Male penis: what sizes and shapes are there?

We are all familiar with tables of height and weight ratios, but not many know that there is also a table of penis sizes with a similar structure, with the help of which you can determine the optimal proportions of the length and diameter of the manhood. You can find it and other interesting information in our article. If you want to know the age norms or the proportion of the male population of the Earth with outstanding and modest sizes, then you have also come to the right place.


The average size of the male genital organ in its normal state is approximately 9.2 cm, and in an erect state it is 13.1. The erect penis in the studies was measured from the pubic bone. The measurement of the resting penis was carried out from its base.

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Super small

Another name for such a member is micropenis. Its length when stretched is no more than 8 cm. Micropenis is associated with hormonal disorders in which insufficient testosterone is produced. This hormone affects the normal development of the genital organs.


The size of this penis in a tense state is 8-13 cm.


The average size is 13-15 cm. It is found in most representatives of the stronger sex.


Large penises are those that are between 15 and 20 cm when erect.


The length of such phalluses is more than 20 cm. A certain Jonah Falcon had a recorded penis size of over 34 cm. This is a record for today.


A penis is considered thick if it is more than 5 cm thick.


Thin phallus - having a thickness of less than 3 cm.

Are doubts in vain?

The overwhelming majority of men believe that the normal length of the penis should be considered from 17-18 centimeters, or even more. They are haunted by the advertised 25 centimeters of a virtual penis in photos of porn sites, but doctors are forced to cool down the intensity of passions and state the facts - those men who can boast of such impressive sizes account for no more than 1% of the entire population of the Earth, if we count only the stronger half humanity. And it cannot be considered standard or normal at all!

Therefore, the rest have to be content with the average size of the penis, its length and width, so to speak, according to the average version.

Most men, completely without reason, bring themselves to a nervous breakdown, believing that their 13-14 cm penis is a reason to be embarrassed, especially when meeting a new woman for the first time.

Fearing misfires, they minimize sexual intercourse (up to once a month, or even a year), which, of course, does not add optimism and potency. But sometimes you need to choose a position (woman on top most often) so that the completeness of penetration is sufficient and normal to complete full-fledged coitus.

According to surveys, only a third of men are satisfied with the length of the penis, the rest consider their penis size to be below normal and at all costs want to increase it, sometimes agreeing to very extravagant methods that people voice on various thematic forums. Adjusting to the self-invented standard of 17-18 cm, men purchase special equipment, do exercises, buy packs of dignity-enhancing drugs, and even decide to undergo the most dangerous operations. But few people are able to really realize that small penis size, or micropenis, occurs in very small cases.

A person who believes that his penis length does not fit the concept of “average penis size” can familiarize himself with the data provided by WHO statistics.

The table of average penis sizes fully reflects the entire reality that actually exists, regardless of the bravado of individual individuals. A photo of the average penis size on the Internet can complement what is written in the table.

Penis length during erection\cm Amount in% (male part of the planet)
Less than 10 1
From 10 to 13 10
13-15 20
15-16 25
16-18 30
18-20 10
20-23 3

As you can see, the average penis size is by no means menacing in size, and those who can be considered sexual giants account for a tiny number of people.

The leaders are those men whose penis is within 15-18 cm, so the lion's share of all male anxieties and psychological discomfort about the length and width of the penis is simply far-fetched and has no basis.

Teen sizes

The average length of a stretched penis at birth is about 4 cm. Until the age of five, the organ grows slightly, and then it increases slightly. The next leap occurs during puberty.

At 10, 11, 12 years old

Normal penis size indicators for teenagers:

  • at 10 years old - 3-5 cm at rest and approximately 7-9 cm during erection;
  • at 11 years old - 3.5-5.5 and 7.5-9.5 cm;
  • at 12 years old - 4-6 and approximately 11 cm.

At 13, 14, 15 years old

From the age of 13, the penis increases noticeably:

  • at 13 years old - 5-7 cm in a non-excited state and approximately 12-13 cm during excitement;
  • at 14 years old - 6-8 and 14-15 cm;
  • at 15 years old - 6 - 8 and 15.5 cm;

At 16, 17, 18 years old

At this time, the growth of the penis ends. Its dimensions:

  • at 16 years old - 6.5-9.5 cm at rest and 16.5 with erection;
  • at 17 years old - 7.5-10.5 and 17 cm;
  • at 18 years old - 8.5-11.5 and 16.5 cm.

