Why does a guy cum quickly, what to do to prevent this next time

You are in the section: Home » Articles » MEN'S SECRETS: premature ejaculation Premature (a.k.a. rapid or instant orgasm, uncontrolled ejaculation) is when ejaculation occurs faster than desired, before or within a short period of time after the start of sexual intercourse and does not bring satisfaction to one or both partners. At the moment, this is the most common sexual dysfunction in men (more common than its “antipode” - delayed ejaculation). Early ejaculation occurs in 25% - 60% of cases.

The methods of treating premature ejaculation used in Dr. Filatov’s Clinic make it possible to increase the duration of sexual intercourse by 3-5 times or achieve complete control over ejaculation in most cases.



  1. Lack of experience in controlling ejaculation when engaging in sexual activity.
  2. Syndrome of obsessive anticipation of failure (once a failure has occurred, it makes you wait for it to happen again next time), some other phobias and neuroses.
  3. Psychophysiological - early ejaculation, which began with psychogenia, receives reinforcement at the physiological level, a reflex arc is formed, promoting the speedy onset of ejaculation and orgasm, secondary phenomena of colliculitis develop.
  4. Increased speed of nerve impulse transmission and neural sensitivity.

Inflammatory diseases of the accessory sex glands.

  1. Colliculitis—inflammatory, hypertrophic and other changes in the seminal mound. During sexual intercourse, blood circulation in the seminal mound increases, ascending impulses intensify, irritating the areas of the central nervous system responsible for orgasm. With pathological enlargement (hypertrophy) and inflammation, such impulses intensify, orgasm occurs earlier, usually with a loss of the quality of the orgasm itself.
  2. Hypersensitivity of the glans penis.
  3. The nerve endings located in the head of the penis are the main receptors, in the neural arch that closes in the spinal cord at the level of the Th12 and L2 vertebrae. With an increased number of receptors and their greater than normal susceptibility to influence, premature ejaculation also occurs.

Diagnosis of early ejaculation

To diagnose the cause of premature ejaculation, a number of tests are performed, the most important of which is a test with lidocaine and a condom.

What to do: 18 tips that should help - arm yourself

The main reasons why men cum quickly are described above, and all of them can be solved. BUT! Only if you have no real health problems. If they are present, do not self-medicate. Contact a specialist (urologist, andrologist, sexologist) in person as soon as possible! Understanding what to do to prolong sexual intercourse, you can diversify sex and give yourself and the girl new positive emotions.

Please rate each of the tips to create a ranking of the best possible approaches at the end of the article.

Kegel approach

An effective and affordable method that helps prolong the pleasure of sex for both partners. Kegel exercises are popular among women, but men can also benefit from them. With their help, weakened pelvic muscles are trained. Particular emphasis is placed on the one that is responsible for a more stable erection.

Kegel exercises will help you feel an orgasm more vividly and are even practiced in the prevention of prostatitis. Pumping the pelvic muscles will be the solution to many intimate problems. Go ahead and study the Kegel complex; if you do it regularly, the results will be noticeable. very soon.

Correct breathing during intimacy

Something as simple as breathing correctly can prolong intimacy. What does it mean to “breathe correctly,” and what is the benefit of this in sex?

When you ejaculate quickly, it is especially important to slow down, and breathing helps with this, helping to reduce anxiety and calm you down.

Having gained control over the body, a guy is able to significantly delay ejaculation. To prevent the pelvic floor muscles from being overly tense, you should learn to breathe deeply with your belly, relaxing your abdominal muscles.

5 seconds before orgasm, imagine something disgusting

A method that has helped no guy prolong intimacy. The most important thing is not to get too carried away with it, so that the erection does not disappear altogether.

Instead of focusing on the current moment, becoming more and more aroused, you should mentally transport yourself to non-erotic fantasies.


  • cleaning the toilet;
  • conversation with an angry boss;
  • eating an unloved dish;
  • walk through a dirty gloomy train station
  • and other events that do not evoke pleasant associations.

