Analysis of the reasons why the frenulum on the head hurts and what to do about it

The frenulum is one of the most erogenous zones on a man’s body. This area is rich in nerve endings, so its stimulation should normally give a man pleasure, but in some cases the opposite happens. Complaints that the frenulum on the head of the penis hurts on men's forums is not uncommon. As a rule, discomfort is provoked by unprotected sexual intercourse: the first (at the beginning of sexual activity), after a long period of abstinence, with a new partner. There may be other reasons, which we will discuss in the article.

Why does the frenulum on the head hurt?

All reasons that may cause pain in the frenulum can be divided into 4 groups: anatomical abnormalities or mechanical damage, systemic disorders (diabetes mellitus, autoimmune pathologies), infectious diseases, psychogenic problems.

Main organic causes:

  1. Mechanical microtrauma received during active sex, masturbation or as a result of exercises to stretch the frenulum. This could be chafing or micro-tears. Often a man discovers a problem after a few days. If there are microdamages during sex, the frenulum will hurt, and when urinating, it will pinch. The discomfort gradually subsides as the tissue heals completely.
  2. Short bridle. It may be like this from birth or shortened after a break. In the latter case, connective tissue is formed, which is inelastic and significantly reduces the amplitude of movement of the foreskin (prepuce). With a short frenulum, pain occurs mainly during an erection. In the process of penis enlargement, the skin straightens and stretches, the head opens, but not completely (this phenomenon is called phimosis), sometimes even tilts downwards (ptosis of the head). The shorter the frenulum, the more severe the pain.

A short frenulum can also affect the shape of the penis, pulling the head down. As a result, during an erection it cannot fully straighten and looks shorter

Have you ever had a frenulum tear?

  1. Starting sexual activity too early after circumcision or frenuloplasty. Officially, doctors allow their patients to have sex after 2-3 weeks, but for some, the healing process is delayed and the nerve endings are restored more slowly. The frenulum may hurt for 1-2 months during sex. In such cases, the doctor prescribes ointments that soften scars (“Contractubex”), and products with vitamin E.
  2. Genital herpes. Herpetic rashes look like red blisters with liquid contents. They provoke pain and itching at the same time, ripen, burst, leaving ulcers. If they appear in the area of ​​the frenulum, then the discomfort will be constant, increasing during any touch. Herpes goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks. You can speed up the process with the help of antiviral ointment (Cycloferon), taking Acyclovir, and immunomodulators.
  3. Candidiasis. A fungal infection is accompanied not only by pain and itching, but also by white cheesy discharge and the appearance of plaque on the head. This often happens after unprotected sex with a new partner. After 1-2 days, the man sees a white plaque on the head that is difficult to wash off, then the frenulum begins to hurt.
  4. Papillomas, condylomas. These neoplasms are almost invisible (small pointed or papillary processes), but periodically they can become inflamed, causing pain along with itching. This usually occurs after active mechanical impact (sex, masturbation).

Condylomas are viral growths on the skin and mucous membranes, which are often localized in the genital or anal area

  1. Balanoposthitis, fasting. Infectious inflammation of the foreskin and glans. In such cases, swelling, redness, and discharge from the urethra appear. Pain may be concentrated in the frenulum area, as it is rich in nerve endings.
  2. Allergic dermatitis. Frenum pain may occur as a reaction to the detergent, lubricant, condom material, laundry detergent, or fabric softener used in the laundry.

Pain in the frenulum may be a manifestation of neuralgia. There is no itching or stinging. The pain may be shooting and is often accompanied by a chilling sensation when touched. The condition often occurs as a consequence of severe stress or hypothermia. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen) and thermal procedures can help.

Pain in the frenulum before sexual intercourse may be a manifestation of a psychogenic disorder. It has been proven that poor sexual compatibility with a partner is expressed in the form of pain symptoms (source . Organic causes in such cases cannot be found, the pain is considered idiopathic. In some cases, the sexual partner has nothing to do with it; stress is to blame.

What happens during a breakup

There are many vessels in the frenulum of the penis, so when it ruptures, severe pain and bleeding occur. Men, who usually lose their fortitude at the sight of blood, are for some reason embarrassed to see a doctor, considering the situation awkward and the injury not serious.

Gradually the bleeding subsides and the pain goes away. But in reality, things are not so smooth:

  • A rough scar is formed at the site of the rupture , preventing the full opening of the head. Sexual intercourse becomes painful, which leads to deterioration of erection associated with unpleasant sensations during coitus. Anticipation of pain affects a man’s psyche, leading to fear of intimate relationships;
  • Scar tissue that forms on the frenulum makes it short and difficult to stretch. The ruptures recur periodically , and the penis can become deformed and curved, which leads to psychological complexes;
  • a frenulum injury shocks not only the man, but also his partner . A woman, seeing blood spurting from a penis, becomes hysterical. Such stress is impossible for both partners to forget;
  • when infection penetrates into the wound, suppuration occurs and a difficult-to-heal ulcer appears .

