Palpation diagnostics using acupuncture points

The Kidney Meridian is a Yin type meridian, it belongs to the primary element “Water” and is designated by the Latin letter R. Paired with it is the Bladder Meridian.

The maximum activity of the meridian is observed from 17 to 19 pm, and the minimum from 5 to 7 am.

The meridian runs in two branches along the front surface of the body and contains 27 active points. The first points are located on the feet, and the last ones in the area of ​​the collarbones. Some experts call it the Kidney Channel.

The kidney channel is considered very important for human health in Chinese medicine. In China, it is often called the “Channel of Eternal Bliss” and they are convinced that the state of this meridian has a great influence on the quality and duration of a person’s life. The kidney meridian contains all hereditary information about human health. Therefore, in order to minimize negative heredity, you will have to pay increased attention to the state of this energy system.

What does the kidney meridian affect?

First of all, the state of the meridian affects the health of the organ after which it is named. Also, the condition of the channel is reflected in the work of such organs and systems:

  1. Genitourinary system.
  2. Bone.
  3. Organs of hearing.
  4. Spine.
  5. The immune system.
  6. Condition of hair and teeth.

If the energy state of the meridian is reduced, this leads to loss of strength, increased fatigue, decreased libido and sexual activity, and decreased hearing. Like all energy meridians in Eastern medicine, the kidney channel affects all those organs near which it passes. Kidney meridian is very closely connected with its paired counterpart - the bladder meridian. The condition of one necessarily affects the condition of the other.

Kidney Deficiency Yin and Yang

Kidney Yin and Yang deficiency is a specific category of treatment within Traditional Chinese Medicine that is not as clearly recognized or differentiated in Western herbal medicine. It is helpful to understand these concepts as they relate to conditions that are fundamental to health. The Chinese have described specific treatment protocols with herbs and other therapeutic substances coming from the mineral and animal kingdoms that can be used to treat these conditions.

Kidney meridian passage

The kidney meridian is located closest to the center of the body. If a person assumes the fetal position, then the meridian points will be maximally protected.

This indicates its great importance for the body. Nature has taken care of maximum protection of this meridian


The meridian originates on the foot - from the R1 Yun Quan point. Then it rises along the inside of the foot, makes a revolution around the condyle and then rises along the inner surface of the leg and thigh, reaching the groin.

Along the surface of the body, meridian points rise from the groin up the peritoneum, cross the chest and end at the collarbones - point R27.

You should pay attention to this point, especially for women, the canal crosses the chest in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Consequently, the health of this organ also depends on the energetic state of the meridian.

Anti-inflammatory properties of herbs

Herbs have healing, anti-inflammatory effects such as cortisol. Often it is not the cortisol stimulating properties that are cited for their medicinal properties, but rather some other biochemical agents such as allantoin in comfrey . The effects are the same, except that herbs such as unprocessed Rehmannia glutinosa and licorice (Glycyrrhiza sp.) tend to be milder and more indirect, however, having the advantage of not only suppressing, but more often than not enhancing the immune system.

Despite the obvious life-saving benefits, drugs such as cortisol do not correct the underlying disease. When used long-term over weeks and months, it also causes many of the side effects described above, such as muscle weakness, immune system weakness, and tissue swelling.

Key points

The main points of this meridian include the following:

Point R1 – Yun Quan

Located in the middle of the foot, on the border between the first and second third.

Working on this point strengthens the human immune system, is used for hypertension, reduces fatigue, and restores the overall energy of the body.

Impact on the R1 point will be advisable for recovery after serious illnesses, injuries, operations to strengthen the body's defenses.

They also influence the R1 point, in combination with other active points, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

In the East they believe that through this point the body is fed with the energy of the earth.

Point R2 – Zhan-Gu

Located on the inside of the ankle joint, slightly below the tubercle of the navicular bone.

Impact on the point is used for:

  • sore throat
  • sexual weakness
  • descent of the uterus
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • diabetes
  • pain in the back and hips

Point R3 – Tai-Ci

Located on the inside of the ankle, behind the bone.

Indications for exposure:

  • Throat problems, sore throat
  • Stomatitis
  • Cystitis and nephritis
  • Sexual weakness
  • Ankle pain
  • Problems with the liver and spleen

Point R7 – Fu-Liu

Located on the inside of the lower leg, 2 cun above the ankle, on the border between the Achilles tendon and the calf muscle.

Helps fight the following conditions:

  • Dry mouth
  • Urinary retention
  • Edema of the extremities
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea
  • Bleeding due to hemorrhoids
  • Kidney diseases

You can get acquainted with the description of all 27 seven points of the Kidney Meridian by clicking on this link - Meridian-Pochek. Here you can download this file to your computer.

