A loved one wants to return to his ex-wife. What to do?

The first reason is you!

People tend to make mistakes at any age. You never know which decision will be the right one. You can find out only by making a decision and receiving the consequence. Men who have taken responsibility and started a family also remain people who do not always make the right decisions. Creating a family of love in which children appear does not suppress men’s interest in other women.

Having become infatuated with a woman on the side, a man considers his infatuation to be fleeting and frivolous, which can be stopped at any moment.

But a woman often enters into a fight for a man, and when the secret becomes apparent, the wife, unable to withstand the tension, throws her husband out the door. The mistress, having achieved her goal, happily accepts it.

The passing of time removes the aura of mystery from any person, and the mistress no longer seems as attractive as before. Time, erasing the sharp edges, revives warm family moments in memory. If the wife turns out to be accommodating and allows the cheater to return to the family, then the mistress will act as a common evil, which will become a cementing agent for the united family.

But if a wife, listening to her wounded pride, does not forgive her prodigal husband, then it will be much easier to return such a man to his mistress. However, the thought that the ex-wife is ideal will not leave the man. After all, everything inaccessible is idealized.

More on the topic My husband left. Will he come back or not?

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Have you ever returned to your ex-husbands?

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The husband left. Will he come back or not? I want to get my ex-husband back, help! IMHO, after a breakup it is impossible to return what was before, you can only start over, repeat (with slightly different people). In this case, there is no need to try to return what is no longer there.

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Trial breakup

The husband left. Will he come back or not? I want to get my ex-husband back, help! IMHO, after a breakup it is impossible to return what was before, you can only start over, repeat (with slightly different people). In this case, there is no need to try to return what is no longer there.

Children as a guarantee?

The old saying that a man's love for a child is equal to his love for a woman holds true in family life. Of course, there are men who love their offspring regardless of their feelings for the woman who gave them life. But such people are in the minority. A wise wife who wants to return a man will never interfere with communication with children, because then she will have the opportunity to see the man himself.

A feeling of guilt in front of the family left behind can become a trigger for a man to return to the family. This may not happen if the mistress manages to give birth to a common child. However, remember, he already left his children in his previous marriage.

Manipulate children

Children are immaculate angels, but mothers who want to return a man, through manipulation, suggest that an evil woman took dad away from the family. And now the child is plotting terrible intrigues against the evil stepmother, who took his weak-willed father away from the family. Sometimes, such intrigues take on the scale of a disaster, and a woman regrets that she connected her life with a man with a child. Sooner or later, the homewrecker’s patience ends, and the man is safely thrown out the door. Whether your couple is in danger of breaking up, the Tarot reading “Will the relationship continue” will help you find out.

A mistress is an ordinary woman

By starting an affair on the side, a married man does not want to destroy his family. Men are practical and know that after some time, his airy goddess, who admires clever speeches, will become an ordinary woman, absorbed in a boring life. The bed, burning with passion, will turn into a wretched marital bed, and the man already has all this at home. So why should he ruin his usual way of life in order to get exactly the same thing? Having realized this, he will begin to be burdened by new relationships, because he has a lot in common with his old family.

The further, the more ideal

Time is a merciless teacher. The mistress, who became the wife, is nearby every day and has become commonplace. Scandals with a man and inevitable quarrels with relatives will force a man to remember his past wife, and his memory will present her in an ideal light. After all, everything bad has been erased. And now it seems to the man that his former wife’s pies were more rosy, and she got along with her mother much better.

The mistress is now endowed with more negative traits compared to the ex-wife. Remember, memory is selective, and often a man remembers the best moments from his family life. The ex-wife, having acquired ideal qualities over time, will become a tasty morsel for a man, and he will want to return to her.

Why did men return to women they had abandoned?

  • They realize how much they were mistaken...

Either their conscience is seriously tormented, or they really repent. Only men know this, from whom it is impossible to get the truth.

  • Comparing their current woman, they realize that the previous one was much cooler

This choice in reality is similar to choosing some expensive thing. It’s even offensive to compare us with things, but this comparison is simply necessary for the “brightness” of the example.

  • Nostalgia is tormenting and not for the first time

Or an album with photographs, or places where they spent “a lot of time” (a very large amount of time), or thoughts…. Something managed to “liberate” and “revive” nostalgic emotions.

  • This was in the plans for a long time, but somehow there was no time for it...

Now work, now children, now holidays, now “not the right moment.” And time hurried and hurried, in the hope that no one would disturb his peace with such recklessness. But it was also wrong, oddly enough...

