How to learn to rejoice and not be discouraged?


I have often been asked in my life: “Why are you always smiling?” Why not. This irritates many people because there is no joy in their life and they cannot smile as naturally. I consider myself a cheerful person, I have learned to enjoy life no matter what. Yes, it's not easy. There is a lot of pain, suffering, and falls in life, but the state of joy from life itself has not left me for many years.

What is joy?

Joy is an internal emotion of pleasure and cheerful mood.

A person can enjoy many things in his life. From the joy of knowledge, the joy of communication, the joy of movement and, in the end, simply the joy of life, which many characterize as causeless joy.

Joy is different from satisfaction. Joy, as a “higher” emotion, relates more to the soul, but the “body” is associated more with satisfaction, as its reaction to something.

I’m now happy that I’m writing a new article on my blog about self-development. What are you happy about?

Take a piece of paper and write 10 things that make you happy most in life.

For me personally, enjoying life is a skill that I try to improve every day.

Let your interest be joy. Everything else is unimportant.

— Osho

Unfortunately, not all people know how to enjoy life. There is a lot of negativity in our society.

If every person paid more attention to their thoughts and emotions, then society would be more rosy, harmonious and prosperous.

Well, to create such a society, you need to start with yourself.

And if you are reading this article, then you already have an interest in this topic and a desire to be more joyful.

The emotion of joy is an ideal emotion to interact with people at work or while spending any leisure time, to inspire confidence in your interlocutors and is constantly in the spotlight.

The emotion of joy is the best emotion to be creative. Most masterpieces of art (art, music, culinary and many others) are created based on this emotion.

The emotion of joy is a high emotion to think about human existence, the meaning of life, one’s purpose , and other philosophical topics, which are so important for every person to talk about!

How to learn to enjoy every moment with a physical disability.

If a woman feels that she wants to have a slimmer figure, but attempts to lose weight have led to the opposite result, she can say to herself: “A lot of men like good-natured plump women” and from this thought she will be filled with joy despite her fullness. She will do the right thing if she learns to be happy when looking at herself in the mirror.

Often, a physical deficiency is compensated for by spiritual dignity, if you specifically work on mental qualities. If there were no such annoying physical defect, man would not even think about how to compensate for such a mistake of nature.

I have been fortunate to meet people with disabilities who have overcome physical adversity and developed the determination and necessary skills to achieve their goals and become famous personalities.

Paralympians amaze us with their will to win and receive well-deserved awards. And who knows, if they had not suffered physical injury, they would have become famous?

Therefore, there is no need to be complex and despondent - every obstacle, from the point of view of an outsider, can turn into a chance for great success. There are 2 sides to every coin; you need to look for the other side of the coin in any upsetting circumstance in order to learn to rejoice.

How to learn to enjoy every moment if you have no money.

First, you need to tell yourself that lack of money is a temporary phenomenon, and it will pass. Secondly, to begin with, choose a feasible goal that will lead to income and teach you the necessary skills to do an excellent job with an assessment. This work should be pleasant to the soul, because in the process of learning we learn to rejoice and create joy in our souls at every moment.

Of course, skills are acquired with great difficulty, and often it doesn’t work out the first time. And this should be treated as a normal phenomenon, because developing any skill requires time, patience and even financial investment. We must live with joy for every moment. every day, without putting it off until later, don’t wait until you learn how to earn money. It is not only the moment of achieving a goal that is joyful, but also the path to the goal.

How to set yourself up to enjoy every moment every day.

Every time after waking up, we need to thank the new day, which is a gift for us. Think about something pleasant, say good words to yourself, tune in to the pleasures of what the day has in store for us. Think about what we can do good for other people, help with something, say a kind word, and even give a gift. Everything we do good for others comes back to us with joy. And vice versa, bad thoughts, words and actions come back to us like a boomerang.

We increase the ability to enjoy every moment with awareness in our thoughts.

Often we notice that a bad thought suddenly appears. This is natural, but unfavorable for joy and good fortune. Like a fisherman on a hook, we catch bad thoughts and replace them with good ones. For example, if the thought arises that your neighbor is annoying in some way, you can replace your annoyance with a favorable attitude, remembering that he, in general, is a good person and once helped out with a kind deed. You can respond to this bad thought by saying to yourself: “This is not true, my neighbor is a good person.”

