How to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis to prolong sexual intercourse

The head of the phallus is the most sensitive part of the male body. The sensations experienced during intimacy and sexual life as such directly depend on it. In this case, high sensitivity leads to premature ejaculation. The partner stops receiving pleasure during sexual intercourse. The man himself also experiences discomfort. Knowing how to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, you will be able to solve the current problem without much difficulty.


The most harmless and easily eliminated cause of increased sensitivity of the head is prolonged abstinence in the absence of nocturnal emissions. Dissatisfaction, accumulation of testosterone and seminal fluid lead to an exacerbation of the receptor reaction. With the beginning of regular sexual activity, the time of sexual contact normalizes .

The sensitivity of the head can become pathologically high due to overexcitation of the genital centers of the spinal cord (in the lower back). The cause may be illness or too intense intimate life. In the latter case, receptor activity decreases after several weeks of abstinence.

Greater sensitivity of the head is the norm in adolescence , when early ejaculation (especially in virgins) occurs due to inexperience, overexcitation against the background of excess sex hormones. Hypersexuality goes away as hormonal levels stabilize. If the sensitivity of the head in an older man remains increased, then we are talking about a congenital feature of the functioning of nerve endings, which can be recognized by a number of signs :

  • Since the beginning of sexual activity, there has never been a normal duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Repeated intimate contact or long-term abstinence from sex have almost no effect on the rate of ejaculation;
  • Measures in the form of condoms or topical medications help prolong sexual intercourse. The extension time is always approximately the same.

If the cause of increased sensitivity of the head is pathology, then additional signs are usually present:

  1. Chronic prostatitis. Slow inflammation of the prostate and surrounding tissues provokes increased sensitivity of the receptors. Characterized by periodic dull pain and burning in the groin, decreased libido.
  2. Colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle). Additional symptoms: pain in the groin, radiating to the rectum, sensation of a foreign body in the perineum, burning sensation during ejaculation.

  1. Vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles behind the prostate). Symptoms: frequent causeless erections, wet dreams, pain during ejaculation and urination.
  2. Phimosis and its consequence – balanoposthitis (inflammation that develops under the foreskin that does not move completely). The surface of the head cannot be completely exposed; the chronic inflammatory process irritates the nerve endings.
  3. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary tract. Characterized by pain when urinating, discharge from the urethra, and frequent urination.

In the presence of the above pathologies, increased sensitivity of the head can be wavy in nature, periodically exacerbating and subsiding . With repeated sexual intercourse, the time until ejaculation increases. Prolonging lubricants or contraceptives do not have a pronounced effect.

If there is increased sensitivity of the head against the background of discomfort in the groin, it is necessary to immediately seek diagnostics.

Products that help prolong sexual intercourse

It is possible to reduce the sensitivity of the genital organ by following a diet. It must be observed long before intimacy

First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to products containing vitamins C and E.

They normalize the functioning of the genital organs by improving blood circulation. A high content of these vitamins is found in nuts, dairy products, fatty fish, vegetable oil and rose hips.

Food containing zinc normalizes the process of testosterone production.

Magnesium protects the male body from the development of diseases of the genitourinary system and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Eating large amounts of potatoes, apricots, sunflower seeds and figs helps replenish the supply of this substance.

Also, the functioning of the reproductive system has a positive effect:

  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • citruses;
  • quail eggs;
  • mushrooms.

Statistics show that high sensitivity of the penis is not the worst pathology. It can be easily corrected with medications, surgery and diet therapy. Don't be ashamed of your problem. It is advisable to contact specialists to select the most suitable way to solve it.


The primary diagnosis for increased sensitivity of the head is carried out by a urologist . The examination program includes testing for infections (scraping from the walls of the urethra, blood, urine, prostate juice), ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Additionally, a blood test for hormones may be prescribed. The cause of deviations in their levels is determined by an endocrinologist: he checks the adrenal glands, testicles, and thyroid gland.

The procedure for collecting prostate secretion analysis: two portions of urine, prostate massage, juice collection, residual urine with prostate juice

Problems with the spine are solved by a neurologist (vertebrologist). Types of tests required: MRI and blood tests.