  • They are not happy with many things (in comparison with the one that was before)

Men are complex people. And it’s just as difficult to please them. That’s why we were born to learn and be able to please our “eternally dissatisfied” beloved halves. And don't forget to compromise! He is an immortal weapon.

Men reason like this: “my ex has known me for more than five years (six, seven, eight, and so on), and the one who is with me now knows almost nothing about me...”

Yes…. You can understand such men!

  • His wife apparently pays too little attention to him

So the “beloved” decides to go on a “left” hike. And not for the sake of revenge! For the sake of receiving a certain amount of affection, warmth, kindness, understanding. A completely normal, logical and healthy desire, by the way!

  • He sees that he loves two people, but the “past” one is stronger (no matter how comical it may sound)

Women can't do that. They claim, of course, that they love both Petya and Kolya (for example), but their heart is still given to one - the only one! For men it’s different, as well as physiologically.

  • The woman stopped taking care of herself

It seemed to her, suddenly and for some reason, that her loved one would love her (as she is now). Nonsense and untrue! Men are beauty hunters.

Comes from childhood

The famous phrase of psychologists: “we all come from childhood” is especially acute in family relationships. A totalitarian mother and an incomplete family can cause childhood traumas that a man will bring into his family life. Infantile, rushing between two women, he will not be able to decide who is more suitable for him and will bring misfortune to both women. The man will leave and return until they make a choice for him.

Responsibility is not his thing

Often, men who run away from problems have mistresses. Having left his family and child and gone to his mistress, the man still does not want to take responsibility. As soon as the first problems appear on the rosy horizon of life with a new lover, the man, wanting to avoid them, leaves her. The appearance of a child in a new family brings with it a bunch of problems.

An irresponsible man does not want to take care of a child whose tummy hurts at night or support a tired woman; he wants a carefree life. Often, men of this type return to their previous family, where they no longer need to listen to children’s cries at night, because the child has already grown up.

Why do husbands leave the family?

“All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” These words of L. Tolstoy very accurately characterize the complexity of the relationship between two people

Without a painstakingly collected “history”, it is difficult to identify the reason that prompts a particular man to pack his things and leave (no matter - to his mistress or “to nowhere”). One thing is clear - this is a consequence of unresolved conflicts in the family

When problems accumulate like a snowball, without achieving a positive outcome.

Of course, a complete break in relationships is a fairly radical way out of a family crisis. But not every person can boast of a “reserve” of patience and wisdom, which are so necessary to solve problems in relationships. If the words “I’m leaving” sounded like a bolt from the blue to you, not only the very moment of a crisis situation in the family, but also the point of no return has been missed.

Let's figure out why a man cheats and, as a result, leaves his family for his mistress?

Marriage is a great responsibility for each partner. Some men, due to their character or the attitudes they learned from childhood, are not psychologically ready to bear this “burden” - taking care of loved ones, solving routine problems. And it's not always about age. Even fully mature men are not ready for marriage. They only need freedom without responsibility for children and relationships.

An affair “on the side” does not burden you and gives you a storm of positive emotions. But most likely, even if he leaves for his mistress, a psychologically immature man will not find happiness. History will repeat itself - he will leave the new woman as soon as she begins to encroach on his freedom.

When the “weather in the house” is continuous thunderstorms and downpours, a man will look for a person with whom he feels calm and comfortable. And his mistress may well become his best friend, who will listen and support.

Perhaps the husband will want to leave the family forever if not everything is going well at home and he cannot restore peace in his relationship with his wife.

Before marriage, you thought that “love will survive all obstacles”

But it is important to take into account one more point - the life values ​​of each partner. This is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome on the path to family happiness.

Incompatibility of goals can manifest itself in everything: in the desire or unwillingness to have children, in the choice of housing, in a suitable standard of living.

If compromises regarding basic life goals are not found before marriage, family relationships will face serious challenges. A man can find the woman with whom he is “on the same path”, who initially shares his life values.

Some men consider the stability and regularity of family life to be a disadvantage. Not everyone can meekly “pull the burden” of monotonous family relationships. Some people like bright emotions, relationships filled with adrenaline and passion. A man begins to cheat, or maybe even leave his wife for a new partner in search of thrills.

According to psychologists, it is family routine that often becomes the cause of divorce during one of the crisis periods that all marriages go through (1 year, 3 years, 7 years, 15 years and more than 20 years together). Instead of overcoming relationship difficulties with his wife, the man prefers a simpler solution to the problem - leaving. Perhaps he does not understand that even with his mistress he will very soon become “bored” and face everyday difficulties.

