Features of material collection
Many mothers believe that collecting urine from a child, especially newborns, is almost impossible. Actually this is not true. There are methods for quickly and efficiently filling a vessel. Using any method, you must comply with some requirements.
During collection and before the procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:
- You should only fill the vessel in the morning, before going to the hospital. It is advisable to do this on an empty stomach. Do not store the material in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
- The collection container must be sterile. It is better to buy it at a pharmacy.
- Before collecting urine, it is recommended to wash the child well, but do not use soap.
- To prevent various bacteria from getting into the collected material, it is recommended to take urine from the middle of the portion. To do this, you need to wait some time after you start urinating.
- Before the procedure, the mother should avoid eating protein foods for several days. It can cause sediment in your child's urine.
Urine can be collected from children of any age using a urine bag. One of the most popular methods of the present time. It is presented in the form of a bag made of plastic or other material. Its peculiarity is that it has a special cut and several Velcro. This way it is easy to collect the required amount of liquid.
For older children, you can use a plastic cup with a lid. Such a vessel is sold in any pharmacy.
You can induce urination in a child in the following ways:
- Often, during feeding, the baby begins to write. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should not put a diaper on your child.
- It is also possible to receive the material early in the morning. As soon as the child wakes up, it is recommended to remove his diaper. The feeling of cold air stimulates urination.
- You can try spending some time with your baby in the bathroom, where the water will be turned on. The sound of flowing liquid can make you want to urinate.
- During a general massage, you can lightly press on the lower abdomen.
It is quite easy to collect urine for analysis from children who are on mixed feeding. To do this, you need to give the child some warm boiled water. This method is recommended for babies from 0 to 5 months.
Methods of collection: in a urine bag and without it
There are three main ways to collect urine from infants:
- Using a special urine bag. You can buy it at the pharmacy, and they sell it for both girls and boys.
- Use a small plastic bag.
- Collect urine in a glass or plastic container.
You can use any method , using urinals - this, of course, is the simplest and most convenient.
How the material should be collected will depend on the analysis for which it is needed.
How to collect urine from a one year old girl? The nephrologist answers parents' questions:
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How much material is needed for research?
Many parents ask the question: “How much urine should be collected for analysis from a child?” The amount of material depends on what type of study is prescribed.
Doctors prescribe:
- General urine test – 20 ml. It is carried out during a preventive examination, for admission to kindergarten or school, as well as in case of suspected illness.
- According to Nechiporenko – from 15 to 20 ml. It is prescribed to determine the number of red blood cells, casts and leukocytes. It is these elements that can indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Often, the Nechiporenko result shows inflammatory processes, primarily of the urinary system.
- According to Zimnitsky. Appointed in order to track its changes in composition. The amount of material is collected hourly throughout the day.
- Biochemical urine analysis – 20 ml. Liquid is collected throughout the day. It must be stored at a temperature from +4C to +8C. It is better to keep the container in the refrigerator.
How much urine needs to be collected depends on the type of test. In order to get an accurate result, it is enough to provide 10 ml of liquid to analyze the baby. For research according to Nechiporenko, laboratory assistants can take less, but it will be better if there is 1 centimeter of material in the vessel.
Do not do this when collecting urine
- It is not recommended to squeeze urine out of cotton wool, a diaper or diaper. It is impossible to collect liquid from a diaper, since it turns into “jelly” with the help of special components. As for cotton wool and diapers, you can squeeze out a small amount of urine from them, but salts and important enzymes will remain in the fabric. This is the reason for the discrepancy between the indicators.
- It is prohibited to pour material from a child’s potty into a glass. It is quite difficult to disinfect a plastic vessel at home. Therefore, the study in this case will show elevated levels of leukocytes, salts and microbes.
- Also, do not collect urine in a baby food jar. It will not be possible to wash it properly, and this will lead to the appearance of protein, impurities and salts in the composition. Inconsistencies in indicators can be avoided. To do this, it is enough to purchase a special container at the pharmacy, which will ensure the correct result.
You should not take less than 8 ml of urine to the laboratory. This amount is not enough to conduct an accurate study.
Every mother should know how much urine is needed for a child’s analysis, since the reliability of the results depends on this. To avoid detection of deviations in the study, it is necessary to be able to collect urine. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules and recommendations.
One of the most important diagnostic methods in medicine is laboratory research. As for the examination of young children, the accuracy of diagnosis largely depends on the ability of parents to correctly collect biomaterial and timely deliver it to the laboratory. Normally, any baby urinates about twenty times a day, thirty milliliters at a time.
How to collect urine from a baby boy and girl?
