Penis lengthening at Frau Klinik

The first stage of penis lengthening

The first stage of lengthening the penis photo is a ligamentotomy operation. Penile lengthening or ligamentotomy is an operation with technical features. Operation ligamentotomy

To enlarge the penis, it is performed under general anesthesia.
The essence of the operation is to cut the suspensory ligament of the penis to a certain level. Due to the operation of ligamentotomy, the penis is immediately lengthened by 2-3 cm, due to the release of the hidden part of the penis. But the elongation of the penis
is not immediately visually visible, because for this it needs to be stretched. The suture after penile lengthening surgery is practically invisible because it runs along the midline of the scrotum. The postoperative period after ligamentotomy takes 7-10 days.

Penis enlargement surgery

Men's genitals can be of different sizes. Most men are quite happy with the size of their penis. However, there are those who believe that their dignity is too little. About eighty percent of men have an inferiority complex about this. This is because they simply do not know what size the penis should be.

There are several parameters by which its size is measured: at the moment of erection, maximum stretching and in a state of relaxation. The penis should be measured exclusively at room temperature, immediately after the man undresses. This way, the factor of spontaneous tissue contraction, as a reaction to cold, will be eliminated as much as possible. You need to measure it along the back, along the line from the pubis to the very edge of the head. With all this, it is necessary that the angle between the abdominal anterior wall and the penis is exactly ninety degrees (a right angle).

The measurement results also depend on the general state of health, the age of the person, the presence of diseases of the genital organ, pathological changes, as well as the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty suprapubic layer. In all of the above cases, the penis is shortened both truly and functionally. If, in an erect or stretched state, the length of the penis is no more than 9.5-11 centimeters, then he does not have a micropenis, but a small penis. In addition, a length of 9.5 centimeters is considered as the lower limit of the average size of the organ.

Having studied the generalized literature data, we can come to the conclusion that if a man in adulthood has a penis length of 11 cm or more (at the time of erection), then its size is average. If the penis is less than 9.5 cm in length, then it is called “small penis.” As for the term “micropenis,” it is used to refer to penises that, when stretched, are no more than two centimeters. Many authors of such literature give examples of certain abilities of the genital organs in men belonging to different races. For example, the penis of black people at rest is usually a centimeter larger, and during an erection it can be compared with the size of the genitals of Europeans and white men. Other authors note that, on average, the length and size of the erect penis in black men is almost three centimeters larger than in white men.

Men living in Asia have the smallest penises. Their sizes do not exceed twelve centimeters during an erection. This is especially taken into account by manufacturers of penile prostheses and condoms.

Social aspects of a small penis

Nowadays, medicine is different in that it improves a person’s quality of life. It goes without saying that sexual function is an integral part of a full life. This function directly depends not only on how the penis looks, but also on the quality of the erection. Johnson V. and Masters WH (1966) wrote that in many cultures the size of the penis, which is in a state of rest and erection, was considered a reflection of a man's sexual prowess. People from earlier cultures were not shy and openly expressed their admiration for a large penis.

In the last years of the 20th millennium, a very open public attitude towards the problems of men's health, family, and sexual problems contributed to the popularization of the idea of ​​enlarging the male penis (including using surgical intervention). This process took place with the help of paramedical sexually oriented advertising media. Today, not only in specialized clinics, but also in popular literature (newspapers, magazines, etc.), information is increasingly “slipping through” about where and how you can enlarge your penis in a variety of ways (including surgery) for a fee. Recently, a large number of popular and medical sites on the Internet have been created, where a huge number of articles and even entire sections are devoted to surgical interventions on the penis. The commercial interest of doctors working in the field of genital and plastic surgery also fuels excessive excitement about this topic.

Men who simply dream of changing their penis are the most ordinary people (businessmen, office workers, workers, and the like). In almost all of them, the genital organ is not damaged either anatomically or functionally. But for some men, such a problem as dissatisfaction with the size or appearance of their own genital organ can provoke the appearance of an inferiority complex, self-doubt and even depression. After all, if a person has already convinced himself that his dignity is too small, then no doctor will be able to dissuade him of this. A person feels so inferior and his self-esteem is so low that sometimes he may need the help of a psychotherapist. However, such treatment does not always help achieve the desired result. Therefore, a man has to contact a surgeon.

