Cream Zdorov for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland

Prostate diseases in men not only cause physical discomfort, but are also accompanied by erectile dysfunction. Prostatitis is considered the most common pathology of the male genitourinary system and develops as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as previous diseases. Along with symptoms of urinary disorders and pain, men are concerned about erectile dysfunction, which progresses and can lead to a complete loss of sexual ability. Effective treatment of prostatitis without qualified medical care is impossible; specific drugs and medications with symptomatic action must be included in the treatment regimen. Urologists do not deny the help of traditional methods, but often the preparation of natural remedies becomes a problem. It is difficult to choose the optimal composition, obtain the necessary ingredients and properly manufacture the medicine. It is much easier to choose a ready-made dietary supplement. Zdorov cream for prostatitis appeared on the health products market quite a long time ago and won a lot of positive reviews among men. An auxiliary remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the male genitourinary system, when used correctly, helps improve potency and improve intimate life.

Indications for use

The manufacturer of the cream Zdorov recommends using the product as an addition to the main treatment regimen for prostatitis, after the acute stage of the disease has been eliminated. To eliminate the typical symptoms of prostate inflammation - frequent urination and pain - in the first stage you need to take pills recommended by your doctor. During the period when acute symptoms subside, you can add Zdorov cream for prostatitis to the treatment regimen. The product is intended for local use, and due to its active components it helps to improve the impaired functions of the genitourinary system.

In healthy men, the use of Zdorov cream is recommended for the prevention of prostatitis, reducing the risk of congestion in the pelvic area, with a slight decrease in potency, as well as for carrying out therapeutic or preventive prostate massage procedures.

Composition of the drug

Based on the manufacturer's statements, Zdorov cream for prostatitis is a natural remedy, in the production of which exclusively natural ingredients were used. The manufacturer assures that the medicinal composition for topical use does not contain synthetic components, dyes or preservatives.

The drug contains the following elements:

  1. Bee venom is a substance that is characterized by a stimulating effect on blood processes. The intensity of blood flow increases, blood supply to the genital organs improves, allowing the manifestations of prostatitis to be leveled out.
  2. Propolis is characterized by intense anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Able to regulate the body's metabolic processes, contributing to their normalization.
  3. Wax plays a role in the regenerative processes of tissues that have been damaged. Promotes the restoration of glandular organ cells.
  4. Cedar resin is a complementary element that helps enhance the medicinal properties of the remaining components of the composition, increases the intensity of blood circulation and helps strengthen the vascular walls of the circulatory network.
  5. Dead bees, extract. Serves as one of the components of the drug for local use. The activity of inflammatory processes will be suppressed, the intensity of symptomatic manifestations will decrease.
  6. Bee moth affects the intensity of blood circulation in small vessels and leads to improvements in vascular walls.
  7. Horse chestnut extract. Increases the rheological characteristics of blood. It is an element that can prevent blood clots and also reduces the likelihood of stagnant blood processes that are present in the pelvis.
  8. Olive oil acts as a component that allows the components to combine. This element provides nutrition to the skin and guarantees its softening by replenishing the tissue reserve.

The presented product contains a sufficient number of natural components that have various effects on the body and can help alleviate the symptoms that are characteristic of prostate pathologies.


Zdorov cream contains bee products in large quantities, and this type of raw material often causes allergic reactions. In the instructions for the dietary supplement, the manufacturer indicated in which cases it will be necessary to abandon the use of this type of product:

  • If you have an individual intolerance to honey, as well as any of the ingredients included in the composition, you cannot use the ointment to treat prostatitis. Neglecting existing contraindications can cause severe manifestations of allergies, including the development of anaphylactic shock.
  • The second limitation is related to the peculiarities of using Zdorov cream. Its use as a lubricant when massaging the prostate gland is unacceptable in the presence of trauma to the rectum, damage to the mucous membranes and violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application, in the perineal area.

To the contraindications contained in the annotation, experts also add recommendations not to use Zdorov cream in case of acute prostatitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease, with pronounced symptoms of inflammation and pain.

Advantages of the product

It is necessary to understand that dietary supplements are auxiliary agents. Inflammation of the prostate gland requires an integrated approach to treatment; during the course of therapy, the doctor prescribes medications that must be taken, and Zdorov cream for prostatitis complements the list of drugs with symptomatic effects. The negative reviews and the opinion that this product is just another scam and deception are most often associated with inflated expectations and the use of the supplement as the only therapeutic method.

Find out the price

There are really many advantages of the prostatitis cream Zdorov:

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  1. The natural composition is an alternative to traditional methods of treatment, but does not require special preparation skills.
  2. Local application eliminates harmful effects on the digestive organs, liver and kidneys.
  3. The melting consistency and light structure of the Zdorov cream ensures complete absorption and leaves no marks on clothes, and the unobtrusive aroma makes the application procedure pleasant.
  4. The convenient release form and small package size allows you to take the product with you and use it in any situation.
  5. Affordable cost is an important advantage, since expensive drugs are used in the treatment of prostatitis, and the use of Zdorov cream allows you to save your budget by replacing a whole list of auxiliary drugs.
  6. Many urologists recommend the drug to patients for preventive and therapeutic purposes, but remind them of the need to conduct a sensitivity test and the mandatory use of specific medications for prostatitis.