Kidney Channel - Channel of Eternal Bliss

Translation from Chinese by Elena Buyanova

The KIDNEY CHANNEL is a channel that is responsible for a person’s happiness from birth to old age. If you want to improve your quality of life, you should train and strengthen the kidney channel.

Kidney condition is often determined by heredity, passed on from previous generations. If the inheritance is not very good, then it is all the more necessary to make an effort. Otherwise, upon reaching middle age, a person will quickly begin to lose health. The body needs physical exercise, and energy channels need even more hardening, as they restore damage caused to internal organs and systems.

Internal organs, like parts of a mechanism that are constantly in use, can wear out

But if you constantly carry out preventive maintenance, clean and lubricate, the service life of the mechanism can be extended.

We need to pay attention to 3 active points:

  • KIDNEY CHANNEL – Tai Si (Ki3),
  • Fu Liu (Ki7)
  • and Yong Quan (Ki1).

Each of these points is very effective.

Acupuncture points

First let's talk about Tai Xi. It is located at the level of the top of the inner surface of the ankle, slightly behind, between the Achilles tendon and the ankle.

This point is effective for all ailments associated with weakened KIDNEY function -

  • aches in the lumbar region,
  • dizziness,
  • tinnitus,
  • hair loss,
  • loosening of teeth,
  • dyspnea,
  • recurrent miscarriages in women
  • and weakening of sexual function, which is especially troubling for men.

I knew a young woman, only in her thirties, who was seriously suffering from a disease that not everyone can tell about - urinary incontinence.

She could not run, laugh, or even cough, because with any physical effort this trouble occurred.

This woman worked as a manager in a foreign company, she was pretty, but her illness made her tough and withdrawn. She never went to corporate parties, she never had a man. Colleagues considered her unsociable and preferred to stay away.

For three years she drank Chinese decoctions, but they turned out to be ineffective. I looked at the recipes for the decoctions - everything is written correctly, they should strengthen the function of the KIDNEYS.

But due to weakness and cold in the spleen and stomach , medicinal substances were blocked in these organs and were not absorbed.

I recommended that she place cups on the Shen Shu points (Bl23) to the right and left of the spine, and at the same time massage the Tai Xi points on the ankles with rotational movements for 10 minutes. Daily.

Ten days later, she called me and said that on the eighth day of the procedures, blisters appeared in the area of ​​​​the Shen Shu points. Therefore, she was afraid to continue placing cups, and Tayce’s points are now so painful that it’s scary to touch them.

I told her that all of this indicated that my RENAL function had improved. Now you can take a short break and let the body harmonize its state on its own. Another week has passed. She came to my appointment joyful and inspired. She said that the situation with urinary incontinence has improved dramatically.

Stimulation of Shen Shu and Tai Xi points

- the best way to treat ailments caused by weak kidney function.

Especially when your lower back ache - you will immediately feel the effect. By acting directly on the KIDNEYS, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, we quickly and directly stimulate the weakened organ.

Now let's move on to Fu Liu's point

Literally translated, this means resumption of flow - the flow of blood circulation.

It is located 2 cm above the Taisi point. This point is most effective for treating blood stagnation and inflammation. Therefore, use it when:

  • inflammation of the bladder,
  • vaginitis,
  • prostatitis,
  • and also for the treatment of inflammation after miscarriage (abortion).

It is best to ask an acupuncturist to work on this point.

In terms of effectiveness, this is not inferior to the use of Liuwei dihuangwan (六味地黄丸) , so if you have dry mouth, are afraid of heat, or have trouble sleeping at night, be sure to pay attention to this point.

Yun Quan point (Ki1) on the foot.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that if you press this point 100 times before going to bed, you can achieve longevity.

Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it stimulates blood flow to the lower extremities, which helps fight:

  • with hypertension,
  • nosebleeds,
  • headaches,
  • attacks of suffocation
  • and other manifestations of excessive accumulation of qi and blood in the upper part of the body.

The greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved by combining stimulation of this point with drug therapy.

For example, with high blood pressure, it will be effective to take the medicinal plant Wuzhuyu (吴茱萸, the fruits of Evodia officinalis), grind it into powder, dilute it with vinegar to a paste and before going to bed, apply it to the Yun Quan points on both feet, wrap your feet with gauze or a bandage.

Approximately 20 hours after this, the pressure will begin to decrease, and the effect will last for a long time. In severe cases, the procedure can be repeated several times.

For nosebleeds, you can apply garlic paste to the Yong Quan point:

  1. if there is bleeding from the right nostril, apply it to the right foot,
  2. from left to left.

The bleeding will stop quickly. This method can also be used to treat chronic rhinitis.

Please note that experts do not recommend stimulating this point with acupuncture. When massaging a point, you should press on it quite firmly until you feel pain.

If there is no obvious pain, or the skin in this place is relaxed, and when pressed, a dent remains for a long time, you should not massage the point (this will only weaken the KIDNEYS even more), but you can apply the medications described above to it.

