Diet for those suffering from prostate adenoma

Author Andrey Belyakov

04/16/2007 17:13 (Updated: 04/29/2020 13:20)

Health » Health and prevention » Diet

Every second man after 50 years is at risk of encountering benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate adenoma. Usually the problem is solved surgically and does not harm the patient’s future quality of life. But during the treatment process, you need to know, for example, how to eat in order to alleviate both your condition and the work of doctors.

Useful products for prostatitis

Dishes rich in vitamins, microelements, and plant fiber significantly reduce pain within the inflamed prostate gland and eliminate congestion.
A progressive adenoma puts pressure on the walls of the large intestine, which cannot occur without characteristic symptoms in the pelvic area. It is recommended to follow a nutritional diet during the active phase of therapy, as well as upon the onset of remission. The active components of herbal products dissolve and remove fragments of small stones from the urethral ducts. Thus, urine does not linger in the bladder, creating the risk of developing inflammatory processes of an ascending type. It is necessary to adhere to the diet throughout the entire period of treatment for prostatitis, and then for another month after the acute condition is relieved.

Food for prostatitis must contain the following microelements:

  • zinc (Zn);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • selenium (Se);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • manganese (Mn);
  • chromium (Cr);
  • silicon (Si);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • iodine (I);
  • iron (Fe).

The molecules of these substances take an active part in the synthesis of male sex hormones, stimulate sperm motility, neutralize infections in the circulatory system, and suppress pathogenic flora on the mucous membranes of the pelvic organs. Doctors recommend eating buckwheat porridge, sunflower seeds, garlic, spinach, bananas, grapefruits, and black currants.

During periods of exacerbation of prostatitis, patients complain of decreased libido, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent false urge to urinate, and fluid retention in the body. With a deficiency of microelements such as silicon, chromium and selenium, the risk of prostate adenoma increases several times. Necessary microelements are contained and easily absorbed by the body from eggs, liver, brewer's yeast, and seafood.

When prostatitis has become chronic, foods rich in zinc and selenium should be included in the diet. Eg:

  • ginger;
  • ginseng;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • liver dishes.

This will reduce swelling and improve the quality of sperm produced. Regular consumption of “healthy” foods will reduce the risk of an adenoma degenerating into a malignant tumor. Selenium improves potency by restoring vascular tone and increasing the body's immune functions.

Additional recommendations

To reduce painful manifestations of adenoma, you should take care of normal stool. This can be done by adjusting the diet and quality of nutrition.

To avoid constipation, it is recommended:

  • Consume plenty of fiber to keep your colon active.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Reduce consumption of baked goods and foods that are difficult to digest.
  • Consume foods that normalize intestinal microflora: fermented milk drinks, prunes.

It is useful to master the preparation of fermented milk products at home. For these purposes, pharmacies sell various types of starter cultures with live bacteria. You can diversify the menu with yogurt, kefir, bifidok, and homemade acidolac.

The benefits of vegetables and fruits for prostatitis

During periods of exacerbation of prostatitis, which can occur regardless of climatic and other subjective factors, a good effect can be achieved by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Table No. 1 shows some fruits, vegetables, seafood, derivatives of fruit and vegetable crops that help improve the fading functions of the prostate gland.

Table No. 1. Recommended set of products for inflammatory processes in the prostate gland with a list of microelements and daily intake.

ProductMineral compositionBeneficial effectsDaily consumption rate
WalnutMicroelements Zn, Na, Ca, K, Se, P, Fe, vitamins A, B, fatty acids, omega-3, nicotinic acidEliminates inflammation, reduces the risk of prostate cancer, takes part in the synthesis of male sex hormones5-7 cores
Olive oilVitamin D, E, K, A, peanut, linoleic, oleic, palmitic acids, phenolsReduces the risk of developing neoplasms, increases the body's protective functions, potency, improves intestinal motility1-3 tbsp. spoons
OystersOmega-3, vitamin C, A, B vitamins, nicotinic acid, microelements Zn, Fe, Ca, K, P, I, Cu, SiPrevent the development of cancer pathologies, take part in the synthesis of male sex hormonesup to 12 pieces
Dried apricotsVitamins of group B, A, microelements Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, pectin, isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan, threonineHas a mild diuretic effect, thins hard stool, neutralizes radicals, and has antitumor properties100g
PrunesPectin, fiber, vitamins C, A, U, PP, group B, microelements Ca, Mg, Fe, K, P, NaNormalizes digestion, improves intestinal motility, reduces the activity of pathogenic flora on the intestinal mucosa, neutralizes free radicals5-6 berries
CauliflowerVitamins A, E, C, H, group B, microelements Mg, P, Ca, K, F, SeStabilizes stool frequency, increases potency, slows down the growth of adenoma, has an anti-inflammatory effectUp to 1 kilogram
AvocadoOmega-3, vegetable fats, vitamins A, E, C, trace elements Mn, P, Ca, FeIncreases erectile function, reduces inflammation, neutralizes toxins and breakdown products50 grams