In the absence of diseases and externally noticeable problems with the structure of the head, the patient is recommended to consult a sex therapist or psychotherapist . Excessive sensitivity can be a consequence of phobias, complexes, and pathologically developed reflexes.

Doctors' opinion

According to andrologists and urologists, increased sensitivity of the head is not a pathology as long as it does not interfere with putting on underwear. Two-minute sex is a normal phenomenon that more than half of men experience. Too early ejaculation is one that occurs at the very first frictions or even before insertion into the vagina. There is no need to do anything if the man is happy with everything. But often such a problem entails mental and nervous disorders and develops an inferiority complex. In this case, you need to solve it together with specialists.

How to reduce head sensitivity? It is better to start treatment by taking lidocaine or using lubricants with an anesthetic effect. It happens that sensitivity decreases after a course of therapy. To achieve a long-lasting effect, you can inject yourself with hyaluronic acid. It is better to resort to surgery in extreme cases - if traditional methods do not help. Circumcision, for example, can completely reduce sensitivity. There have been cases where the foreskin was grown back. If it disappears after denervation, then it will be impossible to return it.

How to reduce sensitivity

Acquired hypersensitivity of the head goes away after proper treatment of the disease that provoked it. For inflammation, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed based on test results.

If hypersensitivity is congenital, there are several conservative ways to solve the problem. Inhibition of the reaction of the genital centers of the brain and spinal cord can be achieved with the help of psychotropic drugs (Prozac, Celex), taken 40-60 minutes before sexual intercourse . They are not suitable for frequent use because they slow down the reaction rate and have a number of side effects.

To reduce severe sensitivity of the head, the doctor may recommend drugs based on dapoxetine, but they also provoke negative side reactions . Antispasmodics are safer, but less effective: Tifen, No-Shpa or Papaverine. They relieve tension caused by stress, relax smooth muscles, and reduce the intensity of the receptor response.

safely and quickly remove excessive sensitivity of the head using prolonged gels, creams, sprays and ointments containing lidocaine or benzocaine , for example:

  • Stud 5000 (lidocaine 10%);
  • Pjur (lidocaine 20%);
  • Peineili (lidocaine 8% + plant extracts);
  • “Harmony Control” (begins to act in 2-3 minutes).

The drugs are applied to the head 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse so that the substance has time to be absorbed. Immediately before contact, you should either put on a condom or wash off the applied product so as not to cause discomfort to your partner. Preparations with too high a lidocaine content can completely deprive the penis of sensitivity.

Urologist-andrologist Khizri Khizriev talks about where exactly to apply prolonging agents.

As barrier contraception, you can use condoms with thickened walls and special anesthetic lubricant , for example:

  1. Contex Long Love.
  2. Durex Long Play.
  3. Ganzo Long Play.

After putting on the condom, you should lightly massage the head, distributing the anesthetic over it, wait 2-3 minutes until it is absorbed, and only then begin direct contact.

Condoms can be replaced with a silicone penis cap (with a closed head). Some models allow you to increase its size by several centimeters.

Read more about penis attachments.

Soft erection rings placed on the coronary sulcus to fix the foreskin and expose the head will help reduce sensitivity without circumcision . It is important to choose the right size so that there is no disruption of blood flow, since long-term wearing is expected.

If a man has an active sex life, then the above measures are not entirely comfortable. In such cases, doctors offer surgical methods to reduce the sensitivity of the head.


An effective method of reducing the sensitivity of the head with long-term results is its surgical denervation. You can evaluate the feasibility of the operation yourself using a lidocaine test. To do this, half an hour before sex, lidocaine spray (10%) or anesthetic cream “Emla” is applied to the frenulum area. After 10 minutes, the product is washed off. If the duration of sexual intercourse doubles, the result can be considered positive - the operation will help reduce the sensitivity of the head. Otherwise, the pathology is neurogenic in nature, and denervation is inappropriate.

Progress of the operation: a small incision is made near the head, through which the nerves are dissected using microsurgical instruments and a microscope. It is possible to isolate all the nerves around the circumference as much as possible only during circumcision, so doctors offer this procedure to their patients together with denervation.

