How to learn to cry at any time

The ability to shed a tear at will is not given to everyone. But there are no unsolvable problems. There is a whole range of techniques and techniques that will help you get the desired effect. These methods are suitable for a wide variety of people, regardless of whether they play in the theater or live a life far from performing arts. Some of the methods below are easy to use and can produce immediate results. Others operate on a deeper level and require some effort from the person himself.

Self-hypnosis method

Many theater and film actors are faced with a difficult task - how to cry on purpose and quickly on stage? The best method for this is self-hypnosis. It consists in a certain adjustment of the human body. To use this technique, it is important to isolate yourself from the surrounding space and dive deep into yourself.

If an actor really gets used to the role, he begins to feel the same as his character. To better perform the method, you can use muscle memory. If you create a grimace on your face that corresponds to the position of the muscles when crying, then the body’s nervous system perceives this action as a signal. Then tears begin to appear in the eyes. This response is developed over years of training and does not always work for inexperienced actors.

How to cry on purpose and quickly

Acting skills are needed not only by professional artists on stage, they are also useful in everyday life. Who needs to cry on purpose and quickly and why? There can be a lot of situations: a terrible exam is coming up, but you are not ready for it, suddenly some awkward family situation has arisen and you need to “play” a little in order to solve it positively, and much more. Probably, similar moments have happened to you, from which you either wanted to come out beautifully, or came out with the help of acting abilities. There are several ways to quickly bring tears to your eyes. For actors, this is mandatory knowledge and skills that they use in stage work. They can be useful to everyone in certain situations. All techniques can be divided into several categories:

  1. deep emotional experiences;
  2. self-hypnosis;
  3. grocery “tricks”;
  4. use of medical products.

We immediately warn you that techniques that allow you to learn how to quickly cry for no reason using products and medications must be used with great caution so as not to harm your health!
Evoke emotions Memories are a powerful emotional catalyst; this is one of the most effective ways to stop being shy and quickly make yourself cry. This method is natural and confirms the sincerity of emotions. Anyone can use it; to do this, you need to try to remember any event in life that is associated with a strong shock. It can be joyful or sad, but it is certainly very strong. Immerse yourself in it, try to relive the emotions until a lump rises in your throat and a shiver runs through your body. This is exactly the state when tears well up in your eyes. How to immerse yourself in a memory To immerse yourself in a memory as much as possible, you don’t need acting skills; it’s enough to abstract yourself from the world around you, switch off and focus on your inner experiences. The memories you choose should not just be replayed in your memory like a film, it is important to try to live past emotions and feelings as deeply as possible. It’s like immersing yourself in the situation again, resurrecting everything in your memory from beginning to end. Detail in detail and detail what you can remember, and relive it. In the process of such actions, tears will begin to well up in your eyes on their own. Memories do not have to be sad; they can also be happy events. You should focus on your feelings and make a choice from your emotional “baggage”.


Let's talk about other ways to learn to cry artificially at any moment, namely, how to properly use certain products and medications in order to believably cry.

Cipollino rushes to the rescue The classic situation with onions is familiar to everyone: when cutting this vegetable, tears flow from the eyes by themselves. Onion cells contain a special substance that can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and cause a natural protective reaction in the form of tears. Therefore, if you take a piece of freshly chopped onion or its juice and bring it to your eyes for a short time, the effect will come quite quickly.

Refreshing menthol Products containing menthol can also help in this matter. You need to apply a little of this ointment or drops to the bridge of the nose or a place close to the eyes. Menthol fumes will quickly provoke tears. But under no circumstances apply products to the eyelids or mucous membranes of the eyes! This can cause irritation and even burns.

Drying There is another way to safely induce tears. To do this, you need to dry out the mucous membrane of the eye. Everything is simple here: you need to open your eyes as wide as possible and try not to blink. You will quickly feel the mucous membrane of your eyes begin to dry out. After this, you need to blink several times in a row, this will trigger the hydration mechanism, and the lacrimal glands will fill your eyes with tears. There is another way: to cry quickly, you need to yawn harder. At the same time, try to tense your vocal cords. In this case, the eyes begin to involuntarily water after just a few seconds.

Eye drops Among the medicines there are those that are safe for such purposes - sodium sulfacyl or albucid. These drops are mild antiseptics and are used at the first signs of conjunctivitis or other eye inflammations. One or two drops placed in the eyes will produce a small amount of tears.

Advice from actors To produce tears, stage masters recommend using the method of self-hypnosis.
Although this method is one of the most difficult, it is effective, allows you to get rid of complexes, and can be mastered with regular training. A person needs to completely focus on himself and tune in to a special wave. Here it is important not just to give yourself the attitude “I want to cry,” but to try to evoke a nervous impulse that will provoke tears. This method is widely used by experienced actors who can deeply and organically get used to the role. However, sensitive people with subtle perceptions can also successfully use this method. The self-hypnosis method requires quite a lot of preliminary practice. It can be used more effectively in conjunction with strong memories from the past. Artists recommend using facial expressions during practice: facial muscles have their own memory. If they take a position that is characteristic of crying, then an additional nerve signal is sent to the person’s brain, which provokes a response in the form of tears. Source


Each person stores in his memory many different moments experienced during his life. These seconds can help resolve this issue. Just as artists cry in movies, ordinary people can cry too by using the flashback technique. To do this, it is enough to think about any situation that causes tears through emotions. Every person has experienced many exciting moments in their life.

