Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) - symptoms and treatment

The main reason for a man’s love of life and activity, which influences his behavior, is sex hormones. Every third man suffers from potency disorders. You can make up for the loss of libido in many ways: hormonal therapy, exercise and eating the right foods. Which? Find out from our list.

Let's look at the top 25 best products that will quickly and effectively increase your libido and be useful for potency.

How does nutrition affect potency?

To protect the heart, maintain full sexual function and normal functioning of the nervous system, it is necessary to contain a sufficient amount of omega-3 and omega-6 acids in the diet. Most of these substances are found in wheat sprouts, nuts, and fatty fish.

The menu should also include foods rich in vitamins and microelements involved in the production of testosterone and sperm production. These substances include vitamin C, selenium, zinc. The need for them increases several times if a man has bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).

Foods that negatively affect erection

Below is a list of products, the constant use of which negatively affects potency. Therefore, if you have problems with men’s health, they will have to be excluded:

  1. Baking, confectionery and bakery products - a high content of yeast and sugar negatively affects the synthesis of testosterone - the main male hormone, the amount of which determines potency. The only exceptions are yeast-free varieties of bread.
  2. Fatty meats, butter and margarine, yolks, some cheeses - a large list of products containing cholesterol that is harmful to erection. This substance is capable of forming plaques in the lumens of the pelvic vessels, as a result of which the flow of blood required for an erection is reduced (methods of increasing blood flow to the penis). Accordingly, an erection. Interestingly, the male hormone itself is formed from cholesterol.
  3. Beer. Phytoestrogens contained in beer are female hormones, and when they enter a man’s body, they suppress the production of testosterone - the result of this effect is hormonal imbalance. In addition to problems with erection, a “beer belly” appears, the voice becomes higher-pitched.

When drinking large amounts of beer, men stop producing the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. Over time, this can lead to problems with potency

  1. Products from the menu of fast food restaurants - trans fats contained in hamburgers and fries also negatively affect the synthesis of hormones, including testosterone.
  2. Sausages and smoked meats - smoking liquids used for the manufacture of these products quantitatively reduce testosterone levels. In addition, these substances are toxic to the testicles.
  3. Carbonated drinks, except mineral water . In addition to high levels of sugar, they contain flavorings and dyes, the use of which negatively affects the synthesis of testosterone and sperm.
  4. Caffeinated drinks. The most common of them is coffee. If you drink it often and a lot, testosterone drops, but the amount of female hormones, on the contrary, increases.

In combination with factors such as obesity, sedentary work, emotional instability, stress and constant overwork, frequent consumption of the above products often causes erectile dysfunction.

Products to increase potency

Products that increase potency include oysters, which are called strong aphrodisiacs of natural origin. The benefits of shellfish are due to the large amount of amino acids and organic zinc they contain. Eating oysters improves sperm quality and activates testosterone production. But eating shellfish too often is still not recommended. European and Chinese scientists have proven that constant consumption of oysters can negatively affect reproductive function.

Products that increase potency in men saturate the body with useful microelements, vitamins, and substances that have a positive effect on sexual function. These include turnip seeds. From them you can prepare a special mixture according to the following recipe:

  1. Boiled mashed turnips are mixed with grated carrots in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Then you need to add 1 dessert spoon of honey. The finished product is taken 60 grams three times a day. The positive effect of such a mixture will not be long in coming.

When consuming foods for potency, it is worth remembering the existing contraindications. For example, it is recommended to avoid including turnips in the diet in case of cholecystitis, hepatitis, or during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Products to increase potency should be consumed regularly. This is especially true for nuts rich in magnesium, zinc, vitamins E and B. These substances have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. Nuts also contain arginine. It activates the process of producing nitric oxide, a substance that is necessary for a stable erection.

To treat potency problems, various nuts are included in the daily diet: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc. Each of them has a unique composition and properties, but has an equally beneficial effect on the body.

Pumpkin seeds contain all the necessary substances required for the normal physical health of a man. Regular use of this product serves as an excellent prevention of many pathologies that negatively affect erectile ability.