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Psychologist L. Ermakova in her book “Overcoming Divorces” identifies another possible reason for a husband’s leaving the family - difficult relationships with relatives (her own or a partner’s). Sometimes serious struggles unfold on the basis of “clan” conflicts. Not everyone is able to be more flexible in their relationships with relatives, hence the numerous problems in the family, which sometimes you want to escape from.

Partners change in marriage. Before the wedding, it seems that the loved one is ideal, but life makes its own adjustments - both the husband and wife show their true character traits, and all their shortcomings and bad habits begin to emerge. Against this background, the saddest outcome is possible - complete disappointment in each other.

What changes in a wife might a husband not accept? Coldness and aloofness in relationships, unkempt appearance, attempts to dominate, excessive care. Every problem can be solved, but sometimes there is no strength or desire to get out of the crisis that has arisen. When a man realizes that he is not living with “the” woman he once knew, he can make a radical decision - to leave.

Scandal as a reason to return to the family

In the heat of a scandal, the mistress herself pushes the man out the door, not forgetting to give away his things. Men do not like inconvenience; living in hotels, or living alone in rented apartments is not for most men. Of course, a man will not take advantage of the chance to return to his previous family, especially if they are still waiting for him.

How to behave when a man returns to his wife

“Everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,” this is how the classics would answer. But in a situation when a man leaves and emotions run high, it’s difficult to remain reasonable, but possible. It would be a mistake to chase after a man who has left and start attacking him with calls and messages.

A man who leaves always makes room for change to something new. Probably now is the time for the main person in your life. Mistakes made bring with them not only disappointments, but also invaluable experience. The Universe always leads a person along its own path. Close the door to the past and to your heart behind the departed man, and open it to new love.

You can find out what the departed man feels for you, what he is ready for for you, and find out what actions to take next by making the “Fortune telling on the feelings of your loved one on gypsy cards” layout.

Why do men come back after a breakup? Psychology of relationships

Relationships between a man and a woman have always tended to be difficult. They often alternate with ups and downs, and even lead to the man leaving. But, sometimes some of them come back after breaking up. Below you will find the psychology of such relationships.

When the men leave, the women begin to get used to the new environment. They no longer look at their phone hoping it will ring and eventually get used to the lack of heat on the other side of the bed. And only when you forget about them, the ex-man shows desires, that he wants to reconcile and try again to start all over again.

The question immediately arises, of course, why? Let's look at several options why men often return to their ex-wives after separation.

- He still loves you. The simplest and most explanatory of all options. It’s just that in a relationship where even the connection was broken, feelings and emotions were not severed. Sometimes relationships are so complicated that two people cannot fully understand why they are together. Unfortunately, the couple forgets about one important thing that once cemented their union - the love between two people.

“He spent some time alone and realized that he wanted you to give him a chance to rekindle the flame of an old relationship.” A man may be at a stage in life where he is trying to improve himself and build his future. And in between all of this, he may end up trying to achieve another goal: finding love.

“He knows that you will definitely take him back.” Unfortunately, there are such trusting and amorous women who are ready to forgive and forget everything, if only their sweetheart is nearby. And men take advantage of this, because he left, took a break from his family, went on a spree, and then he got bored with the wild life and decided to return. It is a pity for such women that men use at their discretion.


Here are some other reasons why boyfriends go back to their ex-girlfriends.

1. Sex. When a person does not get enough sex in a relationship, he becomes sexually unsatisfied. Especially in cases where he received sexual satisfaction with his ex-girlfriend on an ongoing basis. Be careful, because he could only come back because he doesn't get sex elsewhere.

2. He missed you. As soon as the relationship ended, he was sad, and then realized that he had no obligations and could have a blast. Now he can go to a party with friends, pursue other girls, drink alcohol as much as he wants, and all this without explanation to his girlfriend. But, soon after this, the desire to live a single life slowly disappears. He begins to miss his ex-girlfriend and the little things they had in their relationship.

3. Jealousy. When guys see their ex-girlfriend with another guy, their blood boils. He may not always show it on the surface, but deep down he would really like to hit his opponent in the face. Jealousy becomes even more pronounced when he realizes that you two are no longer a couple. If he doesn't agree that you are now with this guy, then he will try to make efforts to get you back.

4. Treason. If the reason for your separation was a man’s betrayal and you did not want to continue the relationship with the cheater, be prepared for the fact that he will try to change so that you forgive him and accept him back. Men, when they are released, very often get rid of certain things in their lives if they know you don't like them. He does all this so that you give him the opportunity to become your man again. And many women forgive and return to those they abandoned.

5. Regrets his decision. Sometimes a man who leaves a woman begins to regret his decision over time. He looks back and realizes that he focused all his attention on the things he didn't like, instead of focusing on his feelings and realizing that he loves you. As soon as he realizes what he has lost, he will begin to seek a meeting with you in the hope that you will take him back.

