Malignant tumors of the urinary system

The human genitourinary system is made up of organs that are responsible for filtering blood, accumulating and excreting waste products, and producing and excreting urine.
Neoplasms of the genitourinary system occur between the ages of 40 and 60 years, and are more common in men than in women. Tumors can be benign (condylomas, prostate adenoma) and malignant, but benign tumors tend to transform into cancerous tumors.

Benign neoplasms of the genitourinary system do not pose a threat to life, but in most cases they require removal.

Malignant tumors (cancer) can have a fairly aggressive course, depending on the location (kidney cancer, ureteral cancer, testicular cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, etc.), and require immediate treatment.

Malignant tumor cells can spread (metastasize) by hematogenous and lymphatic routes.

Metastases affect the lungs, bones, liver, and brain.

Risk factors for tumors of the genitourinary system are smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, as well as some chemical elements and compounds, contact with which can lead to tumor development, for example, asbestos, cadmium.

Renal parenchyma tumor

There are benign and malignant. The most common type is renal cell carcinoma (Gravitz tumor, hypernephroma, hypernephroid carcinoma).


The etiology of tumors is not reliably known. Some factors in the development of the risk of this disease have been identified:

  • Gender and age.
    Men get sick more often than women.
  • Smoking.
    The risk of developing a tumor in smokers increases from 30 to 60%.
  • Obesity
    . Obesity leads to a 20% increase in the incidence of renal cell cancer.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Chronic renal failure
    . The risk is especially high in patients on hemodialysis.
  • Nutritional features.
  • Medications.
    The risk of developing kidney cancer is 30% higher in patients receiving diuretics for various indications.
  • Genetic predisposition.

Causes of neoplasms

Possible risk factors for the development of benign and malignant neoplasms include:

  • chronic diseases of the urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits (in particular, smoking);
  • disruption of the endocrine system (hormonal disorders, etc.);
  • injuries of the urinary system (external mechanical impact, surgical interventions, etc.);
  • exposure to chemicals at work (occupational injuries), uncontrolled use of medications, etc.

Symptoms of neoplasms in the genitourinary system

The symptoms of a particular neoplasm depend on its location, type and nature:

  • discharge of various types (purulent, bloody, serous, etc.);
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • detection of a tumor by palpation or visually;
  • changes in the flow and composition of urine;
  • increased body temperature, weakness, malaise and unstable blood pressure.
  • Dramatic weight loss in a short period of time

If these symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate: treatment of tumors and neoplasms of the kidneys, genitals, bladder (low or high degree of malignancy) begins with identifying the causes and detailed diagnosis.

All necessary diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests are preceded by a first consultation with a urologist, who will prescribe a diagnosis.

The first consultation includes examination of the patient, collection of complaints and the most complete information on the clinical picture of the disease. Based on the initial examination, the doctor draws up an examination plan - for each specific clinical case, the list of prescriptions is individual.

What diagnostic methods are used at the Energo clinic?

If a particular neoplasm in the urinary system is suspected, examinations can be prescribed using modern General Electric equipment:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination for the presence of tumors in the kidneys, bladder and tumors in other organs of the genitourinary system): helps to obtain a high-quality image of the tumor (kidneys, bladder, etc.);
  • CT (computed tomography): helps to clarify the location of the tumor and its features;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): used to clarify how much and how tissue is affected, and to determine the presence of metastases in other organs and tissues (for malignant neoplasms).

What else can be prescribed:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • cystoscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • consultations with relevant specialists.

A repeat appointment is scheduled immediately after all the tests and examinations are ready, on the basis of which the urologist makes a diagnosis and draws up a plan for further action. The readiness of the results and the timing of the examinations are individual in each case. If the prescribed tests are not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient may be sent for further examination.


Good prevention is regular preventive examinations with a urologist.

. It is also advisable to give up bad habits (at least partially), monitor your health, nutrition and lifestyle.

Correct diagnosis is one of the key points in treatment, which serves as the key to full or partial recovery. Of course, to achieve a good result, the diagnosis must be made in a timely manner, so in case of any ailments or suspicions, you must consult a doctor.