It could be a tragic event that touched the film deeply, or, conversely, a joyful experience that brought tears of happiness. It is necessary not only to remember the desired event, but also to replay it in your head in the smallest detail. You need to pull out certain words, actions, the very atmosphere of memories from your memory. Then tears will certainly appear in your eyes. This method is used by many women, honing their skills on individuals of the opposite sex. After all, a crying girl can disarm almost any man.


Using medication is another good technique. How can you make yourself cry for no reason in this way? It is important to check yourself for allergic manifestations before using medications. Menthol, which is part of some medications, can cause tears when applied to the lower eyelid. For these purposes, the old and familiar drug asterisk may be suitable. However, due to the strong smell, it will be difficult to prove that the tears are natural.

In addition to the asterisk, mint oil or another similar medicine containing menthol has a similar effect. It should be borne in mind that in no case should the drug come into contact with the eyeball itself. Albucid eye drops can also come to the rescue. They cause natural tears due to their active ingredients. Ammonia can also lead to the appearance of the necessary process. If you inhale ammonia vapor, tears will flow like a river. For these purposes, it is possible to use a scarf soaked in the substance or any other material. The main thing is to quietly bring it to your face.

How to shed a tear? Learning to cry on purpose

Sometimes it is necessary to cry on purpose, for example, women often resort to such a technique in order to get the attention of men, and this trick is also very necessary for actors and fashion models. How to bring tears to your eyes? How to make yourself cry if you don’t have the right emotions? about how to shed tears on purpose. Crying is a physiological reaction of the body to strong experiences, most often to suffering and sadness. Therefore, you can easily cry artificially if you deliberately provoke the corresponding emotions in yourself.

. To do this, you can, for example, watch a sad film, listen to a sad melody, or remember some sad event from your own or someone else’s life.

The described method is good for everyone, except for one thing: you will not only achieve the desired effect of tears in your eyes, but you will also be really upset. And if you don’t need it, it’s better to try not to really cry, but to only make yourself cry. After all, tears are a physiological fluid for cleaning and lubricating the eyes, and lacrimation does not necessarily have to be associated with a person’s emotions. So if you can artificially cause eye irritation or dryness

, then without any problems shed a completely natural tear, and more than one at that.

Well-known eye irritation techniques to induce tears are the use of onion juice, citrus juice, perfume, etc. If splashed in the eyes

with similar liquids - tears are guaranteed.
A similar effect is produced by the action of a strong wind on the eyes, in the absence of which you can ask someone to blow intensely into your face
. However, remember that by using the techniques described, you can harm the health of your eyes, so do not overdo it.

To cause dry eyes and thus trigger the production of tears, you can try not blinking for long periods of time.

: fix your gaze on one point for a few minutes and do not blink, then lower your eyelids and blink actively; profuse tears should appear very quickly.

Another surefire way to make your eyes water is to irritate the nerve center responsible for tear production. To do this you will have to hurt yourself a little

: pinch your earlobe, pull out a few hairs from your nose or eyebrows, etc. Your tears of pain will eventually be completely natural.

As already mentioned, actors may need to artificially induce tears, so we cannot help but recall some theatrical ways to cry on purpose

. So, you can make a “crying” facial expression: in this case, the facial muscles will “remember” such an expression and soon you will really cry. Or you can tense your throat as if you were yawning, open your mouth wide and try to sing a song: due to physiological reactions, you will be able to induce tears.

It is interesting that, according to professional actors, they do not always resort to the techniques described above to induce tears: theater and film workers have proven means

, the use of which gives a guaranteed result without any effort. Such products include, for example, special menthol granules, “Artificial tear” drops or similar.

As you can see, you can cry “on demand” or shed a tear dramatically using a wide variety of methods and means, so you always have a choice. But do not forget that by using artificial tears too often to play on people’s feelings, you can “puncture yourself”, and then no one will even believe your real tears.

How to cry on purpose and quickly using a bow?

Everyone knows that when cutting onions, the process of tearing involuntarily begins. This causes a lot of inconvenience in everyday life. But what if you use this property of the product for your own purposes?

If you urgently need to cry at home, you can simply cut the head of an onion and breathe over it for a short time. To bring tears to your eyes in a setting far from home, you need to collect onion juice in a glass bottle and close it tightly with a lid. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the active ingredients in the juice will lose their ability to cause tears. At the right moment, open the lid and inhale. This method is very good, as it causes the appearance of natural tears, with redness of the nose and eyes.