Among the many advantages of the dietary supplement, minor drawbacks include the insufficient amount of information about the completed clinical and laboratory tests of the drug for inflammatory diseases of the prostate, as well as the lack of Zdorov cream on the market.

Causes of prostatitis

Before considering a drug for the treatment of prostatitis, you need to understand why the disease develops:

  1. Infection. The main reason why prostatitis develops is pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the blood and, with its current, spread throughout all internal organs.
  2. Weakened immunity. If a person eats poorly, regularly drinks alcohol and smokes, and is exposed to constant stress, then all this negatively affects the immune system. It weakens significantly and is unable to fight infectious agents.
  3. Impaired blood circulation. When the cardiovascular system does not function properly or there are diseases of the nervous system, blood circulation is inhibited as a result. Poor blood circulation begins in the pelvic organs, which leads to oxygen starvation and inflammation of the prostate gland.
  4. Prostate injury. This occurs when a person is subject to constant vibration. For example, drivers often have problems with prostate function due to vibration while driving.
  5. Nutrition. If foods that have been treated with chemicals are often consumed, malignant neoplasms may occur. Prostate cancer is very common among the male population.

Components of the drug

The dietary supplement is produced in Russia and has a completely natural composition. Active ingredients that are present in the Zdorov cream, mainly bee products, help treat prostatitis.

The ointment contains:

  • Bee venom. Stimulates blood flow, increases blood flow to the area of ​​application, has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect.
  • Dead bees. An effective anti-inflammatory agent, the independent preparation and use of which is associated with difficulties in collecting raw materials.
  • Propolis. In Zdorov cream it is used to reduce swelling in the area of ​​inflammation, and also strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Cedar resin. The Siberian product is considered an effective remedy for restoring normal cell function, improves metabolic processes and has antioxidant properties. Gives the Zdorov anti-prostatitis cream a recognizable aroma of Siberian cedar.

  • Horse chestnut. Stimulates blood circulation and helps improve metabolism at the level of prostate tissue.
  • Bee fire. Increases the tone of blood vessels and improves local blood circulation, facilitating the removal of breakdown products and toxins resulting from inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Olive oil. Moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes.
  • Beeswax. Thanks to the content of this component, Zdorov cream acquires a thick texture and is well absorbed, and also facilitates gliding.

The concentration of each ingredient is selected very carefully, so even the addition of bee venom to the composition is safe. The use of beekeeping products, supplemented with unique plants with medicinal properties, is a distinctive feature of the products of the manufacturer of prostatitis cream Zdorov and helps men maintain and restore health.

Reception Guide

Detailed instructions and method of using the dietary supplement are described in detail in the instructions. Ease of use and ease of application makes the use of Zdorov cream for prostatitis accessible and understandable.

The recommended application area is a small area located at the site of the prostate projection onto the perineum, approximately 1-2 cm from the anus. After taking a shower, Zdorov cream should be applied in a small amount to the skin and rubbed in with light circular movements until completely absorbed. The treatment regimen for prostatitis ranges from 2 weeks to 30 days, depending on the severity of symptoms and the effect obtained.

For prostate massage, it is more convenient to use Zdorov cream, which is available in a tube and comes complete with a rectal tip.

Truth or scam

Prostatitis is a male disease that causes constraint and discomfort in men. As a rule, all male representatives do not want to go to a specialist and follow the course of treatment prescribed to them. That is why such creams are an “easy” solution to such a troubling problem for them. Healthy cream for prostatitis - truth or scam?

In fact, it is impossible to cure prostatitis with this product, given that it is not a therapeutic drug. Therefore, for those who want to avoid consequences and speed up recovery, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out the treatment and preventive procedures prescribed by him.

However, Zdorov cream-wax for prostatitis can be an excellent addition to the general course of treatment, prevent the spread of the disease in the initial stages and improve a man’s health.

Its composition is rich in beneficial plant elements that will not harm your body. The only thing you should beware of is individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. If you are sensitive to certain substances in the cream, an allergic reaction may occur, which will cause even greater discomfort.

Real reviews about the cream

Expert opinion

The opinions of doctors and the impressions of patients regarding the use of prostatitis cream Zdorov are generally positive.

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Urologists note the high-quality composition, good selection of components, as well as the method of using the dietary supplement. Compared to other prostatitis remedies that need to be taken in capsule form, Zdorov cream has a significant advantage. It does not have a systemic effect on the body and, in the absence of individual intolerance, is absolutely harmless. At the same time, urologists point out the need to first undergo diagnostics and establish the causes of prostatitis, since in the presence of an exacerbation or in an infectious form of the disease, the use of Zdorov cream is permissible only after the acute symptoms of inflammation have been eliminated.