The technique should not be abused, but sometimes it can be used.

Lubrication should help

A simple and obvious solution. In pharmacies and specialized stores there is a large selection of lubricants that help prolong sexual intercourse. Long-acting lubricants are especially popular because they have many useful functions.

Its purpose is not only to moisturize the mucous membrane and protect the penis and vagina from injury - it also acts as an anesthetic, helping to reduce the sensitivity of the penis during sexual intercourse.

Choosing the right pose

With the cowgirl position, many guys manage to not cum longer, but there are nuances. If the penis is straight, then when the partner is on top, it really prolongs sex.

However, if the penis is “looking” up, it is better to try the “back” position, and if the head is pointing down, then it is better to give preference to the “classic”.

All these points are subjective - you need to take into account your own physiology, and with the help of experiments, look for a suitable option for yourself.

Do not suddenly change the pace of frictions

With a sudden change of pace, orgasm may come faster than expected. Too intense friction contributes to the approach of discharge. Feeling increasing arousal, you should not change the pace, but immediately stop stimulating the penis.

Having made a belly for 2-5 minutes and stopped frictions, you can focus on the sensations of your partner, moving on to other caresses, intimate games and come to your senses a little to continue the “marathon”.

Ask the girl to dig her nails into the skin during the process

The partner can also help prolong mutual pleasure from intimacy. You can ask her to periodically dig her nails into the skin during sex.

The consequence is that the main attention is transferred from the partner and the approaching orgasm to sudden painful sensations. A similar technique is described in the article above when presenting vile phenomena.

By changing the focus of attention, you can delay ejaculation. There are many such analogies, you can choose the one that suits you.

Drink a glass of quality red wine

If you abuse alcohol, your erection may decrease - you should not use this method too often. Limiting yourself to a glass of good red wine before sex can prolong the pleasant sensations.

The method is popular because it helps to relax and dull some sensations.

After a glass of red wine, most men take longer to achieve sexual release. It is important to choose only proven products and not overuse them.

Try to solve a math riddle

When ejaculation approaches, it is enough to shift the focus of attention (as we said above) in order to thereby prolong the act. A good option is not to think about your own physical sensations, but to mentally focus on another topic, far from erotic experiences.

For example, solve a complex mathematical riddle in your head, remember the multiplication table, or analyze geometric theorems. Or maybe it’s worth remembering the periodic table? Although for some the alphabet will be enough. Everything is individual.

Use a long-acting condom

This method is gaining popularity due to its efficiency and accessibility. The condom has a number of features: inside it contains a special anesthetic, and outside it contains a classic silicone-based lubricant.

Having an anesthetic effect, the contraceptive will prevent rapid ejaculation. The choice on the market is huge. Every man will choose condoms with a prolonged effect according to his budget. Read the rating of the best condos.

First time to cum quickly and start again: second chance

If the first time ejaculation still happened faster than each partner wanted, there is an additional chance. It is necessary to take a break of 5 minutes and initiate intimacy again.

Often the second sex lasts longer than the first. If you can’t start again due to lack of erection, you can use harmless stimulants like M-16 spray (your partner can also help orally).

Chamomile tea

You can use home remedies to improve sexual relationships. Chamomile tea is perhaps the most unobvious of these, but it is simple and safe.

The main purpose of the aromatic flower drink is to relieve tension and normalize the tone of the nervous system. This allows you to “last” longer during sexual intercourse. You can buy raw materials at a pharmacy or supermarket (if you wish, it’s easy to collect).

Rub it in the shower with menthol toothpaste before doing this.

Some sexologists recommend an unusual method, claiming that it will help reduce the sensitivity of the head. The method is to rub your penis with menthol toothpaste while taking a shower.

After 2-3 minutes it needs to be washed off. The components of the product help to reduce the sensitivity of the penis for a while. By the way, shower gel with menthol fragrance has the same effect.