Take a break - relax!

In the process of work, we become tense and tired, and in order to return to a joyful mood for every moment, we need to pause and relax. It is necessary to alternate tension with relaxation throughout the day. For example, we sit at the computer for 30 - 50 minutes, and then rest for 20 minutes. Let's go for a walk, drink a cup of spring water, admire nature and clouds out the window, and do exercises to improve vision.

Creativity is the driving force for enjoying every moment.

In order for life to find new joyful colors, you need to engage in creative work. Apply creativity in all areas of life: prepare a delicious, delicious dinner, take a creative approach to raising children, invite guests to interesting meetings with songs and dances, invent new things in the service.

And to sum it up, let’s say: To learn to enjoy every moment of life, you need only two moments, only two:

Firstly, live, and secondly, rejoice!

That's all I have for now.

Watch a short talented video clip by Ilya Sharel on the topic “How to learn to enjoy life every day. Fast and easy".

With respect and love, Alina Taranets. See also: Spiritual joyHow to learn to dream

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What does joy in life depend on?

The emotion of joy can be seen very well on a physiological level. In humans, joy occurs against the background of a high level of a hormone such as serotonin. No serotonin - no joy. No joy - no serotonin. If we talk about the hormonal side of the issue, then the emotion of joy is also accompanied by a high level of oxytocin (trust in people and the world), dopamine (the desire to live and learn, the will to live), endorphins (with very amplitude joy, turning into the stage of “euphoria”).

How does the emotion of joy manifest itself physiologically in a person?

Facial expressions are lively, light, incredibly charming smile.

The gaze is even and direct, but there is no aggression.

Gesticulation is as open as possible. The person himself is as open as possible. Those around you also respond with extreme openness.

Movements become slow and smooth.

A huge amount of energy, you begin to charge everyone around. They say about such people that he is a “sunny person”.

A person is always sincere; falsehood in a state of this emotion is impossible.

A person views everything as a challenge and perceives it as a reason for joy.

Depression and any stress are incredibly easy to bear.


How to learn to enjoy life: 9 of my proven ways


Through the practice of meditation, we can increase serotonin and other hormones that influence the production of joy in our lives. The whole point of meditation is that the mind calms down and you enter a state of presence. We are no longer tormented by the experiences of the past and we do not need to think about achievements in the future. We simply immerse ourselves in the present, in the Here and Now. The result is a total feeling of joy in being in this world. I usually start my morning with meditation practice. To do this, it is better to get up early, when the sun begins to rise.


After meditation, I practice gratitude techniques. This is my second favorite way to enter a state of joy and happiness. It helps me focus on what is already good in my life. Try to take a piece of paper and a pen right now and find joy in the simplest things.

For example:

I am grateful to the Universe for being alive;

I am grateful for the opportunity to have parents, friends, people with common interests;

I am grateful that I see this world and can move around, seeing how beautiful it is;

I'm grateful to have a laptop and internet access;

I am grateful for writing talents;

I'm grateful that I have a nice apartment and food for every day, etc.

Of course, in the beginning your mind will resist these joys. For him it's more of a routine thing. But over time, it will give in and your heart will begin to feel joy from all these things and opportunities that are present in your life. On this topic, I recommend reading Rhonda Byrne's book Magic. It is very important to say here that the technique of gratitude is not empty utterance of words, but a conscious immersion in your heart center, where the emotion of joy lives at very high frequencies.


This is already my third way to enter a state of joy!

And it’s better to start doing this at the beginning of your day!

Say these words.


You feel better. The vibrations have risen. More joy.

Many Russian-speaking citizens like to express themselves in swear words, as this makes thoughts stronger and increases the amplitude (depth) of emotions.


The paradox is that any event (even one that you consider negative) can be looked at through the prism of joy. Morning. Bad weather. You go out into the street. Slush, rain, huge puddles! Try to track your first thoughts. “Oh, this disgusting rain, the weather is shit again, I hope I don’t get wet...” But try to say it in a different way: “THE HIGH! Just what you need, the weather is just SUPER! Gorgeous rain and beautiful big puddles.” OR “FUCK! What OH##NASTY weather! Fucking slush! Today will be a great day!”