Self-absorbable materials are used for tissue suturing; no scars remain after the operation . Hospitalization after the procedure is not required; many clinics perform the procedure on an outpatient basis. The patient can resume sexual activity after 2-3 weeks. Sensitivity will steadily decrease for 8-12 months. During this time, the nerve trunks grow together, but most patients develop a reflex for longer sexual intercourse. A condition for the success of the operation is regular intimate life .

Nerve trunks can be sutured immediately after suppression, then their restoration takes about 3 months. This method is used if the patient is not sure of the result, there is a fear of complete loss of sensitivity of the head.

Read more about denervation of the glans penis - preparation for surgery, rehabilitation, results and possible complications.


  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Active infectious process (for example, ARVI);
  • Poor blood clotting.

The operation is performed under spinal or general anesthesia. Clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests, a coagulogram, testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, and an ECG are preliminarily taken.

Frenum plastic surgery

In some men, increased sensitivity of the head is the result of damage to the frenulum (ruptures, scars after removal of tumors). The reason is the opening of nerve endings. Excision of scar changes and restoration of the skin help reduce their sensitivity.


After circumcision of the foreskin, the head always remains exposed. For some time, a man will experience discomfort from the contact of the genitals with the underwear, from the cool air, but then the skin adapts, becomes slightly rougher, and the receptors become less sensitive.

Circumcision is the only adequate treatment for phimosis. After partial removal of the foreskin, a man gets rid of two problems at once: increased sensitivity of the head and chronic inflammation on its surface .

A detailed story about the progress of the operation using a laser beam from a urologist at the MED CITY clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections

After injecting the head of the penis with hyaluronic acid, a slight decrease in its sensitivity naturally occurs. A layer of gel is created between the skin and the receptors, which impedes the transmission of signals. This is the least traumatic way to solve the problem . The result lasts for 6-12 months.

Sex techniques and self-control

There are several ways to prolong sexual intercourse without medications and external preparations:

  • Minimize touching of bodies and eliminate visual stimuli during sexual contact. You can leave on yourself and your partner elements of non-stimulating underwear, a T-shirt, T-shirt;
  • Use positions in which the contact of the head of the penis with the walls of the vagina is minimal. They are selected individually: some people cum faster in the classic position, while for others the most contact is the rear position (how to increase the time of sexual intercourse in different positions);
  • On your own or with the help of a woman, gently pull down the testicles that rise before orgasm;
  • You can ask your partner to temporarily relax the vaginal muscles. A man should tense the PC muscle (more about training the PC muscle) at the moment of strong arousal, which will prevent the movement of sperm along the vas deferens.

Alex May on simple psychological and physiological measures to prolong sexual intercourse

You can relieve excessive arousal by deep breathing, pauses between frictions, squeezing the penis at the head, or pressing a point located between the testicles and the anus (a small notch is the projection of the prostate). Such methods should not be abused in order to avoid pain in the perineum, the development of inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

Traditional methods

The most popular folk remedies:

  1. Half an hour before sex, apply a leaf of burdock or white cabbage to the genital area and fix it.
  2. Drink alcohol before sex (it can be addictive).
  3. Draw a grid on the head with iodine (danger of burns).
  4. Spread the head with fresh mint juice (you can keep it in a warm decoction).
  5. While washing in the shower, rub sensitive areas with a sponge (possible damage with subsequent infection).

A relatively safe way to quickly dull sensitivity at home: smear the head with toothpaste, rub with masturbating movements for about 20 minutes, then rinse.

Some people use a mesoscooter, rolling it over the head. 5-6 sessions are enough to dull sensitivity, but the method is traumatic. According to reviews from men, exercises with an erection pump help reduce the excitability of receptors (there is a danger of hematomas, lymph flows are possible).

How to prolong sexual intercourse without pills using herbal medicine.

Sensitivity of the penis, glans: traditional methods and treatment

Unfortunately, folk treatment and traditional methods, methods and homeopathy, hypnosis and medications, drugs and gels, ointments and prolongators, infusions and decoctions, tinctures and yoga, massage and exercises, complexes do not give tangible results in restoring the innervation of the penis. On the website you can discuss your problems with a doctor for free.