Massaging the Tai Xi and Fu Liu points is very effective; these points can be activated if necessary without any fear. The impact should begin from the point that is more painful, then move on to the less sensitive point.

The points can be used both to treat diseases and to strengthen the body in the absence of diseases.

If, simultaneously with the massage of the points, cups are placed on the points of Shen Shu (bladder channel), Guan Yuan (Rn4), Qi Hai (Rn6), then this can be considered as a safe and balanced way to strengthen the entire body.

Everyone knows such remedies for strengthening the KIDNEYS as Luzhong (鹿茸), Gouqi (枸杞-Lycium chinensis), Heche (河车), Dongchun xiacao (cordyceps) (冬虫夏草) , now you can add wonderful Tai Xi points (Ki3), Fu Liu (Ki7) and Yong Quan (Ki1).

Correspondence with readers:

Question: Are frequent urination and excessive urine output the same thing?

Answer: Frequent urination with a small amount of urine indicates weakness of the spleen and stomach, in this case you need to immediately start taking Qianshi (芡实 - Gorgon fruit; semen euryales). If there is little urine and your legs are swollen, it is useful to drink Shanyao (山药 - yam). Qianshi and Shanyao are twin brothers, they heal the spleen and drive away dampness from the body, they can be used in turn, or they can be used together, the main thing is to hurry up!

Question: My husband (53 years old) was diagnosed 4 years ago with a cyst in his right KIDNEY. How can I help him?

Answer: With a conservative method of treating cysts, it seems to me that the easiest way for you to master foot massage. It is necessary to find the area of ​​the foot that correlates with the KIDNEYS and lymphatic system and, at every opportunity, massage these areas of the foot to the husband. The effectiveness of treatment and the speed of achieving results depend on the individual and the skill of the massage therapist.

Question: I place the jars on the Shen Shu points for my son in this way: I hold the jar on each side for about half a minute, release it, place the jar again, and so on 5-6 times. When I put the first can on the right side, the place immediately turns black; on the left side the reaction is not so strong. After the end of the session, both sides turn black. Please tell me am I doing everything right?

Answer: The fact that the places where the cups are applied turn black is already an indicator of the effectiveness of the procedures. Next time try leaving the jars longer, about three minutes. At this time, massage the Tai Xi (Ki3), Fu Liu (Ki7) points. Start from the point that is more sensitive.

Question: My son is 11 years old and has suffered from bedwetting since the age of two. He often catches colds and coughs, but when he takes cold medicine, his incontinence worsens. All these years we have been undergoing treatment, took several courses of Chinese medicine, and visited 4 different specialists in pediatric urinary incontinence, but there was no result. He hunches over like an old man, wore a special device, but his back never straightened. He constantly twists his hair with his hands so that he pulls it out by the roots. My appetite is poor. I read in your article that it is useful to place jars on Shen Shu points, I want to ask, how long should you hold the cups? Should I hold it until marks appear? And another question: I forcefully massage the Yong Quan (Ki1) points on my son’s feet, but he does not feel pain. Please tell me, maybe it’s better for him to apply medicine to these points? What medicine? Is it possible to stop my son from bedwetting?

Answer: The boy has defective KIDNEYS, so massage the Tai Xi point, do not touch Yong Quan. Yongquan for release, Taixi for filling. The boy is hunched over, which means the calcium content in his bones should be checked. You can also massage your back every day from the neck to the tailbone with the edge of your palm. Banks at Shen Shu points will be very useful. If you hold it for a long time, blisters may appear, so be careful. Actually, blisters are not a bad thing at all, but people are afraid of infection, so I don't encourage you to get blisters. You can place cups along the entire spine, this will help straighten your back. The treatment process will not be quick, but if you follow all the recommendations, I think you can expect results in three weeks.

The most popular book in China today on using active points to restore health and rejuvenate the body at any age was written by Dr. Zheng Fuzhong. It's called "The best doctor is you." You can order this book in Russian in an excellent translation from Chinese by Elena Buyanova on our website using the link:

Find out more >>

Signs of problems with the meridian

The main signs that problems are beginning with the energy of the meridian are the following symptoms:

  • Increased chilliness, fear of cold.
  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Difficult morning rise.
  • Fatigue, loss of strength.
  • Poor dental condition: caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis.
  • Hearing loss, the auricle becomes flabby and soft.

If you observe similar conditions in yourself or your loved ones, then you need to pay attention to the state of the channel and take measures to restore its energy.

Effect of cortisol on fat metabolism

Just as it promotes the mobilization of amino acids from muscle, cortisol promotes the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue. This is despite the fact that individuals with excess cortisol develop a type of obesity that manifests itself as fat accumulation or a swollen appearance of the chest and head areas of the body, giving a sort of bullous torso.