Penis enlargement is similar to female breast enlargement. Mahrt I. and Schlebush L. in 1993 provided evidence that women's self-esteem increases significantly after this operation. They get rid of feelings of inferiority, self-doubt, complexes and even depression. So if women are able to do this for aesthetic reasons, subject themselves to surgery and liposuction in order to increase their level of self-importance in society and more often see admiring glances, why can’t men decide to undergo surgery and make their manhood the size they want?

Moreover, it is known that approximately seventy percent of women, when participating in an anonymous survey, responded that among equally attractive mature men, they would prefer the one with a larger penis than others.

How to enlarge the penis

If the patient is faced with the question: “How to enlarge the penis?”, the urologist-andrologist will suggest safe means. For this purpose, a weight has long been used that was hung directly on the organ itself. Such methods have been used in many cultures. In travelers' notes and descriptions one can find observations of the ritual process of stretching the penis. It was carried out through periodic or constant hanging of various types of weights on the organ. This has been done since adolescence. Sometimes such training lasted a lifetime, but the result was impressive - the size of the genital organ greatly increased.

All methods that are used for this purpose are conventionally divided into several groups: traction, vacuum and surgical. The first two are non-surgical and involve prolonged stretching of the tissues of the male organ.

  • External stretching devices

This is the name given to various extenders for the constant process of stretching the penis in length. Within just four (maximum six) months of such daily regular training, it becomes possible to stretch the manhood by one and a half or even three centimeters in length without any surgery. But it is best to resort to using these devices after surgical lengthening of the organ. It is in this case that the result will be simply amazing.

  • Vacuum devices (VD)

They include components such as a cylinder with a single open end into which a vacuum pump is inserted, and the penis itself. The principle of vacuum devices is similar to the principle of a pressure gradient - the pump completely takes air from the cylinder, creates a vacuum in it, due to which blood from the whole body rushes to the problem area. This is why the penis enlarges.

  • Penis enlargement surgery

This method, although radical, is extremely effective. The possibilities of such lengthening lie in the fact that the cavernous bodies located inside the penis are specially fixed with the help of a suspensory ligament to the pubic symphysis. This ligament is the main object of intervention for the surgeon. It is a kind of triangular sail consisting of fibrous tissue, which is connected to the deep fascia of Beech. This ligament extends from the top of the transitional junction between the bones of the skeleton (symphysis) and the white part of the human abdomen along the midline and rushes to the center of the penis. Then, like a fan, it diverges laterally, bends around the extreme sides and covers the base of the organ in the proximal part. This occurs at the level where the cavernous bodies pass into the hanging part of the penis.

The goals of surgical operations to enlarge the penis:

  • Correction of ED (erectile dysfunction) in combination with penis enlargement,
  • Correction of erectile deformation in combination with correction of penis size,
  • Penis lengthening,
  • Its thickening
  • A combination of lengthening and thickening of the penis.

Indications for penis enlargement surgery

Penis lengthening using surgery has not been considered an innovation for a long time. This procedure appeared a long time ago, but then its purpose was to treat any diseases of the genital organ. And more recently, they began to resort to this operation for the sake of aesthetic changes for normally functioning and anatomically built male organs.

A large number of patients visiting genital and plastic surgeons' clinics for these purposes are in adulthood. This means that it is not young guys who resort to operations, but already accomplished men, whose inferiority complex, which most likely arose in their youth, forces them to decide to undergo surgery after many years.

What reasons push men to such radical measures? Here are some of them:

  • The desire to enhance one’s external attractiveness;
  • The desire to improve the quality of your sex life and sexual relationships;
  • The need to increase your self-esteem and self-esteem;
  • Due to the embarrassment that arises at those moments when a man must be naked in a common sauna, shower, and so on.

