The taste of a man's penis and sperm. How to make candy out of it?

When having sex in general and specifically during oral sex, there are many factors that influence whether both partners will like it or whether the impression will be negative. For a blowjob, the taste of the penis and the smell of sperm are very important, because if a girl is disgusted by it, then this will not just be the last time. Most likely it will all end before it even begins.

What does a dick taste like according to girls?

  • It's like a banana wrapped in a piece of ham.
  • My boyfriend's dick has no taste. It's just soft and sometimes smells a little bit like sweat.
  • Salty, a little like soda.
  • It's like I'm eating blue cheese. Very old blue cheese.
  • Like candy. Lemon lollipop.
  • A clean penis will never have any taste. Tested many times.
  • There is a slight scent of cleanliness, diluted with a hint of musk. This smell has an intoxicating effect on me. Similar to the feeling when, after making love, you lie on his chest, smell his neck and kiss him.
  • The skin there is very delicate, everything is so responsive, pleasant, sweet.
  • It's meaty. Literally, it's like eating meat.
  • Oh, it's just the perfect balance of salty and sweet. It smells like a mixture of sweat and expensive men's cologne. Men often smell like this after a hard day at work or after a long hike.
  • Here is my favorite, the taste of peppermint and cinnamon, well, these are the associations I have! There are also Finnish candies with licorice, they have a similar taste
  • It smells one hundred percent like coffee.
  • It tastes like leather and meat.
  • I can't say what the taste is, but I can describe the feeling. It's like I've eaten Mexican chili candies that sting my upper lip. But you always want more. And when it gets sweet, it’s impossible to stop. This taste cannot be compared with anything else.
  • It's like kissing passionately with the sexiest fish in the world.
  • And sometimes with sourness... Like the taste of baked apples.
  • It's not always the same. Sometimes it tastes a little bitter. It can be a little salty or a little sweet. Occasionally smells like semen or seafood. Most often - with a freshly washed body.

  • The taste... well, honestly? Like beef tongue.
  • Like freshly washed laundry.
  • To me, dick tastes like beer.
  • Looks like bleach to me
  • It's like soda. For example, Coca-Cola.
  • It tastes disgusting! At least that's what happened to me with one guy. His dick tasted like rotten fish and cat droppings mixed together. At first I decided that this could be fixed if he took a shower. We took a bath with lots of soap and bubbles, but it didn't help. I think it depends on your lifestyle. Taste is affected by food, drinks, exercise, and personal hygiene. Men, please take care of yourself and don’t torture girls! Wash often and eat healthy food!
  • The only discharge from the surface of the penis does not have a pronounced taste, it is slightly bitter, but to the same extent as sweat.
  • If you've ever tried starch, you'll know what I mean.
  • If a guy sweats, the taste reminds me of cheese with mushrooms. This is not to say that it is very unpleasant, just a slight aftertaste.
  • The dick tastes like leather, that is, like licking a finger

  • In my case, the dick tastes like bleach. Disgusting.
  • Mine is chocolate-profiterole, and in the morning pistachio-nutmeg.
  • The taste of his head reminds me of cereal with milk. And I'm not talking about sperm, but about the taste of a penis.
  • The taste of ripe plums with notes of red pepper and dust.

Pheromones in our lives

The role of smells in relations between the sexes is difficult to overestimate. In nature, there are subtle aromas that we begin to recognize only after reaching puberty. Their source is special substances - pheromones

secreted by our body. Translated from Greek, “pheromones” mean “carrying excitement.” Pheromones, these biologically active substances, act in extremely low concentrations as transmitters of certain biological information and cause sexual responses. Pheromones are produced by endocrine glands located in the anus, genitourinary organs, mammary glands, legs, mouth, armpits and generally on the skin.

Pheromones are powerful attractants - attractive substances. Some men specifically ask their sexual partners not to wash or change their underwear for several days, so as not to weaken the odors that excite desire. In turn, the smell of male axillary sweat helps some women restore their disrupted menstrual cycle. A disorder of smell is often accompanied by a weakening of sexual activity. American scientists have discovered that there is a close relationship between sexual behavior and the ability to perceive odors. It turns out that people with a developed sense of smell very rarely complain of sexual and psychological deviations.

What affects the taste of a penis2

Psychologically, a person is designed in such a way that he simply does not know how to feel taste in its “naked” form. Taste impressions of anything also depend on what exactly a person expects, what taste he imagines, how what he puts in his mouth looks like. No less important are the texture of the object, smell, appearance, shape and even color. The human brain reads all this in a matter of seconds, drawing a certain sketch that determines taste sensations.