Squeeze the penis at the base at the beginning of the “wave”

Reliable and simple way. By applying it in time, you can get a chance for long-term intimacy. The guy should not miss the moment when the “wave” of orgasm begins to roll in, from which he is separated by only 5-6 shocks.

When you feel that a release will soon occur, it is important to stop and tightly clasp the base of the penis with two fingers (index and thumb). Particular attention is paid to the urethra, the tube that runs along the underside of the penis.

The pressure should be noticeable, but not excessive. It is advisable to use this method when you are within a few 2-5 seconds of ejaculation.

Get a good night's sleep the night before

Quality sleep is essential for good health, but not everyone knows what it means for your intimate life. Its importance is high (testosterone needs restoration) and, at least on the eve of an intimate date, you need to get enough sleep.

Otherwise, the body will be under stress, and the quality of sex will directly suffer from this. 7 hours of sleep a day is the required minimum, 8 is better. But you shouldn’t oversleep, it’s just as harmful as not getting enough sleep.

Apply prolongator

There is a wide range of prolongators in pharmacies and specialty stores. Local action is best, they are safe. Use according to instructions 15-30 minutes before intimacy. By choosing the right product, you can get vivid sensations and delay the moment of “finish”.

On average, using a prolongator increases the standard duration of sex by at least 1.5 times. This is explained by the fact that the drug reduces the sensitivity of the penis, and orgasm occurs later. Prolongators in tablets are stronger, but they can only be taken after consulting a specialist.

Mint decoction (tea)

In some cases, a decoction of peppermint has a positive effect. Its effect is similar to that of the menthol paste mentioned above. After preparing the decoction, you need to let it cool and keep your penis in the liquid before sex.

The menthol contained in the product will have a calming and cooling effect, and will help “finish” later. However, erections may decrease (due to decreased sensitivity), so be careful.

Treatment of early ejaculation

Treatment of premature ejaculation does not present significant difficulties. Depending on the identified cause of early ejaculation, medicinal or physiotherapeutic correction of ejaculation is carried out.

After establishing the cause of accelerated ejaculation, treatment begins with addressing the causative factor. However, given that with long-term premature ejaculation, which is usually accompanied by other pathogenetic mechanisms, treatment should be comprehensive .

To treat psychogenic premature ejaculation, antidepressants, anxiolytics, and psychotherapy are used. Stop-start techniques and other behavioral therapy options are described.

We use individual treatment programs that provide a guaranteed increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Does a guy really cum quickly?

Perhaps your complaints against your partner are not entirely objective? Sometimes a girl simply does not have enough male attention, and in bed there is a desire to enjoy the pleasant process for as long as possible.

Experts generally believe that sexual intercourse has a normal duration if male ejaculation begins no earlier than 3 minutes from the moment the penis is inserted into the woman’s vagina. And even the duration of friction from two to three minutes is conditionally acceptable if the guy manages to bring the woman to orgasm.

At the same time, if ejaculation occurs within two minutes from the moment intimacy begins or even when a penis is inserted into the vagina, it is worth thinking about correcting such a violation.

Thus, you should first determine how quickly your partner cums in order to find out the validity of your claims? Of course, this should not be done with a stopwatch in hand, because the guy could be seriously offended! As an option, play music tracks with a quick ending in advance, and then use them to calculate the duration of sexual intercourse. Finally, you can discreetly place a watch in your field of vision and look at it while the guy “works” hard, trying to please his beloved.

Don't limit yourself to one shot

  1. If this happens and you finish in the first run, then take a short break and turn on the movie.
  2. No need to give up. It is what it is. Take a short break and do a second pass.
  3. The second visit may not be so sweet for you, but it will be many times longer and more pleasant for your beloved. We have already discussed similar principles in other articles.
  4. The main thing is to please the girl, and no matter how hard you try! Remember this, implement it and do not allow reasons and reasons for concern about why a guy quickly ends love games.