General urine analysis. To help those who collect.
Authors : Kirichenko K.V.
A general urine test, also known as OAM, is a mandatory test, and for many young parents, collecting it turns into a real quest.
Basic recommendations for passing, based on personal experience : - Use the achievements of the modern world: a children's urinal and a special plastic collection jar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. — Take the collection of material seriously, especially if the child has a fever without symptoms of acute respiratory infections. — It is advisable to deliver the material to the laboratory within 1.5 hours. Of course, this is the ideal time and an error of 30-50 minutes is acceptable. — If you use a baby food jar, it must be thoroughly washed and sterilized, including the lid! — If a child has skin irritation, it is better to reschedule the test.
How to properly use a urine bag (urine collection bag) - MP : - Time spent on the body is no more than 15 minutes. Although the instructions say that you can keep it for up to an hour, doctors do not recommend it. Therefore, prepare 3-5 pcs. In my practice, the largest is 3 pieces. Most likely, at an older age, one will be enough. — You need to pour it into a jar by cutting off the tip or cutting the edge of the MP. Scissors, of course, should be processed before this. — The MP itself is glued to clean, dry skin. For girls, it is glued as follows: folded in half and the lower edge is glued between the lower part of the labia and the anus, the upper part naturally to the upper. Make sure that the adhesive part is glued evenly, without catching the skin on the legs and without tension. Everything is easier with boys
The process of collecting the analysis itself : 1. Prepare in advance a diaper, a jar, MP (3-5 pieces), scissors and the desire to collect the material. 2. Wake up the child early, taking into account that if IT happens in the near future, that is, who will deliver and receive it within 1.5 hours. 3. The child must be thoroughly washed with soap and plenty of running water! This is very important, especially when collecting using MP! It is better to repeat the procedure the next day if the child promptly provides the material, because if the analysis is bad and the preparation procedure was not ideal, then you will still have to do it again. 4. Wipe dry and glue the MP, I repeat, for girls from bottom to top. 5. Time 15 minutes. If necessary, we carry them in our arms and entertain them in every possible way. 15 minutes have passed - we change. When the MIRACLE happens, cut off the tip and pour it out. Congratulations, you have reached the next level!
But, as in any quest, difficulties vary. HARD is a medium jet collection: This option is also suitable for already active children who do not want to wear MP. And one more thing - if you collected an average stream and your child has a bad analysis, then the error in terms of collection is minimal! For this reason, doctors recommend collecting the middle stream. If you can carry a child in your arms, carry it. If a child can stand, let him stand. If the child agrees to sit wide on your lap, rejoice. And below is your hand with a jar. As soon as the process has started, place the jar under the stream (2-3 seconds of delay is enough). As soon as 30-50 ml. dialed - congratulations! For very young children, 25-30 ml is enough. Important! If it turns out that the volume is less than 25-20 ml, donate what you have. They can’t count the specific gravity, but the leukocytes can. DO NOT collect two peees into one analysis! This will ruin the picture. Of course, wash thoroughly before collecting and if there is irritation, it is better not to collect.
A few ideas : 1. A child stands on a stool or chair at the table and does something there. 2. The child stands at the sink and plays with some water. 3. A child on his hand on his stomach, the other hand with a jar - we walk around the apartment. 4. The child is sitting/lying on his arm, part of the weight is transferred to the mother’s leg, which is resting on the radiator, on the sofa, chair, bathtub 5. The child is on the parent’s lap with legs wide apart, for example, eating a cookie
6. The child is in his arms over the sink , water is on.
In practice, the longest analysis I took was an hour. So it's not so scary!
Where to submit? Optimally, to a clinic or hospital laboratory. Private laboratories, of course, differ in their service, but there are cases of erroneous analyzes. You can always make an appointment at the clinic and they can call you after lunch if the reason is serious. All other methods of collecting material for a general urine test, from the practice of our grandmothers - collection through a cotton swab, cloth, etc., do not guarantee correct results and may be false positive, which will lead to unnecessary waste of nerve cells. And they, as you know, are not restored.
I wish your children always good tests and no clinical manifestations! Be healthy!
Video on the topic “Urine analysis” from Evgeniy Olegovich.
This article and its discussion in ClubCom.
published 10/31/2013 12:53 updated 06/20/2017 – Popular Medicine
How to collect urine from a baby
Inexperienced parents may be perplexed by the question of how to collect urine from a baby. Typically, the need to collect urine from an infant occurs at the age of one month. There is no need to panic, because if you follow a number of recommendations step by step, this process will seem much simpler than it seemed at first.