Of course, it seems like such a mild schizophrenia, but it works AWESOME!


Your soul rejoices when you do what it really wants. This increases the state of joy. And we call such favorite activities our hobbies. And so it turns out that many people work at jobs they don’t like most of the time, and engage in hobbies only in their free time. So, in order to enjoy life more, you need to make your hobby your job. And then the feeling of joy in life will not simply leave you.

And it doesn’t matter what hobby it is. Sing cool songs, do fiery dances, draw inspiring pictures, sew soft toys, write educational articles, play computer games, teach in-demand skills, and so on. Learn from this not only to get high, but also to earn money, and then the level of your joy will know no bounds. Those who were able to do this are the most joyful and happy people.

Child's condition

Joy is an emotion that is very familiar to children. They live 80% of the time in a state of joy simply at the highest levels of serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. But over the years, a “smart” person loses the ability to hold this emotion on his own. Just like that, without any reason. He already needs to be fueled by some external events: his salary was increased, he bought a new phone/car/apartment, etc.

So all the “adults” who have already known everything, have already seen everything, know everything and life is uninteresting for them are just “idiots” with suppressed joy. And this joy needs to be unlocked again. Try every day to enter the state of a child and enjoy life. But how can one enter into this very state of a child? Start looking at everything that surrounds you from the perspective of “Who is this? What is this? How is it? Uh-oh, where is this?”

There is NO answer to this. And if he accidentally appeared, look at him from the same position. Look not only at physical objects, but also at your thoughts, emotions, feelings, body, life events, past, future, and so on. A very interesting and cool state that allows you to re-experience the world as if you were 7 years old again. Try to take this state deeply and hold it. And also live the joy in it (wow! cool!)

Enjoy. At least now, while you still can, have fun. All! Take joy from every moment, it will not return, it will not be repeated, this is a moment! Let at least the memory of a modest, small joy remain. It's better than nothing. Catch the joy now, immediately, without delay! Tomorrow may not come...

— Sake Komatsu “The Death of the Dragon”


This is probably the easiest way to increase the joy hormone.

All products that increase serotonin can be divided into the following groups.

Fast carbohydrates - chocolate, candy, marshmallows, sweet pastries, etc. They can simply instantly improve your mood and state of joy due to the rapid release of serotonin and dopamine. I use this method often. Life is pain, I went and bought my favorite cake and drank it with tea. And you are in 7th heaven with joy!

Serotonin is not produced without tryptophan, so the second group of foods that contain large amounts of this amino acid and will directly affect your joy in life include hard cheese, beans, buckwheat, and oyster mushrooms.

Oatmeal, leafy vegetables, and offal increase the concentration of the joy hormone, as they contain a large amount of vitamin B6.

Dried fruits and seaweed increase the concentration of the joy hormone, as they are rich in magnesium.

Foods containing omega-3 (healthy fatty acids) will increase serotonin. These are sea fish, flaxseeds, avocado, eggs.

I recommend reading articles on the Internet on this topic. Test certain products on yourself. Personally, I get high from fruits - orange and kiwi. Sometimes I have them for breakfast. 2 oranges and 2 kiwis. It turns out to be a quick, satisfying, energetic and joyful breakfast.

Physical activity and rest

In addition to food, there are other sources of serotonin. Physical activity helps increase the “joy hormone”. Spend at least 20 minutes a day exercising or playing your favorite sport. For example, for me it’s yoga, push-ups and abdominal exercises, cycling, and regular walking. Cheer yourself up and enjoy life. And physical activity simply needs to be compensated with good rest. And the best thing is a full and high-quality sleep.

Sun, nature and travel

Well, where would we be without joy and sunshine? Ultraviolet rays affect the release of serotonin. Therefore, for many, depression comes precisely in the autumn and winter periods, when the sun sets behind the clouds. And, of course, lucky are those who constantly live in sunny countries. People there are more joyful, smiling and laughing. Therefore, you need to be less in your apartments and offices, and more in the open air and sun. On weekends, you can go to nature outside the city, and on your vacation visit one of the sunny countries. Such things have always given people a sense of joy in life. And if you work for yourself, you can do this much more often!

