Serious problems in bed: why a man’s erection drops during intercourse and how to fix it

Many men experience one form or another of sexual impotence. A one-time loss of arousal is not considered a pathology; in such a situation you should not panic and withdraw into yourself.

It must be remembered that this is a temporary phenomenon that can occur due to various factors.

But when an erection regularly drops during sexual intercourse for no apparent reason, there is reason to think about it. The sooner a man goes to the doctor, the greater the chance of avoiding a sharp decrease in potency and reproductive dysfunction. After all, the causes of this condition can be harmless or quite dangerous.

Why does a man's erection drop during intercourse?

If during sexual intercourse the male penis suddenly loses arousal, it is impossible to complete sexual intercourse. And not every woman will be able to understand the situation and help her partner.

Most likely, she will only aggravate the problem with hurtful words and undeserved accusations of impotence. Meanwhile, this may be the reason.

Among the factors that negatively affect the sexual function of men are:

  • reasons of a personal and everyday nature;
  • psychological and mental problems;
  • physiological disorders.

Sometimes a drop in erection is caused by a banal lack of feelings for a partner. This reason is especially likely if the connection is random.

A similar situation can affect those couples who have lived together for many years. In this case, we are talking about a banal habit. Spouses need to diversify their relationship, change the environment, try new positions.

The problem of a sharp drop in male erection affects both partners; a woman should not be excluded from solving it.

Psychological factors

Most often, the disappearance of an erection is associated precisely with psychological disorders. Often the problems are of a domestic nature. Some troubles, troubles in the family and at work, lack of money create insecurity in a man and distract him from his intimate life.

If he is a psychologically rather weak person and is not able to abstract himself from all this, his libido may decrease, and at the most inopportune moment his penis may fall off. But a strong person can handle this on his own.

It’s another matter if the man had serious psychological and psychosexual trauma:

  • sexual or emotional abuse suffered as a child;
  • fear, expectation of sexual failure. It's more of a mental disorder. Arises due to negative intimate experiences experienced in adolescence;
  • obsessive jealousy of a woman, caused by past infidelities (real or imaginary), and uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness.

Such conditions and pathologies may not manifest themselves for a long time. But then something happens, and old phobias come out.

A man cannot solve complex psychosexual problems on his own; he needs the help of a doctor.

Physiological reasons

In addition to psychological factors, there are physiological problems that result in unsatisfactory erection and its disappearance during sexual intercourse.

Thus, the following have a negative effect on male potency:

  • inflammatory and tumor diseases of the reproductive system (prostatitis, adenoma, carcinoma);
  • taking specific medications (antidepressants, strong sedatives);
  • impaired blood supply to the genitals as a result of injury or unsuccessful surgery;
  • physical fatigue.

If the cause is obvious, the man should eliminate it:

  • consult a doctor and start treatment;
  • ask your doctor to stop or change medications;
  • undergo a course of therapy that improves blood supply to the reproductive system;
  • relax, get enough sleep, even abstain from intimate relationships for a while.

Excessive use of various sexual stimulants (especially medicinal ones) also leads to fatigue and affects potency.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which the body is unable to maintain a normal erection long enough to allow satisfactory sexual intercourse.

In principle, any man can identify such a pathology without special diagnostics. Roughly speaking, if the penis stops standing up at all or begins to fall during sex, this is erectile dysfunction.

Doctors must identify the cause. After a conversation and examination, they resort to the following options:

  • send the patient for tests. Urine and blood are given (for glucose, serum lipid levels, hormonal status testing);
  • endourethral thermometry, ultrasound of the penis, rheofallography, aortography and selective perineal angiography, measurement of penial pressure, electromyography of the pelvic floor muscles are prescribed;
  • track nocturnal erections;
  • conduct psychological testing and neurological studies.

As a rule, a comprehensive examination allows us to identify the cause of the pathology. And further actions depend on the diagnosis.

You shouldn't be shy about research. To maintain potency and reproductive function, it is very important to start treatment on time.

Normal or deviation - when it is important to “sound the alarm”

After one “fiasco,” you shouldn’t write yourself off and imagine terrible pictures of impotence. With erectile dysfunction, at least a quarter of all sexual intercourse ends in the fall of the penis or the complete absence of an erection, despite prolonged stimulation. If a man has rare setbacks caused by overwork or lack of desire, this is normal.