We use a urinal
Today at the pharmacy you can purchase a special children's urinal that allows you to collect urine from both a boy and a girl, taking into account the differences in anatomical structure.
Before you start fixing the urine bag, you need to wash your baby and dry him thoroughly, not forgetting to wash your hands with soap after that. After opening the sterile package, peel off the film from the adhesive layer and place the package between the baby’s legs. The adhesive area looks like a horseshoe on universal urine bags suitable for girls and boys. In special urine bags for boys, this area has recesses for the testicles. Particular attention should be paid to the correct fixation of this product. In a newborn girl, the bottom of the adhesive plate is attached between the anus and the labia, which prevents feces from entering the collected biomaterial, then the entire adhesive area is attached towards the pubis onto the girl’s labia. For boys, the penis and scrotum are placed in the hole. When the baby has done everything that is required of him, the urine bag easily comes off. You need to cut off the bottom edge of the bag with scissors and pour the contents into a pre-prepared container, for example, into a sterile plastic urine container sold in a pharmacy.
Advantages and disadvantages of urinals
The main advantage of urinals is the achievement of sterility at home, which is necessary for a clear vision of the clinical picture. The availability of this method is also not the least of its advantages; it is the best when passing a general urine test.
However, it is not always possible to do everything correctly the first time; collecting a sufficient amount of urine will require skill and some experience, so it is better to immediately stock up on several products from the pharmacy. The disadvantages of this method also include the fact that it is not suitable for collecting material for analysis according to Nechiporenko, where an average portion of urine is needed when urinating in the morning, which is, in principle, difficult to “catch” from a month-old baby. And when collecting the daily volume of urine, such urinals will need the same amount as the number of times the baby pees, since the entire volume of such urine must be stored in the refrigerator.
Collecting urine in a jar
The most popular container for urine in our country is an ordinary glass jar, for example, baby food. Indeed, glass lends itself perfectly to sterilization and many people probably have such jars in stock just for this occasion. The whole method is that the mother “catches” the urine in a well-sterilized and dried container. While this trick can work with boys, it’s more difficult with girls. There is one more trick on how to collect urine from a girl. You can take a saucer, having previously sterilized it and cooled it to room temperature, and place it under the baby’s butt; you can gently moisten her outer labia with water to stimulate the process. After the material has been collected, the required volume is poured into a pre-prepared container.
Do not forget that many laboratories do not accept biomaterial in used glass jars. It is much better to use special polymer jars sold in pharmacies. They are packaged in a sterile bag, so no preliminary preparation is required, and it is also very difficult to tear or damage the threads on them, which means that the valuable contents will not spill.
Available means
In addition to the urinal, there are other available means that can be used to cope with the task quite conveniently and simply. However, before collecting urine from a baby, you need to carry out certain preparatory measures.
Urine collection can be carried out using ordinary glass or plastic containers. A plastic container can be purchased at a pharmacy, but a regular jar, which can be found in every housewife’s kitchen, can serve as a glass container.
If the choice is made in favor of a homemade glass container, you need to take care of its sterility. Before collecting urine from a newborn, it is recommended to rinse the glass with hot boiled water. Such an event will allow parents to be confident that the child will not be infected.
Experts note that the emission of urine in infants occurs at certain time intervals. They can be marked to make it easier to collect. This is quite convenient, since you do not need to stand over the child all the time, afraid of missing the necessary moment.
When performing direct urine collection from a girl, you will need 2 people. Their functions should be distributed as follows: a newborn baby is held in an upright position, for example, by the father, and the mother at this time holds a plastic or glass container. In most cases, this applies only to girls, since the process is much easier for a boy.
How to collect urine from a girl without using such a device? For example, a regular cellophane or plastic bag can serve as a fairly convenient means at hand. With its help, collecting urine from newborn girls is quite effective. For this, it is best to choose a transparent bag. This will allow you to more effectively control the process.
If there are handles on the package, they must be cut. This is done so that the resulting ribbons can be used to secure the package on the newborn. You need to tie the cut off handles of the bag around the legs, but not tightly. In addition, during the preparatory process, holes must be cut on the sides of the bag in order to insert the child’s legs into it.
The result will be a kind of bag that will be quite convenient for taking urine from newborn girls. The boy does not need to be held, but it is recommended to hold the girl in an upright position so that the urine flows into the bag. Afterwards it is poured into glass containers, which must be sterile.
Rules for collecting tests from infants
- The minimum volume of urine donated, which should be enough for research, is 20 milliliters, this corresponds to filling a small container by approximately one centimeter. Special plastic urine containers have lines indicating the volume.
