of vegetables in the diet;
  • abundance of protein foods on the menu;
  • some types of pathologies;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • lack of potassium;
  • fever;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • infectious processes in the urinary system;
  • starvation;
  • hematuria and diseases that lead to it;
  • vegetarianism;
  • large physical loads on the body;
  • acidosis.

These phenomena will interfere with the accurate result of the experiment, so they should be excluded if possible.

Causes of increased acidity of urine

The reaction shifts to the acidic side due to natural or pathological reasons. There is no need to worry or worry if:

  • the day before, foods that acidify urine were consumed - sweet, fatty, protein foods;
  • the amount of liquid you drink is too small;
  • the predominant diet is vegetarian;
  • there is physical fatigue.

With diet and adherence to a work-rest regime, you can successfully adjust the pH to the alkaline side.

A pregnant woman must include cabbage, carrots, beets, legumes, and cereal porridge in her diet. Do not get carried away with dairy and meat products. Citrus fruits, sweet apples and plums contribute to urine acidification. It is necessary to observe a drinking regime - at least 1.5-2 liters of clean still water per day.

Pathological factors that increase the acidity of urine are:

  1. liver and kidney diseases;
  2. decreased immunity;
  3. diabetes;
  4. burns, injuries;
  5. poisoning;
  6. use of certain medications and dietary supplements;
  7. stress.

These causes can be eliminated by treating the underlying diseases, eliminating or replacing acidifying drugs.

Important. A pregnant woman needs to register with an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can be observed in a public or private medical institution. They regularly conduct examinations, including urine tests. All recommendations, in case of deviations from the norm, will be given by the attending physician.

Is this test reliable?

The home method of diagnosing pregnancy has advantages:

  1. Availability of soda - every housewife has it in her kitchen.
  2. The product is cheap - a pack of soda costs much less than a pharmacy pregnancy test.
  3. The method is absolutely safe - even if the test is wrong, it will not harm your health.
  4. The method is simple - you can do it yourself within a few minutes.

The following points stand out from the shortcomings of the test:

  • inaccuracy associated with the characteristics of the female body;
  • scientific groundlessness - there is no explanation in science for the principles of operation of this method.

Often, expectant mothers test this method at home, already knowing about their situation. They are simply interested in how valid such a test is. And according to reviews from those who did the test, it only works in some cases.

The result directly depends on the woman’s health, the climate of the area in which she lives, and even on the food consumed the day before. The reaction from interaction with baking soda will depend on the state of the urine at the time of the procedure.

Possible causes of the error

The reasons that can increase the urine pH level and at the same time give a false result are varied. But even if the information about the supposed conception through the test was incorrect, there is reason to think about the state of health.

For example, if the procedure was carried out due to a delay in menstruation, and a few days later they came, then the problem is different. A high urine pH level indicates certain disorders in the body, which a woman may not be aware of.

The folk method with soda sometimes indicates genitourinary infections, which are dangerous for pregnant women with the risk of placental pathologies and complications during childbirth.

Increased acidity of urine

A false negative result (soda hisses and reacts with urine), the test can show in the following situations:

  • consumption of berries (especially cranberries) before testing;
  • natural juices and citrus fruits in the diet;
  • constant intense physical activity;
  • acidosis (a shift in the acid-base balance in the body towards an increase in acidity);
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Why does some of the urine precipitate during the test, and some foams and reacts? This question interests many women. Probably the reason is directly in the urine collection container or stale urine. This means that such a test definitely cannot be trusted.

Reduced acidity of urine

Checking for the fact of conception using soda can give a false positive result if the urine has low acidity. Moreover, during testing, soda very quickly settles to the bottom of the container with urine. What are the reasons for getting a false result? The following pathologies may affect this:

  • renal failure;
  • pathological processes in which bloody clots appear in the urine;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • indigestion;
  • vomit;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Determining pregnancy using soda: reviews

A test to determine the gender of a child developing in the womb using urine and baking soda is not trusted by all pregnant women. Those mothers who managed to determine the sex of their first-born using this method used it in subsequent times of pregnancy. But there are ladies who initially did not want to rely on such a test and did not even try to conduct it.

Comments from women who received a positive result of the study and gave birth to a child of the “correct” gender are, of course, good. They are very glad that they found this method and recommend it to all their girlfriends. But those mothers who approach the sex of the child from a scientific point of view recommend not wasting time and food on such “nonsense.”

Gender of the child based on urine and milk

Expectant mothers who do not want to pee in soda to determine the sex of the baby, but trust similar methods, are looking for other methods. Luckily, there is another good option. It is based on mixing urine and milk, which is why it is more often used by village residents.

To carry out the test, you will need to combine urine and milk in equal proportions, and then put the mixture on fire. If the milk boils normally, it means there will be a boy, and if it curdles, you can expect a new addition to the family in the form of a girl.

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