The following is a list of indications that are necessary in order to undergo surgery to lengthen the penis in men:

Medical indicationsFunctional indicationsAesthetic indications


Peyronie's disease

Consequences of injuries

Cavernous fibrosis

Membranous genital organ
Buried and hidden penis,

Excessive amount of subcutaneous fat in the pubic area

Penial dysmorphophobia

The functional and medical indications for surgery are clear. But it should be noted that the group of ethnic testimony is not only the most numerous, but also the most controversial. In this group, the indications are the individual wishes of each patient.

M.V. Strukovskaya and V.D. Topolyansky in 1986 argued that men, unlike women, are absolutely characterized by the ability to have an all-consuming hypochondriacal fixation (fixation) on their own genitals. They noted that this is a male property. In other words, penial dysmorphophobia is the dissatisfaction of men with the size, shape and general appearance of their own penis.

Despite this, this point, as an indication for penis enlargement surgery, does not in any way contradict the principles of aesthetic surgery, which is aimed at improving the shape of the penis. Of course, one of the most important indications is a man’s desire to improve his penis. But at the same time, certain conditions must be met:

  • Mandatory examination by a sexologist;
  • A man's persistent desire to improve his sexual organ;
  • Having a permanent partner (sexually) and sufficient experience in this area;
  • Normal mental state, assessed by a specialist if necessary (if there is any mental abnormality, the person will not be allowed to undergo surgery).

Penis enlargement surgery

Penis enlargement surgery – ligamentotomy (dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis) – Long operation. A surgeon from China named Long invented this surgical method of penis lengthening in 1990. To this day, this method of penis enlargement surgery remains the most universal and basic method for these purposes. The principle of the method is based on getting rid of the physiological curvature of the genital organ by cutting the suspensory ligament and freeing the cavernous bodies until the deep arteries enter them and then fixing these bodies in a new position until this ligament is cut off. Thanks to ligamentotomy, it becomes possible to lengthen the penis by three or even five centimeters.

This operation can be performed in several ways. It all depends on the type of access (subcoronary, transscrotal, suprapubic), despite the fact that the main stage, which is ligamentotomy, remains unchanged.

Implantation of prostheses with instantaneous transverse corporotomy incisions (white membrane). It is worth noting that such isolated implantation into the corpora cavernosa of the organ does not in any way increase the size of the penis. Prostheses provide elasticity (in other words, rigidity) of the organ for good introjection in men suffering from ED. The principle of this method of lengthening lies in the placement of prostheses, the length of which is obviously greater, into the intracavernous space, and in performing transverse corporotomies to lengthen the organ.

Operation Perovic (uncoupling) . Its author is considered to be Sava Perovic. According to her recommendations, it is necessary to carry out absolute separation of the penis into its components - the cavernous bodies are completely separated along the entire length of the pendulous part of the penis from the spongy body of the head, with complete mobilization of the dorsal neurovascular bundle. Between the end parts of these bodies and the head, pieces of the man’s own costal cartilage or a synthetic implant are implanted, taking into account the previously measured and obtained free distance. It is possible to make the penis longer due to the natural elasticity and natural ability to stretch the spongy body of the urethra and the elements of the neurovascular bundle. As with one of the previous methods of penis enlargement surgery, it becomes possible to increase the length of the organ by three or five centimeters.

Methods of penis enlargement using surgery

The main methods of penis enlargement using surgery:

  • Use of a synthetic implant
  • Use of rotated pedicle flaps
  • Corporotomy with replacement allotransplantation and autotransplantation
  • Using a free skin-fat de-epidermalized flap
  • Injection of free autologous fat under the skin
  • Microsurgical autotransplantation of tissues

Use of a synthetic implant

Thanks to the high technologies of our time, a new method of thickening has been developed, which is based on the method of transplantation of one’s own “grown” tissues on a biopolymer soluble carrier (that is, a matrix), which in turn is implanted under the skin of the problem organ. This operation differs from others in that its stationary period is quite short, the result of thickening is programmable, and there are practically no complications and additional reserves for graft collection. Today this operation is the most effective among the others.