Our center conducts examinations for neoplasms and tumors in the kidneys, bladder, etc. in men, women and children (for a child with symptoms of pathology, special conditions are created during diagnosis in order to reduce stress and not frighten the little patient).

For all questions and to make an appointment with a specialist, you can contact the staff of our clinic by filling out an application through the website and a special online form or by calling the phone number listed on this page.


Surgical intervention

is the only radical treatment method for kidney cancer (kidney cancer treatment) and the upper urinary tract, which can completely eliminate the disease, while in the later stages of the disease symptomatic treatment occurs, aimed at prolonging the improvement in the quality of life. The choice of type of surgical intervention depends on many factors (size of the tumor, its spread beyond the kidney, general condition of the patient). Currently, all over the world they are mainly trying to perform organ-preserving operations, but only if this is possible.

Patient reviews

Doctor: Brook Yuri Fedorovich


After unsuccessful treatment for a stone stuck in the ureter at the clinic, I went to this doctor for surgery. Everything went great. After the operation, the doctor answered all questions and gave detailed recommendations for further lifestyle. After analyzing the composition of the stone, I received separate detailed recommendations from the doctor. It's been almost a year and a half since the surgery and I'm doing well. I recommended this doctor to my friends. They are happy too.

Doctor: Brook Yuri Fedorovich


I got to this doctor in an ambulance, quickly made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment. The doctor is attentive and pleasant to talk to. Thanks to him!

Doctor: Brook Yuri Fedorovich


It was necessary to check the kidneys and prostate. The doctor is polite, informs about problems in the process. He explained all the current problems, prescribed a course and commented on each drug. I am very pleased with the consultation.

Doctor: Brook Yuri Fedorovich


I was admitted to the hospital due to a sudden health problem. It’s good that I came in time to get examined, otherwise everything could have been worse. From the very beginning, Yuri Fedorovich Brook guided me, he examined me, diagnosed me and then treated me. I carried out several procedures, which, I must say, were not the most pleasant, but which subsequently had their effect. All the time that I was under his supervision, I received maximum information about my condition, about the treatment being carried out, the doctor was always ready to answer questions and explain unclear points. This seemed to me the highest degree of responsibility and patience. I'm grateful for everything. Now I feel good and my health is good.

Doctor: Dolzhenok Andrey Nikolaevich


An excellent specialist, he understands his business, correctly assesses symptoms and makes correct diagnoses. He dealt with my situation quickly, prescribed medications, explained how to take what. It got better within just a few days, so I think he can be called a professional. At least, if something bothers me again, I will no longer look for other doctors, I will go to him, because he is a proven, reliable specialist.

Doctor: Dolzhenok Andrey Nikolaevich


I met him when I came to the clinic with my problems. I just wanted to see a doctor with experience, Dolzhenok arranged it in this regard. When I came to see him directly, I saw that the specialist was serious and would not cheat him out of money. Indeed, he immediately clearly outlined the situation to me and told me what medications to take. I understood that the matter was not difficult for him, so much the better for me, I didn’t have to spend a lot of additional research. Now he is healthy and full of strength. Thank you.

Doctor: Dolzhenok Andrey Nikolaevich


Andrey Nikolaevich is a professional with a capital letter. I recommend anyone who has problems to contact him.

Doctor: Dolzhenok Andrey Nikolaevich


Wonderful, wonderful reception. Andrey Nikolaevich is a magnificent, wonderful doctor! The best impressions of the appointment and the doctor.