Use the secret with your eye muscles

  • Before the finish line, reflex is such that the man's eyes begin to close.
  • He must, on the contrary, tense his eye muscles, and to do this, open them wide when he feels the finish line approaching.
  • He can use this secret simultaneously with the use of tension in the muscle tissue of the perineum to avoid the risk of premature ejaculation.
  • Combine these two methods and get rid of eternal thoughts about why the guy began to cum quickly and spoiled his sex life.

Ask your partner to bite your earlobe or distract you to other parts of the body

  • The part of the body where you focus all your attention will be filled with excess energy.
  • Therefore, ask your partner to shift the focus of your attention from the sexual organ to your other parts of the body. Then energy will not accumulate in one place.
  • For example , she can bite your ear, earlobe, or stroke your back, shoulders, back of your head, or chest. We also talked about this in another publication.
  • The main thing is to avoid the intimate area below! This way, you will have less worries and worries about why you come quickly during sex with your beloved.

Maintain a calm and deep breathing rhythm

To ask less questions about why a man quickly ends intercourse and what this oversight is connected with, monitor the frequency of inhalations and exhalations .

  • Breathing too often and quickly is bad for you and can lead to a quick finish. This is a big mess .
  • Watch every deep breath, take a break .
  • As soon as you notice that the rhythm is quickening again, slow it down again !
  • You can even stop doing frictions and wait until an even rhythm and control over it is restored.
  • It seems like such a small nuance, at first glance, but how many possibilities and maneuvers it opens up for you in bed, if you implement it. We wrote about this in many of our articles.

How to prolong sexual intercourse for a man

The answer to the question of how quickly not to cum may “lie” on the surface. For this it is enough:

  1. normalize your diet, give up unhealthy foods;
  2. do not drink alcohol or limit its consumption;
  3. normalize your mental state with the help of medications, meditation, and sessions with a psychologist;
  4. devote enough time to rest;
  5. avoid long-term abstinence.

In essence, the advice is simple: it is worth putting the body in order and optimizing its functioning. Get rid of fixation on the problem and normalize relationships with women!

You can do yoga and meditation at home. This will help normalize the state of the nervous system, cope with the problem and avoid consequences.

Don't chase several women, be with one

If you change partners every time like Casanova, then the problem will only be reinforced, and love affairs will always be strengthened on the bad side.

If your problem has been repeated more than once with different girls, then it’s time to start dating only one girl.

Stop wasting yourself.

Pros of a permanent relationship

  • With a permanent girlfriend, you will have stable love games every day.
  • More accustomed to her body .
  • Greater understanding of each other, the degree of intensity of passions and the need for a pause at the right moment.

Remember these advantages and no longer ask questions about why I began to cum quickly and get excited at the most inopportune moment.

Follow the principle of single caresses

  • In between , when you don't see your girlfriend, you can practice at home alone.
  • During these periods, you should pump up your endurance as much as possible.
  • You do not have the right to approach the finish line and the liquid end at once. Only at the end. Follow this rule!
  • You can play on the edge and take pauses to catch your breath.
  • in your seed , which cannot be wasted when you caress yourself alone. Therefore, of course, it is better to always have real intimacy with your woman, rather than lonely evenings.
  • Observe this principle of patience and endurance during single caresses, and this will affect your relationship with your beloved. This way, you will know a lot about why teenagers, young boys and some men come quickly during intimacy.

Friction tempo rule

  • Always alternate fast frictions with slow ones.
  • If you feel like you're getting close to the finish line, slow down several times. Plus it will add a different sensation to your intercourse.
  • And if this doesn’t help, then, in general, pull out your unit and wait until it releases.
  • Take breaks and realize that this is completely normal. We have already talked about this technique in the previous guide.
  • There is no need to chase the fictional image of an alpha male from adult films, where a man works like a machine without stopping and at the same pace. Don't fool yourself and know everything about why a guy cums quickly during sex.
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