Use of rotated pedicle flaps

The widespread use of autologous tissues for the purpose of thickening the genital organ is limited by the lack of blood supply to the transplanted tissue. Vascularized free flaps cannot be used in all cases. This is all due to the technical features of the operation. That is why, in order to make the penis thicker, isolating an autograft with preserved blood circulation is very promising. In this case, there is no need to perform vascular microsurgical anastomoses.

Also, for these purposes, they often resort to using the technique of isolating a fragment of the rectus abdominis muscle. The operation consists of isolating a rotated muscle flap located on a pedicle with a base at the root of the penis from the anterior abdominal wall. The free end of the autograft, located on the vascular pedicle, is passed subcutaneously into the penis and secured at the coronal sulcus.

But the principle of another operation is to isolate one or even two rotated fascial fat flaps from the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior abdominal wall. This operation bears the name of the specialist, doctor of sciences, urologist-andrologist I.Yu. Kurbatova.

Operation Austoni (longitudinal corporotomy with replacement allotransplantation and autotransplantation)

During the operation, longitudinal incisions are made in the tunica albuginea on the bilateral surfaces of the corpora cavernosa of the male penis, with defects being replaced with inserts made of autovenous veins and other materials.

Using a free skin-fat de-epidermalized flap

The doctor cuts out two or one graft in the donor area. Most often they are the area of ​​the buttocks or groin (the latter is less common). Depending on the size of the natural penis, each graft should be up to 15 cm in length and from five to twelve in width (it all depends on how many flaps are used). Then both (or one) flaps are implanted under the skin of the organ along the stem part.

Injection of free autologous fat under the skin

In most cases, the fat tissue for this procedure is obtained from liposuction performed on the suprapubic area. After this fat is prepared, it is gradually injected through a syringe along the shaft of the penis through an incision in the subcoronal zone. At this time, you need to spread the adipose tissue evenly along the organ (manual modeling).

Microsurgical autotransplantation of tissues

This method of autotransplantation of fascial-fatty and fascial-muscular flaps located on a vascular feeding pedicle involves subcutaneous wrapping of the penis with a fragment isolated from the latissimus dorsi muscle, followed by the imposition of vascular anastomoses to preserve blood flow in the autograft (revascularization).

Results of penis enlargement operations using surgical intervention

The degree of elongation is not accepted as a unified criterion. This is because the reasons that lead to the reduction of this organ vary greatly. A successful and standard result is the lengthening of the organ by about two and a half or three centimeters (sometimes more).

In order to evaluate the effect obtained after surgery, it will not be possible to resort to standard criteria for the reason that they do not exist. It all depends on what the man wanted to achieve when he went under the surgeon’s knife, and on the general capabilities of the surgical technique. A uniform thickening without any deformation of the contours or swelling of the graft is considered a satisfactory and even good result.

Dangers, errors and complications

Of course, just like other operations that cannot be done without the intervention of a surgeon, this one can lead to various negative consequences and specific complications.

Everyone knows that aesthetic surgery is aimed at excellent functional and anatomical results, as well as patient satisfaction with the results. The main obstacle to achieving these goals is the manifestation of various complications, and, consequently, negative patient assessments of the surgeon’s work. Whether these complications develop or not specifically after aesthetic surgery on the male penis directly depends on many factors:

  • Using exclusively standard techniques;
  • Compliance by the man in the postoperative period with all instructions and instructions of a specialist surgeon;
  • The skill and experience of the doctor in performing such operations;
  • Formation of a realistic attitude in the patient towards the possibilities of surgical methods.

Among other things, a very prognostically unfavorable outcome of this operation may be the discrepancy between the preoperative expectations and hopes placed by the patient on this procedure and the surgeon with the actual result achieved after the surgical method of penis enlargement. This may occur due to the fact that the man’s expectations were deliberately unrealistic, and the preliminary assessment of all possible results of the procedure was negative. Moreover, from the point of view of specialists in the field of surgery, in almost all cases the result obtained after the operation can be considered excellent.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the penis is a unique organ that performs three very important functions at once: ensuring urination, childbirth (reproductive function) and sexual intercourse (copulatory function). Nature has allocated it to all men in a single copy because, in the well-known words, you need to live with it in such a way that later it will never be excruciatingly painful. And if in the future men are given the opportunity, if they wish, to somehow change, adjust and improve the size/shape/appearance of their reproductive organs, just as anyone can correct the crookedness of their teeth, then the number of unhappy, disappointed, inferior and the number of embittered representatives of the stronger sex will sharply decrease. After all, it is thanks to these operations that a man can regain a full-fledged sexual life, which is the key to a socially active, full-fledged and healthy person.