Doctor: Dolzhenok Andrey Nikolaevich


Andrey Nikolaevich is a good specialist. He is a respectable and knowledgeable doctor.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


It was my first time at a consultation with Anna Andreevna. I went to the doctor on the advice of a friend. I had a positive impression. Anna Andreevna seemed to me a polite and calm person. I calmly told about what was bothering me, and the doctor carried out the necessary examination. I felt comfortable communicating with her. I didn’t feel any fear or tension. The doctor explained everything to me in detail. She painlessly took tests and told me what treatment I might need. The consultation began at the appointed time. I can’t say exactly how long it lasted, but it seemed that it passed quickly, in about 20 minutes, although during this time the doctor managed to conduct an examination and ultrasound. Everything is done quickly and calmly. The doctor printed out the report, indicating the presumptive diagnosis. Everything was clear to me. The office where the specialist receives a visit has wonderful conditions. The tools are very convenient. We are now waiting for test results. There will be a second consultation with Anna Andreevna.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Anna Andreevna Seregina for her professionalism, attentive attitude and responsible approach to work. Anna Andreevna explained everything in detail and reassured me. There was no doubt left that I would trust her to manage my pregnancy. I am very glad that I found my doctor!

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


Amazing doctor Anna Andreevna. An appointment was made for a colposcopy procedure. The doctor not only conducted a full examination, but also conducted a detailed consultation, gave clear recommendations, answered all questions and even more. Professional in her field, very friendly and pleasant. Thank you very much for your welcome.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


I really liked Anna Andreevna Seregina. A competent doctor. I saw her as an ultrasound specialist and as a gynecologist, she sees her in two different areas: ultrasound and gynecology. Attentive, experienced doctor. He listens, explains everything in clear, accessible language, and is interested in the patient. I recommend Anna Andreevna to everyone as a highly qualified specialist, a pleasant person, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, and an ultrasound specialist.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


An excellent doctor, I came for an ultrasound and received a full examination and consultation, tried to understand my difficult situation, and gave recommendations. You can feel the desire to help the patient, as well as professionalism. Two or three answers to the questions formed the whole picture of my medical history. There is a desire to get an appointment again and possibly continue working with this doctor in the future.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


I have known this specialist for a long time. The fact is that I had infertility problems for six years, but thanks to her efforts, I am now the mother of three sons. Therefore, the level of her qualifications, in my opinion, is not even in doubt. I think that Seregina Anna Andreevna is definitely a professional! This time I also made an appointment with her, but only for a different issue. I liked the fact that the doctor carefully studied our problem, as well as her attentive attitude. and I am also pleased that after the additional examinations that were prescribed to me, a positive solution to my problem is planned. The doctor answered all my questions, and I was completely satisfied with her answers. Her attitude towards me was quite attentive, friendly and attentive. I advise everyone to contact her who has similar problems. I am very pleased with this specialist.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


I have known Seregina Anna Andreevna for a long time, almost since 2009. She is a permanent, time-tested doctor, I trust her very much. In my opinion, she is a very correct, friendly and well-mannered woman. In my opinion, she is very understanding and understands the situation of her patients. Her treatment prescriptions always help me. I have already recommended her to many of my friends. In my opinion, Anna Andreevna is definitely a professional.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


Seregina Anna Andreevna is the most wonderful doctor in the world! I have been seeing her for many years and am very pleased with her. She never helps, I even managed my pregnancies with her. Among her personal qualities I can note politeness, punctuality, sociability and attentiveness. She is a very educated person who is really interested in her business. She is very competent in many matters. It is clear that she is aware of all world trends and innovations in medicine. I would also like to note that she is very well versed in endocrinology, which is why I always choose her, because Anna Andreevna is very well versed in hormones and knows how to correctly interpret and convey everything to the patient. I give her all A's in all respects. I always recommend her to everyone.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


I have seen many gynecologists in my life, this doctor is the best. I am glad that I found her during pregnancy, she answers all questions in great detail, explains everything, and is very careful when taking tests. The ideal doctor for me.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


Great doctor! He will explain all the tests - why he prescribes them, and the results themselves. Treatment is only to the point.

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


Very attentive, competent and friendly doctor. She told me everything in detail and clearly. I was very pleased!