Length VS Width

The stronger sex often assumes that length is everything. Women, on the contrary, pay attention to width.

The reason is the girl’s vagina, which reaches only 10 cm in depth, which is not always convenient with great dignity. With a wide organ, intense pressure is applied to the clitoris, labia, and when entering the vagina, which helps to achieve pleasure without additional stimulation.

What determines the size of the penis?

The shape and size of the penis depend on genetics and a number of other factors.


The penis grows in length up to 17-18 years. With age, some reduction in the organ is possible due to a decrease in hormonal levels.

Hormonal background

Puberty begins at approximately 12 years of age and ends at 17–18 years of age. At this age, the production of hormones that are responsible for the development of the cavernous bodies increases. With hormonal imbalance, penis growth may slow down.

Nutritional Features

The lack of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during puberty negatively affects the parameters of the phallus.

Ecological situation

Changes in the parameters of the penis can be adversely affected by pesticides and synthetic antimicrobial agents. They negatively affect the hormonal system of men.

Manhood. Does size matter?

Excess weight and associated diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases and exposure to pathogenic bacteria lead to destruction and deformation of penile tissue.

We sight the male population by penis size - table

The overwhelming majority of the strong half of humanity is worried about their male viability and, above all, the size of their penis. Most men diligently hide these worries, flaunting their strength and brutality. But at the same time, they constantly compare themselves with others and feel insecure when undressing in front of a new partner for the first time, which negatively affects their mental state.

As surveys show, only a third of men are completely satisfied with their manhood, while the rest are not averse to increasing it. Some decide to undergo dangerous operations, others try to add centimeters on their own - they do exercises, buy special devices and creams that promise an almost instant effect. But almost none of them realize that their self-doubts are in vain and the size of their genitals corresponds to the norm, or even exceeds it.

The results of one of the latest surveys, characterizing the percentage of men and the length of their assets, are clearly reflected in the table:

No.Penis length in erect state, cmNumber of men relative to the male population of the planet, %
1less than 101
8more than 231

As you can see, the list is dominated by those with a length of 15.1 to 18 cm. Taking into account the typical exaggeration of the size of their merits by men and the figures are higher than the official ones, which in most countries range from 13 to 16 cm, which once again proves the unfoundedness of the lion's share of men's worries .

Penis shapes

There are different forms of penises. They are individual and different for each man. The shape of penises depends on a large number of factors. The main one is heredity. There is no complete idea of ​​the “ideal” shape of a penis.


This genital organ has no bends - neither horizontal nor vertical. When erect, he “looks” straight. In some men, the straight penis has an arrow-shaped appearance.


In this case, the man can boast of a thin trunk and a wide head. It resembles a mushroom cap. The head can be different: from narrow at the tip to round.


Such members are also quite common. They have a fairly long, thick trunk with a smaller head. The general appearance of the penis resembles a cone - wider at the base and narrower at the top.


This is one of the most common forms of the sexual organ. It is smooth, without any curvature. Sometimes veins on the penis may appear slightly. All parts of the penis have approximately the same thickness.


Despite the modest length of such a penis, its diameter reaches impressive sizes. In a non-excited state, this feature of the penis is invisible. However, when erect, the organ is thick and resembles a barrel.


This type of penis has a tilted head and a shaft in any plane. Sometimes oblique curvature occurs.

Unusual shape

There are various unusual members.


This penis is banana shaped. When erect, it has a pronounced bend, “looking” down. The functionality of the organ does not suffer from this.


This phallus is similar to graviola, an African plant. Then in the erect state it is short and very wide.


When erect, the penis bends to the right. The anomaly often occurs in men who have previously injured the genital organ.

Average Penis Size

The study's findings may help explain why people have relatively large genitals relative to their body size.

For example, in male gorillas, who weigh up to 180 kg, the size of the erect penis reaches only 4 cm. In men, who weigh half as much, the average size of the penis in a non-erect but stretched state reaches 12-16 cm

At normal temperatures, the non-erect penis measures between 8.5 and 10.5 cm from tip to base.