However, when consuming raw fruits and vegetables, you should take into account the characteristics of your digestive system. It is recommended to prepare fresh juices from berries that are too sour and sweet, diluting them with less aggressive or purified drinking water. Some fruits have a beneficial effect on the body in compotes or jelly. Dietary dishes are prepared from vegetables by baking them in the oven or steamer. Vitamin and microelement composition is preserved in dishes made from the following vegetables:

  • potatoes;
  • carrots;
  • onions;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • garlic;
  • squash;
  • horseradish;
  • parsnip;
  • parsley;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach

Freshly prepared horseradish root paste has a unique antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary system. Horseradish actively suppresses pathogenic flora in the prostate gland, quickly reducing inflammatory processes. By including dishes with the addition of horseradish in your diet, you can count on stimulating potency and improving erectile function.

Greens cope with stone formation in the ducts of the urinary system, activating the work of the sex glands. Antioxidants, which many fruits and vegetables are rich in, effectively neutralize waste products and heavy toxins in the body, leaving them no opportunity to poison organs and tissues.

Essential amino acids from vegetable fibers take part in the production of sex hormones and stabilization of hormonal levels. Doctors recommend including onions and garlic in your diet daily. They can be added to vegetable salads, meat dishes, and fruit drinks.

Authorized Products

The diet for prostate adenoma includes:

  • Consuming cereal/vegetable vegetarian soups without frying.
  • Using boiled dietary meat (veal, beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey), lean fish (mackerel, flounder, pink salmon, herring) baked, boiled and stewed without adding hot spices. For side dishes, it is recommended to use whole grain porridge cooked in water.
  • Inclusion in the diet of foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, zinc, selenium, vitamin E (pumpkin seeds, seafood, wheat bran, oysters, offal, herring, dried brewer's yeast, sesame seeds, corn grits, flax seeds, green peas, brown rice, sea cabbage, sprouted wheat sprouts, soybean oil, nuts, bran, quail eggs, buckwheat, sprouted wheat oil, corn oil).
  • Mandatory inclusion in the diet of various fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, acidophilus milk).
  • Sufficient content of raw and cooked (boiled, baked, stewed) vegetables - broccoli, carrots, beets, peppers, zucchini, celery, eggplant, potatoes, as well as fruits and dishes based on them.
  • As a liquid, it is recommended to use herbal teas, clean boiled water, freshly prepared juices and fruit drinks, still table water, weak green tea, compotes, rose hip, cranberry and lingonberry decoction, fermented milk drinks.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens






Nuts and dried fruits

dried apricots5,20,351,0215
dried apricots5,00,450,6213

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
corn grits8,31,275,0337
pearl barley9,31,173,7320
millet cereal11,53,369,3348
white rice6,70,778,9344



Raw materials and seasonings

sour cream sauce1,95,75,278


sour cream2,820,03,2206
curdled milk2,92,54,153

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Oils and fats

peasant unsalted butter1,072,51,4662
corn oil0,099,90,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898
sunflower oil0,099,90,0899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
lingonberry juice0,10,010,741
green tea0,00,00,0

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
carrot juice1,10,16,428
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
* data is per 100 g of product

Foods that affect the prostate gland

The male body with an inflamed prostate should be provided with a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and natural ingredients. Adhering to a diet for erectile dysfunction and frequent inflammatory processes in the organs of the excretory system will help reduce the risk of developing cancer and adhesions in the pelvic organs, as well as avoid infertility.

The functioning of the prostate gland is influenced by active substances from meat and fish fibers. However, if you have prostatitis, it is not recommended to eat too fatty meats and fish. The following meat varieties will have a beneficial effect:

  • chicken;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • horsemeat.

Meat is easily digested by the body when it is cooked in steamed or oven-baked dishes without additional frying or hot spices. Boiled meat is useful in soups and stews. After boiling the meat, it is recommended to drain the “first” broth, preparing the main dish with a new portion of water. This way it will be possible to remove toxins and fats from the product.