Among reviews from real customers, there is often an opinion that the dietary supplement is yet another deception, a scam and an attempt by the manufacturer to extract money from customers. Zdorov cream does not help everyone, but this does not mean that the product is useless. The manufacturer does not position the supplement as the main method of treatment, but indicates the possibility of use in the general treatment regimen. Negative reviews are also found from men who interrupted the course of using the cream earlier than the recommended period.

There are many more positive impressions. Men note a decrease in pain, improved erectile function and a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis when using Zdorov cream. In young patients, the frequency of premature ejaculations decreased, and the duration of sexual intercourse increased. Men over the age of 50 note that with regular use of prostatitis cream Zdorov, they are less likely to consult a doctor with symptoms of the disease.

Mechanism of action of a natural drug

Zdorov cream is not a drug that is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the glandular organ as an independent remedy, despite the balance of its composition and the unique ratio of components.

Most of the elements in the formula of the drug Zdorov affect blood processes, stimulating and increasing their intensity at the site of local application.

The overall positive effect of the drug is not a negative point; a number of pathological conditions of the gland are provoked by stagnant blood processes and insufficient blood supply to the organ. The key condition is the use of a natural drug.

The cream can be ordered online

Treatment of prostatitis using Zdorov cream is carried out due to the positive effects that have on the prostate gland:

  • Warming effect due to the presence of bee venom. There is an increase in temperature values ​​of the place where the cream was applied. This factor contributes to a speedy recovery.
  • Strengthening microcirculation, which is facilitated by almost all components present in the ointment formula. The functioning of small blood vessels is normalized - the walls become less brittle, elasticity increases, which allows the normal flow of blood to be restored. As a result, the gland stops feeling the lack of nutrients and restores its structure.
  • An improvement in a man’s well-being occurs due to the complex influence of propolis and other bee products, which stimulate the strengthening of the body’s immune system. With regular use, a return of body tone is observed, provided the patient has an active lifestyle.
  • Restoration of potency, which occurs with regular use of cream-wax due to physiologically correct filling of the penis with blood. If erectile function is restored, a man begins to experience cravings for the opposite sex, and psychological tension disappears.

Side effects

Prostatitis cream Zdorov contains active substances and bee products, which can cause allergic reactions in men with individual intolerance to honey, sensitive skin, or if applied incorrectly. Violation of hygiene rules can cause skin rashes and itching. In the presence of microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes, a strong burning sensation often occurs, and in case of allergies to bee waste products, local and general reactions develop.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you must carefully follow the instructions for using Zdorov cream, and also conduct a sensitivity test before starting use. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If undesirable reactions occur, you will have to stop using Zdorov cream and, together with your doctor, choose a suitable adjuvant for the treatment of prostatitis.

Where can I buy

You can purchase Zdorov anti-prostatitis cream only on the official website, where a special price is set at 990 rubles per package and there are no trade markups. It is impossible to buy an original drug of proper quality in pharmacies, intimate goods stores and places where health products are sold.

Purchasing Zdorov cream through the official website is a reliable way to avoid counterfeiting and defects, and the high quality of service makes the purchase comfortable and fast. After filling out the proposed form and sending contact information when ordering goods, an operator contacts the client, clarifies the necessary information and announces the approximate delivery time, which rarely takes more than 10 days. Buyers from remote regions should note that the price of Zdorov cream is unchanged, but postal services calculate the cost of shipping based on current tariffs. The manufacturer often holds promotions among customers, thanks to which you can make a profitable purchase, receive a discount, or buy Zdorov cream in gift wrapping.

The effectiveness of dietary supplements, the production of which is based on natural raw materials of natural origin, can be noticed almost immediately if you follow a simple rule. Before using any drug, you should consult your doctor. Men who use Zdorov cream for prostatitis as an adjuvant in accordance with the recommendations during drug treatment receive results within the first month. As an independent drug, the supplement has a preventive effect, but does not exhibit medicinal properties.

How is the drug used?

Zdorov cream can be easily used at home without outside help. It is enough just to open the jar of the drug and apply the ointment to the skin in the area of ​​the affected organ, then rub the product in with light massage movements.

It is recommended to apply the cream evenly over the surface of the skin. In order for the medicine to be absorbed faster, you should perform manipulations in a circular motion.

In order for the body to get rid of the unpleasant disease as quickly as possible and the symptoms to disappear, the cream should be rubbed in daily immediately after waking up and before going to bed at night.

The duration of treatment directly depends on how advanced the disease is. For mild forms of prostatitis, the medicine is used for 1–2 weeks, and if the disease progresses to an advanced stage, then it should be used for a month.

As soon as the manifestations of the disease cease to bother you, do not forget about the drug and stop using it. For a complete recovery, you must complete the full course of treatment.

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