In this state, as above, we see the results of a weakening of yang and a subsequent increase in stagnation of fluid and yin. In addition to TCM and yang chi kidney treatments, Chinese medicine can add spleen-removing dampness such as Poria cocos (fu ling), salty herbs such as Aconitum carmichaeli praeparatum and cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) and spleen qi tonics ( Atractylodes Alba - Atractylodes white and Astragalus membranicus - astragalus).

Effect of cortisol on stress and inflammation

One of the most beneficial effects of cortisol is stress relief. In addition to major physical and neurogenic stresses, there are various minor stresses that constantly occur as part of normal life. Among the many that may occur are movements of the joints and especially the knees (which exhibit the greatest structural stress) and initial reactions to food, especially stimulants such as coffee and simple carbohydrates like sugar. In addition, there is psychological stress such as fear, paranoia and anger, as well as physiological stress caused by shock and injury, and extreme cold or heat. All are buffered to some extent by cortisol secretion.

Just as the body requires a certain degree of the Young hormone adrenaline to generate the motivation to respond to both normal and life-threatening stimuli, it also requires cortisol almost constantly to buffer the effects of stress. In some ways, cortisol acts like oil in a hot engine. Without this, the gears grind in much the same way as in, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, where joints become painful, dry and curled, or under-hypertensive due to anxiety, nervousness and irritability.

In this we see that cortisol is essential for injury, infection, intense heat or cold, psychological and neurological stress, and recovery from any debilitating illness. As a result, there is a connection between a lack of cortisol and what is diagnosed as “kidney deficiency.”

Cortisol is used clinically in the form of hydrocortisone or prednisone to help control acute inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and many erythematous skin conditions. Because cortisol mobilizes amino acids, it is effective in repairing damaged tissue. Because it can suppress the immune system by reducing white blood cells and phagocytosis, it is used to suppress dangerously high fevers, inflammation, some toxic reactions, arthritic conditions, and allergies. When cortisol or other glucocorticoids are administered, the inflammation subsides within 24-48 hours.

How to heal the kidney meridian

Everyone knows that the kidneys are very afraid of hypothermia, so the meridian itself should not be exposed to cold. This will be a preventive measure to prevent a decrease in his energy. The state of the meridian is negatively affected by abortions in women and increased sexual activity in men.

To improve the health of the meridian, it is necessary to work on the active points that are located on it.

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose his condition. To do this, you need to walk along the entire length and find the most painful places. It is they who need to have a therapeutic effect.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that points located further from the center are more effective than points closer to the center.

A healing effect on the points can be provided in a variety of ways. This can be a massage with hands or fingers, exposure to objects, acupuncture, warming with wormwood cigars, and so on.

Nutrition issues

The meridians of the primary element “Water” - the kidneys and bladder - are very sensitive to salty foods. Excess or lack of salt provokes kidney and spine diseases.

With a lack of salt in the body, a person feels weak, his blood pressure and overall energy levels decrease. The salty taste is replenished by Yin and blood in the body.

But in the modern style of nutrition, there is just the opposite problem - an excess of salt in consumed foods, as well as sweets, fats and preservatives.

Therefore, balance must be maintained. It is strictly not recommended to add salt to already prepared dishes and to lean too heavily on salty foods.

Products with a salty taste: salt, seafood, pork, animal kidneys, duck. Their use should be within reasonable limits.

In general, food should be moderate and varied.

Symptoms of kidney emptiness:

  • memory loss, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate;
  • pain, discomfort, weakness in the lower back;
  • pain and swelling of the knees and heels;
  • decreased libido or, conversely, increased sexual desire;
  • impotence, premature ejaculation;
  • frequent awakenings at night;
  • female and male infertility, decreased sperm volume, low AMH;
  • feeling of cold in general and in the lower back, knees, weakness in the legs, back;
  • tendency to constipation and diarrhea;
  • night sweats;
  • insomnia, restless and vivid dreams, lack of satisfaction from sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • early gray hair, hair loss, dryness and thinning hair;
  • hearing loss, congestion in the ears, tinnitus, hearing loss;
  • frequent and prolonged colds;
  • hot flashes, feeling hot and restless in the evenings, desire to stick your hands and feet out from under the blanket, dry throat;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • black circles under the eyes, swelling of the upper eyelid;
  • dry eyes, decreased visual acuity;
  • discharge of drops of urine after urination, weak stream;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • chronic vaginal discharge, uterine prolapse, recurrent miscarriages;
  • brittle bones, osteoporosis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bleeding gums, loose teeth, tooth loss;
  • difficulty breathing on exertion, shortness of breath, chronic cough;
  • in children, developmental delay, growth delay, hearing impairment, bone development disorders;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • severe and protracted course of chronic diseases;
  • fears, panic attacks, depression;
  • being overweight or unable to gain weight.

This is how Kidney Qi deficiency can manifest itself in different ways.

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