Fish dishes are simply irreplaceable in any diet. River and sea fish are rich in phosphorus, fatty acids and microelements. It is recommended to prepare cutlets, casseroles or fish soup from fresh fish.

Chicken or quail eggs, consumed raw, will saturate the body with magnesium, calcium, and silicon. Egg white and cholesterol take part in the synthesis of hormones and stabilize metabolic processes in organs and tissues.

Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the functioning of the pelvic organs. At home you can prepare yoghurts, curdled milk, kefir, as well as cottage cheese casseroles.

Lactobacilli, which are abundant in dairy products, have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the large intestine, populating the intestinal flora with beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. By consuming dairy products daily, you can get rid of constipation, which in many cases is the root cause of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Timely emptying of the intestines is the key to the health of the pelvic organs. However, full-fat milk is not recommended for frequent consumption in raw form for prostatitis. You can prepare cereal porridges, casseroles, and omelettes on a milk basis. Taking buckwheat porridge for several weeks normalizes tissue circulation and increases the body's protective functions. Buckwheat is considered a natural antioxidant that prevents the rapid development of cancer cells.

When adjusting the diet for men suffering from prostatitis, special attention should be paid to drinks. Drinking should be plentiful. Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink still water, herbal teas, low-concentration fruit juices, compotes, fruit drinks, and fermented milk drinks. Purified water in the daily diet is required in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.

It is advisable to coordinate the volume of fluid consumed with the doctor, since excessive drinking will lead to increased swelling of the prostate gland itself and compression of it by an overfilled bladder. It is recommended to drink the bulk of your daily fluid volume in the first half of the day to reduce evening diuresis and avoid going to the toilet at night.

Among herbal infusions, chamomile tea, consumed hot, has a positive effect on the prostate gland. Chamomile flowers are rich in phytoncides, flavonoids and azulenes, which relieve inflammatory processes by suppressing pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes. Essential oils, which easily penetrate into tissues, reduce pain by relaxing smooth muscles.

Ginger root is a unique remedy for fighting prostatitis. The plant is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. By adding grated ginger to tea, you can reduce inflammation in the prostate tissue and increase testosterone production. With age, the synthesis of male sex hormones decreases, which leads to hormonal imbalances. Infusions of rose hips, hawthorn, and barberry will ensure the normalization of sexual functions, reducing the risk of developing cancer pathologies.

The diet for acute and chronic prostatitis should be varied and meet age and individual needs.

Principles of dietary nutrition

A diet for adenoma involves a number of restrictions and a list of recommendations for nutrition. A person should focus on the benefits that certain products bring to the body affected by pathology. A well-designed diet helps restore strength and direct energy to fight the disease.

The goals of the diet include the prevention of exacerbations, restoration of sexual function, and stabilization of the positive effect of other treatment methods.

Basic principles of the diet:

  1. reducing salt intake to a minimum;
  2. refusal to drink alcohol;
  3. refusal of frying in favor of boiling and steaming;
  4. refusal of canned food, spicy, salty, smoked foods;
  5. increasing the proportion of vegetables, fruits, as well as dishes that do not require heat treatment (raw food diet) in the diet.

Monitoring blood cholesterol levels is mandatory. It is important to be able to apply the principles of rational nutrition and at the same time lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, and increase physical activity.

Foods to avoid if you have prostatitis

The prostate gland is very sensitive to foods. Therefore, it is necessary to consume with caution some nutrients that, even after a small portion, can provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis. The following foods and drinks will have to be completely excluded:

  • hot spices;
  • alcohol;
  • lamb;
  • salo;
  • mackerel;
  • factory canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • legumes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • hot sauces;
  • coffee;
  • strong black tea;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sweet carbohydrates;
  • full fat milk;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • roast.

If you allow the intake of the above products, you can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, causing irritation not only of the prostate gland, but also of the bladder. Too spicy and fatty foods will lead to intestinal disorders, which will aggravate prostatitis. Bloating of the intestinal walls will increase the urge to urinate and put pressure on the prostate gland. It is advisable to limit the consumption of drinks that stimulate urination during periods of remission, and completely eliminate them during exacerbations of prostatitis.

Diet after prostate removal

The operation to remove prostate tissue is called transurethral resection - TUR. It is carried out as part of the surgical treatment of adenoma. The diet after a TURP of the prostate should contribute to the fastest recovery of the body. Nutrition is adjusted by a nutritionist. This takes into account the age and condition of the patient, the presence of inflammatory processes and allergies.