Record a consultation. There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Text: ® SARCLINIC | \ Photo: (©) Dreamdesigns3747 |\

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Ointments and creams

  • Composition - creams and ointments act similarly to sprays. They contain lidocaine, benzocaine and prilocaine. The main difference is that painkillers are contained in a smaller dose than in sprays.
  • Application – you need to apply it in advance, and wash it off before sex, so as not to ruin sex for your partner. The effect lasts for about half an hour.
  • Disadvantages - if it comes into contact with the female genital organs, there may be pain and discomfort. In case of an overdose, the sensation of the genital organ is completely lost. Cannot be used together with condoms, because fats in creams and ointments destroy latex.
  • Examples are Elma cream, anesthetic ointment and others.

We recommend that you read the article about drugs for male potency.


  • Composition - all sprays are based on lidocaine. Lidocaine is widely used in medicine as a local anesthesia, completely reducing the sensitivity of an organ.
  • Principle of operation - you should understand that sprays can only be used by those men who really have too much sensitivity to their dignity, otherwise you will simply stop feeling your friend.
  • Application - spray 10-20 minutes before intimacy over the entire surface of the genital organ - from the head to the base, 2-3 sprays are recommended. Works for 40-50 minutes.
  • Subtleties - you need to wait a couple of minutes for the product to be absorbed into the genital organ, then it is recommended to take a shower and wash off the residue, otherwise the drug will get on the female genital organs and can cause discomfort and unpleasant sensations.
  • Recommendations - to avoid discomfort for your girlfriend, it is better to use condoms, even after going to the shower.
  • Disadvantages - if you spray too much of the drug, you can completely stop feeling your cowboy; if the drug gets on a girl, she may experience painful sensations and the evening will be ruined.
  • Examples are any spray that contains lidocaine.

Possible problems with erection

Lack of spontaneous libido

If a man has a failure at a young age and does not have a spontaneous erection, this may be a consequence of psychological illnesses. In this case, you should stock up on the support of your partner and go to an appointment with a psychologist. If you find a really good specialist, you can quickly resolve a complex issue. Often the cause of weak or completely absent libido in men is severe stress or depression. In the modern world, such problems are not uncommon. Hard work, lack of mutual understanding in the family and much more lead to a man having problems in bed.

Those young people who abuse alcohol and take drugs are also at risk. By the way, some medications can negatively affect male libido. Doctors are required to warn patients about possible side effects when prescribing medications. As for hormonal imbalances, the amount of testosterone in a man’s body plays a big role.

Painful sensations

At the time when the sexual organ is excited, a man may experience discomfort and even pain. If such symptoms are observed, you should consult a specialist. The cause of the problem may be the onset of a serious illness

Doctors recommend first of all paying attention to the discharge, which can serve as a signal of a significant problem.

Painful sensations during arousal can be triggered by trauma to the penis, frequent masturbation, phimosis, Peyronie's disease, priapism and various venereal diseases. For this reason, such symptoms should not be ignored, as they can be a clear signal of a serious illness.

If a man experiences a problem such as a painful erection too often, this can negatively affect his future sexual life, since arousal will be associated with pain. Such a situation can disrupt a person’s psychological state.

We advise you to study - Nitroglycerin ointment - use for restoring potency

Experts recommend that men be attentive to their genitals and under no circumstances self-medicate. By contacting an experienced specialist, you can not only successfully cure the disease, but also understand the cause of its occurrence in order to prevent this from happening in the future.

It is especially important to consult a doctor promptly if uncharacteristic discharge appears.

Friction techniques

The use of special techniques during sex will not reduce the sensitivity of the head, but may affect the ejaculatory reflex in terms of prolonging sexual intercourse. Doctors recommend trying the “stop-start” method: learn to stop friction as soon as arousal begins to reach a critical level. A few seconds of deep breathing and distraction, then you can continue.

It will be easier to control the onset of orgasm if you master the technique of controlling intimate muscles - Kegel exercises. The simplest workout is 100 compressions daily. You can find the necessary muscles when urinary retention occurs. Learn more about methods for extending the time of sexual intercourse.

The urologist-andrologist at the Research Institute of Urology named after N.I. talks about the benefits of exercises. N. A. Lopatkina Khizri Zakirovich Khizriev

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