There are many recipes using pumpkin seeds:

  1. Pumpkin seeds, prunes, dried apricots and walnut kernels are crushed in equal proportions. Add a little honey to the resulting mixture. To add piquancy to the product, use cumin, sesame or anise. The mixture with pumpkin seeds should be taken daily: twice a day. This remedy is consumed after meals.
  2. Pumpkin seeds are ground using a meat grinder. Add half a glass of honey to the resulting mixture. Then you need to mold small balls from it. Subsequently, they eat such a ball every day half an hour after eating.
  3. 70 grams of pumpkin seeds, 100 grams of butter, 100 ml of honey are thoroughly mixed and placed in a sealed container in the cold. Three small spoons of the product consumed per day will have a powerful effect on erection.

You can also prepare a medicinal decoction based on pumpkin seeds. To do this, two glasses of the product are heated in a hot frying pan and crushed with a knife. Add a liter of boiling water to the resulting mixture and cook it over low heat for 10–15 minutes. When the broth is infused, filter it and add a large spoonful of honey. Freshly prepared decoction is consumed 2 times a day.

Methods and methods for improving erection

Below are the most popular answers to the questions “what to do with a weak erection?” and “what to do if an erection disappears during sexual intercourse or before it begins?”

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition helps maintain a man’s health, does not allow an erection to disappear, but rather maintains it at a high level. The main requirement for the diet is balance in the main components. To improve potency, the menu for every day should contain a variety of foods, vitamins and minerals. To treat problems of erectile dysfunction (weak erections), you can contact a specialist to develop a special diet. As a rule, such diets have a separate requirement for fat content: it should be at the level of 30% (no more and no less). This is of great importance due to the fact that lipids are of great importance in the synthesis of male sex hormones. Tea and coffee are beneficial in optimal quantities. These drinks contain caffeine, which keeps a man's body in good shape and has a positive effect on sexual activity. You can often hear the opinion that after drinking one mug of tea or coffee, the erection has increased significantly. To prevent erection problems, it is necessary to consume foods and medications that contain vitamin E: it helps stimulate the functioning of the endocrine, muscular and reproductive systems.

Healthy lifestyle

For most representatives of the stronger sex, one of the simplest and at the same time difficult ways to combat weak erections is to change their lifestyle and habits. This path requires compliance with three basic requirements:

  • giving up bad habits
    (when drinking alcohol, erections disappear or become inhibited, smokers experience high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases begin to develop);
  • maintaining normal body weight
    (excess weight puts a person at risk for diabetes and one of its results - poor erection);
  • compliance with the daily routine
    (for healthy sleep and rest, a person needs enough time - at least 9-10 hours a day).

Weak erections can be treated by undergoing bath procedures using regular contrast showers. Another great way is to influence the active points of the feet.

Regular sex life

As a rule, young people are less likely than middle-aged men to experience erection problems (potency may disappear or weaken). This is due to the ability of a young body to respond more quickly to mental factors of arousal, and often additional impact on erogenous zones is not required. But regardless of age, every member of the stronger sex should have a desire for regular sex life. Moderation of sexual activity involves avoiding too frequent sexual intercourse and changing partners, as well as avoiding prolonged abstinence. But sometimes a short interruption of sexual activity gives a noticeable increase in a man’s potency and increased desire.

Physical exercise

Regular exercise helps not only to improve overall health, but also to avoid erection problems. The most effective exercise for erection is squats, which should be done 50-100 times a day. This helps normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area. Another equally effective method is tensing and relaxing the perineal muscles. This exercise is convenient because it can be performed in any position any number of times a day. Another effective remedy for an erection is the pelvic lifting exercise. It is performed from a lying position, with the legs half-bent. It is necessary to perform 25 lifts approximately 10 times a day. Walking in place also gives positive results in the fight against poor erection. When performing this exercise, you need to raise your knees high to the maximum height, resting them on your chest. It is performed until you feel warmth in the perineal area. Weak erections can also be treated by exercising in a swimming pool. Exercises in water help strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, and tone muscles.

Using erection pills

Currently, many medicines have been developed in medicine to increase potency. Such means for restoring an erection are prescribed by a doctor only after a detailed consultation. Stimulation of weakened potency is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Impaza - effective pills to increase potency

To enhance desire and improve weak potency, the use of the drug Impaza is recommended. This drug for increasing potency not only helps to normalize the functioning of blood vessels, but also has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional component of sexual life. Impaza potency enhancement pills have many advantages.