There are a number of signs of sexual dysfunction:

  • lack of morning erections;
  • a sharp decrease in libido;
  • inability to achieve a boner through masturbation;
  • the need for too long foreplay and sexual stimulation to develop a stable erection with a partner;
  • premature ejaculation (on a permanent basis).

How to not cum for a long time - read here, and how to prolong sexual intercourse - in this article. We also talked in detail about what ejaculation is, go ahead and read.

What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic and not attribute frightening diagnoses to yourself. You should visit (in person) a urologist-andrologist. The doctor specializes in delicate male pathologies; he will prescribe a full diagnosis of the body to identify the causes of the malfunction. After treatment (if necessary), sexual capabilities begin to be restored (sometimes abruptly, in other cases gradually). [1]

What to do if an erection disappears during sex?

If an erection during sexual intercourse disappears quite regularly, you need to go to the doctor.
There are no other options. Only a specialist, after all the examinations, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

A one-time problem is not considered a pathology and is most likely associated with overwork or other minor factors. A man can eliminate the cause himself, preferably with the help of his partner.

Eliminating physiological causes

Lost sensitivity in sex, no erection, does your partner have an orgasm too quickly? Perhaps the reason lies in physiology. After 40-45 years, many men experience impotence. In this case, you need to consult an andrologist or urologist.

But young guys can also have difficulty getting an erection. If the penis drops during sex, it may be the following:

  • taking medications that suppress libido (antidepressants, sedatives, antibiotics);
  • acute infection (even a common cold) or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • alcohol abuse – excess alcohol suppresses desire;
  • lack of micronutrients (vitaminosis).

Such causes can only be treated in a doctor’s office; they cannot be eliminated on your own. It is quite simple to distinguish physiological impotence from psychological impotence: with physiological pathologies, morning erections disappear. If it is there, but the husband loses his erection during sex, the reason is usually psychological.

Rules for choosing a pose

If a man’s erection decreases during sex, the couple should choose the right positions for intimate contacts. Of course, both partners should be comfortable.

But there are poses that are better avoided:

  • If the woman is on top and the husband is below, blood drains from his genitals. Accordingly, your erection may decrease. Moreover, it does not matter whether the partners are lying down or sitting;
  • difficult positions that cause discomfort and severe physical exertion;
  • anal sex, when the male penis is squeezed too tightly.

But some poses, on the contrary, are recommended:

  • when both partners are on all fours and the man enters the woman from behind, additional stimulation of his groin area occurs;
  • Oral sex is also useful for problems of this kind, if it suits both.

General recommendations are not suitable for everyone; each couple chooses poses taking into account their physiology and personal preferences.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

There are a number of risk factors that predispose to the development of ED. Why does erection decrease during sex (risk factors):

  • excess weight;
  • age after 50 years;
  • frequent stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • avitaminosis;
  • radiation and other environmental factors.

Doctors believe that ED has a psychological or physiological nature. Men's health is adversely affected by taking medications, alcoholism, smoking, and other bad habits.


About 40% of cases are ED of a psychogenic nature. It can be associated with anxiety, stressful situations, and mental illness.

The most common reason why an erection disappears during sex is the expectation of failure syndrome. Decreased arousal can have a significant impact on a man's self-esteem. Before sexual intercourse, fear appears, which prevents you from relaxing and achieving the desired level of arousal. Over time, the problems become real, the possibility of sexual intercourse is completely lost.

Selective ED is observed in older men. A man is successful in his sexual life, has contacts with many partners, but fails with one. For example, an erection disappears during sex with your wife, but everything is fine with your mistress.

Psychological causes of ED:

  • depression;
  • increased anxiety;
  • stress.

ED can occur situationally. It depends on the time, place of sexual intercourse, circumstances, and partner’s behavior. Weak erections after a hard day at work are common.

Problems in intimate life cause complications:

  • dissatisfaction;
  • mental stress;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • deterioration of relationships with a partner;
  • problems with conception.