In the first days after resection, gentle nutrition is recommended in small portions from dishes that are well absorbed by the body:

  • porridge;
  • pureed soups;
  • vegetable stew;
  • low concentration broths.

Then you can introduce lean meat, chicken, sea fish, seafood. You should completely avoid baked goods, legumes, offal, canned food, strong tea, coffee, and soda. You should not add seasonings with flavor enhancers to your food.

Foods that affect the prostate gland

The male body with an inflamed prostate should be provided with a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and natural ingredients. Adhering to a diet for erectile dysfunction and frequent inflammatory processes in the organs of the excretory system will help reduce the risk of developing cancer and adhesions in the pelvic organs, as well as avoid infertility.

The functioning of the prostate gland is influenced by active substances from meat and fish fibers. However, if you have prostatitis, it is not recommended to eat too fatty meats and fish. The following meat varieties will have a beneficial effect:

  • chicken;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • horsemeat.

Meat is easily digested by the body when it is cooked in steamed or oven-baked dishes without additional frying or hot spices. Boiled meat is useful in soups and stews. After boiling the meat, it is recommended to drain the “first” broth, preparing the main dish with a new portion of water. This way it will be possible to remove toxins and fats from the product.

Fish dishes are simply irreplaceable in any diet. River and sea fish are rich in phosphorus, fatty acids and microelements. It is recommended to prepare cutlets, casseroles or fish soup from fresh fish.

Chicken or quail eggs, consumed raw, will saturate the body with magnesium, calcium, and silicon. Egg white and cholesterol take part in the synthesis of hormones and stabilize metabolic processes in organs and tissues.

Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the functioning of the pelvic organs. At home you can prepare yoghurts, curdled milk, kefir, as well as cottage cheese casseroles.

Lactobacilli, which are abundant in dairy products, have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the large intestine, populating the intestinal flora with beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. By consuming dairy products daily, you can get rid of constipation, which in many cases is the root cause of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Timely emptying of the intestines is the key to the health of the pelvic organs. However, full-fat milk is not recommended for frequent consumption in raw form for prostatitis. You can prepare cereal porridges, casseroles, and omelettes on a milk basis. Taking buckwheat porridge for several weeks normalizes tissue circulation and increases the body's protective functions. Buckwheat is considered a natural antioxidant that prevents the rapid development of cancer cells.

When adjusting the diet for men suffering from prostatitis, special attention should be paid to drinks. Drinking should be plentiful. Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink still water, herbal teas, low-concentration fruit juices, compotes, fruit drinks, and fermented milk drinks. Purified water in the daily diet is required in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.

It is advisable to coordinate the volume of fluid consumed with the doctor, since excessive drinking will lead to increased swelling of the prostate gland itself and compression of it by an overfilled bladder. It is recommended to drink the bulk of your daily fluid volume in the first half of the day to reduce evening diuresis and avoid going to the toilet at night.

Among herbal infusions, chamomile tea, consumed hot, has a positive effect on the prostate gland. Chamomile flowers are rich in phytoncides, flavonoids and azulenes, which relieve inflammatory processes by suppressing pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes. Essential oils, which easily penetrate into tissues, reduce pain by relaxing smooth muscles.

Ginger root is a unique remedy for fighting prostatitis. The plant is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. By adding grated ginger to tea, you can reduce inflammation in the prostate tissue and increase testosterone production. With age, the synthesis of male sex hormones decreases, which leads to hormonal imbalances. Infusions of rose hips, hawthorn, and barberry will ensure the normalization of sexual functions, reducing the risk of developing cancer pathologies.

The diet for acute and chronic prostatitis should be varied and meet age and individual needs.

Power value

The role of nutrition in prostate adenoma cannot be underestimated. A diet that interferes with normal bowel function leads to constipation. And this means additional painful sensations, poor circulation, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the lower abdomen, and infection of the body with toxins. In order to get rid of toxins in a timely manner and establish peristalsis, enough products consisting mainly of plant fibers and fiber are introduced into the menu. Approximate list of permitted products:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices;
  • berries, fruits;
  • green crops;
  • unpolished cereals;
  • bran.

The most useful are seasonal vegetables and fruits, those that grow in the region where a person lives.

With adenoma and other prostate diseases, blood circulation in the pelvis is impaired. Respiration and cellular nutrition of prostate tissue are disrupted, which is fraught with the development of hypoxia. Swelling develops in the organs of the genitourinary system. To improve blood supply and improve sexual and reproductive functions, normal testosterone synthesis and hormone balance are necessary. A whole list of useful elements is necessary to maintain men's health.