- The material must be delivered to the laboratory within 1.5–2 hours, after which irreversible changes occur in the structure of urine. It is unacceptable to donate urine collected in the evening.
- The entire volume of daily urine during collection should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5⁰–6⁰С, in a tightly closed container.
- Before each urine collection, hygiene procedures are required.
- To get tested when the baby is older, it is tempting to use a potty to collect the urine of a one-year-old child. This should not be done, since it is impossible to achieve sufficient sterility when processing the pot.
- You should not listen to those who advise squeezing out the diaper or gauze after the child urinates on it. Again, there is no talk of any sterility in this case, since tissue fibers also get into the collected urine. And it is impossible to collect a sufficient volume in this way.
- Under no circumstances should wet diapers be placed under the back and crotch of the baby to stimulate the process of urination. Such actions may cause the child to catch a cold.
General analysis
First of all, it’s worth talking about it. To get the correct results, collect the sample in the morning, when the urine is most concentrated.
To ensure the accuracy of a general urine test, take into account the following recommendations:
- use sterile containers for collection and storage, which will protect the material from foreign microorganisms;
- urine should be collected immediately in a container. You cannot squeeze it out of diapers, diapers, or pour it out of the pot;
- the material must be at least 20 ml;
- the faster you deliver it to the laboratory, the more truthful the result will be;
- You need to store urine in the refrigerator, especially if it’s hot outside.
Immediately before collection , you need to wash the child to get rid of microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes.
For girls, proper washing is especially important: movements should only be made from front to back.
If a specialized urinal is used to collect urine from newborn girls, then everything will be simpler. The procedure with such a device is the same regardless of the gender of the child.
A urine bag is a plastic bag with sticky hypoallergenic fasteners. It is securely fastened between the girl's legs.
It is better that it is in a vertical position when taking it, otherwise a lot of liquid may leak out. The urinal is a single-use device.
The difference between urinals for boys and girls is in the shape and size of the holes. They have a special measuring system that allows you to find out how much liquid is in it without removing the device.
How to use the device for a girl:
- carefully open the package, remove the adhesive tape and secure it between your legs;
- pay attention to the yellow cross that is on the urinal. It should be located between the genital organ and the anal area;
- It’s better to hold the baby in your arms so that the urine does not overflow;
- the material must be collected in the storage bag in the required volume. When this happens, you can release her;
- then carefully cut the tip of the bag and pour the urine into a sterile container;
- The urine bag is discarded, and the container with the material is sent to the laboratory as quickly as possible.
The video will show you how to properly collect urine from a baby girl using an Apexmed urinal:
You can replace the urine bag with a regular bag , pre-washed well. But it will be difficult to secure it between the girl’s legs. The risk of third-party infections remaining in the material remains.
Sometimes parents use glass or plastic bottles and other containers to collect urine from newborn girls.
It is allowed to use any container, but it must first be treated with boiling water for disinfection.
The main disadvantage of containers is that it is impossible to secure them properly, and this greatly complicates the procedure.
If a child, due to age, cannot take a vertical position, and it is difficult to hold him in your arms for a long time, you can place a clean bag under the crumbs and unfold it. Some urine will accumulate there.
This method of collecting a urine test from a baby girl cannot be called sterile, but sometimes it becomes the only way out.
If it is not possible to collect urine from a girl with a urinal, in some cases it is necessary to encourage the child to urinate.
There are several soft ways to do this:
- a gentle gentle massage of the abdomen, involving pressure on the area of the pubic bones;
- you can turn on a water tap near the baby or start pouring liquid from one container to another;
- Another way is to give some clean water to drink.
A general urine test helps diagnose problems with the genitourinary system in a baby. However, in many cases it is necessary to collect urine for additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis.
Preparatory stage
No special preparation is required before taking the test. You should not take a urine test if your baby has recently taken medications, antibiotics or vitamins. Exceptions include emergency cases. When breastfeeding, the mother should also adhere to this recommendation, and a few days before urine collection, she should not ignore gentle diets. Well, you should not neglect measures to achieve and maintain sterility conditions, because the result of laboratory tests depends on this.
Following these simple rules will help you get your little one's urine tested correctly and in a timely manner.
According to Addis-Kakovsky
The Addis-Kakovsky examination is necessary to identify pathologies of the urinary tract and assess the number of blood cells in the urine.
How to collect urine from a baby girl: the peculiarity of the analysis is that you will need to collect all the urine excreted by the child per day .
Then all the liquid is thoroughly shaken. You need to cast 200 ml, which will act as the material.
Throughout the day, you need to pay special attention to the hygiene of the external genitalia and urethra.
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