Evolutionary biologists believe that in times when people walked around without clothes, women were attracted to men whose genitals attracted attention. Thus, men with larger penises were able to pass on their genes faster, which led to other generations developing rather large genitals.

Penis differences

It is quite difficult to answer what differences there are in members. After all, there is no definite norm visible here. Doctors have identified the following types of genital organs:

  1. Thick. These have a fairly large volume, but the length can be medium or short. Sometimes it can visually resemble a barrel. It happens that the penis is impressive both in length and width.
  2. Thin. The thickness of the penis is quite modest. The length varies. Such phalluses are characterized by an arrow-shaped shape.
  3. Long. Usually the length of the phallus is more than 15 cm. There are cases when, despite the large length, the thickness is insignificant.
  4. Short. This phallus is less than 12 cm. Its thickness varies widely.


Owners of such members can boast of a pronounced feature, namely noticeable veins. Sometimes such members look impressive due to their large size.


A meaty penis is usually large, even when not erect. Sometimes thick varieties are found.

By erect position (hook, pike, root)

There are the following types of penises by position:

  • “root” (directed downward during erection);
  • “root hook” (directs upward from the base and then curves horizontally);
  • “hooked pike” (protrudes horizontally from the base and then curves upward);
  • “rooted pike (from the base it goes horizontally and then curves in the lower direction);
  • hammer (this penis has an enlarged head);
  • arrow (head narrowed).

According to the shape of the curvature

A curved penis is characterized by varying degrees of deviation of the head or body in any direction. Often the penis is curved in different directions.

The curvature of the phallus is not always due to physiological factors. Severe curvature of the penis occurs as a result of Peyronie's syndrome. With this disease, there is a curvature of the penis towards the abdomen. Men feel pain in the penis when it is tense.

By size of foreskin

The length of the foreskin varies widely. The members are distinguished:

  • without foreskin (men underwent circumcision surgery);
  • uncircumcised with a short prepuce;
  • uncircumcised with a normal-sized prepuce;
  • with a long prepuce (in this case, the norm is fixed only when the head opens normally and no pathological phenomena are observed).

When characterizing the size of the prepuce, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some men may have phimosis. Phimosis means the inability to expose the head to any degree.

By presence of hair

There may be hair on the body of the phallus, and this is normal. It's also okay if there aren't any.

How to increase

Men often want to increase the length and girth of their penis. This should be done when the organ size is up to 9.5 cm in an erect state. There are the following ways to do this:

  • exercises and massages aimed at stretching the phallus;
  • extenders that lengthen and thicken the organ;
  • surgical operations;
  • nozzles;
  • vacuum pumps;
  • injections;
  • creams, sprays and gels;
  • Dietary supplements, herbs, vitamin preparations.

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Table "members of the nations of the world"

size chart

We have already mentioned that normal penis sizes in the world range from 13 to 16 cm, and now let's find out the average values ​​in some countries. Below is a table of average penis sizes, compiled based on numerous surveys and studies:

No.A countryAverage erect penis size, cm
4Saudi Arabia15

Judging by these data, Russian men are ahead of many, including the temperamental Greeks and the hated Americans. And countries with high birth rates, such as China and India, are almost at the bottom of the list. The conclusion suggests itself - even modest size is not a hindrance for sexual activity. Well, dissatisfaction with yourself, fear of not impressing your lover and other worries associated with the small size of your manhood are just a reason to work on your self-confidence, and not a reason for surgery.

Ways of affection

Here are the methods used to caress the penis:

  • stimulate the trunk by lightly patting it with the phalanges of your fingers;
  • clasping the penis, make back-and-forth movements with your fingers;
  • run two palms over the penis;
  • Having formed a ring with your thumb and forefinger, grab the penis and move your hands;
  • clasping the penis at the base with one hand and the head with the other, perform circular movements;
  • caress the penis in the shower;
  • massaging the penis, caressing the testicles;
  • using lubricant, run your hand along the inner thigh, approaching the scrotum and penis;
  • caress the penis with your tongue;
  • use a vibrating erection ring;
  • use rose petals, feathers, hair for touching.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which one do girls like?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. The preferences of each girl are individual, as are the size and shape of the penis.