Has a convenient tablet form

. Impaza is available in the form of lozenges that do not need to be taken with water. The clinical course of treatment for weak erection lasts 3 months. More detailed information on use is provided in the instructions for Impaza.

Helps restore erection within the physiological norm

. After taking Impaza male enhancement pills, male power will be maintained during sexual activity. The effect does not depend on when the potency pill was taken. In addition, menopausal disorders are eliminated in men, when physical activity decreases and libido disappears, fatigue and weakness appear.

Suitable for the treatment of poor erection in the treatment of other diseases

. The drug for increasing potency has virtually no side effects, combines well with other drugs and can be prescribed to men suffering from problems such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc. The drug Impaza has also shown excellent results in the prevention of erectile dysfunction problems in patients at risk (suffering from metabolic syndrome).

Each case of erection problems in representatives of the stronger sex is individual, and therefore requires a separate diagnosis and treatment method. For men who want to restore weak erections and return to a full-fledged sex life, we recommend Impaz, a potency enhancing product.

You can get more detailed information about methods for improving erection, as well as about the potency enhancing drug Impaza, by calling the hotline and +7 (495) 681 93 00.

What foods reduce potency?

It’s worth talking about which foods reduce potency in men. Alcohol negatively affects the sexual capabilities of the stronger sex. Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on erection.

Products that reduce potency in men include soy, cereals and legumes. The negative effect on potency is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in their composition.

There are also many products that reduce potency with caffeine. Therefore, you should not rely on energy drinks, coffee and tea. An increase in the amount of caffeine in the blood leads to a decrease in the level of male hormone in the body. This fact is evidenced by numerous studies conducted by scientists from different parts of the globe.

Nutrition for potency in men also includes the use of a variety of spices. Nutmeg, ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon and hot pepper enhance sensuality and increase blood circulation. In addition, the inclusion of these spices in nutrition for potency has a positive effect on the immune system and increases performance.

If you have problems with potency, you should first consult a doctor by contacting the urology center.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

To make a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (poor potency), consultation with a doctor is necessary. No one can self-diagnose. This problem is detected only if the patient complains that his sexual desire disappears all the time, and an improvement in erection has not occurred within 3 to 6 months. If the first even minor problems appear in the intimate area (lack of or poor potency), you should immediately consult a urologist-andrologist, and in his direction, visit other specialists. After all, in men, weak erection is often associated with the presence of other chronic diseases: prostate gland, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and other organs and systems. To examine the penis, special equipment is used, with the help of which defects in the man’s penis, the conductivity of nerve impulses, the response from the brain, as well as the tone of the blood vessels are identified.

In cases where erection problems are the result of psychological problems, a man can solve them on his own or consult a psychologist.

Reviews on the use of fruits to improve erections

Men who regularly eat various fruits throughout their lives report that problems of reduced potency do not bother them at the age when their friends already become regular patients of andrologists and urologists.

It is impossible to cure impotence in a severe stage with the help of fruits alone, but they are an excellent help as part of complex therapy. Regular consumption of berries and fruits in combination with taking medications will restore sexual function much faster.

Examples of dishes from the male diet for erections

  1. Decoction of milk and carrots - 1 tbsp. milk take 2 tbsp. spoons of carrots. Add it to milk and cook for 10 minutes. Take 100 g 3 times a day;
  2. Salad with potatoes and fish - cook separately 500 g of fish, 5 potatoes, 3 carrots. After the products have cooled, cut them into cubes and season with vegetable oil, and garnish with herbs before serving;

The Mediterranean diet is used to improve potency, as it includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals that stimulate androgen production and sexual function

  1. Steamed fish - cut 700 g of fish (lean) into pieces and place on the bottom of a steamer, add hot water, 2 chopped onions, parsley - put on low heat for 15 minutes. Separately cook 2 beets and 2 potatoes for garnish. Before serving, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice;
  2. Shrimp soup - before preparing it, you need to sauté 2 carrots, parsley root and onion. Add them to boiling water along with 500 g of cauliflower. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, throw 200 g of shrimp into the pan. Garnish with herbs.
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