Stages of love: 7 stages from falling in love to real feeling

Stages of love

No matter how strange it may sound, such an elevated feeling also goes through a series of transformations. Each stage has its own characteristics.


The most romantic and exciting part. Characterized by intense passions, loss of critical thinking, and a search for similarities in various areas. The reason for this attitude is the production of a complex of hormones responsible for euphoria, cheerful mood and a feeling of happiness.


The severity of emotions is gradually complemented by affection and the need to show care. Madness is replaced by warmth, interest in the outside world, professional achievements, communication with colleagues and friends returns. The boundaries are expanding again, but the beloved remains the center. To some this seems like a cooling off, but in reality it’s just a transition to a new level.


Each person represents an entire universe with its own speed of rotation of the planets and laws of gravity. There will inevitably be a period when there will be a clash of interests. At this moment it will become clear what kind of feeling it is - love with its wisdom and forgiveness or uncompromising passion.


There comes objectivity in assessing a partner and acceptance of him with all his advantages and disadvantages. It helps to better understand the aspirations and desires of another, and gives an incentive to work on developing relationships.


A person is so multifaceted as a person that his inner world is a mystery, not to mention who is nearby. The time has come for discoveries and defining the boundaries of freedom, combining life rhythms.


The degree of loyalty and trust increases, where individuality is more clearly manifested in unity. At this stage, a couple often decides to start a family.


Typical for people who have lived nearby for more than 5-7 years. Achievements are analyzed, and the opinions of others become important. With harmonious relationships in the spiritual and intimate spheres, the period passes quickly and relatively painlessly. With urgent problems and mutual accusations, aggravation and rupture are possible.


Differences in preferences and changes in desires can lead to serious disagreements, affairs, and mutual cooling. I encourage my clients to find the initial spark by carefully fanning it into a searing fire. Unfortunately, there are no universal methods; for each couple I develop a unique program during a personal consultation.


It is considered the crown of a relationship in which complete trust and mutual understanding are revealed. The danger lies in the loss of individuality when a partner is perceived as an extension of oneself

The most important thing during this period is respect and attention, constant care that does not turn into suffocating care


It is during this period of life together that people develop genuine feelings of love. A person is aware of his responsibilities to his other half. The chosen one begins to understand how unique his life partner is. Partners increasingly take into account each other’s needs and desires and try to fulfill their responsibilities properly.

At this stage of the relationship, spouses receive satisfaction from their life together. The chosen one becomes the object of service. Your significant other experiences pleasure by bringing joy to your loved one. Partners begin to respect each other's personal boundaries.

Features of building relationships among the stronger sex

Many women are interested in how to behave with a young man at the beginning of a romantic relationship. And this is no coincidence. Knowing about the 7 stages of male love, you can understand how representatives of the stronger sex show their feelings and how they build relationships. So, the steps that a young man goes through during communication with a girl include:

  1. Sympathy. At this stage, a man is more interested in a woman’s external merits than in her character traits and level of intelligence. Moreover, each representative of the stronger sex has his own preferences regarding how a beautiful girl should look.
  2. First attempts at courtship. This is the second of the 7 stages of a man's love. However, this stage does not mean the presence of feeling. A young man only looks closely at a girl, sometimes not even one, but several at the same time. If a representative of the fairer sex does not respond to courtship and does not show interest, he does not consider her a promising option.
  3. To attract attention. This stage concerns the woman who shows by her demeanor that she is attracted to this particular man. A representative of the fair sex begins to develop a relationship with such a girl. Communication moves into the next phase.
  4. Long-term courtship. This is the stage of dates, gifts and pleasant little things that make women so happy. A man tries to create a good impression of himself.
  5. Conquest. Now the representative of the stronger sex is trying to earn a sincere feeling of love. At this stage, young people prove to girls that they are ready for a serious relationship.
  6. Solution. This phase is characterized by the fact that the woman openly expresses her affection for her partner and desire to be with him, and the man reciprocates her feelings. However, deep down in his soul, the young man begins to doubt the correctness of his choice. A representative of the stronger sex asks himself questions about whether he is ready to start a family soon.
  7. Love. If a man still decides that he made the right choice, he continues the relationship. It can be argued that his feeling is true. A young man takes care of his girlfriend, shows tenderness and affection.
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