Doctor: Seregina Anna Andreevna


Anna Andreevna is an attentive, responsible and professional doctor! The doctor gave me a consultation and performed an ultrasound and made recommendations. I came to her on a recommendation.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


A very good doctor. Doctor from God. This is the doctor who treats each client with soul; it is rare to find such a delicate doctor anywhere.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I can only say good things about M. A. Dorofeeva. After the consultation, she had only pleasant impressions. A very attentive, responsible and well-mannered doctor. She knows how to communicate with patients, I am satisfied with everything.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I really liked Marina Anatolyevna Dorofeeva. I examined it carefully and carefully. Then she explained everything in detail, was very respectful and correct. Good doctor.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I really regret that I didn’t get an appointment with doctor Marina Anatolyevna Dorofeeva earlier. I think I would feel much better now. I really liked the approach to treatment and views on the problem. A very good doctor, specialist and just a person. I recommend gynecologist Marina Anatolyevna Dorofeeva to everyone.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


Thank you to Dr. Marina Anatolyevna Dorofeeva for her professionalism, sensitivity, and competent approach to the patient. I have been seeing Marina Anatolyevna for many years, and I can say with confidence that she not only treats diseases, she treats each patient individually. Thank you!

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


An excellent specialist. I saw her for three years. Individual approach to each patient. My sister was also seen by M. Dorofeeva. Thank you very much.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I liked Dorofeeva. I have now made it a habit to write reviews about doctors; I myself always read what other patients write, sometimes it is very useful, especially when you don’t know the doctor yourself. I also visited Marina Anatolyevna for the first time, before that I studied all the information about her, calmed down a little and went to the appointment. It’s all true, he’s a good specialist, he knows the female body, how everything works, what kind of pain there can be and what treatment methods exist. She thoroughly advised me on all issues. I was quite satisfied. Thank her very much. If there are problems, I will contact you.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I recently visited her and had a pleasant experience after the appointment. She delves into what the patient tells her, tries to understand the symptoms, asks a lot about what and how. In general, the approach is good and professional. I looked carefully in the chair, it didn’t hurt at all, although I always had problems with this before, either I was too sensitive, or the doctors were not very careful. In general, this time everything went perfectly, I have no complaints. Thanks for the consultation.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


Attentive, competent and friendly doctor. A very open woman, it’s pleasant and comfortable to communicate with her. Everything went according to plan. She performed an examination and ultrasound. The doctor prescribed additional tests for me to resolve my issue. I will continue to collaborate with her.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


Marina Anatolyevna is a very wonderful, qualified, positive person. I've known her for many years. You always leave with the feeling that everything was explained clearly and carefully examined. She examined me, did an ultrasound and advised me. The service was provided at a high level.

Doctor: Dorofeeva Marina Anatolyevna


I went to the doctor on recommendation and everything suited me. She is a very competent, calm and attentive specialist. All liked it. The clinic is modern, the equipment is good.

On a note!

Neoplasms in the genitourinary system are more common between the ages of 40 and 60 years, and men are more susceptible to such pathologies than women.

Reasons for the development of neoplasms of the genitourinary system

Experts identify a number of main factors contributing to the development of tumors of the genitourinary system. These include:

  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system
  • Smoking
  • Excess weight (contributes to the development of kidney cancer)
  • High blood pressure
  • Long-term dialysis (a procedure aimed at cleansing the blood)
  • Papillomavirus infection
  • Professional activities related to hazardous substances
  • Hereditary predisposition


There is no way to do without consulting a specialist in diagnosing neoplasms of the genitourinary system, since the symptoms of tumors are in many ways similar to other diseases of the system. Warning signs that some kind of disease is developing in the body are:

  • Pain and discomfort when urinating
  • Localized pain (often radiating to the kidney or rectum)
  • Various types of urinary disorders
  • Blood in the urine
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Men have problems with potency

The problem also lies in the fact that in the early stages of development, tumors for the most part do not reveal themselves in any way and the disease is asymptomatic. Unfortunately, the disease is often discovered at a late stage, when surgery and a long period of treatment are required. Regular preventive examinations are the key to your health!