  • Don't make a weird face that makes you feel uncomfortable. Better relax your facial muscles.
  • Never look at the sun to make you cry, as it emits enough radiation most of the day to impair your vision!
  • If you use a pencil or other substance that causes tears, be careful not to get it in your eyes, otherwise it may impair your vision!
  • If you have dark eye makeup, tears will ruin it and you will need to redo it. On the other hand, mascara streaks will make your tears look more realistic.
  • Don't irritate your eyes too much. You can damage them if you are not careful.

Wind and sneezing

Strong winds directed into the eyes cause drying of the eyeball. In response, the body turns on a defensive reaction. Then the lacrimal glands begin to work actively. A liquid appears that envelops the cornea of ​​the eye. To apply this action, in practice, you can direct air from a fan into your eyes, blow yourself in the direction of your eyes, or actively wave a fan.

How to cry on purpose and quickly? Sneezing is known to also cause tears. This means that a similar method can be used. Several methods are recommended to activate the process. Irritation by tickling the wings of the nose with a feather or causing a protective reaction against pepper getting on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Simple ways to make you cry

There are several ways to release tear fluid without the use of a psycho-emotional factor. They are effective because a person can be in any mood, but the use of any substance or the use of a reflex will always cause the release of tears:

  • Onion. This vegetable contains volatile substances that spread through the air and affect the glands in the eye area. They become irritated, which leads to increased tearing. If a person has reduced tear production with chronic dry eyes, onion can be instilled to trigger the reflex. To do this, you need to dilute the juice from the vegetable with water in a ratio of 1:3. This will prevent excessive irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Otherwise, when using a liquid concentrate, itching, burning, redness and pain will occur.
  • Citrus fruit. They cause increased production of tear fluid only upon contact with the mucous membrane. Therefore, squeeze the juice out of the fruit and instill 1-2 drops on each area of ​​the mucous membrane of the eyes. After a few minutes, excess tear production occurs. The technique is not applicable if a person is allergic to citrus fruits. When the juice is instilled into such patients, inflammation, swelling, redness, itching, and burning occur.
  • The use of medications in the form of drops. For these purposes, drugs are suitable whose instructions describe a side effect - uncontrolled lacrimation (Albucid). After application to the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyes, irritation occurs, which leads to the production of tear fluid. The method is rarely used, since there are easier ways to induce lacrimation.
  • Use of inhaled medications. Ammonia and menthol are suitable for these purposes. They are contraindicated for instillation, as this will cause irritation, redness, and inflammation. The drugs are brought to the patient’s nose and inhaled for a few seconds. After this action, lacrimation should develop immediately.
  • Exposure to strong winds. For this, it is suitable for a person to be in an open space or to direct a stream of air from a hairdryer or fan into the eyes. Along with air, foreign particles and debris can enter the mucous membrane of the eyes when exposed to open wind. This increases the risk of developing bacterial infection and conjunctivitis.
  • Prolonged yawning. If a person yawns for several minutes, the muscles press on the lacrimal sac, causing fluid to be released. This is an anatomical feature for all people.
  • Press with your fingertip on the cornea area. In this case, the production of tear fluid will be a protective reflex. For most people, this method is impossible, since the eyelids close involuntarily. This technique is applicable for people who constantly wear contact lenses. The protective reaction decreases as people daily apply a foreign object to the mucous membrane area. It is important to wash your hands with bactericidal soap before using this method to prevent the development of infection.
  • Concentrated viewing of one point in front of the eyes. In this case, the eyelids do not close for a long time. The mucous membrane dries, so a reflex for the production of tear fluid is formed. It is necessary to prevent microtrauma in case of damage to the cornea.

The methods used must be safe for humans. Some categories of patients have allergic reactions to plant components. In this case, it is recommended not to use onions or menthol. For such people, reflexive techniques are used, for example, pressing on the eye or yawning.

Each person has their own method for producing tear fluid. For some people, all methods are suitable. Therefore, it is recommended to try each of them to choose the most suitable one.

It is important that in the process of applying the technique to increase the production of tear fluid, the person does not cause injury. If this happens, you should consult an ophthalmologist to avoid the formation of damage or disease.


When many people yawn, tears involuntarily begin to appear. The process itself is associated with replenishing the oxygen necessary for the body. At the same time, there is a contraction of the facial muscles, increased blood flow and activation of the lacrimal gland. To purposefully yawn, you can look at a picture of a person or animal yawning.

This will have the same effect as if someone yawns next to you. Tears will appear in your eyes and will look quite natural. The main thing is not to overdo it and not continue to yawn further. Then you can ruin the desired picture.


Now you know how to cry on purpose and quickly. The methods discussed above also have several negative consequences. With frequent use of onions and medications, an allergic reaction and even chemical damage to the mucous membrane may occur. Such methods can lead to diseases. Disruption of the lacrimal gland is also a side effect of special induction of tears. Excessive tearing may occur.

Excessive drying of the eye membranes can also negatively affect their health. A crying girl manipulating people or an actor acting out a tragedy on stage evoke strong emotions. But you shouldn’t harm your health at the same time.

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