Second stage of penis lengthening

Further lengthening of the penis is based on the use of a special penis extender

, the use of which begins immediately after surgery. The penis enlargement extender was developed in Denmark and is actively used in Europe. The effectiveness of this device has been tested on a huge number of patients. The effect of lengthening the penis is 3-4 cm after 4 months of using the device. This effect is sufficient for the majority of patients. The new size of the extended penis does not change after stopping use of the extender.

What thickness is considered normal?

According to statistics, most men have a diameter of about 3 centimeters (circumference 9.4 cm). Although a 4-centimeter diameter (girth 12.7 cm) is not the average statistical norm, in surveys women either say that only with this size will sex be full (less than that, there’s no point even trying), or they confirm that they would prefer a partner with manhood this thickness.

Although a 3-centimeter diameter is close to the medical norm, it can hardly be confidently called the norm in sexual terms. Even if the phallus is long enough and penetrates deeply during intimacy, the lack of thickness negates the efforts. Then the vaginal muscles do not clasp the entire shaft of the penis - the sensations are dull, and it is difficult or impossible to bring your partner to orgasm.

The desire to increase an organ in girth, and not just in length, is a justified, correct desire. Sexologists confirm that about half of the sexually active men surveyed are dissatisfied with the indicators. After all, everyone wants mind-blowing intimacy, and the sensations during sex directly depend on the volume of the penis. Externally, manhood also looks much more impressive when the thickness is in harmony with the length.

Effective ways to increase penis girth:

  • surgical intervention;
  • massage exercises (jelqing);
  • use of an extender, hydraulic pump.

Each method has its own characteristics. Results come faster or slower. The time and effort required vary.

How does a penis extender work?

The action of a penis extender does not impair erection and also increases the diameter of the penis. The action of the extender is based on the principle of pulling. This is a method that stimulates the body's natural response to the application of physical force to it. Cells and tissues react in such a way that they increase in volume and the tissues gradually stretch and lengthen (this principle is used by some aboriginal tribes when stretching their earlobes, lips, etc.).

The effect of the extender for penis enlargement depends on systematic use - daily for at least 4 hours, with a break after 2 hours. The extender can be used at any time of the day; the device is invisible under wide trousers. You cannot sleep with an extender. The use of the device imposes some restrictions - the device must be removed when playing sports, defecating, having sexual intercourse, or driving a bicycle.

How to increase the thickness of the penis without side effects

Surgical intervention is expensive, and it is not always possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. There are two effective alternatives: massage and the use of special devices.

Gels advertised on the Internet can only warm up the tissues of the penis, for example, before self-massage. Dietary supplements can, by supplying the body with microelements, improve the conditions for organ growth. However, gels and dietary supplements in any case provide only an auxiliary effect - they themselves do not begin growth.

Massage treatments

Jelqing normalizes blood supply to the penis, tones muscle tissue, and prevents blood stagnation. True, in order to significantly increase the girth of the penis and improve potency, you need to do self-massage every day for at least six months. The average course is several years.

Before massaging the penis, it is warmed up to achieve an erection. It should not be full, but approximately 70% of the limit, so that the organ is not injured. Then massage is done to improve the blood supply to the trunk and stimulate growth. At the same time, make sure that no unpleasant sensations arise.

There are many jelqing techniques, you can choose any one. But there are several disadvantages:

  • There will be no noticeable results before six months;
  • you can unintentionally injure the penis, rub or damage the skin;
  • Every day you need to spend an hour, or better yet, an hour and a half, otherwise the effectiveness will be low.

It’s not without reason that men who have tried jelqing are interested in how they can increase the thickness of their penis without such tedious procedures. Moreover, massage is not suitable for everyone: for people who do not live alone, this option is unlikely to be convenient.