For example, if we talk about dishes, then a person perceives the same food differently, depending on how it looks. It’s unlikely that kebab will taste tasty if you make a puree out of it by grinding it in a blender. Restaurants also consider presentation an important element, recognizing that appearance affects taste.

The smell affects the taste no less. Even if you inhale through your mouth, you can experience some taste sensations. There are many fruits in nature that are very tasty, but people refuse to try them because of their unpleasant smell or appearance.

All this applies not only to food, but also to other items, including the taste of the penis. Its texture, appearance and smell determine its flavor profile.

If a person were able to abstract one hundred percent from the parameters described above, then the taste of a penis would consist of two parameters. What the skin secretes on the cavity of the penis itself and directly tastes the sperm.

In addition to the fact that the skin has its own microflora, one of its main functions is participation in water-salt metabolism. It's easier to say that the skin constantly releases moisture. Naturally, how a man eats and what lifestyle he leads directly affects the taste of the discharge. And sensitive microflora enhances it. This is due to the fact that the groin area has little air circulation. It can be compared to the armpit area. Due to low air access, microflora bacteria multiply much faster, releasing their specific aroma.

The sperm itself affects the taste no less. And it's not just about the ejaculation itself. During arousal, the penis secretes Cooper's fluid. This is pre-ejaculate or pre-semen, which is a clear, colorless, viscous liquid. Its function is to prepare the vagina for the entry of semen and make the microflora more favorable.

Both that liquid and the sperm have their own taste. Which is largely influenced by what a man eats and drinks, as well as his lifestyle.

Don't forget about lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, drugs and a sedentary lifestyle all affect the taste of the penis. It is also affected by the use of medications and simple stress.

Taken together, all these factors are the taste of the penis. Some of them, most of them, can be influenced.

If the girl still refuses, we’ll tell you how to persuade a girl to give a blowjob in the article at the link.

He is sick or genetically unsuitable

It has happened to many people that they almost have a gag reflex when they catch the smell of another person’s sweat. Scientists from the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf provide evidence that this reaction is natural in humans. An unpleasant aroma of sweat occurs only in a sick person - the more severe the disease, the more disgusting the smell of his body seems. Pathogenic fungi and bacilli, cancer cells that are in the stage of growth, suppuration and inflammation, even those located deep in the body, have an aroma that drowns out the secretions of sex hormones. Both men and women instinctively try to stay away from such an individual. But what if a man is not sick, but a woman still doesn’t like the smell of his sweat? Scientists from the University of Rhode Island believe that this is a very valuable biological reaction that people inherited from nature and has not yet been lost in the course of evolution. Most living beings and some people also have the olfactory ability to perceive information about the genes of their possible partner. If you like the smell of a person of the opposite sex, it will most likely result in potentially healthy children. But if not, then it may be that such a couple has a genetic mismatch, as a result of which offspring may be born with at least reduced immunity, and at most with Down syndrome or other chromosomal diseases.

How to change the taste of a penis?3

First of all, hygiene is important. It is necessary to take a shower every day, and simply rinsing off is not enough. Also related to the issue of hygiene is the amount of hair in the groin area. Many people like to shave everything completely, some think that this is unmanly. However, it is quite possible to restore order while preserving the desired vegetation.

To do this, you can purchase a special trimmer or use a razor once a month. A large amount of hair in the penis area will not have a positive effect on its taste. This also includes underwear. Tight, uncomfortable, restricting movement panties will cause everything to sweat, and the smell and taste will become appropriate.

Since the taste is affected by sperm and skin secretions, you should take care of your diet. The following elements influence the taste parameters of the male genital organ:

  • Amino acids and protein. A large amount of protein makes the taste bitter, so, for the sake of experiment, you can give up protein foods for one day.
  • Fructose. Various fruits and vegetables containing fructose will add a sweet taste.
  • Vitamins. If a man watches his health and takes a lot of vitamins, it should be noted that B vitamins will add a bitter taste, and C vitamins will add a slight sourness.
  • Hormones. If a man has a hormonal imbalance, this will directly affect the taste of the penis, since the testicles are also involved in the production of male hormones.
  • Enzymes. They are also involved in the production and liquefaction of seminal fluid, affecting taste.

