Diagnosis of male infertility, infertility in men, signs, how to check, how to find out, check

Infertility in women is not only a medical problem, but also a social one.

Female infertility is on the rise; In Russia, the number of married couples who cannot have children increases every year. Let's touch on the questions: what is the cause of infertility in women, how is infertility in women determined, and what examination is carried out for infertility in women. This minimum of information is necessary to correctly assess the situation, coordinate your actions and not waste the time allotted by nature for conceiving and bearing a child.

Infertility in women (according to Wikipedia) is the inability of a woman of reproductive age to reproduce.

What is the cause of infertility in women?

The main causes of infertility in women:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is the result of adhesions. In this case, they talk about female infertility of tubal origin;
  • adhesions in the pelvis, as a result of operations or an inflammatory process. Adhesions may be located between the tube and the ovary, which prevents the egg from entering the tube;
  • endocrine (hormonal) disorders, as a consequence of pathology of the ovaries and other endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands). With various hormonal disorders, hormonal infertility in women is diagnosed;
  • congenital and acquired pathology of the uterus: intrauterine septum, bicornuate uterus, scars on the uterus after operations, endometritis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, polyposis;
  • endometriosis as one of the causes of infertility in women. Foci of endometriosis form adhesions that cause tuboperitoneal infertility.

There are other reasons for female infertility - this is a chromosomal pathology that leads a woman to sterility. What else causes infertility in women? In 5-8% of cases, the presence of an immunological factor (antisperm antibodies) causes immunological infertility in women. The reasons for psychological infertility in women are a woman’s reluctance to have a child due to fear of pregnancy and childbirth, reluctance to have a child from a given man, etc.

Which doctors treat infertility?

The field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of infertility is called reproductive medicine. Treatment of men is carried out by andrologists, women – by gynecologists. Also involved in the treatment process are:

  • embryologists – determine the fertilization method
  • endocrinologists – study hormonal levels;
  • hematologists – study blood counts;
  • immunologists - I find out immune factors;
  • ultrasound diagnostic doctors;
  • geneticists - perform early diagnosis of chromosomal disorders.

One of the key factors for successful treatment will always be the qualifications of the attending physician. A true professional does not stop his education throughout his entire work experience, follows new techniques, and strives to use new technologies. Pregnancy and the birth of a child is a responsible step, so you should not skimp on the services of competent doctors. The specialists of JSC “Medicine” have dedicated themselves to the fight against infertility and have already helped many families find family happiness.

Types of infertility in women

There is absolute infertility in women, which is associated with irreversible pathological conditions, which means that a woman will never be able to become a mother. For example, a woman may not have ovaries, fallopian tubes, or a uterus. Relative female infertility is temporary, treatable, and if the cause is eliminated, a woman can give birth to a child.

There are also degrees of infertility: 1st degree infertility in women (or primary infertility in women) and 2nd degree infertility in women (or secondary infertility in women). Primary infertility in women is said to occur if a woman has not had a pregnancy at all. Secondary infertility in women is a condition when there are currently problems with conception, but there was a pregnancy before.

Secondary infertility in women occurs in 40% of cases. The most common causes of secondary infertility in women are abortions, adhesions and gynecological diseases. Therefore, secondary infertility in women is considered as a complication of gynecological diseases and surgical interventions. Secondary infertility in women is often associated with tubal or peritoneal factors.

What to do if signs of infertility appear?

If you understand that the threat of infertility is looming over your family, you need to make sure as soon as possible how correct your assumptions are. Sign up for an initial consultation at the IVF Center clinic. Our doctors will help you find out whether you have hereditary infertility, whether your body is susceptible to any disease or cannot perform its natural function due to a violation of the structure of the organs.

The IVF Center will identify the cause of the problem and, in the shortest possible time, find relevant options for solving it, giving you the opportunity to create a full-fledged family.

Female infertility: symptoms

Symptoms of infertility in girls attract attention during puberty: congenital pathology of the genital organs, late onset of menstruation, a long menstrual cycle, scanty and irregular periods. Symptoms of infertility in girls can be suspected by the lag in physical (low weight) and sexual development.

The first signs of infertility in women are menstrual irregularities. These are scanty or heavy, irregular and excessively painful periods.

Signs of infertility in women include the appearance of acne and oily skin - this indicates an excess of male hormones. Signs of female infertility appear in changes in the hairline. Excessive hair growth on the chin and chest may indicate an excess of male sex hormones. Insufficient pubic and armpit hair growth will occur as estrogen levels decrease. Signs of female infertility include milk production in non-breastfeeding women. Increased levels of the hormone prolactin suppresses ovulation, resulting in infertility.

Since infertility in women is caused by various pathological conditions, certain symptoms will dominate the clinical picture. Thus, polycystic ovary syndrome is the absence of menstruation and ovulation, obesity, hypertrichosis. With endometriosis, a woman complains of painful periods. Symptoms of the underlying disease, which causes infertility in women, facilitate differential diagnosis and establishment of a final diagnosis.

Genetic testing

Karyotyping is used to detect abnormalities in the structure and number of chromosomes, which can cause infertility.