According to global statistics, smokers are twice as likely to develop cancer.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic organ-preserving and organ-saving operations


has high diagnostic and therapeutic value in patients with diseases of the genitourinary system. In modern urology, laparoscopy is perhaps the most advanced method for diagnosing and treating a number of diseases. Its positive aspects include: the absence of postoperative scars, low trauma, rapid recovery after surgery, absence of pain, no need to comply with strict bed rest, normal well-being and performance are restored very quickly, correspondingly short periods of patient stay in the hospital (up to 3 days .).

Currently, many complex oncological and reconstructive operations in urology are performed using the laparoscopic method. These include laparoscopic nephrectomy (organ-conserving surgery; removal of the tumor along with part of the kidney) and laparoscopic nephrectomy (removal of the kidney along with the tumor).

If the surgeon has sufficient experience, laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is an alternative to nephrectomy or open surgery in a certain category of patients. Most importantly, laparoscopic partial nephrectomy complies with generally accepted principles of open oncologic surgery.

Laparoscopic kidney resection (organ-conserving surgery; removal of the tumor with part of the kidney).

Laparoscopic nephrectomy (removal of the kidney along with the tumor)


Indications for open surgical interventions for kidney tumors (treatment of kidney cancer) and upper urinary tract:

1. Large kidney tumors (diameter greater than 7 cm);

2. Spread of the tumor into the vessels;

3. Spread of the tumor into the fatty tissue that surrounds the kidney;

4. Damage to the adrenal gland;

5. Enlarged lymph nodes;

6. Contraindications for laparoscopic surgery.

How to treat?

Detection of cancer at an early stage is the key to a favorable prognosis. If the malignant tumor has not spread beyond the affected organ, then surgical removal of the diseased organ is indicated. Nearby lymph nodes are also removed along with the organ. After removal of the malignant tumor, you will have to take medications prescribed by your doctor for some time to reduce the likelihood of relapse.

If the tumor has penetrated into neighboring tissues, then in addition to surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and antitumor drugs are used. In addition, it is necessary to increase immunity to enhance the body's natural ability to fight disease.

Tumor of the renal pelvis and ureter

There are benign (papilloma, angioma) and malignant (papillary carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, mucoglandular carcinoma, sarcoma) tumors. The most common malignant tumors are transitional cell carcinoma. Less commonly, squamous cell carcinoma occurs in 10% of cases. It is rarely detected, more often in men 40-60 years old. Tumors of the ureter occur in 1% of all tumors of the kidneys and upper urinary tract.

Factors leading to the formation of tumors: contact with aniline dyes, taking analgesics, smoking, etc.

Clinical picture

In 20% of cases it is asymptomatic. Most patients experience blood in the urine and lower back pain for the first time. Loss of body weight, lack of appetite, and general weakness may also occur. Diagnostics

is based on ultrasound of the abdominal organs, computed tomography, ureteropyeloscopy (endoscopic examination of the ureter and pelvis from the inside with a special instrument).

Types of neoplasms and their features

There are different classifications of neoplasms. One of the main parameters is the nature of the disease.

Benign and malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system

Benign neoplasms pose virtually no threat to the body (they do not spread to other organs and do not affect surrounding tissues), but their presence is absolutely unacceptable, since various functional disorders occur, fraught with their own complications and progression, up to malignancy - malignancy. One of the formations that is most often diagnosed in men is prostate adenoma. In order to identify it, a correct and detailed diagnosis is necessary.

Malignant neoplasms (cancerous tumors) of the urinary system can affect various parts of the urinary tract. Some are more common, others less common. For example, urethral or kidney cancer is diagnosed less frequently. Without timely diagnosis and modern treatment, malignant tumors can affect other organs and tissues and metastasize through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Read more about what types of neoplasms affect the male genitourinary system:

  • Neoplasms of the scrotum (the membrane and epididymis and the testicle itself)

They may appear primarily in the skin and connective tissue. Benign forms are papillomas and atheromas, which can appear either singly or in groups. Malignant forms - cancer and sarcoma - can affect and spread to the inguinal and femoral lymph nodes.