Special devices

Those who do not want to risk their own health and well-being are recommended to use extenders and hydropumps. With their help, they increase the girth of the genital organ without spending too much time.


Exercises with an extender lengthen and thicken the phallus without dangerous medical intervention. Growth occurs naturally: cells are actively dividing, the volume of the cavernous bodies increases - the penis grows in size.

Advantages of a proven vacuum-adhesive extender:

  • the design does not injure the organ, does not rub the skin, does not provoke sprains;
  • you can adjust the load yourself as the girth increases;
  • the device is suitable for people with a busy work or study schedule, family men - anyone;
  • the result is achieved in three to four months - the penis becomes noticeably thicker, while wearing an extender can be easily combined with other activities, which cannot be said about self-massage.

Expert opinion
Lychagin Andrey Sergeevich

Head of the department of innovative technologies in the field of andrology and urology, urologist-andrologist, ultrasound doctor. Moscow, University Group of Clinics “I am Healthy”

The extender is a proven, tested, perfected development. This device can be used in conjunction with a hanger. Due to the safe vacuum fastening, it is possible to accelerate the growth of the penis without risking your well-being, health, or a full erection.

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Practice has confirmed that six months of wearing an extender is already enough to get growth. Only in this case there are no risks for the body, as with surgery. You won’t need to “go away” for a whole year. There is also no need to devote time every day, as with jelqing: the extender works on the “set it and forget it” principle.

The following is known about specific results:

  • wearing does not cause pain, so you can use the device for several hours a day without discomfort;
  • recorded results with long-term, regular use of the extender are one and a half to two centimeters in girth for six months.

You can change the size of your manhood at any age - the extender is effective for both young people and older men who have retained sexual activity. One, one and a half, two centimeters of girth, obtained in addition to the increase in length, fully enlarges the organ. Success in sex becomes much more achievable, refusals and irony from partners become a thing of the past.

It is not worth using “analogs” of an extender that are made using a homemade method. Their use threatens with unpleasant consequences:

  • due to incorrectly calculated weight, the penis does not grow, but stretches - pain and discomfort are felt;
  • the cavernous bodies are damaged, potency weakens, and there is a risk of erectile dysfunction (impotence);
  • daily wearing is usually stopped after a week or even earlier because it becomes unbearable;
  • recovering from an incorrectly distributed load, the penis does not always regain sensitivity; sometimes the shaft of the organ becomes bent and remains that way forever.

When they try to scare men by saying that an extender supposedly stretches the penis and does not increase its girth, they are talking about homemade “analogs.” Proven devices are created according to the latest German designs. Their effectiveness and safety have been tested internationally.

New extender for lengthening the penis

PeniMaster PRO is a new medical extender that physiologically extends the penis over a long period of time (lengthens the penis). This is tissue traction or elongation of the penis

used for corrective subsequent lengthening of the penis after ligamentotomy surgery for 3-4 months. PeniMaster PRO is easy to use; it is fixed due to the vacuum-adhesive effect to the head of the penis, which ensures painless use of this extender when enlarging and lengthening the penis. The PeniMaster PRO vacuum extender can be used to lengthen the penis for a long time, 3-4 hours without removing it, due to the belt included in the kit it can be used outside the home. We have received positive results with penis enlargement as a result of ligamentotomy and subsequent use of the PeniMaster PRO extender. We continue to cooperate with Alargo LLC, the official representative of the PeniMasterPro® brand in the Russian Federation, the quality of the product is excellent, good service.

Penis Extension Cost?

Penis lengthening cost. Cost of penis lengthening surgery

The cost of penis lengthening surgery in our clinic is 65 thousand rubles. The cost of penis lengthening surgery includes ligamentotomy, anesthesia, a day in the clinic, dressings, and postoperative observation. The extender is purchased separately, the cost of the extender is from 10 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the model. Disability time is 2-3 days. After surgical treatment, it is necessary to wear a penis extender for 4-6 months.

You can get more detailed information by calling.

Frequently asked questions about penis lengthening

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