To change the taste of the penis, you should give up many of the usual foods that are consumed daily by any person. For example, it is necessary to exclude foods such as onions, garlic and any spices. Avoiding spicy, smoked and salty foods will get rid of the taste of rotten fish. You can get rid of bitterness by giving up black tea and coffee, due to the abundance of caffeine in them.

Fried and fatty meat and fish dishes, smoked foods and pickled foods also cause a bitter taste. If the male penis tastes like a spoiled product, then it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fermented milk products.

All this does not mean that now you can only eat carrots and cabbage and wash them down with water. Different foods have different effects on a man's body. All that remains is to refuse each product in turn, identifying the pest through experiments. In addition, it takes only 8-10 hours for the complete intake of all microelements of the product into the man’s body. This suggests that giving up the product does not have to be on a regular basis.

To improve the taste, you can use the following tips:

  • Drink as much water as possible throughout the day
  • Instead of coffee and black tea, drink green or white tea
  • Seafood has a positive effect, as do sweet and sour yellow fruits
  • Exotic fruits will be beneficial: mango, pineapple, kiwi, papaya
  • Conventional spices should be replaced with cardamom, cinnamon and herbs.
  • An excellent flavoring would be orange juice or a glass of dry white wine.

There is even a recipe for a special cocktail aimed at improving the taste of sperm and penis:

In a blender, mix one glass of pineapples, one frozen banana, one glass of apple juice, half a teaspoon each of ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg, vanilla and two tablespoons of honey until smooth. All this should be drunk 2-3 hours before oral sex.

You can also choose one of the tea recipes that will affect the taste of the penis:

  1. Ginger tea with lemon and honey. Let the ingredients sit for 3 hours and add boiling water.
  2. Brew loose leaf green tea in a teapot, add a pinch of cinnamon and cloves. After it cools down, add honey.
  3. Infuse a decoction of dry mint and chamomile for a couple of hours and add lemon and honey directly to the cup.
  4. Add a little low-fat cream, vanillin and honey to the brewed tea.
  5. Cut the apple into small slices into hibiscus leaves pre-filled with boiling water. After cooling, add honey. Tea is ready!

How else can you change the taste?4

If all of the above does not help, you can resort to medication or try to mask the unpleasant taste yourself. Pharmaceuticals have long invented drugs that can affect the taste of seminal fluid and penis. The complex of such dietary supplements includes Chinese cordyceps, eurycoma longifolia root and forget-me-not flowering smilax. In addition, they increase libido, have a positive effect on testosterone production and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

There are also vitamin complexes, which include a dozen vitamins, plant extracts and minerals. But all these drugs should be used only in case of urgent need and under the strict supervision of a doctor. To improve the taste of the penis and allow the girl to enjoy oral sex, you can use some tricks. For example, before a blowjob, you can offer her a menthol candy. You can resort to some other products from the refrigerator, under the pretext of diversifying your sex life. Melted but cooled chocolate or whipped cream will do a great job with this. Alternatively, use condensed milk or honey.

Pharmaceuticals have long invented drugs that can affect the taste of seminal fluid and penis. The complex of such dietary supplements includes Chinese cordyceps, eurycoma longifolia root and forget-me-not flowering smilax. In addition, they increase libido, have a positive effect on testosterone production and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. There are also vitamin complexes, which include a dozen vitamins, plant extracts and minerals. But all these drugs should be used only in case of urgent need and under the strict supervision of a doctor. To improve the taste of the penis and allow the girl to enjoy oral sex, you can use some tricks. For example, before a blowjob, you can offer her a menthol candy. You can resort to some other products from the refrigerator, under the pretext of diversifying your sex life. Melted but cooled chocolate or whipped cream will do a great job with this. Alternatively, use condensed milk or honey.

The main thing is to remember that the taste of a penis is a kind of indicator of health. If the taste and smell of the genital organ are sharply unpleasant, and none of the methods described above help solve this problem, then this is the first bell to see a doctor. Perhaps the problem is in the body itself; it needs examination and prescribed treatment. In some cases, the problems may turn out to be too serious, so do not hesitate with this issue.

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

The taste of a man's penis and sperm is familiar to every girl who has at least once given a blowjob. Women's opinions on this matter differ. Some people enjoy the process, others feel only disgust. It all depends on morale. If a girl is in front of a person for whom she has strong feelings, she will not be disgusted by performing oral sex - she will enjoy it together with the man. If the blowjob is done “for show” and through force, the woman will simply endure it until the guy finishes. That is why any practices and techniques in sex should be exclusively by mutual consent.