Genetic studies are necessary:

  • If infertility is of unknown origin.
  • Women over 35 years old.
  • If blood relatives have had stillbirths or the birth of children with developmental defects.

According to WHO experts, 5% of the world's population is infertile for anatomical, endocrine, genetic, and immunological reasons.

How to determine infertility in women. Diagnosis of infertility in women

Diagnosis of female infertility begins with a survey and collection of information about the woman’s gynecological health. To diagnose female infertility, the nature of menstrual function is important: the time of arrival of the first menstruation, the regularity, duration and pain of menstruation, the presence of discharge from the mammary glands. In diagnosing female infertility, the presence and number of pregnancies, if any, and how they proceeded are important. The history of infectious and gynecological diseases in the woman and the hereditary factor in the mother are determined.

How to check for infertility in women? The most common functional tests for infertility in women are:

  • analysis of basal temperature, which allows you to assess ovarian function and the presence of ovulation;
  • determination of the cervical index, which reflects the saturation of the body with estrogen;
  • postcoital test to study the activity of sperm in the contents of the cervix, as well as to determine antisperm bodies.

Testing for infertility in women necessarily involves examining the levels of hormones in the blood and urine. When checking for infertility in women, the following hormonal studies are informative: DHEA-S and 17-ketosteroids in the urine, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, follicle-stimulating progesterone, luteinizing hormones, estradiol in the blood plasma. In case of infertility, screening for sexually transmitted infections is of particular importance.

In case of adhesive obstruction of the tubes, hysterosalpingoscopy is indicated. The complex of diagnostic measures also includes colposcopy.

To clarify the condition of the endometrium, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and hysteroscopy are prescribed. Hysteroscopic examination is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor examines the inner surface of the uterus and collects tissue for histological analysis. Laparoscopy is an examination of the organs and pelvic cavity through a micro-incision. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for infertility are performed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Cost of initial appointment and examinations

You need to understand that the total price of the initial appointment and examinations is formed as the diagnosis progresses. For some patients, a few tests are enough to determine the cause of the disease, while others may need additional examinations. Sometimes diagnosis takes a fairly long period, but the result - pregnancy - is worth the effort and money. You can get an approximate picture of the cost by reading the table of prices for services. But the best decision would be to make an appointment at JSC “Medicine” (academician Roitberg’s clinic), where, during a conversation with qualified doctors, the most accurate total cost will be determined.

Treatment of female infertility

The decision on the treatment of female infertility is made after assessing the results of examinations and establishing the causes of infertility.

In cases of endocrine infertility in women, correction of hormonal disorders is carried out, so the basis of drug treatment is hormonal therapy. Hormonal treatment is selected for the woman, and the treatment process is monitored by the dynamics of hormone levels in the blood. For tubo-peritoneal infertility, treatment is aimed at restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes. The operation is performed using laparoscopy.

In case of endometriosis, pathological foci are removed using laparoscopic coagulation. The result of laparoscopy is confirmed by a course of drug correction of hormonal levels. Immunological infertility in women is overcome by artificial insemination with the husband's sperm, bypassing the immune barrier of the cervical canal.

What to do if the answer to your question is “infertility”

Having realized that reproductive dysfunction has been diagnosed, many couples are in a panic. You should know that modern medicine has a sufficient number of relevant methods that can save a patient from the disease. There are many questions that arise like: is it worth using Kagocel? Infertility after curettage: does it occur in all cases, and other aspects of interest to patients are discussed during consultations at the IVF Center.

If you know your diagnosis and are ready to undergo treatment for the sake of adding to your family, you should use every possible chance. Sign up for an initial consultation at our clinic and receive recommendations and referrals for examination from competent reproductive specialists.

List of analyzes and average prices

Summary table of prices for tests prescribed for the diagnosis of female infertility, Moscow

Name of analyzes Prices in rub.
Hormone tests
FSH – follicle stimulating hormone 410
LH – luteinizing hormone 500
Prolactin 540
Estradiol 570
Testosterone 580
Progesterone 520
Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH520
Total thyroxine T4500
Triiodothyronine T3500
Tests for infections
Blood test for HIV 280
For syphilis 140
For hepatitis 290
PCR analysis for 12 infections 1820
Vaginal flora smear 350
Postcoital test 2500
Cytogenetic (karyotype) test 7500
Analysis for AMH-anti-Mullerian hormone 2000
MAR test for antisperm antibodies 880
Instrumental methods
Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages 3 000
Ultrasound of the mammary glands 3 000
Diagnostic laparoscopy 9 000
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) 2 200
Ultrasound – assessment of fallopian tube patency 4300
Hysteroscopy 30 000
Colposcopy 1 500
Mammography 2000

Information about the cost of tests for diagnosing female infertility was obtained from open sources - from the Internet sites of private clinics in Moscow that provide these types of services.

Immune tests

To identify antisperm bodies that interfere with conception, the MAP test and PCT (postcoital test) are used, which shows how the mucus inside the cervix affects sperm activity 2 hours after intercourse. Normally, active live sperm are found in the mucus.

If there are only a few sperm or no sperm at all, there is a high probability of immune incompatibility between the partners, which explains the infertility of the couple.

Antisperm antibodies are produced in a woman's body when her immune system perceives sperm as a foreign agent.

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