Causes, symptoms and treatment of retrograde ejaculation

Sperm in the bladder can signal the development of serious problems during ejaculation. In this case, the patient’s seminal fluid is not thrown out, but into the bladder. This pathological condition is called retrograde ejaculation.

If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner and a course of treatment is not taken, the man will subsequently not have children. If your ejaculation process is disrupted and your urine has become cloudy and white, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. This pathology is characterized by the preservation of male power, the possibility of achieving orgasm, but without ejaculation.

Table of contents

  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • When should you see a doctor?
  • Diagnostics
  • How to treat retrograde ejaculation?
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Retrograde ejaculation is a disorder in which there is abnormal movement of sperm at the end of sexual intercourse.
As a result, seminal fluid enters the bladder rather than being expelled. At the same time, the man retains the feeling of ejaculation. A minimal amount of ejaculate is released from the glans penis. In some cases, retrograde ejaculation is accompanied by anejaculation (lack of ejaculate).

Currently, the pathology is being successfully treated.

The patient just needs to see a doctor in a timely manner, and not hush up the problem or try to fix it on their own. Attempts at self-therapy can lead to difficulties in diagnosis and delay the adoption of adequate measures.

Retrograde ejaculation is a rarely diagnosed pathology.


What is dangerous about retrograde ejaculation: absence of sperm release through the urethra, but sexual desire remains. The amount of ejaculate decreases sharply.

For disorders of this kind, when the sexual centers are at the stage of excitability, frequent erections and premature ejaculation, sedatives are prescribed, primarily sedatives. If necessary, antibiotics and immune preparations are taken internally.

Stress is the main link in the acquisition of many diseases. First of all, close people suffer from the negative consequences of stress, and, of course, the relationship between a woman and a man. Stress at work or searching for work, credit debts, food prices and much more accompany a person’s life. Energy is consumed, which means there is an opportunity for sexual disharmony.

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Causes of the disease

Retrograde ejaculation is a rarely diagnosed pathology.

Its development does not depend on the patient’s age. In some cases, the disease is detected in adolescents, at the stage of puberty.

The reasons leading to retrograde ejaculation can be divided into 4 groups: pharmacological, neurogenic, anatomical, idiopathic.

Retrograde ejaculation can be triggered by:

  • diabetes mellitus type 1, which is accompanied by metabolic disorders and damage to the peripheral nervous system
  • mechanical injuries to the genitals or lower back
  • malignant neoplasms
  • pelvic bone fractures
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders that may occur in elderly patients
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the brain and spinal cord
  • multiple sclerosis
  • prostatitis
  • circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs
  • taking medications

Also, the causes of retrograde ejaculation include previous surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems. Often, pathology develops after TUR (transurethral resection). The development of the disease can also be provoked by uncontrolled use of a number of antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants and alpha-blockers, drug addiction and alcohol abuse.

In some cases, retrograde ejaculation occurs in men who independently restrain orgasm or use various techniques to prolong sexual intercourse (tying the base of the penis or testicles).


Infertility may be a sign of pathology.

Men suffering from the pathology complain of the following symptoms:

  • reduction in ejaculate volume
  • complete absence of ejaculate
  • cloudy urine after sexual intercourse (this symptom of retrograde ejaculation indicates the presence of sperm in the urine)
  • decreased quality and strength of orgasm

Infertility can also be a sign of pathology.

In this case, patients do not experience pain or erectile dysfunction. A man can experience slight discomfort only if an adhesive or inflammatory process has developed against the background of pathology.


Violation of the ejaculation process is not too dangerous for the health and life of the patient. Seminal fluid, penetrating into the cavity of the bladder, does not cause any harm to the body, and comes out along with urine. However, the absence of sperm released during intimacy automatically makes conception impossible. In this case, the seminal fluid can be of quite high quality, suitable for fertilizing the egg.

Psychologically, living with such a disorder is quite difficult for a man; this often leads to severe depression. The development of retrograde ejaculation can be suspected if the patient experiences the following alarming symptoms.

  • After orgasm during intimacy, sperm is not released.
  • Seminal fluid comes out, but there is very little of it - about 1-2 ml.
  • While urinating after intimacy, you notice cloudy urine.

When should you see a doctor?

You should not self-medicate, as it can aggravate the condition and lead to difficulties in diagnosis, which will delay the prescription of adequate therapy.