6. He checked his feelings. Sometimes a man needs to spend some time alone, away from you, to sort out his feelings (if he is confused) and understand exactly what emotions he feels for you.

7. Standards. When your relationship has certain standards, then your ex with the new woman will follow them too. And if a man feels that these standards are not met with his new girlfriend, then he will want to return to the one with whom he was more comfortable.

8. His parents. If you previously got along with his parents, then after separation, your husband’s mother may nag him for leaving you. His mom or dad will constantly remind him that he is an idiot for letting you go. As a result, he will begin to listen to his parents and will look for a way to return.

When our ex returns, each woman must decide for herself whether she is ready to accept him and start all over again, or to throw away the old relationship forever and not return to it again. It’s just that some couples run a very high risk of stepping on the same rake again, and as a result, everything may end in breakup again.


Alice I agree.
Girls, love yourself and don’t let men hurt you. Rose If a man leaves, it is better to let him go. After all, if he returns and you forgive him, then you can suffer again.

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Make good use of your time

Relationships with a man consume a lot of women's time. Often women change their priorities towards spending time with a man, preferring him to a fitness club, self-care and self-development. Now a woman can manage her own time, of which she has a lot.

The best decision would be to use the time to your advantage. Get back to physical training, do what you have long dreamed of. Analyze everything that happened to you, find new goals, take a break from relationships and fill yourself with new energy. And then meeting a new man will not take long.

How to live on

Many women who have gone through a divorce find it difficult to focus on anything other than their own feelings and experiences.

In such situations, you need to follow the recommendations of psychologists:

  1. Do not take revenge on your ex-husband by cheating on him or starting a new affair. This behavior is not worthy of an adult, self-confident woman; rather, it looks like a selfish attempt by a stupid girl to spite her ex.
  2. You should not be particularly persistent in returning your husband. Pressure, threats, attempts to make people feel sorry for you - such methods will only push you away.
  3. You should share your experiences only with the closest people. It is absolutely not necessary for strangers to know how your ex-spouse treated you. If you complain to everyone about your husband, do not expect that he will happily decide to return; on the contrary, he will try to stay as far away as possible.
  4. Find something interesting to do to avoid depression or self-doubt. Improve yourself, find a new hobby, immerse yourself in your favorite job - self-realization in any of these areas will make you feel happy, successful, and calm.
  5. Do not be disappointed in love, be able to experience this feeling in the future. Don’t become callous and closed to people, even after experiencing the betrayal of your loved one, don’t lose faith in people.

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What to do if a man abandoned two or three children?

It is necessary to resist the desire to protect them from communication with their father. Don't talk bad things about your father to your children and don't even try to manipulate your children to force your husband to return.

It is important for children to know that both parents love them.

Having your husband visit your children is another option to rekindle the relationship. The main thing is to show your departed husband that both the children and you love him.

Strong women should not wonder how to move on with their lives if their husbands leave. A self-sufficient person can endure any, even the most unpleasant, life changes with dignity.

Analyze the relationship

Women tend to blame men for all their sins, but it is worth thinking about the reason that a woman chooses such men. It is worth taking responsibility for your actions, analyzing your behavior with men, whether the relationship was built correctly, what mistakes were made, what was expected and what was received as a result.

By taking responsibility for her mistakes and analyzing them, a woman will be able to build qualitatively new relationships in the future. Without analyzing the mistakes and correcting them, the woman will most likely again find herself in a situation where the man will leave her.

Return at any cost! Is it worth it?

There may be many reasons why a man left his mistress, and not all of them lie on the surface. The feeling of guilt for destroying the family and leaving the children without a father, or various manipulations on the part of the ex-wife, can serve as a reason for returning to the previous family, although feelings for the new lover are still warm in the man’s heart. Each situation is individual, and it is better to sort it out with a person who is impartial. Friends and relatives can do a disservice here.

If a woman has realized that a man was the love of her life and is determined to get him back, the following mistakes cannot be made:

  • you cannot humiliate yourself in front of a man;
  • you can make compromises, but not allow yourself to bend;
  • You cannot accept a man if he has not finally decided with whom to stay.

A woman should think about whether she still has feelings for him, or whether the connection with him is already just a habit. If there are no feelings left, you should make an effort and finally break off the relationship, giving yourself a chance for a better life. After all, you cannot know for sure what gift the Universe has prepared.

If a guy returns to his ex: how to survive the situation?