There are three groups of testicular tumors:

  • germ cell tumors, among which the most common is seminoma;
  • gonadal stroma tumors;
  • fibroma, lipoma, atheroma and papillomas that affect the membrane and skin of the testicle;
  • cysts of the epididymis and the testicle itself;
  • fibroids and myomas of the vas deferens.

The appearance of leiomyoma, basal cell carcinoma, epithelioma, teratoma, etc. is also possible. You can learn more about what it is and how dangerous these pathologies are by consulting a urologist.

  • New growths of the penis

These include cancer of the penis, as well as papillomas (condylomas) and other neoplasms on the head of the penis. Benign forms include epithelial tumors, as well as tumor-like skin lesions (syringomas). Squamous cell carcinoma belongs to the category of malignant tumors that are most often of epithelial origin.

  • Kidney neoplasms: benign and malignant tumors such as cyst, angiomyolipoma, lipoma or cancer
  • Bladder growths, such as polyps or cancers

The most common diagnoses include benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

Treatment. Kidney cancer treatment.

The standard and generally accepted method of treating patients with localized cancer of the upper urinary tract (pyelocalyceal system and ureter) is nephroureterectomy (removal of the kidney with the ureter) with resection of the bladder. The choice of this operation is based on the high risk of tumor spread along the ureter below the primary lesion. Currently, in most cases, nephroureterectomy and bladder resection are performed from a single incision or laparoscopically.

, since such access does not actually increase the risk of relapse and does not worsen patient survival.
Removal of the kidney (kidney cancer treatment), the entire length of the ureter and resection of the bladder can prevent the progression of tumors of the pelvis and ureter. Smaller operations - excision of the tumor by endoscopic or open methods most often lead to recurrence of the tumor and spread of the process. Bladder tumor
Benign tumors are much less common than malignant ones. According to their structure, they can be divided into epithelial (papilloma, adenoma) and non-epithelial (fibroma, myoma). Benign neoplasms (bladder tumors) of the bladder also include endometriosis, which accounts for 3% of all its locations. The diagnosis of epithelial tumors is established on the basis of clinical manifestations, the only one of which is often hematuria. Cystoscopy reveals a formation located on a thin stalk, covered with delicate thin villi. Detection of papilloma requires morphological confirmation. Given the high propensity of papilloma to recur and become malignant, treatment tactics are usually surgical - removal of the tumor endoscopically.

Types of Kidney Tumors

Benign tumors. This type of neoplasm is localized both in the renal parenchyma (fibroma, adenoma, lipoma, etc.) and in the renal pelvis (angioma, leiomyoma). In general, benign tumors are rarely detected neoplasms. Their share is about 7.2% of all registered kidney tumors. 5.4% of them are of epithelial origin, and 1.8% are of mesenchymal origin. The etiology and pathogenesis of benign tumors in the kidneys currently remain unknown.

Primary malignant tumors. Malignant neoplasms account for about 92.8% of all detected kidney tumors. They can also form both in the parenchyma (lipoangiosarcoma, renal cell carcinoma, etc.) and in the renal pelvis (squamous cell carcinoma, pelvic sarcoma, etc.). The most common forms of the disease include the renal cell form (about 80%). The following stages of development of malignant neoplasms are distinguished.

  • First. The tumor has not spread beyond the kidney. Neighboring organs and lymph nodes are not affected. Survival rate for treatment at this stage, according to medical data, is 82% or higher.
  • Second. The tumor is still within the fascia but has invaded the renal capsule. The nearby tissue and adrenal gland are affected, neighboring organs and lymph nodes are not affected. Survival rate with treatment at this stage is 74%.
  • Third. The neoplasm extends beyond the organ: it grows into the renal or inferior vena cava, and metastasizes to the lymph nodes of the renal sinus. Neighboring organs are not affected. Survival rate with treatment at this stage is 53%.
  • Fourth. The tumor gives distant metastases, neighboring organs are affected (spleen, intestines, etc.). Survival rate with treatment at this stage is from 8%.