You should contact a urologist or andrologist if you have any symptoms of retrograde ejaculation. It is necessary to make an appointment with a specialist as early as possible, as the problem can cause infertility.

Important! You should not self-medicate, as it can aggravate the condition and lead to difficulties in diagnosis, which will delay the prescription of adequate therapy.


To make a diagnosis, the man undergoes a comprehensive examination.

To make a diagnosis, the man undergoes a comprehensive examination. As part of the diagnosis, not only pathology is identified, but its cause is also determined. This allows you to select the optimal treatment for retrograde ejaculation for a particular patient.

First, an external examination of the penis is performed with palpation of the prostate gland. This allows us to exclude hyperplasia and neoplasms. The patient then undergoes laboratory testing. This usually includes blood and urine tests. Such diagnostics are aimed at identifying inflammatory and infectious processes. Then the patient undergoes a semen analysis (spermogram). Thanks to it, the doctor can diagnose the pathologies that cause infertility (if it is identified).

The most informative study is post-ejaculation urine analysis. It is taken immediately after ejaculation. If retrograde ejaculation is present, traces of seminal fluid will be found in the urine.

Instrumental diagnostics may also be required. The patient is referred to:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • electromyography
  • urethroscopy
  • electroneurography, etc.

If necessary, a man is consulted not only by a urologist or andrologist, but also by a proctologist, oncologist, and other specialized specialists. Thanks to this, diagnosis is possible even in the early stages of the disease. It allows you to identify not only the main, but also secondary pathologies that have arisen against its background.

Since modern treatment of retrograde ejaculation is complex, a man additionally receives vitamins that help improve metabolic processes in tissues and stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Complications and consequences

The health risk of reverse ejaculation is determined by its causes. For example, urethral stricture is fraught with the development of obstruction, accumulation of residual urine, proliferation of infections and pyelonephritis. But in most cases, reverse sperm flow does not pose a serious threat .

The inability to cure retrograde ejaculation is not a reason for frustration and complexes, although some men become fixated on the fact of abnormal sperm emission and even begin to feel imaginary discomfort. But if the problem cannot be solved, it is advisable to change your attitude towards it . You should not pay attention to cloudy urine after sex. There is even a small plus in the form of a low probability of an unwanted pregnancy for the partner. However, it is infertility that depresses many men . But modern medicine has long found a way out - extracting sperm from urine .

The acidic environment in the bladder damages the structure of sperm, so in preparation for conception during retrograde ejaculation, a man is prescribed drugs that increase the pH (alkalinizing). Then a portion of post-ejaculatory urine is collected, from which sperm are released. If it was not possible to obtain viable individuals in this way, they are removed directly from the bladder:

  • Urine is drained through a catheter;
  • The bladder is washed and filled with a special solution;
  • The patient induces ejaculation and passes the first portion of urine.

The collected sperm will await their time in a special culture medium.

The first stage of collecting sperm from the bladder is to empty it through a special catheter and fill it with saline solution

How to treat retrograde ejaculation?

Conservative therapy

The technique is selected in accordance with the reason that caused the disruption of the ejaculation process. If the pathology occurs due to taking medications, they are completely canceled or replaced. In this case, the process normalizes within a few days. If the pathology develops after surgery, muscle weakening or diabetes, special medications are prescribed.

In some cases, retrograde ejaculation provokes depressive states in the patient. In this case, additional antidepressants are necessarily prescribed. The patient may also be recommended to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Since modern treatment of retrograde ejaculation is complex, a man additionally receives vitamins that help improve metabolic processes in tissues and stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system. Physiotherapeutic procedures may also be prescribed.

The most popular today are:

  • stimulation of the bladder and urethra with electric currents
  • balneotherapy
  • massage

All these and other procedures have a beneficial effect on muscle contractility. In addition, they improve blood circulation and other internal processes in the body.

The man is also given a number of recommendations regarding lifestyle.

As a rule, they advise:

  1. Avoid professional sports and intense physical activity (including heavy lifting)
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important for a man to give up bad habits and eat a balanced diet. The diet should include seafood and chicken, a large amount of herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits. You need to avoid processed foods, fried and smoked foods.
  3. Perform special exercises and complexes. You can sign up for physical therapy classes. Useful exercises for men are pelvic rotations, side bends of the torso, and squats. Exercise sets are selected individually by rehabilitation therapists and other specialists. They take into account the peculiarities of the musculoskeletal system and various body systems. Patients can also practice yoga. It allows you not only to improve the general condition of the whole body, but also to stimulate the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. Regularly visit a urologist or andrologist in order to timely identify existing pathologies and their adequate treatment
  5. Important! All recommendations are issued exclusively by a doctor. This is due to the fact that a man may have other diseases in which physical exercise or a special protein-rich diet are contraindicated!