It is easy enough to maintain this balance with the help of food.

Foods to avoid if you have prostatitis

The prostate gland is very sensitive to foods. Therefore, it is necessary to consume with caution some nutrients that, even after a small portion, can provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis. The following foods and drinks will have to be completely excluded:

  • hot spices;
  • alcohol;
  • lamb;
  • salo;
  • mackerel;
  • factory canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • legumes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • hot sauces;
  • coffee;
  • strong black tea;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sweet carbohydrates;
  • full fat milk;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • roast.

If you allow the intake of the above products, you can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, causing irritation not only of the prostate gland, but also of the bladder. Too spicy and fatty foods will lead to intestinal disorders, which will aggravate prostatitis. Bloating of the intestinal walls will increase the urge to urinate and put pressure on the prostate gland. It is advisable to limit the consumption of drinks that stimulate urination during periods of remission, and completely eliminate them during exacerbations of prostatitis.

Fully or partially limited products

The following are excluded from the diet for prostate adenoma:

  • Concentrated meat, fish and mushroom broths.
  • Refractory fats (lamb, pork, beef), fatty red meats, smoked meats, sausages, waterfowl meat, canned food, fatty fish.
  • Spicy, fried and spicy dishes, spicy types of vegetables (horseradish root, ginger, onion, radish, garlic, daikon, radish), hot spices, seasonings, sauces (horseradish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard), pickles and marinades.
  • Products that contain food additives (dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives) and caffeine (strong tea, chocolate, coffee).
  • Drinks containing alcohol and carbon dioxide, fast food, salt, sugar.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

spicy vegetables2,80,55,336
vegetables legumes9,11,627,0168
canned vegetables1,50,25,530
green onion1,30,04,619
bulb onions1,40,010,441
canned cucumbers2,80,01,316
white radish1,40,04,121
canned tomatoes1,10,13,520






marinated mushrooms2,20,40,020





Raw materials and seasonings

ground black pepper10,43,338,7251
tomato sauce1,77,84,580

Meat products

fatty pork11,449,30,0489


smoked chicken27,58,20,0184
smoked duck19,028,40,0337

Fish and seafood

dried fish17,54,60,0139
smoked fish26,89,90,0196
black caviar28,09,70,0203
salmon caviar granular32,015,00,0263
canned fish17,52,00,088

Oils and fats

animal fat0,099,70,0897
cooking fat0,099,70,0897

Non-alcoholic drinks

black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

Orange juice0,90,28,136
tomato juice1,10,23,821
* data is per 100 g of product

Products that will have to be limited in case of prostatitis

Acute prostatitis causes severe discomfort, depriving you of peace even during sleep. The diet involves limited consumption of the following foods:

  • citrus fruits;
  • sweet pastries;
  • sweets;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • coffee;
  • concentrated juices.

Products that cause increased gas formation, in addition to flatulence, can also lead to allergic reactions. Flour-sweet products increase body weight, creating additional stress on the digestive system. It is advisable to replace pasta dishes with cereal porridges, and prefer dark or whole grain breads to white baked goods.

Some useful tips

From an early age it is necessary to prevent prostatitis. To do this, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, follow a routine, and promptly eliminate genitourinary infections. It is very important to prevent frequent changes of sexual partners, ignoring barrier contraception and intimate hygiene.

It is also important to constantly monitor hypothermia of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. Exposure to low temperatures on the external genitalia will create a negative effect.

A food diet for prostatitis will significantly reduce the severity of acute symptoms, preventing the development of complications.


This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician.
For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors! Number of reads: 4493 Date of publication: 08/01/2018
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Normal condition and abnormal size of the prostate

The volume of the gland depends on age, characteristics of the male body, weight and health status. With adenoma, significant enlargement of the prostate is considered normal, while cancer and prostatitis have a lesser effect on the size of the organ. They quickly return to normal with adequately prescribed treatment, since the pressure on the urethra and tissues stops.

The doctor compares the results of the diagnostic examination with normal indicators of a healthy adult prostate:

  • length – 20-43 ml,
  • thickness – 10-23 ml,
  • volume – 20-26 cm3,
  • transverse width – 20-43 ml.

You need to worry about ways to reduce prostate volume in case of adenome and prostatitis, when the permissible norms are exceeded by 10 or more points. BPH - benign hyperplasia - increases the size of the gland due to the proliferation of its cells. When suffering from prostatitis, the swelling of the organ increases, caused by an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

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