If ED becomes permanent, i.e. occurs in half of the cases, you should seek help from specialists.


With organic ED, the cause of the problem lies in structural changes in the genital organ. Occurs in 30% of patients.

Why does a man have a weak erection (provoking factors):

  • spinal cord injuries;
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • operations in the pelvic organs;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries leading to the genital organ;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate surgery;
  • disorders of the nervous system (multiple sclerosis, stroke);
  • hormonal disorders (decreased testosterone levels);
  • degenerative processes in intervertebral discs;
  • brain tumor;
  • infections;
  • syringomyelia;
  • transverse myelitis;
  • cerebral insufficiency.

Thus, vascular, neurological, endocrine, and structural causes are distinguished. Men who have weak erections are wondering what to do. First of all, you need to be examined for the presence of organic pathologies.

Taking medications

In case of drug-induced erectile dysfunction, the reasons for weak erection lie in taking any medications.

List of medications that affect potency:

  • diuretics (spironolactone);
  • antihypertensive drugs (methyldopa, clonidine, verapamil, β-blockers);
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • preparations containing narcotic substances;
  • H2-agonists (cimetidine, ranitidine);
  • hormonal drugs (estrogens, progesterone, antiandrogens);
  • corticosteroids, releasing hormones;
  • cytotoxic agents (methotrexate, cyclophosphamide);
  • anticholinergic (anticonvulsants);
  • hormonal drugs (estrogens, progesterone, antiandrogens);
  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal and antiviral drugs.

After completing treatment or replacing the medication, the problem resolves itself, and potency is restored within a few days.

Bad habits

Potency is adversely affected by alcohol, drugs (cocaine, amphetamine), and smoking.

Dopamine and serotonin are responsible for arousal and orgasm. Alcohol suppresses serotonin in small quantities, as a result of which a person becomes more relaxed and liberated. If a person drinks too much, his serotonin also gets drunk, which has a detrimental effect on sexual performance. This is why weak erection is a consequence of alcohol abuse. In chronic alcoholics, the metabolism in the reproductive cells is disrupted, libido decreases, and sexual dysfunction develops. With constant consumption of alcohol, a man ceases to be interested in sex, and erection problems become chronic.

The severity of the problem may be insignificant, which is why many men delay going to the doctor. When an erection decreases during sex and this happens regularly, emotional and mental disorders appear. A person is constantly nervous and tense. Erectile dysfunction is a problem that can be successfully solved if it is addressed in time.

Increasing potency is a solvable issue. All you have to do is start following a healthy lifestyle and consult a urologist who will prescribe competent treatment.

Special exercises for men

Unlike drug treatments, exercise not only improves potency, but also maintains it for a long time. Of course, you need to exercise regularly. In this case, excessive loads should be avoided.

Here are the basic principles and directions of courses of special exercises that strengthen potency:

  • maintaining general tone and physical development of large muscles is the main factor in men's health, has a positive effect on the reproductive system and its normal functioning;
  • exercise promotes a more active release of the male hormone testosterone, which controls erection and affects spermatogenesis;
  • physical activity improves blood flow in sedentary parts of the body (lumbar and coccygeal back, hip joints). This relieves congestion and ensures normal nutrition and blood flow in the genitals;
  • Exercises to increase potency improve overall well-being and a feeling of increased energy appears. This affects the production of endorphins - joy hormones. In addition, a man's muscle tension is relieved.

To select an individual set of special exercises that help increase potency, you need to contact a specialist in physical therapy.

Such therapy has no contraindications, the only drawback is that regular exercise is required to achieve results.

How to quickly restore erectile function with the help of medications?

There are many effective drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction; they can quickly restore potency:

  • Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors provide relaxation of the vascular walls and a rush of blood to the penis, thereby restoring a full erection. Such drugs include Zidena, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. This group has its own contraindications and side effects;
  • Testosterone-based medications are prescribed when not enough of your own male hormone is produced. This group includes Andriol, Methyltestosterone, Nebido, Sustanol;
  • alternative and homeopathic medicines based on medicinal plants. Efficacy has not yet been clinically proven. But many men use them and achieve good results. Most likely, the improvement in potency is due to individual sensitivity and the placebo effect.
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