    Surgical treatment of retrograde ejaculation

    The technique is chosen exclusively by the doctor. The specialist takes into account the patient’s age and his individual parameters, the characteristics of the course of the pathology, its severity, cause and a number of other important factors.

    This therapy is relevant for benign and malignant neoplasms, as well as for pathologies of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. The scheme and methodology of interventions are selected individually. Surgeries for retrograde ejaculation today are carried out mainly using minimally invasive methods. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve all healthy tissue, reduce the risk of side effects (problems with urination, erectile dysfunction) and shorten the rehabilitation period.

    Important! The technique is chosen exclusively by the doctor. The specialist takes into account the patient’s age and his individual parameters, the characteristics of the course of the pathology, its severity, cause and a number of other important factors.


The main goal of therapy is to restore the external release of sperm during orgasm (antegrade ejaculation). Conservative and surgical methods are used for this .

The easiest way to get rid of reverse ejaculation caused by taking medications. When they are canceled or replaced, normal ejaculation is restored.

If the bladder sphincter is insufficient, medications are prescribed to increase the tone of its walls ( midodrine or ephedrine sulfate ). These substances improve the conductivity of impulses in nerve tissues. Contraindications are high blood pressure and renal pathologies.

For diagnosed polyneuropathy, alpha lipoic acid , which helps restore blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes in the nerve structures. For this purpose, B vitamins and magnesium are also prescribed .

Treatment of reverse ejaculation is often complemented by physiotherapy methods :

  1. Electrical stimulation of the urethra and bladder.
  2. Acupuncture.
  3. Mud therapy.
  4. Prostate massage.

In some cases, physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles :

  • Static squats with wide feet;
  • Pelvic lifts from a supine position: legs are bent at the knees, the lower back does not lift off the floor, the pelvis is not thrown up, but tucked up through the efforts of the buttocks;
  • Kegel exercises.

Rules for performing Kegel exercises for men.
Urologist Ekaterina Makarova says exercises are especially relevant for men at pre-retirement age. For many people, physical therapy and regular exercise are enough to get rid of retrograde ejaculation.

If there is serious damage to the bladder or urethra, then surgical methods are used:

  • Sphincteroplasty.
  • Urethroplasty (after excision of adhesions).
  • Restoration of the bladder wall.

If retrograde ejaculation is caused by diabetes mellitus or nerve damage during surgery, then treatment will most likely not work.

There are no effective folk remedies for getting rid of retrograde ejaculation. Herbs will not improve tissue innervation and will not restore patency of the genitourinary tract. In the idiopathic form of the pathology, the placebo effect may work. As a temporary measure against sperm backflow, you can practice sex with a full bladder - this way the sphincter contracts better.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Our urologists and andrologists have extensive professional experience. They have all the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and treat retrograde ejaculation.

  • Qualified specialists.
    Our urologists and andrologists have extensive professional experience. They have all the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and treat retrograde ejaculation
  • Expert diagnostics.
    To carry it out, clinics use advanced equipment that ensures high accuracy of examinations. Based on the results of the diagnosis, a decision is made on further conservative or surgical therapy.
  • Opportunities for comprehensive patient treatment.
    Men are selected medications and procedures that have already proven their effectiveness and safety
  • Providing a full range of services.
    In our clinic, men can undergo comprehensive diagnostics, consult with a doctor, receive treatment, and rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Individual approach.
    Treatment is selected based on a number of factors: the characteristics of the patient, his current condition, identified pathologies, etc.
  • Comfort of visiting the clinic.
    Our Center is located near the metro, which allows residents of any district of Moscow to visit it. In addition, we made sure that there are no queues and no need for long waits for an appointment. It is not for nothing that our clinic is recommended to friends and relatives

To undergo treatment for retrograde ejaculation in our clinic in Moscow, to find out the prices for services, just call + 7 (495) 7-800-500. You can make an appointment not only by calling the number provided, but also using the SmartMed application.

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