There are often situations in life when the relationship between a guy and a girl comes to an end. It is especially difficult to survive when a guy leaves and returns to his ex-girlfriend. Parting is painful in itself, and when there is another, it is doubly painful.

But don’t despair if the guy returns to your ex, and don’t get depressed. You should soberly analyze the current situation and, of course, draw the necessary conclusions. It will not be simple and easy, and there will always be tears and worry. But you should accept such a turn as the first step for a new life.

First, you need to understand yourself and your feelings. You need to understand whether the young man deserves to be fought for, or whether he should be left forever. Much depends on certain factors. This includes the length of time the relationship lasted and the period of time the guy communicated with his ex-girlfriend. Of course, one should not look for advantages and disadvantages in it. There is no way to compare yourself and another girl, as a large number of complexes are developed. We must not forget that all people are not the same, and are not similar to each other in external qualities and character.

If a guy has a long-term relationship with his ex-girlfriend, most likely the feelings have not completely cooled down. Love cannot disappear in a short time. And the guy, of course, tried to cope with feelings and emotions, but it didn’t work. This happens when love is real. So guys are basically in a state of choice. They often go through girls and of course compare them in order to get an advantageous position for themselves. Such people are mostly traitors, and it is difficult to go through life with them. And therefore, if such a guy left, then that’s how it should be, and you shouldn’t waste time on emotions and experiences. In the future, he will leave his ex-girlfriend.

The best advice in such a situation is to move on and start building new relationships. You need to let go of everything and forgive, come to terms with such conditions. It is important for a girl not to lose heart, not to be disappointed in all men because of one incident. You need to look at the situation soberly and not commit rash actions and actions. You need to pull yourself together. It is worth finding a way to get rid of internal tension and stress. If crying makes you feel better, then cry alone with yourself, or go to the gym and play sports. Start writing poems or songs, draw pictures if you have artistic talent. This will all help direct negative energy and ease the state of mind.

Well, those who are confident in their feelings and cannot imagine life without a young man need to fight for their happiness, but first they should find out the reason for returning. Sometimes it's just girls blackmailing ex-boyfriends. There are different situations, and each one is special in its own way. If the guy’s feelings are not affected, then it’s worth pursuing your goal.

For an abandoned girl, it is very important not to focus on the situation that has arisen. It is better to fight this kind of depression through your favorite activities and hobbies. Walking with girlfriends, caring for your favorite animal - this is what will help you survive a painful breakup.

It’s better to use the recommendations and remember all the conversations in past relationships, what went wrong and why you broke up. You can’t be annoying, you don’t need to constantly call and send SMS. This will only make things worse. You need to try to become a person’s best friend and make it clear to him that he can always hope for any help. You don’t need to talk a lot about yourself, talk about your worries, and so on. You should always look your best: makeup and hair, beautiful and fashionable clothes are always a dangerous weapon for guys. Try to surprise from the best side.

It will be easier for a girl to evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of a guy’s former passion if she is familiar with her. All that remains is to focus on the details and surpass your opponent.

You can influence a guy through friends if he doesn’t want to communicate with a girl. The judgment of friends has a big impact on guys. You need to constantly remind yourself, but do it unobtrusively. Always win-win options are tricks and lady's wisdom.

A girl always transforms after a breakup, even though the situation is painful. This happens either in revenge on the guy who left her, or to raise her self-esteem. And this is the right decision, no matter how hard life hits you, you should always “keep your nose to the wind.”

You should fill your life with light as much as possible during the period of separation, preferably if it is real sunlight. You need to spend more time in the fresh air, absorb the sun's rays, as they promote and improve metabolism and blood circulation, thus producing the necessary vitamin B. Health and psycho-emotional state are improved in the sun.

Young ladies should not despair when a guy leaves for his ex. Time will heal everything. In order for a person to become stronger, many different obstacles arise on his life path. This is given in order to avoid similar situations in the future. We can say that such small training is a big step towards a wonderful future.

If the guy returned to his ex-girlfriend and wants to be with her, you should not interfere, no matter how unpleasant it may be. There is no need to blackmail him, you need to give him the opportunity to be happy. After all, no matter what a person is (he is a traitor or an egoist), he still deserves his own happiness. And you, in turn, can become happy and find a new life partner.

It’s interesting that guys return to their exes for several reasons: the first is good sex, the second is rethinking their own behavior, the third is loneliness, even if there is another one next to him. If something in a new relationship does not suit him (especially the intimate side of the issue), then he should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later such a relationship will collapse.

Much later, when your heart hurts, you can draw conclusions and look at your past relationships as a lesson in fate that will allow you to move forward and see new sides of your character in yourself. And then it will be possible to understand what kind of person you want to see next to you.

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