Message from the Editor

At the very end, we invite you to learn a little more about love from a scientific perspective. It has been scientifically proven that when looking at our significant other, our pupils can dilate up to 4 times! Most likely, this effect is caused by a super-powerful release of adrenaline into the blood. In addition, hugs, intimacy and other manifestations of feelings stimulate the production of a certain hormone, which is one of the most powerful natural painkillers. And finally, scientists have recently discovered a disease that literally prevents the feeling of falling in love by blocking the production of a number of hormones. Fortunately, such a disease can be successfully cured with the help of special medical technologies.

How to use aphrodisiac essential oils

So, aphrodisiacs

– aromas that cause increased erotic experiences and sexual desire. Essentially, perfumes or aromatic oils are aphrodisiacs. They are applied to the wrists, neck, temples and behind the ears. You can use aphrodisiac essential oils to create a relaxing massage. To diffuse the aroma of aphrodisiacs, many people prefer to use an aroma lamp. Once in the nose, molecules of aromatic substances interact with olfactory receptors, thereby provoking a nerve impulse, which is greatly amplified by impulses from neighboring receptors. The total impulse travels along the olfactory nerve to the central nervous system, where it is analyzed by the memory center. It is at this moment that we have an emotional reaction, caused by our own associations with a particular smell. Then, with the help of nerve impulses, other parts of the brain are involved, responsible for different behaviors and controlling different organs. Therefore, one smell plunges us into nostalgia, awakens memories, while another gives us a feeling of joy, flight, and excitement.

It has been established that aphrodisiac essential oils can influence the pituitary gland, causing the formation of endorphins

. It is endorphins that intensify sexual desire and cause euphoria. The effect of natural aphrodisiacs is not limited to just an exciting effect, they very finely regulate the nervous and endocrine systems, activate blood circulation, replenish vital energy and are effective against frigidity and impotence. Properly selected aromas reduce psycho-emotional stress, relieve discomfort and uncertainty, and awaken sexual desire.

Substances that have these amazing properties can be of both plant and animal origin. The most powerful substances have an effect of animal origin - civet, musk and amber.

, of which Casanova is said to have been a great admirer. For many women, a man in a cloud of musky aroma is simply irresistible, regardless of his personal qualities.

Effects of ylang-ylang oil

Among herbal aphrodisiacs, ylang-ylang oil

- an exotic flower from the Philippine Islands. The aroma of its oil helps to charm a lover and ignite the fire of love passion. It has a pronounced erotic effect and is particularly attractive to the stronger sex. It is, for example, part of the legendary Chanel No. 5. It is no coincidence that these were the perfumes of the sexiest woman of the twentieth century - Marilyn Monroe. Once, when asked by journalists “What do you wear at night?” she replied, “A few drops of Chanel No. 5.” The aroma of ylang-ylang makes your head spin with happiness, creates a slight euphoria and liberates sensuality.

Sensuality-enhancing patchouli scent

Another herbal aphrodisiac, patchouli oil

, is extracted from the dried leaves of a thorny shrub native to India, tropical Asia and South America.
This scent is unique: a heady, warm, resinous-tart aroma that combines camphor and woody tones. Patchouli
enhances the sensitivity of erogenous zones and gives confidence in one's sexual attractiveness. In addition, patchouli activates creative activity, develops artistry and sophistication of communication, promotes the creation of beautiful associative symbols, relieves the subconscious, and increases the productivity of perception and response. Patchouli oil calms, soothes and at the same time tones the body, accelerating the process of tissue renewal. European perfumers have used it in their compositions for many centuries.

Almost all sweet smells can be classified as aphrodisiacs: lilac, vanilla, mango, strawberry, cinnamon, chocolate.

Tart and bitter citrus smells are neutral, which is why they are called “correct” and are most often preferred by business people. Some floral scents - such as iris, violet, jasmine - have a particularly sensual note that causes increased sexual desire. It is believed that the iris opens the souls of people towards love. It is also called the king of scents, the most perfect aroma of nature. The deep, excitingly warm aroma of rose reveals the secret of sensual perfection.

The scent of sandalwood is a fusion of hot sensuality with unlimited power. And yet man does not give up attempts to synthesize natural aphrodisiacs-pheromones. The first human sex pheromone was isolated about 20 years ago. Currently, aphrodisiac pheromones such as androstenol


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