Can size be determined by other parts of the body?

There are no ways to determine penis size without a ruler. It is impossible to determine the dimensions of the phallus by the thumb, foot size, nose length, etc. There is no scientific explanation for this.

Is size inherited?

DNA contains all the characteristics of an organism, including penis size. However, in addition to genetics, it is influenced by nutrition and hormonal levels.

To what age does it grow?

The penis usually grows until the age of 17. Until the age of 25, there is a slight increase in the thickness of the penis.

Can women have penises?

Women cannot have male genitalia. The sex of a person is determined by external signs.

What is the taste and smell?

The taste of a penis, according to girls, is different. It comes in: salty; resembling a banana wrapped in ham; reminiscent of blue cheese; clean, diluted with notes of musk; tender and sweet; meat; salty-sweet; sour; bitter. A clean penis has a pleasant smell. It feels different to every girl.

Can it be broken?

A fracture of the penis occurs when excessive physical force is applied to it during an erection. At the moment of fracture, a characteristic cracking sound is heard. The most common cause of a fracture is careless movements of both partners during sexual intercourse. A fracture can also occur as a result of a knife or gunshot wound. Signs of a fracture: acute pain, sudden cessation of erection, crunching, swelling, hematoma, curvature. Such a serious injury requires immediate surgical intervention.


To understand the functioning of an organ, it is important to know its anatomy.


The penis has the shape of a cylinder and consists of a front (movable) and an internal (fixed) part. The front part has a body ending in a thickened part - the head. The urethra (urethra) opens at the apex. The widest part of the head of the penis is called the crown.

The penis has thin and flexible skin on top. There is a seam on the underside of the penis. From behind it passes to the scrotum and perineum.

At the end of the penis is the foreskin (prepuce). The prepuce covers the head and exposes it with slight movement. On the back side the head passes into the frenulum. The inner tissue of the prepuce and head are covered with very thin skin. Between them there is a preputial cavity. On the inner layer of the foreskin, glands that produce lubricant open. In some men, due to the narrowed opening of the prepuce, the head is almost or completely not exposed. This pathology is called phimosis and requires therapy. In boys under three years of age, phimosis is physiological and does not need correction.

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The head and frenulum are rich in nerve endings. When they are stimulated, pleasant sensations arise and an erection appears.

The basis of the reproductive organ is two cavernous (cavernous) bodies and a spongy body. Cavernous bodies are cylindrical in shape. They begin from the periosteum of the pubic and ischial bones. The cavernous body is covered with a tunica albuginea. From it emanate processes - connective tissue trabeculae. The connective tissue contained in them, during contraction, retains blood during erection. Inside the corpus cavernosum there are cavities called “caves”. During an erection, their volume increases significantly.

The corpus spongiosum is much smaller in size than the cavernous one. Its front part goes into the head.

Blood flows to the penis through deep arteries - branches of the genital artery. Venous blood flows through deep veins. The penis is innervated by the dorsal nerve (a branch of the pudendal nerve). Sympathetic nerves depart from the hypogastric plexuses, located below, and parasympathetic nerves from the pelvic internal plexuses.


The penis is usually darker than the rest of the skin. The darker shade is found in all adult men, regardless of race.

When a teenager begins puberty, his body produces more male sex hormones - androgens. They are responsible for secondary sexual characteristics. These include skin pigmentation.

Hormones interact with skin cells that produce melanin. Because of this, the penis, scrotum and groin area are slightly darker than the rest of the body.

Unnatural darkening of the penis is a consequence of such pathologies:

  • hormonal imbalance,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • obesity,
  • acanthosis nigricans.

There are many men whose penis is red or brownish in color. This color is a variant of the norm. It is also normal if there are dark spots on the skin of the phallus. When excited, it may appear darker or redder. All color variations during erection are normal.

Sometimes the skin of the phallus is lighter than the color of the rest of the skin. The shade of the genital organ can be inconsistent: in an erect state the organ is one shade, and in its normal state - another. This phenomenon is physiological if it is not a symptom of a disease.


Most male penises are not completely smooth. Their veins are usually visible and protrude slightly, especially during arousal. It is normal to have small growths on the skin. They usually appear after puberty ends. Half of men have small, light, painless bumps on their scrotum.

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