Associated symptoms

In most cases, pain in the frenulum is accompanied by additional symptoms. A significant tear cannot be ignored - sharp pain and a lot of blood immediately appear. Microtraumas sometimes manifest themselves only after a few days, when, against the background of damage, inflammation of the frenulum of the foreskin develops. It swells slightly, turns red, and is painful to touch with your hands.

Infectious inflammation of the foreskin (posthitis) is rarely isolated. Usually the head is also involved in the process (balanoposthitis). When you try to retract the foreskin, itching and pain occur. Common causes of posthitis are poor hygiene and phimosis. In the fold at the head, a large amount of secretions (smegma) accumulates, which are produced by the inner lobe of the foreskin for lubrication. Bacteria actively develop in them. Posthitis can manifest itself acutely - with the discharge of pus, increased temperature, redness and swelling of the inner part of the foreskin. But sometimes its only symptoms are pain in the frenulum, dryness, and cracks in the prepuce.

An allergy to condom lubrication can manifest itself immediately or the next day. Symptoms: isolated dull pain in the frenulum, rash on the head, swelling, itching (optional). In such cases, you need to take a Suprastin or Tavegil tablet. In the future, you need to change the brand of condoms. The cause of the allergy is the lubricant inside or the material itself, you should pay attention to them when choosing. Immediately after sex, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the head with hypoallergenic products.

What to do if the frenulum of the foreskin hurts

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Severe tearing of the frenulum, profuse bleeding. The danger here is not so much in blood loss as in the future scar. It may form unsuccessfully, the foreskin will be pulled, tears and bleeding will become constant companions of sex, and plastic surgery will have to be done. It is better to immediately contact a good doctor (you can send a photo to the forums of Petrovich R. Yu. or Babykin A. V.). If necessary, he will adjust the shape of the frenulum according to the fresh tear.

Doctors recommended on forums

  • There are signs of infectious inflammation: discharge from the urethra, swelling of the foreskin, ulcers, erosion. This may be candidiasis, syphilis, chronic gonorrhea, manifestations of diabetes. It is necessary to take a blood test to check for these diseases and sugar levels.
  • Phimosis and paraphimosis (pinching of the head by a ring of narrow foreskin). In the latter case, you should consult a doctor immediately. In case of phimosis, circumcision is necessary in any case. The frenulum is usually removed, but at the patient’s request it can be left in place.

In case of minor abrasion or microtrauma, there is no need for medical intervention. To prevent the frenulum from becoming inflamed, you need 2 weeks of abstinence (without sex and masturbation), careful hygiene and treatment with antiseptics after each urination. It is better not to use brilliant green and iodine, especially when it comes to a child. These drugs burn the wound, cause pain and prevent rapid healing. The best option is chlorhexidine, Miramistin, baths with furatsilin, a weak solution of manganese. Swelling and redness of the frenulum will be relieved by Streptomycin and Levomekol ointments, but you don’t need to get carried away with them so that the wound doesn’t get wet. It is better to sprinkle with ordinary powder streptocide, “Baneocin”.

If you have pain in the frenulum due to diabetes, you need to stabilize your sugar levels, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. The restoration of nerve endings is facilitated by the intake of antioxidants, the most effective of which is thioctic acid (alpha lipoic acid).

The cost of thioctic acid in Russian pharmacies starts from 345 rubles

To speed up healing, you can take warm baths with decoctions of sage, chamomile, and oak bark. The procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day for 5 minutes. Aloe juice is a good wound-healing and antibacterial agent. Some recommend lubricating the damaged frenulum with honey, but side effects such as severe burning and allergies are possible.

In case of severe bleeding, you need to fill the wound with an antiseptic and press it with a sterile napkin for 5-10 minutes (press with your fingers). If the frenulum continues to bleed, you should hold it longer. A blood clot should form in the damaged vessel.


Physiotherapeutic effects help relieve pain of a neurological and psychogenic nature. Methods used:

  1. UHF.
  2. Ozone therapy.
  3. Electrophoresis with antibacterial drugs.
  4. Galvanization.
  5. Magnetic and laser therapy.

These procedures are carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

Pain in the frenulum of unknown origin in some cases goes away after good rest and relaxation. It may be due to impaired blood flow or pinched nerve endings. Whole body massage, pine and mud baths, hirudotherapy (leech treatment), and acupuncture have a beneficial effect.

What to do if the frenulum ruptures

In such a situation, you need to calm down and not do anything stupid. You need to act according to this scheme:

  • try to stop the bleeding with hydrogen peroxide . Alcohol, iodine and brilliant green lead to burns of the penile mucosa;
  • A gauze or bandage bandage is applied to the site of the tear . This will prevent re-bleeding. You can remove the bandages when the blood stops flowing completely;
  • Until complete healing, the rupture site is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction . Sexual contacts are prohibited during this time.

If the frenulum of the penis ruptures, you need to see a doctor - andrologist, who will restore it.

The frenuloplasty lasts only 20-25 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision, removes existing scars and sews a septum of skin. This makes the bridle complete. If it turns out that the shortening is accompanied by a narrowing of the foreskin, circumcision

. All these activities ensure that the gap does not happen again.

With a short frenulum, it is better to perform the operation in advance, avoiding tears. Every man who suspects he has shortening should see a urologist to find out if he has such a problem.

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