Secondary malignant tumors. Formed in the kidneys during a generalized form of cancer. Metastases to this organ are usually caused by cancer of the thyroid gland, lungs, intestines and uterus. Most often, metastases are detected in two kidneys at once.

Bladder cancer - bladder cancer treatment

According to WHO, bladder cancer accounts for 3% of all detected malignant diseases and 70% of all neoplasms of the urinary system. Risk factors,

most likely to cause cancer: workers with aniline dyes, drivers, smokers, chronic bladder diseases, prostate hyperplasia, urethral stricture, etc.

1.General information

In the urinary tract - and this is a rather long and complex “channel”, given that the length of the ureters alone can reach 25-30 cm - the bladder plays the role of an intermediate collector-storage system. From an evolutionary point of view, the presence of such an organ is a necessary measure: depending on the amount of fluid consumed, the kidneys, in the process of filtering blood, are capable of producing 1.5-2 liters of liquid waste (i.e. urine), and it is advisable to remove such a volume immediately in large quantities in portions. In prehistoric times, this required, first of all, a safe situation (the absence of wild animals and hostile tribes nearby); Today, episodes of urination are determined by the norms of socially acceptable behavior, but the essence does not change: at the right moment, urine from the bladder is supplied under a certain pressure to the final, lower section of the urethra - the urethra, and from there it is ejected. The volume of the bladder varies significantly in each individual case, amounting to 350-750 ml in adults (while in women, on average, the volume is less than in men) - which determines the need for repeated urination during the day. The walls from the inside have a folded surface, but when filled or overfilled they can stretch somewhat.

The most well-known disease of the bladder is an inflammatory process in the walls - cystitis - which is most often infectious in nature. Urolithiasis is quite common, as well as disorders caused by disorders of neurohumoral regulation: neurogenic bladder, overactive bladder. When the walls become coarser due to post-inflammatory scarring and replacement of functional tissues with connective tissue, they speak of stenosis and/or sclerosis (for example, cervical sclerosis).

And a completely special group of bladder lesions consists of oncological lesions, i.e. tumor processes. Fortunately, this disease is quite rare; its share does not exceed 2-4% of the total volume of oncopathology. At the same time, bladder tumors are distinguished by a certain “nobility”: they occur mainly in elderly men and practically do not affect women and children.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!


The main treatment method for bladder cancer is surgery (surgery on a bladder tumor), and the choice of one operation or another depends on the stage of the tumor process. The gold standard is the use of transurethral electroresection of the bladder with a tumor. An instrument is inserted through the urethra without skin incisions. The tumor is completely removed within healthy tissue and sent for morphological examination.

In the presence of an advanced process, open or laparoscopic resection of the bladder wall with a tumor or cystectomy is used - removal of the bladder. When the bladder is removed, the issue of urine diversion is resolved.

Currently, all operation options can be divided into the following groups:

  • An operation after which urine is constantly released and patients need a urinal - ureterocutaneostomy.
  • Operations in which internal urinary diversion is used - the mouths of the ureters open into the intestine.
  • Operations involving the creation of a reservoir from which urine is released at the request of the patient.

Conservative treatments for bladder cancer include: radiation therapy - external and contact irradiation, systemic or local intravesical chemotherapy and local immunotherapy with the BCG vaccine. All these techniques can be used both before and after surgery.


Malignant tumors of the bladder are as difficult to treat as any other oncological diseases, and also require an integrated approach. First of all, it is necessary to surgically remove the tumor (conservative therapy is described in the literature and is sometimes practiced, but in case of failure the risk can hardly be considered justified). At the slightest opportunity, they resort not to a full-scale abdominal operation, but to minimally invasive endoscopic or laparoscopic surgery, but sometimes it is necessary to remove the entire bladder and adjacent structures. Then radiation therapy, cytostatic drugs, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents are prescribed. The time factor is extremely important: the success of treatment almost entirely depends on at what stage of the neoplastic process assistance is provided. Therefore, if the ailments and signs described above appear, you should immediately contact a urologist, without wasting time on various obscurantist “methods” and “cancer remedies.”

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