Listen to your favorite music

Music directly affects our emotions, including the emotion of joy. The higher the frequency of the music, the more joyful you will feel. And here, definitely, all directions of rock can be safely rejected, because they lead you into aggressive and depressive states. Although rock rock, you know, there is also strife)! For example, the ska-punk movement with the presence of trumpets in the compositions lifts the mood and increases the feeling of joy in life. But still, I recommend listening to more relaxing music such as Ambient, Chillout, Relax, as well as meditative, classical and instrumental.

You must always be joyful. If joy ends, look for where you went wrong.

— Leo Tolstoy “The Way of Life”

Friends, let's live here and now, don't rush anywhere, notice simple things, enjoy life and be happy! May there be more causeless joy in your life, dear reader! Always be joyful and make other people joyful! Good luck!

How to start enjoying life every day - practical recommendations

There are many tips on how to start enjoying life. There are hundreds, or even thousands, of options.

Learn to cheer yourself up

What do I need to do? The answers to this question can be very diverse. It all depends on what brings you joy personally. Maybe it’s a motivating film about the difficult fate of the main character or an exciting book that helps at least a little to take your mind off problems and difficulties. Another option is photographs that capture the happiest moments of your life.

Perform similar actions whenever it seems to you that every day has become similar to the previous one, and life has lost its brightness.

Think about good things more often

This advice on how to live happily and enjoy life echoes the previous one, but there is one difference. You can see good things not only in memories. Learn to notice it in everything that surrounds you, for example, in the bright sun or a rainbow after the rain, a beautiful sunset that you can watch from the window of your apartment, etc.

Also imagine that all your dreams have come true. Feel the euphoria, joy and satisfaction from it. Become a winner, at least for a moment. You will see how much easier it will be for you to move forward.

Learn to forgive

Remember the second reason for the lack of joy? This is a negative load from the past. Resentment applies precisely to him. A person who carries them within himself automatically loses the ability to rejoice. Therefore, learn to forgive your offenders here and now. Let it be through pain and resentment, anger and anger. Get rid of the desire for revenge. It’s better to limit or completely eliminate communication with such people, and then praise yourself for being able to do this.

Find something interesting to do

It has been proven that people enjoy any kind of creativity. Think about it, maybe now is the time when you can make your childhood dreams come true? Some dreamed of becoming a great artist, others of writing music or dancing. Start doing this today. Let it be at the amateur level, the main thing is that the activity brings you joy.

Stop TV, radio and news

According to experts, this is the main source of negativity in our lives. But it is so. In every news broadcast you hear about disasters, murders, attacks, world problems, etc. And this applies not only to news. All talk shock is based on negativity. Therefore, being infatuated with them will not end well. Why not replace them by watching good, kind films or, even better, talking with family and friends?

Change your environment

Feel free to refuse to communicate with those people who constantly complain, see only the bad in everything, and simply flood you with negativity. If it concerns relatives, this will, of course, be difficult. But at least try to limit the number of meetings and conversations with them. Let it be gradual, but you will see the effect immediately.

Stop judging

You won't be able to enjoy life if you constantly judge, criticize and compare someone with yourself. By trying to throw out negativity on them in this way, you are doing the opposite: you are throwing it out on yourself.

Always remember the wise advice: do not judge, lest you be judged. And further. When you criticize people for certain actions or character traits, you first of all criticize yourself, scolding them for what you don’t like about your character. Therefore, start treating others more easily. This will help you look at yourself with different eyes.

Fall in love

Interesting advice on how to learn to enjoy life and get rid of worries. And we are not necessarily talking about romantic relationships (although they also bring joy). Fall in love with what surrounds you. Hundreds of examples:

  • trips;
  • gaining new knowledge;
  • art;
  • nature;
  • helping people and animals;
  • experiments;
  • emotions;
  • music;
  • planning.

These are just some of the possible options on how to want to live and enjoy life. But the most important thing to do is to fall in love with yourself. Be proud of yourself and your decisions, remember your achievements and goals achieved. Don't stop working on yourself. Only when you can build a harmonious relationship with yourself will you be able to experience joy from life and everything that surrounds you.

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